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Dairy Products Laboratory, Eastern Utilization Research and Development Division, USDA
Washington, D. C.

These studies on removing radioactive contamination from milk were carried
on for the purpose of developing a feasible standby process for use in dairy
plants in the event that radioactive fallout should reach hazardous levels.
Current levels of all the radioactive contaminants are f a r below what is con-
sidered hazardous levels; Iodine-131 is essentially undetectable in all milk
supplies. However, the remote possibility of an unforeseen nuclear reactor
accident, or resumption of nuclear testing by any nation, would result in sig-
nificant increases in fallout.
A fixed-bed column process for removing radiostrontium has received the
most attention; commercial feasibility is more nearly established for its use
than for other procedures, or for removal of other radionuclides.

The testing of nuclear weapons has yielded the radioactive, chemical, and biological prop-
atmospheric fallout containing several radio- erties of the element. The use of dry feeds
active substances which constitute potential and the storage of milk, or milk products, are
health hazards. This problem has received effective means of minimizing the levels of
serious attention by the Department of Agri- Iodine-131 in milk, but have little value for
culture, the U. S. Public Health Service, the solving the Strontium-90 problem. Therefore,
Atomic Energy Commission, other government a process for removing Strontium-90 from
agencies, and the general public. milk seems highly desirable as a standby coun-
The U. S. Public Health Service has estab- termeasure. Under some circumstances, re-
lished a national pasteurized milk network moval of Iodine-]31 from milk may also be the
from which composited samples of milk are most effective means of controlling the levels
provided each week from stations in every of this isotope. Such processes have been the
state and possession for analyses for radio- objective of a research program supported by
active contaminants. The radionuclides reported the Atomic Energy Commission, the Public
in significant amounts in milk are Strontium-90, Health Service of the U. S. Department of
Iodine-131, Strontium-89, Cesium-137, and H E W , and the Agricultural Research Service
Barium-140. All of these nuclides are of public of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, for
health significance when ingested in large quan- the past four years. T h e work has been carried
tities; however, Strontium-89, Strontium-90, out in the Beltsville laboratory and pilot plant
and Iodine-131 have been given p r i m a r y atten- of the Agricultural Research Service and at
tion from the point of view of investigations the Public Health Service, Robert A. Taft Sani-
directed toward minimizing their concentrations tary Engineering Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.
in dairy products. The radiation characteristics This presentation reviews the research and
and a statement concerning the biological sig- development program, including factors affect-
nificance of each is shown in the following ing the removal of the radionuelides, means of
table : controlling the composition and quality of milk,
Half-life Disposition and the steps in carrying out the removal proc-
esses. Commercially available ion exchange
Iodine-131 8 Days Thyroid gland resins have been used in the development work
Strontium-90 28 Years Bone
Strontium-89 50.5 Days Bone for removing both cationic and anionic (Iodine-
Cesium-137 30 Years Whole body 131) radionuclides.
Barium 140 12.8 Days Bone
Methods of minimizing the levels of fallout The pilot plant developments during the first
substances in the food chain depend largely on few months of the program at Beltsville for
1 Invitational paper presented at the 59th An- removing Strontium-90 have been previously
nual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Asso- reported (3). Some modifications in the pro-
ciation, University of Arizona, Tucson, June, 1964. cedure and improvements in equipment have

been made since that time. The process con- with respect to these major cations. This as-
sists of passing milk through columns contain- sures a minimum of change in the cation com-
ing a strong acid ion exchange resin. About position. The ratio of these ions in the regen-
95% of the radioactive strontium can be re- erant will be different from that on the resin
moved with this process while maintaining the which, in turn, will differ from the ratio in
milk's chemical composition near normal, and milk, because the affinities of the cations for
inducing only small changes in the physical the resin differ, and because their activities in
stability and flavor of the resin-treated milk. milk and solutions differ. The optinmm ratio
Flavor scores, as judged by a panel of ten to be placed on the resin also varies with the
judges, have usually averaged about 1.0 point p H of the milk, primarily because the activity
below the controls on the A.D.S.A. score-card. of calcium changes greatly with changes in
The nutritional quality of milk processed for p H (4). The relative proportion (mole ratio)
removal of Strontium-90 by the fixed-bed of calcium desired on the resin increases with
method was evaluated by determining the decreasing p H of the milk to be treated. The
growth rates of baby pigs and rats and by total composition of the solution may be varied,
chemical analyses. Results showed no signifi- but for economy in space utilization, a concen-
cant differences in the body weight gains be- trated solution is recommended. The composi-
tween the animals fed on ion exchange proc- tion of this solution used during most of the de-
essed milk and those fed normal milk, and no velopment work at Beltsville was (in grams per
marked changes in the vitamin contents of the liter): CAC12"2 H,O, 53.5; KC1, 23.1; NaC1,
ion exchange processed milks. More detailed 8.5, and MgCI~" 6 tt~O, 15.1.
information on the nutritional aspects of this After charging the resin column with the
process are being collected and evaluated. salt solution, it is thoroughly rinsed with water.
The present pilot plant equipment includes 2. Acidification of milk. At the normal p H
two stainless steel columns, 11.5 in. in diameter of milk strontium is combined to a great extent
by 80 in. long which contain the resin. This (80%) with the caseinate complex (2). Most
will accomodate about 27 gal. of settled resin of it is, therefore, difficult to remove by ion
bed, thus providing for much lower milk exchange. Passing 30 resin bed volumes of
flow rates per unit volume of resin than normal milk through a resin column removes
the glass columns previously described (3). an average of less than 50% of the radio-
Sufficient accessory equipment, including auto- strontium. By acidifying to a p H of 5.3 with
matically controlled valves, are arranged so citric acid, about 95% can be readily removed
that the milk, rinse water, detergent solution, (2, 5). Only about 15% of strontium is bound
and mixed salt regenerating solution can be at this pH.
passed through the resin bed according to a The amount of strontium removed is sig-
predetermined time schedule. Four regenerant nificantly affected by the type of acid used.
tanks are provided so that as much as three- I n laboratory experiments, acidifying to p H
fourths of the salt solution can be reused. 5.3 with citric, hydrochloric, and phosphoric
These pilot plant facilities were designed for acids resulted in average removals of 97.5, 88.4,
a capacity of 100 gal. per hour. and 83.1%, respectively, for 25 bed volumes of
The fixed-bed process for removal of radio- milk passed through resin columns. Although
strontium from milk includes the following citric acid is the most expensive, these results
operations : recommend its use rather than the other two.
1. Resin type--initial preparation of resin The present pilot plant is equipped for con-
bed. The resin should be of the nuclear sul- tinuous in-line acidification, using a variable
fonic acid type, such as Amberlite In-120 '~ or speed metering pump for the purpose. At a
Dowex 50W/ The particle size should be in p H of 5.3 milk casein is sensitive to heat;
the 20-50 mesh range, and be of the inter- thus, it is necessary to maintain a low tempera-
mediate porosity type. Commercial grades are ture while milk is in the acid condition. Milk
normally received in the sodium form. Prior temperatures from 40 to 80 F have been found
to use for removing Strontium-90, the resin to have no effect on the amount of strontium
bed is charged with a mixed solution of cal- removed.
cium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium chlo- 3. Flow of milk through the column. The
rides. The quantities of each are selected so acidified, cold (50 F ) , raw whole milk is pumped
that the resin and milk will be in equilibrium through a filter, then downflow through a col-
~Reference to certain products or companies umn of the resin. Either of two flow rates are
does not imply an endorsement by the Department suggested for practical use: one-eighth and
over others not mentioned. one-sixteenth resin bed volumes (rbv) per min-

ute. For a constant total capacity of 100 gal. the regenerant as possible. The pilot plant at
per hour, these rates require back-washed and Beltsville provides for reusing three-fourths
settled resin volumes in the column of 13.35 of the salt solution. The first fraction (one-
and 26.7 gal., respectively. The slower flow fourth of the total) through the resin column
rate, one-sixteenth rbv per rain, results in the is discarded. Each of the three remaining frac-
removal of about 1.0% more strontium than tions is pmnped into separate tanks. These are
one-eighth rbv per rain; however, it has been then used for subsequent regeneration in the
found that at either rate an average of about order in which they are recovered, followed by
95% removal can be maintained for a total a tank of fresh solution equal in volume to
throughput of 30 rbv. Faster flow rates result the amount discarded.
in significant reductions in the amount of The amount of regenerant required for each
strontium removed (1). cycle is proportional to the amount of resin
At one-sixteenth rbv per min a total volume in the column, and also depends on the amount
of 30 rbv of milk requires 8 hr of continuous of strontium to be stripped from the resin.
flow time without interruption; at one-eighth To maintain a high level of removal, it is nec-
rbv per rain, milk flow would be directed to a essary to strip about 97% of the radiostron-
second column after 4 hr. The resin inventory tium from the resin. F o r the conditions de-
per 8 hr of processing time will be the same scribed above about 16 rbv of regenerant are
for either flow rate. The regenerant (salt solu- req{fired, 4 rbv of which are fresh salt solu-
tion) requirements per unit volume of milk tion. Thus, one volume of salt solution is used
processed will also be the same. for each 7.5 vol of milk.
4. Neutralization and processing of the The first 4 rbv fraction through the column
treated milk. The effluent milk from the ion removes about two-thirds of the strontium from
exchange column is neutralized by continuous the resin, and after a steady state condition
in-line addition of a solution of potassium hy- has been attained the radio-strontium to be
droxide, a mixed solution of sodium and po- disposed of is concentrated by a factor of 7.5
tassium hydroxide, or a combination of sodium relative to the concentration in the original
and calcium hydroxides. Calcium hydroxide milk supply. The health hazard involved in
is insoluble and must be added as a powder, contanfinating the waste water from a dairy
or as a ~lurry. plant should not be a big problem if attention
After neutralization, the milk is pasteurized is paid to dilution of the discarded regenerant
and homogenized. A vacuum treatment may be with water during the hours of operation.
employed to remove the water added in the The following table outlines the steps and
acidification and neutralization steps. How- suggested time schedules for an 8-hr milk cycle
ever, the dilution resulting from these additions through one column without interruption.
(using 0.75 ~ citric acid and 1.5 ~ K O H )
amounts to less than 4%. Quantity Time Temp
5. Cleaning and sanitizing the resin. Imme- (rbv) (rain) (F)
diately after the milk cycle, the resin is rinsed Rinse water 6 24 50
with warm water, followed by an upflow wash Milk 30 480 50
with a nonionic detergent solution at about Rinse water 6 24 100
Detergent 8 32 150
160 F. Higher temperatures may be used for Rinse 6 24 160
controlling bacterial growth since this resin l%generant 1~o. 1 4 40 70
(nuclear sulfonic acid type) will withstand Regenerant No. 2 4 40 70
temperatures up to the boiling point of water. Regeneran~ No. 3 4 40 70
Fresh regenerant 4 40 70
The problems involved in ion exchange resin Rinse water 6 24 160
sanitation are being more thoroughly investi-
gated by the U. S. Public Health Service at Removal of Barium-140 and Cesium-137. The
the Taft Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. potential health hazard associated with Barium-
6. Regeneration of the resin. The resin is 140 is much less than with Strontium-90 be-
regenerated with a salt solution of the same cause its yield from nuclear weapons testing
composition as that used for the initial prep- is less and its half life--12.8 days--is much
aration of the resin (Step 1). The chief pur- shorter. Being chemically similar to Strontimu,
pose of this cycle is to remove the radiostron- however, it is effectively removed by the same
tium from the resin; it also maintains the equi- ion exchange process as is used for Strontium
librium with respect to the minerals in milk. (5).
With a fixed-bed procedure, it is necessary from Cesium-137 is chemically related to potas-
an economic standpoint to reuse as much of sium, and metabolically distributes itself
1204 I.. F. ED~ONDSON

throughout the body, which is in contrast to Monitoring for removal of radiostrontium.

the bone-seeking nature of strontium. How- The analysis for the Strontium-90 content in
ever, a standby process for removing it from milk requires about 3 wk. A rapid procedure
milk would be desirable, since it has been de- would be highly desirable so that the efficiency
tected in significant amounts in milk and its of the removal process could be checked soon
half-life is about equal to that of Strontium- after processing. The percentage of stable
90--30 years. The ion exchange process de- strontium and of radiostrontium removed from
scribed above can be carried out for the re- milk will be the same; consequently, analyses
moval of cesium. However, above 90% removal for stable strontium were considered a possible
can be maintained for only 10 to 12 rbv, after means of monitoring for removal. This, con-
which a rapid decrease occurs. Its affinity for ceivably, could be done in about three days.
the resin is less than that of strontium, and is However, the CaC12 used as a regenerant con-
less in acidified milk than in normal milk. tains enough stable strontium as an impurity
Consequently, the procedure for optimum re- to render this test of no value. Although a
moval of radiostrontium is inefficient for re- rapid procedure for testing the et~icieney of
moving Cs-137. Further discussion of the removal is not available, a processor can be
effect of acidification and a potential method assured of removing over 90% of radiostron-
for maintaining a high level of removal is tium by maintaining proper control of the op-
given in a later section. erating conditions. These include, particularly,
Test runs for removing Strontium-90 /rom p H of the milk, flow rate through the column,
milk containing only environmental levels. and adequate regeneration of the resin after
Practically all of the research carried out dur- each milk cycle.
ing the development of the fixed-bed cation Commercial scale evaluation. Primary em-
process was done by using Strontium-85, be- phasis on the project at Beltsville has been
cause the method for its assay is simple and directed toward developing the fixed-bed ~on
rapid compared to that for Strontium-90. exchange process for removing Strontium-90
Strontium-85 was fed to a Holstein cow either from milk. The pilot plant procedure de-
orally or intravenously (in vivo-labeled), or scribed above is now being evaluated on a scale
added directly to milk in the laboratory (in of 12,500 lb per hour (100,000 lb per day)
vitro-labeled). A comparison of the removals by a commercial dairy plant. This evaluation
obtained by the two methods of labeling milk is being carried out under terms of a contract
is reported in another paper (2). Levels of supported by the U. S. Departments of Agri-
about 1 /xc per quart of milk were normally culture and I-Iealth, Education and Welfare, so
used for the removal studies. This compares that a determination of its feasibility in an
with about 25 tLtLe of Strontium-90 in current average dairy plant can be made.
milk sources; i.e., the levels of Strontium-85
were about 40,000 times the environmental FIXED-BED IODINE-131 RE]~OVAL PROCESS
levels of Strontium-90. The percentage re- A strong base anion exchange resin may be
moval of Strontium-85 from milk labeled in used to remove Iodine-131 under similar con-
vivo and of Strontium-90 should be the same. ditions to those used for the removal of cat-
This was confirmed by determining the per- ionic radionuclides. For use in fixed-bed col-
ccntage of Strontium-90 removed from milk umns the resin is regenerated with a mixed
obtained from a local dairy. The average re- solution of the sodium salts of the major milk
moval from three separate runs of 30 rbv each, anions--NaC1, Na~HPO, and sodium citrate.
proeessed in the pilot plant, was 95%. This is I t appears from laboratory studies that ap-
in good agreement with data obtained in the proximately 90% removal can be maintained
laboratory with the high levels of Strontium-85. for a quantity exceeding well over 150 rbv (6).
Cost of the process. The cost of operating I t is not necessary to acidify milk for this
the fixed-bed process as described above is procedure. The strong base resins are charac-
estimated at 1.0¢ per quart of milk when USP terized by amine, or fishy odors, particularly
grades of citric acid, potassium hydroxide, and in the hydroxyl form. I t is advisable to pre-
chloride salts of Ca, K, Na, and Mg are used. treat the resin before use with either a salt
I f technical grades of the chloride salts are solution (NaCI), or alternate acid and base
used for regeneration the cost is estimated at washes.
0.5¢ per quart. These costs are based on pilot Pilot plant runs were made for flavor evalu-
plant experience and include estimates for in- ations by passing milk through an anion resin
vestment, investment burden, labor, and nor- (Dowex 2 - × 8 ) in a 6-in. glass column. The
mal operating costs. resin was regenerated with acid and base rinses.

Satisfactory flavor scores (above 35 on the

A.D.S.A. score-card) were usually obtained
from these runs. Few criticisms suggesting a
fishy flavor were indicated by a ten-member
judging panel.
An integrated pilot plant process has been
arranged for removing both 1-131 and radio-
strontium by passing milk first through the
anion resin column, then acidifying to p i t 5.3
and passing it through the cationic resin. This
process is. currently being evaluated for re-
moval of Iodine-131 and for flavor in the .! Ii/ ~VilLY~
pilot plant.
Since iodine has such a great affinity for
the resin, regeneration is more difficult than
for the cation resin. I t can be stripped from ob
i~E ~E.H E ~ 4 r
the resin with 2 N HCI, although the corrosive WASTE [L

nature of this acid is objectionable. This step

also requires complete regeneration with the DETE.•GEWT
mixed sodium salt solution before another milk
cycle can be made. F u r t h e r work in this area F E F D R.INSE -'-
may be necessary before a completely satis- INLET
factory process is worked out.
FIG. 1. Schematic drawing of continuous ion
Another phase of the isotope removal investi- are usually spaced about 1.5 min apart. Thus,
gations included the use of a continuous ion fresh regenerated resin is intermittently added
exchange contactor. I t is a laboratory model to the milk section. A f t e r the interruption, the
having a capacity of about 12 gal. per hour. valves automatically close, except No. 5, which
A schematic drawing of this unit is shown in opens, and the solution pumps start again. A
Figure 1. The contactor loop consists of glass countercurrent flow of solutions with respect
pipe of 1 in. in diameter except for the feed to resin is thus carried out in mechanical
(milk) section, which is 2 in. in diameter. To stages. The product flow, although not truly
begin an operation, the loop is filled completely continuous because of the frequent interrup-
with resin except for a p a r t of the section be- tions necessary to accomplish the resin pulses,
tween Valves 1 and 5. W a t e r is admitted along approaches continuity, since the resin pulse
with the resin so that air is excluded from the time is small compared to the solution flow
system. The loop contains a series of sections, time. A continuous countereurrent system has
each separated by valves so that all of the inherent advantages with respect to efficiency
steps in the resin cycle---milk treatment, rins- and product uniformity.
ing, detergent wash, and regeneration--are car- The continuous system was used to study ( 1 )
ried out within the unit. The solution pumps the removal of cationic radionuclides (Sr-85
are automatically timed to operate for preset and Cs-134) from milk using ~. strong acid
periods up to a few minutes, after which they resin in the mixed form, (2) the removal of
are automatically cut off. During the short Strontium-85 with the resin in a sodium form,
i n t e r r u p t i o n - - 3 to 5 see--the valves (No. 1, 2, and (3) the removal of Iodine-131 and simul-
3, and 4 in Figure 1) separating the various taneous neutralization with a strong base resin
sections are opened. Valve 5 is closed and in the hydroxyl cycle. The latter procedure
sufficient water pressure applied as indicated was studied with the idea of using it as a
in the diagram, to force the resin to move in second stage in a cation-anion removal process.
a clockwise direction around the loop. The Each of these uses is discussed below.
amount of movement depends on the hydraulic 1. Removal of cationic radionuclides (Sr-85
pulse time. A pulse time of 1.5 scc normally and Cs-134) by continuous ion exchange. F o r
displaces the resin about 2.4 cu. in. The pulses removing radiostrontium, several runs were

made using the same resin and regenerant solu- sium was reduced to near zero. I t should be
tion as described above for the fixed-bed cation possible to restore the cation balance by passing
removal process. Also, it was found necessary the milk from the sodium cycle through a sec-
to acidify the milk in the same manner as is ond eontactor containing resin regenerated with
used for the fixed-bed process. Both citric and an appropriate mixed salt solution. Since this
hydrochloric acids were used and, as discussed was not available, restoration of the cation
above, slightly more strontium was removed balance to near normal was accomplished by
by using citric acid than by using HC1. Pre- passing the milk through a fixed-bed resin in
liminary trials were made to establish operating the mixed ion form (Ca-K-Na-Mg). The ap-
conditions with respect to the milk and regen- pearance of the pasteurized, homogenized prod-
erant flow rates, and the resin pulse rate. Suit- uct was normal. The flavor of the milk was
able rates for these materials were as follows considered acceptable.
(approximately) : For a feasible process this procedure will
Milk --750 ml per min require cycling the milk through two continu-
Regenerant--- 85 ml per rain ous contaetors in series. However, it has the
Resin - - 2.4 cu. in. at 1.5-min intervals advantage that a high level of removal can be
obtained without the need for adding acid or
Ninety per cent removal could be maintained
neutralizers for p H adjustments. The explana-
when operating under these conditions at a
tion for this is no doubt the result of the dis-
milk p H of 5.3. persing effect of sodium ion on the caseinate
The amount of radiocesium removed under
the above conditions during the first 3 hr ranged
3. Removal of 1-.131 and simultaneous neu-
from 97 to 99%, but decreased to levels below
tralization of milk with a strong base resin
90% after that time. A run made under the
using a continuous contactor. Early in these
same conditions without acidifying milk re-
investigations some of the acidified milks proc-
sulted in the removal of 99% of cesium for a
essed through laboratory fixed-bed columns
period of 7 hr. Laboratory trials with batch
were neutralized by adding batehwise, and with
studies confirmed these results, showing that
thorough stirring, small quantities of a strong
the affinity of cesium for the resin is greater
base (Dowex 2 - × 8 ) resin in the hydroxyl form.
in normal milk than in milk acidified to a p H
The resin was then separated by filtering. This
of 5.3. type of resin is noted for having an amine or
2. Removal of radiostrontium with the con-
fishy odor. However, milk with an acceptable
tinuous contactor using a sodium-form resin.
flavor was usually obtained if the resin was
Laboratory studies with batch systems have
thoroughly rinsed with water before use (5, 7).
shown good removals of radiostrontium from
A batch procedure is not suitable for continu-
milk with resin in the sodium or potassium
ous processing. Also, there would be problems
forms. Such systems, however, are inherently
in separating, cleaning, and regenerating the
inefficient, since large resin to milk ratios would
be needed. Treatment of milk with such single
ion charged resins in a fixed column is also not I n principle, a continuous procedure of neu-
feasible, since tlm effluent milk changes con- tralizing milk with an anion resin appears
tinuously in mineral composition and the feasible. An anion resin is also effective for
amount of strontium removed decreases rap- removing 1-131 from milk. Investigations of
idly. A continuous countercurrent system has a cation-anion process in series were made by
advantages in both respects. However, any passing acidified milk first through a cation
system using a sodium form resin results in resin and then through an anion resin in the
a great increase in the sodium content of' milk continuous contactor. For most of these studies,
and decreases in the other cations. Thus, sub- the cation process consisted of a fixed-bed
sequent readjustments in mineral composition column described above, since only one con-
would need to be made. tinuous unit was available.
Tests for the removal of Strontium-85 with The initial charge of anion resin (Dowex
a sodium-form resin were made by passing 2-XS-C1) was pretreated by alternate acid-base
milk (in vivo-labeled with the isotope) through cycles and then regenerated with a mixed ci-
the continuous contactor containing Amberlite trate-phosphate-chloride solution (6). Partial
IR-120. The regenerant used was 10% NaC1. regeneration to the hydroxyl form during the
An average of over 98% removal was obtained milk run was accomplished with 5% NaOH.
from a 7-hr run. As expected, the sodium con- Conditions for operating the anion cycle--milk~
centration in the milk increased greatly, with resin, and regenerane flow rates--were esf~b-
marked decreases in the other cations. Potas- lished so that the most effective neutralization

was obtained. The frequent interruptions in erating cycle before the resin would be ready
the cycle necessary for the periodic resin move- for reuse.
ment cause cyclic variations in the p H of the A method of removing radiostrontium from
effluent milk; the p H of the pooled milk, of milk by precipitating it with an excess of cal-
course, will have an average value. Irregular cium phosphate was also investigated (8). I t
fluctuations in the resin pulse rate, because of was found that by adding 80 g per liter of
packing, or of spaces in the loop which are tricalcium phosphate and heating to pasteuri-
void of resin, result in undesirable and uncon- zation temperature (145 F) for 30 rain, about
trollable changes. Restoration of the p H to 85% of radiostrontium could be removed by
near normal, however, was generally successful centrifugal separation of the precipitate. How-
in these runs. ever, it was also found that this method results
Flavor evaluations of samples from initial in the precipitation of about one-third of the
runs were generally good, but some unaccept- milk nitrogen (protein). From a practical
able scores were obtained after the resin had
viewpoint the necessity for adding 80 g per
been in the loop for about 1 wk. The criti-
liter (almost 1 g per gram of milk snf) for
cisms were identified by some panel members
as the characteristic amine, or fishy, flavor. effective removal appears excessive.
Preliminary work indicated this problem could
be minimized by mixing a small amount of a ~EFERENCES
carboxylic acid resin with the anion Tesin. (1) EASTERLY, D. G., HARRIS, J. Y., BUNCE, L. A.,
Removal of Iodine-131 from milk (in vivo- AND ED!~IONDSON, L. F. Factors Affecting
labeled) by the continuous process described the Removal of Radiostrontium from Milk
by Ion Exchange Resins. J. Dairy Sci.,
above was quite effective, varying from 91 to
46: ]207. 1963.
86% during a 10-hr run. The amount of milk
passed through during this time was equivalent F. W., JR., HARRIS, J. Y., AND DODSON~ E.
to about 90 rbv, based on all of the resin in Comparison of the Removal of Radio-
the loop. The regenerant (5% N a O H ) re- strontium from in Vivo- and in Vitro-
moved very little of the iodine from the resin. Labeled Milk by Ion Exchange Resins.
Althoughly a high level of removal was ob- J. Dairy Sci., 46: 1362. 1963.
tained with ineffective regeneration, for prac- (3) EDMONDSON, L. F., WALTER, H. E., SADLER,
tical processing some means of stripping the A. M., HAlVRAHAN, F. P., EASTERLY, D. G.,
iodine from the resin would need to be pro- HARRIS, J. Y., KEEFER, D. H., AND [[aAND-
vided. This conceivably could be done with an GREBE, A. R. Removing Radiostrontium
HC1 cycle preceding the N a O H cycle, or by from Milk--Current Status of a Pilot Plant
Process. J. Dairy Sci., 45: 800. 1962.
removing the resin periodically from the con-
factor for regeneration in columns. DOUGLAS, F. W., JR. Optimum Ratio of
Cations on Nuclear Sulfonic Acid Resin
Several exchangers with special functional Resin-Treated Milk. J. Dairy Sci., 46: 181.
groups besides the strong acid resin were also 1963.
investigated for removing radiostrontium. These (5) MURTHY, G. K., MASUROVSKY, E. B., ED-
included carboxylic, phosphorous, and phos- ~[ONDSO~, a . F.~ AND CAK~PBELL~ J. E.
phoric acid resins, zeolite inorganic exchangers, Method for the Removal of Cationic Radio-
a chelating resin, and a zwitterion. The most nuclides from Milk. J. Dairy Sci., 44: 2158.
promising of these was an intermediate-strength 1961.
carboxylic acid resin. In excess of 90% stron- (6) MUI~THY, G. K., GILCHRIST, J. E., AND CA~P-
BELL, J. E. Method for Removing Iodine
tium removal was obtained for about 18 rbv of 131 from Milk. J. Dairy Sci., 45: ]066.
milk. This compares with 30 to 35 rbv for the 1962.
strong acid resins. This type of resin is easily (7) MURTHY, G. K., MASUROVSKY, E. B., CArriE-
regenerated with an acid solution, which ma F BELL, J. m., AND EDMONDSON, L. F. Process
be an advantage if the Strontium-90 contami- for Removal of Radionuclides from Milk.
nated regenerant should become a waste dis- U. S. Pat. No. 3,020,161. February 6, 1962.
posal problem. However, a fixed-bed process (8) SILVERlVIAN, J. ACS Meeting, Washington-
using this resin would require an extra regen- Maryland Section, Spring, 1960.

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