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Columban’s College
Lingayen, Pangasinan

Summary of Scores:
First Year BSED, BEED & BSBA

Name: _________________________ Year and Course: _______________ Date: _________________

I. IDENTIFICATION. Write the word or group of words on your paper that is being described in each item.
___________________1. This philosopher identified the 3 parts of soul.
___________________2. He was the first philosopher who ever engaged in a systematic questioning about the Self.
___________________3. It is the process of self-questioning.
___________________4. This means a blank sheet
___________________5. Who said that man’s self is created out of the goodness of God?
___________________6.Man is a being in quest for knowledge (not inherent)
___________________7. He adheres to materialism, the belief that nothing but matter exists. In other words, if it can't
somehow be recognized by the senses then it's akin to a fairy tale.
___________________8. Man is a being in search into the origin, certainty and extent of human knowledge.
___________________9. Man’s self is an “I”
___________________10. Man’s self is in search of truth (reality).
___________________11. This is the original stuff of thought.
___________________12. Man’ self is the mind that expresses the entire system of thoughts, emotions and actions.
___________________13. Man’ self is a body-subject.
___________________14. These are merely the copies of impressions.
___________________15. Man’s self is a social being.
___________________16. An anthropologist who described the self as encompassing the “physical organism, possessing
psychological functioning and social attributes.”
___________________17. A neurologist who conceptualized the implicit and explicit aspects of self.
___________________18. He stated that “the self is not static; it is added and subtracted from generic maturation,
learning, forgetting, stress, ageing and disease.”
___________________19. The founder of cultural anthropology.
___________________20. It is the meeting point of anthropology and sociology in our self-understanding, digging deep
into how we see ourselves, in light of the diverse cultural influences that we have been
exposed to.

II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement states a fact and FALSE if it is otherwise; write the correct
word to make the statement true. (2 pts. each)
___________1. According to John Locke, ideas come to us through some kind of experience.
___________2. We can easily understand ourselves in a short period of time.
___________3. The appetitive element is the emotional element of the soul according to Plato.
___________4. Association means some bond of union or associating quality by which one idea naturally introduces
___________ 5. According to Locke, the three elements of the soul must not be in balance.
___________ 6. According the Kant, the self with its mind does not produce an objective reality; instead, it can only
know a thing as it appears to the self and is organized thereby.
___________ 7. According to Descartes, the soul is the seat for thinking while the body is the extension or space.
___________8. Demonstrative knowledge happens when the mind tries to discover the agreement or disagreement of
ideas by calling attention to still other ideas
___________ 9. Sensitive knowledge is “clearest and most certain that human frailty is capable of.”
___________10. According to John Locke, nothing comes to mind or exists in the mind which was not first in the senses.
___________11. Intuitive knowledge is immediate, leaves no doubt, and is the “clearest and most certain that human
frailty is capable of.”
___________12. Impressions and Ideas are the forms of Intuition.
___________13. Confucius believes that we are all created by God.
___________14.Understanding the self is not important.
___________15. Demonstrative knowledge is “clearest and most certain that human frailty is capable of.”
___________16. Plato’s philosophy states that the man’s self is a soul, soul has 3 components which have to work
harmoniously to be able to live a virtues life.
___________17. Socrates philosophy of self is more concerned about self, Man’s self is being in search for knowledge, A
search for one’s self knowledge or introspective knowledge.
___________18. Rene Decartes is the father of modern philosophy
___________19. Socratic method is a form of self-questioning.
___________20. Socratic method the foundation of critical thinking, it is the method of questioning that challenges
accuracy and completeness of thinking in a way that acts to move people towards their ultimate

III. ESSAY. Answer the following questions briefly (10 pts each).

1. What is a Socratic method?

2. Why is it important to understand yourself?

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Noted by:


Curriculum Coordinator

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