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5Steps2Analytics – Custom Analytical Fiori Application 2

Create Generic Drilldown Report and Analytical List Page


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SAP Enterprise Support Value Maps SAP Analytics Solutions

SAP S/4HANA Regional Implementation Group

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Exercise 1: Check a standard CDS View as a Data source ........................................................................... 7
Exercise 2: Create a KPI Group and a KPI ................................................................................................... 11
Exercise 3: Create a Generic Drilldown Report ........................................................................................... 16
Exercise 4: Create an Analytical List Page and link to Generic Drilldown Report ..................................... 29
Summary of Exercises and Report Implementation Methods..................................................................... 45

Step5 aims to experience how to create Fiori reports - Generic Drilldown Report (also known as KPI app) and Analytical List Page.
In Step4, you created a Fiori Multidimensional report which needs an Analytical Query. On the other hand, Generic Drilldown Report and
Analytical List Page require OData service as a data source. In this Step5, we are going to create both reports using standard CDS View which is
published as an OData service.
• Generic Drilldown Report (The screenshot is just an example)

• Analytical List Reports (The screenshot is just an example)

These two types of reports can be created using F2814 Manage KPIs and Reports. This Key User Tool is available as of S/4HANA 1909.
Previously, the tools for creating these reports were distributed into several Fiori apps, but as of S/4HANA 1909, they were integrated into this app.

In addition to the ability to “view charts” and “view data”, reporting often requires aggregating and evaluating a measure semantically for their
business. Therefore, this Key User Tool has a feature to manage and create KPIs for reports. It enables us to see important measures in a report
with a single glance.

Hands-on exercises
This hands-on consists of the following exercises:
Exercise 1: Check a standard CDS View as a Data source
Exercise 2: Create a KPI Group and a KPI
Exercise 3: Create a Generic Drilldown Report
Exercise 4: Create an Analytical List Page and link to the Generic Drilldown Report
Note: Replace XX in the hands-on steps with a unique string or assigned number in order not to overlap the technical name within the
S/4HANA system. In this document, all screen shots use "00" (2 digit) as a unique number.

For the following exercises to work satisfactorily, the following needs to be considered.

[PFCG roles] It is assumed that you have the following roles in addition to SAP_ALL profile:
Ø F2814 Manage KPIs and Reports
Ø This role must be created in Step4. This is an authorization to use Fiori catalog “Hands-on Catalog XX” for your sample applications.

l Web Browser
Google Chrome / Edge (Chromium) / Firefox are recommended.

[User] In this Hands-on content, DEVELOPERXX is assumed to be used where XX stands for a pre-assigned 3-digit number. It is assumed that
DEVELOPERXX have the roles listed above. In the screenshots, “DEVELOPER00” (2 digits ) is used to show Hands-on steps. If a user has PFCG
Roles listed above on S/4HANA system, you can go through this Hands-on with the user.

Exercise 1: Check a standard CDS View as a Data source
Step5 uses the standard CDS View C_SalesOrderQuery to create reports. C_SalesOrderQuery must be published as an OData service to be
consumed from the report, so we will perform the check first. In this exercise we use the standard CDS View (VDM) as a data source, however it is
also possible to meet custom requirements by copying the standard CDS View, adding your own settings, and creating a custom CDS View.

Steps / Comments Screenshots

1. Log on to your S/4HANA with WebGUI

and run T-cd: /n/iwfnd/maint_service. If
the T-cd field is not visible, please refer
to SAP Note 2433872 - OK Code field
is not visible in webgui.

https://vhcals4hcs.dummy.nodomain:44301/ Information provided here is an example only. Same applies throughout this document.
sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui If you would like to use the Cloud Appliance Library you will need to subscribe and set
up your account:

2. Check whether the OData service

published from CDS View
“C_SalesOrderQuery” is exposed for
the subsequent steps. Click the “Filter”

Steps / Comments Screenshots

3. Search in the following condition:

l “External Service Name” =

If the OData entry is found, OData

has been already published and this
Exercise 1 is now closed. Please
jump to Exercise 2.

If you do not have any services, refer

to the following procedure.

If the service is found as shown in the following figure, OData is already published. In this
case, you do not need to proceed Exercise 1 anymore.

Steps / Comments Screenshots

4. [If no OData entry exists] Publish the

OData service
Press "Add Service".

5. Check "Co-Deployed" if your FES is

embedded Deployment. If you are in
Hub Deployment, enter the appropriate
System Alias. And, enter
"External Service Name" and search for

6. An entry should be found. Click on the

checkbox and press "Add Selected

Steps / Comments Screenshots

7. Since you do not transport this time,

click "Local Object" and add the

8. Check that the right message is

displayed and loaded correctly.

Exercise 2: Create a KPI Group and a KPI
In this exercise, we are going to create KPI Group and KPI. Generic Drilldown Report must be created from a KPI, so we create KPI before Generic
Drilldown Report. In addition, the KPI must belong to the KPI Group itself.
Therefore, to create a Generic Drilldown Report, you must first create a KPI Group that serves as a directory for KPI, followed by KPI.
* Analytical List Page can be created without KPI, but there are some settings that is for KPI.

Steps / Comments Screenshots

1. Log on to Fiori Launchpad.



2. Launch the Fiori app F2814 Manage

KPIs and Reports from the “KPI
Design” group.

Select the “KPI Design” Group and click

the tile “Manage KPIs and Reports”.

* PFCG Role
s required

Steps / Comments Screenshots
3. Choose “KPI” in the upper left part of
the screen and select “Groups” in the
little lower tab. Then click “create”
button on the right.

4. Enter as follows:
・ Title: Open Sales Orders KPI Group XX
・ Tag: HandsOn

* Replace XX (2 digit) with a unique

string or assigned number. All
screenshots use "00" (2 digit).

Press “Save and Activate”.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
5. Check “Save as a Local Object” and
press OK.

6. Next, create a KPI. Go to “KPI” tab and

click “create” button on the right.

7. Choose the KPI Group you just created.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
8. In “Header” area, enter as follows:
・ Title: Open Sales Orders KPI XX
・ Tag: HandsOn

* Replace XX with a unique string or

assigned number.

9. In “Data Source Details” area, select

the CDS View you just checked. Click

10. Specify the CDS View. Enter as follows:

・ Select CDS View:

The system should automatically select the

OData service and entity set.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
11. In “Input Parameters and Filters” area,
set the currency. Enter “EUR”.

12. In "Semantic" area, make a setting for

the KPI. Enter as follows:
・ Value measure: No. of Open
・ Goal Type: Minimize
・ Value Type: Fixed Value
・ Goal: 30
・ Warning: 100
・ Critical: 150

[Comment] In the above settings, if you choose the goal type “Maximize”, the KPI is measured as "the larger the greater the value". If
you select "between", the KPI is measured as the absolute distance from the target value. You can also base KPI on other measures by
making Goal Type “Measure”. You can also add a calculated field to the CDS View and have it act as a base value for KPI.

Exercise 3: Create a Generic Drilldown Report
In this exercise, we will create a Generic Drilldown Report based on the KPI we just created. The following is an example of a screen:

Help Portal: Manage KPI and reports – Generic Reports

Steps / Comments Screenshots
1. From “Manage KPIs and Reports”,
select “Reports” on the top left of the
screen and click “Create”.
Select “Generic Drilldown”.

2. Choose the KPI you just created.

3. In “Header” area, enter as follows:

l Title: Analytics - Open Sales Order
l Subtitle: Generic Drilldown Report
l Tag: HandsOn

* Replace XX with a unique string or

assigned number.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
4. In “Data Source Details” area, make
sure that the CDS View, OData
Service, and Value Measure are input
that you specified when you created

5. Go back to the top of the screen and

click “Configuration” tab.

6. In “Input Parameters and Filters” area,

you can add several fields that you
want to be displayed as default filter
fields. Click the filter icon.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
7. Select below this time to try it out.
・ Ovrl Processing Sts (Hdr/Items)
・ Sold-To Party
・ Customer Group
・ Fiscal Year

8. Ensure that the filters you entered are


9. In “Mini Tiles” area, add a mini chart.

Here you can configure Mini Tiles that
display KPI at the top of the report.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
10. You can choose from a variety of chart
types. This time click on “Actual vs.
Target Tile”.

11. In “Charts and Tables” area, Click

12. Create a view “By Sold-To Party”.
・ View Title: By Sold-To Party

13. Click the gear icon in “Charts and

Tables” area.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
14. Select “Column Chart” as the chart
type. Also select the fields listed below:
・ Sold-To Party
・ Incoming Orders
・ Open Orders

15. You have completed the “By Sold-To

Party” view!
Let’s add a different view. Click “Add”.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
16. Create a view by “Delivery Status”.
・ View Title: By Delivery Status

17. Click the gear icon in “Charts and

Tables” area.

18. Select “Column Chart” as the chart

type. Also select the fields listed below:
・ Delivery Status (All Items)
・ Incoming Orders
・ Open Orders

Steps / Comments Screenshots
19. You have completed your “By Delivery
Status” view.

20. Click the bottom right “Activate” button.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
21. Go back to the top of the screen and
click the “Applications” tab. Add a tile.

22. Select a tile type. Select the Actual vs.

Target tile as selected in the Mini

Steps / Comments Screenshots
23. Select the catalog you want to store.
Select “Hands-on Catalog XX” catalog
you created in Step4.

* Replace XX with a unique string or

assigned number.

24. Configure the Target Mapping. Enter Target Mapping

the values below and Save.
・ Semantic Object: GenericReportXX
・ Action: analyze

* Replace XX with a unique string or

assigned number.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
25. Check if new tile is added to your
Catalog “Hands-on Catalog XX”. Go
back to Fiori Launchpad and refresh the
browser to read new tile.

26. Then go “App Finder”.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
27. Look under your Catalog - “Hands-on
Catalog XX”. You should now see the
tile you have just created. The tile
displayed in the App Finder are shown
with sample color flavors and values, so
the color and value displayed here are
different from its actual data.

Click the pin mark to add it to “My

Home” group.

28. When you return to the Fiori

Launchpad, a tile has been created in
My Home. At this point, Fiori
aggregates and draws the data from
the CDS View through the KPI, so it
takes a bit to load, but it should finally
show up.
Once the tile is displayed successfully,
click it to launch the app.


Steps / Comments Screenshots
29. Generic Drilldown Report is displayed.

There is also a hands-on to create a Generic Drilldown Report in a separate scenario using flight data in Blog below. Here's how to get started.

How to create Generic drilldown report with Manage KPIs and reports

Exercise 4: Create an Analytical List Page and link to Generic Drilldown Report
In this exercise, we will create an Analytical List Page (ALP). The following is an example of a screen:

For ALP, it can be created without KPI, but it is possible to display the KPI tag by including KPI in the report. You can also jump from ALP to the
Generic Drilldown Report through KPI tag.
ALP can be created not only by Key User Tools F2814 Manage KPIs and Reports (on which we are now working) but also created by Fiori Tools.
You can configure ALP more with Fiori Tools compared to Key User Tool’s implementation, such as Excel export feature.

Help Portal: Manage KPI and reports – Analytical List Page Reports

Steps / Comments Screenshots
1. Go back to the top screen of Manage
KPIs and Reports and go to “Reports” >
“Create” > “Analytical List Page”.

2. On “Definition” tab, enter the following:

・ Title:
Analytics – Open Sales Order XX
・ Subtitle: Analytical
List Page
・ Tag: HandsOn

* Replace XX with a unique string or

assigned number.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
3. In “Data Source Details” area, click

4. Specify the standard CDS View.

・ Select CDS View:

The system should automatically select

the OData service and entity set.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
5. Go back to the top of the screen and
click “Configuration” tab.

6. Set the KPI to display in the Title area.

Click “Add” button in “KPI Tags (Not
Filterable)” area. Use the KPI you
created for Generic Drilldown Report
(Open Sales Orders KPI XX).

* Replace XX with a unique string or

assigned number.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
7. Set the currency settings in “Input
Parameters and Filters” area. Type

8. Also set visual filters in “Input

Parameters and Filters” area. This is a
chart-shaped filter. Create two visual
Click the column icon on the right and
click “Add”.
9. Set the first as follows:
・ Chart Type: Bar Chart
・ Measure: Incoming Orders
・ Dimension: Ovrl Delivery Sts(All
・ Sort: Descending
Click OK.

10. Click “Add” again.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
11. Set the second visual filter, as below:
・ Chart Type: Line Chart
・ Measure: No. of Orders
・ Dimension: Month of Order
Click OK.

12. You have completed configuring visual

filters. The value displayed here is a
dummy value, which is different from
the actual one.

13. In this exercise you do not configure

“KPI tag (Filterable)” area.

* KPI tag configured here is displayed

in the main Content Area, and
recalculated when the filter is applied.

14. Click the gear icon in “Chart” area.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
15. Select “Column Chart” and select the
items below.
・ Sales Document Type
・ Incoming Orders
・ Open Orders

16. The chart is complete.

17. Click the gear icon in “Table” area.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
18. Select the fields below:
・ Incoming Orders
・ Ovrl Delivery Sts(All Items)
・ Sold-To Party
・ Customer Group
・ Customer Classific.

19. The table appears.

20. By clicking "Allow Totals", the table is

displayed as an overall aggregate.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
21. Click Activate at the bottom right.
Check “Save as a Local Object”
because this is a hands-on demo

22. Go back to the top of the screen and

click “Applications” tab.

23. Add a tile.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
24. Select the catalog you want to store.
Select “Hands-on Catalog XX” you
created in Step4.

* Replace XX with a unique string or

assigned number.

25. Configure the target mapping. Enter the

values below.
・ Semantic Object: ALPXX
・ Action: analyze

* Replace XX with a unique string or

assigned number.

26. Save.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
27. Go back to the Fiori Launchpad, refresh
your browser, and click on the App

28. Look under “Hands-on Catalog XX.”

You should now see the tile you just
Click the pin mark to add it to “My
Home” group.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
29. When you return to the Fiori
Launchpad, a tile has been created in
My Home.
Once the tile is displayed successfully,
click the tile to launch the app.

30. Verify that the app is displayed


Steps / Comments Screenshots
31. When you click the KPI tag that exists
in the Title Area, the Generic Drilldown
Report created by that KPI is displayed
in a collapsed format. Click this card.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
32. The screen jumps to the Generic
Drilldown Report you created in the
previous exercise.

You can see that the two report types

are linked through a KPI.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
33. Go back to the Analytical List Page.

The chart displayed at the top of the

screen is the filter that you see in the
chart, called a visual filter. It allows you
to see the trend of the data before you
apply the filters.

Steps / Comments Screenshots
34. Next, click on a bar in the main chart in
the middle of the page. The table at the
bottom of the page is also updated. In
this way, it is possible to extract data
using multi-level filters.

Summary of Exercises and Report Implementation Methods
In Step4 and Step5, we experienced how to implement Fiori reports using Key User Tools.

・ [Step4] Implement Multi-Dimensional Analytical Report

Ø Created a CDS View as an Analytical Query using one of the Fiori Key User Tools “F1572 Custom Analytical Queries”
Ø Created a tile using WebDynpro Grid.

・ [Step5] Implementation of Generic Drilldown Report (KPI app) / Analytical List Page
Ø Created a Generic Drilldown Report (KPI app) / an Analytical List Page using one of the Fiori Key User Tools “F2814 Manage KPIs and

Let’s see the technical and implementation methods of the Fiori report types and the tools involved. Through 5Steps2Analytics course, (2), (4), (5)
are introduced in the Hands-on contents because they are commonly used in analytical report requirement and they can be easily developed with
Fiori Key User Tools.
No Report Type Implementation Method Development with Key User Tools
(1) List Report OData + Fiori Tools Not possible
(2) Design Studio / Analytical Query / BEx Query / BW Query Possible
WebDynpro Grid + Design Studio/WebDynpro Grid
(3) Overview Page OData + Fiori Tools Not possible
(4) Generic Drilldown OData + Manage KPIs and Reports Possible
(5) Analytical List Page [Method 1] OData + Manage KPIs and Possible (limited feature)
[Method 2] OData + Fiori Tools

Technically, (1) (3) (5) uses a type of template called "Fiori Elements", and the report type using this template can be implemented using Fiori Tools.
Fiori Tools are available in the Cloud Development IDE “Business Application Studio” in SAP BTP and available in Visual Studio on your local PC –
in that cases, you basically cannot develop these applications only within Fiori Key User Tools because you need Fiori Tools. However, (5)
Analytical List Page is the only one which can also be created using the In-app key user tool "F2814 Manage KPIs and Reports" as shown in this

On the contrary, (2) (4) cannot be implemented using Fiori Tools. We need to use the In-app tools introduced in Step4 and Step5.

This concludes Step5. Thank you very much.


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