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Heading 2
Australian Ecolabel Program is the approval or permission given to products
which have lesser impact on the environment those functionally and
competitively similar products. The overall objective of the program is to
promote the sustainable and highlights the products to the consumers. It is a
voluntary code of practice which influence on the shape and benchmark for
behavior at the marketplace. It support the program of environment related
policies that improve environmental performance and issues like waste
minimization, minimization of resource consumption, recycling,
procurement of environmentally friendly products. All the companies must
comply with environmental labeling specifications and criteria which are
objective, reasonable and verifiable. Specially, the companies working in the
field related to architectural and protective coating, carpet industry,
furniture & fittings, plastic recycling industry and rubber manufacturing
industry must comply with his ecolabel program code of practice.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory

☐ Not Satisfactory


6. List at least four environmental and resource sustainability

measurements that a company could use to establish sustainability

- Use of renewable resources like wind, solar energy instead of non-

renewable resources like fossil fuels.

- Carbon emissions from the machines & equipment used and from the
use of resources like fossil fuels.

- Quality of air, water and soil within the surroundings. It affects on

business operations and undertakings.

- Resource consumption rate and consumption pattern.

- Loss of energy and resources.

Outcome ☐ Satisfactory

☐ Not Satisfactory


7. Describe three purchasing approaches that can contribute to

sustainable work practices.

The alignment of sustainable procurement with core business strategies and

instituting a sustainable procurement policies and roadmap helps in
achieving sustainability and growth of business. Sustainable procurement
considers the environmental, social and economic impact throughout the
entire lifecycle of goods & services provided by the business. The different
approaches that can lead to sustainable work practices are outlined as:

- Purchase paper with 100 percent recycled content

- Make purchase of item like furniture & fittings, supplies which can be
reused and recycled.

- Avoid purchasing of single use plastic goods.

- While procurement of goods & services, whole life cycle of goods &
services should be taken into consideration. It should consider whether the
good & services produced were environmentally friendly, have use the
recycled and reused items and so on, throughout the process.

- Priority should be given to local sourced product.

- Focused more on the environmentally friendly products rather than
cheaper products.

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