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Part 1

1. to kill two birds with one stone

to succeed in achieving two things in a single action
одним выстрелом убить двух зайцев
I killed two birds with one stone and picked the kids up on the way to the supermarket.
I can bring your suit to the cleaners when I pick up your sister and kill two birds with one
We can kill two birds with one stone by dropping off the mail when we go to the grocery
2. in the blink of an eye
extremely quickly
в мгновение ока
In the blink of an eye, he was gone.
The eight virtual years had passed in the blink of an eye.
He died in the blink of an eye at the moment of the crash.
3. a bone of contention
something that two or more people argue about strongly over a long period of time
яблоко раздора
I suspect that this critical issue will prove to be a major bone of contention and it requires
some attention.
In addition, another bone of contention soon arose thereafter.
The bone of contention is which route should be taken in relation to the transfer of certain
powers and responsibilities.
4. as dry as a bone
extremely dry
абсолютно сухой
I don't think he's been watering these plants - the soil is as dry as a bone.
The stream is usually (as) dry as a bone this time of year.
As dry as a bone, the waterway is relying on more than just another downpour to get it back
in action.
5. rough and ready
1. crude but effective; simple but good enough
2. (of a person or place) unsophisticated or unrefined; produced quickly, with little pre-
сделанный на скорую руку; сделанный кое-как, грубый, неотёсанный
I am going into great detail because my noble friend wants it; he does not want rough and
ready figures.
At present, the justice system, as administered by commanding officers, is reasonably rough
and ready, but it is seen as just.
In a rough and ready way it solved the problem.
6. cool, calm and collected
calm and composed, self-possessed
невозмутимый, спокойный и собранный
No matter what the board decides, you have to appear cool, calm, and collected in front of
the stockholders
I was petrified to take the stage, but Alice was cool, calm, and collected.
Practicing meditation has helped me to remain cool, calm, and collected in times of trouble.

Part 2
1. to cut a long story short
2. to pick up the bill
3. to come back down to earth with a bump
4. to stand one’s ground
5. to stick the knife in
6. to be banging one’s head against a brick wall

Part 3
1. to scare the living daylights out of smb
2. against all the odds
3. to hit smb where it hurts most
4. to look a gift horse in the mouth
5. to be pn the brink of smth
6. to tie oneself up in knots

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