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Drunken Degree

By Dg Asaph

Character walks onto the stage staggering.

They are dressed in a suit that is now dishevelled and have a briefcase in hand.

His hand holds a liquor bottle which is half empty.

He drops his briefcase to the ground as he sits down on the ground. He lifts the bottle to his mouth
and drinks from it with a satisfying smack of his lips.

His eyes rove all over the room and he giggles madly as he stares at the various accolades across the

He crawls to the mantle piece and tries to pic up the picture frame. The whole shelf drops on him
and he struggles to get out from underneath.

He checks all around himself desperately before he finds the bottle of liquor at which he croons
happily. He then picks up the picture from the floor and starts admiring it while sighing. Taking a sip
of liquor every once in a while.

He starts closing his eyes slowly. His head droops to the ground and he finally falls asleep.

Soft music starts playing.

He groggily wakes up bewildered as he is suddenly dressed in graduation regalia. His friends hug and
pull him to the venue.

Still very much confused he follows along.

He sits on a chair as the chancellor calls out peoples names to award them their degrees. He claps
enthusiastically every time that a name is called.

Finally his name is called.

He is proud and he stands up shoulders high, chest puffed up and walks forward enthusiastically to
receive the degree.

He bows his head to receive a garland and shakes the chancellors hand as he takes the Degree
posing for a picture. Smiles wide.

Tears stream down his cheek as he lays back on the ground and assumes a sleeping posture.

Dramatic music plays.

This time he wakes up and he is in a line in an office for an interview.

He moves into the next seat each time a person walks in.
He is very confident.

Finally it is his turn to walk into the interview and he does.

He confidently walks in and holds a successful interview. But sadly he is not picked.

He is however optimistic.

He walks out shoulders high.

A second interview and he is still denied.

And another and another.

Slowly his confidence fades.

Till finally none is left.

Frustration kicks in.

Then desperation.

At rhis final interview he is jittery. He keeps shaking nervously looking all around as he waits to go in.

When it is his turn finally he rushes in breaking all rules of etiquette. He speaks too fast hands all
over and his grooming is poor.

He is asked to leave and he does unwillingly.

The interviewer announces the results and he has not surprisingly failed.

He begs the man while on his knees. Despair fills his eyes.

When he is asked to leave again he does so.

Walking away with tears in his eyes.

He finds a bar nearby and he walks in and takes a seat and orders a glass of liquor.

Then two

Then three.

Then orders a bottle.

A man urges him to go home and he shrugs him off.

He begins talking boisterously and the patrons get angry and kick him out.

He picks him self up liquor bottle in hand he walks home drinking.

He walks into the house and falls asleep in the exact same position as previously.

Thunder and lightning play in the background.

He wakes up and looks around him.

Tears fill his eyes.

He eyes a rope and he smiles evilly.

He walks up to it staggering and starts tying it.

He then tests it strength before going and hanging it around his neck.

But as he does he eyes the liquor bottle.

Laughing out loud he takes off the rope and goes and takes the bottle and drinks all of it.

He drinks it all in large gulps with no pause.

When he finishes he smiles and as he walks back to the rope he falls asleep deeply.

The end

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