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Computers & Geosciences 35 (2009) 1343–1357

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Computers & Geosciences

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SSPX: A program to compute strain from displacement/velocity data$

N. Cardozo a,, R.W. Allmendinger b
Institutt for Petroleumsteknologi, Universitetet i Stavanger, 4036 Stavanger, Norway
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 91125, USA

a r t i c l e in fo abstract

Article history: SSPX is a Macintosh, Cocoa/Universal application to compute strain from displacement/
Received 11 March 2008 velocity data in two and three dimensions. SSPX solves small and large deformation
Received in revised form problems, in either the undeformed (Lagrangian) or deformed (Eulerian) configuration.
18 May 2008
The program offers several options to compute strain: best fit for all or selected data,
Accepted 21 May 2008
strain at a point, strain at stations, Delaunay, grid-nearest neighbor, and grid-distance
weighted. Except for the strain at stations option in 3D, the program computes the strain
Keywords: on a surface that is either flat (slice) or that follows the topography of the data. In the
Inverse strain modeling case of a slice and in 3D, the location and orientation of the slice can be varied to
Displacement gradient
visualize the strain along horizontal or vertical east–west, north–south sections. SSPX
plots strain in a 2D view (3D strain is displayed as stereonets). We show the application
DEM of the program to GPS data, analogue and DEM mechanical simulations.
& 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Fitting a strain model to displacement/velocity data

(i.e. inverse strain modeling) is a first-order interpretation
During the past decade, techniques such as GPS, radar of the data. Strain allows us to see how much a material
interferometry, photogrammetry, digital image correla- has been deformed, and where and when it has been
tion, and mechanical modeling have provided earth deformed. Unfortunately, computing strain from displace-
scientists with a variety of extensive, high-resolution ment/velocity data is not customary. Often, GPS and radar
displacement/velocity data sets. The analysis and model- interferometry data are mechanically modeled (e.g. with
ing of these data sets have improved our understanding of dislocation elasticity) without computing their strain.
the deformation of the earth. Particle-based, discrete element models (DEM) are seldom
SSPX is a Macintosh program to compute strain from queried by strain, partly because computing strain from
displacement/velocity data in two dimensions (2D) and the integration of strain rate in these models can be quite
three dimensions (3D). SSPX calculates best-fitting computationally expensive.
strain tensors given displacement or velocity vectors at a In recent years, programs such as visr2 (Shen et al.,
minimum of three points in 2D, or four points in 3D. 1996), STRAINGPS (Pietrantonio and Riguzzi, 2004), grid_
If there are more than three data points in 2D or four strain and grid_strain3 (Teza et al., 2008), and StrainSim-
data points in 3D, SSPX uses the extra information Pro (Allmendinger et al., 2007) have facilitated 2D and 3D
to compute the uncertainties of the fitted parameters: strain modeling of displacement/velocity data, particu-
The uncertainties in the assumption that the strain in the larly GPS data. SSPX, which is based on StrainSimPro, has
region encompassed by the stations is homogeneous. similar capabilities to the above programs, but in addi-
tion: (i) SSPX is a document based, Macintosh/Cocoa
application with the performance, versatility and ease of
Program available from servers at http://homepage.mac.com/nfcd/
use offered by this technology, (ii) there is no limitation in
 Corresponding author. the number of displacement/velocity data points, (iii) the
E-mail address: nfcd@mac.com (N. Cardozo). program works equally well for small deformation

0098-3004/$ - see front matter & 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1344 N. Cardozo, R.W. Allmendinger / Computers & Geosciences 35 (2009) 1343–1357

(i.e. infinitesimal strain) and large deformation (i.e. finite and in 3D a minimum of four non-planar stations, are
strain) problems, and (iv) although strain is computed on required to compute strain.
a surface, in 3D the location and orientation of the surface To solve this system of linear equations using linear
can be modified to visualize the strain along different algebra methods, Eqs. (1) and (2) should be recast into
horizontal or vertical sections. three matrices, two of which contain known quantities
In this paper we describe the main capabilities and and one that contains unknown quantities. In the initial
functions of SSPX. We also provide some example configuration (Eq. (1)) and in 2D
applications including inverse strain modeling of GPS 21 3 2 3
u1 1 0 1 X1 1 X2 0 0
data, and displacement data from analogue and DEM 61 7 6 72 3
mechanical models. SSPX is free for teaching and research. 6 u2 7 6 0 1 0 0 X 1 1 X 2 7 t1
6 7 6 76 7
6 2 u1 7 6 1 0 2 X1 2 X2 0 0 7 t2 7
The program can be downloaded at http://homepage. 6 7 6 76 7
62 7 6 76
mac.com/nfcd/work/programs.html. 6 u2 7 6 0 1 0 0 2
X1 2
X 2 76 G11 7
6 7¼6 76 7 (3)
6 ... 7 6... ... ... ... 7 G12 7
6 7 6 ... ... 76
6 7
6 7 6 7
2. Theory 6 ... 7 6... ... ... ... ... . . . 76 G 7
6 7 6 74 21 5
6 nu 7 6 1 0 n
X1 n
X1 0 7
0 5 G22
4 15 4
Deformation is the gradient of the displacement field. n
u2 0 1 0 0 n
X1 n
Fig. 1 shows three points in an initial coordinate system X
(light triangle), which are displaced along three non- or in the final configuration (Eq. (2)) and in 2D
parallel vectors u, to their final coordinates x (dark 21 3 2 3
u1 1 0 1 x1 1 x2 0 0
triangle). If the deformation is homogeneous (i.e. parallel 61 7 6 72 3
6 u2 7 6 0 1 0 0 1 x1 1 x2 7 t 1
lines in the initial state remain parallel in the final state), 6 7 6 76 7
6 2 u1 7 6 1 0 2 x1 2 x2 0 0 7 t2 7
the relation between the displacement vectors and the 6 7 6 76 7
62 7 6 76
initial positions is expressed by 6 u2 7 6 0 1 0 0 2
x1 2
x2 76 g 11 7
6 7¼6 76 (4)
6 . . . 7 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 g 12 77
qu 6 7 6 76 7
ui ¼ t i þ Gij X j and Gij ¼ i 6 7 6 7
(1) 6 . . . 7 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 764 g 21 7
qX j 6 7 6 7
6 nu 7 6 1 0 n x1 n x2 0 7
4 15 4 0 5 g 22
where ti is a constant of integration that represents the n
u2 0 1 0 0 n x1 n x2
translation of a point at the origin, and Gij are the
displacement gradients in the initial state. G is referred In 3D the pattern is the same, but just with an
to as the Lagrangian displacement gradient tensor (Means, additional index: There is a 3n  1 vector on the left side,
1976). Likewise, the relation between the displacement and a 3n  12 matrix and a 12  1 vector on the right side.
vectors and the final positions is expressed by Eqs. (3) and (4) are not only written for three stations in
2D or four stations in 3D, but for n stations. If there are
ui ¼ t i þ g ij xj and g ij ¼ (2) more than three stations in 2D or four stations in 3D, the
system is overdetermined (number of equations greater
where gij are the displacement gradients in the final state. than number of model parameters). In this case, the extra
g is referred to as the Eulerian displacement gradient information can be used to assess the uncertainties of the
tensor (Means, 1976). fitted parameters.
From Eqs. (1) and (2), one can see that in 2D there are The solution to Eqs. (3) and (4) is a classical application
six unknowns: the two components of the translation of inverse theory, specifically the solution of the linear
vector and the four components of the Lagrangian or least-squares problem (Press et al., 1992, their Chapter 15).
Eulerian displacement gradient tensor. In 3D there are This problem has the form
12 unknowns: the three components of the translation
b ¼ Ma (5)
vector and the nine components of the Lagrangian or
Eulerian displacement gradient tensor. Each point with where b is the vector with known displacements/
displacement/velocity data (from now on referred to as a velocities, M is the matrix with initial (Eq. (3)) or final
station) furnishes two (2D) or three (3D) equations. (Eq. (4)) positions of the stations (the design matrix), and
Therefore in 2D a minimum of three non-colinear stations, a is the vector with the unknown model parameters. To
solve for a, b is multiplied by the inverse of matrix M

a ¼ M1 b (6)
If the stations are not weighted by their distance to the
point where strain is computed, SSPX solves this general
linear squares problem using singular value decomposi-
X tion (SVD, Press et al., 1992, their routines svdfit and
svdvar). Although faster methods are available, SVD has
the advantage of being stable when the normal equations
are close to singular, as can happen if the stations are
nearly colinear (2D) or coplanar (3D, Press et al., 1992). If
Fig. 1. Three points in an initial configuration X move along non-parallel the stations are weighted by their distance to the point of
vectors u to a final configuration x, resulting in strain. computation (distance weighted method in Section 3.2),
N. Cardozo, R.W. Allmendinger / Computers & Geosciences 35 (2009) 1343–1357 1345

SSPX solves the linear squares problem with the standard The final computation is for the rotation. This opera-
but less stable weighted least-square solution of tion is only valid if the strain is infinitesimal (initial and
Menke (1984). In either case, the solution returns: (i) final configurations are practically the same or where
the model parameters a, (ii) the variances or squared there is just rigid body translation and/or rotation). If this
standard-deviation errors of a, which are equal to the is the case, the displacement gradient tensor can be
diagonal elements of the covariance matrix, and (iii) a separated into a symmetric strain tensor eij and an
statistical measure of goodness-of-fit (w2, Press et al., antisymmetric tensor oij
Gij ¼ ij þ oij (14)
Once the parameters a and the displacement gradient
(the last four elements in 2D, or last nine elements in 3D To calculate the rotation axis from the tensor oij
of the vector a) are estimated, SSPX computes the strain
ðo23  o32 Þ ðo13 þ o31 Þ ðo12  o21 Þ
tensor (Means, 1976). In the initial configuration, the R1 ¼ ; R2 ¼ ; R3 ¼
2 2 2
Lagrangian strain tensor
Eij ¼ ½Gij þ Gji þ Gki Gkj  (7) The magnitude of R is the magnitude of the rotation and
the sign of R gives the sense of rotation (i.e. looking in the
or in the final configuration, the Eulerian strain tensor positive direction of the rotation axis clockwise is positive
1 and counterclockwise negative).
eij ¼ ½g þ g ji  g ki g kj  (8)
2 ij
The Lagrangian and Eulerian strain tensors are sym- 2.1. Error estimation
metric tensors, and therefore there are particular orienta-
tions of the coordinates axes for which the off-diagonal In Eqs. (7)–(15), SSPX estimates the error as the
elements of the tensors are zero. These are the principal absolute difference between the computed strain value
orientations, and correspond to the axes of the strain using the displacement gradient tensor, and the computed
ellipse (2D) or ellipsoid (3D). This problem is equivalent to strain value using the displacement gradient tensor plus
computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the strain its error. Thus, the error reported is a maximum estimate.
tensor. SSPX uses subroutine jacobi from Press et al. (1992) As described above, the error in the displacement gradient
to do this. The eigenvectors are the direction cosines of the tensor comes from the covariance matrix calculated in the
principal strain axes in the initial (if Lagrangian strain least squares fit, and can be set in the program’s Inspector
tensor) or final (if Eulerian strain tensor) configuration. (View -4 Inspector menu) to be one or twice the standard-
The eigenvalues are related to the principal elongations by deviation error from the covariance matrix (Fig. 3,
(Means, 1976): Initial configuration specifically Fig. 3a, 3). The Inspector is a typical element
li ¼ ð1 þ 2Eii Þ (9) of Macintosh applications. In SSPX, it is used to modify
stations data, computation parameters, and plot settings
or final configuration (Section 3).
¼ ð1  2eii Þ (10)
li 3. Functionality
where l is the quadratic elongation, the square of the
stretch S (1+elongation). SSPX is an Objective C, Cocoa/Universal application
Eqs. (3)–(10) are the basic operations performed by that runs in Mac OS X 10.3.9 and above. The program is a
SSPX in order to compute the strain tensor. Additional document-based application. Several documents can be
computations from the strain tensor are: Dilatation or opened and each document encapsulates its stations and
volumetric strain (Ramsay, 1967) strain. A document consists of three views: (i) A Plot view
(Fig. 2a), (ii) A Stations view (Fig. 2b), and (iii) A Strain
D ¼ S1 S2 S3  1 (11)
Report view (Fig. 2c). The tabs on top of the document
and maximum shear strain (Ramsay, 1967): Initial config- window (Fig. 2a, 1), or the Plot, Stations, and Strain Report
uration menus under the View menu can be used to change
p lmax  lmin between the views.
y¼ and gmax ¼ (12) Stations and strain are plotted in the Plot view (Fig. 2a).
4 2ðlmax lmin Þ1=2
This view can be zoomed in or out (Fig. 2a, 2 or Plot -4
or final configuration: Zoom menus), precisely scaled (Plot -4 Scale), or queried
for angles and distances by dragging the mouse over the
l lmax  lmin plot (angles and distances are written to the text field 3 in
y ¼ arctan min and gmax ¼ (13)
lmax 2ðlmax lmin Þ1=2 Fig. 2a). Strain computation and plot settings are shown
in the text fields below and above the plot, respectively
where y is the angle that the maximum shear strain (Fig. 2a, 3 and 4). The Plot view can be used for interactive
orientations make with the maximum principal strain axis editing of stations: Selecting, activating/deactivating sta-
and gmax is the magnitude of maximum shear strain. tions by dragging the mouse over the plot (Section 3.1).
Although maximum shear strain is computed in 2D and Deactivated stations are not plotted and not considered
3D, it is only valid in 2D or 3D plane strain. in the strain computation. The plot can be saved as a
1346 N. Cardozo, R.W. Allmendinger / Computers & Geosciences 35 (2009) 1343–1357

Fig. 2. Three views of a document window: (a) Plot, (b) Stations, and (c) Strain Report view. Numbers are referred to in text.

pdf (File -4 Save Plot as PDF) or postscript (File -4 Save (longitude–latitude or UTM) coordinates can be exported
Plot as EPS) file. as Google Earth kml files (File -4 Save as kml). This places
The Stations view displays the stations in a table (Fig. 2b). the elements showing in the Plot view (stations, strain,
Stations can be added or removed (Fig. 2b, 1), or edited in colored cells, etc., Fig. 2a) in different folders, so that they
the table. Coordinate and stations formats (Section 3.1) can can be turned on/off and modified (e.g. transparency of
be changed (Fig. 2b, 2 and 3), and stations can be activated/ colored cells) in Google Earth. kml files are structured text
deactivated (Fig. 2b, 4). The coordinate format can only be files that can also be parsed for other GIS systems (e.g. kml
changed when there are no stations. Changes to the stations to shp convertion).
can be undone and redone. The table (Fig. 2b) is bound to
the plot (Fig. 2a), so any change in the table is reflected in
the plot, and vice versa. 3.1. Loading and editing data
The Strain Report view (Fig. 2c) contains a report of
single-strain computations such as best fit for all or Stations data can be entered by reading in a data file
selected, or strain at point (if chosen, Section 3.2). All of (File -4 Load Stations from txt menu), by dropping a data
the document views (Fig. 2) have drag-and-drop function- file into the stations table, or by typing the data in the
ality. Shift+dragging the plot save it to the clipboard. After stations table (Fig. 2b). In general, it is much easier to
that, it can be dropped to the desktop (this creates a pdf) enter the data from a file. Data files can be prepared in any
or to any application. Text data files (Section 3.1) can be text editor or spreadsheet. They should have an extension
dropped into the stations table to load stations. The txt and should have a specific format. Entries should be
content of the Stations table or Strain Report can be separated by space, tab, or comma. The first line of the
dragged and dropped to spreadsheets and text editors. data file is a header which tells the program what data are
All the information contained in a document (stations, to follow. The first line consists of a one or two letter code,
strain, computation and plot settings) can be saved in a the number 2 (for 2D data) or 3 (for 3D data), and one or
file with extension sspx (File -4 Save and Save As menus). two items that indicate the format of the coordinates of
sspx files can only be opened with SSPX. Stations or strain the stations (LL for longitude–latitude, UTM plus zone
data can also be saved as text files (File -4 Save Stations as integer for UTM, or no entry for non-geographic). Table 1
txt and Save Strain as txt). Documents in geographic shows some examples of first line headers. Possible
N. Cardozo, R.W. Allmendinger / Computers & Geosciences 35 (2009) 1343–1357 1347

Table 1 SSPX uses a right-handed coordinate system where

Examples of first line headers elevation is positive. In the 3D GPS data example above,
X1 are eastings, X2 are northings, and X3 is elevation. If the
Header Comments
horizontal coordinates are in longitude–latitude, SSPX
Xe 2 LL 2D displacement (u1 and u2) data and errors, with converts them to the UTM zone appropriate to the center
initial locations (X1 and X2) given in of the data, and carry out the calculations in UTM. This can
longitude–latitude (LL). Most published GPS data are result in significant distortion if the data cover too many
given in this format.
UTM zones. In our practical experience, the errors due to
X 3 UTM -19 3D displacement (u1, u2, and u3) data without errors
and with initial locations (X1 and X2) in UTM 19 south the distortion are relatively small at a distance up to 73
(negative before the 19 means Southern Hemisphere). UTM zones from the central UTM zone. At this distance, the
X3 is elevation. difference in strain calculated using the central or marginal
C2 2D data identified by initial (X1and X2) and final UTM zone is within, but at the limit of the standard-
(x1and x2) locations. Data are in an arbitrary Cartesian
coordinate system (assumed not to be geographic).
deviation error. All dimensions must be in the same units.
For UTM coordinates, because eastings and northings are in
meters, the components of the displacement vector must
Table 2 also be in meters. If necessary, displacement vectors can be
Possible header codes and format of following data lines adjusted (after loaded) through the program’s Inspector
(View -4 Inspector menu. Fig. 3, specifically Fig. 3a, 1).
Code Format of following Comments
data lines
Once the data are loaded, SSPX plots a 2D projection of
the stations (Plot -4 Stations menu). Though turned off by
V ID, X1, X2, [X3], az, [plg], ID is the station identifier. X are the default, ID of stations and displacement vectors can also be
magn initial coordinates of the station. plotted (Plot -4 Labels and Displacement vectors menus). The
Azimuth, plunge, and magnitude
symbol to display stations and its size, the color and size of
are for the displacement vector.
C ID, X1, X2, [X3], x1, x2, X are the initial and x the final the displacement vectors, the color of the stations and their
[x3] coordinates of the station. labels, and the color of the background can be modified in
X ID, X1, X2, [X3], u1, u2, X are the initial coordinates of the the Inspector (Fig. 3b and d). Stations can be edited in the
[u3] station and u is the displacement stations table, and selected or activated/deactivated in the
Xe ID, X1, X2, [X3], u1, Same as above, except that u_err
stations table or in the plot view using the Select, Deselect,
u_err1, u2, u_err2, [u3], are the uncertainties in u. This is Activate, or Deactivate menu under the Edit menu. In the
[u_err3] the format most commonly used in latter case, stations can be selected or activated/deactivated
GPS data. inside or outside a polygon defined by dragging the mouse
over the plot view. Stations can be plotted in their initial
(undeformed) or final (deformed) configuration using the
header codes and format of the following data lines are Inspector (Fig. 3a, 2). The reference frame of the stations can
shown in Table 2. Entries unique to 3D data sets are in be set to a selected station (i.e. displacement vectors are
square brackets. plotted with respect to the selected station) using the
The first few lines of a typical 2D GPS data set would Stations -4 Make Reference menu. If strain is computed and
look like: the stations are modified, the program automatically
computes and updates the strain.
Polygons or reference lines can also be loaded into
Xe 2 UTM 19
SSPX (File -4 Load Polygons from txt menu). These lines
udan 356723 7381709 0.73 0.0032 0.246 0.0018
may represent faults, outlines of structural provinces,
julo 342171 7397395 0.527 0.0026 0.082 0.0028
boundaries of a experiment, etc. Polygons are described
with a simple format and must be read from a text file (a
where the negative sign after UTM indicates a Southern file with txt extension). The first line of a polygons file
Hemisphere site. A 3D GPS data set would look like must contain the word ‘‘SSPpolygon’’. If the polygons are
in longitude–latitude the first line must read ‘‘SSPpolygon
Xe 3 UTM 19 LL’’. Each subsequent line contains the x1 x2 coordinates of
udan 356723 7381709 58.8 0.73 0.0032 0.246 one vertex. These should be separated by space, tab, or
0.0018 0.008 0.0083 comma. The end of a polygon is marked by the word
julo 342171 7397395 122.9 0.527 0.0026 0.082 ‘‘end’’. A polygons file with two polygons would look like:
0.0028 0.28 0.0043
580622.70473816 4379775.59400803
and a DEM data set like 523737.28807149 4414171.42734136
473466.45473816 4435338.09400803
X2 end
1 1.88741917723 4.13355342676 0.00117937 89820.62140483 4414171.42734136
0.01013467 136122.70473816 4435338.09400803
2 1.46248086779 4.71405507249 0.00577715 178456.03807149 4455181.84400803
0.01784858 end
1348 N. Cardozo, R.W. Allmendinger / Computers & Geosciences 35 (2009) 1343–1357

Fig. 3. Inspector and its views: (a) Calculation, (b) Colors, (c) Color bar, (d) Size, and (e) Slice view. Numbers are referred to in text.

Polygons can only be drawn (Plot -4 Polygons menu) on neighbor or distance weighted method can be chosen, and
horizontal slices (Section 3.3). The color and thickness of the parameters of the chosen method can be set. Pasting
polygon lines can be changed in the Inspector (Fig. 3b and d). (adding or replacing) the strain in the plot and writing a
detailed report of the strain on mouse up, can be selected.
3.2. Computing strain Once the Okay button (Fig. 4a) is pressed, the mouse can
be dragged over the plot view. The stations used in the
Under the Strain menu, there are seven menus to computation will be highlighted, and the strain at the
compute strain in SSPX: (i) Best Fit for All, (ii) Best Fit for current mouse location will be plotted. The Strain at Point
Selected, (iii) Strain at Point, (iv) Strain at Stations, menu is a great way to see the variation of strain as the
(v) Delaunay, (vi) Grid-Nearest Neighbor, and (vii) Grid- mouse is dragged over the plot view.
Distance Weighted. All these menus except Strain at Like the Strain at Point menu, the Strain at Stations
Stations, compute strain on a surface that is either flat menu calculates the strain using the nearest neighbor or
(slice) or that follows the topography of the data (Section 3.3). distance weighted method, but in this case the strain is
The reference frame for the computation is that of computed at every station. When this menu is selected, a
the data (Fig. 3a, 2). If the data are in their initial panel similar to the Strain at Point panel (Fig. 4a) shows
(undeformed) configuration, the Lagrangian approach is up. Within this panel, the computation method (nearest
used. If the data are in their final (deformed) configura- neighbor or distance weighted) and its parameters can be
tion, the Eulerian approach is used (Section 2). The set. Once the Okay button is pressed, the strain is
dimension of the strain is that of the data: 2D strain for computed and drawn at the stations. The Strain at Stations
2D data, or 3D strain for 3D data. menu is useful to compute the strain at the nodes of a grid
The Best Fit for All or Selected menus calculate the (e.g. reservoir modeling grid) with nodal displacement/
strain that best fits all or selected stations and plots the velocity data.
strain at the center of the stations data. The stations The Delaunay menu constructs a mesh of Delaunay
are weighted equally in the calculation. A detailed report triangles with vertices defined by the stations, and then
is written to the Strain Report view. This report contains calculates and plots the strain in each triangle. This menu
the w2 for the least-squares fit, the displacement and functions only in 2D. When this menu is selected, the
strain tensors, and the value and error of the principal panel of Fig. 4b shows up. Within this panel, triangles
elongations, maximum shear strain, dilatation, and rota- with small apical angles can be excluded and the
tion (Fig. 2c). minimum internal angle of valid triangles can be set.
The Strain at Point menu calculates the strain at any The triangulation can be set for all stations, or for those
arbitrary point using the nearest neighbor or distance stations within a polygon (Fig. 4b). In the latter case, the
weighted method below. When this menu is selected, a polygon should be defined after pressing Okay by dragging
panel shows up (Fig. 4a). Within this panel, the nearest the mouse over the plot view. SSPX calculates the strain
N. Cardozo, R.W. Allmendinger / Computers & Geosciences 35 (2009) 1343–1357 1349

Fig. 4. Four panels to compute strain in SSPX: (a). Strain at point, (b) Delaunay, (c) Grid-Nearest Neighbor, and (d) Grid-Distance Weighted panel.

in each triangle independently of all the neighboring distance to the center of the cell:
triangles. Strain compatibility between neighboring trian- !
gles is not enforced. d
W ¼ exp (16)
The Grid-Nearest Neighbor menu draws a regularly 2a2
spaced grid and at the center of each square cell calculates
the strain using the n nearest stations within a maximum where W is the weighting factor, d is distance and a is a
radius, where n should be equal or greater than 3 for 2D, constant that specifies how the influence of a station
or 4 for 3D. When this menu is selected, the panel of decays with distance. Stations within a 1a distance
Fig. 4c shows up. Within this panel, the spacing of the contribute more than 67% to the solution whereas those
grid, the number of neighbors, and the maximum distance at a distance greater than 3a contribute less than 1% (Shen
(radius) can be specified. Similar to the Delaunay method, et al., 1996). W is represented as a diagonalized matrix
gridding can be set for all stations, or for those stations and is included in the inversion as (Menke, 1984)
within an user-defined polygon. In general, the nearest
neighbor method is more flexible and powerful than the a ¼ ½MT WM1 MT Wb (17)
Delaunay method because any number of nearest neigh-
bors can be specified, thus permitting over-constrained When the Grid-Distance Weighted menu is selected, the
solutions where the statistics of the fit are more mean- panel of Fig. 4d shows up. Within this panel, the spacing of
ingful. The larger the number of nearest neighbors, the the grid, and the distance weighting factor a can be
more the smoothing of the deformation field. This is specified. Similar to the previous two methods, gridding
useful when computing strain in highly heterogeneous can be set for all stations, or for those stations within a
displacement fields, such as in DEM. In this case, the user-defined polygon. Weighting by distance produces a
nearest neighbor routine acts as a homogenizer of the smoother strain than the Delaunay or nearest neighbor
displacement field. Like in the Delaunay method, no method, and is particularly effective for visualizing
attempt is made to enforce strain compatibility between regional patterns. However, just as geology is hetero-
adjacent cells. geneous, it is likely that strain is too, and important
The Grid-Distance Weighted menu draws a regularly details might be overlooked by using the distance
spaced grid and at the center of each square cell calculates weighted approach (second example in Section 4.1 and
the strain using all stations. Each station is weighted by its Fig. 8).
1350 N. Cardozo, R.W. Allmendinger / Computers & Geosciences 35 (2009) 1343–1357

3.3. Slicing a 3D model ellipses) can be modified in the Inspector (Fig. 3b and d).
For 3D strain, the Plot -4 Stereonets menu can be used to
Although in all Strain menus but the Strain at Stations visualize strain as lower hemisphere, equal angle stereo-
menu, 3D strain is computed on a surface, the orientation nets with the extension (T) quadrant filled with gray to
and location of the surface can be changed in the Slice resemble fault plane solutions (Fig. 6c). The Plot -4
view of the Inspector (Fig. 3e). This is a powerful way to Extension axes, Shortening axes, and Rotation Arcs menus
visualize the variation of strain in a 3D volume (Section 4.3). can be used to toggle on/off principal and rotation axes in
Four orientations are available (Fig. 3e, 1): (i) flat the stereonets. The size of the stereonets can be modified
horizontal surface (slice), (ii) flat vertical surface (slice) in the Inspector (Fig. 3d). Stereonets are projected into the
parallel to x1 (east–west), (iii) flat vertical surface (slice) plot/slice (Section 3.3): If the plot is the horizontal,
parallel to x2 (north–south) and (iv). x1x2 surface with stereonets are viewed straight down with north at the
elevation equal to the average elevation of nearest top (Fig. 6c, left). If the plot is a vertical, east–west section,
neighbors in x1x2. The last option fits the topography stereonets are viewed straight north with up at the top
of the surface to that of the stations in the case of a (Fig. 6c, A–A0 ). If the plot is a vertical, north–south section,
nearest neighbor computation (Section 3.2). stereonets are viewed straight west with up at the top
For the slice cases (first three options above), the (Fig. 6c, B–B0 ).
datum or coordinate of the slice in the direction Cells (Delaunay or squares) can be colored by the value
perpendicular to the slice (Fig. 5), can be set through a or error of a strain parameter using the Plot -4 Color Cells
slider in the Inspector (Fig. 3e, 2). Moving the slider to its By -4 Extension, Shortening, Maximum Shear Strain
left end, locates the slice at the lowest datum defined by (Fig. 6b), Dilatation, or Rotation (Fig. 6a and c) menu
the stations, and vice versa. Additionally, the width or (each one of these has a Value and Error submenu). Cells
perpendicular distance from the slice within which with errors greater than the magnitude of the colored
stations are considered for plotting and computation parameter (insignificant cells) can be marked (Plot -4
(Fig. 5), can be set through a second slider in the Inspector Insignificant Results -4 Mark) or not plotted (Plot -4
(Fig. 3e, 3). Moving this slider to its right end, makes all Insignificant Results -4 Don’t Draw). Four color-scale bars
stations valid for plotting and computation, and vice are available and any of these can be chosen in the
versa. Inspector (Fig. 3c, 1). The limits of the color bar can be set
By default 3D strain is computed on a slice through 3D in the Inspector to maximum–minimum values, maximum
data, but if necessary 2D strain can also be computed on absolute value, or fixed limits entered by the user (Fig. 3c, 2).
the slice (Edit -4 3D As 2D menu). This is equivalent to The View -4 Color Bar menu displays the color bar in
dropping the dimension perpendicular to the slice in the a separate panel that floats over the document. Similar to
strain computation, which can be useful when the extent the other views in the program, the color bar can be
of the data in the direction perpendicular to the slice is dragged and dropped to the desktop (this creates a pdf) or
negligible compared to the extent of the data on the slice to any application.
(Section 4.2).

4. Applications
3.4. Visualizing strain

SSPX can be applied to any problem where displace-

SSPX plots strain in a 2D view (Fig. 2a). For 2D strain,
ment/velocity data are sufficiently dense to compute with
the Plot -4 Extension axes, Shortening axes, Maximum Shear
confidence the displacement/velocity gradient tensor and
Strain Planes, Rotation Arcs, and Ellipses menus can be used
the strain/strain rate (Section 2). In this section, we show
to visualize strain (Fig. 6a and b). The color, size, and
the application of the program to regional GPS data,
exaggeration of the 2D strain features (ticks, arcs, and
analogue, and DEM mechanical simulations.

4.1. Regional GPS data

GPS networks record very small, practically instanta-

neous at the geological time scale, deformation. GPS strain
Datum Slice is infinitesimal. Therefore the decomposition of the strain
into symmetric and antisymmetric tensors (Eq. (14)), and
the computation of rotation rates (Eq. (15)) are valid
operations. Regional GPS networks are generally not
uniformly distributed. A strong homogenizing, gridded
solution such as the Grid-Distance Weighted routine
(Section 3.2) is necessary to extract robust regional
patterns from the data. The application of SSPX and
Fig. 5. Perpendicular view to a slice. Light gray rectangle is area covered
its predecessor StrainSimPro to regional GPS data is
by stations. Dash line is projection of slice. Only stations within dark
rectangle are plotted and used in strain computation. Both, datum and illustrated by Allmendinger et al. (2005) and Allmendinger
width, can be set in Inspector (Fig. 3e, 2–3). et al. (2007). Interestingly, these publications document a
N. Cardozo, R.W. Allmendinger / Computers & Geosciences 35 (2009) 1343–1357 1351

a b

c B’

A A’

A A’

B B’

Fig. 6. 2D graphical representations of strain: (a) 2D infinitesimal strain with extension and shortening axes, and rotation arcs. (b) 2D finite strain with
maximum shear strain planes and ellipses. (c) 3D strain with lower hemisphere stereonets. A–A0 and B–B0 are east–west and north–south vertical
sections, respectively. a and c are colored by rotation and b by maximum shear strain.

clear correlation between GPS strain and permanent, area in the upper left corner of Fig. 7a (dashed rectangle in
long-term geological deformation. Fig. 7a). In this case, strain is displayed as maximum shear
Fig. 7a shows a map of GPS, 2D strain and rotation rates strain, right-lateral (black ticks in Fig. 7b) and left-lateral
for Tibet and the Himalayas. The strain is based on a GPS (white ticks in Fig. 7b) planes. The possibility to export
network of 553 stations (dots in Fig. 7a) from Zhang et al. stations and strain to Google Earth is a great feature of
(2004). The strain was computed in SSPX using the Grid- SSPX, because one can compare the strain to the satellite
Distance Weighted routine with 75 km grid spacing and imagery. For example the placemark c in Fig. 7b shows a
a ¼ 150 km. Insignificant cells are not drawn. The princi- right-lateral offset of a series of river terraces (Fig. 7c). The
pal infinitesimal strain axes (black and white ticks in right-lateral maximum shear planes from SSPX (black
Fig. 7a) are consistent with the orientation of large ticks in Fig. 7b) are close to parallel to the fault scarp in
geological structures (black polygon lines in Fig. 7a). the placemark (Fig. 7c). A striking evidence of the
Shortening axes (white ticks in Fig. 7a) are oriented correlation between GPS strain and permanent, long-term
orthogonal to the local thrust structures in the Himalayas. geological deformation.
Along left-lateral and right-lateral strike slip faults, The manner in which one analyzes displacement/
extension (black ticks in Fig. 7a) and shortening axes are velocity gradients can emphasize local or regional pat-
close to 451 to the fault zones and are in the right terns. Strain is very sensitive to the length scale of the
orientation, with the exception of a right-lateral strike slip analysis. We illustrate this point by analyzing the Plate
fault in the center of the figure. The GPS strain shows large Boundary Observatory (PBO) GPS data set for the Western
coherent domains of clockwise (positive) and counter- United States (UNAVCO, 20071). These data consist of
clockwise (negative) rotation, which are consistent with
the permanent, long-term deformation of the area
(Allmendinger et al., 2007). 1
UNAVCO, 2007, Plate boundary observatory: supporting Earth-
Fig. 7b shows part of the GPS strain of Fig. 7a exported Scope geodetic, seismic, and tectonic research: accessed 9/1/2007, http://
from SSPX to Google Earth. The figure is a close-up of an pboweb.unavco.org/gps_data/.
1352 N. Cardozo, R.W. Allmendinger / Computers & Geosciences 35 (2009) 1343–1357

75° 80° 85° 90° 95° 100° 105°




-0.7 0 2.2

Vertical axis rotation rate (x 10-6deg/yr)

α = 150 km

100 m

Fig. 7. (a) Map of GPS strain and rotation rates for Tibet and Himalayas. GPS stations (dots) are from Zhang et al. (2004). Heavy black lines show major
structures. Arrows indicate sense of shear of strike slip faults. Ticks are shortening (black) and extension (white) infinitesimal axes. (b) Google Earth close-
up of dashed-rectangle in a. Ticks are maximum shear strain, right-lateral (black) and left-lateral (white) planes. (c) Google Earth close-up of placemark c
in b. Arrows indicate sense of offset of river terraces.

Mt. St.
dilatation dilatation
30 1204

0 0


-98 -2160
nstrain/yr Parkfield nstrain/yr

Grid spacing = 25 km, α = 100 km Grid spacing = 25 km, Neighbors = 12

Maximum radius = 300 km

Fig. 8. Map of GPS dilatation for Western United States using (a). Grid-Distance Weighted routine with a ¼ 100 km, and (b). Grid-Nearest Neighbor
routine with 12 neighbors. Dots are GPS stations. GPS stations from UNAVCO (2007).
N. Cardozo, R.W. Allmendinger / Computers & Geosciences 35 (2009) 1343–1357 1353

670 stations and have a heterogeneous distribution, with the different stages in the model run using close-range
majority of the stations (dots in Fig. 8) concentrated along photogrammetry. Thus, incremental and cumulative dis-
the North America–Pacific plate boundary (San Andreas placement on the surface of the clay are known (Fischer
fault) and the North America–Juan de Fuca boundary and Keating, 2005, their Fig. 10F–J). Fig. 9 shows the
(Cascadia subduction zone). We analyzed these data in evolution of topography (black contours with labels) and
two ways: (i) Using the Grid-Distance Weighted routine horizontal strain (color-filled contours) in the simulation.
with 25 km grid spacing and a ¼ 100 km, and (ii) With the The strain was computed in SSPX using the Grid-Nearest
Grid-Nearest Neighbor routine (Section 3.2) with 25 km Neighbor routine with 5 mm grid spacing, 6 neighbors, and
grid spacing, 12 neighbors, and maximum radius ¼ 300 maximum radius ¼ 20 mm. Although the stations are in
km. The former smoothes out strain at 100 km length 3D, the strain was computed on a horizontal x1x2 plane
scales and illustrates the regional patterns (Fig. 8a). The (Edit -4 3D As 2D menu), because the coverage of the
Basin and Range extensional province, but especially the stations in the vertical is not enough to accurately
eastern and western margins, show positive 2D dilatation, compute 3D strain. Still, 2D horizontal strain (Fig. 9)
consistent with active normal faulting and crustal thin- highlights key deformational processes.
ning. From the Mendocino triple junction northward, the Horizontal extension (emax, Fig. 9a), shortening (emin,
Cascadia margin is characterized by negative 2D dilatation Fig. 9b), dilatation (Fig. 9c), and vertical axis rotation
as befits a convergent margin and crustal thickening. (Fig. 9d) illustrate the growth of the structure. Horizontal
Fig. 8a does not show local strain anomalies because of extension migrates from the crest towards the flanks of
the regional smoothing applied. the structure as the fault grows laterally (Fig. 9a, left four
The nearest neighbor algorithm (Fig. 8b) has a spatially columns). Cumulative horizontal extension is maxi-
variable distance weighting: in some areas 12 stations are mum at the crest and upper two-thirds of the monocline
clustered within a few square kilometers, whereas in (Fig. 9a, fifth column). Horizontal shortening is maximum
other areas the 12 stations are spread out over as much as in front of the monocline and increases laterally as the
a few hundred square kilometers. Stations are clustered fault grows laterally. Throughout the simulation, there is
where active geologic features are present. The small shortening deficit (i.e. extension) at the upper two-thirds
station spacing and active deformation results in of the monocline (Fig. 9b, left four columns). Cumulative
very high strain rates (Fig. 8b). With this analysis, horizontal shortening is maximum in front of the mono-
Mt. St. Helens volcano is characterized by largely negative cline, and negative (i.e. extension) in the upper two-thirds
2D dilatation rate whereas Long Valley Caldera has a of the monocline (Fig. 9b, fifth column). Positive and
strong positive 2D dilation rate. The ‘‘usual’’ assumption negative horizontal dilatation correlate with the regions
about 2D dilatation rate—positive and negative dilatation of horizontal extension and shortening, respectively
equals crustal thinning and thickening, respectively—does (Fig. 9a–c). If the deformation is constant-volume (some-
not work in the case of volcanic centers because the thing we cannot determine with the stations data),
assumption of constant volume is incorrect. In these cases, positive and negative horizontal dilatation should be
it is best to think of the Long Valley case as excess balanced by vertical thinning and thickening, respectively.
horizontal extension associated with inflation of the magma Vertical axis rotation mostly occurs over the edges of the
body and conversely, Mt. St. Helens as deflation of the uplift (Fig. 9d). The rotation is counterclockwise in the
magma body producing excess horizontal shortening. north, and clockwise in the south, and is perpendicular to
the fault (Fig. 9d). Vertical axis rotation parallel to the
fault occurs in front of the monocline, although of lower
4.2. Analogue models magnitude (Fig. 9d, fourth column).

During the past decade, the application of close-range

photogrammetry, optical image correlation, laser scan- 4.3. Discrete element models
ning, and X-ray computer tomography to analogue models
have provided scientists with a variety of small scale, Discrete element models (DEM) consist of individual
high-resolution displacement/velocity data sets (e.g. particles of finite size, each of them having their own
Fischer and Keating, 2005; Adam et al., 2005; Nilforoush- displacement and rotation. These displacements are
an et al., 2008). In this section, we show the application of strongly heterogeneous: particle displacements cannot
SSPX to one of these data sets, specifically the displace- be estimated from continuous displacement gradients
ment field of a scaled physical model of folding above a (Eqs. (1) and (2)). Establishing a link between particle-
laterally growing reverse fault (Fischer and Keating, 2005). level displacements and the macro-level displacement
The main characteristics of the simulation are: (i) the gradient and strain tensors, however, is fundamental to
deformed material is clay, (ii) the initial dimensions of the interpret DEM results from a macro-level context (Bagi,
clay are (60  50  3 cm), (iii) the dip of the underlying 2006). SSPX can be used to interpret the strain from the
fault is 451, (iv) the fault has a symmetric, linearly particle displacements of DEM. The program can compute
tapering displacement profile along strike, and (v) the a best-fit displacement gradient tensor (and strain tensor)
fault grows across and along strike (Fischer and Keating, that gives the smallest deviation from the displacements
2005). of the particle system within smaller subregions of the
The x1, x2, x3 positions of about 1000 identical marker DEM. Heterogeneous particle displacements can thus be
points on the surface of the clay were determined at homogenized. The strain computed in SSPX is equivalent
1354 N. Cardozo, R.W. Allmendinger / Computers & Geosciences 35 (2009) 1343–1357

0-5 mm slip 5-10 mm slip 10-15 mm slip 15-20 mm slip 0-20 mm slip

400 5e-2
x2 (mm)

300 36
32 38 42 42
200 32 32


x2 (mm)


200 -2e-1


400 1e-1
x2 (mm)



200 300 400

x1 (mm)

x2 (mm)



200 300 400 200 300 400 200 300 400 200 300 400
x1 (mm) x1 (mm) x1 (mm) x1 (mm)

Fig. 9. Evolution of topography and horizontal strain in Fischer and Keating (2005) laterally propagating fault simulation. Black lines with labels are
contours of elevation in mm. Strain is shown as incremental (left four columns), and cumulative (fifth column). (a) Extension (emax). (b) Shortening (emin).
(c) Dilatation. (d) Rotation. Black and white ticks in a–c are extension and shortening axes, respectively. Black and white ticks in d are right lateral and left
lateral maximum shear strain planes, respectively. Stations data were kindly provided by Mark Fischer and David Keating.
N. Cardozo, R.W. Allmendinger / Computers & Geosciences 35 (2009) 1343–1357 1355

to the best-fit strain proposed by Peter Cundall (Bagi, Contours of maximum shear strain (Eq. (13)) display
2006). Strain is based on the displacements of the particle the 3D variation of cumulative strain in the model from
centers. Particle rotations are not taken into consideration. bottom (x3 ¼ 600 m) to top (x3 ¼ 1800 m), and from south
We illustrate the application of SSPX to DEM using an (x2 ¼ 1500 m) to north (x2 ¼ 4500 m, Fig. 10). The record
unpublished, 3D DEM of large-scale thrusting by Stuart of faulting (i.e. maximum shear strain) is broad and
Hardy (Figs. 10 and 11). Before deformation, the model is a patchy at lower elevations (x3 ¼ 600 m) and narrows
prismatic block of 14.5  6.2  2.3 km consisting of 37,000 higher up (x3 ¼ 1800 m, Fig. 10). In sequence thrusts
spherical particles (i.e. stations) of radii 125–25 m. below the main thrust occur at lower elevations
Thrusting is achieved by fixing the left side of the model (Fig. 10b) and preferably on the northern side
and moving the right side towards the left (fixed back wall (x3 ¼ 600 m, Fig. 10a). Fig. 11 shows the strain of the
model). Particles on the bottom rest over a horizontal, DEM for a 2% slip increment, on the same slices of Fig. 10.
frictionless surface, and there are gravitational forces 3D strain was computed as in Fig. 10. Contours of
in the model. Further details about the implementation maximum shear strain display the 3D variation of
of this specific DEM can be found in Hardy and Finch incremental strain (i.e. active faulting) in the model. At
(2007). the latest stage of the run, active faulting is patchy on all
Fig. 10 shows the cumulative, total strain of the DEM slices, although it narrows from the bottom to the top
on three horizontal (Fig. 10a) and three vertical x1x3 (Fig. 11). Fig. 11 suggests that the thrusts in the experi-
(Fig. 10b) slices. The width or distance perpendicular ment grow both in the direction of transport and along
from a slice within which stations are considered for strike, by the interaction and linking of patches of fault
computation (Fig. 5) was set to 300 m. About 9000 activity.
stations (dots in Figs. 10 and 11) on horizontal slices,
and 4000 stations on vertical slices, were used for the 5. Conclusions
computation. 3D strain was computed in SSPX using the
Grid-Nearest Neighbor routine with 100 m grid spacing, 8 SSPX is a Macintosh program that facilitates the
neighbors, and maximum radius ¼ 300 m. In a 2.2 GHz computation of strain/strain rate from displacement/
Intel Core Duo laptop, strain calculation on a slice took velocity data in 2D and 3D. The program is based on a
less than 30 s. simple theoretical framework (Section 2) that allows

x3 = 600 m x2 = 1500 m


x3 = 1200 m x2 = 3000 m

x3 = 1800 m x2 = 4500 m

0 2 km 0 2

Max. shear strain

Fig. 10. 3D cumulative, total strain of a 3D DEM of thrusting. (a) Horizontal and (b) vertical x1x3 slices. White dashed lines in horizontal slices show
location of vertical slices on right, and vice versa. Dots are particle centroids. Filled contours are maximum shear strain. Data were kindly provided by
Stuart Hardy.
1356 N. Cardozo, R.W. Allmendinger / Computers & Geosciences 35 (2009) 1343–1357

x3 = 600 m x2 = 1500 m


x2 x1

x3 = 1200 m x2 = 3000 m

x3 = 1800 m x2 = 4500 m

0 0.2
0 2 km
Max. shear strain

Fig. 11. 3D incremental strain of a 3D DEM of thrusting. Slip increment is 2% of total. (a) Horizontal and (b) vertical x1x3 slices. White dashed lines in
horizontal slices show location of vertical slices on right, and vice versa. Dots are particle centroids. Filled contours are maximum shear strain. Data were
kindly provided by Stuart Hardy.

the computation of small or large strain in the unde- strain, and the strain can then be transferred into the cells
formed or deformed configuration. The advantages of of a reservoir model. Strain can be used to condition the
SSPX include: (i) no limitation on the number of stations, spatial variability of petrophysical properties in the
(ii) interactive querying, editing, and activation/deactivation reservoir model.
of stations, (iii) several options to compute strain at SSPX is work in progress. There are several additional
arbitrary points, stations, or cells, (iv) fast, near real-time functionalities that would be ideal to implement in the
computations, (v) computation and visualization of strain program. The most obvious include: (i) slices of any trend
in 3D volumes along different orientations, (vi) editing and inclination, and (ii) cross-correlation of sequential
and toggling of the elements to visualize 2D or 3D strain, images to infer displacements. The implementation of the
(vii) export of stations and strain data as text or Google last functionality is facilitated by the Core Image frame-
Earth files, and (viii) additional advantages of Cocoa, work of Mac OS X.
document based applications (i.e. drag and drop, Undo/
Redo, etc.).
Fitting a homogeneous strain model to displacement Acknowledgements
data is a straightforward, but unfortunately often ne-
glected processing technique. The examples in this paper We would like to thank Jack Loveless, Rob Reilinger,
(Section 4) illustrate how much can be gained by Matt Pritchard, Mike Bevis, Stuart Hardy, Jan Tveranger,
computing strain. Strain is like a special lens that reveals and Alvar Braathen for discussions about extracting strain
how much a material is deformed, and where and when it from displacement/velocity data and its applications.
was deformed. Inverse strain modeling of displacement/ Mark Fischer and David Keating kindly exchanged data
velocity data confers a pattern to scattered observations from their analogue models. Stuart Hardy kindly provided
that at first may look completely disorganized. This is us with data from one of his 3D, DEM models. Critical
essential for interpreting displacement/velocity observa- reviews by Richard Lisle and an anonymous reviewer
tions in terms of continuum mechanics, a subject with improved the manuscript. Nestor Cardozo’s work has been
which we are more familiarized. Inverse strain modeling supported by the Fault Facies project at the Center for
is also useful for transferring results from discrete to Integrated Petroleum Research (CIPR). CIPR, The Norwe-
continuous models. For example, the heterogeneous gian Research Council, ConocoPhillips, and Statoil sponsor
displacements of a DEM can be interpreted in terms of the Fault Facies project. Richard Allmendinger’s work has
N. Cardozo, R.W. Allmendinger / Computers & Geosciences 35 (2009) 1343–1357 1357

been supported by NSF Grants EAR-0337496, EAR- Means, W.D., 1976. Stress And Strain: Basic Concepts Of Continuum
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Menke, W., 1984. Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory.
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