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‟s International School
Academic Year 2021-22
Summative Assessment II

Class: XI Day: Friday

Subject: English Date: 25/02/2022
Marks: 40 Time: 2hrs
1. Read all the questions carefully.
2. All questions are compulsory.


Q. I Read the following passage and answer the following questions. (8 Marks)
. Life on our planet earth began with the sea; it is the birth place of life on the earth. The earth is the only
planet of our solar system so far known which contains plenty of water and this water has made our earth
colourful, pulsating with life of a vast variety.

2. At present sea occupies about 70 per cent of the earth‟s surface. In the southern hemisphere it occupies
more area than that in the northern. About 97% of the total water on the surface of the earth is found in the
seas and the remaining three per cent, which is generally fresh, in lakes, rivers, ponds, etc.

3. Sea has given food and shelter to countless creatures. It is a potential source of protein. In 1900 the world
was only 150 crore, now it is more than 560 crore and is increasing at a very fast rate. As a result, there is a
terrible hunger in many parts of the world. In Africa, Asia and South America, millions of people do not get
enough to eat. Many die of malnutrition. Sea, if used scientifically and judiciously, can meet most of our

4. Plankton or algae mostly constitutes the plant life. Like plant plankton there are also animal plankton; the
smallest living creature in the sea. These animal plankton feed on plant plankton and small fish. Thus, there
is an unbroken chain of life in the sea.

5. Arctic and Antarctic seas abound in plankton and algae and so in fish also. Blue whales, the largest living
creatures of the world, are also found here in great number.

6. Some countries have developed sea farming to a great extent. The Japanese and the Hawaiians relish
eating sea plants but it is not so in other countries though some use them to feed their cattle or as manure in
their fields. The fact is that sea plants contain rich nutrients not found in other vegetarian food. It is good
that even in our country some scientists have developed some recipes for curries, jams, etc. to be made from

7. But we must remember one thing that sea is not to be exploited immediately. For example, man in his
greed has hunted whales and some other sea creatures so recklessly that some of their species have either
become extinct or are on the verge of extinction. Now, nations of the world have realised their folly and
have taken some joint decisions. For example, one such decision is that the size of the holes in fishing nets
should be big enough to let baby fish escape through. Otherwise, killing of large quantities of very young
fish would have an adverse effect on the fish population. In the same way another decision is for the
protection of the blue whales.

S.N.B.P/2021-22/SA II/Std-XI/ENG
1. Based on the reading of above passage choose the most appropriate options:
(i)Sky is the birth place of life on the earth. (ii) Moon is the birth place of life on the earth.
(iii) Sea is the birth place of life on the earth. (iv) Land is the birth place of life on the earth.

2.Plankton or algae mostly constitutes:

(i) the wild life (ii) the human life
(iii) the sea life (iv) the plant life

3.The size of the holes in fishing nets should be big enough to let:
(i) big fish stay in (ii) water flow out
(iii) baby fish escape through (iv) more fish and water enter

4.Sea plants contain rich nutrient not found in:

(i) other plants (ii) other vegetarian food
(iii) non-vegetarian food (iv) milk and milk products

5.The antonym of „plenty‟ is:

(i) little (ii) inadequate
(iii) scarcity (iv) minimal

6.The antonym of „active‟ is

(i) plant plankton (ii) vegetarian food
(iii) blue whales (iv) extinct

7. The earth is the only planet of our solar system that contains plenty of ………………….

8.…………………. is the largest living creature of the world.

Q.II Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (5 Marks)
1. The nine-letter word “interview” can cause the most knowledgeable and strong people in the world to
perspire. That may be one reason, political leaders and corporate giants normally do not agree for an
interview. But the popular ones, or those who want to make an impact, willingly give interviews. In modern
times, whether you like interview or not, your prospects depend on its success. So you must know what an
interviewer expects from you.
2. First an academic question. What is an interview? It is a discussion in which an interviewer faces a
candidate for a short while and asks questions to probe his knowledge and awareness on the subject. This is
done to assess the personality of the interviewee. It is a very formal means of interaction with one person
facing a group of persons, each of whom is a specialist in his or her field.
3. Knowledge is an important component of success in an interview. It has two aspects: range and depth.
The former implies that you should know a lot beyond your own specialisation and the latter means an
awareness of the various aspects of the topics under discussion. In-depth knowledge is gained through
reading and listening. Listening is more important than reading. Be a keen listener, store major facts in your
mind, and use them at the appropriate time.
4. Next comes appearance, which means your dress for the interview. You must be elegantly attired for the
occasion. Wear a simple outfit that suits your physique and features. Women should wear sarees or any
other sober dress. Casuals like kurta-pajama should not feature in your selection of dresses.
5. Conducting yourself in an apt way is equally significant. The way you move, sit on the chair, place your
hands, and your briefcase, and talk to the members reflect your behaviour. Walking sloppily, talking loudly
or inaudibly, getting irritated easily, and showing documents insistently are symptoms of bad behaviour. A
better way is to enter the room smartly, move forward with dignity, greet the board, sit when asked to, and
thank at the end before you leave.

S.N.B.P/2021-22/SA II/Std-XI/ENG
6. Expression is the most important aspect of the interview. It conveys your views and opinions. For good
expression, what you need is clarity of mind and speech. Show your balanced thinking to convey your views
7. Convey your views effectively. In an interview, you may be asked questions where you have to either
agree or disagree. Whatever your approach, convince the board that it is unbiased. The board may not agree
with your view. Even if you disagree, let not your face show it. Create an impact through your expressions.
Give the impression of being a leader. Show that you can cooperate and get the cooperation that you can
share views and get people to accept your authority to reach decisions, and implement them.
8. Finally, never consider yourself to be a perfect man. Being a human being makes you susceptible to flaws.
However, try to conform to the highest standards and reach as close to perfection as possible.

9.Make notes on the above passage in a suitable format. Use recognizable abbreviations
wherever necessary and give a title to the passage.

10.Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words based on your notes.


Q.III You are Mahesh/Mahima, a student of class 11, when you were returning home from school you saw
some people on the side of the road were smoking with great pleasure which is very harmful to our health,
looking at all these wrong practices. So, prepare a poster in less than 50 words mentioning how harmful
smoking is for us. (3M)

Q.IV You are Mohak Parmar of DPS School, BT Road, Delhi. You are captain of the Cricket team of your
school. You have no playground in your school. Write a letter to the Principal, requesting him to arrange
playground facility from a neighbouring school for practice of your team. (5M)
or against the motion.(150-200 words).

Q.V Do as directed. (Any 4) (4M)

11. __________ of the two documents were updated. (Choose the correct determiner.)
a. No b. None
c. Neither d. Some

12. I have ____________ relatives. (Choose the correct determiner.)

a. much b. more
c. all d. many

13. Neither she nor I __________ at home. (Choose the correct tense)
a. were b. was
c. has been d. be

14. My friends and I __________ stuck there. (Choose the correct tense)
a. had been b. was
c. has been d. have had been

15. the Indian English exploited the farmers. (Re-order the given sentence.)

16. the poor distributed this was among. (Re-order the given sentence.)

S.N.B.P/2021-22/SA II/Std-XI/ENG
Q.VI Answer the following questions. (9M)
17. Why does the rain descend/fall „on the earth‟ in the poem-„The Voice of the rain‟?
18. Explain “I give life to my own origin” in the poem „The Voice of the Rain‟.
19. Why is tropical forest called the powerhouse of evolution?
20. Who was Millie Crocker-Harris? What was she like?
21. For whom is Taplow waiting and why?
22. What question does the poet ask again and again in the poem-„Childhood‟?
23. Where is poet‟s childhood hidden ?
24. Did the narrator encounter any wildlife in the course of his journey and which?.
25. Why has the article been titled „Silk Road‟?

Q.VII. Choose the correct answers and write. (6M)

26. “He‟s not a fool,” Yuri warned Albert. Who is he?
a. The head teacher of school b.Albert‟s maths teacher
c.Albert‟s father d.Doctor Ernst Weil

27. Who did Albert Einstein meet before leaving Munich?

a.His maths teacher b.Elsa
c.Yuri d.The head teacher of the school

28. What message does the author of “Mother‟s Day” try to convey?
a. To appreciate wives/ mothers for their work b. To work hard for your mother
c. To spend time with family d. To respect everyone

29. What is the first thing that Dorris does as soon as she enters the house?
a. Asks her mother to give her tea b. Asks her mother to cook something for her
c. Asks her mother about her day d. Asks her mother to iron her yellow silk

30. What can you say about Dr. Andrew after reading “Birth”?
a.He did not put all his efforts b.He fulfilled his obligations well as a doctor
c.His skills were not enough d.He was arrogant

31. Why is the lesson named “Birth”?

a. Because the doctor is specialist in childbirths b. Because a lot of childbirths take place
c. Because it is about birth of a child d. Because it talks about philosophy of life

S.N.B.P/2021-22/SA II/Std-XI/ENG

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