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Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Student Name Dipesh Bhandari

Student Number 000014149
Course and Code
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXINV002 Maintain the quality of perishable items
Trainer/Assessor Harry

Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster Details

Assessment 1 Assignment
Assessment 2 Practical Observation
Assessment 3
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3

Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required

Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Dipesh Bhandari Date 2/09/2021

2nd Assessor to complete

I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable

Signature Date
Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed

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The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and
performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

 conduct temperature and quality checks on each of the following delivered goods to establish whether they are
within allowable tolerances:
o cold or chilled foods
o frozen foods
o raw foods
o reheated foods or ingredients
 maintain quality of at least six of the following range of perishable supplies for food and beverage, commercial
cookery or catering operations:
o beverages
o dairy products
o frozen goods
o fruit
o meat
o poultry
o seafood
o vegetables
 identify spoilt stock and dispose of according to organisational procedures.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
SSH to complete

Resource Requirements
Refer to the Assessment conditions attached to the Futura Group Mapping Document located in the teacher
support tools folder or the “Assessment Conditions” for this unit in the SIT 1.0 Training Package.

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

1. You are required to wear a complete uniform applicable to your area of training or as instructed
2. Your personal presentation must reflect the standards typically expected and acceptable in the
hospitality and tourism industry.
3. You will be observed completing each of the following tasks set out below or as instructed by your
4. The observation may be conducted on 1 or several occasions in order to cover all the assessment
requirements outlined in the instructions and the tasks set out below

The observation criteria below provide a guideline for criteria relevant for each task.

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Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to
me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: Dipesh Bhandari Date: 02 / 08 /201

This assessment:
First Attempt 2nd Attempt 3nd Attempt Extension – Date:    /    /   

RESULT OF Observation Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

Date:    /    /     
Student Signature Date:    /    /     

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Assessment 2

Assessment Instances – Overview

Indicate what will be observed during the assessment instances (1 or several instances as relevant).

SSH to complete

Instance Date Duration from ... to... Tasks

Instance 1: Chicken 27/08/2021 8am to 10:30am 1. Conduct temperature and quality checks on
Breast each of the following commodities:

cold or chilled foods

frozen foods
raw foods
reheated foods or ingredients
As soon as receive the chicken breast,
we need to identify the product
temperature and quality. It must have
a pink, fleshy colour and smell fresh.
Checking the date expire and it
should be between 0c and 5c degree

2. Maintain quality of at least six of the

following range of perishable supplies:

dairy products
frozen goods
We must follow the following ways to
maintain the chicken breast.
Immediately place it in the
refrigerator and away from any
cooked food. Do not let the fresh
chicken breast in the room
temperature. Always wash hands
and utensils thoroughly after contact
with the raw meats.
3. Identify spoilt stock and dispose of according
to organisational procedures
1. If there is change in colour in the
chicken breast like greyer than pink,

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then it has already gone bad.
2. If it smells like it has a very potent order
it is bad.
3. If there is an ice crust on the chicken,
then it is no longer good to use.
- It is best to use it before it goes
bad or turning bad but if it has
gone bad then it is best to discard

Instance 2: Frozen Raw 29/08/2021 9am to 11:30am 1. Conduct temperature and quality checks on
beef meat each of the following commodities:

cold or chilled foods

frozen foods
raw foods
reheated foods or ingredients
Always we need to check the
temperature and quality after we
receive the raw products.
It should be frozen solid to the touch,
No sign of the re-freezing and the
wing. We need to check the
package and temp should be
below 0c degree and reject it if
the packaging exposes the meat.

2. Maintain quality of at least six of the

following range of perishable supplies:

dairy products
frozen goods
We must follow the following
procedure to maintain the raw beef
Should be stored at a temperature
below 0c degree. Use to cook or
freeze the beef within the
refrigerator storage time listed.

3. Identify spoilt stock and dispose of according

to organisational procedures

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1. Check the meat’s package for an
expiration date.
2. Examine the meat for bad smell
3. Do not eat it raw with a greenish hue
Cook as soon as possible, before it goes
bad. But if you not sure double check its
colour and quality, throw it away.

Instance 3: Frozen cooked 30/08/2021 7am to 9am 1. Conduct temperature and quality checks on
Sea food. each of the following commodities:

cold or chilled foods

frozen foods
raw foods
reheated foods or ingredients
When delivery received the frozen
cooked seafood, always need to
monitor the temperature and quality.

2. Maintain quality of at least six of the

following range of perishable supplies:

dairy products
frozen goods

Work or Service 3. Identify spoilt stock and dispose of according

Context: to organisational procedures
If the discoloration or dry spots have seen on
the frozen cooked seafood, freezer burn has
begun to set in, or there is issues of the
package or leaking, we should use it asap if it
is suitable to use or discard if it get worse

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Your Tasks

You will need to perform the tasks below or as instructed by your trainer.


1. You will receive a delivery of different food (and beverage) items including fresh, frozen, perishable
and dry goods. Your trainer will outline the expected varieties to you as relevant
2. Identify any signs of vermin infestation
3. Prepare the storage areas to accommodate the expected deliveries according to Food Safety
4. Record the readings of all temperatures for these storage areas
5. Prepare any recording tools and equipment required to receive and check incoming stock
6. Prepare any equipment which may be required to move stock into storage

- When I get a delivery of food (and beverage) products including fresh, frozen, perishable and dry
goods. I will check whether, I have required all the items in legitimate sum as requested. Then, at that
point, precisely I'm ready to keep up with the bill for future reference. I'm ready to assemble the
carport locales significant for each transport expected for which I'm ready to set up the storage
regions to residence the anticipated conveyances in accordance with suppers hygiene, cleanliness and
WHS prerequisites. After that I'm equipped for test the surrounding storage circumstances for every
capacity place as significant. Then, at that point I can assemble any recording equipment and
instrument needed to get and investigate approaching in coming stock. Moreover, I can set up any
gear which might be needed to move stock into garage.
Receiving Process

7. Demonstrate to your trainer how you will process the delivery to ensure all items meet specifications
and the requirements according to Food Safety Standards
8. Meet all recording requirements
9. Identify any Discrepancies and explain to your trainer the processes that should be followed for these

- To make certain all products meet details along with top quality and portions requested and obtained,
I can test the exquisite and investigate all the items to make sure as it with regards to requested
segments. I can record each item cautiously to use it as future reference and if there might be any
inconsistencies like contaminated things, leaking chemical and so forth Then, at that point I will fix the
issue right now as it can intention the intense issue in wellness of people that are dealing with this

10. Identify the storage requirements for each item

11. Label the items as required

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12. Move the items into storage to ensure quality is always maintained
13. Store and arrange all items according to FIFO principles
14. Ensure older stock has use-by or best before dates which are shorter than new stock received and
report any deficiencies

- I'm ready to pick out the storage necessity for each item like for dry things I'm able to store in dry
area. For dairy items, finish and greens, drink, I'm able to save inside the cool room well. For paper
stock, I'm ready to shop it in dry storage place. For chemicals I can shop in appropriate spot like its
own special fragment only so there could be significantly less chance at going through synthetic risks.
Then, at that point I can name the contraptions as required and I'm able to stream into the devices to
ensure outstanding is kept up with for the most part. I can save and installation all gadgets steady with
FIFO prerequisites and I'm fit for make certain more established stock has been utilize quality sooner
than dates which might be more limited than new stock received and record any lacks


15. Record the storage temperatures of all storage areas.

16. Explain to your trainer the provisions for monitoring and reporting requirements and adjusting
temperatures and/or humidity controls where available (Please note that “adjusting” is usually not an
action performed by an apprentice or trainee and therefore depends on your specific training and
- I'm able to report the carport temperature of all storage areas appropriately as it's miles vital for
fixings and items stored inside it. I will frequently test the current stock away and in case items is
deficient with regards to I will request proper away. On the off chance that there might be any stock
near expiry might be utilized immediately so we can save you the wastage.


17. Identify and dispose of any stock in line with organisational procedures or as instructed by your trainer
- In the event that there any stock which should be arrange, I can tell the manager concerning the item
and arrange the item as indicated by organizational approach. If there are any risky materials which
require removal, I am ready to arrange them inside the top-of-the-line removal boxes.

Observation Criteria 1.Attempt 2. Attempt 3. Attempt

S NYS S NYS S NYS Comments
1 The storage areas relevant for the variety of foods expected are
2 The storage are inspected for signs of vermin infestation as
3 Storage areas are prepared for delivery:
Areas are swept, cleaned and sanitised as required

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Old stock is moved forward or to the side to allow for FIFO
4 Temperatures for all storage areas are recorded in an approve
log sheet
5 Student prepares scales
Student prepares a thermometer
Student prepares sterile wipes or sanitiser to disinfect probe
between measuring
Student prepares receiving log sheet and pen
6 Provisions for transporting foods are prepared/ considered e.g.
clean trolley, cart etc.
7 Student will demonstrate the correct requirements for the
receiving process:
Check the invoice (against the order sheet as applicable)
Check quantities, packaging, date codes
Check cry-Vac packaging for seepage
Check internal temperatures of meat, poultry and game
Check internal temperatures of seafood
Check quality of fresh produce
Check weights
8 Records all temperatures of perishables
9 Identifies and reports procedures for any discrepancy(ies)
10 Explains the appropriate storage area for each item/category
11 Labels products as required or instructed
12 Moves items into storage in order of priority (most perishable or
affected to least)
13 Items are stored according to FIFO as prepared for in (sub3.)
14 Older stock items are checked for dates to ensure no new stock
received has a shorter life span than existing stock
15 Student takes readings of all storage areas post storing
16 Student explains provisions for frequency of monitoring (and
adjustment requirement).
Student explains requirements and instances which would
required reporting.
17 Spoilt stock is correctly identified
Spoilt stock is segregated to prevent cross contamination
Spoilt stock is disposed of to organisational procedures or as
Personal hygiene aspects are applied when handling spoilt stock
(e.g. Handwashing)

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