Os Artigos em Português

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The Articles in Portuguese

Articles are words that accompany nouns, indicating their number (singular
or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine). They can be classified as
defined articles and undefined articles.

Defined articles determine nouns: the boy. (O rapaz)

Undefined articles undefine the nouns: the girl (A rapariga)

The definite articles determine nouns in a particular, objective and precise

way, individualizing beings and objects.

Artigos Definidos
(Defined articles)

Masculino Singular Feminino

O (Rapaz/Boy) A (Rapariga/Girl)


Os homens (Men) As mulheres (Women)

Artigos Indefinidos
(Undefined Articles)

The undefined articles indetermined nouns, characterizing them in a

vague, imprecise and generalized way, without particularizing and
individualizing beings and objects

Um vizinho ganhou a lotaria (A neighbour won the lottery)

Uma caiu na praça (A child fell in the square)

Os Artigos Indefinidos

Masculino Singular Feminino

Um carro (A Car) Uma viagem (A trip)


Uns Senhores (Some gentlemen) Umas senhoras (Some Ladies)

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