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Hi! You want buy a Sm for your niece? But why?

She’s only eleven years old


Why sm? Mphone can do it and better. In addition, Sm is expensive! She’s young,
she could lose it or get it stolen. 

Precisely, there is danger of SocNet! She could be harassed or she could harass
children by group effect. It happens very often. Getting used to responsible is one
thing but getting used to Zii, SocNet and everything that engender Sm is
dangerous. Instead of bringing her closer to people, she could be pressured by her
phone… Or become a phubber, addicted and ignoring people around her, which
would have the opposite effect, she would isolate herself.

They will not be able to monitor everything. She could easily offensive content :
porno and violent videos. ParCo will prevent from going to such sites but it will not
prevent her from seeing this on SocNet. And apart from this, they will have to be
careful bcse many integrated purchases. use their parent's credit card to get
advantages over their favorite games bcse of the advertisements that influence.

And what do you think about the health risks? Studies have shown that blue lights
harmful. she is growing, effects are surely tenfolded. And even in general, she will
maybe spend more time on her phone than enjoying her childhood. 

Ok, we can find lot information on Zii but not necessarily well used and sometimes
it does not help to think for thmself. Many adults can no longer do without Zii for the
slightest calculation or problem. In addition, many fake news on Zii and, at 11 yo,
you don’t necessarily make the difference between what’s true and. And all this
diversity makes that she could easily be disinterested in class and prefer. And as I
said before, she will not be aware of what is right or w and might, for example, have
fun taking a teacher’s photo to laugh with her friends and post it on SocNet.
Consequences could be very serious.
Hey! Don’t w, I wanted to tell I’m going to participate in an exp: 1 week without
internet. I think it can be very enriching.

Of course. you think about it, it’s true today we do everything with Zii. You become
dependent on it: whether it’s having fun, shopping or anything. It will be a good
rehab to avoid becoming a phubber.

But precisely, I will rather buy shops sell local prod, more ecological, good thing. All
internet purchases killing lot small busi, and even more so during this cvid period.

And you feel comfortable giving your perso info on Zii with all these hackers? And
even, without taking them into account, big companies know everything about us
with cookies, they want to direct our advertisements to make us buy more.

That’s I told you, they only show us what. especially in SocNet, where we are only
shown things that might interest us and that are, therefore, of the same opinion as
us. not a good thing to listen only people that agree. And fake news too! It’s a
perpetual if the news are real or not. relax me to get away from this stress, open.

I admit for that but like you can receive news: your boss can also after your working
hours to give you extra work, you can hardly cut yourself from your job or the world
and take care of yourself. It’s a source of stress, of burn out.

same time, worth having few real friends, with whom we have real ties that all people
take pic meals and care about their img on social SocNet than people in front of.

you forget, those end up in depression bcse of the harassment on SocNet. We must
support them but not with Zii, help them by making them see people bcse Zii will
increase suffering. We need learn how to communicate and enjoy ourselves !=.

Of co, Zii does not have only -- points. We must not totally reject the advances in
computing bcse useful but limit it bcse we abuse it much and some people have
even become addicts and do not think by thmself. I do not intend to completely stop
using Zii but I hope that, with this one week test, I will learn to live more without it.

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