تالتة إعدادى محادثات تيرم أول

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Final Revision for Third Year Preparatory

‫المراجعة النهائية للصف الثالث اإلعدادى‬

: ‫تمارين متنوعة على كل سؤال حسب مواصفات ورقة االمتحان‬
(1) Finish the following dialogues :
(1) Reem is asking Rana about her plans for her mid-
year holiday.
Reem : Hi, Rana.
Rana : Hi, Reem.
Reem : (1) -----------------------------------------------------?
Rana : I’m going to Luxor.
Reem : Who are you going with?
Rana : (2) -----------------------------------------------------.
Reem : (3) ----------------------------------------------------?
Rana : We intend to stay there for a week. What
about you?
Reem : (4) ---------------------------. The country is my
best place.
Rana : (5) -----------------------------------------------------.
(2) Ayman is talking to his new neighbour, Ashraf.
Ayman : Good morning.
Ashraf : Good morning.
Ayman : Are you my new neighbour?
Ashraf : (1) ---------------------------------------------------.
Ayman : I’m Ayman. (2) ----------------------------------?
Ashraf : My name is Ashraf.
Ayman : (3) --------------------------------------------------?
Ashraf : I have two children. And you?
Ayman : (4) -----------------------------. What’s your job?
Ashraf : (5) ----------------------------. I work in Al Hilal
(3) Ali is making a complaint about his delivery.
Clerk : How can I help you?
Ali : (1) -----------------------------------------------------.
Clerk : (2) -----------------------------------------------------?
Ali : I ordered some pots. Your website says the
delivery takes five days, but I’m still waiting.
Clerk : (3) ------------------------------. Can I take your
name, please?
Ali : Yes, it’s Ali Ahmed.
Clerk : (4) ----------------------------------------------------?
Ali : Yes, it’s 01009191586. Can you call me back
today, please?
Clerk : (5) -----------------------------------------------------.
Ali : Thank you. Goodbye.
(4) Yumna is meeting Amal and her friend Samar.
Yumna : Good afternoon! My name is Yumna.
Amal : Hello. My name is Amal.
Yumna : (1) ---------------------------------------------------?
Amal : No, we haven’t met. Pleased to meet you.
Yumna : (2) -----------------------. Have you met Samar?
Amal : (3) ----------------------------------------------------.
Samar : (4) ----------------------------------------------------?
Amal : At the sports club.
Samar : Shall we go for a walk?
Amal : (5) ----------------------------------------------------.
(5) Sameh is returning the TV he bought.
Assistant : How can I help you?
Sameh : (1) ------------------------------------------------.
Assistant : Okay. (2) ----------------------------------------.
Sameh : Certainly. My name’s Sameh Said.

Assistant : (3) ------------------------------------------------?

Sameh : It has a poor picture.
Assistant : (4) ------------------------------------------------?
Sameh : No, thank you. I want my money.
Assistant : Okay. Give me a few seconds, please.
Sameh : (5) -------------------------------------------------.
(6) Nader is buying a suit at a department store.
Shop assistant : Can I help you?
Nader : (1) ------------------. (2) --------------------
Shop assistant : I’ve got different styles of suits. (3) ---
Nader : I’d like the blue one.
Shop assistant : What do you think of this suit?
Nader : (4) ----------------------. How much is it?
Shop assistant : (5) -------------------------------------------.
Nader : That’s great! I’ll take it.
Shop assistant : Here you are.
(7) Ahmed is booking a ticket to Aswan.
Ticket office : Good morning. How can I help you?
Ahmed : (1) -------------------------. How much is it?
Ticket office : (2) --------------------------------------------.
Ahmed : (3) --------------------------------------------?
Ticket office : The train leaves at 10:20.
Ahmed : (4) -------------------------------------------?
Ticket office : The journey to Aswan takes 12 hours.
Ahmed : Which platform does the train leave
Ticket office : (5) -----------------------------. Have a nice
journey to Aswan.
Ahmed : Thank you.
(8) Adel meets a tourist in a shopping centre.
Adel : Good morning, sir. Where are you from?
Tourist : I’m from Canada.
Adel : (1) --------------------------------------------------?
Tourist : Yes, this is my first visit to your country.
Adel : What would you like to visit in Egypt?
Tourist : (2) --------------------------------------------------.
Adel : (3) --------------------------------------------------?
Tourist :Yes, of course. I enjoy my visit so much.
Adel : Have you tried any Egyptian foods?
Tourist : (4) --------------------------------------------------.
Adel : Have a nice stay in Egypt.
Tourist : (5) --------------------------------------------------.
(9) Ahmed and Khaled are talking about sports.
Ahmed : Good morning.
Khaled : Good morning.
Ahmed : Can I ask you some questions?
Khaled : (1) ----------------------------------------------------.
Ahmed : (2) ---------------------------------------------------?
Khaled : My favourite sport is weight-lifting.
Ahmed : Weight-lifting builds muscles. (3) -------------
Khaled : I can lift from 40 to 50 kilograms. What
about you?
Ahmed : (4) -----------------------------. Do you like judo?
Khaled : (5) ----------------------------------------------------.
(10) Tamer is telling Ahmed about his new smartphone.
Ahmed : Is this wonderful smartphone new?
Tamer : Yes, it is. (1) ----------------------------------------.
Ahmed : When did your father buy it for you?
Tamer : (2) ----------------------------------------------------.
Ahmed : On your birthday! (3) ---------------------------?
Tamer : It was last Sunday.
Ahmed : (4) ---------------------------------------------------?
Tamer : I'm fourteen now.
Ahmed : Did you get any presents?
Tamer : (5) ---------------------------------------------------.
(11) Hanan has just met Suzan, a girl from England
visiting Egypt.
Hanan : It's nice to meet you. How long are you going
to stay in Cairo?
Suzan : Nice to meet you too. (1) --------------------------.
Hanan : (2) -----------------------------------------------------?
Suzan : I'm going to visit the Cairo Tower.
Hanan : Where are you going to go next?
Suzan : (3) ------------------------------------------------------.
Hanan : Alexandria is very beautiful. (4) -----------------
Suzan : We're going to visit Qaitbey Citadel and all
the museums. I'll send you postcards.
Hanan : Have a nice stay in Egypt.
Suzan : (5) -----------------------------------------------------.
(12) Yasmine and Heba who has got a new Chinese pen
Yasmine : I heard you've got a new pen friend. Where
is she from?
Heba : I have got a lovely one. (1) ---------------------.
Yasmine : (2) --------------------------------------------------?
Heba : Her English is quite perfect. Her mother is
Yasmine : I see. And what does she do in her free time?
Heba : (3) ---------------------------------------------------.
Yasmine : (4) --------------------------------------------------?
Heba : Yes, I always communicate with her
through emails.
Yasmine : How long have you known her?
Heba : (5) --------------------------------------------------.
(13) Johnson is from England. He is coming to Egypt.
He is phoning his Egyptian pen friend Ramzy.
Johnson : Hi ! I am phoning to tell you that I'm
coming to Egypt for a holiday.
Ramzy : (1) ---------------------------------------------------?
Johnson : I am coming next week.
Ramzy : (2) ---------------------------------------------------?
Johnson : Two or three weeks.
Ramzy : How are you going to come?
Johnson : (3) ---------------------------------------------------.
Ramzy : Where will you stay?
Johnson : (4) ---------------------------------------------------.
Ramzy : Welcome to Egypt.
Johnson : (5) ---------------------------------------------------.
(14) Ayman talks to a famous footballer.
Ayman : I'm happy to meet a famous footballer like
you. I'd like to ask you some questions.
Footballer : Hello. (1) ---------------------------------------?
Ayman : I want to ask you about football of course.
(2) ------------------------------------------------?
Footballer : I started playing it when I was 5.
Ayman : Where did you start playing it?
Footballer : (3) ------------------------------------------------.
Ayman : When did you join a club?
Footballer : (4) ------------------------------------------------.
Ayman : Do you enjoy being a footballer?
Footballer : (5) ------------------------------------------------.
(15) Aya’s laptop stopped suddenly.
Assistant : Hello. How can I help you, Aya?
Aya : (1) -------------------------------------------------.
Assistant : (2) -------------------------------------------------?
Aya : Yesterday, when I was doing my
homework, it suddenly turned off.
Assistant : (3) ------------------------------------------------?
Aya : Yes, it was plugged in. I was charging the
Assistant : Did you turn on the computer again?
Aya : (4) ------------------------------------------------.
Assistant : One moment, please. I just e-mailed you
a form to fill in a new password.
Aya : (5) ------------------------------------------------.
(16) Lisa wants to buy a train ticket to Benha.
Lisa : I’d like a ticket to Benha, please.
Ticket seller : (1) ---------------------------------------------.
Lisa : (2) --------------------------------------------?
Ticket seller : It costs L.E. 50.
Lisa : (3) --------------------------------------------?
Ticket seller : It leaves from platform 2.
Lisa : When does it arrive?
Ticket seller : (4) --------------------------------------------.
Lisa : (5) --------------------------------------------.
Ticket seller : You’re welcome.
(17) A tourist is talking to a policeman.
Tourist : Could you help me, please?
Policeman : (1) -----------------------------------------------.
Tourist : How can I get to the museum?
Policeman : (2) -----------------------------------------------.
Tourist : (3) -----------------------------------------------?
Policeman : No, it isn’t very far.
Tourist : Can I go there on foot?
Policeman : (4) -----------------------------------------------.
Tourist : (5) -----------------------------------------------?
Policeman : It takes about ten minutes to reach there.
Tourist : Thank you very much.
(18) Ramy is talking to Basel.
Basel : Would you like to meetup tomorrow?
Ramy : What a great idea! (1) ----------------------------?
Basel : I’m not sure. I’d prefer to go somewhere
Ramy : (2) ----------------------------------------------------?
Basel : (3) -----------------------------------------------------.
Ramy : Where shall we meet?
Basel : (4) -----------------------------------------------------.
Ramy : And when shall we meet?
Basel : (5) -----------------------------------------------------.
Ramy : That sounds great.
(19) Omar and Khaled are talking about sports.
Khaled : What's your favourite sport, Omar?
Omar : My favourite sport is football.
Khaled : (1) ----------------------------------------------------?
Omar : I play it twice a week, in the club near our house.
Khaled : Why do you prefer it?
Omar : (2) -----------------------------------------------------.
Khaled : (3) ----------------------------------------------------?
Omar : No, I don't like tennis. What about you?
Khaled : (4) -----------------------------------------------------.
Omar : Wow! Basketball is an exciting sport.
Khaled : (5) -----------------------------------------------------.
(20) Samy and his father are talking about computers
and smartphones.
Samy : Would you buy me a computer, Dad?
Father : Of course. (1) --------------------------------------?
Samy : I need it to do some work on the internet.
Father : Do you know how to use the internet?
Samy : (2) ----------------. We use computers at school.
Father : (3) -----------------------------------------------------?
Samy : Great. I think a smartphone is more useful
than a computer.
Father : Ok. (4) -----------------------------------------------.
Samy : Tomorrow! (5) -------------------------------------.
(21) Amr tells Samir about spending the weekend.
Samir : I spent last weekend at home. Did you do so?
Amr : No, I didn't. (1) -------------------------------------.
Samir : (2) -----------------------------------------------------?
Amr : I enjoyed the scenery by the Nile so much.
Samir : (3) -----------------------------------------------------?
Amr : I spent about 7 hours by the Nile.
Samir : Did you go on a boat there?
Amr : (4) ------------------------------------------------------.
Samir : How was your trip?
Amr : (5) ------------------------------------------------------.
(22) A customer is complaining about a wrong
Assistant : Hello, how can I help you?
Man : (1) -------------------------------------------------.
Assistant : Oh dear, (2) ------------------------------------?
Man : I ordered a kettle from your website, but
you sent me a toaster.
Assistant : (3) ------------------------------------------------?
Man : Yes, the order number is 3-5-2.
Assistant : When did you order the kettle?
Man : (4) -------------------------------------------------.
Assistant : Can I take your phone number, please?
Man : (5) -------------------------------------------------.
(23) Omar has a toothache. He is at the dentist’s.
Dentist : Hello, Omar. What’s wrong with you?
Omar : (1) ----------------------------------------------------.
Dentist : Open your mouth, please. (2) -------------------?
Omar : The one in the middle.
Dentist : I see. (3) ---------------------------------------------?
Omar : Yes, it hurts too much. Will you pull it out?
Dentist : (4) -------------------------------. It is not serious.
Omar : So, what should I do, doctor?
Dentist : (4) -----------------------------------------------------.
Omar : That’s right. I should stop eating candy.
(24) Nabil is at a bookshop. He wants to buy a dictionary.
Assistant : What can I do for you, sir?
Nabil : (1) ---------------------------------------------------.
Assistant : (2) --------------------------------------------------?
Nabil : An English-English dictionary, please.
Assistant : Why do you think of this dictionary?
Nabil : (3) ---------------------------------------------------.
Assistant : You are right; it can help look up new
words with examples.
Nabil : (4) --------------------------------------------------?
Assistant : It's 300 pounds.
Nabil : Here you are. Thanks.
Assistant : (5) --------------------------------------------------.
(25) Soha is telling her sister Maya about a novel she
has read.
Maya : What are you doing, Soha?
Soha : (1) ------------------------------------------------------.
Maya : A novel! That’s great. (2) -------------------------
Soha : I started reading it last week.
Maya : (3) -----------------------------------------------------?
Soha : The writer is called Charles Dickens.
Maya : What is the title of the novel?
Soha : (4) ------------------------------------------------------.
Maya : Oliver Twist is an exciting novel.
Soha : (5) ------------------------------------------------------.
(26) Ali and Mazen are talking about a present Ali has
got for his birthday.
Mazen : Hello ! How are you, Ali?
Ali : (1) ----------------------------------------------------.
Mazen : What a nice watch !
Ali : (2) ----------------------------------------------------.
Mazen : (3) ---------------------------------------------------?
Ali : I didn't buy it. My uncle gave me that watch
on my birthday.
Mazen : When was your birthday?
Ali : (4) ----------------------------------------------------.
Mazen : (5) ---------------------------------------------------?
Ali : Yes. I can know the time through it. I am
never late.
(27) Ahmed is talking to the clerk in the train station.
Ahmed : Where does the train to Aswan leave from?
Clerk : (1) ----------------------------------------------------.
Ahmed : Platform five! (2) ---------------------------------?
Clerk : The next train leaves in five minutes.
Ahmed : (3) ---------------------------------------------------?
Clerk : It takes 7 hours to reach Aswan.
Ahmed : Are there any other trains to Aswan?
Clerk : (4) ---------------------------------------------------.
Ahmed : What time does this one leave?
Clerk : (5) ---------------------------------------------------.
(28) Hager and Bothayna are talking about the future.
Hager : I see you're studying hard.
Bothayna : Yes, I study hard to go to university.
Hager : (1) -------------------------------------------------?
Bothayna : I'd like to be an engineer.
Hager : Great! But why do you want to be
an engineer?
Bothayna : (2) ---------------------------. What about you?
Hager : (3) -------------------------------------------------.
Bothayna : (4) -------------------------------------------------?
Hager : To look after sick people.
Bothayna : (5) --------------------------------------------------.
(29) Sama is asking Rawan about her personal
Sama : Have you ever got a prize?
Rawan : (1) ----------------------------------------------------.
Sama : (2) ---------------------------------------------------?
Rawan : I got it two years ago.
Sama : (3) ---------------------------------------------------?
Rawan : Because I wrote a story.
Sama : Did you get any other prizes?
Rawan : (4) ------------------------------ a medal in karate.
Sama : (5) ----------------------------------------------------.
Rawan : It's kind of you.
(30) Sally and Randa are talking about online
Sally : Hello! What are you doing, Randa?
Randa : Hello! Sally. (1) ------------------------------------.
Sally : (2) ----------------------------------------------------?
Randa : I am ordering headphones online.
Sally : (3) ----------------------------------------------------?
Randa : Because it is easier to buy what I need.
Sally : Do they deliver it on time?
Randa : (4) ----------------------------------------------------.
Sally : How long does it take?
Randa : (5) ----------------------------------------------------.
(31) Dalia wants to buy a new dress.
Salesperson : Can I help you?
Dalia : Yes, I'm looking for a dress.
Salesperson : (1) --------------------------------------------?
Dalia : Medium, please.
Salesperson : (2) --------------------------------------------?
Dalia : I'd like red, please.
Salesperson : Is this one good?
Dalia : (3) ------------------------. How much is it?
Salesperson : (4) ---------------------------------------------.
Dalia : (5) ---------------------------------------------.
(32) Enjy and Lina are talking about a book.
Enjy : Are you enjoying that book, Lina?
Lina : (1) ---------------------------------. It’s quite boring.
Enjy : (2) ------------------------------------------------------?
Lina : Well, I think the first chapter is disappointing.
Enjy : What kind of books are you interested in?
Lina : (3) ----------------------------------------. They make
me excited.
Enjy : (4) ----------------------------------------------------?
Lina : I’m going to read Sherlock Holmes.
Enjy : Who is Sherlock Holmes?
Lina : (5) ----------------------------------------------------.
(33) Huda is very upset because she failed an exam.
Fatma : Hi, Huda. What's wrong?
Huda : Hi, Fatma. (1) -------------------------------------.
Fatma : What has happened?
Huda : (2) ----------------------------------------------------.
Fatma : My advice is to breathe in and out slowly.
Huda : (3) ----------------------------------------------------?
Fatma : Sure, it will help you to relax.
Huda : (4) ----------------------------------------------------?
Fatma : You should think about the present not the
Huda : (5) ----------------------------------------------------.
(34) Ramy is asking Dina about a story she has just
Ramy : What have you read recently, Dina?
Dina : (1) ----------------------------- called Oliver Twist.
Ramy : (2) ----------------------------------------------------?
Dina : Yes, he is the main character in this story.
Ramy : (3) ----------------------------------------------------?
Dina : It tells about as poor boy who was in trouble.
Ramy : How did you feel about that story?
Dina : (4) -----------------------------------------------------.
Ramy : Could you lend me this story?
Dina : (5) ----------------------------------------------------.
(35) Rashad and Ziad are talking about communities.
Rashad : You seem happy about your community.
Ziad : Yes, I do like mine. What about you?
Rashad : I live in a great community.
Ziad : Wow! (1) -------------------------------------------?
Rashad : Because (2) -----------------------------------------.
Ziad : Sports activities? (3) -----------------------------?
Rashad : There are local facilities for people of all ages.
Ziad : Are there any parks and theatres?
Rashad : (4) ----------------------------. What about yours?
Ziad : (5) ----------------------------------------------------.
(36) Ehab is decorating his house for his birthday
Ayman : Hello. You seem so busy, don’t you?
Ehab : Yes, I do.
Ayman : What are you doing, Ehab?
Ehab : (1) -----------------------------------------------------.
Ayman : (2) ----------------------------------------------------?
Ehab : (3) -----------------------------------------------------.
Ayman : Fifteen years old! You seem younger.
Ehab : Really? (4) ------------------------------------------?
Ayman : I was born on 5th, April, 2005.
Ehab : What a surprise! (5) ------------------------------.
We are the same age.
(37) A customer wants to buy a new TV.
Assistant : Can I help you?
Customer : Yes, (1) -------------------------------------------.
Assistant : Do you want a smart one or an ordinary
Customer : (2) -------------------------------------------------?
Assistant : Ok, the one over there is smart.
Customer : (3) -------------------------------------------------?
Assistant : It is 5000 Egyptian pounds.
Customer : Is there a discount?
Assistant : (4) ----------------------------------. You can pay
4900 L.E.
Customer : OK. (5) -------------------------------------------.
(38) Ayman is making a complaint at the headmaster’s.
Ayman : Good morning, sir.
Headmaster : Good morning, Ayman.
Ayman : I want to make a complaint, please.
Headmaster : (1) -------------------. (2) ---------------------?
Ayman : I can’t find my bag.
Headmaster : (3) ----------------------------------------------?
Ayman : I last saw it in my desk.
Headmaster : Did you look for it there?
Ayman : (4) -------------------------------. Oh! Its’s in
the library I remember now.
Headmaster : (5) ----------------------------------------------.
(39) Leen is inviting Manar to her sister’s wedding party.
Leen : Good evening, Manar.
Manar : Good evening, Leen. How are things?
Leen : Fine. (1) ----------------------------------------------.
Manar : I’d love to. My congratulations! (2) ------------
Leen : It will be next Thursday.
Manar : (3) ----------------------------------------------------?
Leen : It will be at home. Can you inviter Sama?
Manar : (4) --------------------. I don’t know her address.
Leen : You could email her.
Manar : (5) -------------------. She’s my Facebook friend.
(40) Eman is buying a blouse at a clothes shop.
Eman : Excuse me! I’m looking for a blouse.
Salesman : What colour do you want?
Eman : (1) --------------------------------------------------.
Salesman : Look at this one. (2) -----------------------------?
Eman : Yes, I will try it on. (3) ------------------------?
Salesman : You can try it on in this room.
Eman : It fits me well. How much is it?
Salesman : (4) -------------------------------------------------.
Eman : Here you are. Can you wrap it, please?
Salesman : (5) -------------------------------------------------.
(41) Basim is at a café. He’s asking for some coffee.
Waiter : Excuse me. Are you ready to order, sir?
Basim : Yes, please. I’d like some coffee.
Waiter : (1) ---------------------------------------------------?
Basim : I'd like it black, please.
Waiter : (2) ---------------------------------------------------?
Basim : Yes, I’d like a little piece of chocolate.
Waiter : Anything else, sir?
Basim : (3) ---------------------------------------------------.
Waiter : A newspaper? (4) --------------------------------.
Basim : (5) ---------------------------------------. I’ll check
the news on the internet.
(42) Amir and Hany are talking about where to spend
their holiday.
Amir : Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Hany : (1) -------------------------------------------------------.
Amir : I have a good idea. (2) ------------------------------?
Hany : (3) ------------------------------------------------------?
Amir : We can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Wadi
El-Rayan waterfalls.
Hany : Where can we meet?
Amir : (4) -------------------------------------------------------.
Hany : How will we go there?
Amir : (5) -------------------------------------------------------.
(43) Hassan and Ali are talking about a holiday.
Hassan : Ali, have you decided where you are going on
holiday this summer?
Ali : My parents have looked at some interesting
destinations. It will be Aswan.
Hassan : (1) ----------------------------------------------------?
Ali : We can't decide how to get there from Cairo.
Hassan : (2) ----------------------------------------------------?
Ali : We are planning to drive to Aswan.
Hassan : (3) ----------------------------------------------------?
Ali : It takes about twelve hours.
Hassan : Have a great time! Goodbye!
Ali : (4) ---------------------. (5) -------------------------.
(44) Akram and Samy are talking about Akram's trip.
Samy : Hello Akram ! I haven't seen you for a long
Akram : No. I've been away on holiday. I've only just
come back.
Samy : How was the trip?
Akram : (1) ----------------------------------------------------.
Samy : (2) ---------------------------------------------------?
Akram : On our first day, we decided to go to the zoo,
but we found out that it had closed an hour
before we got there.
Samy : (3) ---------------------------------------------------?
Akram : Because a snake had escaped and nobody
knew where it was.
Samy : What happened at the end?
Akram : (4) ----------------------------------------------------.
Samy : (5) ----------------------------------------------------.
(45) Mother is congratulating Nader who won a story
writing competition.
Mother : You look happy, Nader.
Nader : Yes, of course! (1) --------------------------------.
Mother : Well done! (2) ------------------------------------?
Nader : No, it wasn’t at school.
Mother : For everyone? (3) --------------------------------?
Nader : No, I came second in the class, so I worked
harder this year!
Mother : I knew you would do well. When you will get
the prize?
Nader : (4) ----------------------------------------------------.
Mother : I’m really happy for you! I’ll come and watch!
Nader : (5) ----------------------------------------------------.
(46) Mazen and his mother are talking about a day
at school.
Mazin : I had a terrible day at school.
Mother : Tell me about it. (1) ------------------------------?
Mazin : It was my English class. You see …
Mother : Go on. (2) -------------------------------------------.
Mazin : We had a test and I got bad marks.
Mother : (3) ---------------------------------------------------!
Mazin : It was so difficult.
Mother : That’s okay. Did you talk to your teacher?
Mazin : (4) ---------------------------------------------------.
Mother : Why not?
Mazin : (5) ---------------------------------------------------.
(47) Sama is telling Toka about her weekend.
Sama : Hi, Toka.
Toka : Hi, Sama. Where have you been?
Sama : (1) ------------------------------------------------------.
Toka : To the country! How nice! (2) --------------------
Sama : I went with my family.
Toka : (3) -----------------------------------------------------?
Sama : I went to the fields, rode a donkey and
collected some fruits.
Toka : How fantastic! When did you return?
Sama : (4) ---------------------------------------------. Do you
like the country?
Toka : Yes, I do. (5) ------------------------------------------.

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