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by Daniel Skimins 1st March 2022


50 Word Formation Ex. & Test | C1 Advanced

Level: C1 Exam: C1 Advanced Practice

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1. 50 Word Formation Exercises: CAE

2. C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 3

3. C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 3 Example Test

C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 3 question type here is called word-formation.

For each gap you get one word in capitals which you have to change so the grammar and meaning fit in
the sentence. Here you have to show how well you know word families and if you can change words by
using prefixes and su!xes

50 Word Formation Exercises: CAE

Word Formation: Exercises 10 !

Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
For each question, write your answer in the gap.

They had to obey the decisions taken by the leadership of the party. LEAD

The news transmission has just finished and there was no mention of it. TRANSMIT

A guardian angel is believed to be a good spirit that protects each of us. GUARD

They tested the transparency of water in the village wells. TRANSPARENT

They have announced the nominations nominees for the Oscars. NOMINATE

Psychologists show more insight into human character and behaviour. SIGHT

She spoke with disapproval of his impudent behaviour. DISAPPROVE

Unfortunately, slavery still exists in some parts of the world. SLAVE

The thieves have stolen all my jewellery . JEWEL

The Princess looked stunningly beautiful at the wedding. STUN

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Word Formation: Exercises 20 "

Word Formation: Exercises 30 "

Word Formation: Exercises 40 "

Word Formation: Exercises 50 "

Ciclo Administrador Sistemas

Formación completa con las últimas tecnologías ampliamente
demandadas por las empresas

Ad Florida Universitaria Más información

C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 3


1. Read the text for general understanding.

2. Decide what type of word you need for each gap (e.g. noun, adjective, etc.).

3. Look at the whole sentence, not just al the line containing the gap.

4. You may need to add a prefix or su!x to some words.

5. Read through the text and check that your words make sense.

6. Check your spelling.


You need to read the whole text to get the writer’s opinion on the topic. That’s because sometimes
a negative prefix will be required. There is usually at least one word requiring a negative prefix, so
look out for these.

In the exam always write something. You never know, you might be lucky even if you are not sure of
the answer!

C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 3 Example Test

Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
For each question, write your answer in the gap.

The story of muscle cars

Muscle cars were never intended to be valuable. In fact, the whole idea behind muscle cars was to make

them EXPENSIVE and fast. Muscle cars were stripped-down versions of the most

UTILITY homely, and basic mass-produced cars to ever roll out of Detroit. These rattle trap, bare-bones,

crude devices were built to conform to a price point with little regard given to sophistication or

LONG, and aimed squarely at the YOUNG market. And this market couldn’t get

enough of them. These were the cars every red-blooded American kid wanted. The image, the speed,

the lifestyle were all highly addictive.

Looking back, the muscle car years were RELATIVE brief moment in time that we will never see

the likes of again. It was a perfect storm, just what the market wanted, and was presented at the right

place at the right time. So how did these seemingly DISPOSE cars, built-in large numbers and

owned by kids who LITERAL tried to kill them from the first twist of the key, become so

valuable? More importantly, why did they become so valuable? Most people are astounded when they

hear the recent sales results of the most DESIRE muscle cars. We call them two-comma cars,

cars that are worth so much money that you need two commas to separate all the zeroes in the price.

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