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PC 4000 plus e v lJ
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION TO THE IPC .............................................................................................................................. 7
1.1. SYNTAX ................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.2. HARDWARE ........................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2. l Dirt contamination of the hardware ............................................................................................... 9
l.3. SOFTWARE .......................................................................................................................................... 11
1.4. REINSTALLING THE MAPLAN SYSTEM PC 4000 ................................................................................. 11
1.5. KEYBOARD, COLD START, WARM START .......................................................................................... 13
1.6. STARTINGTHEMAPLANSYSTEMPC4000 ......................................................................................... 13
1. 7. EXITING THE MAPLAN SYSTEM PC 4000 ............................................................................................ 15
2. THE BASIC FUNCTION OF THE IPC ................................................................................................................. 17
2.1. SELECTING PAGES ............................................................................................................................... 17
2.2. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE KEYS ............................................................................................................ 19
2.3. ON-LINE HELP .................................................................................................................................... 21
2.4. INTEGRATED USER MANUAL .............................................................................................................. 23
2.5. ENTERING DATA ................................................................................................................................. 25
3. A DESCRIPTION OF THE FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................. 27
3 .1. INDEX PC 4000 ................................................................................................................................... 27
3 .2. BLOCK 1: INTRODUCTION/PRODUCTION DATA .................................................................................. 41
specific weight, material, rejects ............................................................. ,............................ , ................................................ 41
cavities .. ,........................................ ,.................................................................. ,................................................................... 41
cycle time monitoring, demoulding time ..................................................................... ,........ ........................................ 41
total cycle time ...................................................................................................................... ............................................... 41
piece counter....................................... ,................................................................................................................................. 41
shift counter ........................................................................................................................................................................... 41
3.2.1. Fl - Customer Page .................................................................................................................. 43
3.2.2. F2 - Note Pad ............................................................................................................................ 43
3.2.3. F3 - Pump ................................................................................................................................. 43
3.3. BLOCK I: INTRODUCTION/DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................................... 45
3.3.1. Fl - Store .................................................................................................................................. 45
3.3.2. F3 - Load .................................................................................................................................. 45
3.3.3. F5 - Index .................................................................................................................................. 45
3.3.4. F8 -Archive .............................................................................................................................. 45
3.4. BLOCK 2: MOULD/CLAMP ................................................................................................................... 47
3.4.1. Additional Functions ................................................................................................................ 47
a) F2 - Middle Stop Function.............................................................................. .. .... .47
3 .5. BLOCK 2: MOULD/OPEN ..................................................................................................................... 48
3.5. BLOCK 2: MOULD/OPEN ..................................................................................................................... 49
3.5.1. Additional Functions ................................................................................................................ 49
a) Middle Stop Function...................................................................................... ...... 49
3.6. BLOCK 3: INJECTION UNIT/INJECTION ................................................................................................ 51
3.6.1. Fl -Times ................................................................................................................................. 51
3.6.2. Additional Functions ................................................................................................................ 53
a) holding pressure switch........... .. ............. 53
b) 2. injection volume.................................................................. ... 53
c) F3 - curemaster......................................................................... ....... 53
d) F4 - injection regulation......... 53
3. 7. BLOCK 3: INJECTION UNIT/PLASTICISING ................................................................. :.. ..................... 55
3.7.1. Additional Functions ............................................................................................................... 55
a) band draw-in:.. .. .......... 55
b) backpressure regulation for plasticising:................................. ................................................ 55
3 .8. BLOCK 3: INJECTION UNIT/MAPLAN CUREMASTER .................................................................... 59
3.9. BLOCK 4: HEATER/TEMPERATURE GRAPHIC ...................................................................................... 61
3.10. BLOCK 4: HEATER/TEMPERATURE TARGETED VALUES ................................................................... 63
3.10.1. PID Parameters ............... :....................................................................................................... 64
3.10.1. PID Parameters ....................................................................................................................... 65

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 ©Maplan -3-

3.10.2. Heat Electricity Monitoring .................................................................................................... 67
3.10.3. Temperature Offset ................................................................................................................. 67
3.10.4. Additional Functions .............................................................................................................. 69
a) additional temperature regulation zones ........................................................................ ,.................................................. 69
b) heating current monitoring additional heating zones ......................................................................................................... 69
c) Solid State Relay ............................................................................................................................................................... 69
3.11. BLOCK 4: HEATER/TIMER ................................................................................................................. 71
3.12. BLOCK 5: FUNCTIONS/STANDARD FUNCTIONS ................................................................................ 73
3.12.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 73
3.12.2. Injection Moulding ................................................................................................................. 73
3.12.3. Injection Embossing ............................................................................................................... 73
3.12.4. Fully Automatic Function ....................................................................................................... 75
3.12.5. Vacuum ................................................................................................................................... 75
3.12.6. Raise Injection Unit ................................................................................................................ 76
3.12.6. Raise Injection Unit ................................................................................................................ 77
3.12.7. Bumping ................................................................................................................................. 77
3.12.8. Additional Functions .............................................................................................................. 79
a) opening the 1nould ............................................................................................................................................................ 79
b) transferring ........................................................................................................................................................................ 81
C) nozzle uncouple: .............................................................................................................................................................. 85
3 .13. BLOCK 5: FUNCTIONS/OPTIONS ........................................................................................................ 89
3. 13. I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 89
3.13.2. Ejector on the Clamping Side and on the Injector Side .......................................................... 91
3.13.3. Central Ejector ........................................................................................................................ 93
3.13.4. External Ejector I, 2 ...................................................................................................... :....... 94
3 .13 .4. External Ejector I, 2 .............................................................................................................. 95
3.13. 5. Auxiliary Cylinders A, B ................................................................................................ 97
3.13.6. Brushing Modules I, 2 ........................................................ :................................................... 98
3.13.6. Brushing Modules I, 2 ............................................................................................................ 99
3.13.7. Stockfeeder ........................................................................................................................... 101
a) vacuum function for stockfeeder: ....................................................................... ............................................................ 101
b) the function of liquid silicone: ......................................................................................................................................... 101
3.13.8. Hot Plate Shift/Shuttle .......................................................................................................... 103
3.13.9. Hot Plate Change/Shuttle ...................................................................................................... I 05
3.13.10. Middle Plate Shift System .................................................................................................. 107
a) Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 107
b) middle plate shift..................................................... ............................................................................................. 113
c) middle plate change in the machine....................... .. .................................................................. 115
d) middle plate change in the demoulding station ............................................................................................................... 117
e) hydraulic frame change........................... .......................................................... 119
f) manual frame change ............................................................. 119
g) hydraulic frame shift........ .. ........................................................................................... 120
g) hydraulic frame shift................. .. ........................... 121
h) manual fra1ne shift....................................... .. ................................................................... 121
3.14. CYCLE/INITIAL POSITION ................................................................................................................. 123
3.15. BLOCK 6: CYCLE/CYCLE SEQUENCE .............................................................................................. 125
3.15.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 125
3.15.2. Minimum Configuration ....................................................................................................... 125
3.15.3. Cycle Graph .......................................................................................................................... 127
3.15.4. Cycle configuration for parallel hydraulics .......................................................................... 128
J.15.4. Cycle configurati\ln for parallel hydraulics .......................................................................... 129
3.16. BLOCK 7: DIAGNOSIS/ALARMS ....................................................................................................... 131
3.16.1. Alarm Protocol ..................................................................................................................... 131
3.16.2. Malfunction Display for Refrigerating and Tempering Devices .......................................... 131
3.16.3. Fault display for !PC cooling ck:vice ...................................................................................... 133 I ,FD DISPL.1\ Y.. .. ..................... 133 FAULT NOTIFICATION CUNTACf .................... .. ............ 133
3.16.4. Alarm Index .......................................................................................................................... 135
PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 ©Maplan -4-
3.16.5. Additional Functions ............................................................................................................ 147
a) machine service ............................................................................................................................................................... 147
3 .1 7. BLOCK 7: DIAGNOSIS/MAPLAN DIAGNOSIS ................................................................................... 149
3 .17.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 149
3 .17.2. Parallel Step Chain ............................................................................................................... 151
3 .17.3. Parameter Protocol... ............................................................................................................. 151
3.18. BLOCK 8: SPC/SPC ......................................................................................................................... 153
3.18.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 153
3.18.2. SPC Parameter View ............................................................................................................ 155
3.18.3. SPC Graph ............................................................................................................................ 157
3.18.4. Fl - SPC Archive .................................................................................................................. 157
a) SPC archive............................................................................................................... ........... 159
b) Export delete ................................................................................................................................................................... 161
c) Packing: ................................................................................................................................... 163
3.19. BLOCK 8: SPC/SELECTING PARAMETERS ....................................................................................... 165
3.19.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 165
3.19.2. Selecting ............................................................................................................................... 165
3.19.3. SPC start ............................................................................................................................... 165
3.20. BLOCK 8: SPC/INJECTJON GRAPHIC ............................................................................................... 167
3.20.1. IndexGraph .......................................................................................................................... 167
3.20.2. Individual Graph ................................................................................................................... 167
3.21. BLOCK 8: SPC/TRANSFER GRAPH .................................................................................................. 169
3 .21.1. Description of the Functions ................................................................................................. 169
3.21.2. Functions .............................................................................................................................. 169
3.22. BLOCK 9: DATA TRANSFER/PRINTER ............................................................................................. 171
3.22.1. Configuration Fields ............................................................................................................. 171
3.22.2. Print Out all Parameters ........................................................................................................ 171
3 .22.3. Print Out Selected Parameters .............................................................................................. I 71
3.22.4. F2 List. .................................................................................................................................. 171
3.22.5. Screen Hardcopy ................................................................................................................... 172
3.22.5. Screen Hardcopy ................................................................................................................... 173
3.22.6. F3 - PRT file ......................................................................................................................... 173
3.22.7. Other Ways to Print .............................................................................................................. 173
3.22.8. Treml graphs .......................................................................................................................... 175
3.23. BLOCK 9: DATA TRANSFER/ARCHIVE ............................................................................................ 177
3.23.1. Export to Diskette ............................................... :................................................................. 177
3.23.2. Import from Diskette ............................................................................................................ 177
3.23.3. Deleting on the Hard Disc ........................................ , ........................................................... 177
3.23.4. Packaging the Database ........................................................................................................ 177
3.24. BLOCK 10: INPUT AUTHORISATION/CODE .................................................................................... 179
3.25. BLOCK 10: INPUT AUTHORISATION/CONFIGURATION .................................................................... 183
3 .25 .1. Create a Password and Change the Code and Key Switch ................................................... 183
3.25.2. Program Update .................................................................................................................... 185
3.25 ,3. pag,:: :c;elee:t.ion ........................................................................................................"187
3 .25 .4. Material Consumption .......................................................................................................... 187
3.25.5. Cycle Sequence ..................................................................................................................... 187
3.25.6. Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. 187
3.25.7. Fl - Customer Page .............................................................................................................. 189
3.25.8. F2 - Temperature Zones ........................................................................................................ 189
3.25.9. F3/F5 - Switching the Language .......................................................................................... 189
3.25.10. F7 -Time Setting ................................................................................................................ 191
3.25.11. F8 -Way Measuring ........................................................................................................... 193
a) Introduction................................................................................................................ .................... 193
b) calibrating way measuring. .. ............. 195
3.26. BLOCK I 0: INPUT AUTHORJSATION/SWITCH OFF THE MACHINE ................................................... 197
4. ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 199
4.1. ENTERJNG PARAMETERS IN PHYSICAL QUANTITIES ......................................................................... 199
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4.2. MANIPULATOR /HANDLING /EUROMAP 12 ....................................................................................... 199
4.3. MODEM REMOTE SERVICE ................................................................................................................ 201
4.4. USV MODULE ................................................................................................................................... 203
4.5. LIGHT SHIELD, SCANNER .................................................................................................................. 205
4.6. OIL TEMPERATURE MONITORING ..................................................................................................... 205
4.7. OIL LEVEL MONITORING .................................................................................................................. 205
4.8. DROP LEVEL GUARD OF THE INJECTION UNIT.. ................................................................................ 207
4.9. DROP LEVEL GUARD OF TI-IE CLAMPING UNIT ................................................................................. 207
4.10. SUPPRESS EJECTOR ......................................................................................................................... 207
5. DB RESCUE ............................................................................................................................................................ 208

5. DB RESCUE ............................................................................................................................................................ 209

5.1. USING DB RESCUE ......................................................................................................................... 209
5.2. CALLING UP DB RESCUE ............................................................................................................... 209
5 .3.THE FUNCTIONS OF DB RESCUE ....................................................................................................... 209
5.4. MOULD PARAMETER SET DISPLAY INDEX ........................................................................................ 210
5.4. MOULD PARAMETER SET DISPLAY INDEX ........................................................................................ 211
5.4.1. The Functions of DB .............................................................................................................. 211
a) The Function of DATABASE OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................... 21 l.
b) the function of SCAN DATABASE ................................................................................................................................ 213
c) the function of REINDEX DATABASE ......................................................................................................................... 213
d) the function of PACK DATABASE ................................................................................................................................ 213
e) the function of REFRESH DATABASE ......................................................................................................................... 213
f) the function of SAVE TO NEW DB ................................................................................................................................ 213
g) the function ofCOPY ...................................................................................................................................................... 213
5.5. SPC DATABASE DISPLAY INDEX ................................................................................................... 215
5.5.1. Functions DB .......................................................................................................................... 215
a) SCAN DATABASE ........................................................................................................................................................ 215
b) REINDEX DATABASE ................................................................................................................................................. 215
c) PACK DATABASE ........................................................................................................................................................ 215
d) CHECK ACTIVE CHARTS ........................................................................................................................................... 215
5.6. MAPLAN CU REMASTER DATABASE DISPLAY INDEX ............................................................. 217
5.6.1. Functions DB .......................................................................................................................... 217
a) SCAN DATABASE Function............... .................................................................................................................. 217
b) REINDEX DATABASE function ................................................................................................................................... 217
c) PACK DATABASE function .......................................................................................................................................... 217
5.7. EXITING DB RESCUE ...................................................................................................................... 217
6. CUREMASTER ...................................................................................................................................................... 217

7. MAPLINK 4 PLUS ................................................................................................................................................. 219

7.1 REASONS FOR PRODUCTION STOP ...................................................................................................... 219
7.2 REMOTE DOWNLOAD ......................................................................................................................... 219

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1. Introduction to the /PC

1.1. Syntax
We will be using the following notation in this description:

>< designates the function keys

for instance >S< SHIFT

+ designates simultaneity
for instance, press >C< + >F9< CONTROL and F9 key simnltaneonsly

" " designates text input or text selection inputs

for instance "keyboard" >ENTER< the keyboard text should be entered with the
alphanumeric keyboard.



Beyond this, we recommend that the operator take a course in MS-DOS.

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1.2. Hardware
The Maplan System PC 4000 inclndes the following hardware:

• Celeron industrial PC
366 MHz, 64 Mbytes of user memory with at least 120 Mbytes offlashdisk,
3 ½" diskette drive
VGA graphic
LCD screen

• IPC refrigerating unit:

a wall-installed air-conditioner 230 V /50 Hz/60 Hz is used for air conditioning for the !PC with a
refrigerating capacity of350 W.
The temperature controller is pre-set to 35° C.

The basic controller for this version (Rittal switch cabinet cooling device 3303. I 00) has a variety of display
LED's and interference contacts.

The integrated basic controller incurs automatic control disconnection operation of the cooling device around the value of
the fixed switching differential of 5 K (corresponding in practice to 5 °C); it monitors and controls the cooling device.

Because the operational voltage is 230 V AC, it is essential in any event to check the wiring/earthing for proper


1.2.1 Dirt contamination of the hardware

In order to prevent the drive station from being contaminated by dirt from dusty and oily disks, the following
points must be taken into account:

• The disks must be kept in a clean place

• The cover flap of the drive station must always be kept closed (screwed in place)

In addition to this, the cover flap on the front side must always be kept closed, in order to prevent any dirt-laden
air from being sucked in (IPC cooling device).

To avold general dirty contamination of the control~ and po,vc:r unit tlic door of the con.trol cabinet, the tem1inal boA
such as the IPC should aiways be closed, Further if necessary the dirty filters of this parts should he changed! Because
of this precaution the operate safety is rai::;e addl1fonal!

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- 10 -
1.3. Software
You will find the following diskettes in the documentation:

3 diskettes MS-DOS 6.22 or higher

1 diskette PC 4000 system, start, keyb. version 5.2 or higher
3 diskettes MAPLAN system PC 4000 (3 languages)

Furthermore, the documentation includes a description of the MS-DOS operating system.

1.4. Reinstalling the Maplan System PC 4000

Reinstalling the PC 4000 Software:

Insert the installation diskette 1. ,,System PC 400(f' into the diskette drive and enter ,,A: SETUP"
>ENTER< on the keyboard.
After some time you will be asked to put the second diskette into the drive and press any key.
Then you will be requested to insert the third diskette.
After installation, remove the diskette from the drive and restart the PC.
Reinstalling the keyboard layouts:
Insert the system start keyboard diskette into drive A and restart the PC. When it has completed restart,
enter the following command on the DOS level:

,,A: Tast_set">ENTER<

This transfers the keyboard layout from the diskette to the EPROM on the PC.
When the transfer is complete, remove the diskette from the drive and restart the PC.



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Start the Maplan System PC 4000:

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- 12 -
1.5. Keyboard, Cold Start, Warm Start
For cold start, you have to take the diskette out of the diskette drive and switch the !PC (or the machine) off
and on again. To do warm start, you have to press the combination of keys >CTRL < / >ALT< / >ENTF<.
on the keyboard.
The MAPLAN SYSTEM is automatically started after a cold or warm start.

1.6. Starting the Maplan System PC 4000

The MAPLAN SYSTEM is automatically started when you switch on. Should this not be the case, you
have to reinstall the system start files.

Insert the diskette "PC 4000 system, start, keyb." into drive A: and restart the PC. When it has completed
restart, enter the following commands on the DOS level:

"A: TAST SET" >Enter<

This transfers the keyboard layout from the diskette to the EPROM on the PC and the system start files are
installed on the hard disc.

When the transfer is complete, remove the diskette from the drive and restart the PC.

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Exit the Maplan System PC 4000:

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- 14 -
1. 7. Exiting the Maplan System PC 4000
Before you switch off the machine, select the item on the menu of switch off the machine (1) from the
index page. When the message ,,data saved" appears in a window, you may switch off the machine's master

You can change over to the MS-DOS operating system with the l!'.:iJ key (2) on access authorisation level 2.

Ifyou switch off the machine before you receive the message ,,data saved", you will lose important
system settings (such as cover curves, SPC's, ...)

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PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Maplan - 16 -
2. The Basic Function of the IPC
2.1. Selecting Pages
You may select the individual machine pages (also called parameter pages) from the index page with the
cursor and the Q] key or with the proper hot key.
The cursor is a red triangle that can be moved across the entire screen with the[!], ~,El and Elkeys. Press
the Q] key on the corresponding text to open up this page.

The second way to select a parameter page are what are known as HOTKEYS. There are a total of 16 hot
keys on the keyboard labelled with symbols. These keys function on any page. For instance, you can
change to the parameter page for injection directly from the alarm page with the hot key l:m-1.

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The Functions of the Keys:

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- 18 -
2.2. The Functions of the Keys
The following list provides a brief explanation of the most important key functions on the keyboard in the
Maplan System.
IESC I >ESC< quit or tum the page back ( call up the table of contents)

Q] >ENTER< confirm input and select pages

~ ..IF101s0ft keys have different functions depending upon what page they are on
@] >C< clear characters (Cir)

[] insert characters (Ins)

~ backspace; character left of the cursor buttons,= delete

~ cursor upwards

OJ cursor downwards

EJ cursor to the left

E] cursor to the right

~ one page back (for instance, help windows)

[l] one page on

jshiftl escape key: for entering alphanumeric character

[I] production data: this page provides information on regular production

closing and opening the mould: parametring the closing and opening movement
(way indices, pressure and quantity) clamp
injection: entering the injection profile and the
appropriate times.

plasticise, backpressure and band draw-in

overview of temperature zones: entering the

temperature for each zone
LJ heater ON - OFF or timer with an emergency
cooling function

standard functions: setting for OMI/injection

moulding, vacuum pump, raise injection unit,
Key Functions:

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PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 ©Maplan
- 20 -
[I] overview of the options available: to the option
pages from this page

initial position: shows the conditions necessary for

starting an automatic cycle

cycle configuration: shows the current cycle and

cycle configuration

diagnosis page: shows the conditions necessary for

the current movement. parameter protocol

overview of alanns: shows current alanns with

information on them

help: changing to the index page of the integrated

electronic manual

note pad: entering and viewing notes and remarks

customer page: shows the actual values of the

parameters selected by the user

screen hardcopy: starts screen hardcopy

2.3. On-Line Help

You can find (1) a help window on every parameter page with the ~ soft key that gives you infonnation
on this page. You can turn the page in this help text with the lll, Ill keys and you can exit help window
with the l2J key.

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Integrated User Manual:

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- 22 -
2.4. Integrated User Manual
You can get into the integrated user manual with the [1J hot key.

Here you get a help index where you may select he~unctions for a wide variety of topics and you can tum
the page in the individual help texts with the li:l or li:'J keys.

Exit this page with the llJ key.

When the integrated user manual is activated, all of the hot keys on the keyboard are made inactive.

Exit the user manual in the index page with the ll:l key.

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Entering Data:

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2. 5. Entering Data
Entering data is protected with a code and a key switch.

There are the following levels of access:

• view data (turn the page) level 0

• change input data level 1
• cycle configuration, product parameters level 2
saving, loading and service page
• system configuration level 3
• internal pages (machine parameters) level 4

You have to have the appropriate access authorisation to be able to change the data in the machine and they
are issued through the code space in the index page.

You can get more precise information on this in the section on ,,block 10 Input Authorisation/Code". If
you the appropriate authorisation for entering data, you only have to move the cursor (the red triangle) onto
the corresponding space, enter the new value and close with the Q] key.

Some spaces only have one text and are used for specific functions (for instance, delete ~ce counter). In
order to trigger this function, move the cursor to the corresponding spaces and press the 1.::1 key.

You can change text spaces with several texts (for instance, selecting alarms with SPC) by putting the
cursor on the text and switching the next text by pressing the Q] key.
You can cha~e functions (such as vacuum pump or on-off switch) by moving the cursor to the symbol and
pressing the 1.::1 key.

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A Description of the Functions:


PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Maplan - 26 -

3. A Description of the Functions
3.1. Index PC 4000
When you switch on the machine, MS-DOS is started first and then the Maplan PC 4000 system is loaded.

The current language data or the last input data are read from the control mechanism when it starts up, and
then it automatically switches to the table of contents.

The table of contents, also called the index page of PC 4000, is very clearly structured and broken
down into blocks.

Almost every screen page has the following display fields:

• the heading of the current page with the date and time (1 ),
• a status line that shows the current automatic step, the position of the injection unit and the clamping
unit (2),
• the present pressure and quantity selection with the current curetime and cycle time (3) and
• help with function key F 10

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The left half of the index page is for parametering the machine. This 1s the block and the
corresponding pages with the function keys:


production data
Fl customer page
F2 note pad
Fl editing
F3 display
F3 pump

data management
Fl store
F3 load
FS more
F5 index
FS more
FS archive
FS data management


Fl open
F2 close middle stop (additional function)
Fl close
F2 close middle stop (additional fimction)


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Fl times
F3 curemaster (additional function)
F3 curemaster (additional function)
Fl curemaster page 2
F2 data import
F3 database index
F4 PID injection regulation (additional fi.mction)

Fl backpressure regulation (additional function)

MAPLAN CUREMASTER (additional function)

Fl curemaster page 2
Fl curemaster page 1
F2 data import
F3 database index
Fl save
F3 load
FS index
F8 archive


temperature iu graph
Fl zones 9-16
Fl zone 1-8
F2 zone 16-24
Fl zones 1-8

targeted temperature values

Fl zones 13-24
Fl zones 1-12
FS parameter
Fl PlD 13-24
F6 electricity
F7 offset

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- 32 -

Fl transfer parameters (additional function)
F3 nozzle uncouple (additional function)

options select with cursor and Q] (additional function)

ejector on injection side
ejector on clamp side
central ejector
external ejector 1/external ejector 2
auxiliary cylinder A, auxiliary cylinder B (pneum.)
shifting hot plate/changing hot plate
shifting middle plate (6 modes)

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- 34 -
The right half of the index page is for cycle configuration or diagnosing the machine. This is
· -J where you find the block and following pages:


initial position

cycle sequence - text

Fl cycle sequence page 2
Fl cycle sequence page 1
F3 definition
Fl existing steps of cursor upwards
F2 existing steps of cursor downwards
F4 insert
FS delete
F7 new cycle config cursor upwards
FS new cycle config cursor downwards

cycle sequence - graph (additional fimction)

Fl view
F3 definition
F4 insert
FS free space
F6 delete
FS store


Fl service
FS alann protocol
Fl cursor upwards
F2 cursor downwards
F7 printing
F8 store to disc

FS parameter protocol
Fl cursor upwards
F2 cursor downwards
F7 printing
F8 store to disc

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- 36 -

SPC (additional function)

Fl archive

selecting parameters ( additional function)

Fl selecting parameters page 1
F5 starting all SPC's

injection graphic/transfer cnrves (additional function)

Fl -F4 move cursor
ym F6 superimposed/individual



Fl printer type
F2 list
Fl cursor upwards
F2 cursor downwards
F3 Print file
Fl cursor upwards
F2 cursor downwards
FS delete
F7 printing
F8 store to disc

F8 data management


PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Map Ian - 37 -


0--..- C O D E
Maplan active

Power> down Machine


Fl customer page
F2 temperature
F3 cancel
F6 store
F8 default
F3-F5 language selection
F7 hour
F8 way measuring

switch off the machine

(C) M:ml::in
Introduction/Production Data:

------A- ~ .. ~~

Shi ftcounter =
No. of parts =0

No. of parts
, Bad p a r t ~
0 888 pcs
Piece counter

Stop when number

Cavities \V 2
Total cycle time 444 sec Cycle time control 333 sec
Specific gravity of mixtur 0.000

Shift Total Rest

No. of parts 0 pcs. 0 pcs. 0 pcs.
Injec. counter 0
Consumption of ma erial 0.0 Lb0 0.0 Lbs
Total cycle time 0 sec Breaking time 12602 sec
Last injection timer:"\ 0.0 sec Cycle time control 0 sec
Last process time \!_J 0.0 sec Time still required h

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Maplan - 40 -

3.2. Block 1: Introduction/Production Data
You have the general production data (1) or current process times (2) available on this page.

specific weight, material, reiects

When you enter the specific weight (3) of the mixture (g/cm3 ), you receive a calculation of the material
required (7) (in accordance with the pieces you specified) or the remaining material required for production.
This preliminary calculation also includes rejects (6).
The material consumption is displayed in kilometres or pounds (also refer to system configuration)
depending upon the system configuration.

Furthermore, you may state the number of parts produced per cycle in the cavities input space.

cycle time monitoring, demoulding time

You may specify a cycle time in the cycle time monitoring input space that the alarm cycle time is issued
for when it is exceeded. This time begins when the cycle starts and ends when the cycle ends.
The emergency cooling function is started when the emergency cooling function is activ.e and the
emergency cooling time set to 0, assuming the demoulding time is two times cycle time monitoring.
Demoulding time is the time between the end of the cycle and beginning of the cycle.

total cycle time

The total cycle time input space is used to calculate the time still required from the cycle time and
demoulding time.

piece counter
You may also define a piece counter (8) that adds or subtracts (4). An alarm is triggered and the machine is
switched into manual operation when the switch off when piece quantity reached space is set to 1 (5) and
the targeted number of pieces is reached. The last cycle does not plasticise any more.
You may set back the counter with the button for number of pieces = 0 (9).

shift counter
You also have a shift counter that you can set back with the button ,,shift counter= 0" (10) at the beginning
the shift. Input authorisation is not required for this action (level 0).

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Maplan - 41 -

Customer Page:

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Map Ian - 42 -

3.2.1. Fl - Customer Page
You may switch onto the customer page with the~ soft key with this hot key z£ Eight parameters are
shown on the customer page in nmmal fonts or two parameters in a large font from a list of 30 parameters.
You may define what parameters are shown or can be changed in block IO ,,input

3.2.2. F2 - Note Pad

You can skip to the note pad from the production data page with the~ soft key. The note pad offers you
the possibility of depositing notes for your co-workers directly on the PC. You can edit the message with
Fl and you can show that there is a message on the upper right edge of the screen with F3. In other words,
you can create a text document and store it on the hard disc.

3.2.3. F3 - Pump
i You get a display in% and in V (volts) on the current speed and pressure selection for the hydraulic system
with the [!iJ soft key.

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Maplan - 43 -

Data Management:

Material· number

Add. ldenti:fication

Database Index


PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 ©Maplan - 44 -

3.3. Block 1: Introduction/Data Management

3.3.1. Fl - Store
Data management allows you to combine machine parameter sets (meaning all of the current temperature,
clamping and injection speeds, etc.) under on product name (1) with an additional explanation (2) on the
mould number, part number, material number, batch number, an additional identification number, PC
operator and the customer name in a D-Base compatible database.
It is necessary to define the product name, fill out any additional infonnation and store data record on the
hard disc with the l:!i:l soft key. If the hard disc has a product name, you get a window with the message ,,the
data record exists". Overwrite: yes or no". Press ~ for no or [ii±! yes depending upon whether you wish to
overwrite the data record.
3.3.2. F3 - Load
If you want to load data already stored on the hard disc and transfer them to the machine, press the @ key.
You get the same list as with the index function, but it also shows a line written in yellow, which is the
cursor. You ma~elect a data record with the~ and~ keys that you can load and transfer to the machine
by pressing the l:!.I key.
This also checks the machine size. If it is different (for instance, the data record comes from a machine with
150 t of clamping force, although this machine has a clamping force of 240 t), the following message
window appears:
the machine windows are not equal - load?
You can cancel the loading process with@ - NO and the data record in the machine remains unchanged.
You may load the data record with~- YES. In this case, please check all switchpoints (inject+ clamping
unit) since they might be incorrect due to the differences in the machine size.

You may turn the page in the list with !i'.l and~ and exit the list with the Ill key without loading a data
record from the hard disc (the data in the machine remain unchanged).
To make the selection easier with a large database, you can select the space that sorting is done according to
(3) by pressing the l:!i:l key. The standard setting is the product name, alth~h you may sort according to
the mould number, part number, etc. You may define a filter (4) with the~ key that also makes searching
easier. These two functions allow you to select the required data record with relative ease even from a large

3.3.3. F5 - Index
Of course, you may also check to see what data records are already stored on the hard disc by pressing the
@ soft key for index.
This gives you a list with the product name, mould number, part number and material number and you may
switch to the other information by pressing the@~- Then you see the batch number, identification
number, PC operator or the customer. If you press L'2J agam, you will be with product name, mould
number, pait number or material number. You may tum the page in the list with !i'.l,
Ill and cancel the list
with the Ill key.
3.3.4. FB - Archive

You can branch off into the archive page with the~ function key.

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Clamp Mould:

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3.4. Block 2: Mould/Clamp
You may define the parameters for the clamping movement of the mould on this page. You may run a
three-stage speed profile (1) and set the mould clamped (2) or mould open point (3) in accordance with the
dimensions of your mould.
The pressure input (4) relates to the first two speeds.

The third speed ( clamping slowly) is also designated mould protection.

Here, you may establish the maximum permissible pressure (5) and the corresponding period of time (6)
within which the mould has to clamp. If the closed point is not reached within this time, the machine
interrupts the clamping movement and triggers the mould protection alarm.
The input spaces (7) are provided for the purpose of selecting the quantity and pressure of the clamp
The duration of clamp pressure depends upon machine size and is internally specified with the injection
moulding mode.

For some moulds it is necessary to have a significant amount ofpower (pressure) to completely clamp
the mould plates due to the mould centring bolts.

Clamping/opening manual operation speed (8) is used over the entire path for manual operation. The
pressure in manual operation corresponds to the pressure in automatic mode.

lf choose th('. fli;;'.ld ,.!innd'' (l 1) In liand n1odc can build up betY\/(;cn 30 sec, the c!ainp pressure through
op,:oratc the sv,-itch "'mouh! dos(:•:•i

A bar graph (9) shows you the current position of the clamping unit and the speed profile set (10). You
may switch directly to the page for opening the mould with the~ soft key.

cycle configuration: and valve designation:

mould clamped YCC/YCCl(>or =400t)/YCF(bottom)
YPR (pre-fill valve) YCS
YCL (clamp pressure)

33.4.1. Additional Functions

a) F2 - Middle Stop Function
Clamping movement can be equipped with a middle stop position at the customer's request.

You may change to the closing page with the middle stop position with F2.
The standard closing page is no longer shown when a middle stop position has been established.

It is only visible again when the input value is "O" for middle stop position.
You may run a five-stage speed profile (1) setting the mould clamped (2), middle stop (3) or mould open i!
point (4) in accordance with the dimensions of your mould. The fifth speed (clamping slowly) is designated ii
as mould protection and the remaining settings are the same as them without middle stop.

cycle configuration: valve designation

-mould clamped middle stop YCC/YCCl(>or =400t)/YCF(bottom)
YPR(pre-fill valve) YCS
YCL (clamp pressure)

-mould clamped

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Opening the Mould:

Opening the Mould/Middle Stop Function:

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Maplan - 48 -

3.5. Block 2: Mould/Open
You may enter the parameters for the opening movement of the mould on this page. You may established a
three-staged speed profile (1) jnst as on the monld clamped page.

The pressure input applies to all profiles. Clamping/opening manual operation speed (2) is used over the
entire path for manual operation. Pressure in manual operation corresponds to the pressure in automatic

The corresponding position of the clamping unit (3) as the set profile (4) is shown in the diagram in the
form of a bar graph

cycle configuration: valve designation

-opening the mould YCO/YCO1(>400t)
YCD (decompression)

3.5.1. Additional Functions

a) Middle Stop Function
The opening movement can be equipped with a middle stop position at the customer's request.
You can change to the opening page with middle stop position with F2.
The standard opening page is no longer shown if a middle stop position has been established.
It is only visible again when the input value is O for middle stop position.
You may run a five-stage speed profile (1) setting the mould open (2) middle stop (3) or mould closed point
(4) depending upon the dimensions of your mould. The rest of the setting are the same as those without
middle stop.

You may change directly to the mould clamped page with the l:!il soft key.

cycle configuration: valve designation

-opening the mould middle stop YCO/YCO1(>400t)
YCD (decompression)
-opening the mould

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Injection Unit/Injection:

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- 50 -
3.6. Block 3: Iniection Unitllniection
You may define the injection volume and desired speed profile (injection profile) injection is done with on
this page.
The pressure figure in the nDosage volume 11 field is used for limiting the maximum injection pressure.

This consists of a five-stage speed profile (1) with a maximum pressure selection of 23 0 bar and a two-
staged holding pressure profile (2).

The speed profile (3) or the current position of the injection unit (4) is shown correspondingly in a graph.

3.6.1. Fl - Times
You switch onto a second page with the [!i] soft key where the appropriate times are defined (5) for the
holding pressure profile.

You may also define injection time control(> injection process+ holding pressure 1,2) and curetime while
setting the speed for the manual operation (7) of the injection unit and holding pressure switch (6).
In the "Manual operation" field are selected the speed aud the pressure of the injection unit in mauual

The position holding pressure standard setting means that it switches from speed-controlled injection to
time-controlled injection when the injection unit has reached the way index of holding pressure 1.

You may reach what is known as running on pads by setting the way index of holding pressure 1 high
enough or holding pressure times 1,2 low enough that the remaining material stays in the pot at the end of
injection process.

cycle configuration: valve designation

-injection YINN!Nl
-injection unit return YIR

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Injection Unit/Position Holding Pressure:

Injection Unit/Position Injection Regulation:

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- 52 -
3.6.2. Additional Functions
a) holding pressure switch
The options of ,,hydraulic pressure" and ,,inside mould pressure" means that it only switches to holding
pressure when the actual value (8) is greater than the target value (9). However, the position of the injection
unit has to have already reached switchpoint 4.
These functions require pressure sensors.

b) 2. in;ection volume
If a heating or middle plate system (change) is applied with two different mould plates, you may define the
volume for the second plate on the injection page.
In order to be able to start an automatic cycle, there has to be the injection volume for the corresponding
middle mould part. If you only run with one plate, the value has to be set to 0

injection volume 2 injection volume 1 speed

c) F3 - curemaster
If a heating timer calculator is installed on the machine, you may switch to the
MAPLAN CUREMASTER page with F3 (more detailed information in the annex)

d) F4 - in;ection regulation
Injection regulation is used with moulds with difficult processes or difficult materials to reach a
constant injection speed.
The benefit here is the fact that the target value can be reproduced.
You may generally switch the regulation (10) on/off on the first injection page
while entering or changing the regulating parameters (11) kp, ki, kd and cO with F4.

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• Injection Unit/Plasticising:

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3. 7. Block 3: Injection Unit/Plasticising
You come to the page for plasticising parameters by making a selection in the index page or with the hot
key. Here you can define plasticising delay (1) and it has to be smaller than or equal to the curetime set. The
injection volume input space corresponds to that of the injection page.

Furthermore, you may define the plasticising process in a three-staged profile with an initial speed (2), a
main speed (3) and a final speed (4).
You may also establish the backpressure (5) (max. 40 bar) and the desired material decompression time.
There are two possibilities for material decompression (6):

• switching pressureless for the time of material decompression or

• actively moving back the injection unit (you may parameter this function in block 5, standard functions
correspondingly), although this has to be define in the cycle sequence.

The function of draw-in monitoring can be switched on/off and the corresponding time can be established

Time for draw-in monitoring: The time between the pulses that are triggered by the strip intake
control. If there is no pulse in this time the material feed alarm is

cycle configuration: valve designation

-cure YPL
YBP (backpressure)

3. 7.1. Additional Functions

a) band draw-in:
Optionally available with strip intake switch or with a light sensor.
The band draw-in function (8) can be switched on/off and the corresponding off delay time can be
established for the drive roll of the band draw-in.

b) backpressure regulation for plasticising:

The parameters set for backpressure are specific to the mould and are stored with the data record.
The PID parameters set at the factory are suitable for most materials.
The pressure sensor is used for the injection unit for backpressure regulation. The controller regulates
backpressure to the set target value that may be in the range of 0 ... 40 bar. A PID controller is used as the
controller. The lowest backpressure value that can be reached is approximately 1- 4 bar and is dependant
upon the weight of the injection unit and the hydraulic unit.
The benefit of the backpressure controller is in the fact that the target value can be reproduced.

input spaces on the plasticising page:

You may set the desired backpressure with this space from Oto 40 bar. (5)

backpressure actual value (9)

This space shows the current backpressure measured through the pressure sensor of the injection unit.
If the machine is also equipped with a manometer for showing backpressure, the reading shown on the
manometer differs by approximately+ 6 ... 7 bar in comparison to the actual value on the plasticising page.
This difference is as a result of hydraulic conditions and the correct value is what is shown on the
plasticising page!

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Map Ian - 55 -

Injection Unit/Backpressure Regulation:

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Maplan - 56 -

input spaces on the backpressure regulation page:
You can access the backpressure regulation page with the Fl function key.

backpressure regulation OFF/ON (Oil) (10)

Generally activating the backpressure controller. If it is deactivated, backpressure is regulated through the
pump curve and the proportional cards (standard).

delay (11)
When the plasticising process commences, it registers the first movement of the injection unit and this is
how the way measuring value is stored. The controller is activated as soon as the delay value (0,0 ... 9,9 mm)
is reached starting from this value. Backpressure is not regulated before reaching this delay value. This
function prevents the controllers from "running away" if the strip tears (an the material feed is interrupted).

regulating parameters (12)

You may define the regulating parameters differently for three backpressure ranges:
0 ... 7 bar
8 ... 12 bar
13 ... 40bar

You may set the following values for each range:

Kp (P) proportional amplification range 0,0 ... 127,9
Tn (I) reset time range 0,0 ... 327,0
Tv (D) reserve time range 0,0 ... 327,0

(These values are already pre-set)

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Maplan Curemaster:

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Maplan - 58 -

3. 8. Block 3: lniection Unit/MAPLAN CUREMASTER
(additional function)

The curemaster machine software evens out fluctuations in process conditions and batch differences by
shortening or extending curetime.

It takes the following into consideration:

Material temperature, filling phase, mould temperature and batch characteristics

The curemaster option requires a central PC with the Windows program Curemaster Zentral 1.0 that
calculates heating time computing data, that are known as masterfields, for elastomer machines based upon
process, mixture and mould data.

You may find a description of the Curemaster Zentral PC, how it is started up, the hardware and software
requirements, how to install the software earthed plug, mean-led software installation and a description of
the functions of the Maplan Cu remaster (control generation 4) in the annex under the CUREMASTER

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Heater/Temperature Graphic:

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3.9. Block 4: Heater/Temperature Graphic
This page gives you a graph with an overview of the temperature state of the individual zones. Each of the
zones is illustrated in the following fashion:

A blue triangle (1) designates the set target value, a yellow bar (2) designates the current actual value and
two grey triangles define the upper and lower tolerance limit (3).

Furthermore, the current state of the zone is shown above the graph in a little rectangular symbol (4).

:!!!!!:I heating cooling with medium adapt zone
ii electricity alarm soft start 1',1'.i;i/'d plausibility alarm
cooling Zone deactivated

If one of these symbol is flashing, the tolerance alarm is active.

The abbreviations for the temperature zones can be made on the configuration page with F2 temperatnre.
You can switch to zones 9-16 with~ soft key and to zones 16-24 with@.


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Heater/Temperature Targeted Value:

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 ©Maplan - 62 -

3.10. Block 4: Heater/Temperature Targeted Values
Two pages are available here showing 12 temperature zones each. You may establish the target value (1)
and tolerance limit (2) for each temperature zone and the current actual value (3) and status of the zone (4)
are shown.

~ heating cooling with medium !li¥il!:J adopt zone
~ electricity alarm soft start ~ plausibility alarm

cooling ,;,-XJ Zone deactivated

If one of these symbol is flashing, the tolerance alarm is active.

lnputting the setpoint value !10"" causes deactivation of the respective temperature zone,

The text and the position of the individual temperature zones can be established in system configuration
for each user.

The machine is equipped with automatic.temperature limitation devices that limit the maximum
temperature for each heating zone to 280° C (or 536°F).

If a sensor is connected in a temperature zone, the sensor break alarm is shown and the corresponding zone
is switched off. ,,xxxxx" is shown in the zone with a closed sensor instead of the actual value.
Furthermore, it can only be tempered if PID values are entered for each heating zone that are not equal to 0.
Furthermore, the machine is equipped with plausibility monitoring to check the existence of the temperature

A heating zone is operated for this at 100% heating output over an undefined period. If the sensor does not
show any temperature rise during this time, the plausibility alarm is triggered.
For instance, the plausibility alarm sounds if a temperature sensor for the mould was not mounted in the
You have to switch the heater OFF/ON to acknowledge thP /1~&1 plausibility alarm (ALARM:
heating current monitoring on the alarm index page) after correcting the cause of the fault.

If heating zones are operated with very long dead times (for instance, the temperature sensor in the
mould), we recommend that you also use a control sensor on the hot plate to prevent excessive
temperature rise on the heating zone (non-standard).

The machine has a soft start function for heating zones with heating rods. This means that the heating zones
are operated at a lower heating output for a pre-set time after switching on (the symbol in the status
display). This has the purpose of ensuring a longer service life for the heating elements. The soft start
function is activated when the temperature is below 100° C (or 212° F) with hot plates.
Zones with heater bands, tempering devices and refrigerating units do not have a soft start function

The maximum permissible operating temperature with standard insulating plates is 210° C (or 410° F).
It is necessary to provide special insulating plates at higher operating temperatures (max. 250° C or
482° F).

If yam input authorisation is at least level 3 (the level for password configuration) you may also define the
@ropriate regulating parameters for each temperatme zone. Also select the page for PID parameters with

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PID Parameters:

Plausiblement control:

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3.10.1. PID Parameters
You may either enter PID parameters manually or start automatic adaptation by selecting (1 ). In this
case, you should be sure that the target value is at least 70° (or 126° F) greater than the current actual value.
Furthermore, in order to avoid faulty measurements, you should ensure that automatic adaptation is only
started when the complete machine (mould and the fixed and moveable plate, etc.) is at temperature (if the
machine is cold, heat up approximately 3 hours).

With adaptation, switch the zone to heating and then switch back to cooling. The PID value is automatically
calculated for the appropriate temperature zone during this process and it is then automatically entered in
the appropriate space. Furthermore, the status symbol ~ (2) is shown during adaptation. It is no longer
necessary to give the working point, although the input space is still available for reasons of compatibility.
This should be set to 0.

The status of adaptation is shown as a number next to the status symbol li!iiil. The individual numbers have
the following meaning:
0 waiting for sufficiently great target value
1 calculating initial temperature and initialising
2 heater ou while calculating the inflectional tangent
3 switching off or cooling: calculating the inflectional tangent
4 calculating the maximum after switching off every time
7 calculating the parameters & scanning time
8 with the 3-point controller: calculating the cooling parameters
10 adaptation finished correctly.
20 fault in adaptation. Switch off adaptation and restart later

The following experimental values may be used for manual input of PIO parameters:

zone: .I'. I _Q
hot plates 4000 2200 22
material draw-in 3000 1200 32
cylinder, pot, tool temp. 4300 2000 52

The working point is set to O.

) By selecting the FS button "Plausibility", you get a window for setting the plausibility moni1oring (3) for
the individual temperature mnes.

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Heat Electricity Monitoring

Temperature offset

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Map Ian - 66 -

3.10.2. Heat Electricity Monitoring
You can get to the heating current monitoring page from the targeted temperature page by pressing ~ if
you have the level 3 input authorisation.

As a rule, the current for the fixed and moveable hot plate is monitored with the 20A or 50A current
transformer (depending upon the heat output).
One zone is measured for 1 sec. every 200 seconds (3) and compared with the settings.
The targeted electricity values are entered for every phase for every monitored zone on the heating current
monitoring page (1).
"Teach in"(4): Automatic determination oflhc power setpoint values for the individual temperature zones.
The fourth column defines a tolerance value that triggers the ~ heating current monitoring alarm every
time it goes above it or below it (2).
The absolute value of this tolerance value is subtracted from the target value or added to it.
For instance, at a tolerance of 1A and a target value of 16 A, the actual value can be b~tween 15 and 17 A
without triggering an alarm.
The heating current alarm is sel back again after the main alann has been acknowledged and if power
consumption is within the tolerance limits after the next measurement.

Please proceed in the following fashion if heating current monitoring is used with additional heating zones
and if the heating current has to be changed frequently (i.e., when moulds are changed):

• the first possibility

the current flowing across the additional heating zone when the mould is heated up is measured with
an amperemeter in all 3 phases (3 x2 phases with 3-zone regulation) and entered in the LI, L2 and L3
columns of the measured zone (1).
establish the tolerance (l-2A) (skilled personnel)

• the second possibility

press the contact of the additional heating zone when the heater is switched off (refer to 3 .11 Heater,
Timer) and read power consumption on the display (3) and then enter the values in the columns.
establish the tolerance (1-2A) (skilled personnel)

• 3'J possibility:
By pressing the "Z 1, Z2 .... " bmtons (5) the power measuring of the respective zone is activated.

3.10.3. Temperature Offset

If you have level 3 input authorisation, meaning the level for password configuration,~u may define an
offset value for every temperature sensor. Select the page for temperature offset with L!:J.

An offset is used for adjusting the temperature sensor.

The TEMPERA TUR OFFSET page shows all temperature zones with the zone number (1 ), the short zone
designation (2), the current actual value (3) and the offset of the zone presently set (4).

In order to change the offset value of a temperature zone, first enter the number of the temperature zone in
space (5), adjustthe offset value in 1/10° steps with the l/il & Ill! buttons. You may only adjust to+/-
10 ° C (+/- 18 °F). r:
For example:
The actual value of temperature zone I is I O too low and is corrected with offset:
Enter number 1 on the TEMPERA TUR OFFSET page in offset zone (5).
Move the cursor to the l/il button
Press the Q:J key ten times to increase offset by 1°.
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3.10.4. Additional Functions
a) additional temperature regulation zones
Additional temperature regulation zones are available as an option since many customers require mould
heating or three-zone regulation on the hot plates.
If more than 8 zones are required, an additional AT660 temperature module is required on slot l 0A4.

b) heating current monitoring additional heating zones

If additional temperature regulation zones are used, heating current monitoring is also possible in these
If more than 8 zones are required, an additional AT660 temperature module is required on slot I 0A4.

c) Solid State Relay

The heating zones are generally wired with I-phase or 3-phase contacts.

Since the service life of the electromagnetically operated contacts is limited,

solid state relays are used at the customer's request.

If solid state relays are installed in the machine, a 3-phase heater contact is connected in series with the
solid state relays to guarantee complete physical separation of consumers from the network.

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- 70 -
3.11. Block 4: Heater/Timer
You can have the machine heated up automatically to the set targeted temperature with the timer parameter
page before commencing production. There are three functions available. You may generally switch the
heater on or off (1 ). If the heater is switched on, you may generally switch the timer on or off (2). And, if
the timer is switched on, you may define two switching points from - to (3) for every day of the week and
switch the day of the week on or off separately (4).

For example: You wish to switch the heater on every Monday from 4 o'clock in the morning until
Saturday at 6 o'clock in the morning:
Switch the heater on and the timer on. Also switch the days Monday through Friday on.
Now define the following under the day of the week:
Monday, the first space from/to with 4 to 24,
Tuesday through Friday from/to with O to 24 and
Saturday from/to with O to 6

When the timer switches the heater on, the refrigerating unit (or any temperature unit) is switched to
permanent cooling (120 min.) for ON delay (5) while the heater bands (material draw-in, stockfeeder) stay
switched off.
When you manually switch on the heater (1 ), ON delay is not active.

If the heater is switched off through the timer or manually, the refrigerating unit (or any temperature unit)
runs on for the OFF delay period (6) (to keep the material from curing in the injection area).

The emergency cooling function (7) is nonnally used with cold runners.

You may switch on an automatic cooling function with this function that becomes active if the machine is
in demoulding time longer than the set emergency cooling time (8).

When time is set to "O", it switches to emergency cooling when demoulding time is two times cycle time

None of the settings on this page are stored in the machine parameter record because they are independent
of the product.
( !

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Standard Functions


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3.12. Block 5: Functions/Standard Functions
3.12.1. Introduction
You may switch the basic standard functions of the machine on or off with this page or parameter the times
and pressures.
Furthermore, you may select two different machine modes with the injection moulding or OMI functions
(1) with the enter button.

3.12.2. Iniection Moulding

Injection moulding means that the machine clamps the mould, builds up the clamp pressure and then injects
the material into the clamped mould.

3.12.3. Injection Embossing

With OMI, the machine clamps to the set embossing gap (3) and the material is injected into the open
mould. Then the mould clamps with clamp pressure distributing the material into the cavity (or cavities).
You may specify the time for completing clamping and building up clamp pressure in the embossing time
space (2).
You do not have to change the cycle sequence to switch between OMI and injection moulding. Clamp
pressure is automatically built up with OM! after injection or with injection moulding before injection.

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Standard Functions:


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3.12.4. FullyAutomatic Function
The folly automatic fonction (1) allows you to switch the machine into fully automatic operation. This
means that the next automatic cycle is started immediately after ending the cycle. It is not necessary to press
the cycle start key. This is used, for example, when manual demoulding is not necessary with ejection
devices or brushes often used with horizontal machines.

3.12.5. Vacuum
The vacuum pump is included in the software in the basic option of PC 4000 and it can generally be
switched ON/OFF on the standard functions page (2). The vacuum pump is switched on with the embossing
gap mould position (3), clamp pressure delay runs before building up clamp pressure if delay times have
been entered (4), or injection delay before injecting (5). You may decide which of the two delays you
would like to use.

The vacuum pump switches with injection moulding at the end of the second holding pressure and with
OM! at the end of building up the clamp pressure out again if vacuum time (6) has not yet been defined. If a
vacuum time has been defined, the vacuum pump runs for the set time.

• vacuum time = 0

This corresponds to the standard function taking injection delay and clamp pressure delay into consideration. The end
of vacuum with the end of injection or clamp pressure.


vacuum pump ON

• vacuum thne > 0

If a value is entered with the time vacuum pump input space that is not equal to 0, it starts with the timer for vacuum
time when the vacuum pump is switched on. After this time, the vacuum pump is switched off.


vacuum pump 0


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Standard Functions:

"'inject ion
injection volume: 1500 ccm
volume 1: 1000 ccm
volume 2: 300 ccm
Bumping stroke:



Holding press. 1+2

1+2 Injection time

Inject ion t ir.-.e I nJect ion time

without with
Bumping Bumping

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Maplan - 76 -

3.12.6. Raise Iniection Unit
You may move the injection unit back by the relative position (at the set speed or pressure) with the raise
injection unit function (1). It waits the delay period before this movement is carried out.

The raise injection unit step is available for this function in cycle configuration. You may freely insert this
step in cycle configuration. This is normally used after injection (BEFORE plasticising) or after curing
(AFTER plasticising).(also refer to injection unit/injection)

If the raise injection unit step is inserted after the curing cycle step, material decompression is replaced with
raise injection unit. This means that standard decompression defined through the material decompression
time on the plasticising page is not effective. Instead of this function, the injection unit is nm back by the
path value at the set speed and pressure.

3.12. 7. Bumping
This function is used to prevent air inclusion and gases in the mould (in the material).
There are two different types of bumping available:
bumping during curetime (2) and bumping during injection (3).
You may decide which one you would like to use.

You have to set the appropriate delay time, a bumping number and a bumping stroke ( 4) for bumping
during curetime.
For instance, when you set delay time to 2.0 sand the bumping number to 2, this means that the machine
waits 2.0 s after holding pressure 2, carries out the first bumping stroke, clamps and waits 2.0 s again
afterwards and then it carries out the second bumping stroke.

You may define two different volumes in bumping during injection of which one bumping stroke is carried
out with the pre-set bumping stroke. Material decompression is done at the injection unit with every
bumping stroke.

For instance, when you set an injection volume of 1,500 ccm, volume 1 to 1,000 ccm, volume 2 to 300 ccm
and the bumping stroke to 3 mm, this means that it will inject after 500 ccm, the injection process will be
interrupted, the mould opened on the bumping stroke (5) and clamped again under clamp pressure.

Then, 700 ccm will be injected and the second bumping stroke is carried out. The remaining 300 ccm are
injected as normal into the mould area.

Please ensure that the injection time is increased with the bumping injection function (refer to diagram).

In general, you may define how long the mould is supposed to stay open with bumping both with bumping
during curing and with bumping during the injection process with clamp pressure delay time (refer to
3 .12.5).

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- 78 -
3.12.8. Additional Functions

a) opening the mould

At the customer's request, the mould cau not only be opened with the clamping unit (12), but also pressed
open with the ejectors.

required hardware
You have to use an additional YMEl valve triggered simultaneously with the ejector valves to relieve the
fast run cylinder pressing in the mould with the ejector.

You may now select five different functions in the opening the mould space.
opening the mould with:
• the clamping unit
corresponding to Maplan machine standard
• ejector on the injector side
the ejector on the injector side is used to press the mould after mould decompression. When the
ejector is moved out, the mould opens automatically
• ejector on the clamping side
this functions like the ejector on the injector side, although it is pressed on the clamping side with
the ejector.
• ejector on the clamping side
this functions like the ejector on the injector side, it is pressed with the ejector on the clamping side.
• ejector on the injector side and ejector on the clamping side
the ejector on the injector side is triggered first to press the mould, and then the ejector on the
clamping side is triggered to press the mould after mould decompression.
After the ejector is moved out, the mould opens automatically.
• ejector on the clamping side and ejector on the injector side
this functions like the ejector on the injector side and ejector on the clamping side, although the
ejector on the clamping side is moved out first, and then the ejector on the injector side is moved

Mould opening with the ejectors is not important for cycle configuration. However, the ejectors have to be
separately moved for clamping (with the exception of suppressing the ejector)
-=tt8n 4.10. Additional Functions/Suppress Ejector

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Standard Functions/Transfer Parameter

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 ©Maplan - 80 -

b) transferring

required hardware

If switching is supposed to be done pressure-dependant when transferring, the injecting moulding machine
has to be equipped with a pressure sensor for clamp pressure.
If the system pressure is greater than 230 bar, a separate YTR valve has to be used with a pressure reducer
for injecting (in the transfer pot). This valve is standard equipment on the valve block with modular
machines or machines that are greater than 500 t.

activating the transfer function

You can get into the transfer parameter window (1) through the standard function page with the @ transfer
param key and select the function of transferring with Ql in the selection window (injection moulding,
OMI, transferring) (2).

You can define the initial position for transferring in the embossing gap input space. The embossing gap is ,,,,
removed from the set mould-closed point, that is then the initial position for transferring.

Then ca11 up the input page with the Fl key - transfer parameters.

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Transfer Function:

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Transfer Function

You can enter the following things with this function:

5 transfer times (1)

5 transfer pressures (2)

5 pressure pre-select stages (3)

5 speed pre-select stages (4)

The text selection space ,,continue to switch pressnre 0/1" (5).

The inpnt space ,,miu. transfer position" (6)
The display field for current clamp pressure (7).

When the machine was clamped to the embossing gap, the press is clamped with the first transfer stage at
the pre-selected speed (select speed) and the pre-selected pressure (select pressure).
If a pressure sensor is connected, the current clamp pressure(= transfer pressure) is displayed.

The continue to switch with pressure function is switched off. - standard function.
It is only switched to the next transfer stage until the set time expires.
After reaching the fifth stage, the transferring process is concluded.

The continue to switch with pressure function is switched on. only in connection with pressure
It is only switched to the next transfer stage until the set time expires or when the set pressure is reached
(continue to switch pressure input space).
After reaching the fifth stage, the transferring process is concluded.
To ensure proper functioning, the continue to switch pressure has to be less than the select pressure.

Plasticising and injection in connection with transferring.

If it goes below the "minimum transfer position" during the transferring process with the clamping unit,
material is added and injected in the next cycle.
If it does not go below the "minimum transfer position", the next cycle is started into the transfer pot
without injection, meaning that the injection volume is not required for the initial position.

parameter input

Select the appropriate input space with the cursor and enter the parameters.
Confirm all inputs with >ENTER<.
The following input limits are specified:

time: times from 0-99.9 sec may be selected.

quantities: input values from 0-100.0% will be accepted.
pressure: inputs of0-230 bar will be accepted (system pressure).

Minimum transfer position is given in mm.

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Raising Jet

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c) nozzle uncouple:

The complete injection unit (injection cylinder, the pot with the jet) is raised to keep the material from
curing in the jet. This function is generally offered with machines with a worm piston injection unit,
although it is also available at request on an FIFO injection unit.

required hardware:

The required equipment is additional interlinked hydraulic equipment with a pressure reducing valve and
docking cylinder. The valve designation docking/disengaging is YIF/YIB. The jet has to be equipped with
a thread. Furthermore, 3 limit switches are required for the docked, raised and cleaning position.
An additional key is mounted for docking/raising injection unit on the control panel.


You get into the nozzle uncouple space with the F3 function key in block 5 standard functions (1).
Here you have 3 different possible selections and one delay time (2):

This corresponds to the Maplan standard design (FIFO) and can also be selected for
machines with a worm piston injection unit.

The injection unit rises to the disengaged position to the docked position after the injection
process (the end of the second holding pressure) and delay time. After the plasticising
delay, the injection unit docks again and the injection unit stays docked after adding
material to the end of the next injection process.

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The injection unit raises to the disengaged position from the docked position after
plasticising and delay time. It docks before the injection process in the next cycle.

delay (3):

The time between the last cycle step and nozzle uncouple

Cycle configuration does not have to be changed with any of the 3 settings and the YIF valve ( docking) is
simultaneously triggered with the injection process.
Therefore, the docking pressure (hydraulically limited with the pressure reducing valve) corresponds to the
injection pressure, keeping material from escaping on the side of the jet.

function in manual operation

The movement conditions for injection/plasticising are injection unit docked or injection unit in cleaning


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3.13. Block 5: Functions/Options

3.13.1. Introduction
The option overview is laid out like an index page where the options that are actually on the machine
appear in graphic form. This means that these two option symbols are visible on the option page if you have
a machine with an ejector on the injection side (1) and clamping side (2). Select one of the symbols with the
cursor and press the Q] key to display the con-esponding parameters for each option.
The following information is always on the option page.

The mode of option (3):

• manual operation
• automatic operation
• manual in automatic

For instance, whether the ejector is only operated in manual operation, whether it runs in automatic
operation in accordance with the cycle configuration or whether it is operated in manual in automatic
mode. The latter means that the ejector only runs in automatic cycle when you have pressed the pre-select
button on the control panel.

You may take an ejector from automatic operation at any time by switching the mode from automatic to
manual operation and it is not necessary to change the cycle configuration for this. The final condition has
to be given (for instance, ejector moved in)

Furthermore, speed (4) and pressure specifications (5) are usually set in an option page and the positions for
moved in and moved out or switchpoints for fast and slow if there is corresponding way measuring (6) for
this option.
There are the following options available:

• hydraulic ejector fixed/moving plate, central ejector with/without way measuring

• external ejector I, 2 with/without way measuring
• auxiliary cylinder A, B (hydraulic, pneumatic)
• brushing module I, 2 with/without frequency converter
• stockfeeder
• hot plate shift with/without slow switch-over (shuttle)
• hot plate change with/without slow switch-over (shuttle)
• middle plate shift (7 different moulds)

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Ejector on the Injector Side

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- 90 -
3.13.2. Eiector on the Clamping Side and on the Iniector Side

Ejectors are generally required on machines that are run with 3- or multiple-component moulds (also cold
runner) or to do or relieve demoulding.
Ejectors are also required with middle plate shifts and mould pressing.
~ Block Functions/Standard
There is also the possibility of closing with the clamping unit with the ejector outside.
~ Section 4.10. Suppress Ejector


Ejectors are always hydraulically operated, although on TOP machines there is the possibility of
mechanically moving the ejector on the clamping side.
It is automatically moved in during the clamping process due the ejector's own weight
(and the mould component mounted on it).

The final positions are reached either with way measuring (4 positions, 2 speeds, I pressure) (1) or with
limit switches/initiators (2 positions, 1 speeds, I pressure) (2) with an ejector operated hydraulically.

cycle confignration and valve designation:

ejector on the clamping side forward YME
ejector on the clamping side return YMR
ejector on the injection side forward YFE
ejector on the injection side return YFR

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Central Ejector:

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- 92 -
3.13.3. Central Eiector
The central ejector can be triggered both hydraulically and pneumatically and the final conditions can be
both path-dependant (2) and also time controlled (1) with pneumatically operated central ejectors.

cycle confignration and valve designation:

central ejector forward YCE
central ejector return YCR

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External Ejectors 1 and 2

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3.13.4. External Eiector 1, 2

External ejectors are usually used for demoulding or ejecting with machines with middle plate shifts or hot
plate change.


The final position with external ejector 1 is either queried with way measuring (4 positions, 2 speeds, 1
pressure) (1) or with limit switches/initiators (2 positions, 1 speed, 1 pressure).
Limit switches/initiators (2 positions, 1 speed, 1 pressure) (2) are used with external ejector 2. The
movement of external ejector I generally begins with fast speed, from the move in slowly position.
When moving in (or out), the speed is reduced to slow ( or move out slowly).

cycle configuration: and valve designation:

external ejector 1 forward YEEO
external ejector I return YEE!
external ejector 2 forward YEE02
external ejector 2 return YEE! 2

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Auxiliary Cylinders A and B

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3.13.5. Auxiliary Cylinders A, B

Auxiliary cylinders are usually used with moulds with core pullers, for demoulding or ejecting


The final position with auxiliary cylinder A (hydraulic cylinder) is queried with limit switches/initiators
(4 positions, 2 speed, I pressure) (1).
Limit switches/initiators is used with auxiliary cylinder B, although it is not possible to select pressure/
speed since this is a pneumatic cylinder (2).

cycle configuration: and valve designation

auxiliary cylinder A forward YAAO
auxiliary cylinder A return YAAI
auxiliary cylinder B forward YABO
- auxiliary cylinder B return YABI


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Middle Plate Shift

Brushing Module

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- 98 -
3.13.6. Brushing Modules 1, 2

A number of machines (generally horizontal machines) are equipped with a brushing system to ensure fully
automatic operation, i.e. independent demoulding. Brushes are also used with middle plate systems to
remove parts, sprues or impurities on the plates (refer to middle plate systems).
The position of the brush is recognised with limit switches (brush swayed in - switches output card for
clamping, opener, etc.) and with reed contacts (brush position mould underside, brush position mould upper
side, brush moved out).

Brushes can be triggered pneumatically or electrically through a frequency converter.

However, we should generally differentiate between whether the brush is mounted on a middle plate shift or
horizontal machine.
• with a pneumatic brush, the speed can be quickly set through a throttle, although the direction of
rotation cannot be changed between switching the brush on and off. However, it is possible to
differentiate with middle plate systems whether it is supposed to be brushed when moving the middle
plate in and/or out (1).

• both the speed (2) and direction of rotation (5) can be specified with a brush with an FU-controlled
electrical motor.


There are two brushes (3) each of which can be switched separately ON/OFF on the option page.
Furthermore, you can define under brushing cycle how often the mould should be brushed.
Up to 9 cycles are possible (4).
If the brush is triggered with a frequency converter.,_rou may select either upwards brushes or downwards
brushes under ,,brush einf." or ,,brush ausf." using l::!.I (5).
The brush speed can be entered between Oand 100% (2).
When the mould is open, the brushing cycle may start.
Other conditions of movement are customised (for instance, behind the ejector brushes)

cycle configuration: and valve designation:

-brush I YBII move in brush 1

YBOl move out brush 1
YBM 1 brush motor I
YBLI brush block

-brush 2 YBI2 move in brush 2

YBO2 move out brush 2
YBM2 brush motor 2
YBL2 brush block

-brush 1+2

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3.13. 7. Stockfeeder

Stockfeeder is used to process materials that cannot be processed through normal band draw-in (for
instance, silicone rubber). The stockfeeder mainly consists of a hydraulically operated piston that the
material is pressed into the plasticiser cylinder during the plasticising process. Furthermore, there is the
possibility of electrically heating the stockfeeder.

The function of the stockfeeder:

You may switch on the stockfeeder in the block of options on the stockfeeder page (1).
You may also set the quantity and pressure for manual operation of stockfeeder (2).
The YSFI valve (move in stockfeeder) is triggered during the plasticising process. The toothed wheel pump
of the stockfeeder supplies the quantity of oil for this movement.
The pressure is quickly set to the motor's rated current and is between 170 and 200 bar.

If the stockfeeder empty initiator is reached during the plasticising process, the material feed alarm is
triggered and the stockfeeder has to be moved back completely for refilling. After closing the stockfeeder, it
has to be moved in to the stockfeeder start position again. The YSFF and YSFI valves are operates when
moving it in in manual operation, while the YSFF and YSFO valves are triggered to move it out and the
pressure and quantity are triggered through the regulating pump (input through visualisation).

cycle configuration and valve designation:

does not have to additionally defined YSFO move out stockfeeder
YSFI move in stockfeeder
YSFF stockfeeder fast

a) vacuum function for stockfeeder:

(additional function)

After filling the stockfeeder, it is moved to the stockfeeder start position. When plasticising is started (based
upon stockfeeder start initiator), the stockfeeder is evacuated during the set delay time (3). After the delay
time expires (ON delay plasticising), plasticising is done and pressed with the stockfeeder. After a short
period of time, the vacuum drill hole is reached. After the OFF delay expires (4) (OFF delay vacuum
pump), the vacuum is switched off. It is activated by the input > 0 of the corresponding delay time on the
stockfeeder side.

A pneumatic valve switches the vacuum so that the function can be used both on the stockfeeder and in the

b) the function ofliquid silicone:

(additional function)

Liquid silicone operation can be switched on in the block of options on the stockfeeder page (5). Here, it is
important to note that mechanical, hydraulic and electrical precautions are taken that have to be clarified
with Maplan first.
Two non-return valves and an additional YMD valve are mounted on the injection unit that compensate for
the weight of the injection unit. Furthermore, spol seals have to be mounted on the hydromotor and valve
seats for silicone/liquid silicone. The valve shaft is also designed to be shorter.
The silicone pump is also connected at the output of the stockfeeder and is only active in plasticising, with
the exception of the ramp at the end of the process.

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Hot Plate Shift/Shuttle

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Maplan - 102 -

3.13.8. Hot Plate Shift/Shuttle

In general, we differentiate between a 70% and 100% hot plate shift and the difference is in the depth of
reach. The safety gate (SG) has to be opened or the light shield (LV) has to be interrupted so that the hot
plate can be moved out of the machine on the front side.

Furthermore, we speak of a 100% hot plate shift (shuttle) when the hot plate does not interrupt the
LV/SG. This movement is carried out within the machine, although the hot plate moves out of the side of
the machine (the hot plate is within the safety circuit in every status)
It is driven either with a hydromotor (toothed rack/chain drive) or a cylinder.


After opening the mould, the hot plate is moved out of the machine for demoulding.
If the there is an ejector on the machine, it has to be moved out first.
Other movement conditions are for specific customers.

When the cycle is started again, the hot plate is moved into the machine again and the lateral and rear SG
has to be clamped.

• 70% and 100% hot plate shift:

The positions of the hot plates (moving in, moving out, moving in slowly, moving out slowly) are
monitored with initiators mounted below the hot plates (at 70% hot plate shift).
The moved in position is queried in series with 2 initiators mounted on the front.

• 100% hot plate shift (shuttle):

All 4 positions (moving in, moving out, moving in slowly, moving out slowly) are queried with
initiators mounted on the side.

The hot plate is moved in and out with the unsafe hydraulic page (YS is not switched) with a 70% and
100% hot plate shift, where the SG or L V have to be interrupted.

cycle configuration: and valve designation

move out hot plate YSO
move in hot plate YSI

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Maplan - 103 -

Hot Plate Change/Shuttle


•in ·

.·Work ing cond .• .

· 100.0 X 50 :-:
20.0 %.


PC 4000 plus e v 1 .3 © Maplan - 104 -

3.13.9. Hot Plate Change/Shuttle

Hot plate change corresponds to a 100% hot plate shift (shuttle), however two hot plates alternately in
the machine are used instead of one hot plate. This means that the mould consists of a upper part of the
mould and two lower parts of the mould.
This system makes it possible to demould or insert parts outside of the machine while curing is done in the
The benefit is in the shorter total cycle time (the demoulding time is no longer necessary) and it is driven
with a hydromotor (chain drive).


After opening the mould, the hot plates are run into the other final position for demoulding.
All 4 positions (moving in, moving out, moving in slowly, moving out slowly) are queried with initiators.
If there is an ejector on the machine, it has to be moved out first.
Since it is necessary to have a defined mould open point with a hot plate change, some machines are
additionally equipped with a limit switch on the clamping unit.
The condition of ,,mould open" is only reached when the limit switch has been pressed and the current
way measuring value has also reached the mould open point.

The condition of hot plate OK is met when:

- the hot plate is run in or
- the hot plate is run out

Other motion conditions are specific to the customer.

When the press is closed again ( clamp pressure built up), the corresponding safety gate can be
automatically opened or the light shield interrupted and the plate in the demoulding station can be

cycle configuration and valve designation:

change hot plate YSI

2. Iniection Volume

If hot plate shift (two lower pa11s of the mould) is used, it is possible to enter the injection volume for the
second plate on the injection page. If only one plate is used, the second injection volume has to be set to 0.

injection volume 1 injection volume 2 speed



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3.13.10. Middle Plate Shift System
a) Introduction

A middle plate is generally a middle mould part that can be shifted manually or hydraulically depending
upon the mode. Two middle plates are used with some systems. This system allows demoulding or inserting
parts outside of the machine while curing is done in the mould.

The mode of the middle plate is established when the machine is delivered depending upon the machine

The following standard equipment is available:

-middle plate shift

-middle plate change in the machine

-middle plate change in the demoulding station

- hydraulic frame change

- manual frame change

- hydraulic frame shift

- manual frame shift

machines with limit switches for the mould open point

Since a defined mould open point is required with a middle plate (also refer to hot plate change/shuttle),
some machines is also equipped with a limit switch on the clamping unit.
The condition of ,,mould open" is only reached when the limit switch has been pressed and the current way
measuring value has also reached the mould open point.

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Middle Plate Shift System:

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- 108 -
Position and speed profile of the middle plate

In general, the middle plate can be mounted on the moveable or fixed ejector and this has to be established
before the machine is delivered.
The position of the middle plate is established with initiators/limit switches (depending upon the system).
A 2-stage speed profile (1) can be set with pressure (2) with a hydraulically operated middle plate shift
In general, the movement starts at slow speed to the initiator (moving in or out slowly) and then switches to
slow speed by the final position.
If the movement is interrupted before the final position is reached, the middle plate can only be run with the
slow speed to the final position.

Sh utile with .meed co11troller

The movement of the shuttle is electrical with a speed control !er.

On the page ,,options" ·· ,,shuttle" the speed can be put in from O···· l 00 11/i,.

machines with additional safety gate

The corresponding safety gate can be opened with various demoulding positions (for instance, mode frame
change) in automatic operation.
The steps of open safety gate and rear open safety gate have to be inserted immediately before curing.
The corresponding safety gate is opened after injection or bumping. When demoulding is completed, the
safety gate can be closed again with the cycle start key.
If the safety gate is not yet closed when the heating time expires, the curetime alarm is triggered.
It is not possible to automatically close the safety gate at the end of the heating time.

The condition of moving allowed

The condition of moving allowed is met with machines equipped with an initiator for the correct ejector
position to ensure that the middle plate moves in reliably:

moving allowed = mould opened + initiator moving allowed

Furthermore, none of the plates may be in the same groove when moving in the middle plate (only with a
multiple plate system).

various iniection volume

If a middle plate system with two different middle plates is used, the volume for the second plate can be
defined on the injection page.

In order to be able to start an automatic cycle, there has to be the injection volume for the
conesponding middle mould part.
Here we differentiate between changing the middle plate before or after injection ( cycle

If two plate systems are operated with only one plate, the corresponding plate has to be given with the plate
selection field (3) and the second injection volume on the injection page has to be set to 0.

brushing function (4)

If the machine is equipped with a brushing device, the brush can be switched on when moving in or
moving out middle plate or whe nmoving the middle plate in and out (also refer to options/brushing
module I, 2)

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Middle Plate Shift System:

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Setting operation

lf the key switch is switched on the operation paneL all additional movements can be moved
without locking on hand mode.

This fltnction should support the build in and dismantle of the mould!

Following conditions arc for this movement necessary:

emergcny stop
motor run
safoty curcuit closed

lhis operation kiud damaging of tile mould is possible!
Choose 1111 appropriate small pressure 1111d speed!
Avoid ,,blind" movements on the m11chiue

plate selection field (1)

Machines with ,,middle plate change in the machine" or ,,middle plate change in the
demoulding station" can only be operated with a middle plate.

The cycle configuration may have to be changed here.
For instance, the move in the middle plate step and move out the middle plate step has to be used instead
of change middle plate.

The plate selection field allows the following modes:

- moving with plate I
- moving with plate 2
- moving with both plates

The ejector can be moved into position with the aid of this space when installing the middle plate. If plate
,, I + 2" are selected, you may only switch between the shifting positions.

the plate difference input space (2)

This is only possible with middle plate change in the machine and middle plate change in the demoulding

This designates the mean distance between the receptacle grooves in the demoulding station or machine
( ejector).
This input value helps you to calculate the correct position for the demoulding station or ejector in plate
change. 1,

This input value is pre-set when the machine is delivered.

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Middle Plate Shift

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b) middle plate shift
In contrast to other middle plate systems, this middle plate shift can be made inactive (1).
When the function is switched off, a safety indication appears on the display that says that an additional
input has to be laid for +24V to ensure that it is not unintentionally switched off to prevent damage to the
Middle plate shift uses one middle mould part. At the start of the cycle, the middle plate is pushed into the
receptacle groove on the ejector and the ejector is moved in afterwards.
Before the mould clamps, the sled is moved out to the waiting position.
After mould clamped, injection, ... opening the mould, the sled is moved in from the waiting position and
the ejector is moved out.
Now the middle plate is moved out to the removal position and an external ejector does demoulding outside
of the machine.

cycle configuration: and valve designation:

- move in the middle plate YFSI
- move out middle plate YFSO

The condition of middle plate OK

The condition of middle plate OK is met when:

- the middle plate is moved in or
- the middle plate is moved to the waiting position or
- the middle plate is moved out and there is manual operation

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Middle Plate Change in the Machine:

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c) middle plate change in the machine
Middle plate change uses two middle mould parts.
When the cycle is started, the middle plate in the demoulding station is pushed into the free receptacle
groove on the ejector that has been moved out.
Afterwards, the ejector is positioned on the other plate and the plate is moved out to the demoulding station
with the finished articles.
Before the mould clamps, the ejector is moved in.

cycle configuration: valve designation

-change middle plate YFSI

operating with only one plate:

-move in the middle plate
-move out the middle plate

The cycle configuration mentioned above has to be changed here.
For instance, the move in the middle plate step and move out the middle plate step may have to be used
instead of the change middle plate cycle step.

The plate selection field allows the following modes (1):

- moving with plate 1
- moving with plate 2
- moving with both plates

The ejector can be moved into position with the aid of this space when installing the middle plate. You can
only change between the shifting positions when selecting plate 1 + 2.

The condition of middle plate OK

The condition of middle plate OK is met when:

- one ejector groove occupied and another plate is in the demoulding station

one-plate operation

The functions of middle plate shift apply in operation if the plate selection field is set to ,,1" or ,,2",.

If only one plate is used, the second injection volume has to be set to 0.
If two plate systems are operated with only one plate, it is necessary to give the corresponding plate with
the plate selection field (1)

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·• Middle Plate Change in the Demoulding Station

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- 116 -
\ d) middle plate change in the demoulding station

Middle plate change uses two middle mould parts.

It is not necessary to have hydraulic cylinder with way measuring for the vertical movement in the
demoulding station.

The empty sled in the demoulding station is pushed into the opened machine with plate change. Afterwards,
the ejector is moved out and the plate is drawn from the machine with the finished articles.
Now the empty plate in the demoulding station is brought to the height of the ejector and drawn into the

cycle configuration: and valve designation:

-change middle plate YFSJ
operation with only one plate:

-move in the middle plate

-move out the middle plate

The condition of middle plate OK

The condition of middle plate OK is met when:

one demoulding station is occupied and the other plate in the machine

one-plate operation

If two plate systems are operated with only one plate, the corresponding plate has to be given with the plate
selection field (1). If only one plate is used, the second injection volume has to be set to 0.

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Hydraulic Frame Change:

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e) hydraulic frame change

After opening the mould and moving out the ejector, the move frame is moved into the other final position
for demoulding.

If the press is clamped again, the corresponding safety gate can be automatically opened and the plate in the
demoulding station can be demoulded.

The move frame is mounted on the ejector.

cycle configuration: and valve designation:

-change frame YFSI

one-plate operation

If change frame is inserted into cycle configuration, the injection volume can be entered for the second
plate on the injection page. If only one plate is used, the second injection volume has to be set to 0.

The condition of middle plate OK

The condition of middle plate OK is met when:

- the move frame moved in or
- move frame moved out

0 manual frame change


After opening the mould and moving out the ejector, the move frame is manually brought into the other
final position for demoulding.
The move frame is mounted on the ejector.
It is moved in manual operation to the plate in the machine.

cycle configuration

nothing required.

The condition o(middle plate OK

The condition of middle plate OK is met when:

- the move frame is moved in or
- the move frame is moved out

one-plate operation

If only one plate is used, the second injection volume has to be set to 0.

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Hydraulic Frame Shift:

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- 120 -
g) hydraulic frame shift


After opening the mould and moving out the ejector, the move frame is moved out of the machine for
The move frame is mounted on the ejector.

The move frame is moved into the machine again with another cycle start.

cycle configuration: and valve designation:

-move the frame in YFSI
-move the frame out YFSO

The condition of middle plate OK

The condition of middle plate OK is met when:

the move frame is moved in.

h) manual frame shift


After opening the mould and moving out the ejector, the move frame is drawn manually out of the machine
for demoulding.
The move frame is mounted on the ejector.

The move frame has to be pushed into the machine manually before starting the cycle again.

cycle configuration

nothing required.

The condition of middle plate OK Ii

The condition of middle plate OK is met when:
- the move frame moved in.


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Cycle/Initial Position

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3.14. cycle/initial position
There has to be an initial position (basic setting) to switch the machine from manual to automatic operation.
If any conditions are not met, they are shown on this page in RED and conditions met are shown in
GREEN. This page is divided into two groups. The upper area is for the machine (1) and the lower area is
for options (2). You can only see options presently on your machine. If the basic setting is met, all
conditions are shown in GREEN and the basic setting lamp is illuminated on the control panel.

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Cycle Configuration

Cycle Sequence

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3.15. Block 6: Cycle/Cycle Sequence

3.15.1. Introduction
You can see the current machine cycle on this page (1) and the active cycle step is marked with a red

If you wish to change the machine cycle, you have to first enter the corresponding code. Then you can enter
cycle configuration with the@.soft key (2),

You see a list of the available steps on the left-hand side of the cycle configuration page (3) and a list of the
current cycle sequence is shown on the right (4).
You may highlight where a new cycle step should be removed and added by positioning the red triangle (5)
on the left with Fl and F2 and on the right with F7 and FS (when you press the~ key). You can delete the
current step on the right with ~-

When you have appropriately configured your cycle, press the Ill key and confirm the accept cycle
configuration query with yes ~ or no @.

3.15.2. Minimum Configuration

The following steps always have to be configured:

mould clamped
opening the mould
end of the cycle

The last cycle step always has to be the end of the cycle.

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Cycle Graph:

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3.15.3. Cycle Graph


Maplan makes it easier to put together your cycle on machines with parallel hydraulic movements (at least
2 hydraulic pumps with a maximum of3 parallel movements) by allowing you to switch between TEXT
and GRAPIDC in block 10 under configuration with cycle sequence. If you choose TEXT, you receive the
Maplan standard setting for the cycle configuration in the text mould.

The cycle configuration page shows a graph of the current steps of the cycle sequence. The cycle may
contain up to 50 steps (99 parallel movements) that are carried out from right to left based upon their
sequencing. The first row of the graph shows the current main cycle of the cycle and the parallel cycles are
shown below.


The PC user can switch a display mode (1) with Fl. This cycle step is blue and the cycle step selected is
shown as a text. You can check the entire cycle sequence with the cursor both as a graph and in the text
Parallel movements are shown in the lower rows.
If no key or if Fl is pressed repeatedly within 10 sec., the display mode switches itself off.
If the machine is running, the current cycle step is shown in green.

You can switch into the editor mode (2) with F3 to define an automatic cycle (authorisation: input level 2).
You may insert an existing cycle step with F4 by selecting the desired step with the cursor and confirm with
enter (3).
You may define a free space with FS and delete it again with F6.
You may insert the synchronisation step with F7, that has to be inserted after each parallel chain.
When the new cycle sequence is finished, you may exit the editor mode with F8 and store the new sequence
with F3 (no) and F6 (yes).

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The buttons F6 and F9 are only visible ifparallcl hydraulics is available on the machine,

At first set up the cycles main steps, After that put the cursor one line below the step where the
parallel movement should be added, hit the F9 key for parallel cycle l and add the step the same
way as the main step (select step with F LF2 keys and bit F4 to inser1)
The step will be indicated as paralkl step by showing a l in front of the step,
Use the same procedure for a second parallel step,
Use the F6 key to return to the main steps,
The example in the screenshot above is showing both fixed and moving ejectors moving parallel
to the mould closing /opening steps,

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3.16. Block 7: Diagnosis/Alarms
The alaim page provides an overview of all machine alarms. All of the alarms set that have not been
acknowledged are show a flashing red triangle (1). Alarms already acknowledged that are still active have a
red triangle.

In order to acknowledge an alarm, you have to first of all eliminate the cause of the alarm and then press the
acknowledge alarm button. There is help information (2) for every alarm with an exact description of the
alarm and what you have to do to eliminate the alarm. To show this information, move the cursor over the
corresponding question mark left of the alarm text and press the 0 key. You can exit the help text with the
Ill key.
3.16. 1. Alarm Protocol
You get to the alarm protocol from the alarm page with the@ soft key. Every alarm on the machine is
recorded in this file with the date and time ai1d set and acknowledged (3). When the list has 1,000 entries, it
recopies into a backup file, meaning you always have a current and an old list. The old list can also be
shown on the screen (4).

You can tum the page forward in the lists with the~ soft key or back with the [El soft key. You can print

out the list on the printer with the@key and you can copy the list on a diskette with the ~I soft key.

3.16.2. Malfunction Display for Refrigerating and Tempering

If the machine is equipped with a display for malfunctions in the refrigerating cycle (transparent orange
selection switch for injection on the control panel), problems are shown by the switch constantly being

The following defective functions are indicated:

The refrigerating nnits

• the oil level in the refrigerating unit has dropped below the permissible value (plant 40-K4)
• the motor circuit breaker of the refrigerating units has tripped (plant 40-Q4)

With tempering devices

• the interference contact of the tempering device is closed (internal error message of the tempering
• the motor circuit breaker of the tempering device has tripped (plants 49-Q3, 49-Q6, ... )

Error messages are only displayed when the heater is switched on.

Any malfunction shall be repaired immediately to maintain the necessary refrigeration of the injection unit.

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3,16,3, Fault di§pjavjj,r IPC cooling device LED DISPLAY

The gTccn LED (3) indica1cs readiness for operation after imposition of the voltage supply.
The red LED (4) indicates by a steady light, on the one hand, that the interior temperature is too high,
and, on the other, by a Hashing light that there is a high pressme alarm in the cooling circuit.

ln the second case, the device must be reset manually by pressing the rubberised potentiometer
display (5) for 3 seconds.


Because the rear face of the cooling device is in most cases inaccessible and cannot be seen, and
therefore a fault in the cooling device cannot be recognised, or will be identified too late, a signal
generator (horn) is additionally wired via the floating (potential-free) fault notification contacts 3/4.

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3.16.4. Alarm Index
(1) alarm: EMERGENCY off

cause: emergency-off pressed

actions: unlock emergency-off

(2) alarm: cycle time

production data

cause: the machine cycle is greater than set cycle time monitoring

actions: change cycle time monitoring on the production data page

Fl injection

cause: injection process takes longer than the set injection time control

actions: check injection parameters and increase injection time control

(4) alarm: curetime

F 1 injection Standard

cause: the machine cannot be opened after the curetime because ventilating is not completed
(functions), raise injection unit or plasticising

actions: check the times or check ventilating eye Jes

(5) alarm: close guard

cause: the electrical monitoring of the hydraulic close guard valve trips.
The safety gate is open, however the actuator for the S l safety switch is still locked (broken off)

actions: check the wiring, check the YS valve for proper functioning and check the safety switch (S 1)
If it is ok., switch the control mechanism on/off

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(6) alarm: safety gate strips

cause: the safety gate encounters resistance during the clamping movement

actions: remove the obstruction and check the strip

(7) alarm: safety gate

cause: safety gate is not closed or closes too slowly. The monitoring input of the safety gate is active.

actions: close the doors and check the limit switches and wiring. Close the rear SG


cause: the mould protection time is exceeded

actions: check the mould and increase the mould protection speed, mould protection pressure or the
mould protection time

(9) alarm: min. mould height


cause: the mould is too low. The achial value of the clamping unit has exceeded minimum mould
installation height

actions: use the intermediate plate and check way measuring (min. H. = 15 mm)

initial position

cause: the time specified for automatically moving into the initial position was exceeded. It goes
through the steps from opening the mould when pressing the initial position keys. This is not
plasticising and often the cause for this alann.

actions: create the initial position in manual operation (usually plasticising)

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Temp. target values

cause: one or several temperature zones are outside of the tolerance. Is there a plausibility alarm for a

actions: check tolerance, the cooling medium is too hot, check the sensor that is not yet heated up

(12) alarm: sensor break

Temp. target values

cause: the temperature sensor is defective or the terminal is loose

actions: check the sensor and wiring


cause: the timer switches off the heater while the machine is rutming

actions: change the times on the timer or switch off the timer


cause: The heating current monitoring system of one temperature zone tripped. The corresponding zone
is marked on the temperature side with this I IA) I symbol

actions: check temperature zones

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(15) alarm: emergency cooling

production data timer

cause: emergency cooling function active. demoulding time= two times the cycle time monitoring

actions: switch off emergency cooling, increase the emergency cooling time

(16) alarm: hydraulic pump

cause: the motor runs signal is missing

actions: check star triangle start-up, overload guard check

(17) alarm: heating time regulator

cause: the calculated heating time is out of limit

actions: check the actual temperatures and "heating time regulation"-parameter

(18) alarm: oil temperature

cause: too high

actions: cool off or change oil, check the heat exchanger and add water

(19) alarm: oil filter

cause: soiled

actions: change filter

(20) alarm: oil level

cause: too low

actions: refill oil and check for leaks

(21) alarm: light shield

cause: LV interrupted with movement

actions: remove obstructions from the LV, clean LV if necessary and realign

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(22) alarm: battery

cause: battery in the program memory of the CPU is empty

actions: replace battery NOT switching off the machine because parts of the program could be lost

(23) alarm: machine servicing

alarms Fl, servicing

cause: past the service interval

actions: do service, F 1 service

(24) alarm: material feed


cause: the rubber strip is torn

actions: add new strip and increase band draw-in monitoring

(25) alarm: number of pieces reached

production data

cause: specified number of pieces is reached

actions: delete piece counter or switch off switch-off when number of pieces reached

(26) alarm: door injection unit

cause: door injection unit is open during the injection process

actions: close the door injection unit

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- 144 -
injection graphic/transfer curves

cause: it exceeded or fell below the set cover curve with the injection process

actions: check the cover curve, switch off the alann or change the injection parameters


cause: SPC value is outside of the tolerance range

actions: change the tolerance or switch off the alarm

(29) alarm: SPC Zentral PC

cause: SPC value is outside of the tolerance range

actions: change the tolerance or switch off the alarm

(30) Stock feeder switch:

cause :This alarm appears if the function ,,stock feeder" is switched on and the control of the
stock feeder switches have respond by open or close of the stock feeder!

actions: Immediate action check switch 33Sl and 33S2.

Alarm off is possible if stock feeder is open.

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Machine Service

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3.16.5. Additional Functions
a) machine service
You may show machine service with the [ii;] soft key. Machine servicing or the service alann is broken
down into three different service intervals:

• one-time servicing after 1,000 hours (h)

• periodical servicing after 500 hours (h)
• periodical servicing after 3,000 hours (h)

The time in hours in which the nexttime servicing has to be done is shown left of the service text.

The service alarm is the only alarm that can only be acknowledged on this page (1). After servicing is done,
switch the machine on, change to this page and acknowledge the service alarm. Acknowledging the alarms
is only possible a short period after switching on the machine and you require the password and the code for
access level 3 (system configuration).

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Maplan Diagnosis


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J 3.17. Block 7: Diagnosis/Map/an Diagnosis
3.17.1. Introduction
The MAPLAN DIAGNOSTIC help function is on this page and it makes it easy for the machine operator
to locate defects in order to prevent downtimes. The MAPLAN DIAGNOSTIC function is simply and
clearly structured and easy to operate. If you have problems with the machine (for instance, you select a
movement and nothing happens), you only have to press the DJ hot key.

You receive a page where the current movement (1) and the corresponding conditions are shown.

RED condition: not met / movement: final condition met

GREEN condition: met/ movement: final condition not met

Normally, only green conditions are supposed to be shown. Jfyou get red conditions with a movement,
these conditions are not met and therefore the movement cannot be carried out. If all of the conditions are
I\ green and only the movement is red, this means that the final condition is met.

The second stage ofMAPLAN DIAGNOSTIC allows you to select the W symbol (3) for the conditions (2)
with QJ and l:'.J. You may open up a help page as well where you get information on the condition and you
receive proposals for immediate actions and potential defects. It also shows the necessary electrical diagram
numbers for troubleshooting.

The third s~e ofMAPLAN DIAGNOSTIC also allows you open up a help page on the current movement.
Select the l1J symbol (4) on the movement with~ and press 0.

There may also not be any movement on the machine in spite of conditions being met. In this case, this
page provides help by giving you information on the current movement, immediate actions and potential
errors including the corresponding electrical diagrams.

In order to open the help page, you have to show the movement or condition so that appropriate text is

For example:

You select "ejector on the clamping side in front" on the control panel and you do not get movement on the
ejector: w.

The DJ diagnosis page: the condition of mould open is RED.

Open the mould or, if it is already open, correct the target value of the way measuring on the open
the mould page.
(The mould open limit switch ca,mot be operated with hot plate change, middle plate systems. You
receive this information when you select the W symbol before the condition with the cursor.

You select "move out the sliding plate" and do not receive any movement in the sliding plate:

The DJ diagnosis page: all conditions are GREEN.

Select the movement space with the cursor Wand press Q].
You receive a description of potential errors, for instance quantity and pressure not set.

You can switch over the protocol list with FS (5).

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Maplan Diagnosis

parameter protocol list

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3.17.2. Parallel Step Chain
If the machine has parallel hydraulic equipment, you can change to parallel step with F2 and you get back
to the main step chain with Fl (1).

3.17.3. Parameter Protocol

This is where all of the inputs changed on the machine are stored.
The date and time, the new value, the parameter and password are entered (2).

You can move the cursor up and down with Fl/F2, print out the protocol list with F7 and store it on the
diskette with F8.

You generally cannot delete the protocol list. The protocol list is stored after 1,000 entries and you can
inspect it with the old protocol list button (3).

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3.18. Block 8: SPC/SPC
(additional function)

3.18.1. Introduction
SPC are used for regular monitoring and documentation of the quality of the parts. Therefore, they always
answer the question:


How can SPC answer this question?

What do injection pressure, mould temperature, etc. have to do with a good part?
Applications technology and quality assurance have the job of establishing the interrelations between
process parameters and good parts.

For instance, the applications technician establishes that the parts produced are OK if the mould
temperature 170 ± I degree.
The mould temperature(= quality of the parts) is monitored and documented with an SPC.

Of course, in reality the interrelations are more complex, although the basic principle remains the same:
We can check and document the quality of the parts by the proven interrelation between process parameters
and the quality of the parts (this is the job of applications technology) by using process parameter SPC's.

There are two index pages for working with SPC's:

To view regular (active) or archived (stored) cards.

selecting parameters: (a precise explanation will follow)

This is used for configuring the SPC. It defines what signal is recorded and what limits and alarm
evaluations are supposed to be used.

You see the following information on the index page of the SPC:

• the status (1 ), green • card is active, grey • card is not active.

• you see what signal is recorded by this card (2).
• furthermore, it shows whether the tolerance alarm or the is active (3).

You may select whether you get all parameters with a smaller graph (4) or only a few parameters with a
large graph (5).
You can switch to the SPC archive with the [2iJ function key by automatically storing every SPC.

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SPC/Parameter View:

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3.18.2. SPC Parameter View

If you select on the index page, the screen shows a little graph with all of the SPC parameters.

There are the following buttons on the SPC.

START (1) accept new parameters, restart the SPC or stop the SPC
ARCHIVE (2) stores the current status of the card in the archive.
GRAPHIC (3) changes to the GRAPHIC display (some parameters, a large graph with 300
ABS/REL (4) switching view from absolute to relative and back

All of the other spaces are output fields:

number of measur~ments (5) size of random sample (cycle number)
interval of measurements (6) length of pause (cycle number)
scope of measurements (7) the number of means recorded in this card. The maximum is 5,000.
When the scope of measurements is reached, a new card is archived
and started.

AUTOCALC (8) the limits of interference are recalculated from n >50 after every random
CALC (8) the limits of interference are calculated once at n = 50.
--------- (8) the limits of interference are not calculated.

EG Al. (9) interference alarm selection

Toi.Al (10) tolerance alarm selection

status: is running/finished (11) the current card status: is running= values are being recorded and
finished= card is not recording any values.

an explanation of parameters:

X last random sample mean

x mean of the means
n number of individual values
nx number of means recorded
;:) xMax largest recorded individual value
xMin smallest recorded individual value
OTGx upper tolerance limit mean
UTGx lowest tolerance limit mean
Soll target value
s standard deviation of the last random sample
s mean of the random sample standard deviation
OEGs upper standard deviation of limit of interference
OEGx upper limit of interference mean
UEGx lower limit of interference mean
0 overall basic standard deviation ;-l
fp relative process scattering H
Cp process capability index
Cpk critical process capability index

You can change the graph scaling with the Ciill function key and you can check the scaling with the test
function, reject changes with the cancel function and accept the change with the OK function.

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SPC archive




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3.18.3. SPC Graph
When you select on the index page, it shows a large graph with the parameters of standard deviation,
mean, date and time. You can move a ruler over the graph at varying speed with the (!u ___ [iii soft keys. You
can change to the PARAMETER display with the Param button.

3.18.4. Fl -SPC Archive

You can call up the SPC archive from the SPC index with the Fl function key and it contains a menu with 3
potential functions.
• SPC archive (1): This function is used to load an SPC from the archive and show it on the screen. You
can switch back and forth between SPC parameter and SPC graph. Furthermore, you can export this
SPC into an ASCII file.
• Export delete (2): This function is used to simultaneously export several SPC into ASCII files or to
delete several SPC simultaneously. You may also copy exported files onto a diskette or onto a zip drive
if available.
• pack database (3): This function removes all records from the database that are marked to be deleted in
the database and creates a new index file

Note: You can only start this Junction if there is not any active SPC's and the motor is switched off.

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SPC archive

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a) SPC archive
The same view is used here as with a running SPC, although the data are loaded from the SPC archive. This
function allows you to inspect SPC's no longer active on the machine. The meaning of the spaces is
identical with the SPC in the parameter view.

The GRAPHIC button (1) changes to the GRAPHIC display (some parameters and a large graph
with 300 means), ABS/REL (2) switches the view back and forth between absolute and relative.

You may use the LOADING button (3) to get the SPC index (table of contents) (4). Select an SPC with the
CSR and load the card by pressing the~ function key.

Note: You can delete the card selected with the CSR by pressing the@Junction key.

You can export the loaded SPC into an ASCII file (C!il function key). You can show the ASCII file on the
screen with l:!il key and yon can delete ASCII file with the~ function key while you can print it out with
F7 and copy it to diskette with FS.

Exporting an SPC into an ASCII file:


Signal name
Test spots: 0 Test break: 0 Test cycle: 0
Recording 1~80-01-01 00:00:00 - 1980-01-01 00:00:00
Product name
Mould number
Part number
Material number
Batch number
Add. identification
PC user

Statistical processdata
Nom. 0 UTL x 0 LTL x 0
0 x Max 0 x Min 0
0.000 LCL x 0.000 UCL s 0.000
0.000 X99 0.000 59 0.000
0.000 Cp: 0.000 Cpk: 0.000

Average value Stand. deviation Date/Time


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b) Export delete
This page enables you to edit several SPC's simultaneously (exporting or deleting).

The screen is broken down into 5 areas:

• The uppermost (1) area shows you statistics from the oldest to the most recent card stored in the archive.

• The second area is used for SPC selection. This is where you can establish what SPC's are affected by
the test, list, export and delete functions. You could say that you define a filter to restrict the selection.
You do this by establishing two criteria (2,3) in a from- to range. If you do not define anything in the
FROM range, all of the cards are included in the selection. Jfyou only define FROM, the TO space will
be set to the same value, meaning only cards will be included in the selection exactly corresponding to

• In the third area, you establish how the cards are exp01ted or how many text files are supposed to be
made. Export mode (4) means only statistics and only the statistic information on the SPC is
transfonned into a text file. Complete export mode statistics and all means and standard deviation with a
time and date stamp.
• The ASCII files space (5) file name(s) offers you the following functions:

• I file with an internal name (SPC.RXP).

• I file per SPC with an internal name (the name is formed from the start, date and a consecutive
• 1 file and the user specifies the file name
• I file per card and the user specifies the file name.

• ln the fourth area (6), you trigger the function:

it checks how many SPC's are affected by your selection.

• ,,list" is the same function as test, although the view is in list form

• ,,export" the SPC's selected are exported into area 3 in accordance with the settings
while the export files are stored on the hard disc

• ,,delete" the SPC's affected by your selection are deleted from the archive (with the
exception of active cards, that cannot be deleted)

Note: The SPC's are hig!tlighted in tfte database as deleted and only actually deleted
w!ten packaging tfte database.

Note: We recommend tftat you cfteck !tow many SPC's are affected by tfte selection before deleting or
exporting (with the test or list function).

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 ©Maplan - 161 -

Packing Database:

With the ftmcti on "compr>ess <lat~ah~xse.11 all eY'a,S:ei'.1_ l"f.H.:.:or>ds

ui l l be removed from tJie database an<l a ne1,,1 .index will he

!! ! This fund.ion can only be a.ctiva.te<l when no Sl'C

cha.rt,s is acti.u and when the motor is. :ir,t,opped.

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Maplan - 162 -

• You can show the table of contents of the hard disc, the diskette and the zip drive (if available) in the
lowest area (7). It only shows the area where the export files and you can turn the page in the table of
contents with the [a, @ function keys.
You may delete data with the file selection and you can copy the files on the diskette or zip drive (if
available) in the table of contents of the hard disc.
File selection also accepts the symbols:
? corresponding to any symbol at this point
* corresponding to any number of symbols.

c) Packing:
With database packing, all deleted records are removed from the database and new index files are created.

If there are errors storing or loading SPC's,you can clteck the database witlt tlte DB RESCUE software,
create new indexes and copy incomplete inputs in a damaged database onto a new database (tltere is a
description in the annex)

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SPC/Selecting Parameters:

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- 164 -
3.19. Block 8: SPC/Selecting Parameters
(additional function)
3.19.1. Introduction
In order to be able to work with SPC, you have to first establish the SPC parameters. You can record a
maximum of 9 SPC's simultaneously. Please proceed in the following fashion to define the parameters of
3.19.2. Selecting
• Select a signal from the (1) signal list (move the CSR to the signal field and press the enter key,
which opens a list where you can select a wide variety of signals. You may select the corresponding
signal with the enter key).

• Define the target value (2), upper and lower tolerance limits (3), upper and lower limit of
interference for the mean (4) and the upper limit of interference for standard deviation (5) for the
signal selected.

• Establish whether system is supposed to automaticaH~,_5alculate the limits of interference or

whether the values you give are supposed to be used !~'i'~"!!il (6). If it is supposed to automatically
calculate, you may select one-time iiim and always [JO .
• Furthermore, you have to select the alarm evaluation for the tolerance and interference alarm (7) .

no evaluation

machine alarm

~ rejects

stop after the end of the cycle

stop immediately

• The values for number, interval and scope establish how the card is recorded (8).
The value of number defines how many measuring samples are compiled into one mean and you
may enter a number between 2 and 25. The interval parameter establishes how many machines
cycles are not monitored (pause).
The scope of parameters defines the number of means stored in this card before the card is
archived. Then a new card is begun.
You may change these parameters at any time without having an influence on current SPC and the
parameters are only accepted on the card when starting the SPC.
Current (active) SPC's are shown with a green number (9).

3.19.3. SPC start

You can start all cards simultaneously with the EJ function key. You may also statt SPC's individually by
branching to the S PC index page and selecting the corresponding card there. When you have the
appropriate SPC in the parameter view on the screen, trigger the start button. You may then start a card
when the following parameters have been defined: a signal has to be selected, the measuring number has to
be between 2 and 25 and the scope of measurement has to be > 0.

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SPC/Injection Graphic:

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- 166 -
3.20. Block 8: SPC/lniection Graphic
(additional function)

3.20.1. Index Graph

The 4 curves (injection pressure= RED, injection speed= YELLOW, injection performance= GREEN,
clamp pressure= BLUE) are shown on this page in a diagram (4). It records the last injection process and
calculates the injection work (7). These curves can be measured with a cursor (5) (a white line in the
diagram). The current value (=the value of the curve at the position of the cursor) is shown on the right

next to the button for changing the page (6). You can move the cursor over the curve with - Iii
lfll •. The current position of the cursors is shown in a space below the clamp pressure (8) the
curves of cycles can be superimposed or shown individually with F6.
You can branch to the individual pages with the INJECTION PRESSURE (1), INJECTION SPEED (2),
INJECTION Project (3) buttons or with ltJ.

3.20.2. Individual Graph

Three of the curves can also be shown and measured individually and you can generate an cover curve (9)
on this page. Here, you have to established how large the correction is (10) (+/-value) and then you select
the NEW ENVELOPE CURVE button (11) to start forming the cover curve.

The cover curve is shown after it has been created. You can also correct the cover curve by placing the
cursor (the red triangle) on the OG and UG cover curve fields (14) and moving the measuring cursor (the

yellow line in the diagram) with - Ill lfll •. Enter the new cover curve values on the
corresponding position on the OG and UG cover curve fields (14).

Beyond this, you may define 2 alarm limits (13) (left and right). The cover curve is only evaluated between
these limits (15).

To shift these limits, move the cursor to the ALARM LIMIT space

and now you may shift the alarm limit by pressing the 0 key.

Move the cursor to the alarm selection field. You may select the alarm activated if a curve is outside of the
cover curve (12). You may select no evaluation, machine alarm, rejects, stop aller the end of the cycle
and stop immediately.

required hardware:

If you use the injection graphic function, there have to be pressure sensors mounted on the machine for
clamp pressure and injection pressure.
Fmthermore, the control mechanism has to have an additional AI350 analog input card (slot A6) for
evaluating the clamp pressure.

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Transfer Graph:

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3.21. Block 8: SPC/Transfer Graph
(additional function)
3.21.1. Description of the Functions
If you select transferring on the on the standard functions page, a graph of the transfer curves is shown
instead of the injection curves. This function allows a graphic analysis of the transferring process and
supports the machine set-up man in optimising the mould.
It begins recording at the second transfer stage and ends with the fifth stage. The first stage is used for
closing the mould from the set embossing gap to the first pressure rise(= beginning the transferring
process), providing a definition of recording.

3.21.2. Functions
All known functions of injection graphics are supported:
• the cover curve function
• setting alarms if cover curves are violated
• superimposed transfer curves

You have the following input spaces available for parametering:

The recording time (7) defines the time window for recording the transferring process. This time should be
longer than the transfer time.
The mould pot surface input space (8) gives the surface of the transfer potential and the transfer volume can
be calculated with this value.
The maximum transfer path (9) scales the graph to the path value that the clamping unit takes in the
transferring process.

The following parameters are shown on the transfer graph page:

transfer pressure = RED (1)

transfer speed= YELLOW (2)
transfer performance = GREEN (3)
the position of the transfer pot= BLUE (4)

transfer work (5)

transferred volume (6)

required hardware:

• an extended central unit

• a displacement sensor for a high precision clamping unit (0.005 111111 or 0.1 mm/s)
• pressure sensors for clamp pressure (it also required for switching the transfer stages dependant upon
• AI350 analog input module (slot A6)

There is certain equipment required due the high speeds and very short transfer paths:

• high path and speed resolution of the path measuring system

• fast and constant recording of sensor readings (scanning rate 10 ms cyclical")

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3.22. Block 9: Data Transfer/Printer
The printer side is used for parametering a printer and the LPTI parallel interface is used. The printer can
be used for parameter protocols (refer to block 7: alarms for the Alann Protocol)

3.22.1. Configuration Fields

mode: (1) OFF printer switched off
NORMAL printing with parameter text + value
OPTIMISED printing out table (values without a text)

goal: (2) PRfNTER it is printed out on the printer

FILE the data are written in a file that can be shown on the screen with@PRT

format: (3) ABSOLUTE -absolute values

RELATIVE -relative values

It is necessary to define the parameters of number, cycle interval (4) and den cycle scope (5) for printing

3.22.2. Print Out all Parameters

You can print out all parameters or write them in a file (depending upon the printing goal selected) with the
print out all parameters button (7). You have to set the mode to NORMAL. Print out selected parameters.

3.22.3. Print Out Selected Parameters

You only print out selected parameters with print out selected parameters (8) (also refer to print out all

3.22.4. F2 List
You can get information on all parameters with the 111.i!/1111 soft key (F2 list). You can turn the page in this
list with Im (FI - t) or !DIIII (F2 - -I,) and you can only print out a maximum of 32 parameters (6)
cyclically. If you only want to print out 3 parameters, for instance, set the rest of the input spaces to 0.

Only switch on the pressure Junction il a printer is really connected or delete the printing file ajler
completing production to prevent any problems with the hard disc memory.
By selecting the H F7" button (9) you change to the 'frcnd graph'' page.

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Screen Hardcopy

F3-PRT file

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3.22.5. Screen Hardcopy
You may select from 3 printers with the@ function key - printer type. This function is only necessary if
you make a screen hardcopy. Depending upon the printer type, it can be printed fast, with quality printing,
in landscape or portrait with 1 or 2 pictures per page in grey tones and colour, although the latter requires
up to 40 min.
You can sta1t the screen print-out by selecting the desired page and by pressing the !§l printer button.

3.22.6. F3 - PRT file

If you set the printing goal to file, it is printed out in a file shown with the G soft key.
You can turn the page in this file with l:!il@.

You can delete the file with II (FS),

You can print out the file with ~ (F7) and
You can copy the file to diskette with l!!llill (F8).
3.22. 7. Other Ways to Print
There are other pages that can be printed out.
They are
• alarm protocol (old/new list) (block 7, alarms)
• parameter protocol (old/new list) (block 7, diagnosis)
• ASCII file of the SPC (block 8, SPC)

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200.3 -09-15
T RE NDGR AP H 15: i5:51

,I !

3000 I
29 • Cure time
" ~

P()S, lHJ.

T RE ND6 R AP H 28- NOV-2003

Injec. countet- Date/T i me Injection time Plasticising time Total cycle ti

[ sec ] [ sec ] [ sec ]

2 2003-11-28 12:08:36 0.4 0.4 6

3 2003-11-28 12:08:46 0.7 0.7 7
4 2003-11-28 12:08:54 0.8 0.6 8
5 2003-11-28 12:09:04 0.5 0.5 'J
6 2003-11-28 12:09:12 0.8 0.8 8
7 2003-11-28 12:09:19 0.8 0.4 7
8 2003- 11- 28 12:09:27 0,4 0.7 8
9 2003-11-28 12:09: 36 0,8 0.4 6
10 2003-11-28 12: 09: 45 0.5 0.7 8
11 2003-11-28 12:09:54 0.8 0.8 8
12 2003- 11- 28 12:10:03 0.7 0.5 8
13 2003- 11- 28 12: 10: 11 0,4 0.8 7
14 2003-11-28 12: 10: 19 0.8 0.8 6
15 2003-11-28 12: 10: 27 0.4 0.4 8
16 2003-11-28 12: 10: 35 0.8 0.8 6
17 2003-11-28 12: 10:44 0.5 0.5 8
18 2003-11-28 12: 10: 52 0.6 0.8 7
19 2003- 11- 28 12: 11:01 0.7 0.7 8
20 2003-11-28 12: 11: 10 0.4 0.4 8
21 2003-11-28 12: 11: 18 0.8 0.8 6
22 2003-11-28 12: 11:26 0.8 0.4 7
23 2003-11-28 12: 11:33 0.8 0.8 6
24 2003-11-28 12: 11: 42 0. 8 0.5 7
25 2003-11-28 12: 11:52 0.5 0.6 9
26 2003-11-28 12:12:00 0.8 0.7 8
27 2003-11-28 12:12:09 0.4 0.4 9
28 2003-11-28 12:12:17 0.3 0.8 7
29 2003-11-28 12:12:24 0.7 0.8 6
30 2003-11-28 12:12:33 0,3 0.8 8
31 2003-11-28 12: 12:41 0.7 0.8 6
32 2003-11- 28 12: 12: 50 0.5 0.5 9
33 2003-11-28 12: 12: 59 0.5 0.8 8
lb 34 2003-11-28 12:13:08 0.7 0.4 8

t FJ. ... F2 F5-i,.v

i F? .,,,. FS
' ID

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Maplan - 174 -

Here the set parameters are represented as a graph,
With this, 3 different parameters can be monitored at the same time.

The representation is done one underneath the other and from lefr to right.
2000 cycles can be displayed.

-Tl,e value shown in blue (l) is used for inputting the parameter number.

-Tho value shown in yellow (2) shows the last-received value oftlw selected parameter.

-The value shown in red (3) gives the value which is measmed at the cursor position.
]11 the output field {4) below the trend grnph are clisplayed the current cursor position, shot counter, date and

Use the keys FI - F4 to move the cmsor.

With the F5 key you can alter lhe zoom factor (4 steps can be set) and with the F9 key you get the
pararneter list

The area lo the right of the trend graph (5) is used for scaling the size axis.
This is done either nautornaticaHy1! by pressing the button or 1 manually 11 by inputting the limit values.

With the F7 key (6) you can create an ASCll ex.port file and with F8 (7) it is displayed on the screen.

3. 22. 8.1 11"e11d graph - ASCJ! export

With FI and F2 you can page through the export file.

F5 is used for deletion and F7 prints out the file.

With F8 you have the possibility of saving the file to a diskette.

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Maplan - 175 -

Data Transfer/Archive

I.Ji -th the function Hr.:;nmpx•.eHs il.:d;abaae 0 al I ·the

ex•a.sed records ui 11 he remot,1ed from the
Remo'le deleted da-t.abase and a net<! index will be Henera·ted.
G) _ -~ecords. !t? Thi8 £'unction Pe.qui.res much oprrri:t·tin_g power
Gene:rate rie"- and should onl9 b-e acth,ated uh.en tlle motor is

Database List

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- 176 -
3.23. Block 9: Data Transfer/Archive
The archive page is used for deleting or copying production data.

If your machine has a zip drive, you may divert data export or import to the zip drive with the F3 function
key or switch it back to the diskette drive with the l!iJ
function key.

You may change directly to the data management page (block I) with F8.

3.23.1. Export to Diskette

You receive a Iist of the data records on the hard disc with the export to diskette function (1 ). Select the
appropriate data record and confirm with Ql.

This data record is copied to the diskette and this process can be carried out several times depending upon
how much memory space is available on the diskette.

Note: You have to use a blank formatted diskette for tltis process.

3.23.2. Import from Diskette

This function copies a data record of your choice from the diskette to the hard disc (2) so that it is the
opposite of export to diskette.

Note: Tltere ltas to be a diskette in the drive for this ftmction to work.

3.23.3. Deleting on the Hard Disc

This function highlights data records as deleted and they are no longer shown in the list (3). You have to
carry out the packing database function so that the memory space is available on the hard disc again.

3.23.4. Packaging the Database !.

This function actually deletes all data records highlighted as deleted (4) and an index file is created. This I!
function requires a great deal of computer space and may only be done when the motor is off. I!



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3.24. Block 10: Input Authorisation/CODE
Since a large number of parameters have to changed with an injecting moulding machine, the input spaces
are divided up into specific levels of access.

Level Ois the lowest level and it means that entering data is blocked. However, you may select each page to
see what target values the machine is working at the present.
You may also set back the shift counter and change the values on the customer page.

Level 1 is the level for entering data where you can change all nonnal machine data such as closing,
opening, injection and tempering, etc. You can also load data records.

You can also change the cycle configuration on Level 2 and save complete machine data records to the hard
disc through data management or transfer them from the hard disc to the diskette drive.

Level 3 is used for system configuration and issuing passwords. It is therefore the level you receive
authorisation on to enter the configuration page and data for such things as language, password and way

Level 4 is the Map Ian service level where the service technician can change the basic machine settings.

In order to receive access authorisation, you have to log onto the system with a password and then enter a

This is done on the index page by moving the cursor to the code space and pressing the B key. You then
receive a little window where you can enter your password and code.

You will only be issued access authorisation if you have entered the password and code correctly.

Since a different code is valid for every access level, you as user may define what users may change what
data on the machine.
You are issued a password (M A P L A N) and the following codes are defined when the machine is
delivered (offset to day and hour):

level I entering data: 50 50

level 2 cycle configuration: 00 00
level 3 system configuration: IO 10

Key switch is active on all 3 levels.

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This code consists of an offset that is added to the day and an offset added to the current hour

for instance offset for entering data 50 50

current date 20011023
current time 14:20:35

50 50
23 14
produces the following code ~7=3~.~=6=4

When you enter the password (for instance MAP LAN) and the code 7364, access authorisation is set to
; level 1 (entering data).

Note: Also refer to block 10: Input Autltorisation/Configuration

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Input Authorisation/Configuration

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- 182 -
3.25. Block 10: Input Authorisation/Configuration
You have system configuration in access level 3:

· Here you see the current setting for password (1), code (2) and key switch (3). You can get to this page with
the input authorisation configuration block and you can do the following settings. Furthermore, you can
read the current CPU program (Ml-ST200) and the current visualisation version (PC0l 1022) on the lower
edge of the screen (5).

3.25.1. Create a Password and Change the Code and Key Switch
Only the password (1) (user) MAPLAN is defined when the machine is delivered. You change it or create
new passwords (user). The number of users (4) has to be correspondingly changed.

machine when delivered you wish to create two names for yourself
number of users 1 (4) number of users 2
user name: user name:

You may define for levels 1 ... 3 whether the key switch has to be in position 0 or I (3).

for instance level I access authorisation is met when the key switch is in position 0 or I
level 2 access authorisation is issued when the key switch on position 1 (position 0 =
Furthermore, you may change offset for input authorisation (days and hour).
If the offset is set to 69 for the day, the code is inactive (any value may be entered). In this case, it is only
the key switch that is necessary for access authorisation.

setting when the machine is delivered:

If you unintentionally forgot your password or code or it is altered, you can request a diskette from
MAP LAN that sets your code system to the condition at delivery.

To make changes effective, you have to select the store code space (6) and press B
Furthermore, you can only undo changes after exiting this page with the new password and code.

PC 4000 plus e v 1.3 © Maplan - 183 -

Program Update

The funct i on "Pr-ogram update" i s: necessary to t::ike over the i nterna 1 machine para meters when you change
the version of the PLC-program.

To change the version, you have to do the following steps:

- Read this instruction up to the last point.
- Save your current machine parameterset on the harddisk.
(use Index page - menu "Data management - Save")

- Note down the position values of the injection unit and the clamp unit.
- Choose the function F3:SAVE on this page to store all internal machine
parameters on the harddisk,
- Turn off the machine (Remember to choose the menu "Pot~er dotm machine"
to store al l the PLC datas. J
- Change the application memory in the PLC-rack (Car-d A02), Attention, the app 1 ication memory
may only be changed when the power supply is switched off!! l ! ! !
- Turn on the machine :again and choose in this mask the function F6:LOAD, to 1 o:ad the
machine parameters from the h:arddisk :again,
- Load the m:ach i ne p:arameterset you saved before wi th the menu "Data man:agemen t - Load" ,
- Compare the position of the injection unit and the clamp unit with the previ ously noted
values. If the values are not identical, you have to adjust the way m1:t9suri ng,
(Menu point - Configuration - Way meas. adjust!),

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- 184 -
3.25.2. Program Update
The program update item on the menu is used for storing the machine's internal parameters (1). This item
on the menu should only be used if the program is replaced with another in the control mechanism (update).

Note: If you do not wish to change the version of the control mechanism, exit this input mask with the

If you wish to exchange the control program, follow the instructions on the PC.

Note: The user memory may only be exchanged when the power supply is switched off.

After you have loaded the machine's internal parameters from the hard disc, change to the item on the menu
of data management load@ and load the machine parameter record stored before. Check to see whether
the position of the injection and clamping unit agrees with the values noted ahead of time. If this is not the
case, you have to recalibrate way measuring again with the item on the menu of recalibrating way
measuring (F8).




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Setting the dynamic page change is done via huttou (5)

t'.\Jfrl.'.IJJ.?.. ;. Automatic stmiing of the alarm page if a new alarm occurs

Diagnosis: Automatic starting of the diagnosis page if a movernent cannot be carried out

J3utton selection: Page change to the appropriate confi.gnrntion page (or option page)
\vhen selecting the key for a movement

3.25.4. Material Consumption

Here you may established whether material consumption is supposed to be calculated in kilograms or
pounds (2).
You may find the material consumption display under ,,introduction - production data".

3.25.5. Cycle Sequence

Here you can select graphic or text cycle creation (3).
You can only see when it switches over ifthere are several parallel hydraulic movements on the machine,
making the cycle configuration in text mould unclear.
The cycle sequence is shown in text mould with machines without parallel movements.

3.25.6. Table of Contents

A zip drive may be defined for the existing C:\ drive.
Furthermore, you may select the letter that the drive is designated with (4).
(D:\ E:\ F:\ G:\)

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Configuration Customer Page

Configuration Temperature Page

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3.25. 7. Fl - Customer Page
You can configure the customer page with the~ soft key. There are eight normal-size parameters
available on the customer page or two parameters displayed or entered large.

You may established which parameter you use by entering the parameter number (in accordance with the
blue list (3)) (1).

Furthermore, you can establish the code level (0 - 3) (2) where the parameters can be changed on the
customer page.

no. CODE
for instance 1. 1 I fixed hot plate #]
2. 2 1 moveable hot plate #1
3. 32 0 injection volume #2

#1 The parameters of the targeted temperature fixed and moveable hot plate are shown on the customer
page. These target values can be changed in level 1.

#2 The third parameter is the injection volume and it can be changed at any time on level O (i.e.,
including code and password) (only on the customer page).

This makes it possible to release specific parameters for the machine operator while reserving the rest to the
machine set-up man.
3.25.8. F2 - Temperature Zones
You can call up a page for configuring your temperature zones with the [El function key establishing the
designation ( short text for the graphic index and the normal text for issuing the target value) for every
temperature zone (4).

Furthermore, you can define at what position (5) (line) the corresponding temperature zone is supposed to
appear on the temperature page. After ~u have defined this, store the definition with the ~ function key.
You may reject your changes with the~ function key and return to the original setting. You can restore
the factory definition of the machine with the@ function key, meaning that all zone designations are
deleted with the exception of the first 5 zones (standard heating zones).

3.25.9. F3/F5 -Switching the Language

You may switch the language with the@ ... @ soft keys.

The standard languages are German, English and French, but other languages can also be selected in
consultation with MAPLAN.

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Set Time

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- 190 -
3.25.10. F7 - Time Setting
You can open a window with the ~ soft key to change the system time of the PC.

You have to enter the date

in the format: year [1980 ... 2079] - month [1 ... 12] - days [1 ... 31]

and the time

in the format: hour [0 ... 23] - minnte [0 ... 59] - second [0 ... 59]

correctly and select the OK function. You can exit the window without changes by selecting cancel.

Note: Ifyou enter the incorrect date or time, this may impair the timer function.

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Way Measuring:

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3.25.11. F8- Way Measuring
a) Introduction

You can switch to the page for calibrating the displacement sensor with the~ soft key.
The spaces on this page have the following meaning:

• calibrating spaces: (1)

There was this error the last time the displacement sensor was calibrated ..

the following errors are possible:

0 ... no error
1... no displacement sensor on enable
2 ... maximum error time is to 0
3 ... error reset is set to 0
4 ... data module cannot be deleted
5... data module cannot be generated
6 ... data module cannot be burned

displacement sensor= 1
l 0 ... maxpath = 0 or Hub Spr. >= maximum path
11 ... maxdiff= 0

displacement sensor= 2
20 ... maxpath = 0 or Hub Sehl.>= maximum path
21... maxdiff = 0

displacement sensor= 3
30 ... maxpath = 0
3 l... maxdiff = 0

displacement sensor= 4
40 ... maxpath = 0
41... maxdiff = 0

• NC 303 status: (2)

status information on the way measuring card:
Bit O... fatal error displacement sensor 1
Bit !...fatal error displacement sensor 2
Bit 2 ... fatal error displacement sensor 3
Bit 3 ... fatal error displacement sensor 4

Bit 4 ... 6 reserves

Bit 7 ... fatal error digital, analog I/0
Bit 8... field clamp is missing
Bit 9 ... fatal error occurred
Bit 10 . .14 reserves
Bit 15 . .internat enable bit

• path meltsuring status: (3)

path measuring status-temporary status (OR) measurement missing, distance error, speed error:
Bit O... channel 1
Bit ! 2
Bit 2 ... channel 3
Bit 3 ... channel 4

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Way Measuring:

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• maximum error: (4)
number of errors until a e1rnr flag is set.
input value 2 or 3

• error reset: (5)

set back number of error-free measurements by one error flag.
input value 4 or 5

• offset: (6)
this allows you to shift the actual display+/-

• US-speed: (7)
entering the value printed on the way measuring rod.
the channel is switched off when O is entered.

• maximum path: (8)

stating the length of the rod for the plausibility test+ OFFSET

• maximum speed: (9)

this should be greater than the theoretically greatest speed on the machine.

• actual value: (10)

shows the current value of way measuring.

b) calibrating way measuring

Set the maximum error field and error reset to 3 or 5

Offset (6) has to be set to Oand the US-speed (7), the maximum path (8) and the maximum speed (9) has to
be correspondingly defined for every channel that has to be parametered.
Now the calibrating way measuring space has to be selected and it has to be reset from the control
Now read the cmTent actual value (10) and correct it in accordance with the actual position of the
displacement sensors through offset.

The settings for the displacement sensor are as follows:

• ejector, injection unit:

moved in, mechanical catch - value~ 0.5

• clamping unit:
The value displayed is calculated from the distance between the hot plates minus the
minimum mould installation height (can be seen from the documentation) plus 12 (safety value -
electrical switch-off if it falls below this value; refer to 3.16.3 alarm index).

Then select the calibrating way measuring space and reset it from the control mechanism.
important: :1''I
The distance of the magnet to the way measuring rod should not be any more than 1-2 mm, however they [J
may not touch one another. Furthermore, the magnet may no/fall below the marking of the minimum 11
position (way measuring range) on the way measuring rod. [1

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Switch Off the Machine

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3.26. Block 10: Input Authorisation/Switch Off the Machine
If the machine is switched off, the switch off the machine space (1) has to be confirmed with enter to
prevent data losses.
After the window for current data are secured is independently closed, you may change to the index page
with ESC and into MS-DOS (at least input authorisation 2) with F5.

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Additional Functions/Physical Quantities:

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4. Additional Functions

4.1. Entering Parameters in Physical Quantities

Speed and pressure inputs for all movements can be entered in physical quantities (mm/s, bar) at the
customer's request (1).

4.2. Manipulator /Handling/Euromap 12

A manipulator interface enables the customer to integrate a robot system into the machine (machine cycle).

The following contacts are available.

safety circuit/handling release (2 contacts)

emergency-off loop
release mould clamped/opened

safety circuit ofMaplan MIS (per 2 contacts)

safety circuit

Potential-free outputs (per I contact+ 1 contact 24V):

mould opened
automatic mechanism
ejector moved in ( clamping, injecting or central ejector)
ejector moved out (clamping, injecting or central ejector)
auxiliary cylinder moved in (auxiliary cylinder A, auxiliary cylinder B)
auxiliary cylinder moved out (auxiliary cylinder A, auxiliary cylinder B)

inputs for Map Ian M/S (per I contact):

mould clamped allowed
handling ready
4 spare inputs

Handling can work with the ejector on the injection or clamping side or central ejector and with auxiliary
cylinders A or B. The outputs have to be defined before delivering the machine.
The manipulator step is available in cycle configuration and it can be added to the chain of steps as the
customer requests.

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4.3. Modeni Reniote Service
If this option is available, the machine has been prepared in the factory for modem remote maintenance.
Establishing the conncclion is done by direct dialling from the service location (MA PLAN) to the machine.
The appropriate telephone number must be known to MAPLAN. Forwarding from a central switchboard
(no direct dialling) is not possible.

A tdcphonc line (analog) must be provided on the machine for the modem. The appropriate cables for
connGcting the modem to the machine are !ocated in the ma0hlne S\vicc.!iing ~abinet, For rcrno1c
maintenance of the B&R control the modem must be connected lo the cable inscribed "CPU". For renwte
maintenance of the visua!lsation unit the modem must be connected lo the cnb!e inscribed ''!PC''. For
transmission only the cncl<,scd modem can be used since this has been preconfigured by MA PLAN.

;\ telephone line (analog) has to be provided for the accompanying modem. The modem is connected to the
switcbbox with the supplied cable.
The switchbox is used for switching between !PC remote maintenance and B&R-control remote
Only the accompanying modem can be used for the transmission because a particular AT' configuration is
necessary. Similarly, the accompanying interface cable must be used without fail.
Jn generat a 2 nd telephone connection to the machine is advantageous.
4.3.1. PLC:.
J'his gives !he foHowing possibilities~
• Program update
• R.ead-out of variable values
• Read-out of the internal error log
• Reconfiguration or the machine settings
The transmission speed depends on the qna!ity of the c{mnection, Tnmsmis.sion of a complete project takes
about 20 ·" 40 minutes.

• Program update
Y Read-out of the internal error logs
;,. Fik trnnsmission (database, logs)

Conrn;l:t th('. ,;:nbk inscribed ''IPC to ihe rnodem and dose the visualisation so that you can start remote


The transmission speed depends on the quality of the connection. Transmission oh, complete program
update takes about 20 30 minutes.

4.3.2. I Installation o[the so/iware

installation of'l.hc sofhvare is dont: by rntans of the nsysh:m, Start, Keyb:, diskette. For this, Version 6.0 or
a more rcc,ent version of this diskette is r-:::qt.dreU,
Slarl the PC4000plus PC with the "System, Start, Keyb:' diskelte.
From the menu, choose th1:• lwrn RC-"sE·1 insi:nil the modem prognun files for rernotc access'·,

lfthe PC4000plus PC is started with the "System" Start. Keyh.'· diskette then ii is automnlically capable of
rcnwtc mnintcmmcc until the next restart' (as long as the relevant lrnrdv,'are is present and connected).

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4.4. USV Module

The USV is used to supply power to systems that cannot be connected directly to the 24 voltage because a
power failure would destroy data. The USV makes it possible to switch off the !PC safely without losing
data if the there is a power failure.
If there is a power failure, the IPC and the power supply of the B&R 2005 or 2010 will be fed from the
batteries of the USV.
The maximum charging current is limited to 800 mA.

The relay output of the USV is used to ensure that the !PC can be run down independently.
Therefore, the RS232 interface is used for configuring the USV.

network: The USV supply is with regulated 24V direct voltage
Please ensure that the minus of the network is connected with the minus of the load to
prevent potential problems.

load: The connection for !PC, the power supply of the control mechanism and contact for the
relay output.
maximum output current: 8A

battery: connecting the lead battery

relay output: Is used for switching off the IPC. It has to be fed from the load of the USV.

The U SV module is pre-programmed with the B&R configuration software V 1. 1.

Communication can be established between the laptop and the USV with an 8-pole null modem cable (the
PG programming cable) through a serial interface (RS232).

(' After a power failure, the relay output of the USV switches and this signal is read in on the digital input
card of the RPS.
After 4 min, the !PC is run down, unless the voltage is returned within this period of time.

If voltage is returned between 4 min and 4 min and 50 sec, the USV switches over to network operation
again and visualisation (that was ended after 4 min.) can be restarted by switching the key switch OFF/ON.
Visualisation is then loaded independently.

The USV switches off (regardless of whether there is network power or not) after 4 min and 50 sec.

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4.5. Light Shield, Scanner

The machine may be equipped with a light shield or scanner as a safety device instead of a manual or
pneumatic safety gate.
The benefit is in the fact that parts are demoulded faster and easier within the machine.
• the light shield (transmitter/receiver) is generally mounted on the operating side.
If a larger area is supposed to be secured with only one light shield
(for instance, hot plate shift), mirrors are mounted to divert the laser beam.
• A scanner is mostly used with machines with middle plate systems
or machines with projecting parts.
You may individually adjust the scanner range, however it may not fall below a certain minimum
distance to the moveable parts in the machine.

In order to minimise unnecessary machine downtimes by interrupting the light shield/scanner during the
cycle, a warning lamp [should be mounted] on the machine for ,,entering allowed" that indicates when the
machine may be altered.

4.6. Oil Temperature Monitoring

In order to prevent damage from hot oil (>70°C) on the machine, especially in the seals, valves and
cylinders, we recommend an oil temperature monitoring device especially with customers in the warmer
Furthermore, the temperature changes the flow prope1ties of the oil so that the movement speed may vary
( assuming that the quantity remains the same).
If the water temperature is generally too high, a heat exchanger should be used to cool the hydraulic oil.

4. 7. Oil Level Monitoring

Both the minimum and maximum oil level may be monitored.

Generally the minimum oil level is monitored. However, the upper edge tank is monitored for maximum
with bottom machines with 2 tanks.
When the oil level alarm is issued, the motor switches off immediately and can only be started again when
the alarm has been acknowledged (the present alarm has to drop).
If a shut-off valve is mounted between the tank and hydraulic pump, the oil level alarm is also issued when
the valve is closed.

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/ /

4.8. Drop Level Guard of the Iniection Unit

You may also mount a drop level guard on the machine to increase safety with cleaning work on the
injection unit in the cleaning position.

When cleaning position is reached, a lock is pneumatically moved under the injection unit and the injection
unit can be moved in as usual after cleaning.

In this process, the injection unit automatically moves up so that the lock can move out of the machine.
Afterwards, the injection process is carried out.

valve designation

4.9. Drop Level Guard of the Clamping Unit

A clamp can be mounted on the clamping unit (with bottom and horizontal machines) to additionally
increase the safety with demoulding.

The clamp is normally closed with spring force.

If a movement is selected on the clamping unit (open/close), the clamping head is first triggered at~ 130

Clamp open is displayed as a condition for closing/opening movement on the diagnosis page.

Movement starts when the clamp is open (this is monitored by an initiator).

The clamping head is also triggered during the clamp pressure, decompression and bumping.
Two clamps are used with larger machines (and the initiators are connected in series).

valve designation

4.10. Suppress Eiector

There is also the possibility of closing the mould without having to move the ejector ahead of time.
The ejectors are pressed into the moved in position with the clamping unit.
However, hydraulic changes have to be made on the machine to be able to take advantage of this function.
Assignment additional valve that is triggered during the clamping movement has to be installed in the
hydraulic cycle of the ejector to ensure that the displaced quantity of oil of the ejector cylinders can flow off
into the tank.

This fi.mction is activated in the options/ejector block.

valve designation:

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DB Rescue Main Menu:

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5. DB Rescue

5.1. Using DB RESCUE

DB RESCUE is used to check databases, create new indexes aud to copy complete entries of a damaged
database onto a new database.

5.2. Calling Up DB RESCUE

You may start DB RESCUE from the directory C:\AC_ 4000 by entering S l ( & [Enter] ).
The main menu appears.
The title display appears and, a-Iler pressing the ]!Continue'' buti01~ the main menu appears,

5.3. The Functions of DB Rescue

Data Management Mould Parameter Sets:

drive C: checking the mould parameter database on the hard disc

drive A: checking an exported mould parameter database on the diskette in drive A:
ZIP drive D: checking an exported mould parameter database on a zip diskette.

is used for checking the SPC database

drive C: is used for checking the database for the MAP LAN CUREMASTER on the hard

ZIP drive:
is used for establishing the letters for the ZIP drive
the possibilities are D:\ E:\ F:\ G:\

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An Overview of the Display

{Drive C:, Drive A:, ZIP Drive D:)

• r a lost of

r display:
file present
the number of entries per file
the difference in relation to+·
main database (MAIN)

progress of editing

~ display:
there is an entry in the

+- selectable

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5.4. Mould Parameter Set Display Index

5.4.1. The Functions of DB

You may select the functions with the cursor buttons and the [Enter] key.


This function gives you an overview of the content of the individual database files.

how to operate it

button page / p\ge :

You can press these buttons to tum the page forward or backwards in the database.

button page 2 / page 3

You can press these buttons to turn to page 2 and page 3 of this view.
Page I shows the MAIN, SUBJ, SUB2 and SUB 3 databases.
Page 2 shows the MAIN, SUB4, SUBS and SUB 6 databases.
Page 3 shows the MAIN, SUB7, SUB8 and SUB 9 databases.
You come back to the main overview with the ESC key.

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b) the function ofSCAN DATABASE
This function calculates and displays the number of inputs into the database files. It also shows the
difference of the inputs to the main database (refer to the display index (main index)).
The SCAN DATABASE function should only be started after executing one of the other functions to check
the results.

c) the function ofREJNDEX DATABASE

This function creates the indices of the databases.

d) the function ofPACK DATABASE

This function removes deleted entries from the database.

Note: the deleted entries are still in the database, but highlighted as deleted. This ftmction actually
removes the highlighted entries from the database.

e) the function ofREFRESH DATABASE

This function creates new database files.
All of the entries are copied into the new database from every database regardless of whether the entry is in
other databases to restore a maximum of data from the defective database files.

This function should be executed, for instance, when the general database error message can be seen with
every access to the database in the PC4000 visualisation.
We urgently recommend that the "SCAN DATABASE", "SAVE TO NEW DB" and "COPY" functions be
carried out after "REFRESH DATABASE" since the number of entries of each of the databases may not

0 the function ofSA VE TO NEW DB

This function searching the databases and every entry in any of the databases is stored in a new database.

dialog: confirm saving for each record yes/ no

lfyou select "no", the entries are automatically stored in the new database.
If you select "yes", it asks you with every entry whether it should be written into in the new
dialog: copy to new db yes/ no/ quit
If you select "yes", the entry being edited at the moment is stored in the new database.
If you select "no", the current entry is not stored.
If you select "quit", storing in the new database is interrupted.

g) the function of COPY

The save to new DB function is visible when a new database has been created with it and the new database
can be copied with the COPY function through the previously used database.

Dialog: overwrite original DB Yes/ No/ Quit

If you select "yes", the existing database is overwritten.
If you select "no", the database is continued.

Note: This function overwrites the existing database deleting entries partially damaged in the existing
database. All entries that were not copied to the new database ahead of time are lost when this function is


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SPC Database:

file present
the number of entries per file

active SPC

database present for:

• date
• standard deviation
• mean


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5.5. SPC DATABASE Display Index

5.5.1. Functions DB
You may select these functions with the cursor buttons and the [Enter] key.

This function allows you to calculate and display the number of entries in the SPC database file.
The SCAN DATABASE function should always be started after executing with one of the other fimctions
to check results.

You can recreate the indices of the databases with this function.

You can remove deleted entries from the database with this function.

Note: Deleted entries continue to be in the database, although they are highlighted as deleted. This
function actually removes these highlighted entries from the database.


You can check the presently running SPC's with this function.

The following is necessary for every SPC running:

• entry in the SPC main database (MAIN_SPC)
• database with the stored date information
• database with the stored standard deviations
• database with the stored means
If a part is not available for an SPC, the SPC is cancelled and deleted to prevent further database problems
with archive functions. You should run the SCAN DATABASE and PACK DATABASE functions after I

this function.

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Maplan curemaster Database (MAPLAN CUREMASTER Drive C:)

list of

file present
the number of entries per file
the difference in relation to the
main database (MAIN)


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5.6.1. Functions DB
You may select these functions with the cursor buttons and [Enter] key.


This function allows you to calculate and display the number of entries in the database files. Furthermore,
you can also see the difference in the entries on the main database (refer to display index (main index)).

The SCAN DATABASE function should always be started after executing with one of the other functions
to check results.


You can recreate the indices of the databases with this function.

c) PACK DATABASE function

You can remove deleted entries from the database with this function.

Note: Deleted entries continue to be in the database, although they are highlighted as deleted. This
function actually removes these highlighted entries from the database.

5. 7. Exiting DB RESCUE
Change to the main menu with EXIT.
You may exit DB RESCUE with the EXIT function.

Then you can start PC4000 visualisation again by entering R2 in the

C:\AC_ 4000> directory.

6. Curemaster
(refer to annex)

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Reasons for Downtimes

Remote Download

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7. Maplink 4 plus

7.1 Reasons for production stop

If the machines are connected to the Maplink 4 plus system, you can enter reasons for production stop for

You can do this by pressing the production data button on the PC4000 index page.
The reasons for production stop lines (1) appear on the upper left-hand corner on the production data page.

Select it and enter the number of the reason for production stop.
If you press F6 (2), you receive a list of the reasons for production stop with the number and text.

The reasons for production stop always have to be defined ahead of time in the Map/ink 4 plus system.

7.2 Remote Download

This function enables you to load a data record from the database of the Maplink 4 plus central PC from a
machine coilllected to the Maplink 4 plus system.

To get to the remote download page, press the data management button on the PC4000 index page and then
select remote download (3).

Now you have two spaces:

1. ,,product name" (4)- for entering the product name of the data record to be loaded.
2. ,,request" (5)-to request the data record entered ahead of time.

If you requested a data record, you receive the corresponding message from the system:

a) ,,the data record does not exist": the data record you entered is not in the Maplink 4 plus
b) the data record is compatible": the data record you entered is in the Maplink 4 plus
database and can be loaded.
c) ,,the data record is only compatible to a limited extent": the data record you entered is only
compatible with the machine to a limited extent, but it can be loaded. In addition to
message, you also receive information as to why the data record is only compatible to a
limited extent.
d) ,,data record is not compatible": the data record you entered is not compatible with the
machine and cannot be loaded.
e) ,,remote download is blocked": you receive this message when remote download is being
done by another machine at the same time.

The data record requested can only be loaded if it compatible with the machine's present
equipment or only compatible to a limited extent.

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