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Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second


Lesson 6: Jesus Invites Us to Respect Truth


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 Describe one’s identity and vocation in truth;
 Explain the eight commandment upholding the value of faithfulness; and
 Relate the Sacrament of Confirmation to the eight commandment.

Truthfulness is being true to one’s thoughts, words, and actions accepting one’s responsibility
as bearer and sharer of truths.


Jesus Invites Us to Respect Truth focuses on the eight commandment, what it means and what it
commands. It integrates as well the value of having a good name as one of the important elements living in,
with, and for the community.


Parents Advice
Give three reasons in the statements written in your textbook on page 51.
Write your answers at the back of the paper.

Read and reflect page 93-94 of your textbook then take time to reflect and write
reflective answer at the back of the paper.

Lesson Proper

 A good name is both a gift and a task.

Key Understandings:  To speak the truth arises from our identity and vocation.
 People love one who lives an upright life.

Note: You are expected to learn the Key Understandings presented in this lesson.

Learning Activities
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Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second

Activity 1: From and For

A law has two faces – the good it wants us to do and the evil it prevents us from committing. Write
three things that the eight commandment forbids and three things that it obliges us to do.



Activity 2 a Violation

Look for a story in the Bible that shows violation of the eight commandment. Give a short summary
and point out the consequence for the violation.


Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second


Activity 3: Spreading Truthfully

Encourage others to uphold the eight commandment by letting them realize the value of good
reputation. To do this:

a. Research for a related movie, inspirational video/video clip, song, poem, or article in the internet.
b. Make a synopsis (for movie/video) or short reflection (video, song, poem, and article) of your choice
c. Provide the link and invite them to watch/connect using their social network account or other means
such as email, blog, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, etc.




It’s now time to evaluate your learning. Log in to your Learning Management
System (LMS) for assessment. Your score will only appear after you answer all
items. If you do well, you may move on to the next module. If your score is not
at the expected level, you have to go back and take your module again.


 Signs of the Times 10

 Source
 Religion Links 10
Lesson 7: Jesus Calls Us to Testify the Truth
Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 Explain God as the basis of the vocation to witness;
 Discuss the meaning, ways, and hindrances in bearing witness to the truth; and
 Explain the value of prayer in the call of Christ to be witnesses.

Purity is overcoming
is being fear and
true and good pursuing
to one’s the good
thoughts, andand
words, the actions
truth in. spite of threat and danger.



Jesus Calls Us to Testify the Truth presents first, witnessing the truth as witnessing the very life
of Jesus. It points out that this command applies not only to the priests, nuns, or religious leaders but at all. It
provides some reasons on the importance of testifying the truth in spite of possible discrimination, harm, and
even threat to one’s life.


To Do or Not To Do
Write the expected response given the following situation in your textbook on page
105-106. Write your answers at the back of the paper.

Do and reflect page 106 of your textbook then take time to reflect and
write reflective answer at the back of the paper.

Lesson Proper

 Everyone is called to bear witness to the truth.

Key Understandings:  Bearing witness to the truth is an act and a grace.
 To bear witness to the truth flows from one’s identity as children of light and truth.

Note: You are expected to learn the Key Understandings presented in this lesson.

Learning Activities

Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second

Activity 1: True Witness

Every task requires particular knowledge, skill, and attitude in order for the person to carry it out
Today, there are various situations that call us to become witnesses of the truth. Identify what you
should do and the prerequisites needed (the knowledge, skill, and attitude).

Two of your close friends

K- _________________
for so long, after a conflict, S - _________________
have not been forgiving each A - _________________

Your mother and father’s

relationship has turned sour K- _________________
S - _________________
already. They do things A - _________________

Your sisters/brothers are K- _________________

habitually failing to attend S - _________________
Sunday Mass. A - _________________

Activity 2 Hindrances

As much as we want to witness to the truth, there are hindrances that make it difficult for us to do so.
Let us be aware of them that we may avoid and do something about them. Read the hindrances at the
Internet and answer questions 1 and 2 only under “Life Application”. Source will be given by the teacher
qualifications-for-witnessing.htm ). Write your answer in the blank below.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________

Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second


It’s now time to evaluate your learning. Log in to your Learning Management
System (LMS) for assessment. Your score will only appear after you answer all
items. If you do well, you may move on to the next module. If your score is not
at the expected level, you have to go back and take your module again.


 Signs of the Times 10

 Source: pg
 Religion Links 10

Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second

Lesson 8: Jesus Grounds Our Community on the Truth


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 Explain our call as children of God of truth to remain truthful;
 Discuss the offenses against the truth; and
 Describe the Sacrament of Baptism as a pledge to live in truth.

Honesty is telling and doing the truth grounded in God.



Jesus Grounds Our Community on the Truth discusses the different offenses to the truth. It aims
to let each one be aware in order not to endanger the unity and trust that keep a community. It presents as well
some reasons why those offenses are to be condemned.


Read and identify three effects seen in your textbook on page 120-121.
Write your answers at the back of the paper.

Personal Experience
Do and reflect page 121 of your textbook then take time to reflect and write
reflective answer at the back of the paper.

Lesson Proper

 We are children of truth not lies.

Key Understandings:  Lying hinders the opportunity for human relationship.
 Lying hurts and destroys one’s life and future.

Note: You are expected to learn the Key Understandings presented in this lesson.
Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second

Learning Activities

Activity 1: Against My Neighbour

There are things that we do but remain unaware of their weight and consequence. Recall your
experience and give concrete example for each. Identify the effect of it to the person, others, or community.

Calumny or Slander




Gossip and Backbiting



Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second





Activity 2 A Friend

Friendship is hard to build, harder to keep, but easy to break. Mark with a check the
kind of friend you like.

_____ 1. Relies on me
_____ 2. Keeps my secret
_____ 3. Tells others about me
_____ 4. Goes with me all the time
_____ 5. Is honest and truthful
_____ 6. Does not argue with me
_____ 7. Insists his/her point of view
_____ 8. Shares his/her decision
_____ 9. Speaks out what he/she feels
_____ 10. Does not tolerate my wrongdoings
_____ 11. Tells me what others say about me
_____ 12. Stays with me only when in good situation
_____ 13. Is willing to sacrifice his/her happiness for me
_____ 14. Is giving his/her loyalty to me 100% whether I am right or wrong
_____15. Disagrees with me when he/she finds something wrong.

Activity 3: Spreading Truthfully

Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second

Gossiping about other people becomes a means to express their envy or hatred out. However, they do
not realize how devastating it is to the victim of gossip.
It is the time to remind others that no matter how bad the person and angry or mad one is toward
him/her, it is not right to use gossip as a form of expressing anger or vengeance.
Write at least five reasons using biblical verses why gossiping should be stopped. Post your work on
social media.







It’s now time to evaluate your learning. Log in to your Learning Management
System (LMS) for assessment. Your score will only appear after you answer all
items. If you do well, you may move on to the next module. If your score is not
at the expected level, you have to go back and take your module again.


 Signs of the Times 10

 Source
 Religion Links 10

Lesson 9: Jesus Helps Us to Remain in the Truth

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Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 Discuss the nature, importance of Truth, and Jesus as the Truth Himself;
 Explain the values and disposition to know the Truth; and
 Pray for the Spirit of Truth for a better life decision.

VALUES: Humility is believing and accepting with gladness and openness Jesus as the Truth who sets the
whole humanity fee.



Jesus Helps Us to Remain in the Truth presents Jesus the Truth, the ultimate basis of following
the commandment. It discusses the different truths about oneself, others, worlds, and God, giving reason to
remain in truth. It touches some points why other people resist the truth.


Read the explanation and choose one from the categories in your textbook on
page 137-138. Write your answers at the back of the paper.

Common Words
Do and reflect page 138 of your textbook and take time to reflect and write
reflective answer at the back of the paper.

Lesson Proper

 God reveals the truth to all, regardless of religion.

Key Understandings:  Jesus, the fullness of god’s revelation, discloses the truth about us, others,
world, and God.
 The Holy Spirit continues to reveal to each one the truth that was once revealed
by the Son.

Note: You are expected to learn the Key Understandings presented in this lesson.
Learning Activities

Activity 1: Truths

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Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second

Knowledge of oneself, others, world, and God improves and deepens relationship. Identify the truth that
the following biblical verses reveal and challenge us to do.

Biblical Verses Truth Challenge

"You are all children of the
light and children of the
day. We do not belong to
Self the night or to the darkness"
(1 Thessalonians 5:5).
"You are the salt of the
earth" (Matthew 5:13).
"There is neither Jew nor
Greek, there is neither slave
nor free person, there is not
male and female; for you
are all one in Christ Jesus"
Others (Galatians 3:28).
"The second is this: 'You
shall love your neighbor as
yourself.' There is no other
commandment greater than
these" (Mark 12:31).
"Everything created by God
is good, and nothing is to
be rejected when received
with thanksgiving" (1
World Timothy 4:4)
"By the LORD's word the
heavens were made; by the
breath of his mouth all their
host" (Psalm 35:6).
"For it is surely just on
God's part to repay with
afflictions those who are
afflicting you" (2
Thessalonians 1:16).
I (am) holy" (1 Peter 1:16).

Activity 2 Election Day

One of the big events in politics is election. During the campaign period, however, the reality of vote buying
happens in some areas. Some say it is because people adhere to it, while for others, it is because of some politicians who
offer an enticing amount.
If you are asked to solve the problem, where would you start, on some politicians, who offer amount, or on those
people who accept the amount? Give five reasons.


3. .


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Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second

Activity 3: Jesus, the Truth

Read the first three paragraphs of the encyclical, Veritas Splendor, on the Internet. The source
will be given by the teacher. Give three main points for each paragraph.

splendor_en.html )

Paragraph 1

a. ____________________________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2

a. ____________________________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 3

a. ____________________________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________________________


It’s now time to evaluate your learning. Log in to your Learning Management
System (LMS) for assessment. Your score will only appear after you answer all
items. If you do well, you may move on to the next module. If your score is not
at the expected level, you have to go back and take your module again.


 Signs of the Times 10

 Source
 Religion Links 10

Lesson 10: Jesus Proclaims the Liberating Power of the Truth


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

13 | P a g e
Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second

 Relate God’s plan for the whole humanity as revealed through the Scriptures to one’s calling
 Discern God’s call for oneself
 Emphasize the importance of constant dialogue with God who calls

VALUES: Determination is having the will and firm pursuance of the truth amidst all forms of hindrances.



Jesus Proclaims the Liberating Power of the Truth provides an answer on how truth indeed
becomes liberating. It discusses the things one should be aware of, and be liberated from, as true followers of


Comforting Words
Read and write what you will say to a person going through the following
situation seen in your textbook on page 155-156. Write your answers at the back
of the paper.

Fear Not
Do and reflect page 156 of your textbook then take time to reflect and
write reflective answer on your the back of the paper.

Lesson Proper

 We come to know the truth because God reveals Himself.

Key Understandings:  Truth brings to our fore the realities about ourselves, others, the world, and
 Truth can set us free from many fears, doubts, illusions, and sins that
enslave us.

Note: You are expected to learn the Key Understandings presented in this lesson.

Learning Activities

Activity 1: Moses, the Liberator

Read the story of Moses chapter Exodus 1-15:21 and answer the questions below.

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Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second

1. What was the suffering of the people that they cried out to God?
2. How were they feed?
3. What was/were the struggle/s before they were freed?
4. How would you describe them after they gained their freedom?

Activity 2: Liberation Experience

People go through a lot of things in life whether personal, family, friends, work, career, or ambition related.
Surely, they have their own way to cope and succeed.

At your age, you may have been through ups and downs. In those times, do you always remember God or call
Him to be your Company, Savior, Encourager, Strength, or Inspiration?

In a scale of I -I O, 10 being the highest, where is He in your life during those ups and downs?_________

Explain your rate you gave.


Activity 3: Liberating Truth

Log on to the Internet. The source will be given by the teacher. Read the article and Write three of seven
liberating truths based on Psalm 103 that struck you the most. Describe each.

Liberating Truth #1:_________________________________________________________________________________

Liberating Truth #2:_________________________________________________________________________________

Liberating Truth #3:_________________________________________________________________________________

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Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second

Activity 4: Spreading Truthfully

In this modern day, sometimes the truth people know about themselves as image likeness of God,
about others who are our brothers and sisters in Christ calling for a loving relationship, about the world,
which is His handiwork, and about God who creates, redeems and sanctifies us, become merely head
knowledge. Truth is limited to something that good to know.

1. Choose a truth about ourselves, others, the world, or God based on the discussion

2. The truth is about_________________. This truth is _______________________________________________

3. Write a paragraph convincing others to live that truth you stated above.

4. Identify your target audience (parents, helpers, classmates, friends, social network chat mates, etc.): _______________

5. Identify your creative means (personal talk, letter, email, blog, song, picture. etc.) to make known of the truth with your
convincing statements to live it.)


It’s now time to evaluate your learning. Log in to your Learning Management
System (LMS) for assessment. Your score will only appear after you answer all
items. If you do well, you may move on to the next module. If your score is not
at the expected level, you have to go back and take your module again.


 Signs of the Times 10

 Source
 Religion Links 10

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Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second

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Module 2: Jesus, the Truth Second

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