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Name: (Write your Name)

Student ID: (Write your ID)

Course Name and Code: SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions


1. List at least three food safety issues which you must consider when handling poultry.
Describe how you would reduce each risk.

Risk Strategy for reducing risk

Keep it clean It is mandatory to wash your hands, and it

is also quite important to clean the
utensils and the surfaces including
washing area or sink, in order to prevent
the spread of bacteria to other foods it is
important to hot the soapy water within
the utensils and clean the raw poultry.

Don’t Stuff it early In case you are planning the stuff such as
a whole bird, it is important to avoid the
contact of raw poultry with the raw
poultry before going back to the cooking.

Avoid cross-contamination Avoid using the same plate and the

utensils for both cooked or uncooked
poultry dishes. Always wash the utensils

Answer to question number 1:

The answer to the question number 1 is given below:

Risk Strategy for reducing risk

Risk Strategy for

reducing risk
Name: (Write your Name)
Student ID: (Write your ID)

Keep it clean It is mandatory

to wash your
hands, and it is
also quite
important to
clean the
utensils and
the surfaces
washing area
or sink, in
order to
prevent the
spread of
bacteria to
other foods it is
important to
hot the soapy
water within
the utensils
and clean the
raw poultry.

Don’t Stuff it early In case you are

planning the
stuff such as a
whole bird, it is
important to
avoid the
contact of raw
poultry with
the raw poultry
before going
back to the

Avoid cross- Avoid using the

Name: (Write your Name)
Student ID: (Write your ID)

contamination same plate and

the utensils for
both cooked or
poultry dishes.
Always wash
the utensils

2. Describe three indicators which you would use to select poultry which is fresh.

Answer to question number 2:




3. Describe three indicators of quality which you would use to select poultry.

Answer to question number 3:

Name: (Write your Name)
Student ID: (Write your ID)


4. List three signs that poultry has spoiled.

Answer to question number 4:

Sign 1

Sign 2

Sign 3

5. List at least three requirements for the safe storage of poultry. At least one
requirement must be the correct temperature range to store poultry at.

Answer to question number 5:

6. List at least two requirements for storing poultry to optimise its shelf life.
Name: (Write your Name)
Student ID: (Write your ID)
Answer to question number 6:

7. Describe three safety techniques when using a boning knife to cut poultry.

Answer to question number 7:

8. Describe four items which you should check before using a mincer to prepare poultry.

Answer to question number 8:

9. Describe four mise en place tasks related to poultry which you can complete without
affecting the quality of the dish.

Answer to question number 9

10. Describe one task related to poultry which is not suitable to be completed during mis
en place.

Answer to question number 10:

Name: (Write your Name)
Student ID: (Write your ID)

11. Define the following, poultry related, culinary terms:

• Barding –

• De boning –

• Marinating –

• Mincing –

• Rolling –

• Trussing and tying

Answer to question number 11:

Barding –

De boning –

Marinating –

Mincing –

Rolling –

Trussing and tying –

12. Describe two convenience products commonly used in poultry dishes.

Answer to question number 12:

Name: (Write your Name)
Student ID: (Write your ID)
13. Describe three cookery methods commonly used when preparing poultry dishes.
Include a description of how each method is used.

Answer to question number 13:

14. List one accompaniment and/or sauces commonly used with each of the following
types of poultry:

• Chicken

• Duck

• Turkey

• Game birds

Answer to question number 14:

15. Locate at least two stock date codes and two rotation labels on poultry in your
training kitchen’s stores or workplace and take a photo. Interpret the information on each
and explain it. Submit the photographs with your explanatory notes to your assessor.
Ensure that your notes include:

• when the item was delivered:

• when the item was packed/prepared:

• when the item is due for disposal:

• how many days the item has left before it reaches its expiry date:

• what the stock rotation details are for the item:

Name: (Write your Name)
Student ID: (Write your ID)
• what the storage temperature requirements are for the item:

Answer to question number 15:

16. Describe the common cuts of:

• Chicken

• Turkey

• Duck.

Answer to question number 16:

17. Describe the essential characteristics of:

• chicken

• duck

• feathered game

• turkey.

Answer to question number 17:

18. How do the characteristics of each poultry type differ from each other?

Answer to question number 18:

Name: (Write your Name)
Student ID: (Write your ID)

Course Name and Code: SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes

Assessment Task 2: Research report

Complete the following activities.

1. Carefully read the scenario provided in the activity 1 of Assessment Task 2 in Cover Page:

Response to Activity 1

(Remove the red coloured writings after writing the response)

(Carefully read the scenario provided in the Activity 1 of Assessment Task 2 in Cover Page)
(Write down the followings):

a. In this task, you will research two poultry dishes of your own selection and write the followings of
those dishes for each:
Name: (Write your Name)
Student ID: (Write your ID)
Dish 1: (Name of the dish you selected)

(i) classical and contemporary variations

(ii) appearance and presentation

(iii) freshness indicators

(iv) quality indicators

(v) nutritional value

(vi) service style

(vii) taste profile

(viii) texture profile.

Dish 2: (Name of the dish you selected)

(i) classical and contemporary variations

(ii) appearance and presentation

(iii) freshness indicators

(iv) quality indicators

(v) nutritional value

(vi) service style

(vii) taste profile

(viii) texture profile.

2. Research and Report.

Name: (Write your Name)
Student ID: (Write your ID)
Response to Activity 2:

(Remove the red coloured writings after writing the response)

(Carefully read the scenario provided in the Activity 2 of Assessment Task 2 in Cover Page)

a. Research each dish in order to discover the criteria listed above. A Research report template has been

There should be two “Research Report Template” for two different dishes those you are researching.

Template 1- (Name of the Poultry Dish) (Attached separately)

Template 2- (Name of the Poultry Dish) (Attached separately)

Course Name and Code: SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes

Assessment Task 3: Student logbook

Complete the following activities.

Activity 1:

Carefully read the scenario provided in the Assessment Task 3 in Cover Page:

Response to Activity 1

(Remove the red coloured writings after writing the response)

(Carefully read the scenario provided in the Activity 1 of Assessment Task 3 in Cover Page)
(Write down the followings):

1. In your Student Logbook, you will find some detailed information about providing evidence, the
preparation and planning documents you must complete for each time that you cook, a logbook summary
Name: (Write your Name)
Student ID: (Write your ID)
and a reflective journal. Each time that you cook or prepare a dish for assessment of this unit, you will need

a. Complete a planning document

b. Complete a reflective journal (a reflective journal provides an opportunity for you to think about the
cooking process – what went well, what you would do differently next time). It also helps you to provide
evidence for your assessment.

c. Ask your supervisor/trainer to sign the supervisor declaration section at the end of the reflective

Activity 2.
Determine production requirements.

Response to Activity 2:

(Remove the red coloured writings after writing the response)

(Carefully read the scenario provided in the Activity 2 of Assessment Task 3 in Cover Page)

a. A Service planning template has been provided to help you. You need to interpret the standard
recipe and associated food preparation list which you will be working from. You need to write how would you
put all the items that planning and organising to work. Prepare the dish or dishes as per the standard recipe
and food preparation list. You need to ensure all the conditions and terms mentioned in the narrative.

3. Complete a reflective journal for each time that you cook a dish as part of your assessment
for this unit. Don’t forget to ask your trainer/assessor or supervisor to complete the declaration.

Response to Activity 3:

(Remove the red coloured writings after writing the response)

(Carefully read the scenario provided in the Activity 3 of Assessment Task 3 in Cover Page)
Name: (Write your Name)
Student ID: (Write your ID)
a. Finalise your Student Logbook. Ensure that all documents are clear and complete. It should include
the following completed documents for each time that you cook a dish as part of your assessment for this

(1) Service planning template

(2) Reflective journal (endorsed by your trainer/assessor or supervisor).

Send or submit the completed Student Logbook to your assessor.

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