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Ramirez Dzib Emiliano José 21-29584

Unit 3. Lesson 1

Nathan is going to stay but look for another job. He isn’t going to ask for a raise.

Jane and Peter are going to leave and look for another job. They aren’t going to get a part-time
job, too.

I’m going to star because I enjoy the job. I’m not going to ask for a raise.

Elena is going to stay because she enjoys the job. She isn’t going to leave and look for another job.

Grammar – going to (questions)

Where / you / go / on / vacation / this / year?

Where are you going to on vacation this year?

Who / you / go / with?

Who are you going to with?

How long / you / stay?

How long are you going to stay?

What / you / do / there?

What are you going to do there?

Where / Rajaa / work / next / year?

Where is Rajaa going to work the next year?

Why / Rajaa / not / work / with / you / anymore?

Why is Rajaa going to no work with you anymore?

Is / Mehmet / work / from / home / next / year?

Is Mehmet going to work from home next year?

Are / Peter and Erica / ask / for / a / raise?

Are Peter and Erica going to ask for a raise?

Are / you / get / another / degree / in / IT?

Are you going to get another degree in IT?

Listening – I want to be a police officer

How old do you need to be to join the police force?


To train as a police officer John is going to…

Ramirez Dzib Emiliano José 21-29584

Work and learn at the same time

What does rise through the ranks mean?

Work your way to the top of your profession

John hates

Sitting in an office all day

The starting salary is


Listening – I want to be a police officer (2)

John is going to apply for a new job


John hopes to become a police officer


John needs a degree to join the police force


John doesn’t think he will get a good salary as a police officer


Richard thinks John will enjoy working for the police force


Key in the answers to complete the puzzle. Find the mystery word

1. Adriana and Sevil p… to start a business together

2. Now that I got a new job, we can a… to buy a house
3. Martin i… to go back to college and earn a second degree
4. I h… to move into our new house next week
5. Yesterday, the company a… to give me a raise, so I’m very happy

1. Plan
2. Afford
3. Intends
4. Hope
5. Agreed

Mistery word: Is your … right for you? CAREER

Ramirez Dzib Emiliano José 21-29584

Vocabulary – Work

Lisa is employed by an IT company. She really enjoys working there. She gets along with
everybody. Everybody likes her including her boss and her colleagues are all very friendly.

She gets paid a good salary each year.

Her brother is unemployed. He is looking for a job but it’s difficult to find one in New York. He
has good qualifications. He has a college degree, and he has three years’ work experience

Unit 3. Lesson 2

Grammar – Present continuous for future use

A. What are you doing tonight?

B. I’m going out to eat with some friends.
A. Are you doing anything tomorrow night?
B. I’m working late tomorrow, and my husband’s traveling to New York for a meeting
morning. He won’t be back until late
A. What about Saturday?
B. Saturday’s fine. We aren’t doing anything on Saturday night

Grammar – Future: present continuous and going to

A: What are you studying in college?

B: I’m doing a law degree

A: Are you getting for your uncle’s law firm when you graduate college?

B: I don’t know yet

A: What are you going to at the weekend?

B: I’m playing tennis on Saturday morning with Tim. Then, in the afternoon

We are going to a basketball game. Do you have any plans?

A: I’m watching a movie with some friend after work on Friday. Then on Saturday, I’m cocking
dinner for some friends.

Are you going to Sam’s art show tomorrow night?

B: Yeah, I am.

A: Do you still want to be an artist?

B: No, I don’t. I want to be a scriptwriter. I’m writing a movie and it’s a blockbuster.

Reading – Careers (1)

Ramirez Dzib Emiliano José 21-29584

Susanna is going to college next year to study compute science. FALSE

She will be a good web designer because she is creative, and she gets along well with people.

She plans to make a DVD of her design work. TRUE

She is going to do an animation course next year. TRUE

Susanna is going to start her own business after she graduates. FALSE

Reading – Careers (2)

You need to be creative to work as a web designer

Susanna is majoring in computer science in college

She wants an interesting job

She plans to work as an employee for a company first

Susanna is not very good with deadlines

Find 10 jobs in the word snake. Key in the correct jobs next to the descriptions below

He designs buildings. ARCHITECT

She invents things. SCIENTIST

She manages a team of salespeople. MANAGER

He sells our company’s products. SALES REP

He supervises the construction of roads and bridges. ENGINEER

She looks after patients in a hospital. NURSE

She offers legal advice. LAWYER

He decides the treatment for his patients. DOCTOR

She works with numbers. ACCOUNTANT SALES

He organizes promotional events. MARKETING ASSISTANT

Ramirez Dzib Emiliano José 21-29584

Unit 3. Lesson 3

Grammar – will future

Next year

I will have (have) a new job.

I will live (live) in another city.

I will be (be) in college.

I will get (get) a promotion at work.

My company will give (give) me a raise.

I will go (go) on vacation to another country.

It will be (be) a great year for me and my family.

Grammar –Future: will versus present continuous

A: What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow?

B: I think it will rain.

A: Will you be home early tomorrow night?

B: I'm not sure. I 'm going to a meeting at head office in the afternoon. All the sales reps are
attending the meeting. I think it will end at about six o'clock so I will be late home.

A: OK. I 'm going to my sewing class after work, so I won't be at home when you get back.

B: OK.

Vocabulary plus – Verb + infinitive

A: Good news! I managed to finish that sales report.

B: Oh, good job. Thank you.

A: Martina, you promised to finish the script for today.

B: I know. I'm really sorry, I couldn't do it. I've got a lot of work to do right now.

A: Martina seems to be very busy this week.

B: Yeah, she is. She's always very busy.

A: Did you arrange to meet Ahmet yesterday?

B: Yeah, I did. We met at his office and we had a meeting about the new sales assistant.

A: Did you tell Helen about the meeting this afternoon?

B: Oh, no. I forgot to tell her. I'll call her right now.
Ramirez Dzib Emiliano José 21-29584

A: Deniz refused to work late tonight.

B: I know. He's got a dentist's appointment tonight, so he can't work late.

Vocabulary plus – Phrasal verbs

I currently work for a charity and I love my job. I'm a marketing assistant for a charity called
Arts for the Earth. I deal with the marketing and publicity for the charity. Right now I 'm
working on a big music event. Two famous bands are performing to raise money for Arts for
the Earth. Day to day, there are a lot of problems to solve, but everything always works

out in the end! It's not a nine to five job! I usually go in to work at 9 a.m. but I never know
when I will get out. We often have an event to attend in the evenings. It's hard work but it's
always interesting. I won't look for another job next year or the year after that. I'm very happy
with my job. In fact, I think it's my dream job.

Language in Action: Dialogue – Instant decisions and promises

James: I need somebody to stay and help pack the books. Martin, can you stay?

Martin: I'm sorry, I can't. I've got a doctor's appointment this evening.

Lucia: I'll stay.

James: Oh, thanks Lucia. Martin, can you come in early tomorrow morning?

Martin: Yeah, I'll be in the office by 6:30.

James: Great. I'll leave the books and the envelopes on your desk.

Lucia: I'll pack as many as I can tonight and I'll email you a list of all the remaining names and

Martin: We'll pack them and send them all by noon tomorrow.

Language in Action: Dialogue – Useful expressions

A: I really need this report by noon tomorrow.

B: No problem. I'll have it with you by 9 tomorrow.

A: When will you finish the project?

B: First thing tomorrow morning.

A: Can we schedule a meeting for this afternoon?

B: I'm sorry, I'm busy this afternoon … Let me think. I could meet with you on Tuesday.

A: Can you print five copies of this report?

B: Sure thing.

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