Suraj Internship Report Final Rechecked

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Submitted To:
Office of Dean
Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism
Lincoln University College, Malaysia

Submitted By:
Suraj Lamichhane
LUC Registration No.: LC00014000147

KFA Business School and IT

in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Hospitality Management

Kathmandu, Nepal

August 2020


This dissertation would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of
several individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended their valuable
assistance in the preparation and completion of this study.

I would like to express my gratitude to KFA Business School and IT and Lincoln
University for including internship program as a hospitality course which has
provided an opportunity to gain practical working experience in the organization.

My sincere gratitude to Mr. Chetan Salunkhe and Mr. Nibi Thomas and dusk
supervisors for giving me an opportunity to do my internship in the Food and
Beverage Department of this organization, Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green
Community. I am thankful to Mr. Magdy Hafez - Training Manager from HRD for
devoting time from their busy schedule and explaining how work is being done in
Food and Beverage department and assigning me with various tasks during these 52
weeks of internship period.

I would also like to extend special thanks to the entire staff for their full co-operation,
guidance and support during my internship.

Lastly, I would like to thanks Mr. Rajat Bajrachary - Academic Coordinator, Mr.
Ravindra Pariyar – BHM Coordinator & Mrs. Ema Karki – Academic Supervisor for
their valuable Instructions and Guidance during the Internship program sincerely,

Suraj Lamichhane


The core objective of the internship is to fulfill the requirement of the BHM program
as prescribed by the Lincoln University. An intern has to prepare project report at the
end of the internship period but the main objective of the internship is to get the
hands-on experience of the real-world organization. The internship was completed
with the objective of getting practical knowledge in the Food and Beverage
department of Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green Community.

The responsibility I was assigned on this fifty-two week of internship period was to
assist the guest and provide the standard level of service in the restaurant and bar. As
an intern, I realized that I was successful to gather a lot of significant learning
experiences which would be helpful in my future career. The F&B department of
Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green Community offered me ample space and
opportunities, not only to learn but also to exhibit my skills as a F&B team member. I
could use my theoretical knowledge of F&B in real practice while participating in
many discussions. I was actively involved in the department meetings where I shared
my knowledge and views regarding the performance in F&B department of Courtyard
by Marriott, Dubai Green Community.

I also attempted to gather more information on basic job functions of other

departments to have better understanding of the relation between them and the F&B
department. It was commendable to see how wholeheartedly they welcomed,
acknowledged and appreciated new ideas and knowledge. I have provided few
recommendations based upon my understanding and knowledge.

I successfully completed all the assigned duties and handed them over to the senior
supervisor at the end of the internship. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenges that came
along every single day. I could also bring some minor improvisations during my
internship which were able to leave their marks. These lessons that I have learned will
be a valuable one for my future endeavors as well.


1.1 Background..........................................................................................................................
1.2 Objectives of Internship.......................................................................................................
1.3 Methodology........................................................................................................................
1.4 Limitation of Internship.......................................................................................................

2.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................
2.2 Present situation.................................................................................................................
2.3 Challenges and opportunities.............................................................................................

3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................
3.2 Present situation.................................................................................................................
3.3 Challenges and opportunities.............................................................................................

4.1 Introduction of the activities / departments / sections.......................................................
4.2 Experience through months – Problem, solution and decision making.............................

5.1 Summary............................................................................................................................
5.2 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................

5.3 Recommendation...............................................................................................................
5.4 Reference / Bibliography...................................................................................................


1.1 Background

Kathmandu business school and IT is the conscientious learning center where

students at different levels prepare to meet the challenges and opportunities of

the 21 century.

It offers premier graduate program of Bachelor of Hotel Management (BHM)

which requires the students to complete a three credit hours of internship
program. After the completion of internship, the students are required to
prepare a project report on a topic relevant to the work they were assigned
during the internship.

An intern has to prepare project report at the end of the internship period but
the main objective of the internship is to get the hands- on experience of the
real-world organization. It also helps to develop the skills required to handle
the day to day operation in an organization. This will allow the students to be
prepared for the upcoming corporate challenges by experiencing real time
working environment.

Upon subsequent research to find the best suitable organization to match both
my major and area of interest, I selected the Food and Beverage Service
department of a 4-star hotel supremely known for its well-defined quality
guest service – Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green Community.

This internship program was approved by Kathmandu business school and IT,
affiliated to Lincoln University, Malaysia.

1.2 Objective of Internship

The Faculty of Management, Lincoln University has its ultimate objectives of

preparing students for professional pursuits of business, industry and government. The
core objective of the internship is to fulfill the requirement of the BHM program as
prescribed by the Lincoln University. Apart from this, the internship was completed
with the objective of getting practical knowledge in the Food and Beverage
department of Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green Community.

More specifically, the objectives of the internship were as under:

 To gain practical experience of the jobs carried out in the F&B Department
of Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green Community.

 To compare the theoretical knowledge of F&B with the practical

experiences carried out at the 4-star Hotel.

 Clarify personal interests, skills, and competencies, and their

implementation toward development of career goals.

 To gain ideas from the experienced people working for F&B department.

 To understand the challenges faced by the F&B department.

 To understand the different types of training provided to the employees.

 Development of personal standards of professional and ethical behavior

required in the workplace.

1.3 Methodology

The methodology is applied in the systematic, theoretical way to a field of study, so

that it is ethical and beneficial.

The methodology encompasses during project preparation is both the qualitative and
quantitative techniques.

The industrial report defines and analyses the subject, evaluate the facts or result of
the research presented. For the accurate, concise, clear and well-structured report, I
have gone through all the data that I collected from all the departments (primary data),
my own personal view and lots of secondary source.

Primary data

• Observation and Self involvement in the work

• Orientation

Secondary data

 Official website of the hotel and hotel glossaries

 Hotel Brochures
 Annual report of hotel
 Record maintained by the hotel
 Magazines and newspapers
 Previously handover notes and projects.
 Hotel Books

1.4 Limitation of Internship

The limitations of the study are those characteristics of design or methodology that
the interpretation of the findings. The major limitation of the study is:

 Lack of Capital.
 Shortage of time.
 Unavailability of enough data from the secondary source.
 Respondent don’t want to share data.

The practical exposure conducted by positing on different department is highly

fruitful but while dividing the days to work on each department to the various outlets,
the time for learning tends to be very short. Collecting the data goes very tough.



2.1 Introduction

The Hotel industry is the industry that is responsible for providing primarily

food services and accommodations in places such as hotels, resorts,
conference centers and theme or amusement parks.

The catering industry, which overlaps with the hospitality industry, primarily
provides food services to institutions (such as schools, hospitals, or
governmental operations), private industry (such as corporate cafeterias or
motion picture studios), and private parties.

And also, in a much boarder view, non-commercial institutional provide food

and lodging.

“The hotel industry is one of the most important components of the wider
service industry, catering for customers who require overnight
accommodation. It is closely associated with the travel industry and the
hospitality industry, although there are notable differences in scope. In this
article, you will learn more about the hotel industry, its links to those other
service industry sectors, and the range of hotel and guest accommodation
types that exist”.

o The Difference Between the Hotel Industry and the Hospitality


One common area of confusion relates to the difference between the hotel
industry and the hospitality industry, with many people mistakenly believing
the two terms refer to the same thing. However, while there is a cross-over, the
difference is that the hospitality industry is broader in scope and includes
multiple different sectors.

The hotel industry is solely concerned with the provision of guest

accommodation and related services. By contrast, the hospitality industry is
concerned with leisure in a more general sense. As a result, it covers
accommodation, restaurants, bars, cafés, night-life and a number of travel and
tourism services.

2.2 Present Situation

The international hospitality industry is anything but kind. For a very long time, there
was next to no innovation in this field, but the arrival of technology-fueled on-demand
economy has dramatically changed that.

The Airbnb’s appearance on the scene was an indicator of this change, along with the
rise of boutique hotels. Soon, even traditional restaurant chains began experimenting,
growing, acquiring and by consequence, innovating intensely.

“Airbnb (short for Air Beds & Breakfast) is a marketplace that connects travelers
with local property owners. For example, if you are a traveler and want to visit a
city and you don't want to stay in a hotel or hostel, Airbnb gives you many choices
from which you can easily book a room or an apartment)”.

This brings us to the current hospitality scenario. Although it continues to be a brutal,

unyielding, and fiercely competitive industry, the path to success is now multifaceted.
There isn’t one formula that applies to all and hotels no longer have to subscribe to
hard and fast rules.

Technology plays the role of a grand equalizer, giving even the smallest player a
fighting chance to survive.

2.3 Challenges and Opportunities

A. Challenges

The Hotel industry has shown little signs of slowing down over the years even
during economic recessions.

However, with more technological advancements, the entry barriers are

lowered and new competitors and disruptors are appearing in the scene.

So, what can be the major hotel industry issues in 2020 and beyond?

1. Continuously Changing Consumer demands

This is no surprise. Technology has made us impatient and we want things in a

jiffy. Less than perfect can easily throw compares out of business.

Changing regulatory norms like data security, credit card fraud, compliance,
consumer protection laws and more make it more and more difficult for
organizations to adjust based on demands and norms.

Skift interviewed a lot of top hoteliers which included few of the prominent
names of the hotel industry like Bill Walshe (CEO of the Viceroy Group), Ed
French (Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of the Ritz Carlton) etc.

Here is what they got from these hoteliers.

1. The Hotel customer is more culturally oriented now which makes

understanding the more difficult.

2. Whether the customer spends $200 or $2000 for the room, they are
always looking for the value of money.

3. Luxury is a term which has many definitions now and changes around
customer perception more than ever.

4. Brand or a well-designed hotel is not enough anymore. It’s about the


The article on Luxury Hotel Opportunities and Challenges by Skift dwells

deeper into this topic.
In short, the black box in the mind of customers is becoming accessible
through the use of technology and better tracking of the customer helps hotels
retain customers.

So, understanding the customer fully is going to be one of the key hotel
industry challenges in the years to come.

2. Competition from Hotel industry alternatives like Airbnb

One of the biggest threats for hotels starting from 2020 and beyond has been
the competition from Airbnb.

According to a report from Hospitalitynet, the valuation of Airbnb is well over

$10 Billion which is even higher than a lot of Large Hotel Chains in the
world like Hyatt.

Airbnb vs the hotel industry has been a good competition to watch out in

recent years. This is set to intensify further.
This app has impacted the hotel industry in a huge way because it provides
customers with units at very much the same rates as new hotels or cheaper.

Airbnb has syphoned demand from hotels and limited-service properties in

key markets and high tourist areas.

So far, it appears as though most of the people who opt to stay in hotels do so
because Airbnb does not offer other services such as luxury and security.

While Airbnb is sure to put a dent in the Hotel industry as is already evident,
there are a lot of other Hospitality Industry Apps that are helping the Hotel
industry to outwit the competition.

3. Improper and ineffective marketing

The hotel industry is still Technology averse to an extent.

Other industries outpace Hotel Industry in the adaptation of cutting-edge


Being somewhat technology averse can be one of the major hotel industry
challenges in the coming years.

As per the Latest Hotel Industry Trends, technology is going to be the key to
achieve a competitive edge.

As technology continues to impact day to day human operations, hotels have

been forced to re-evaluate their marketing efforts to capture the ever-growing
online market.

Unfortunately, although a lot of hotels have embraced the internet and all
aspects of digital marketing, a lot of hotels are still relying on old marketing

Some of the best hotel industry marketing strategies are still unexplored or

As a result, sales and brand recognition have suffered immensely, which has
affected the success of some of the businesses.

4. Difficulties with Energy Management as one of the Major

Hotel Industry Challenges 


A lot of hotels are going green and smoke-free.

This is a great initiative as the planet fights against global warming and other
climate-related issues.

However, it is also a smart move to get more profits and an edge over the

Yes, that’s true.

Hotels now have to start investing in eco-friendly and renewable energy

sources because customers are on the lookout for green and sustainable hotels.

People want to contribute positively to climate control initiatives and staying

in eco-friendly and green hotels is one such initiative by a lot of frequent

Establishments that refuse to take issues of sustainability seriously have been

impacted negatively as the overall profit margin has suffered.

5. Poor customer satisfaction


While luxury and boutique hotels have managed to take advantage of the
many opportunities for hospitality innovation ahead of them, other hotels are
dealing with the increasing pressure to succeed.
As such, many hotels and their managers are constantly working on multiple
channels and issues to improve hotel operations, as well as their level of

Customer Service in the Hospitality Industry holds the key to success in 2019
and beyond.
Hotels still face the issue of poor customer satisfaction, which is the killer of
businesses in the hotel industry.

Once a hotel receives a bad review, it is extremely difficult to regain its

reputable standing.

6. Shortage of trained personnel with Hotel industry expertise


This is again going to be another challenge for the Hotel industry in the future.
The industry has already been suffering from this but with greater automation,
this is set to become more challenging in 2020.

Hotels which do not take the time out to look for trained personnel are bound
to face some challenges in its service delivery.

Although many hospitality businesses have managed to stay afloat in this

tough economy, this is a major hotel industry challenges in the coming years.

Finding the right people may be difficult especially for small hotels.

There are a lot of challenges in hotel industry recruitment and thus it is

important for recruiters to understand the needs and wants of today’s
hospitality job seekers.
Usually, high-end luxurious accommodation providers recruit trained
professionals at a high cost, which is an impossible feat for low budget hotels.

B. Opportunities

Although many people immediately think about hotel work when they hear the
word “hospitality,” individuals seeking management positions in the field can
choose among a number of viable employment sectors including travel and
tourism, casino management, and various food and beverage industries.

The hospitality industry can give you the opportunity to operate a tour
company, plan events at a resort, or board a cruise ship as a recreation
director. However, in order to succeed in any of these dynamic fields, the
importance of a hospitality administration training cannot be underestimated.

For those with the proper education and drive, the opportunities in the
hospitality industry are nearly limitless. The World Travel and Tourism
Council recently released a report that compared economic growth in the
hospitality industry to growth in other market sectors. The organization
ultimately determined that hospitality and tourism have one of the highest
potentials for expansion of any industry in the world.
Because of the dynamic and fast-paced nature of the industry, many
hospitality organizations offer administrative positions to employees at
comparatively young ages.

At the management level, workers in the hospitality industry receive all of the
traditional benefits, such as competitive healthcare packages and retirement
plans, that people have come to expect from a senior professional position.
However, the hospitality industry, by its very nature, typically offers a range
of unique and exciting fringe benefits. Depending on your specific area of
professional interest, you may be eligible for free or discounted housing, hotel
rooms, airfare and ground transportation, meals, laundry services, and other
valuable amenities.

To capitalize on all that this industry has to offer, one must first educate
himself about the foundation of hospitality and familiarize yourself with the
diverse opportunities that are available in a wide variety of hospitality fields.

In addition to general hotel and restaurant management, there are employment
options in the following, often overlooked, areas:

•          Airline and railway travel

•          Conferences and conventions centers
•          Travel agencies
•          Tourist offices and ministries of tourism
•          Tour operators
•          Spas and wellness centers
•          Cruise companies
•          Event management
•          Casinos
•          Catering companies
•          Bars and private clubs
•          Concert and theatre venues
•          Museums and other cultural venues
•          Theme parks
•          Fitness clubs and sports organizations
•          Real estate management companies
•          Hotel development and construction
•          Manufacturers and suppliers of hospitality equipment

Even individuals who choose to work at a hotel can develop a career path
within a number of unique environments, depending on their specific wants
and needs. Certain personality types may gravitate toward a 5-star
multinational chain, while others might seek work at a luxury resort, a
boutique inn, an eco-hotel, or a quaint bed and breakfast. It all depends on
what kind of work environment fits you best.




3.1 Introduction

Courtyard by Marriott is a brand of hotels owned by Marriott International.

They are a mid-priced range of hotels designed for business travelers but also
accommodates families. Its rooms have desks, couches, and
free Internet access. The majority of locations have a bistro that sells fresh
cooked and prepared breakfast (not complimentary), appetizers, sandwiches,
and more. All have 24-hour "mini-marts".

It competes with other mid-priced business-oriented hotels like Cambria

Suites, Wingate Inn and Hilton Garden Inn.

In the early 1980s Marriott was having trouble finding locations suitable for
their parent brand Marriott. The company decided to create a new brand to
attract customers who were not satisfied with their current selection.
Courtyard was created to target frequent business travelers and pleasure
travelers. The brand focused on smaller properties in lower demand areas. The
chain grew from three test sites in 1983 to over 90 hotels in 1987.

The first location was built in 1983 in Atlanta and was Marriott's first sister
brand. The brand was always meant to target business travelers. However,

over the years, it has come to cater to the leisure traveler, too. Most now have
a swimming pool or fitness center, microwaves and mini-fridges for rent, and
family rates. Many properties have a mini-fridge in every room and usually
have a complimentary guest microwave in The Market. Usually, microwaves
are found in suite rooms.

Marriott International spent $2 billion in the mid-1980s on building out the

Courtyard by Marriott chain in order to target Holiday Inn's clientele.

In 2007, Marriott started its Refreshing Business Initiative to renovate the

Courtyard properties to better target business travelers based on consumers’
needs. Renovations included a redesigned lobby, a bar with longer service
hours allowing guests to be more social, and an increased revenue.

At the end of December 2017, there were 1,199 Courtyard Marriott Hotels
worldwide with 178,438 rooms.

In 2017, a Courtyard Marriott Hotel became the first American chain hotel to
open on the Island of Bonaire, and through a partnership with local dive shop
chain, Dive Friends Bonaire, became the first Courtyard hotel in the world to
have an onsite scuba diving shop.

o Marriott’s Vision Statement

Marriott International Organization has ensured continued success for close to

a hundred years on a global stage by following the vision of the founders of
the company.

Marriott’s vision statement put forth by the company is as follows:

“To be the World’s Favorite Travel Company.”

To achieve the monumental success in the service industry on a global stage,

the founders of the Marriott International thought it was best to put forth a
vision so simple that it was not only easy to implement but also follow
throughout the organization.

The goal of the company is very simple – to leave a legacy of excellence in the
service industry. Marriott International aims to be the favorite travel company
for the masses throughout the world. It was this vision in addition to the work
ethic and company culture that made it possible to achieve the success the
company has.

o Marriott’s Mission Statement

The mission statement for the Marriott International is as follows:

“To enhance the lives of our customers by creating and enabling

unsurpassed vacation and leisure experience.”

An analysis of the mission statement has been done below

▪ Enhance the lives of the customers

The key to long term success of any service providing company is to

offer its customers services of that quality that the customer is left with
no other option other than choosing your brand.

Marriott International believes that by enhancing the lives of their

customers and by providing them with premium services, they can
establish themselves as a profitable company in the long term.

▪ Creating and enabling unsurpassed vacation and leisure


To retain customers, Marriott International goes an extra mile to

provide the customer with a vacation experience that is their money’s
worth. They do so by creating a vacation experience and hotel
experience full of comfort and enjoyment.

Right from the hotel room to the services provided by the Marriot
International are of premium quality. An example is the Ritz-Carlton
Hotel, which is the go-to spot for all the high-profile people and

celebrities. This shows that the company has been successful in
creating a credible brand Name for itself.

o Marriott’s Core Values

Marriott International takes, great pride in its employees and their behavior,
which is the reflection of the core values and the culture of the company.
Following are the core values of the company

▪ Putting people first

The main philosophy put forward by the founders of Marriott

International was to create a company culture as such that people are
made a priority. People first culture has been a critical factor in the
success of the organization, and the company expects its employees to
be well equipped with this skillset.

▪ Pursuing excellence

The company takes great pride in providing services of par excellence,

so all the employees are expected to exhibit professional excellence. It
is a critical skill for survival at Marriott International as the company
tries to hire the best talent there is.

▪ Embracing change

The modern hospitality industry has been shaped by the Marriott

family; hence, the company is not new at all to embracing change and
adapting accordingly. Employees are expected to not only welcome
change but also adjust accordingly.

▪ Acting with Integrity

Amongst all fundamental core values, integrity is the most important

one. For the company to grow as a trustworthy brand name, all the

employees are expected to execute their duties with the utmost

▪ Serving the World

Marriott International expects all its employees to be committed to not

only the company but also towards the society and the planet. All
employees are expected to give back to society and help make the
world more sustainable.

o Marriott’s Pricing Strategy

Marriott International is an organization that offers services of all kinds to its

customers. All of its revenue depends upon the prices of those services
provided. The company makes use of Group Pricing Optimizer (GPO).

It is a decision support system, with user-friendly integrated software that

helps the company decide the prices of its various services such as hotel room

The GPO makes an analysis-based decision depending upon multiple factors

such as price elasticity, demand segmentation, and optimization techniques.
The system has not only improved sales and increased profitability but has
also resulted in more satisfied customers.

o Conclusion

Marriot International, as a company, started the venture with a vision to be the

best in the world when it comes to hotels or resort chains. They proved their
vision right by setting out a mission that made the customers a priority.

A. Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green Community

Situated in Dubai, Courtyard Dubai Green Community offers modern 4-star

accommodation, as well as a swimming pool, an outdoor pool and a Jacuzzi. It
also features a rooftop terrace, a sauna and free Wi-Fi.

The hotel offers a number of facilities, such as a free shuttle service, a beauty
center and a golf course. It also includes family-friendly amenities, with room
designs and services for families of any size, as well as supervised child
care/activities and a kid’s pool.

The rooms are air conditioned and include wireless internet access, ironing
facilities and an in-room safe. There are also several rooms especially
designed for families.

Courtyard Dubai Green Community's on-site restaurant provides international-

inspired dishes, which can enjoy on the outdoor terrace. Breakfast is available
daily and can be savored in the comfort of the rooms.

Dubai International Airport is less than a 45-minute drive from Courtyard

Dubai Green Community. The friendly staff at the tour desk are available to
organize tours and activities in Dubai.

o Hotel Features

▪ General

Room Service, Restaurant, Air Conditioned, Non-Smoking Rooms, Cable /

Satellite TV, Connecting Rooms, Bath, Hair Dryer, TV, Bidet, Picnic
Area/Tables, Packed Lunches, Ice Machine

▪ Activities

Fitness Room/Gym, Swimming pool, Golf Course, Sauna, Garden, Scuba

Diving, Water Activities, Lake, Salon, Jacuzzi, Spa & Wellness Centre, Child
Pool, Pool Outdoor, Games Available

▪ Services

Business Center, Concierge, Tour Desk, Elevator / Lift, 24-Hour Reception,

Dry Cleaning, Babysitting / Child Services, Banquet Facilities, Conference
Room(s), Currency Exchange, Multilingual Staff, Safe-Deposit Box, ATM /
Cash Machine, Porters, Wake-up Service, Meeting Rooms, Laundry service,
Shops, Photocopier, Ticket Service, Ballroom, Supervised child care/activities,

Luggage Storage, Designated Smoking Area, Souvenirs/Gift Shop, Express
Check-In/Check-Out, Self-Laundry

▪ Internet

Internet is available. Wireless internet on site.

▪ Parking

Valet parking is offered at the hotel. There is an airport shuttle that runs from
the hotel.

▪ Check-in & Check-out

Check-in is from 3:00 PM and Check-out is prior to 12:00PM

Organization Chart of Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green



B. Marriott Executive Apartments Dubai Green

Situated in Dubai, Marriott Executive Apartments Dubai Green Community

provides 4-star accommodation, as well as a swimming pool and outdoor
tennis courts. It also offers valet parking, a free shuttle service and a beauty
center. Marriott Executive Apartments is also watched and monitor by
Courtyard Marriott because of its same location and same building attached to
each other.

Marriott Executive Apartments features a number of amenities, such as a sun

deck, an express check-in and check-out feature and a golf course. It also has
babysitting services, a currency exchange and a reception that operates 24/7.

Those staying at Marriott Executive Apartments Green Community Dubai can

relax in their stylish apartments that offer a kitchenette, a refrigerator and a
mini bar. They all feature tea and coffee making facilities, movies-on-demand
and a CD player.

On-site dining options include a restaurant, which is a convenient spot to

enjoy a meal. In the evening, guests can enjoy a drink in the comfortable

lounge bar.

o Hotel Features

▪ General

Room Service, Restaurant, Bar / Lounge, Air Conditioned, Mini Bar,

Refrigerator, Cable / Satellite TV, In Room Movies, Coffee / Tea Maker,
Microwave, Hair Dryer, TV, CD Player, DVD Player, Desk, Bathrobes,
Shower, Coffee Shop/Cafeteria, Ice Machine, Kitchenette

▪ Activities

Fitness Room/Gym, Swimming pool, Massage / Beauty Centre, Tennis

Courts, Golf Course, Garden, Scuba Diving, Water Activities, Horse Riding,
Water-skiing, Salon, Child Pool, Pool Outdoor

▪ Services

Business Center, Concierge, Elevator / Lift, 24-Hour Reception, Dry Cleaning,

Babysitting / Child Services, Conference Room(s), Currency Exchange,
Multilingual Staff, Safe-Deposit Box, ATM / Cash Machine, Porters, Wake-up
Service, Meeting Rooms, Laundry service, Shops, Luggage Storage,
Souvenirs/Gift Shop, Express Check-In/Check-Out, Self-Laundry

▪ Internet

Internet is available.

▪ Parking

Valet parking is offered at the hotel. There is an airport shuttle that runs from
the hotel.

▪ Check-in & Check-out

Check-in is from 3:00 PM and Check-out is prior to 1:00 PM

3.2 Present Situation

2019 was really fruitful year to Courtyard by Marriott. It was able to gain
good customer satisfaction review and was able to increase its ranking from
various points it earns because of its service and good response from the

Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green Community is an ideal hotel for anyone

who is coming for business or vacation purpose. The hotel situation at this
stage from 2019 is on rise stage.

Courtyard by Marriott has lot of challenges as well as opportunities from 2020

as Dubai is now going to organize mega event on its city where almost every
country people will be there. The EXPO 2020 will be the crucial task the hotel
will be dealing to.

The EXPO site is just 7 mins away from the hotel as we can say that the hotel
is going to get the good business because of location nearby. Likewise, the

hotel is even taking part in crucial Outdoor Catering for different big brands
like BMW, Jaguar, Authordoms and many more.

But the things don’t only favor the hotel on positive side. The hotel is facing
its major problem from long year and that is growing just rapidly. Yes, it’s the
rapid turnover of staff. Maybe, the reason might be different, or may be the
payroll is very less, the staff coming to hotel doesn’t seems to stay for longer
period of time.

3.3 Challenges and Opportunities

A. Challenges

Every organization have to go through various challenges. The

challenges can be from various factor. It may be due to environmental
factor or may be due to technical factor. Here, are the major challenges
faced by Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green Community.

1. Improper and ineffective marketing

Marketing is the crucial part for any organization. Courtyard by

Marriott, Dubai Green Community is also struggling for it’s proper
and efficient marketing. Courtyard by Marriott, uses the traditional
way of marketing and couldn’t implement the changes to the
current market scenario. The marketing level has been growing

very fast in World Market but because of lack of expertise and
experience the hotel is struggling to have a good Digital Marketing
among its consumer.

Because of this, the hotel cannot attract to much needy guest as it

could have done. At the end of the day, the only people to join the
hotel would be the people living near to the hotel.

2. Changing consumer demand

A change in demand describes a shift in consumer desire to

purchase a particular good or service, irrespective of a variation in
its price. The change could be triggered by a shift in income
levels, consumer tastes, or a different price being charged for a
related product.

May be because of changing consumer demand on daily basis, it

seems like hotel needs to introduce something new and creative for
best consumer service. Once the consumer feels the service is great
in an organization, they aim and visit back the hotel. But on the
next visit, if the consumer doesn’t get the same service or more
different high-class service then there shifts the consumer demand.
The consumer always tends to have different taste whenever they
pay the value for it.

Because of continue changing of demand, consumer tends to go

and seek a better service from another hotel. This can be the major
reason for hotel to lose its valuable consumer.

The management team must plan and implement the better ideas
for best service as possible from them.

3. Location

Here, the major challenge for the hotel is its location. The hotel is
not in the city of Dubai. Dubai is the world class city where many
people comes for different purpose. Even being located at Dubai,
the hotel location is not so pleasing. It will take around like 40
mins to reach hotel from Dubai International Airport.

It would be like long time journey for the people, coming to this

The nearest location from the hotel is Dubai Marina, which will
take around like 20-25 mins drive ride.

4. Opening of new hotel nearby

Dubai is one of the richest cities. The city is vibe for many
travelers. The nightlife on Dubai is something what one wants to
see once in his/her lifetime. Dubai is so rich that it is rich in
opening too many hotels in a year.

Because of opening a lot of hotel in a year, and a new opening

nearby, the hotel seems to lose it’s more occupancy as it was
before. So, in order to make its occupancy full even there is new
opening nearby, the hotel seems to reduce its pricing strategies.
The hotel seems to gain the revenue even by decreasing the price
and attract many costumers at once.

This result in less payroll and less service charges to the employee
which may be the result for tons of turnover of the staff.

5. Employee Turnover

Employee turnover has been the major challenges for Courtyard by
Marriott, Dubai Green Community. When the experience staff left
an organization to another organization, it becomes the greatest
loss for the hotel.

The management team should identify the reason behind the rapid
turnover of staff in the hotel. There seems to be tons of loss in
economy value for the hotel as they need to hire again the new staff
and need to invest money for VISA processing charges and all. The
possible reason might be due to less payment or low payroll, may
be possible dissatisfaction on workplace, environment or others.

B. Opportunities

The major opportunity for Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green

Community at the moment is EXPO 2020. Expo is going to play the
vital role in Dubai as it seems to attract million and million of people
from around the world. The chances of occupancy in hotel seems to be
100% this year as hotel has high potential of increasing its guest
service and it’s ranking in Dubai and Middle East.

The main advantage is being EXPO site just around like 7 mins drive
ride from the hotel. This can really drive the consumer mind to go
nearby hotel and relax there.

Likewise, when there is a will, there is a way. Opportunities are

knocking most of the time from Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green
Community. If one is capable and is experience enough then he/she has
the high possibility to be part as associate of Courtyard by Marriott,
Dubai Green Community.

There are vacancies opening most of the time from Courtyard by
Marriott, Dubai Green Community. HR plays the role for opening the
opportunities to the people around the world.

It would be great opportunity to one to work in Dubai with his/her

better lifestyle. Working in Marriott property is dream job for many




4.1 Introduction of the activities / departments / sections

A. Introduction to Front Office Department

Front office is the most visible segment of any hotel industry which is
strategically located at the entrance of the hotel building within the high traffic
lobby area. It is the first department noticed by the guest. It is the department
which is responsible for the sales of hotel rooms through systematic method of
reservation followed by the registration and assignment. It is attractively
design and systematically and sufficiently equipped to perform the necessary
formalities relating to arriving and departing guest.

The front office in a hotel holds a prime importance and view of the business
of a hotel i.e. to sell rooms. Revenue collected from the sales of room is very
high. Since this is the only department which has got first and last point of
contact of every guest with the hotel.

o Room Rates
One of the challenges for a Front Office Manager is to establish room rates.
Room rate must satisfy the following purposes:

• It must be competitive with competition.

• It must contribute to the revenue of the property to keep business healthy.

Tariff of Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green Community

▪ 1 King Bed, Room 118$/night

▪ 2 Queen Beds, Room 118$/night

▪ 1 King Bed, Lake View, Room 136$/night

▪ 2 Queen Beds, Lake View, Room 136$/night

▪ 1 King Bed, Lake View, Balcony, Room 149$/night

▪ 2 Queen Beds, Lake View, Balcony, Room 149$/night

▪ 1 King Bed, Junior Suite 163$/night

▪ 1 King Bed, Lake View, 1-Bedroom Executive Suite 204$/night

o Organization Chart of Front Office Department

(fig. 2)

o Sections of Front Office Department

a. Reservation

A request for accommodation on by a guest for any particular period is

called reservation. It is a process of booking a room in advance for
prospective guest for certain period of time when reservation is made
at hotel.

Reservation is one of the important parts of Front Office Department.

It is also known as the hub center of the hotel. Request of reservation
may come from different modes such as letter, fax, telephone, email

It is the most important part of the F/O department. It keeps the record
of all the reservation made by the guest or the travel agencies.

o Responsibilities of the departments:

 Making reservation to the hotels.
 Updating guest profile with the available information.
 Helping guests / agencies with information about the hotel and
its facilities.
 Facing reservation confirmed amended or cancelled later to the
required agency or guest.
 Sending filled up reservation from the reception of next day
arrival one day in advance with all correspondence.

o Steps involved in the room reservation

 Handling room request

 Determining availability and rates
 Confirming the reservation
 Guaranteeing the reservation
 Change of reservation
 Cancellation
 Group reservation
 Guidelines for service request

b. Reception

The personnel in front desk welcome and receipt the guest and assign them a room
after few registration formalities, maintain room ability and provide information. This
section is responsible for the warm and friendly reception of the entire guest.
Reception is the staff that has direct contact with guest.

Reception of Courtyard by Marriott, operates 24hrs to provide highly professional and

efficient service to the guest. Reception is only the department which gives the first
and last impression to the guest. The personnel should be very much careful while
dealing with the guest because this is the first point to meet the guest.

o Duties and responsibilities of this section

 Preparing keys of the guest rooms.
 Handle registration for guest with reservation and walk in guest and allocate
appropriate rooms of them.
 To receive the guest promptly and assign the room.
 To issue VIP amenities voucher.
 To handle foreign guest and complete all their required government
 To calculate room availability and advice reservation.
 To send arrival and departure notification slip to various departments.
 To open guest folio and check the guest registration card.
 To arrange transportation facilities for guest if required.
 To prepare flash report.
 Checking all the settlement by night auditor.

c. Concierge

The concierge provides extra information on entertainment, sports, amusement,

transport, tours, church service and baby sitting in the area. These people also obtain
the ticket and make reservation on restaurant. It is information moving desk. This
table is set up for special function, festival. It does special duties for which it is setup.

Concierge seems to be active when there is check in and check out of the guest. The
main job of the bell desk is to carry the luggage of the guest to the room in the check
in and to bring the luggage to the front desk up to the vehicle during the check out.
This section performs the job like checking, identifying, and transferring storage of
guest luggage for which a proper record of the guest luggage has to be maintained.
Bell desk is a section where the guest luggage is tagged and taken to the guest room
after the guest is registered. The bell boy handles the guest luggage. It helps the guest
to receive newspaper in the guest room, maintaining errand card and delivering mails
and packages to the guest rooms.

o Responsibilities

 Carrying guest’s luggage during arrival and departure.

 Storing guest’s luggage in the luggage storage room.
 Distribution newspaper to executive’s offices, club floors and different outlet.
 Providing stamps (postal) to the guests as per their need.
 Helping guests with providing stamps (postal) to the guests as per their need.
 Helping guests with required information.

d. Telephone Operator

This is the separate section under front office department located at the back side
connected to the front desk which is not seen by the guest.
This section is responsible for all the internal and external telephone calls. Three
number of switch board are placed here in order to handle the call effectively. This
section handles all incoming and out-going calls and maintains a record of
international calls for billing purpose.

o Duties and responsibilities of this section

 Handling all the incoming national, international, and in-house calls.

 Receiving and forwarding the calls.
 Handle the guest message
 Making Wake up calls for the guest if informed
 Make the bill of the all outgoing calls by the guest and staffs.
 Maintain the telephone directory which is having all the necessary numbers of
travel agent, hotels, hospitals etc.

e. Business Centre

This unit will assist a customer to organize meeting or to have a temporary office
during his stay at the hotel. The main focus is to business people. The facilities may
include a secretary and other facilities like photocopy, fax machine, overhead
projector, internet connection, computer, library etc.

o Responsibilities of department

 Availing internet access to the guests.

 Availing fax, photocopy and print out facilities to the guests.
 Making telephone calls for the guests as per the request.
 Helping guests with different national and international newspaper.

B. Introduction to Food and Beverage (F&B) Service Department

The F&B service department is one of the most important profit-oriented
department in any hotel industry which plays a dominant role in revenue
production by providing varieties of prepare F&B in the hospitality manner to
the house and outhouse guest.

The F&B service department of a hotel is the most labor-intensive department.

The F&B service should coordinate, complicate and cooperate with other
different department like HK department, F/O department, Security, Account,
HR department, maintenance department etc.

The food and beverage service are now being popular and is also referred to as
the hospitality catering industry.
The word service has its own meaning

S- Smile for everyone

E- Excellent in everything

R- Reaching out to every guest

V- Viewing everything

I- Inviting guest to return again

C- Creating a warm atmosphere

E- Eye Contact

o Organization Chart of Food and Beverage Service Department


o Duties and responsibilities of food and beverage personnel

1. Food and Beverage Manager

A Food and Beverage Manager is a hospitality and tourism professional
specialized in forecasting, planning and controlling the ordering of food and
beverages for a hospitality property. He also manages the finances related to
the whole process of purchasing food and drink for the hotel premises.
“Purchasing” includes sourcing, ordering and transporting of F&B. The duties
and responsibilities of food and beverage manager are as follows:

 Plan, forecast and execute food and beverage orders

 Process customer complaints patiently 
 Plan alternative recipes for customers with special dietary needs
 Check food and beverage supplies and place orders when needed
 Track and order shipments
 Communicate and build strong relationships with vendors
 Adhere to food, health and safety standards
 Plan, hire, train, oversee and manage the members of staff
 Oversee and supervise the welcoming of customers 
 Always strive towards an exceptional customer experience

2. Food and Beverage Supervisor

Food and beverage supervisors are responsible for the daily operations of

businesses that prepare and serve food and drinks to customers.

Typical duties include providing an excellent dining experience, managing

staff, ensuring efficiency and overseeing health and safety regulations. The
duties and responsibilities of food and beverage supervisor are as follows:

 Oversee all front and back of the house restaurant operations

 Ensure customer satisfaction through promoting excellent service; respond to
customer complaints tactfully and professionally
 Maintain quality control for all food served

 Analyze staff evaluations and feedback to improve the customer’s experience
 Project future needs for goods, kitchen supplies, and cleaning products; order
 Oversee health code compliance and sanitation standards
 Seek ways to cut waste and decrease operational costs
 Generate weekly, monthly, and annual reports

3. Captain
A restaurant captain you are responsible to promote and ensure guest
satisfaction, maintain a safe and sanitary work environment and ensure only
the highest quality products are being served. 

Establishes rapport with guests to build guest loyalty and gather constructive
feedback to ensure satisfaction of every individual guest. Also, to handle daily
team member relations, and encourage problem solving by team members
through proper training and empowerment. The duties and responsibilities of
captain are as follows:

 Always greet and welcome guests promptly in a warm and friendly manner.
 Always thank and give fond farewell to guests conveying anticipation for their
next visit.
 Assist guest with table reservation.
 Assist guest while seating.
 Ensure guest are serviced within specified time.
 Has a good knowledge of menu and presentation standards.
 Speak with guests and staff using clear and professional language, and answer
phone calls using appropriate telephone etiquette.
 Able to answer any questions regarding menu and assist with menu selections.
 Able to anticipate any unexpected guest need and reacts promptly and
 Always applies service techniques correctly at all times, and serving Food &
Beverage items with enthusiasm.
 Serve food courses and beverages to guests.

 Set tables according to type of event and service standards.
 Record transaction / orders in Point of Sales systems at the time of order.
 Communicate with the kitchen regarding any menu questions, the length of
wait and product availability.
 Communicate additional meal requirements, allergies, dietary needs, and
special requests to the kitchen.
 Check with guests to ensure satisfaction with each food course and beverages.
 Responsible for clearing, collecting and returning food and beverage items to
proper area.
 Maintain cleanliness of work areas, china, glass, etc. throughout the shift.

4. Server
Food and Beverage Servers are customer service professionals that work for
restaurants, cocktail bars and other establishments. In addition to serving food
and drinks, Food and beverage Servers perform tasks, such as setting up
tables, removing used dishes and preparing simple dishes. The duties and
responsibilities of server are as follows:

 Provide the perfect service experience for every Guest

 Ensure the Guest feels important and welcome in the restaurant
 Ensure hot food is hot and cold food is cold
 Adhere to timing standards for products and services
 Look for ways to consolidate service and increase table turns
 Present menu, answer questions and make suggestions regarding food and
 Serve the Guest in an accommodating manner
 Must know all food liquor, beer, wine and retail offered
 Apply positive suggestive sales approach to guide Guests
 Pre-bus tables; maintain table cleanliness, bus tables
 Looks for ways to avoid waste and limit costs
 Assist in keeping the restaurant clean and safe
 Provide responsible service of alcoholic beverages

 Deliver food and beverages to any table as needed
 Must follow all cash handling policies and procedures
 Report to property on time and in proper uniform

o Outlet of Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green Community

a. Cucina – The Italian Kitchen

This Italian kitchen welcomes guests to savor trattoria style cuisine rich with
flavors from the old country.

The traditional anti paste and salads are accompanied by homemade pastas
and risotto while Cucina’s oven ensures crisp tantalizing pizzas.

The upper level features The Bar with an extensive selection of wines and

Sit at the terrace, have a drink or two while watching the sun set over the
serene lake.

Breakfast operates from 6am-11am, lunch from 12pm-3pm and dinner starts
from 4pm-11:30pm.


SOBO is Arabohemian living: the fusion of two worlds, East meets West,
Bedouin meets Bohemian. All day dining from: 12pm – 1am

This is the essence of the design, seamlessly integrated throughout the space

with eclectic, colorful patterned pillows, cushions and carpets canvassed
across the floor and white washed furniture.

The menu consists of hot and cold traditional Arabic mezza, fresh salads,
juices and mixed grills beautifully presented in eclectic tableware.

The Island Bar offers a variety of unique signature beverages served with a

Escape to the shadow of the Pergola, an outdoor living space where guests can
enjoy hubbly bubbly and a selection of tea.

By night, fairy lights, fire pits and lanterns transform SOBO into a magical
“Arabohemian” garden, the ultimate location for a bite to eat or drink by the

With regular activities and evening barbecues - SOBO offers something for
everyone! Weekdays AED 120 & Weekends (Fridays & Saturdays) AED 150
Includes pool pass and AED 75 food voucher.

DIP’s new boho hot spot, pool bar and lounge destination.

Nestled amongst the tranquil lakeside surroundings of the Green Community

and nearby DIP, SOBO is an idyllic oasis where local residents can meet and

mingle and workers can relax and unwind with colleagues after a long, hard
day’s work.

c. Neighbourhood Social House & Eatery

Neighbourhood Social House & Eatery is a casual social house and eatery,
taking over the space previously known as The Bar. The bar opens from
12:00pm-02:00am and the Happy Hour operates from 5:00pm-8:00pm

Set to be a popular hub for the local community to get together, the venue will
combine trendy industrial interiors with an outdoor terrace complete with
panoramic views overlooking the lake and luscious greenery of the nearby
Green Community.

Menu features British gastro-pub favorites including great roasts, fish and
chips and an extensive selection of delectable deserts.

More than just a restaurant and bar, Neighbourhood will host regular quiz
nights, Sunday supper clubs and live entertainment to create a buzzy hub for
all to meet and mingle.

d. The Lounge

The Lounge serves specialty cakes and pastries, along with light lunch and dinner
options complemented with a wide selection of beverages.

A stylish and elegant space serving freshly prepared pastries, cakes, salads, gourmet
sandwiches, fresh juices and illy coffee.

Perfect hangout for a quick catch up, business meeting or weekend coffee. Gourmet
sandwiches and cakes served 24 hours daily.

e. Banquet

Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green Community has total of 3 Ballroom
where it can perform its function smoothly. Likewise, it has one boardroom
and one meeting room for any business meeting purposes.

C. Introduction to Housekeeping Department

Housekeeping department possess the never ending tough most vital job ever
to perform in the hotel industry. From the floor to the ceiling, from the spring
of the bed to the hook of the curtain, all the entire job of housekeeping is
performed by the staff.

The term Housekeeping refers to “keeping the house cleans comfortable and
safe”. It is regarded as the backbone of all the lodging industry. Housekeeping
is considered the key supporting department that helps in earning major
revenue in hotel. Out of total revenue earned by the hotel 50% and more is
generated from room alone. It also ensures that the content and amenities of
guest room are maintained at high standard to meet the guest satisfaction.

Usually, Executive housekeeper allocates, supervise and monitor daily and

periodic cleaning, maintaining and redecoration. They are also responsible for
up-keep of the entire area of the hotel except kitchen, bar, food and beverage,
store and pantries.
To manage housekeeping department following should be considered:

 Recruit skilled and semi-skilled manpower.

 Design and decor of guest room, bathroom, floor pantries.
 Design and layout of section of housekeeping.
 Selection of proper furnishing.
 Hire temporary staff for managing peak season.
 Plan and organize the work efficiently.

o Organization Chart of Housekeeping Department


o Housekeeping Responsible Area

1. Linen and Uniform Room

• The current linen and uniform are stored or stocked for issuing and
• There are adequate shelves to store the linen and uniform.
• The room should be free from humidity and heat.
• The uniform and linen of every staffs are stored properly with hanging

2. Lost and found

• This section has a small space away from thoroughfare.

• This section is very secure, cool and dry with a cupboard to store all
guests’ articles that are lost and may be claimed later.

3. Linen and uniform store

 This is the store for stocks of new linen and uniform.

 The store stocks maintain should enough to replenish the whole hotel once

4. Control desk

 The main communication center of the department.

 The nerve center of the department which co-ordinates with the front
office, room service, engineering, etc.
 The room is contained of large notice board including of schedules of day
to day.

5. Laundry

 All the guests and staffs uniform and linen are washed, dried and ironed.
 The restaurant linens such as table cloth, napkins, mat, etc. are also
 Different chemical is used for different types of stain.
 Even the wiping clothes are provided by laundry.

o Introduction to room

1) 1 King Bed, Room

Live well in king hotel room in Dubai, boasting a comfortable king bed with
crisp white linens, fluffy pillows and a plush duvet.

Room Overview

Room Features

 32sqm/344sqft
 Air-conditioned
 This room is non-smoking
 Connecting rooms are not available
 Living/sitting area
 Total outdoor space: 7sqm/75sqft

2) 2 Queen Beds, Room

Spacious and comfortable guest rooms with twin beds showcases a work desk,
a mini-bar and a private balcony.

Room Overview

Room Features

 32sqm/344sqft
 Connecting rooms are available (for some rooms)
 Air-conditioned
 Living/sitting area

3) 1 King Bed, Lake View, Balcony, Room

Make yourself at home in the hotel room in Dubai, which showcases a

comfortable king bed, a work desk, a mini-bar and a private balcony.

Room Overview

Room Features

 32sqm/344sqft
 Air-conditioned
 This room is non-smoking
 Connecting rooms are available (for some rooms)

4) 1 King Bed, Junior Suite

Feel at ease in Dubai with relaxing Junior Suite, which offers plenty of room
to stretch out, with a comfortable living room area, views of the lake and 24-
hour room service.

Room Overview

Room Features

 54sqm/581sqft
 Air-conditioned
 This room is non-smoking
 Connecting rooms are not available
 Living/sitting area

5) 1 King Bed, Lake View, 1-Bedroom Executive Suite

Treat yourself to a stay in Executive Suite accommodations, which include a

king bed, a desk, a sofa and a flat-screen TV, as well as scenic lake views.

Room Overview

Room Features

 69sqm/742sqft
 Air-conditioned
 This room is non-smoking
 Connecting rooms are not available
 Living/sitting area
 Living room is separated
 Living area is separated from bed by privacy wall

o Duties and responsibilities of housekeeping personnel

a. Executive Housekeeper:

The Executive Housekeeper reports to the general manager or the room’s

division manager. He/she is responsible and accountable for the total
cleanliness and aesthetic upkeep of the hotel. He/she supervises all
housekeeping employees, has the authority to hire or discharge subordinates,
plans and assigns work assignments, informs new employees of property
regulation, inspects completed assignments and requisition supplies.

The good housekeeper must possess a high degree of tact as well as good
organizing ability. This is a management position that commands respects
from all the members of the hotels. The duties and responsibilities of
executive housekeeper are as follows: -

 Organize, supervise and coordinate the work of housekeeping

personnel on a day-to- basis.
 Ensure excellence in housekeeping sanitation, safety, comfort and
aesthetics for the hotel guests.
 Draw up duty rosters and supervise the discipline and conduct of
his/her staff.
 Counsel employees on various duties and work-related issues.
 Motivate his/her staff and keep their morale high.
 Search constantly for the new techniques and products.
 Organize maintenance and repair of guest rooms.
 Deal with lost and found articles.

 Ensure the provision of proper uniforms for the hotel staff.
 Ensure the observance of hygiene and safety precautions.
 Evaluate employees in order to upgrade them when opening arise.
 Organize and supervise on the job and off-the-job training of staff.
 Coordinate with maintenance department.

b. Floor Supervisor:

The floor supervisor reports to the assistant and executive housekeeper. Floor
supervisor have final responsibility for the condition of guestrooms. Each
floor supervisor is assigned three or more floors. He/she gives the room
attendant their room assignments and the floor master keys, which are turned
at the end of the day. She checks, supervises and approves the attendant’s
work and makes periodical inspection of the physical condition of all room on
the floor. The floor supervisor duties and responsibilities of floor supervisor
are stated as below:

 Ensure supply of equipment and maintenance and cleaning supplies to floors

and public areas.
 Issue floor keys to room attendants.
 Supervise spring cleaning.
 Report on maintenance work on his/her floor.
 Coordinate with room service for clearance.
 Maintain par stock for the respective floors.
 To execute the pest control schedules on the assigned floors.
 Check on scanty baggage.
 Report on standard of individual staff performance.
 To meet with minor complaints and request made by the guest and staff.
 To maintain floor registers/files and daily requisitions.
 Prepares occupancy reports.
 Report all lost and found items and ensured that the prescribed procedures are
 Immediately report any safety or security hazard to the security department or
to the management.

c. Linen Room Supervisor:

The position of linen room supervisor is also called linen room charge or head
linen keeper. He/she has the overall responsibility for sorting, marking,
collecting, packing, delivering, stocking/sorting and inventory of linen of
entire departments and sections of the hotel. Under the guidelines and
instruction of executive Housekeeper, he/she has to operate this section by
maintaining a close coordination with the tailor/seamstress, and attendants.

He/she must have the knowledge of laundry works e.g. dry cleaning, washing,
starching, stain treatment and ironing of linen and their upkeep. The duties and
responsibilities of linen room supervisor are stated as below:

 Be responsible for the entire hotel’s linen and issue linen as per procedure.
 Send dirty linen to the laundry after checking them piece by piece.
 Check laundered linen before giving it for ironing.
 Put away linen neatly once it has been washed, ironed and mended.
 Maintain a register of linen movement and check the linen regularly
 Look after the ironing and laundering of guest’s clothes and the uniforms of
the hotel staff.
 Supervise the work of linen attendants and tailors.
 Make suggestions relating to replacement purchases.
 Lead, train and motivate the team to provide service as per the standards.
 Execute the pest control schedules for the linen room.
 Coordinate the annual audit of the linen room.
 Coordinate with engineering on matters of maintenance and safety in the linen

d. Room Maid/Room Boy:

The room maids work is of great importance because it contributes in a big

way to the comfort of guests and hence their impression of the hotel. Their day
consists of servicing each room to the required standard of the hotel, and this
includes making beds, coping with linen supplies and general cleaning.
Generally, hotels employ one room maid per 12-15 rooms. Room maids report
to the floor supervisor. And in small hotel, they may report to the assistant
housekeeper directly. The duties and responsibilities of room maids/room boy
are stated as below:

 A room attendant is expected to clean and tidy rooms as per the sanitary
regulations assigned.
 Check for lost and found in departure rooms and report to the floor supervisor.
 Contact room service to remove used trays.
 Note the VIP rooms in his/her allotted rooms.
 Stock the maid’s cart with linen and supplies to service the allotted rooms.
 Clean guest bedrooms/bathrooms hotel standards and replenish supplies as per
the room checklist.
 Count and handover soiled linen to the floor supervisor.
 Maintain a polite, dignified and helpful attitude towards guest and respect their
 Check physically the occupancy of rooms for the floor supervisor’s occupancy
 Turn-down beds in the evening service.
 Dispose garbage in prescribed areas.
 Return master keys to the floor supervisor upon completion of the shift.
 Check all safety systems on a floor and reports any defects.
 Coordinate with security personnel on security matters on the floor.
 To deny access of guest rooms to unauthorized hotel personnel and guests.
e. Housemen:
The houseman has two roles; to support the room attendants with heavy work
and to be the primary cleaner of public areas. In either case his/her jobs
involves heavy physical work such as vacuuming carpets and corridors,
cleaning large window panes, carrying heavy furniture, garbage clearance,
floor scrubbing, etc. The duties and responsibilities of houseman are stated as

 A houseman is expected to clean carpets.

 Shifts beds, chairs and other heavy furniture.
 Assist in stocking the maid’s cart with linen and supplies to service all allotted
 Assist in counting soiled linen in the floor pantry and transporting them to the
 Maintain a polite, dignified and helpful attitude towards guests and respect
their privacy.
 Disposed garbage in prescribed areas and segregating the recycled items.
 Clean the swimming pool deck areas.
 Clean garden paths and such outdoor surfaces.
 Polish all brassware.

D. Introduction to Food Production Department

Food production department is responsible for the actual preparation of food

items and F&B service department systematically serve food from the kitchen
to the customer’s table as per their choice or order.
Food production in catering term simply refers to the food preparation and
control. The kitchen is a place where food is prepared. In a hotel or in
restaurant a special room is used for food preparation and is known as kitchen.
In outside catering it is a place assigned for food preparation like in trekking,
rafting, and etc. The word “kitchen” comes from French word "cuisine”,
which means art of cooking or food preparation in the kitchen. In modern
hotel management cuisine refers, to the art of cooking and style of service.
Kitchen is the central point of all the hotel and restaurant where food is
prepared. It is also known as the “heart of hotel”. The main purpose of kitchen
is to produce right quantity and quality of food at the best standard for
required number of client/guests.

o Organization Chart of Kitchen Department

o Job Positions and Responsibilities of Kitchen Staff

a. Executive Chef:

He is a person of authority and responsible for the food production areas and
for the welfare of the department. He is also known as commander of the
kitchen department as he is the key man of the food production management.
The exact description of his/her job will vary according to the size and type of
establishment. In small operation the term Head Chef may be used to describe
his/her involvement in administrative work and active culinary duties carried
out by the head chef. His/her staff must feel the weight of his authority and
follow the strict discipline. In general, his/her job includes:

 Administrator in-charge of the kitchen

 Plans the kitchen elegantly and economically
 Organizing department training program to maintain the highest professional
 Recruits the kitchen staff in coordination with management
 Sees the welfare of the kitchen staff
 Supervise and trains his staff
 Plans the menus and coordinates in fixing their prices
 Controls the quality, quantity and the cost of the food
 Checks spoilage and wastage
 Lays down the standards and specification on ingredients
 Takes responsibilities for criticism and correction
 Indemnifies (protect or compensate against penalties) his staff
 Co-ordinates with others department of the hotel
 Informs the staff of the management policies
 Develop standard recipes
 Food and beverage meeting

b. Executive sous chef:

 Represents the executive chef in his absence

 Makes the duty roster of the kitchen staff
 Responsible for proper staff rotation and record of absenteeism
 Acts as a liaison between executive chef and the kitchen staff
 Ensures smooth flow of dishes from the kitchen
 Reports to the executive chef

c. Sous chef:

Literal meaning of ‘sous’ in French language is ‘under’ or second. So, sous

chef is the second in command or deputized for the Executive chef. He is
responsible for the physical aspect of the kitchen operations, including
supervision of the kitchen staffs. In large catering establishments a number of
sous chefs are employed, each having clearly defined areas of authority such
as banquet production, specialty restaurant, fine dining restaurant. In general
sous chefs are responsible for the daily supervision of kitchen and kitchen
operation. His/her duties include:

 Represents the executive sous in his absence

 Supervises the work of the kitchen
 Ensures proper presentation and specifications of the dishes
 Responsible for the physical aspects of the kitchen
 Does the requisition for direct purchase items
 Keep records of leave, transfer of kitchen staffs
 Prepare duty roster and circulate to different sections
 Involve in planning and conducting training programs for his employee

d. Chef de parties:

Partie in French means ‘part’, or a section. Kitchen department is divided into
sections and a chef de partie is assigned to each section. Each chef de partie is
specialized in their profession, and they are backbone of the kitchen
department. They are in charge and responsible to the respective sections.
They manage their sections independently and delegate the work to demi-chef
de partie and commis under their supervision. The partie system or division of
labor under the specialized job was developed by Mr. Escoffier, which still in
practice. His/ her duties include: -

 Reports to the executive chef and sous chef

 Responsible for food production and waste in his area
 Trains and supervises personnel in his section
 Assures conformance of all food production to the standard
 Controls usage, eliminates wastage with a view to minimize food cost
 Maintains a high standard of cleanliness in his section
 Co-ordinates with the other section of the kitchen and all kitchen personnel

e. Commis de cuisine:

The chef de parties are assisted by commis and assistants. They follow
instructions from their chef de partie and help them in preparing and cooking
dishes. The number of commis may vary with the volume of work. The first
commis are usually capable of taking out the responsibility of chef de parties
in their absences. They have the knowledge of main dishes and their names in
various languages. They have the ability to use kitchen equipment and good
knowledge of hygiene. Second commis and third commis are young cooks.
His/her duties states as bellows: -

 Responsible to all the chefs in the kitchen

 Responsible for the actual preparations of all food items, their
accompaniments etc.
 Prepares the mise-en-place (pre-preparation) of his section
 Keeps his work area neat and orderly at all times

 Advises his supervisor no items in short supply and picks up the indented
items from the stores
 Transferable to any section without advance notice, where manpower shortage
 Exists
 Accountable for the proper care and handling of all items entrusted to him
ingredients, equipment etc.
 Co-ordinates with all kitchen personnel
 1stcommis to train and supervise 2nd and 3rdcommiswhenever required
 1stcommis may represent a chef de parties on his off days with prior

f. Apprentice (I’ apprenti):

These are the trainees learning the trade. They are assigned to the different
departments under a controlled training scheme. They learn preparation,
cooking and serving the food.

o Various Kitchens at Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green


a. Main Kitchen

Main Kitchen is responsible for mainly room service and TFC. It contains
Chinese, Continental, Indian and Pantry sections. Each section is headed by a
Chef. They have a very little time to perform their job given to them. The
main kitchen has the highest level of work performance level. Main kitchen is
headed by the Executive Chef then there is the supervisor and there by the
other chefs.

There are three sections under the main kitchen and they are as follows:

 Cold Kitchen
It supplies fresh seasonal fruits, peanuts, wafers for the room services and
snacks respectively. It also supplies items like milk, cheese, butter etc. to
another kitchen. All the food items in which application of heat is not used are
made here such as salads, sandwich etc. so it is also called cold section. Here
application of heat is not used so the risk of food hazard is minimum.

 Continental Section

This Section is responsible for preparing continental food items such as grilled
items, breast, stewed and poached food. Equipment used in this section:

 Open Fire Ranges

 Bain Marie
 Microwave Oven
 Salamander
 Infrared Heater

 Indian Section

This Section is responsible for preparing Indian Dish as per the KOT (Kitchen
Order Ticket). Indian Section contains following main equipment’s:

 Ranges
 Tandoor
 Masala Grinder
 Chopping Board and Knife with working table

b. Butchery

The butchery department is located at the basement of the main building.

Butchery also functions under the main kitchen, but it also prepares mise-en-
place for all kitchens. The butchery is responsible for cutting different types of
meat and fish for different types of food items. The butchery prepares meat
and fish as well as preparing burger mise-en-place and prepares various

packets of processed meat in different plastics weighting 1kg, 2kg, and 5kg so
that it can be used for immediate purposes.

c. Commissary

The Commissary department is located side by side to the butchery

department. The commissary department is mainly working for the main
kitchen and staff cafeteria. Details checking of the raw vegetable receive are
done at the receiving area with respect to its quality, quantity and order
requisition. Then the raw vegetables are stored in the cold room at 5 degree
centigrade temperature. It daily prepares mise-en-place for main kitchen,
coffee Shop kitchen, and banquet kitchen and so on.

 Cutting of potatoes, French fries, potato lyonnaise etc

 Preparing julienne for Chinese food items
 Required processing of seasonal fruit items like orange, watermelon, sweet
lime etc.
 Mise-en-place for the staff cafeteria.
 Washing the raw vegetables and store in chiller.

d. Bakery Kitchen

Bakery Kitchen is located on the new wing. This kitchen is responsible for
preparing of all kinds of baking items such as breads, sponges, cookies, sweet
items, dessert, pastries etc. for all food and beverage outlets.
The bakery also prepares cake items as per the outsiders and birthday cake for
staff. Equipment used in the bakery is;

 Bread Rolling Machine

 Dough Mixture
 Divider
 Cooking Chamber
 Hot range
 Proving Chamber
 Walk in Chiller etc.

e. Cucina – The Italian Kitchen

Cucina - The Italian Kitchen is an Italian restaurant that blends the

traditions of Italian culture and cooking, with influences from Chef
Francesco Castrovillari's authentic experience, as well as his family
heritage. Cucina offers a new way of experiencing Italian food,
highlighting some dishes that are rooted in tradition, while others have
adventurous new flavors, using global ingredients and cooking methods
meant to fulfill every taste. The traditional anti pasti and salads are
accompanied by homemade pastas and risotto while Cucina’s oven ensures
crisp tantalizing pizzas.

4.2 Experience through months – Problem, solution and decision

Flying to Dubai was a dream for me. And getting a chance to intern under the
Marriott property was like dream come true. Here’s how I go through 12
months training where I suffered a lot of problems but was able to find out the
solution and could use my decision wisely while working on my restaurant.

 Month 1

The time had arrived to begin my intern journey. On the day one and day two,
I got a chance to see my entire hotel. Yes, it was the orientation program for
me. A huge thanks to HR for providing me so many information about the
hotel within these two days. I was able to know my department as well as
another department of the hotel.
I had to suffer a lot in the beginning as I was already on the phase through
Home – sickness. But it was my first time in hotel industry so I was a bit
confuse and I was unknown to the work. I was assigned to do my duty on
Breakfast shift. I began to observe each and everything of the restaurant. I
was assigned to do the back-area work and whenever I used to finish them, I
used to check the menu, the normal table setup, the pricing for meal according
to it’s time, the daily packet and all. My first month was a bit difficult but
thanks to my senior and my supervisor for guiding me towards the journey.

 Month 2

It was the time where I need to put my effort and energy more. Yes, it was the
month of Jan-Feb. It was a peak season in Dubai. I was still unable to perform
as the team were expecting from me. May be the problem was due to change
of environment and change of culture. It was a bit exciting but also stressing
moment for me within the time. But I focus on positive side and keep pushing
myself to give my best for the hotel. I had just received my MICROS card,

but my senior didn’t give me NOC to use the machine. Yes! Their decision is
best because an unknown person cannot use the machine to swipe without
having any proper information. But I was inspired by my colleagues and
supervisor that, if I’m able to perform the great task and great service to the
guest, my name could go to guest voice. Guest voice is the comment of the
guest in the social media or on the feedback sheet of the hotel, where the guest
describes about this stay, his experience of service given by the restaurant staff
and all. But I began my focus on excellent service for the guest and I began to
copy my senior. I began to practice myself and start doing professional service
in the restaurant.

 Month 3

Okay, this was the month where I began to learn many different things. The
first and major thing I learn that, we should never let anyone left out. Yes, I
implement this same rule with my customer coming to the restaurant. I slowly,
day by day began to visit the guest table and ask them regarding the food, their
stay and all. I was slowly bringing up my confidence and I was happy to see
myself improving. But the thing was, I was still left to be close friend with my
colleague. Hotel industry is the place where one must make a friend with
another person because the task can’t be performed by one and needs to do it
by being a big team. I was just wishing for that’s all by 3 months.

But I was able to achieve my first ever success on Courtyard by Marriott,

Dubai Green Community. I won the “Act of Awe’ for the month of February.
“Act of Awe” is kind of competition where one should make the guest feel
amazed and happy with their contribution by preparing anything that surprises
the guest. Yes! and I was able to do it. It was the first time I felt that much of
happiness because I was honored by my General Manager and my Manager
Infront of all the hotel staff. Month 3rd was really a blessing for me and I had
to keep on pushing myself for better progress.

“The Act of Awe Story winner for the month of February,2019”.

 Month 4

Month 4, I began to learn regarding making various kind of coffee. I learned

regarding its temperature, it’s serving time, it’s way of pressing and all. It was
the first time I begin to make the coffee by myself, but was not that best. It
was just the beginning and I had a lot to go. On the same time, I even went to
other outlet to help and saw how the things are performed. The other outlet
was The Lounge, Neighbourhood Bar and SOBO. But I usually helping to the
bar and Sobo. Even till this moment I was on confusion because I had only
known my work of one outlet only. Then I began to watch the menu, tried to
know the name of the foods and the style while serving to the guest. Many
thanks to my manager and supervisor for taking this decision and making me
rotate to another outlet as well so that I can work without any mimic or

 Month 5

The month of Ramadan had arrived in U.A.E., Dubai. This means the peak
season has gone and almost it’s an empty restaurant on the time. This was the
perfect opportunity for me to learn making coffee nicely and on my style. I
learned it from my supervisor, I learned from my senior, I learned it from
YouTube and I kept on practicing. Similarly, it was perfect time for me to
learn and use the MICROS machine. Thanks to my senior, day by day, they
taught me how the checks are opened and bills are punched. It was an amazing
feeling for me because I was again able to learn something great. But I had to
keep on practicing until and unless my manager trusts me and give me a
chance of being a Guest Host. Because of the month of Ramadan, I was able
to go through each and every table and visit the guest and interact with them.
This month was really productive and I saw the changes within myself
because I was building the empire of the confidence.

 Month 6

This month I played as the role model. For the first time, I opened the
restaurant. Yes! I opened the morning breakfast with another colleague. I was
able to witness regarding opening work and schedule that needs to be perform
before the guest arrives to the restaurant. Still it was tough, because only two
staff had to perform the work until morning 7 am unless another member of
team arrives. From morning 5:30-7 am it was all about making the things
right. The nametag, the cutleries, the juices, milk, coffee and all. Every
preparation must be tact and need to perform fast. I learned this all things and
began to practice on daily basis. But there was a big error from myside. The
situation went worst for me on the same time as I broke the most crucial item
that is needed for Breakfast. Yes! I accidently broke, the juice container which
we used to kept on breakfast for the guest.

I immediately took the action, report to my supervisor and my coordinator
regarding the case and move forward. I had to apologize with the concern
people because it was a serious issue. Thankfully, because I report my error,
the solution was solved within few days by supervisor.

 Month 7

This month I had the good opportunity to go through different department and
see how the things are performed. Executive chef gave me a good opportunity,
where I was able to help the cold kitchen to cut the salads and main kitchen for
helping purpose. It was a little thing that was making matter on day to day
basis. I not only focus on my work, but was also making lot of friends. On the
other hand, I was doing well and progress while using the MICROS.
Changing restaurant setup from breakfast to lunch and focusing on every
detail made me tactful and energetic. I begin to work with passion that I had
almost lost once while beginning this journey.

 Month 8

They said it, success doesn’t come by doing one day. It comes when it’s done
consistency. It was really a joyful and pleasant moment as for the first time as
being a trainee, my name was mentioned on “TripAdvisor”.

“A message from Manager for achieving the name on TripAdvisor and
Mighty Oak Achiever”.

Not only once, not only twice I was able to get my name mention for four
times on “TripAdvisor”. That day I understand the value of getting the name
on big social platform. It not only makes me proud but also makes the entire
hotel family proud, because it’s the only means that can help in increasing
hotel ranking because of the best customer service reply on the internet. I was
congratulated by my many colleagues and it was a blessed moment for me as

 Month 9

I came to Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green Community as trainee. But

surprisingly my name was mentioned for “Employee of the Month”
nomination for the month of September.

“Nomination for Employee of The Month – September”

I was shocked. Even though I knew I wouldn’t had won it because I was just a
trainee there, but it was the greatest moment of my life. I felt proud enough
that day. I had remembered all my struggle, my pains, my ups and down
during the time of training. The thing was I was not giving up on me. The
things were really going great and I can remember how much proud the entire
F&B team was.

 Month 10

During this time period, I began to help my team and colleague. I was doing
very well on making good coffee like Cappuccino, Iced Cappuccino, Café
Latte, Café Mocha, Espresso and all. But I was wondering to work in the
evening shift as well. As per meeting with my manager, it was already late for
me, because I had only 2 months remaining. But thankful to him, he
sometimes kept my schedule on evening so I could see how the operation

 Month 11

Month 11 was all about the same, repeating the same thing as it used to be.
Opening the restaurant, giving the check to the guest, handover of the things,
looking after the guest, preparing mis-en-scene for lunch and completing the
back area. But still there were some confusion going on my mind. I was doubt
regarding billing the exact price cheque for the guest. Thankful to my hostess
for assisting me through the problem and making me an easier way to my final

“The Appreciation Letter from Manager”.

 Month 12

Alright, this was my final month. This was the month where I saw myself a
big change guy. Everyone was really proud of me and was really happy to see
me grow. I even got the offer from the hotel for the job. I was really thankful
enough for this journey which taught me a lot and made me someone rather
being no-one. I must be thankful enough to every person on this year where I
got to learn more about Hotel industry and how we need to work in order to
grow. The only great thing I learn is consistency is the key for anything we
work for. It’s the only way the one can success and up growth this her/her
career. Nevertheless, it was the fruitful and blessed year I had as I got to learn
many more things as never before. It was the best time I ever had and I admire
that it was the best Internship memory I had with me to carry on.



5.1 Summary

As far as the learning by observation is concerned, I did learn many techniques

of working in each outlet just by observing from seniors and managers.
Here’re some things that I observed and experienced to learn on work. I was
positioned on the different outlet and allow working in hand to hand with the
seniors which was really amazing for me.

So as to summarize, Courtyard by Marriott, Dubai Green Community is one of

the best hotels in UAE which offers the exceptional service to the customer.
The Might Oak Achiever is the philosophy that everyone works for.

Positioning in the particular outlet for the specific periods doesn’t mean that
you won’t be working on others if needed. All the outlets are closely inter-
related to each other and working on each outlet boost up the confidence and
enthusiasm on the working area.

5.2 Conclusion

The Internship exposure makes me realize that theoretical education is not

enough to allow graduates to perform at a higher level. In the real floor,
analytical skills are not enough. Students must have both theoretical as well as
practical knowledge. By effectively using internships, students will increase
their skills and make them valuable in the job market. Their employers will
benefit as well, and they can increase the efficiency of their businesses.

I came to believe that a successful person needs to have professional, strong

and good public speaking skill since their job scope includes them with large
amount of communication imperative to verbal and written communication. A
person also needs to possess creative skill and reinventing himself in order to
survive in the dynamic environment. We also need to have a good people skill,
which we should be able to communicate as well as interact with other
working professional including pals and clients of the hotel. The internship I
have just went through have made up my mind that hospitality industry is my
cup of tea, and the passion that I instill since secondary school really reinforce
me to involve in this industry. I will definitely be pursuing my career in hotel.
I believed that one day I will achieve personal goal.

5.3 Recommendation

On the basis of my analysis and findings, I would like to draw the following
recommendation for further enhancement of the business of Courtyard by
Marriott, Dubai Green Community:

 Younger generations are the global hospitality leader. The concept

lacks among most of the senior employee. They treat themselves as the
superior leader and that’s the problem on few younger generation
employees on the hotel. Older techniques, older way is not achieving
the new need of the customer satisfaction.

 All the staffs, from the manager to the employee, they are more
focused on their own particular goal to complete. So, it’s being more
difficult to achieve the one particular goal of the hotel i.e. quality
achievement. There has been lots of conflict experienced.

 It’s very difficult to find the one men army but still the tradition is
followed. Specialized person on the particular job should be adjusted
rather that the rotation of the job on the month’s basis.

5.4 Reference / Bibliography

Personal Involvement in the hotel

Information collected from different departments and staffs of Hotel Brochures and


Article Title

Basanta Prasad Joshi and Roopesh Shrestha, Fundamental of Hotel Management

(SukundaPustakBhawan), 1st ED, 2005

Journal title Year


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