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Sa vie privée, femme, enfants etc…..

Où il a travaillé et les événements clé de sa vie.
Prix qu’il a reçu : prix Nobel
l'école où il a été

Contexte historique :
- avance scientifique
- guerres mondiales

Quantum Physics for Dummies

Quantum Mechanics studies the smallest stuff in the universe. You might know these as the parts of the
atom: protons, neutrons, and electrons.
When scientists look at the tiniest stuff in the universe, things begin to act really weird. Contradictory things
seem to happen at the same time. Things become uncertain. We have to use probability, making weird
guesses about the bizarre behavior of particles. Things appear to be in two places at the same time, or tele-
port from one location to another. At the smallest level of everything, the world seems to turn upside down.
All stability seems to break down.
Many people think quantum mechanics doesn't make sense. Is quantum physics a mystery? Can we ulti-
mately make sense of it? Do quantum mechanics violate the laws of physics?

The Theory of Quantum Mechanics Works!

It might surprise you that quantum mechanics is actually one of the strongest scientific theories in history.
We actually know a great deal about what's going with the smallest particles in the universe. The problem is,
when we investigate things at the quantum level, what we find seems incredibly weird and counter-intuitive.
This doesn't mean that we don't know what's going on there. It means that what's going on there doesn't make
sense to us.

Schrödinger and quantum physics :

Schrödinger equation: le contexte, explication rapide,

Schrödinger’s cat : explication

Schrödinger’s cat experiment is what we call a thought experiment. 

In other words, we don’t actually conduct the experiment. We use only our imagination and reasoning in-

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