CAE Vocabulary Practice

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1. Its influence is so that it comes to dictate a lot of our conversations.

2. I hope this approach doesn't come across as or flippant (легкомысленный,

ветреный, дерзкий), I'm genuinely interested.
3. Following a long and journey which took him through Syria, Cyprus and
Turkey, he made it to Britain.
4. This is super heavy, real , and not very conducive (способствующий,
благоприятный) for what they want to do.
5. Beware of a thankless and person who expects too much from you without
contributing himself in any way.
6. I suppose you can all see that I have managed to ditch the mood I was in when I
made my previous post.
7. Afraid of being followed, I take a route home.
8. There are three areas of character building that a coach may wish to develop
during his time with players.
9. A lecturer and painfully accurate author, he instilled the same standards in his
10. Another problem is that the narrative constantly conflicts with itself and could
never actually add up in real life.
11. Unfortunately, many of the most interesting and points appear in the endnotes.
12. Even a sensible idea or a fine principle is exaggerated to the point that it
becomes and untenable (несостоятельный, неприемлемый).
13. His comments on these developments were rather brief and .
14. She was very argumentative (конфликтный, любящий поспорить) and and
when I tried to calm her down, I noticed something strange.
15. He comes over as a rather serious, studious and man, but there is clearly another
side to him.
16. In any event, I reserve the right to be arbitrary (произвольный/случайный) and
in choosing which comments to delete because they cross the line.
17. There was an issue as to whether the article was of the plaintiff (истец;
defendant – ответчик) at all.
18. Now all such knowledge is regarded as suspect, as somehow unjust.
19. The best of the past, not the future, was his main concern.
20. My visit to this restaurant represented the contemporary Irish dining experience.

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