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Extraterrestrial Planet


Inhabited by the Hikachi-A human like species with a slight yellow discoloration of the skin and a
preference of humid, hot climates

A friendly shop owner named Clarence Davis is a kind old gentleman who likes to sell his wares and
goods to travelers. He has a kind soft voice and will later turn on the party as a vampire spawn

Farnak Barnado- The tavern/inn owner, square jaw, green eyes, black hair a very kind gentleman who
answers questions about the town and what is happening

Benedicto Darange- the town mayor, brown hair, who is later found out to be a sorcerer who turns the
townspeople into monsters so that he can maintain power over them all (he can only control them if the
orb turns them to monsters)

Bernard Draugg – sketchy town citizen who has been accused of dabbling in the dark arts before, can
talk directly to players or can be only talked about depending on how the group is behaving, blonde hair

Gerald- wizard who places mark of protection upon the group of heroes so that they are protected.

Kyle- simpleton who is turned into a basilisk at the beginning of the adventure

Kyla- Kyle’s sister who sends the crew on their mission and gives them clues

Adventure order:

1. Meet
2. Find Kyle
3. Fight basilisk
4. Go back to inn to rest
5. Attacked by Clarence (Vampire Spawn)
6. Attempt to put together mystery
7. Get attacked by another monster? (Spectator)
8. Maybe attack Bernard thinking hes the real bad guy
9. Fight the mayor? (Werebear)

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