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A Dream Yet to Be Dreamt…

“Insolent Meeting of Two”

A woman was sat on the window sill looking outside the artistry of the buildings and the sky
looking upon her around her alone apartment, she held a book of tales and fantasy. She gently
caressed the cover of the book and gently opened the book, and she read the title.

“Where the Path Lies”

“A young woman by the raise of grace and divine walked through the red and brown looking bricks on
the floor of the academia she had attended. The academia was graced by life and the wisdom of god, the
wisdom of the others was welcomed and praised there. The high ceiling of the academia was filled with
chandeliers shining beautifully upon the people below. The paintings hung up the wall was like a dream
yet to be dreamt by a goddess, the paintings were all so lovely and velvety.

The young woman continued to follow the path of the unknown where it would lead her; to death or life.
The path was light but dim, the tiny holes of the tree leaves were the only source of light. It felt warm and
free when she was here. All those days where she was chasing the dream she was never going to receive
were released and freed from her soul as soon as she looked at the flowers that bloomed upon her eyes
under the blossom of spring.

She went deeper and deeper into the unknown path of beauty not even caring a soul where the path of
endless enchanting blossoming flowers would take her. She twirled around in joy holding the trunk of a
tree as she looked left and right admiring the dream she will soon will wake and embrace the sorrow she
will soon accept.”

The woman reading the book soon placed a bookmark with lavender looking patterns in between
the pages where she has last read and slowly closed the book, Shen then fluttered her emerald-
colored eyes close and open and untied the unkept braids slowly as she felt exhausted after the
moment in her academy she just had. She then groaned as she leisurely got up from her window
sill seat and dramatically fell on the white duvet on her bed.

She yawned and stretched enjoying the little time of freedom and leisure she was having. She felt
sick of this world and what had come to offer for her life, her life was filled by endless sorrow
like a bird trapped in a cage only to be used upon play. She then grabbed the edges of the duvet
and got under the covers, her arms embracing a white fluffy pillow while her head laid on top a
pillow and her body being completely enveloped by the duvet.

She then soon slowly closed her emerald eyes to darkness and a non-existent world she will then
make out of her mind. She swears she hates everyone and all the affection they have brought for
her, but then why does she feel this despairing emotion called “sadness” and why does she feel
so lonely and alone? When will she ever realize that she loves or loved everyone that gave her a
tenderness feeling… is it because she feels like everyone is lying to her? Or is it because one
human has broken her to heartbroken pieces, or does she want someone to finally see her as a
living human being who is capable of showing these things called “emotions”?

After all her overthinking lies filling her mind and she will never remain ignorant, not anymore.

“Everybody has things

They wish not to recall.
Into each life
Some rain must fall.”

‘Everything is way too loud…’ I thought to myself as the birds chirped and sang a beautiful harmony and
my alarm clock endlessly ringing through my ears. I groaned as I slowly got up from the fluffy soft duvet
I was laying under and gently turned off my alarm clock, I then stretched and placed a hand on my cheek
and then raised my hand to my eyes and rubbed them carefully I then slapped myself on the face forcing
myself to fully wake up.

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