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Switched Reluctance Generators and Their Control

Research · September 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4714.5448

2 3,117

1 author:

A.V. Radun
General Electric Aviation, Dayton, OH, United States


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Switched Reluctance Generators and Their
Arthur Radun

 To obtain generating action with the SRM, the phase

Abstract--This paper reviews the characteristics of the current must be timed relative to the rotor position as shown
switched reluctance machine (SRM) operating as a generator. in Fig. 1 for a 6/4 SRM. In the figure it is assumed that the
Many of these characteristics are unique compared to those of machine is turning in the positive angular direction so that
other machine types because the SRM does not employ generating occurs when the phase torque is negative. Thus
permanent magnets or a field winding on its rotor. Not the phase current is timed to flow for those rotor positions
employing permanent magnets or a field winding on its rotor
where the torque is negative and to be zero for those rotor
allows the SRM's rotor to be operated at high temperatures
and speeds. Further it means the SRM, operating as a
positions where the torque is positive. Because the sign of
generator, does not possess the inherent problem of generating the SRMs phase torque is independent of the sign of the
into a shorted winding like a permanent magnet machine. SRM's phase current, motoring or generating action is
Though not having permanent magnets or a field winding on totally controlled by the rotor positions for which the phase
the SRM's rotor gives it certain advantages, the lack of a current is nonzero [5].
separate excitation source or winding requires special
consideration during the design of an SRM generating system Torque
(SRG). This paper describes the SRG's excitation and the
effect this excitation has on the SRG's operation. The issue of
excitation is especially important during load faults. Also this
paper describes the duality of SRM generator and motor 20 40
operation. The implications this duality has for the SRG's 
control are described. The paper concludes with results for 60 90
controlling the SRG.

Index Terms--Switched Reluctance Motor, Switched

Reluctance Machine, Switched Reluctance Generator,
Generators, Motor Drive, Power Electronics Phase Current

There has been significant interest in developing SRMs
for numerous variable speed applications. These range from 0 
low cost consumer applications to high performance 20 40 60 90
aerospace applications [1-6]. This interest in SRMs is due
Fig. 1 Static torque and phase current for one phase during generation.
to the machine's potential for low cost and/or fault tolerance Zero and 90 degrees are the aligned position and 45 degrees is the
[1-7]. Most SRM applications addressed in the literature unaligned position.
have utilized the SRM as a motor and have addressed its
motoring performance [1-6]. The SRM can also be applied A typical drive system for controlling the SRM's phase
as a generator [8-11]. currents relative to its rotor position is shown in Fig. 2. This
The SRM requires power electronics to operate as a drive system is basically the same whether or not the SRM
generator just as it does to operate as a motor. This means is being used as a motor or as a generator. The drive system
that it is best suited for applications that require variable consists of the SRM, a rotor shaft position sensor, a
speed. This makes the SRM a candidate for applications controller, and a power electronic converter. Figure 3 shows
such as aircraft engine starter/generators, automotive the three states any one of the phases of the power
starter/generators, and windmill generators. In addition, electronic converter can be in. In the first state, the two
generating issues arise in applications that regenerate. IGBT switches are on and the SRM's phase voltage is
Examples include washing machines, flywheels, and hybrid positive, tending to increase the phase current. In the
and electric cars. second state, one IGBT switch remains on while the other
one is turned off. The current freewheels through the on
IGBT switch and one diode making the phase voltage zero.
The phase current may either increase or decrease. In the
University of Kentucky third state both IGBT switches are turned off, turning on
Vbus Igen Motoring i() Generating

Ph1 Ph2 Ph3

- 2 -1 Aligned +1 +2

Converter Control Starting and Position
Fault Source
Shaft Fig. 4 Phase current during generating is the phase current during
Position motoring mirrored about the aligned position.
Microprocessor Control

Fig. 2 Typical SRM drive system for motoring or generating.
 ( 1)   ( 2)  ( 1  ( 2)) (2)
For the generating case, integrate (1) over a generating
interval where the angles are greater than zero to obtain
C +
-  ( 2)   ( 1)  ( 2   1) (3)
Now require that (-2) be equal to (2) and eliminate
Vbus Vbus Vbus these variables from (2) and (3) by adding the two
equations together
+ (Vbusm  Vbusg)
 ( 1)   ( 1)  ( 2   1)
C C + C +
V V (4)
- m
For the flux linkage at -1 to equal the flux linkage at +1,
Vbusm must be equal to the negative of Vbusg. Because the
State 1. Both State 2. One State 3. Both
SRMs flux linkage curves are symmetrical around the
Switches On Switch On, One Switches Off
Switch Off
aligned position, the phase currents will also be equal at -1
Fig. 3 States of one phase of the power electronic converter. and +1. The equality of the phase flux and current at +/- 1
and +/- 2 means that the SRM's phase current is mirrored
both diodes. This reverses the phase voltage decreasing the around the aligned position from motoring to generating.
phase current [12,13]. This mirroring of the phase current around the aligned
rotor position is shown in Fig. 5. Here the simulated phase
II. DUALITY BETWEEN MOTORING AND GENERATING currents for low speed motoring and generating are shown
The SRM as generator is the dual of the machine as a with the converter states labeled. The SRG simulated has a
motor [12,13]. In fact the machine phase current waveforms rated speed of 25,000rpm, rated voltage of 270Vdc, and
during generating are simply the mirror images, around the rated power of 33kW [12]. In the figure the simulated
aligned rotor position, of the phase currents during motoring and generating phase currents are shown at a
motoring as illustrated in Fig. 4. This statement can be machine speed of 5,000rpm and a bus voltage of
proven precisely if the machine's winding resistance is zero 270Vdc.During these simulations all of the system losses,
and it is essentially true for actual machines with reasonable phase resistance etc., were set to zero. At the speed
efficiencies. simulated, the converter chopped using a strategy called
The flux linked by an energized phase winding is

d (t ) d ( ) State 2 State 2

Vbus   m (1)
where the bus voltage Vbus is approximately a constant. In
iph State 1 State 3
what follows the rotor position angles, defined in Fig 4, are
less than zero if they occur before the aligned rotor position 200
State 3 State 1
and greater than zero for angles greater than the aligned
rotor position. It will be assumed that the machine is always 100
turning in the same direction so that the rotor angle is
always increasing for both motoring and generating. Thus 0
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
the generating angles are greater in value than the motoring
angles. For the motoring case, integrate (1) over a motoring Fig. 5 Simulated phase current for low speed motoring and generating
interval where the angles are less than zero to obtain with converter states labeled.
freewheel chopping. In motoring, both IGBT switches are Motoring Generating
first turned on (state 1) until the current command is Both switches on - Current Both switches off - Current
reached. At this point one IGBT switch is turned off so the increases decreases
current freewheels through the remaining IGBT and one One switch on, one switch off One switch on, one switch off -
diode (state 2). This shorts the phase and the back EMF of - Current decreases Current increases
Both switches off - Current Both switches on - Current
the SRM drives the phase current down. When the current
decreases increases
decreases to the commanded value minus a fixed hysteresis
Current starts before pole Current ends after pole overlap,
value, the off IGBT is turned back on causing the phase overlap, before alignment after alignment
current to increase. When the current command is reached Current ends after alignment Current begins before
again, one IGBT switch is again turned off, causing the alignment
phase to be shorted. Typically the opposite IGBT switch to Table 1 Summary of SRM duality between motoring and generating.
the one turned off previously is turned off, halving the
switching frequency of the switches. This process repeats
until the end of the phase conduction period is reached and
both IGBT switches are turned off (state 3). Now the two
diodes turn on reversing the voltage on the phase and
forcing the phase current to zero as rapidly as possible.
In the generating case, state 1 is again entered first
(both IGBTs on), but now the phase current trajectory is the
reverse of the state 3 motoring trajectory (both IGBTs off).
When the current reaches its commanded value both IGBTs
are turned off (state 3) to force the current to decrease.
When the current decreases to the commanded value minus
a fixed hysteresis value, one off IGBT is turned back on
shorting the phase and causing the converter to enter state
2. In the generating case, the current in the phase increases
when it is shorted rather than decreasing as in the motoring
case. This is because the sign of the back EMF for motoring
is opposite the sign for generating. This process repeats
until the end of the phase conduction period is reached and
both IGBT switches are turned off (state 3) to force the
phase current to zero. Now the generating phase current
trajectory follows the trajectory of the motoring phase
current at the beginning of the cycle in the reverse
direction. The mirroring of the phase currents between Fig. 6 Measured phase current for high speed motoring and generating
motoring and generating is not as good as shown in Fig. 5 using only converter states 1 and 3.
when losses are included in the simulation.
The mirroring of the SRM's phase current waveforms
about the aligned position between motoring and generating III. EXCITATION OF THE SWITCHED RELUCTANCE
operation is summarized in Table 1. These results allow the GENERATOR
converter switch state control strategy for generating to be The basic SRG is normally operated in its constant
obtained from a known control strategy for motoring power region [9-13]. In the constant power region of
[12,13]. operation the inverter operates in the square wave mode
A comparison between measured motoring and
where each IGBT switch in Fig. 2 turns on and off
generating phase currents, obtained from an experimental
simultaneously once per SRM phase cycle. Thus only
SRM system [6, 12], is shown in Fig. 6 [12,13]. This SRG
converter states 1 and 3 are used. This mode of operation is
is the same system that was simulated to obtain the results limited to higher machine speeds where the back EMF of
in Fig. 5. In the figure the measured motoring and the machine is comparable to or higher than the dc output
generating phase currents are shown at a machine speed of voltage as in Fig. 6. The SRG can generate at lower speeds
approximately 17,000rpm and a bus voltage of 270Vdc.
than this, but it will be limited to a constant torque
The speed of the machine is high enough that the converter
capability rather than the constant power capability required
does not have to chop to regulate the phase current. Thus
of a generator. At these lower speeds the back EMF of the
the converter is only using states 1 and 3 in Fig. 6. The machine is too low to limit the phase current so that the
motoring and generating conditions for the data shown in inverter must chop to regulate the current. The generating
Fig. 6 were not exactly the same since the data for the two phase current waveform in Fig. 5 is typical of the constant
conditions were not taken at the same time and the data was
torque region of operation. In the constant torque region of
not specifically taken for comparison. However, the data is
operation the maximum power the SRM can generate will
consistent with the theoretical results. decrease linearly as the speed decreases.
A typical SRM phase current waveform when where
generating in the square wave mode of operation is shown
in Fig. 7 [12,13]. The SRM draws energy from the DC bus 1
while the switches are on during the interval labeled texc and Rk 
it returns energy to the bus through the diodes when the k (on,off ,m,Vbus)
switches are off during the interval labeled tgen. During
generating, the energy that is returned to the bus through Then the bus capacitor voltage must satisfy
the diodes while the switches are off exceeds the energy
drawn from the bus while the switches are on. The energy dV c 1 1
(  )V c  0 (6)
drawn from the bus through the switches while they are on dt R loadC R kC
is called the SRM's excitation energy. Note that the
excitation time is equal to the generating time and that the Here the proportionality constant k(on,off,m,Vbus), or
SRM phase current can last for no more than one phase equivalently 1 / Rk, depends on the inverter turn on and turn
cycle. Note too, since the magnitude of the phase voltage is off angles, the machine speed, and potentially the bus
approximately constant and equal in both the excitation and capacitor voltage. It is clear from (6) that the system will be
generating time periods, the excitation and generated unstable if Rk is less than the load resistance Rload (a lighter
energies are proportional to the area under the current load). In this case the bus voltage will rise exponentially. A
waveform in Fig. 7 during their respective periods. simulation of this condition for the SRM in [6, 12] is shown
in Fig. 8 where the instability is clearly visible. If R k is
Iphase(t) greater than the load resistance (a heavier load) the bus
voltage will decay to zero. During a load fault the feedback
loop controlling the SRG's output voltage will saturate to its
maximum possible difference in turn on and turn off angles.
Thus these angles will become fixed as assumed above.
t During faults the load is always too heavy (the load
texc tgen resistance too small) so the SRG output voltage will
texc = tgen
= ton = toff collapse. Also, the above result indicates that there is a
Fig. 7 Phase current during generating with the excitation and generating maximum permissible load for any particular machine,
intervals identified. independent of thermal considerations. For loads greater
than the maximum, the bus voltage will collapse to zero
As can be seen from Fig. 2, the SRM obtains its unless the additional current required by the load is drawn
excitation from the same bus that it generates into [12,13]. from a battery or other source as shown in Fig. 2.
This leads to unexpected generating behavior in the square To complete the above analysis Rk must be calculated
wave mode when the turn on angle (rotor position) and turn or measured. To measure Rk the average generated current
off angle (rotor position) of the IGBT switches in each must be measured as a function of the DC bus voltage for
phase of the inverter are fixed. It would be expected that the fixed turn on and turn off angles [12,13]. The circuit in Fig.
output voltage of the open loop SRG, operating with fixed 2 can be used to measure Rk without experiencing the
turn on and turn off angles, would go to a steady stable instability described in (6). This is accomplished by putting
value. In reality this open loop SRG is unstable. To a load on the SRG that is too heavy for the gating angles
understand why, consider that with a given bus voltage a chosen so that the output of the SRG is predicted to go to
certain amount of power and thus average generated current zero by (6). Then an external supply is diode "ORed" with
will be produced. If a perturbation increases the bus the SRG's output, as indicated in Fig. 2, to maintain the bus
voltage, the amount of current that builds up in the machine at the desired value. Under these experimental conditions
while the IGBT switches are closed will increase compared the load current is measured and the current from the dc
to when the bus voltage was less. Thus the SRM's supply is measured. These two currents are subtracted to
excitation will increase, increasing the amount of current obtain the average current generated by the SRG. Typical
that is generated when the switches are turned off. This measured and computed results for the experimental SRM
increase in generated current will tend to increase the in [6, 12] are shown in Fig 9 for a excitation interval of 30.5
output bus voltage still further. A similar argument holds if degrees, a load resistance of 2.42, and a 270V bus voltage
the voltage decreases. This behavior is due to the fact that [12,13]. Note that the current I gen in this figure is equal to
the SRG gets its excitation from the same voltage bus it the average current out of the SRG. The value of R k
generates into and thus there is inherent and positive obtained from this data is about 2.5 . This says that the
feedback in its operation with fixed turn on and turn off SRG output should increase exponentially for load resistors
angles. Thus there is the potential for instability [12,13]. with values greater than this value for an excitation interval
To address this problem analytically, assume that the equal to 30.5 degrees.
average current generated for a given set of turn on and turn
off angles is proportional to the bus capacitor voltage.
iav  k (on,off ,m,Vbus)  Vc  (5)
Excitation Bus Power Bus

Starting Cex
and Ph1 Ph2 Ph3
excitation Load

Fig. 10 SRG system with separate excitation and power busses.

in Fig. 10. Then when the IGBT switches turn off, all of
Fig. 8 Simulation of constant angle instability showing the phase current this excitation energy is delivered to the load along with the
and output voltage at 18,000rpm.
generated power and thus lost from the excitation circuit.
120 To reduce the power rating of the excitation source it is
desirable to recover the excitation energy delivered to the
load each electrical cycle so it does not have to come from
the excitation source. The excitation power required from
Mean the excitation source can be made zero during normal
operation by diode OR'ing the excitation source with the
measured generated power bus as shown in Fig. 11. The excitation
source voltage is set to a lower value than the SRG's output
voltage so that it only supplies power at start up and during
20 a load fault [13,14].
It would be desirable for the SRG to generate its own
50 100 150 200 250 300
excitation during load faults as well as when there are no
Vout - V load faults so that the excitation source does not have to be
Fig. 9 Measured and calculated average current generated by an SRM as a sized to handle the load fault. A circuit for accomplishing
function of dc bus voltage. this objective is shown in Fig 12 [13]. In the figure there are
still two busses, an excitation bus and a load bus, like the
SRG in Fig. 10. Diodes are connected to the excitation bus
IV. LOAD FAULTS AND THE SWITCHED RELUCTANCE in a manner analogous to the diodes in a conventional SRM
GENERATOR converter. The SRM is connected to the load bus through
The classic SRG shown in Fig. 2 suffers from the controllable power switches. The basic requirements of
disadvantage that it is self-excited and thus there exists a these switches are satisfied by thyristors as indicated in Fig.
maximum load that it can support [12,13]. A load fault on 12. If the thyristor switches are off, the power bus is
the output of the SRG will always exceed its maximum load disconnected from the generator system and all generating
capability and bring the voltage at the output of the SRG to action is into the excitation bus. The only load on this bus is
zero. Then, even if a fuse is blown disconnecting the load the machine excitation itself. There is no load resistance so
fault, the SRG will not recover generating operation. Thus a the generator will be unstable with fixed turn on and turn
separate fault clearing power supply is required as shown in off angles, charging the excitation capacitor. When the
Fig. 2. excitation bus has risen to its desired value the appropriate
Providing a separate bus to excite the SRM as shown in thyristor switch is gated on sending the rest of the generated
Fig. 10 can circumvent this problem [13]. In this case the power to the power bus. This will occur as long as the
excitation for the SRM is separate and independent from power bus voltage is less than the excitation bus voltage. In
the voltage generated and from the load. This is fact, the operation of the circuit is such that the excitation
accomplished in Fig. 10 by having a separate excitation bus bus voltage will always be greater than or equal to the
to supply the SRM's excitation through the IGBT switches power bus voltage. When the thyristor switches are on, the
and a separate power bus the SRM generates into through diodes keep the excitation bus from discharging into the
the diodes. Thus the machine's excitation comes from a lower voltage power bus. Note that the combined current
separate source that does not depend on the SRG's output rating of an upper diode-thyristor pair is the same as that of
and thus on load faults. Calculations show that the amount a lower diode. Note too that the thyristor switches must
of excitation power that must be supplied to excite the SRM support reverse voltage as well as forward voltage and they
is typically about 30% of the power going to the load at must turn off when their current goes to zero like a diode.
rated load. The reason the excitation power is this large is Under normal circuit operation the thyristors commutate off
that during each electrical cycle energy is delivered to the naturally. If during a fault a thyristor does not commutate
SRM from the excitation source through the IGBT switches
Excitation Bus Power Bus


Starting Cex Cpwr
and fault Ph1 Ph2 Ph3 Load
source vexcite
Fig. 11 SRM generating system that generates its own excitation during
normal operation. 100

Excitation Bus Power Bus 50

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Fig. 13 Simulated excitation and power voltages for the circuit in Fig 12
Ph1 Ph2 Ph3 Cpwr including start up, a load fault, and normal operation.


Fig. 12 SRM generating system that generates its own excitation during vpower
load faults. 250

off naturally, it will be forced off when its corresponding 200

lower IGBT switch turns on. A 150
The simulated excitation bus voltage and power bus
voltage for the circuit in Fig. 12 are shown in Fig. 13. The 100
starting source value is 50V and the load is 442m. phase currents / 3
The commanded output voltage is stepped from 0 to 270V 50
at 5ms, then at 23ms a 20m fault is applied to the SRG's
output until 48ms when the fault is removed. As required, 0
the excitation bus voltage is greater than the power bus 0.0664 0.0666 0.0668 0.0670
voltage and its average value remains constant right through 1 3
the load fault. An expanded view of the simulated 2
excitation voltage, power voltage, and phase currents Fig. 14 Simulated excitation voltage, power voltage, and phase currents
during normal operation are shown in Fig. 14. The control (divided by 3) during normal operation.
sequence for each phase is to turn on both IGBT switches
during the time interval labeled 1 in Fig. 14 to excite the
SRM. Then both IGBTs are turned off, turning on both V. SWITCHED RELUCTANCE GENERATOR CONTROL ISSUES.
diodes for the time interval labeled 2. Both diodes remain Because of the SRM's significant incremental phase
on until their corresponding thyristor is turned on. When the inductance and the fact that its excitation is controlled on a
thyristor is turned on it turns off its upper diode. The cycle by cycle basis, the SRG behaves more like a current
thyristor is not turned on until the excitation voltage has source than a voltage source [16]. The upper plot in Fig. 15,
reached its commanded value (320V in Figs. 13 and 14) for a varying commanded excitation, illustrates the current
and then remains on during the time period labeled 3 in Fig. into the voltage bus in Fig. 2. The average generated current
14. The thyristor naturally commutates off when its current can only be changed once per output cycle. This suggests
and thus the phase current go to zero. The SRM phase the SRM, power electronics, and switch state control can all
current is similar to the phase current in a single bus voltage be modeled as a controlled current source whose value in
SRG with the addition of a change in slope when the any time interval is equal to the average current generated
thyristors turn on. This change in slope occurs because the by a phase during that time interval as illustrated by the
phase voltage steps from the higher excitation voltage value lower plot in Fig. 12 [16].
to the lower power voltage value when the thyristor turns Because the SRG behaves more like a current source,
on. The circuit in Fig. 12 has the disadvantage that the output voltage feedback is required to keep the SRG's
combined capacitance value of the excitation bus capacitor output voltage constant as the load and speed vary. To
and the power bus capacitor is of the order of twice the analyze the stability of the SRG system the simplified
value of the single bus capacitor in Fig. 2. The circuit in average model in Fig. 16 may be used [16]. The SRG is a
Fig. 12 can be generalized to generate AC. This generalized first order system and thus it is typically controlled using
circuit has been named the switched reluctance proportional-integral control. The output of this controller is
cycloconverter (SRC) [13,15]. a current command whose value is ideally equal to the
average current generated by the SRG. This current 20
command is the input to the SRG's switch state control
One way to control the average current generated by 15
the SRG is to vary its excitation time [12]. A typical plot of
the computed ratio of the incremental change in the average
generated current to the incremental change in mechanical Gain 10

in i5
i3 5
i1 i2

10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Angular duration of excitation, mechanical degrees

Fig. 17 Gain of the SRM during generating in Amp per degree of rotor
in i5 rotation.
i1 i2
0 T 2T 3T 4T 5T nT This paper has described the fundamental SRM
Fig. 15 Illustration of the average SRG model concept. Shown are the generating characteristics that make its operation unique
actual converter bus current and the bus current used in the average model. compared to other machine types. Though these
+ characteristics are driven by the structure of the machine,
C Load
they impact the power converter and system control. It was
Vout shown that the phase current waveforms during generating
are the mirror images of the phase currents during motoring
- mirrored about the rotor's unaligned position. It was also
shown that the excitation of the SRM is accomplished by
- having its windings excite the machine for part of the time
Icom error
Control + and deliver power to the load part of the time. Thus the
conventional SRG cannot clear a load fault or recover from
ref + one. Because the conventional SRG is unable to clear load
Fig. 16 Simplified average model of the SRG. faults alternative SRG circuit topologies were presented
that separate the machine's excitation from it load. These
degrees of rotor rotation during the excitation time is shown circuit topologies allow the SRG to clear faults. Finally the
in Fig. 17. This incremental gain was computed for the modeling and design issues associated with regulating the
experimental SRG the data in Figs. 6 and 8 is from. It is output voltage of the SRG were addressed. Experimental
apparent that not only must the control stabilize an data and simulation results were used to demonstrate the
inherently unstable SRG, it must do so with a widely fundamental results.
varying gain. In addition, this gain can be quite large, as
large as about 16 A/degree with a 150A load at the 270V VII. REFERENCES
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