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VOL. 533 No. 21  sunday, MAY 21, 2017 • 10 SECTIONS IN METRO MANILA P20.00

WIDE EXPANSE – The newly-widened Governor Miranda Bridge II, which connects the municipality of Carmen and Tagum City in Davao del Norte,
was re-opened by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) to vehicular traffic. Left photo shows DPWH Secretary Mark Villar giving

Duterte shakes
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (left) a briefing on the rehabilitation of the bridge, which was first constructed in 2004 as an alternate route for
motorists when the old Governor Miranda Bridge was destroyed due to heavy flooding. (Photo courtesy of DPWH)

up Cabinet
*Human development and poverty
*Security, justice, and peace;
*Climate change adaptation and
mitigation and disaster risk reduction;
*Economic development.
Two new clusters added to expedite infra Apart from the two new Cabinet
groups, the President, under the Execu-
tive Order No. 24, required all Cabinet
Mula sa Masa, Para sa Masa dev’t, promote participatory governance members to uphold transparency and
fight corruption as well as meet annual
Duterte addresses needs By GENALYN D. KABILING effectively driving a Cabinet reorganization.
Under Executive Order No. 24, signed last
performance targets.
“There is a need to re-organize Cab-

wo new clusters to hasten infrastruc- May 16, the Chief Executive has divided the inet clusters to streamline their func-
of distressed OFW ture development and promote partici-
patory governance in the country have
Cabinet into the following clusters:
tions and improve existing procedures
to achieve a more efficient and effective
By ARGYLL CYRUS B. GEDUCOS the pilot episode of his “Mula sa
Masa, Para sa Masa” program,
been created by President Duterte, *Participatory governance (formerly good integration of programs, activities  8
After 11 harrowing years, has vowed to shoulder all her
overseas Filipino worker
(OFW) Nancy Aransanzo – who
needs to enable her to return
home with her 11-year- old Ex-Gen. Lim
incurred an unspecified debt daughter.
when her employer cancelled
her contract for refusing to
During their conversation
via Skype, Duterte asked Aran-
named new
set up an illegal recruitment
agency – may soon realize her
sanzo to go to the Philippine
embassy in Qatar and he will
MMDA chair
dream of returning home to the take care of the rest. By ARGYLL CYRUS B. GEDUCOS
Philippines. “Punta kayo sa embassy na-
President Duterte, after tin, babayaran ko utang ninyo Former Army Brig. Gen. Danilo Lim
listening to her plight during at bigyan ko kayo ng  17 has been appointed new Metropolitan
Manila Development Authority (MMDA)

Abu Sayyaf gasping Executive Secretary Salvador Me-

dialdea confirmed Lim’s appointment
in a text message Saturday night. He
under AFP’s likewise said that erstwhile MMDA
officer-in-charge Tim Orbos will stay as
the agency’s general manager.  8
intense offensive
ZAMBOANGA CITY rilito Sobejana Jr.
– The Abu Sayyaf Group As the presidential dead- BOY’S BEST FRIEND – A boy swims with his pet dog, unmindful of the murky waters of Manila Bay
across the Baseco Compound in Tondo, Manila Saturday morning. (Jay Ganzon)
likened to
(ASG) is now “less capable” line to decimate the terrorist
in launching major attacks group nears, AFP-WestMin- tortoise,
following months of inten- Com spokesperson Capt.
Rachy Cuna’s masterworks at the Conrad
watch Story’s online video

sified military operations

against them, top military
Jo-Ann Petinglay said the
ASG again suffered a “heavy
1. Turn on your data or WI-FI network
and connect to the Internet;
2. Scan the QR code.
hare fable
officials said yesterday. blow” Friday when elements By FRANCIS T. WAKEFIELD
“Anything may happen of the 61st and 65th Marine In celebration of Heritage Month, The Filipino Heritage Festival, Inc. in
but they are less capable Company, Marine Special cooperation with Conrad Manila unveils the masterworks of Rachy Cuna, General Eduardo Año, Armed
now due to the significant Operation Group and the the acclaimed Floral Architect of the Philippines through “Arte Filipino.” Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief
reduction of their strength 2nd Special Forces Battal- The exhibit which formally opened last May 15, 2017 displays nine in- of Staff, said the friendship and part-
as a result of our sustained ion engaged the bandits in stallations at the S Maison Atrium of Conrad Manila. Rattan, bamboo, and nership between the Philippines and
and relentless focused mili- an armed confrontation in woven moss were the dominant materials Cuna used to create most of the United States could be likened to the
tary operations,” said Joint the island village of Ban- installations featured in the exhibit. story of “The Hare and the Tortoise”
Task Force Sulu (JTFS) galaw in Banguingui, Sulu Scan the QR code to appreciate Rachy Cuna’s “Arte Filipino” and turn Important reminder: by Aesop.
Your mobile phone should have an Internet
commander Brig. Gen. Ci- Province.  to Page F1 to read the full story. access and an installed QR code reader. At the closing of the Balika-

sports entertainment business focus feature La Loma, Miniature

No Showbiz Lechonlandia Monopodial
stopping Gov’t to exercise Orchids
101 with A historic district in
LeBron, Ricky fiscal prudence in Quezon City recalls a
Cavs Davao infrastructure push long delicious history
made famous by
23 H-1 B-1 roast pork
18 17
Luzon Visayas Mindanao Manila Sunrise: 5:27 a.m. Temperature Range: High Tide: 07:56 a.m. 0.62m
WEATHER cloudy with rainshowers partly cloudy to cloudy w/ isolated
rainshowers and/or thunderstorms
partly cloudy to cloudy w/ isolated
rainshowers and/or thunderstorms
partly cloudy to cloudy w/ isolated
rainshowers and/or thunderstorms
Sunset: 6:18 p.m. 26.0ºC-32.2ºC Low Tide: 11:41 a.m. 0.56m
and/or thunderstorms @manilabulletin


Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

2 News Sunday, May 21, 2017

Free parking for clients of malls,

other establishments pressed
By CHARISSA M. LUCI ers are often forced to pay exorbitant parked areas as street parking is less not exceeding R200 per vehicle.
fees for parking even if malls and other costly, " Barbers said. A customer shall be given a grace

urigao del Norte Rep. establishments are already earning The chairman of the House Com- period of 30 minutes, wherein the cus-
Robert Ace Barbers from the sale of their products and mittee on Dangerous Drugs filed tomer shall not be charged a parking
wants to regulate the services. House Bill (HB) 5041 which provides fee for the use of the parking space for
imposition and collec- "A parking fee often costs as that shopping malls, hospitals, schools, not more than 30 minutes.
tion of fees for the use of parking much as R180 for a number of hours, hotels and similar establishments HB 5041 provides that the parking
spaces and facilities in shopping an amount which most Filipinos can shall provide parking spaces for their fee shall be waived once a customer
malls, hospitals, schools, hotels barely afford. This may also be one customers free of charge. presents a validated proof of purchase
and similar establishments. of the reasons why streets in highly Barbers proposes that a customer or payment of not less than R500,
He laments that vehicle own- urbanized areas are clogged with shall be charged a reasonable amount provided that the customer used the
not exceeding R100 per vehicle for a parking space for a maximum of three
maximum of eight hours and an addi- hours only and that customers who
tional R10 per succeeding hour. parked their vehicle for more than
For overnight parking, a customer three hours shall be charged the stan-
shall be charged a reasonable amount dard rate.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

News Sunday, May 21, 2017 3

Manila cop, suspect

killed in drug sting

Manila police officer and a drug
suspect were killed when an anti -
illegal drugs operation escalated
to a shootout Friday night at the
Islamic Center in San Miguel, Manila.
Senior Police Officer 2 Randy Marlon
Lebrilla, 45, of the Manila Police District
(MPD) Station Drug Enforcement team,
expired due to several gunshot wounds at
the Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center,
while Police Officer 1 Mark Pineda, 26, was
wounded and is recuperating at the Chi-
nese General Hospital.
The slain drug suspect, meantime,
was identified as Codeng Macabato alias
“Verdugo,” 27.
After receiving a tip from an informant,
Lebrilla led a buy-bust operation, with
Pineda acting as the poseur buyer.
The police team proceeded to Maca-
bato’s residence on Matanos Street to seal
the drug deal.
The police said Macabato sensed the
entrapment operation and pulled out his
firearm, which triggered the deadly shoo-
Various drug-using items and spent
shells were recovered on the scene.
It was learned that Macabato was a
nephew of then incumbent Barangay 648
Chairman Faiz Macabato, who was also
killed in an anti-illegal drugs operation in
October last year.

car outside
mall yields
R18-M shabu

The Philippine National Police-Drug

Enforcement Unit (PNP-DEU), Philippine
Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) and
Taguig City police yesterday discovered
around 3.5 kilos of shabu worth an esti-
mated R18 million inside an abandoned
car in Bonifacio Global City (BGC).
Southern Police District (SPD) direc-
tor Chief Superintendent Tomas Apoli-
nario Jr. disclosed that the four packs of
shabu in a sealed carton were found at the
compartment of a gray Mitsubishi Lancer
with license plate number UAP 625, which
was found abandoned at the parking lot of
Market! Market! mall at around 12:10 a.m.
Apolinario said PNP and PDEA opera-
tives were dispatched to the area receiv-
ing a report from an informant regarding
a suspicious vehicle which was left by its
Authorities observed the vehicle for
about 12 hours before a K-9 unit confirmed
the presence of illegal drugs.
Further investigation is ongoing.

marks centennial
year with 11-km
boodle fight

An 11-kilometer (km) boodle fight

was organized Saturday morning in
Muntinlupa City to mark the city’s
100th founding anniversary.
The boodle fight, which covered
eight barangays in Muntinlupa from
Tunasan to Sucat, showcased Filipino
food including adobo, tilapia, boiled
eggs and vegetables.
Mayor Jaime Fresnedi, Rep. Ruffy
Biazon and city councilors led Muntin-
lupa residents in partaking of food on
banana leaves.
“It is high time that Muntinlupa or-
ganizes this boodle fight in celebration
of the Centennial Anniversary to wel-
come the festivity as one people,” said
Allan Cacheula, chairman of Muntinlu-
pa Centennial Commission (MCC) and
city administrator.
Muntinlupa city spokesperson Tez
Navarro said that even though the
boodle fight was a record-breaking at-
tempt, the city government did not ap-
ply for any recognition from the Guin-
ness Book of World Records.
The event was aimed at promoting
camaraderie, unity and volunteerism
among Muntinlupa residents in cel-
ebration of the local centennial, she

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black


Yellow Magenta Cyan Black


• • •
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Magenta Cyan Black
6 National News Sunday, May 21, 2017

At 119, first PH Flag is ‘near state of deterioration’

By LARRY P. FABIAN he added.
Suntay is the great grandson of the First

or this generation of so-called President of the Philippine Republic, who
“millennials,” a deep understand- waved the iconic First Philippine Flag at
IN FRAGILE ing of the core influence of the the declaration of Independence on June
first Philippine first Philippine Flag in achieving 12, 1898 in Kawit, Cavite.
Flag waved Philippine Independence is essential to Speaking to The Manila Bulletin, it was
by Emilio their sense of nationhood. with a heavy heart that Suntay revealed that
Aguinaldo in
1898 now lays
That is why authorities at the Agui- the flag is “actually in its most fragile state”
in delicate naldo Museum in Baguio City have gone and he feared that its the condition worsens
and fragile through great lengths to preserve the first as time passes.
condition, Philippine Flag, which is now “in its most “Every minute that people enter to
englassed and
kept at a fixed fragile state.” catch a glimpse of the First Flag, constitutes
temperature Emilio Aguinaldo Suntay III said Agui- to another minute of lifespan that is taken
at the naldo Museum has “kept the flag alive” as away from the Flag,” Suntay lamented.
Museum in
it may be this generation’s last hope in The Flag is located at the inner sanctum
Baguio City. understanding the relevance of Indepen- of the Aguinaldo Museum, where the tem-
(Larry P. dence and the struggle for freedom of our perature is monitored and light sources are
Fabian) forebears. carefully installed in the corners control its
“Now it’s (the flag’s) near state of dete- illumination at a more desired position.
rioration,” revealed Suntay, of The General However, he explained that these mea-
Emilio Aguinaldo Foundation, Inc. “This is sures are just mere “extenders” for the
the dilemma that we are facing right now,” Flag’s lifespan.
In a collaborative consultation with the
Smithsonian Institute on prolonging the
Flag’s lifespan, Suntay said that the Insti-
tute, which is considered as the custodian of
a vast array of relics and mementos of times
past, had carefully instructed the delicate
essentials to prolong the First Philippine
Flag’s lifespan.
“They (Smithsonian experts) even con-
gratulated us for keeping the flag safely to
the present as it is already in its more than
100 years,” Suntay said.
“Realistically, it may still be in a good
viewing state for a good 20 or 30 years, but
as I have said, it all depends on how we keep
it in good room temperature with very dim
light as the components of line used in the
flag is light and temperature sensitive,”
Suntay said.
There are some who think the Flag
should just be kept from the public. “But
we cannot do that, since the Flag is the
pride of our nation and the symbol of our
clamor for independence. It is just right for
every Filipino to witness the iconic Flag,”
Suntay said.
Meantime, the Centennial Flag, a
replica of the original First Philippine Flag
made in 1998, will be displayed at the SM
Baguio Atrium on May 28 in celebration of
the Philippine flag days which will end on
June 12 after the conclusion of the Philip-
pine Independence day celebration.

bewails cops
into illegal
blames their

The National Capital Regional Police

Office (NCRPO) has expressed disappoint-
ment over the training program currently
being offered to police recruits.
Director Oscar Albayalde, NCRPO
chief, said the involvement of a lot of rookie
cops in illegal activities is proof that there is
something wrong with the way the Regional
Training Services (RTS) is handling the
training of incoming Police Officers 1.
“After their training on RTS, they still
lack the training and the knowledge on the
policies of the PNP. I don’t know why,” said
The RTS is under the supervision of
the Philippine Public Safety College which
also oversees the Philippine National Police
Academy (PNPA).
It was recalled that past PNP chiefs
have been pushing for the training of their
own recruits, even seeking for an amend-
ment of the laws pertaining to the PNP.
Albayalde said that over the years, the
PNP has been at the receiving end of criti-
cisms on the issue of corrupt and scalawag
policemen that have been implicated in
various illegal activities.
Police data revealed that most of those
who were involved in illegal activities are
rookie policemen.
“The way we see it, they are usually the
ones implicated in various illegal activities.
And they complain a lot,” said Abayalde.
He then cited the recent case wherein 11
rookie policemen have lodged a complaint
about how they were maltreated in the con-
duct of training program of the NCRPO.
“They complained about the food; that
they were hit and everything. It turned out
that they just do not want to be retrained,”
said Albayalde.
The retraining program of the NCRPO
is a 45-day re-orientation program aimed at
introducing the new recruits to the life of a
policeman, Albayalde said.
This re-orientation program was
launched to reinforce the knowledge of the
recruits on the rules, regulations and poli-
cies of the PNP. The recent batch of trainees
are more than 300.
“They thought that they are in heaven
once they entered the PNP. It’s not. This
is public service, there is nothing easy on
becoming a policeman,” said Albayalde.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

National News 7
May 21, 2017

cops dismayed
over release of
Marcelino, Yan

Anti-narcotics agents of the He said the DEG is most

Philippine National Police (PNP) surprised by the recent reso-
consider it as a big setback to the lution of the Department of
war on illegal drugs that Marine Justice (DOJ) reversing the
Lieutenant Colonel Ferdinand resolution on Sept. 15, 2016 of
Marcelino – arrested and linked Assistant State Prosecutor
to a big-time drug trafficking Alexander Q. Suarez, as ap-
operation last year – has been proved by Senior Deputy State
released and the charges against Prosecutor Richard Anthony
him junked. D. Fadullon, concluding that
Superintendent Enrico Rigor, Marcelino and Yan have suf-
PNP-Drug Enforcement Group ficiently proven that they were
(DEG) spokesman, said they in performance of a lawful duty
are dismayed by the decision of when they were chanced upon
a Manila court which junked the by police and Philippine Drug
case against Marcelino and Yan Enforcement Agency (PDEA)
Yi Shou, who were both arrested operatives during the raid.
in a raid on a suspected “shabu” “We are wary, we were re-
warehouse in Sta. Cruz, Manila, ally surprised,” said Rigor when
on Jan. 21, 2016. asked about the morale of the
A total of 77 kilos of suspected DEG.
shabu were seized in that opera- He said this incident lays a
tion, Rigor recalled. dangerous precedent on drug
“All the defenses by Colonel operations being conducted by
Marcelino was taken as a gos- law enforcement agencies.
pel truth by the ruling (of the “The PNP-DEG as well as
court),” he said. PDEA will exert all legal efforts
Rigor insisted that there seeking reversal of the said
was a misapprehension of the resolution,” Rigor said.
facts before the court as he ar- “But our life must not end
gued that the presence of both there, we will strive harder in
Marcelino and Yan inside the order to overcome any setback
warehouse is itself a smoking that we would encounter,” he
gun against them. added.

Anti-death penalty
marchers set to
reach UST today
By LESLIE ANN G. AQUINO “With personal and collective
study, prayer, discernment and
Anti-death penalty advocates action, we hope to be a people
will gather at the University of that promote a culture of life,”
Santo Tomas (UST) in Manila he said.
today to oppose the proposed Tagle also believes that the
revival of capital punishment in 21-day march caravan “Lakbay
the country. Buhay” is also an opportunity
Church leaders asked the to find ways of fighting crimes
faithful to support the event and without resorting to capital
as one oppose death penalty. punishment.
Manila Auxiliary Bishop “The march that started
Broderick Pabillo said the event in Mindanao to end up in the
is also an opportunity to call on Philippine Senate gives us an op-
the government to strengthen its portunity to find ways of fighting
rehabilitation program instead crimes, for all crimes violate life,
of reviving death penalty. but without resorting to mea-
“Let us make a stand and sures that also violate life, like
tell the government that death capital punishment,” he said.
penalty is not the solution to It was last May 4 when the
criminality or our drug problem. marchers started their 21-day
What we need is to rehabilitate march-caravan from Cagayan
those who committed a wrong de Oro City in Mindanao and
and not punish them with death went through the cities of Cebu,
penalty,” he said over church- Ormoc, Tacloban, Sorsogon, Le-
run Radyo Veritas. gaspi City, Naga City, Gumaca,
Earlier, Manila Archbishop Lucena City, San Pablo City, Lipa
Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle also City, and Cavite.
issued a circular letter inviting Today, the marchers will join
priests, religious communities the crowd at UST where the
and lay faithful to support the Eucharistic celebration will be
lay initiative. held at 5 p.m.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

8 News Sunday, May 21, 2017

Superintendent Guillermo
Eleazar (second from right),
Quezon City Police District
director, presents to media
three illegal drugs suspects,
including Jefferson Rafanan,
who admitted being a
member of the militant
group Partido Marxista-
Leninista ng Pilipinas
(PLMP), a breakaway of
the communist hit squad
Alex Boncayao Brigade
(ABB). Also arrested were
Nenchie Narvas and Rommel
(Federico Cruz)

Duterte shakes up... 1

and priorities,” the President said. citizen participation in governmental pro-
Under the EO, the President assigned cesses. The DILG is currently headed by
the secretary of the Department of Public officer-in-charge Catalino Cuy, but retiring
Works and Highways (DPWH) to lead the Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief of
newly created “Infrastructure Cluster.” The Staff Gen. Eduardo Año was earlier named by
DPWH is currently headed by Secretary President Duterte as incoming secretary.
Mark Villar. The “Participatory Governance Cluster”
The new cluster is assigned to enhance takes the place of the “Good Governance
delivery of public infrastructure by ensuring Cluster” previously created by the Presi-
efficient and transparent management of dent at the start of his term.
assets and resources. Among the tasks of the cluster are to
It must also improve the quality and formulate mechanisms to enable the public
reliability of public infrastructure and to understand, rationalize and implement
public investment efficiency; strengthen government programs as well as strengthen
the government’s implementation capac- public consultation mechanisms.
ity and budget execution on infrastructure In line with good governance objectives,
projects; and ensure equitable access to the President has required all Cabinet clus-
infrastructure services. ters to adopt these goals.
“The government’s infrastructure It must uphold transparency in govern-
development initiative aims to contribute ment transactions and commit to combat
to inclusive growth and poverty reduction graft and corruption as well as strengthen
and to promote safe, efficient, reliable, the capacity of agencies to link their budgets
cost-effective, resilient, and sustainable with performance outcomes and allow the
infrastructure,” the order read. public to monitor and evaluate such data.
The government had earlier launched a Each Cabinet cluster must also formu-
massive infrastructure program to improve late a “performance and projects roadmap”
transportation and connectivity and spur that will identify critical targets and identi-
economic development across the country. fied annual deliverables.
The same EO designated the secretary A Cabinet cluster system secretary at
of the Department of the Interior and Local the Office of the President has also been
Government (DILG) to lead “Participatory created to monitor various cluster direc-
Governance Cluster” that aims to enhance tives and commitments.

New website offers

easy access to education
By MERLINA HERNANDO MALIPOT opportunities all in one place.”
“Our site contains 13,000+
Students who are financially public and private schools na-
challenged and those who need tionwide as well as 30+ foreign
assistance now have easier ac- schools; 80,000+ courses; and
cess to various scholarships as 4,000+ scholarships,” Motte-
an educational social enterprise Muñoz said. “Additionally, stu-
introduces an easy and free dents can apply to more than
direct online application tool for 200 schools around the country
senior high school, colleges, and as well as search and apply for
scholarships. scholarships offered by our part-
To make education within ner foundations and schools for
the reach of, and affordable to, free,” he added.
every Filipino child, Edukasyon. Motte-Muñoz said students,
ph launched a website that offers parents, and guardians can easily
free easy application to senior find schools and scholarships in
high school, colleges, and scholar- the online portal that can be ac-
ships., an EdTech cessed through all devices such
social enterprise that empow- as laptops, tablets, or mobile
ers students to make informed phones as long as it is connected
education choices, has launched to the Internet.
its website – www.edukasyon. Among the benefits of using
ph – to help improve “access to the said website, Motte-Muñoz
education and understanding of said, is that the students and
employment pathways.” parents need not call the school
“We want to facilitate edu- because the online inquiry goes
cational searches for student, directly to the right person. “No
parents and schools,” said Edu- need to spend time or money to founder and CEO visit the school just to ask ques-
Henry Motte-Muñoz. By visiting tions [and] no need to hassle
and registering on the said web- yourself because we aim to offer
site, he noted that many students you a range of choice in just a few
“can explore so many educational clicks,” he added.

Ex-Gen. Lim named... 1

Lim, a former senatorial with Senator Antonio Trillanes IV,
candidate back in 2010, was who staged the 2007 Peninsula
previously appointed by former Manila siege in Makati City.
President Benigno Aquino III Lim is now the 12th person to
as Bureau of Customs (BOC) join the list of former military or
Deputy Commissioner for Intel- police officials to assume office
ligence until he resigned in July, under the Duterte administra-
2013, due to alleged corruption in tion.
the agency. Some of the known former
He was also one of the lead- military or police officials in the
ers of the failed 1989 coup d’etat current administration include
against the administration of National Security Adviser Sec-
Aquino’s mother, former Presi- retary Hermogenes Esperon
dent Corazon Aquino, which Jr., Defense Secretary Delfin
landed him in prison for two Lorenzana, Customs Commis-
years. sioner Nicanor Faeldon, Envi-
He was released under the ronment Secretary Roy Cimatu,
Ramos administration and was and incoming Interior and Local
a member of the RAM-SFP- Government Secretary Eduardo
YOU (Reform the Armed Forces Año.
Movement-Soldiers of the Filipi- Other former military or po-
no People-Young Officers Union) lice officials in the administration
peace panel. are Emmanuel Bautista, Office
During the term of former of the President Undersecre-
President Gloria Macapagal Ar- tary; Ricardo Visaya, National
royo, Lim was relieved from his Irrigation administrator; Alex-
post as commander of the First ander Balutan, Philippine Char-
Scout Rangers Regiment in 2006 ity Sweepstakes Office General
for allegedly plotting another Manager; Jason Aquino, National
coup d’etat. Food Authority administrator;
He was detained from 2006 to Ricardo Jalad, National Disaster
2010 on charges of rebellion and Risk Reduction and Management
attempted coup d’etat. Council executive director; and
He was also among the Edgar Galvante, Land Transpor-
Magdalo group members, along tation Office chief.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

News Sunday, May 21, 2017 9

Lightning, cloud formation data

to enhance typhoon forecasts
By MARTIN A. SADONGDONG and 25 percent of our research bud- the building of a lightning observa-
get allocation has gone into it,” Dela tion network in the Philippines.

he Department of Science and Peña said during the launch of the The planned lightning network
Technology (DOST) will bank Development of Extreme Weather will utilize lightning sensors devel-
on the study of lightning and Monitoring and Information System oped from Japan's Hokkaido Uni-
cloud formation to develop the project in Quezon City. versity such as VLF observation
“next generation” disaster monitoring Dela Peña said the ¥300 million system for weak lightnings, slow an-
and information system that will im- (P131 million) project involves the tenna for lightnings within the 30-km
prove the accuracy of short-term fore- establishment of new methodolo- range, and ELF observation system
casts of extreme weather and typhoon gies for real-time lightning and me- for strong lightnings – all used to
intensities in the country, especially in teorological observations including detect lightning activities.
Metro Manila.
Funded by the
government of Ja-
pan through the Sci-
ence and Technology
Research Partner-
ship for Sustainable
Development (SA-
TREPS) program,
the project that will
run until 2022 seeks
to establish the first
lightning observation
network in the Philip-
Science and Tech-
nology Secretary
Fortunato dela Peña
said the Philippines
has been recognized
all over the world "as
a country often beset
with extreme weath-
er conditions and
natural disasters."
Dela Peña said
an average of 20 ty-
phoons batter the
Philippines every
“As such, our de-
partment has really
put high priority on
activities, particular-
ly research, address-
ing this particular
situation. We have
invested much in di-
saster risk reduction
and climate change
adaptation research

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black


10 Editorial Sunday, May 21, 2017

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of the Board JR., RET.
III Vice Chairman
ViceVice of the Board Dept. SECRETARY
Chairman ALBERTOofG.
Vice Chairman theROMULO,
Board RET.
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Board RET.
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May, month of flowers,

VP-Circulation Department
Department AVP-Engineering
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& Collection Department
RAMON C. TINGAVP- Advertising Department
AVP-Metro Manila Branches Department
AVP-Metro Manila Branches Department

festivals, and Santacruzans

AVP-Product Distribution Dept. Manager-Circulation, Credit & Collection Dept.

e are now well into the month of de la Paz y Buenviaje in Antipolo, Rizal. And on
OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. UNITED PRINT MEDIA GROUP SHARING IDEAS, INSPIRING CHANGE. May, the “Month of Flowers” in the May 30, Kawit, Cavite, will hold its procession of
Philippines, for it is at this time of floats decked with flowers in honor of the Blessed
MANILA BULLETIN HEAD OFFICE the year that the rains start falling Virgin.
after the long hot summer, turning the brown We have so many festivals honoring so many
ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT countryside green with new leaves and flow- saints in this month but May is most noted for
•DISPLAY ADS SECTION •CLASSIFIED ADS SECTION ers. the Flores de Mayo, with countless communities
Tel. 527-7515; 527-7517; 527-7520; 527-7524 Tel. 527-7523; 527-7530 May is also the Month of Festivals in many parts holding long evening candlelight processions, with
Fax 338-4564; 527-7533 Fax 527-1627; 527-7534 of the country, starting with the Pista’y Dagat in local beauties portraying over a dozen Biblical
CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Lingayen, Pangasinan, on May 1 followed by San- characters led by the Blessed Virgin Mother. On
Tel. 527-7522 • Fax 527-7526 tacruzan processions on weekends in many towns the last day of Flores de Mayo is the ritual pageant
and villages commemorating St. Helena’s finding Santacruzan, depicting St. Helena’s finding of the
BRANCH of the Holy Cross. Holy Cross, with her son Constantino.
Manila Bulletin Building Manila Bulletin Building
Manila Bulletin
D. Jakosalem BuildingStreets,
corner Zamora Manila Bulletin
904 Aurora Building
Boulevard Guimaras, Iloilo, holds its Manggahan Festival The Santacruzan has become more of a beauty
D. Jakosalem
Pari-an, Cebu City Streets,
corner Zamora 904 Aurora
corner Harvard Street, Boulevard
Cubao, Quezon City
Tel. (032)Pari-an, Cebu256-0127;
256-0125; City 6000256-0128 on May 11-22, in celebration of its bountiful mango pageant in many cities, prompting Balanga Bishop
corner Harvard
Tel. Street,
352-4390; Cubao, Quezon
352-4396; City 1109
Tel. (032) 256-0125;
DAVAO BRANCH256-0127; 256-0128 Tel. 352-4390;
Fax No.352-4396;
352-5974352-4397 harvest. Angono, Rizal, and Pulilan, Bulacan, Ruperto Santos, chairman of the Catholic Bishops
Bulletin Building WESTFax No. 352-5974
AVENUE BRANCH celebrate their distinctive Carabao Festivals on Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Episcopal
C. Bangoy
Manila corner
BulletinRizal Streets,
Building Manila Bulletin Building
C. Bangoy corner J.P. Davao City Davao City 8000
Rizal Streets,
G/F Delta Building, West Avenue May 14-15 in honor of their patron saint San Isidro Commission on Migrants and Itinerant People, to
Tel. (082)
(082) 225-0660;
225-0660; 225-0661;
225-0661; 225-0662
225-0662 G/F Delta Building, West Avenue
Tel. corner Quezon
corner Quezon
Quezon City
City Labrador. remind the people that they should not forget its
ILOILO BRANCH Tel. 373-3910; 373-3911; 373-3912 Fax 1104
ILOILO BRANCH Tel. 373-3910; 373-3911; 373-3912 Fax 373-3913 Sariaya, Lucban, Tayabas, Gumaca, and Tiaong, religious significance.
Manila Bulletin
Bulletin Streets,
Building Iloilo City AYALA AVENUE BRANCH
Quezon corner
Quezon Tel.
corner Delgado Streets, Iloilo City 5000 G/F ALABANG BRANCH
National Life Insurance Bldg., Quezon, celebrate their colorful Pahiyas festi- “The Santacruzan,” he said, “is not about beauty
(033) 336-9450; 336-9658 6762
Unit Ayala
104 G/FAvenue, MakatiTower,
South Center City
Tel. (033) 336-9450; 336-9658
CAGAYAN DE ORO BRANCH Tel. 813-2142; 813-7476 Fax 813-5826 vals on May 15 when they decorate their homes and about pageantry. It is about our devotion to
2206 Market, Madrigal Business
ManilaDE ORO
Bulletin BRANCH
Alabang, Muntinlupa City 1770 with multi-colored rice “kiping” and vegetables. the Holy Cross and our affection for the Blessed
S. Osmeña Bulletin
corner BuildingStreets,
J. Ramonal Tel.Unit
104 G/F772-1902 Fax Tower,
South Center 772-1903
S. Osmeña Cagayan de Oro City
J. Ramonal Streets, Obando, Bulacan, has its three-day fiesta on May Mother.” He called on the people to always keep in
2206 Market, Madrigal Business
Cogon, Tel. (088)de
Cagayan 857-1764
Park Alabang, Muntinlupa City 17-19 in honor of San Pascual Baylon, Sta. Clara, mind that it is a religious procession and that beauty
Tel. (088) BRANCH
857-1764 Ground Floor,
Tel. 772-1901; Atrium of
772-1902 FaxMakati
772-1903 and Nuestra Senora de Salambao, when childless is best expressed by “by being caring and compas-
Building Makati
MALL Avenue,
OF Makati
ASIA City 1200
Rizal Avenue
Manila Extension
Bulletin corner
Building Tel. 813-7476;
Unit811-4391; 892-1985;
No. 112-113 813-4453
SP Mall Fax 812-3962
of Asia couples praying for children dance in the streets sionate and avoiding actions that hurt others.”
Avenue Grace Park, Kalookan City
Tel. 363-2216; Extension
363-1333 corner
Fax 363-1333
Central Business
Bay City, Pasay City with thankful parents and grateful farmers. It is a reminder that we should all take to heart
10th Avenue Grace Park, Kalookan City 1400 Tel. 556-1441;
G/F East of556-0033; 556-0081
Galleria Building,
NAGA BRANCH This whole month, pilgrims from all over the as we celebrate with our traditional Flores de
Tel. 363-2216; 363-1333 Fax 363-1333
Manila Bulletin Building Topaz Road, MAKATI BRANCH
Ortigas Center, Pasig City 1605
Peñafrancia Avenue Ground
Tel. 631-0193; Floor, Atrium
631-0208; of Makati
631-0346 Fax 631-0176 country, many of them walking all the way from Mayo and Santacruzan processions in this month
cornerManila Bulletin
Dimasalang Building
Streets, Naga City Makati Avenue, Makati City Metro Manila, visit the shrine of Nuestra Senora of May.
Tel. (054) 473-7522; Avenue
473-7526 DUMAGUETE
Tel. 811-4357; 811-4453;CITY BRANCH
811-4391 Fax 812-3962
corner Dimasalang Street,
Manila Bulletin BRANCH
Building, Silliman Avenue
Tel. (054) cornerG/FReal Street,
East Dumaguete
of Galleria City 6200
Manila473-7522; 473-7526
Bulletin Building Tel. (035) 522-1068; (035) 522-1069
Maharlika HighwayCITYcornerBRANCH
Abauag Street, Topaz Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City
SANTIAGO Tel. 631-0193; 631-0208; 631-0346 Fax 631-0176
Manila Santiago
Bulletin City
Maharlika Highway CITY
Abauag Street, Unit DUMAGUETE
102 EGI Albergo diCITY BRANCH
Ferroca Condominium
Unit 102 EGI Santiago
Malvar, Albergo diCity,
Ferroca Condominium
Isabela 3311 Unit 4 Paya
#1 Villamor Building,
Drive, Bypass Baguio
Brgy. Lualhati, Road, Looc,
City 2600
#1 Tel.
(078)Drive, Brgy. Lualhati,
305-3339; Baguio City
(078) 305-3378 Tel. (074) 422-6324 Dumaguete
; 422-6204City
Fax (074) 422-6070 Our Daily journey
Tel. (074) 422-6070 ; 422-6204 Fax (074) 422-6324 Tel. (035) 522-1068; (035) 522-1069

New start for a broken heart

reflections today
READ: ISAIAH 61:1-3 speak of a changed heart and a renewed spirit that

The advocate He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted. V. 1 come by receiving God’s gift of “beauty instead of
ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, a garment of

HE Museum of Broken Relationships in praise instead of a spirit of despair” (Isa. 61:3).
Zagreb, Croatia, is filled with anonymously All of us have experienced regret and broken
donated remnants of love gone wrong. There promises in our lives. Whatever has happened, the
John 14:15-21 not die a martyr, this girl’s desire changed is an axe that a jilted lover used to destroy Lord invites us to find healing, hope, and new life in
her life completely. She would become an the furniture of an offending partner. Stuffed animals, Him. (David Mccasland)

esus said to his disciples: “If you influential figure in the Catholic Church, love letters framed in broken glass, and wedding
love me, you will keep my com- bringing about reform by her example and dresses all speak volumes of heartache. While some Lord, You are the promise-keeping God who
mandments. And I will ask the writings. We now venerate this woman as visitors to the museum leave in tears over their own has said He will make all things new. Today,
Father, and he will give you another St. Teresa of Avila. loss, some couples depart with hugs and a promise we give You our ashes in exchange for
Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit St. Teresa’s experience shows how not to fail each other. Your beauty, our mourning for the joy
of truth, which the world cannot accept, be- the lives of the martyrs—ordinary people The Old Testament prophet Isaiah wrote, “The and finding comfort in You. Thank You!
cause it neither sees nor knows it. But you who shed their blood in testimony to their Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, because the God can transform tragedies into triumphs.
know it, because it remains with you, and faith—shape the Church. It is said that Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the
will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; the Church is watered by the blood of the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted” ©2017 ODB Ministries, 3000, Kraft Ave., SE,
I will come to you. In a little while the world martyrs. The First Reading attests to this. (ISA. 61:1). When Jesus read from Isaiah 61 at the Grand Rapids, Michigan 49555-0001, USA. Used by
will no longer see me, but you will see me, Philip, one of the seven deacons chosen by synagogue in Nazareth, He said, “Today this scripture permission. For this and other materials contact
because I live and you will live. On that day the Apostles (cf Acts 6:5), was succeeding is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21). Extending far ODB Ministries at 322 P. Guevarra, San Juan City
you will realize that I am in my Father and in his proclamation of the Good News in beyond help for an emotional wound, Isaiah’s words (Phils.); Tel.: 722-2010.
you are in me and I in you. Whoever has my Samaria. This was the first fruit of the
commandments and observes them is the persecutions experienced by the early
one who loves me. And whoever loves me Christians.
will be loved by my Father, and I will love Why would martyrdom, a seeming self-giving and through obedience to God’s will is true to be on our side—the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit ac-
him and reveal myself to him.” show of weakness and defeat, cause a love shown. companies, consoles, protects, and defends us. The
positive effect upon the faithful? In the Second Reading, Peter exhorts Christians to Spirit casts away our fears and empowers us to make
Reflection The Gospel provides the answer. “If you “be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks a stand for what is right and good.
LEARNING FROM THE MARTYRS. love me, you will keep my commandments” you for a reason for your hope” (v 15), “keeping your
“I want to see God!” Teresa de Cepeda y (v 15). Jesus declares that authentic love conscience clear” (v 16). To suffer for doing good is SOURCE: “365 Days with the Lord 2017,”
Ahumada was so inspired by the lives of is expressed not by words but by deeds. better than for doing evil (cf v 17). ST. PAULS Philippines, 7708 St. Paul Rd., SAV,
the martyrs that at the age of nine she “Whoever has my commandments and Moreover, in the Gospel, Jesus promises “another Makati City (Phils.); Tel.: 895-9701; Fax 895-7328;
was already longing to die a martyr’s observes them is the one who loves me” Advocate” (v 16). Christ is our Advocate and Mediator E-mail:; Website: http://www.
death (cf Vida, 1, 4). Although she would (v 21). Only through generous and faithful before God, yet upon his ascension he sends someone

k Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

ymv ymv

News Sunday, May 21, 2017 11

Duterte to ban over-the-counter

sale of bullets, ammunition
AVAO CITY (PNA) – President The President underscored the purchased are in the hands of the
Duterte will seek a revision of need to revise some of the rules, “not NPAs. As one way of controlling and
the firearms law in the Philip- to make it hard for you to make money even ‘yung high-powered, hindi na
pines to regulate strictly the but to protect first and foremost the talaga dapat ipagbili ‘yan (those high-
sale of bullets, ammunition and firearms to Republic of the Philippines.” powered [firearms] should no longer
ensure these do not end up in the hands of “We can do business but let us make be sold). No more,” President Duterte
the enemies. sure that it does not fall into the hands stressed.
“I will no longer allow ‘yung mga tinda- of the enemies. Because it could then He said even security guards of
han (those stores) to sell bullets over the make it doubly hard for us, instead of plantations and mining companies in
counter that cannot be done. Hindi tayo investing on the life of one soldier in a the mountains can be issued only with
matatapos nito (We will not finish this [rebel- fight, if you give them the firepower and shotguns.
lion]). We’re just supplying ammunition to the firearms. I would need about five “May problema tayo, eh (You see
the enemy,” the President said during the soldiers to suppress one enemy. Mahi- we have a problem). We are facing a
25th Association of Firearms and Ammuni- rap ‘yan (That’s difficult),” he said. rebellion and it’s a threat that is really
tion Dealers of the Philippines (AFAD) De- He asked dealers to encourage very, very clear,” he said.
fense and Sporting Arms Show at the SMX their clients to register their firearms The President said the mining MIND THAT GUN – President Rodrigo Roa Duterte inspects a gun that is on exhibit
Convention Center here Friday evening. legally and rightfully as it would be dif- companies and banana plantations do at the Association of Firearms and Ammunition Dealers of the Philippines (AFAD)
Referring to the New People’s Army ficult for them to buy bullets. hire security guards. “I sympathize Defense and Shooting Arm Show at the SMX Convention Hall in Lanang, Davao, Friday.
The President said he will be seeking a ban on the over-the-counter sale of bullets
(NPA), President Duterte said the armed “Because, we know very well that with you guys, so let us try to sort out and other ammunitions to prevent these from getting into the hands of criminals.
group of the Communist Party of the Philip- some of those ammunition that are something here,” he added. (Malacañang Photo)
pines (CPP) and the National Democratic
Front (NDF) can afford to buy bullets and
ammunition because they are earning mon-
ey from extortion or the revolutionary tax.
“Most of the plantation owners and the
miners are really paying, ‘yan ang totoo ta-
laga (that’s really the truth),” he said.
“They have the money. So we have to
control. Kung may magpabili ka ng armas,
make sure kung sino (If there are those
who purchase ammunition, make sure who
they are).”
It was recalled that in 2013, then Presi-
dent Benigno Aquino III signed Republic Act
10591 or the Comprehensive Firearms and
Ammunition Regulation, which recognizes
the rights of qualified citizens to self-defense
through the use of firearms under certain
President Duterte said he wants stricter
measures and that he would give incoming
Interior Secretary Eduardo Año the guid-
ance on the sale of ammunition and firearms
to ensure that no firearm would ever land in
the hands of an enemy of the state.
According to the President, 20 rounds of
ammunition should be enough for a whole
day of firing.
The AFAD, the governing body of gun
sellers in the Philippines, held its national
gun show outside of Metro Manila for the
first time. The four-day Defense and Sport-
ing Arms Show officially opened Friday and
runs until May 22, with the participation of
40 gun sellers.

Abu Sayyaf
gasping... 1
The composite team of Marines and
Army Special Forces killed “Imbo,” the
trusted lieutenant of slain ASG kidnap leader
Alhabsy Misaya, bringing to 80 the total num-
ber of ASG bandits killed since the intensified
military operation began in January.
The government side did not suffer
any casualty but bloodstains in the area
of encounter showed the bandits suffered
Misaya was killed by Marine troops in a
firefight last month in Indanan, Sulu.
“Imbo is an ASG/KFRG (kidnap-for-
ransom group) member and trusted contact
in Bangalaw island of the late Misaya,”
Sobejana said.
The troops recovered from “Imbo” an
M-16 Armalite rifle with ammunition, a
sachet of shabu and a mobile phone “con-
taining pertinent information of his fellow
“He is a KFR contact and facilitator in
the island and a keeper of Misaya’s fire-
arms and pump boats used in kidnapping
ventures,” Sobejana added.

Father, son give up

Meanwhile, Col. Juvymas Uy said two
ASG members under sub-leader Nurhassan
Jamiri have surrendered on Thursday to the
Joint Task Force Basilan (JTFB).
Uy identified the surrenderers as Ja-
natin Madjakin alias Atin, 44, and his son,
Aldasid alias Alda, 19.
They turned over a baby armalite rifle
and an M-79 grenade launcher.
“The duo (father and son) decided to
go back to the folds of law, citing difficulties
because of the relentless military opera-
tions,” Uy said.
To date, at least 50 ASG members have
already surrendered to the military authori-
ties since the military offensive began in
January. Feeling the heat of the govern-
ment’s military campaign in the Sulu, Basi-
lan and Tawi-Tawi area, more ASG bandits
are thinking of surrendering but are only
waiting for the proper time to do so.
Lt. Gen. Carlito Galvez Jr., Western
Mindanao Command (Westmincom) chief
earlier said the strength of the ASG has sig-
nificantly decreased because of the military
operation against them.
“They are at the tipping point,” Galvez
added. He urged the bandits to surrender.
“More than anything else, we also want
to work for peace without the use of arms
and prevent bloodshed, and, in this light, we
are encouraging other Abu Sayyaf bandits,
as Filipinos, to lay down their arms and join
the government in working for a peaceful
and progressive Mindanao,” he said.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Black Yellow Magenta Cyan

12 World News Sunday, May 21, 2017 13

President Trump, Saudi King meet in Riyadh 18 killed in Baghdad suicide attacks
AGHDAD – Up to 18 people station, located at the vicinity of the first Late on Friday, a police source re-
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) – Presi- in Brussels and the Group of 7 wealthy As Trump flew to Saudi Arabia, more were killed and some 20 others blast in the same neighborhood, causing portedly told Xinhua that at least three
dent Donald Trump opened his first trip nations in Sicily. reports stemming from the Russia inves- wounded in two suicide car heavy damage to the building, the source security members were killed and others
abroad since taking office, touching down As he arrived, the president waved tigation surfaced. The New York Times bombs targeting the Iraqi police said. wounded by the two blasts.
Saturday in Saudi Arabia for a visit aimed from the doorway of Air Force One and reported that Trump called Comey "a real in south of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, The two attacks killed a total of 18 No group has so far claimed respon-
at building stronger partnerships to combat then descended the steps, joined by First nut job'' while discussing the ongoing inves- an Interior Ministry source told Xinhua people and wounding some 20 others, the sibility for the attacks, but the Islamic
terrorism in the region and moving past Lady Melania Trump. The 81-year-old King tigation with two Russian officials visiting on Saturday. source said, adding that many of them State (IS) militant group, in most cases,
the controversies engulfing his young Salman, who used a cane for support, was the White House earlier this month. He also The attacks occurred late Friday were policemen. is responsible for such suicide attacks OBLITERATED –
administration. brought to the steps of the plane on a golf told them that firing Comey had "taken off'' night when a suicide bomber rammed The twin suicide bomb attacks in targeting the security forces and crowded Civilians pass by
Trump flew to Riyadh overnight on Air cart. The two leaders exchanged pleasant- the "great pressure'' he was feeling from the his explosive-laden car into a police Baghdad followed another such crime areas, including markets, cafes and a destroyed car
Force One and was greeted by an elaborate ries and Trump said it was "a great honor'' investigation, the Times reported. checkpoint and detonated it in the Shiite before the sunset near Iraq's southern mosques across Iraq. that was used in
welcoming ceremony at Riyadh's airport, to be there. Meanwhile, The Washington Post report- neighborhood of Abu Dsheer, in southern oil-hub city of Basra, which hit security The attacks came as the Iraqi security a bomb explosion
punctuated by a military flyover and a Several jets then flew overhead leaving ed that an unidentified senior Trump adviser Baghdad, the source told Xinhua on condi- checkpoints on a road leading to the oil- forces backed by anti-IS international co- in southwestern
handshake from Saudi King Salman. a red, white and blue trail. was being considered a "person of interest'' tion of anonymity. field of Rumaila, leaving up to 13 people alition are carrying out a major offensive Bagdhad in Iraq,
Trump is the only American president White House officials hope the trip in the law enforcement investigation. In ad- Meanwhile, another suicide bomber killed and some 30 others wounded, in- to drive out the IS militants from their Saturday. (AP)
to make Saudi Arabia, or any majority marks an opportunity for Trump to reca- dition, Comey agreed to testify at an open blew up his explosive-laden car at the cluding security members, according to major stronghold in the western side of
Muslim country, his first stop overseas as librate after one of the most difficult hearing of the Senate intelligence committee entrance of a police the Interior Ministry source. Mosul in northern Iraq. (Xinhua)
president – a scheduling choice designed stretches of his young presidency. The in the near future, the panel said.
in part to show respect to the region after White House badly bungled the president's Despite his domestic troubles, Trump

1ST FOREIGN TRIP – United States President Donald Trump (left) talks with Saudi
months of harsh anti-Muslim campaign
The president's stop in Saudi Arabia
kicks off an ambitious international debut.
stunning firing of FBI Director James
Comey, who was overseeing the federal
investigation into possible ties between
Trump's campaign and Russia. On Wednes-
was expected to get a warm reception in
Saudi Arabia. The kingdom's ruling family
grew deeply frustrated with former Presi-
dent Barack Obama's detente with Iran
Kim Kardashian
King Salman after a welcome ceremony at the Royal Terminal of King Khalid
International Airport, Saturday, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Trump’s trip to Saudi
Arabia is aimed at building stronger partnerships to combat terrorism in the region
and moving past the controversies engulfing his young administration. (AP)
After two days of meetings in Riyadh,
Trump will travel to Israel, have an audi-
ence with Pope Francis at the Vatican,
and meet with allies at a NATO summit
day, the Justice Department relented to
calls from Democrats to name a special
counsel, tapping former FBI chief Robert
Mueller to lead the probe.
and his restrained approach to the conflict
in Syria. The king did not greet Obama at
the airport during his final visit to the na-
tion last year.
among most followed
on Instagram
Rouhani wins second term as Iran president Beijing denies 'unprofessional' LOS ANGELES – Re- lion Instagram followers,
ality TV personality Kim all thanks to YOU!, Get
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) – Iran's state
television declared incumbent President
above 70 percent.
In 2013, Rouhani won the presiden-
lots. Analysts have said a higher turnout
would likely benefit Rouhani.
intercept of US military plane Kardashian has become
the fifth most followed per-
the stories behind my top
pics," she tweeted along
Hassan Rouhani the winner of the coun- tial election with nearly 51 percent of Friday's vote was largely a referen- son on Instagram as she with a link to her favourite
try's presidential election on Saturday, the vote. Turnout for that vote was 73 dum on Rouhani's more moderate politi- BEIJING (AFP) – China has denied calling the action ''professional'' and ''safe''. entered the 100 million Instagram posts.
giving the 68-year-old cleric a second percent. cal policies, which paved the way for the US allegations that two Chinese fighter jets The US Air Force said in an earlier club of the photo- video Selena Gomez is cur-
four-year term to see out his agenda call- As Rouhani appeared close to victory, landmark 2015 nuclear deal that won Iran acted unprofessionally in intercepting an statement Friday that its plane, a WC-135 sharing app. rently the most followed
ing for greater freedoms and outreach to some female drivers held out the V for relief from some sanctions in exchange American military plane earlier this week, Constant Phoenix, was conducting a ''routine T h e 3 6 - y e a r- o l d user on Instagram with
the wider world. victory sign and flashed their car lights for curbs on its nuclear program. saying that its aircraft were acting in accor- mission'' in international airspace when it star shared a special a whopping 120 million
State TV offered its congratulations in on highways in Tehran's affluent north. Rouhani has come to embody more dance with the law''. was intercepted by two Chinese Sukhoi SU- photo collage featur- followers, while Ariana
a brief statement Saturday, based on vote Iran's president is the second-most liberal and reform-minded Iranians' ''Related remarks from the US side 30 fighter aircraft. ing Kanye West and Grande is at number two
tallies. The latest election tallies released powerful figure within Iran's political hopes for greater freedoms and open- are inconsistent with fact,'' the Chinese The WC-135 is a so-called ''sniffer their adorable kids, spot with an impressive
by the Interior Ministry showed Rouhani system. He is subordinate to the supreme ness at home, and better relations with Ministry of Defense said in a statement plane'' designed to scan the atmosphere North and Saint, to 105 million fan following.
with a commanding lead of 59 percent, leader, who is chosen by a clerical panel the outside world. posted to its website late Friday. for signs of nuclear activity. celebrate the mile- B e y o n c e a n d Ta y l o r
with 38.9 million votes counted. and has the ultimate say over all matters His nearest challenger was hard- ''On May 17, a US reconnaissance aircraft ''The WC-135 was operating in accor- stone. Swift are on the third posi-
Deputy Interior Minister Ali Asghar of state. line cleric Ebrahim Raisi, with 15.5 mil- was carrying out an operation in airspace dance with international law. While we "Can't believe tion with 102 million follow-
Ahmadi told journalists in a televised Election officials repeatedly extended lion votes. He is close to Ayatollah Ali over the Chinese Yellow Sea (the northern are still investigating the incident, initial I reached 100 mil- ers each, while football su-
news conference earlier in the day that voting hours until midnight to accommo- Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, who part of the East China Sea), and Chinese reports from the US aircrew character- perstar Cristiano Ronaldo
more than 40 million Iranians voted date long lines of voters, some of whom stopped short of endorsing anyone in aircraft acted to identify and investigate in ized the intercept as unprofessional,'' the KIM KARDASHIAN is at number four. (PTI)
in Friday's election. That puts turnout said they waited hours to cast their bal- the election. accordance with the law,'' the statement said, Air Force said.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Black Yellow Magenta Cyan

12 World News Sunday, May 21, 2017 13

President Trump, Saudi King meet in Riyadh 18 killed in Baghdad suicide attacks
AGHDAD – Up to 18 people station, located at the vicinity of the first Late on Friday, a police source re-
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) – Presi- in Brussels and the Group of 7 wealthy As Trump flew to Saudi Arabia, more were killed and some 20 others blast in the same neighborhood, causing portedly told Xinhua that at least three
dent Donald Trump opened his first trip nations in Sicily. reports stemming from the Russia inves- wounded in two suicide car heavy damage to the building, the source security members were killed and others
abroad since taking office, touching down As he arrived, the president waved tigation surfaced. The New York Times bombs targeting the Iraqi police said. wounded by the two blasts.
Saturday in Saudi Arabia for a visit aimed from the doorway of Air Force One and reported that Trump called Comey "a real in south of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, The two attacks killed a total of 18 No group has so far claimed respon-
at building stronger partnerships to combat then descended the steps, joined by First nut job'' while discussing the ongoing inves- an Interior Ministry source told Xinhua people and wounding some 20 others, the sibility for the attacks, but the Islamic
terrorism in the region and moving past Lady Melania Trump. The 81-year-old King tigation with two Russian officials visiting on Saturday. source said, adding that many of them State (IS) militant group, in most cases,
the controversies engulfing his young Salman, who used a cane for support, was the White House earlier this month. He also The attacks occurred late Friday were policemen. is responsible for such suicide attacks OBLITERATED –
administration. brought to the steps of the plane on a golf told them that firing Comey had "taken off'' night when a suicide bomber rammed The twin suicide bomb attacks in targeting the security forces and crowded Civilians pass by
Trump flew to Riyadh overnight on Air cart. The two leaders exchanged pleasant- the "great pressure'' he was feeling from the his explosive-laden car into a police Baghdad followed another such crime areas, including markets, cafes and a destroyed car
Force One and was greeted by an elaborate ries and Trump said it was "a great honor'' investigation, the Times reported. checkpoint and detonated it in the Shiite before the sunset near Iraq's southern mosques across Iraq. that was used in
welcoming ceremony at Riyadh's airport, to be there. Meanwhile, The Washington Post report- neighborhood of Abu Dsheer, in southern oil-hub city of Basra, which hit security The attacks came as the Iraqi security a bomb explosion
punctuated by a military flyover and a Several jets then flew overhead leaving ed that an unidentified senior Trump adviser Baghdad, the source told Xinhua on condi- checkpoints on a road leading to the oil- forces backed by anti-IS international co- in southwestern
handshake from Saudi King Salman. a red, white and blue trail. was being considered a "person of interest'' tion of anonymity. field of Rumaila, leaving up to 13 people alition are carrying out a major offensive Bagdhad in Iraq,
Trump is the only American president White House officials hope the trip in the law enforcement investigation. In ad- Meanwhile, another suicide bomber killed and some 30 others wounded, in- to drive out the IS militants from their Saturday. (AP)
to make Saudi Arabia, or any majority marks an opportunity for Trump to reca- dition, Comey agreed to testify at an open blew up his explosive-laden car at the cluding security members, according to major stronghold in the western side of
Muslim country, his first stop overseas as librate after one of the most difficult hearing of the Senate intelligence committee entrance of a police the Interior Ministry source. Mosul in northern Iraq. (Xinhua)
president – a scheduling choice designed stretches of his young presidency. The in the near future, the panel said.
in part to show respect to the region after White House badly bungled the president's Despite his domestic troubles, Trump

1ST FOREIGN TRIP – United States President Donald Trump (left) talks with Saudi
months of harsh anti-Muslim campaign
The president's stop in Saudi Arabia
kicks off an ambitious international debut.
stunning firing of FBI Director James
Comey, who was overseeing the federal
investigation into possible ties between
Trump's campaign and Russia. On Wednes-
was expected to get a warm reception in
Saudi Arabia. The kingdom's ruling family
grew deeply frustrated with former Presi-
dent Barack Obama's detente with Iran
Kim Kardashian
King Salman after a welcome ceremony at the Royal Terminal of King Khalid
International Airport, Saturday, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Trump’s trip to Saudi
Arabia is aimed at building stronger partnerships to combat terrorism in the region
and moving past the controversies engulfing his young administration. (AP)
After two days of meetings in Riyadh,
Trump will travel to Israel, have an audi-
ence with Pope Francis at the Vatican,
and meet with allies at a NATO summit
day, the Justice Department relented to
calls from Democrats to name a special
counsel, tapping former FBI chief Robert
Mueller to lead the probe.
and his restrained approach to the conflict
in Syria. The king did not greet Obama at
the airport during his final visit to the na-
tion last year.
among most followed
on Instagram
Rouhani wins second term as Iran president Beijing denies 'unprofessional' LOS ANGELES – Re- lion Instagram followers,
ality TV personality Kim all thanks to YOU!, Get
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) – Iran's state
television declared incumbent President
above 70 percent.
In 2013, Rouhani won the presiden-
lots. Analysts have said a higher turnout
would likely benefit Rouhani.
intercept of US military plane Kardashian has become
the fifth most followed per-
the stories behind my top
pics," she tweeted along
Hassan Rouhani the winner of the coun- tial election with nearly 51 percent of Friday's vote was largely a referen- son on Instagram as she with a link to her favourite
try's presidential election on Saturday, the vote. Turnout for that vote was 73 dum on Rouhani's more moderate politi- BEIJING (AFP) – China has denied calling the action ''professional'' and ''safe''. entered the 100 million Instagram posts.
giving the 68-year-old cleric a second percent. cal policies, which paved the way for the US allegations that two Chinese fighter jets The US Air Force said in an earlier club of the photo- video Selena Gomez is cur-
four-year term to see out his agenda call- As Rouhani appeared close to victory, landmark 2015 nuclear deal that won Iran acted unprofessionally in intercepting an statement Friday that its plane, a WC-135 sharing app. rently the most followed
ing for greater freedoms and outreach to some female drivers held out the V for relief from some sanctions in exchange American military plane earlier this week, Constant Phoenix, was conducting a ''routine T h e 3 6 - y e a r- o l d user on Instagram with
the wider world. victory sign and flashed their car lights for curbs on its nuclear program. saying that its aircraft were acting in accor- mission'' in international airspace when it star shared a special a whopping 120 million
State TV offered its congratulations in on highways in Tehran's affluent north. Rouhani has come to embody more dance with the law''. was intercepted by two Chinese Sukhoi SU- photo collage featur- followers, while Ariana
a brief statement Saturday, based on vote Iran's president is the second-most liberal and reform-minded Iranians' ''Related remarks from the US side 30 fighter aircraft. ing Kanye West and Grande is at number two
tallies. The latest election tallies released powerful figure within Iran's political hopes for greater freedoms and open- are inconsistent with fact,'' the Chinese The WC-135 is a so-called ''sniffer their adorable kids, spot with an impressive
by the Interior Ministry showed Rouhani system. He is subordinate to the supreme ness at home, and better relations with Ministry of Defense said in a statement plane'' designed to scan the atmosphere North and Saint, to 105 million fan following.
with a commanding lead of 59 percent, leader, who is chosen by a clerical panel the outside world. posted to its website late Friday. for signs of nuclear activity. celebrate the mile- B e y o n c e a n d Ta y l o r
with 38.9 million votes counted. and has the ultimate say over all matters His nearest challenger was hard- ''On May 17, a US reconnaissance aircraft ''The WC-135 was operating in accor- stone. Swift are on the third posi-
Deputy Interior Minister Ali Asghar of state. line cleric Ebrahim Raisi, with 15.5 mil- was carrying out an operation in airspace dance with international law. While we "Can't believe tion with 102 million follow-
Ahmadi told journalists in a televised Election officials repeatedly extended lion votes. He is close to Ayatollah Ali over the Chinese Yellow Sea (the northern are still investigating the incident, initial I reached 100 mil- ers each, while football su-
news conference earlier in the day that voting hours until midnight to accommo- Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, who part of the East China Sea), and Chinese reports from the US aircrew character- perstar Cristiano Ronaldo
more than 40 million Iranians voted date long lines of voters, some of whom stopped short of endorsing anyone in aircraft acted to identify and investigate in ized the intercept as unprofessional,'' the KIM KARDASHIAN is at number four. (PTI)
in Friday's election. That puts turnout said they waited hours to cast their bal- the election. accordance with the law,'' the statement said, Air Force said.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

14 Views • Features Sunday, May 21, 2017

on emPowerinG tHe filiPino PeoPle word alive

The Belt and Road Legacy: Alfred Nobel

and BOAO Forum for Asia & President Duterte
By FIDEL V. RAMOS PRESIDENT XI OUTLINED ING CHINA’S FOREIGN RELA- By Fr. Bel San Luis, SVD and people who know you be proud or
A V IS IO N O F H AR MONIO U S TIONS, THUS: ashamed of you?

COOPERATION AND PEACE- n the year 1888, a man who In the case of PRESIDENT RODY
(Last of Two Parts) FUL CO -EXISTENCE AMONG “WE ARE FIRM IN OUR RESOLVE invented dynamite had become DUTERTE, he has already chalked
THE MEMBERS OF THE GLOB- TO UPHOLD PEACE AND STABIL- very rich by selling guns and am- up a lot of accomplishments in so
“Our country has to strive AL COMMUNITY BY WAY OF A ITY IN ASIA AND THE WORLD…. munition for killing people. One short a time. But what many people
to achieve the Chinese dream of “ONE BELT-ONE ROAD” INITIA- WE WILL WORK TIRELESSLY TO morning, he awoke to read his own cannot stomach are the EJK (extra-
the great renaissance TIVE. HE EMPHASIZED: “CHINA SOLVE THE RELEVANT ISSUES death notice in the newspaper. judicial killing), giving no chance for a
of the Chinese nation…” W ILL C O N T IN U E T O P R O P- PROPERLY THROUGH DIALOGUE Actually, it was his brother who had suspect to due process. The negative
–– President Xi Jinping, ERLY HANDLE DIFFERENCES AND NEGOTIATIONS.” died but a reporter had mistakenly image mars and eclipses the numerous
March 2013 AND FRICTIONS WITH THE written his life and death story. achievements he has had so far.

gress with 3,000 voting del- AL HOTSPOT ISSUES, CHINA Now for the first time the man saw In this light, Pres. Duterte would
egates last 14 March 2013 in WILL PLAY A CONSTRUCTIVE CHINA-A SEAN RELATIONS himself as the world saw him: The “dy- do well to examine his conscience like
Beijing elected Xi Jinping ROLE, ADHERE TO PEACE, AND THE SOUTH CHINA SEA/ namite king” and nothing more. what the chemist Alfred Nobel did and
as “State President,” thus formal- FACILITATE TALKS, AND MAKE WEST PHILIPPINE SEA/EA ST To the world he was simply a change the negative perception people
izing/ reinforcing his hold on China’s UNREMITTING EFFORTS TO SEA TERRITORIAL DISPUTES merchant of death and he would be have about him into a positive one.
topmost leadership position. Previ- PROPERLY HANDLE RELEVANT RECEIVED SPECIAL ATTENTION remembered for that alone. That would be the best legacy he will
ously, he had been chosen General ISSUES THROUGH DIALOGUE FROM PRESIDENT XI WHEN HE leave behind.
nist Party, and soon thereafter was BOLKIAH: Horrified, he regretted that his in- ***
elected Chairman of China’s Military Likewise emphasized by the top vention had been used for destructive When he leaves this world and
Commission. Chinese leader were the “enhance- “THERE SHOULD BE NO FAC- purposes. So he left a substantial fund comes face-to-face with his Creator
ment of mutual trust and reduc- TOR TO DISTURB THE CHINA- to establish and support the prizes for — assuming that he believes in Him
At the conclusion of the 2013 tion of mutual suspicions among ASEAN FRIENDLY COOPERA- the most valued of all annual awards — how will he justify the summary
NPC, President Xi was firmly in nations,” apparently referring to TION PROCESS” AT THEIR ONE- – the Nobel Peace Prize. executions of more than 10,000 users
command and control of the vast the US without mentioning the ON-ONE MEETING IN BEIJING and pushers?
Chinese political-military structure Americans. (CHINA DAILY, 6-7 APRIL 2013). *** But all is not too late. Like Alfred
from Beijing down to the villages. COMPATRIOTS FROM THE The Nobel Prizes are given out Nobel, President Duterte can reverse
Forthwith, the People’s Liberation Diversity was the character of MAINLAND AND TAIWAN ARE for outstanding contributions in the the direction of his life from being
Army issued orders to all troops to the “eminents” as well as issues/ PART OF ONE FAMILY, AND fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, known as a “killer president” into be-
provide “robust support” for Xi’s concerns at Boao. The conference PEOPLE SHOULD KEEP THAT literature, the economic sciences, nevolent, reformist, and God-fearing
strategic vision, an ambition con- was host not only to high officials IN MIND, PRESIDENT XI SAID, and the pursuit of world peace and president.
sidered fearsome to China’s neigh- and celebrities from the spheres of A S HE CALLED FOR LONG - development.
bors because of her growing asser- politics, economics, environment, TERM COOPERATION TO BOOST The prizes of more than a million ***
tiveness in the West Philippine Sea/ energy and human development CROSS-STRAITS TIES WHEN HE US dollars is usually bestowed in glit- GOOD WORK. Speaking of doing
East Sea/South China Sea. (like International Monetary Fund MET IN BOAO WITH VINCENT C. tering December ceremonies held in good, one concrete way I can propose
chief Christine Lagarde, former SIEW, FORMER TAIWAN VICE- Oslo, Norway. is helping our poor seminarians in their
ASEAN AND CHINA US Secretary of Labor Elaine Lan PRESIDENT AND HONORARY schooling.
Chao and investor-philanthropist CHAIRMAN OF THE TAIWAN- *** In order to have priests and mis-
Last 6-8 April 2013, President George Soros) who spoke at jam- BASED CROSS-STRAITS COM- That’s the story of the Swedish sionaries of the church, we should care
Xi’s first exposure at home to an packed sessions – but also to Chi- MON MARKET FOUNDATION. chemist-industrialist BERNHARD for seminarians first.
international gathering took place nese millennials. eager to learn new ALFRED NOBEL. Instead of being Hence, this appeal. Chip in an
at the 2013 Annual Conference of knowledge ON NORTH KOREA’S NUCLEAR remembered as a “merchant of ex- amount or sponsor a poor seminarian’s
the Boao Forum for Asia in Hainan There were also presentations THREATS, INFLUENTIAL POLITI- plosives” and “dynamite king,” he left schooling for one school year.
Province. More than 2,000 national where Microsoft co-founder Bill CAL VOICES CONTINUED TO PILE behind a more noble name as “man
leaders, government officials, busi- Gates spoke on investments for the PRESSURE ON BEIJING FOR of peace.” ***
ness CEOs, think-tankers and media poor, and Hsing Yun, founder of the NOT DOING ENOUGH TO AVERT GOD BLESS… the latest donors
representatives participated in that Buddha’s Light International Asso- THE DANGER OF WORLDWIDE *** to our “Adopt-A-Seminarian” scholar-
grand event, notably 10 foreign heads ciation, expounded on the universal CONFLAGRATION. IN HIS BOAO Your preoccupation may not be ship program: JESUSA BAUTISTA,
of state/government plus IMF Chief virtues of honesty, integrity and the SPEECH, PRESIDENT XI SAID: dealing with explosives like Alfred No- RAMONA FELICIANO, TESS SAU-
Christine Lagarde, and current UN Golden Rule. “NO COUNTRY SHOULD BE AL- bel’s but it could be selling dangerous LOG, LEY ALANDY DY, LOLITA TY,
General Assembly President Vuk LOWED TO THROW A REGION drugs, pornographic materials, or are RICHARD/ELLEN YANG, VIRGIE
Jeremic of Serbia. MEDIA WAS WELL REPRE- AND EVEN THE WHOLE WORLD engaged in corrupt practices. Are you CHENG, ESTER GABALDON, CHER-
SENTED WITH OVER 600 JOUR- INTO CHAOS FOR SELFISH GAIN,’ part of the solution to society’s numer- YL BAUTISTA, EDNA BASA, ELIZA-
FVR had a unique vantage NALISTS FROM 132 INTERNATION- BUT STOPPED SHORT OF NAM- ous problems or part of the problem? BETH LIM, ANNABEL BRAGANZA,
chairman of the BFA Council of Ad- XINHUA NEWS AGENCY, CHINA PRESS AND REUTERS, 09 APRIL ***
visors) to observe the dynamics of DAILY, CCTV, PHOENIX TV, ASSOCI- 2013). When you leave this world, will you ***
China’s new leadership in pursuit ATED PRESS, AGENCE FRANCE be remembered for something good Others who are interested to help
of BFA’s 2013 theme “Asia Seeking PRESSE, REUTERS, CNN, BBC, President Xi made his initial or something bad? Will your family may e-mail me at:
Development for All: Restructur- CNBC, BLOOMBERG AND THE foreign sortie to Moscow last 22
ing, Responsibility and Coopera- WALL STREET JOURNAL. March and then to Africa. New
tion,” and implementing “China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi summa-
Peaceful Rise.” FLASHBACK: BFA’s rized the Xi Jinping-Vladimir Putin
Foremost among the HoS/G GREAT OUTREACH meetings as “frank, practical and
was His Majesty, Sultan Hassa- congenial.” if symptoms persist
nal Bolkiah of Brunei Darussalam, TWENTY-EIGHT ASIA-PACIFIC Xi visited the Russian Defense
who was hosted by President Xi in
Beijing as the first foreign leader
to be received by China’s new
Ministry and the Armed Forces
Command Center, the first-ever for
a foreign Head of State. The two
Junk diets
leader as state guest, a fact that G OV E R N M E N T, N O N - P R O F I T countries signed 32 agreements,
underscores the great importance ECONOMIC-INTELLECTUAL RE- dubbed “contracts of the century”
China has attached to its relations SOURCE CENTER. BFA IS THE because of their enormous collabo- By JOSE PUJALTE JR. its own means of detoxification – the
with Brunei and ASEAN. As 2013 FIRST “ASIA-FOCUSED” INTER- ration value. liver, the kidneys, the skin, and the im-
ASEAN’s Chairman, Brunei was NATIONAL FORUM ESTABLISHED Xi thereafter visited Tanzania “If people take the trouble to cook, mune system.
thereby compelled to pursue the TO PROMOTE ASIA’S INTERESTS and the Republic of Congo. He you should take the trouble to eat.”
multi-lateral, win-win approach to A S “ONE FAMILY ” THROUGH sounded a clear message to the in- — Robert Morley (1908-1992), “Miracle Food” diets – anything
the region’s territorial disputes. CLO S ER CO O PERATIO N AND ternational community that China English actor, on why he opposes from supplements to bitter orange,
ECONOMIC INTEGRATION, THUS and Africa have long been “a com- dieting, WNYW TV 3 Nov 1978 green tea, apple cider vinegar – don’t
China Daily (6-7 April 2013) COMPLEMENTING THE ASIA-PA- munity of shared destinies” and work too. At this point in diet research,

reported: “President Xi Jinping CIFIC ECONOMIC COOPERATION will forever be “reliable friends remember Robert Morley as there really isn’t a wonder potion yet
reiterated China’s commitment to (APEC) FORUM, ASEAN+16 (DIA- and sincere partners,” according the star of the 1978 movie “Who that will melt the fat away. That will
a negotiated settlement of disputes LOGUE PARTNERS), AND WORLD to Foreign Minister Wang. is Killing the Great Chefs of Eu- probably have an impact as great a
related to the South China Sea, say- ECONOMIC FORUM (WEF). China’s new President commit- rope?” And if you remember him finding a cure for cancer. Until such
ing his country will not allow any ted full support to the construction too, you would agree that he wasn’t the time a discovery is made, all of us
factors to disturb China-ASEAN Other incumbent HoS/Gs who of transnational infrastructure type to go on a diet or even if he did, have to stick to sensible eating (more
cooperation. took part in the opening events, to facilitate Africa’s better con- he tried the worst diets. These are the vegetables and fruits, less meat, less
“Sultan Bolkiah stated Brunei partnership encounters, and nectivity. He also attended the 5th diets that don’t work. sugar) and regular exercise (30 min-
insists that all the parties should other sessions were: Kazakhstan BRICS Summit in Durban, South utes four to six times a week) to lose
adhere to the spirit of the Declara- President Nursultan Nazarbayev; Africa last 26-27 March 2013 -- the They don’t work. Kathleen M. weight. Experts recommend just a
tion on the Conduct of Parties in the Myanmar President U Thein Sein; first time emerging powers Brazil, Zelman MPH, RD, writing in WebMD multivitamin a day with the rest of
South China Sea (2002) and seek a Mexico President Enrique Peña Russia, India, China and South identified five types of diets that may nutrients from food.
peaceful resolution to disputes. The Nieto; Peru President Ollanta Africa held their annual meeting work initially but frustrates the dieter
South China Sea issues should not Moises Humala Tasso; Zambia in Africa. in the long run. What are they? Fasting and very low calorie diets.
affect ASEAN and China’s friendly, President Michael Sata; Finland AT A TIME WHEN THE UNIT- Fasting is fine as a Catholic tradition
cooperative ties, Bolkiah added.” President Sauli Niinisto; Cam- ED STATES IS REDIRECTING Single Food or Food Group diet. or Christian duty. But to be used as a
bodia Prime Minister Hun Sen; I T S S E C U R I T Y P RI O R I T IE S Restrictive diets focus only on one food weight-loss technique (along with diets
President Xi Jinping’s accep- Australia Prime Minister Julia WITH ITS ASIA-PACIFIC “PIVOT,” item to be taken over and over again less than 1,000 calories a day) is ques-
tance of the role of main speaker Gillard; and New Zealand Prime XI’S DECISION TO VISIT RUS- (cabbage, gelatin, grapefruit, etc.) until tionable because once the body detects
last 7 April 2013 at the Opening Minister John Philip Key. BFA SIA AHEAD APPEARS TO BE you smell of it a mile away. The trouble famine – by consciously restricting food
Plenary of the 2013 BFA Annual Chair, former Japan PM Yasuo HIS OWN “COUNTER-PIVOT” with this approach is that we all look for intake, it begins to ratchet down me-
Conference was unprecedented in Fukuda, assisted by SecGen Zhou AIMED AT THE US ACCORDING variety in food. So maybe there is en- tabolism as a way to protect itself. So as
the sense that China’s presidents Wenzhong, was in charge of the TO THE ECONOMIST (LONDON, couraging initial weight loss – much of a precise, self-regulating instrument,
would normally be preceded annu- proceedings. 23 MARCH 2013): CHINA AND it “water” weight – until the dieter gets you can’t fool the human body.
ally by the #2, #3, or #4 top State As a key policy and intellectual RUSSIA, ANTAGONISTS SOME sick of the food and there is a backlash.
official (as in previous years). resource center in the Asia-Pacific DECADES AGO, ARE NOW ON This means uncontrollable craving for Diets that promise astounding
AT BOAO, PRESIDENT XI RE- region, BFA not only gathers top REMARKABLY GOOD TERMS. foods that had been shunned. weight loss. In other words, too-good-
PEATED HIS MESSAGE GIVEN policy-makers and key advisors, but BOTH COUNTRIE S RESENT to-be-true diets, particularly within a
TO THE CHINESE PEOPLE LAST also evaluates prospects for wider AMERICAN GLOBAL DOMI- “Detox” diets. According to Pa- short period. Safe weight loss is about
14 MARCH 2013 AT THE NATION- economic recovery and sustain- NANCE, AS WELL AS WESTERN mela Peeke, MD, the chief medical cor- one to two pounds a week. Anything
AL PEOPLE’S CONGRESS: “OUR able progress. More importantly, INTERVENTION IN OTHERS’ respondent of Discovery Health chan- more than that can already be sus-
COUNTRY HAS TO STRIVE TO its annual conference helps chart AFFAIRS. nel, diets that trumpet “flushes and pect.
ACHIEVE THE CHINESE DREAM a roadmap for the better future of cleanses are pure nonsense, unneces- Caveat emptorapplies to diets too.
OF THE GREAT RENAISSANCE Earth’s people by pursuing sustain- OPPORTUNITY FOR sary, and [have no] scientific basis.”
OF THE CHINESE NATION…” able development and enduring THE PHILIPPINES/P. DU30 And if you ask any medical student, the Dr Pujalte is an orthopedic sur-
(FOUNDED 5,000 YEARS AGO IN peace. human body is already equipped with geon. email

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Luzon News Sunday, May 21, 2017 15

DPWH sees opening of key roads

in Bulacan, Quezon by year’s end ect is currently being paved and should divert flow of traffic in Daang Maharlika protection in progress.
1,079 dengue
be ready before the end of the year. using a new road that begins at Pulilan- “With the current pace of implemen-

diversion road that will provide Molano said the remaining embank- Calumpit Road in Barangay Tibag, tation, we can possibly finish in the next
cases in Cavite
motorists an alternative to the ment and concreting activities under Pulilan near North Luzon Expressway few months the segment from Junction TRECE MARTIRES CITY, Cavite
often congested Daang Mahar- Phase II of the diversion road project is (NLEX) and ends in Daang Maharlika Manila South Road Daang Maharlika to — A total of 1,079 cases of
lika in Pulilan, Bulacan as well 83 percent complete. in Barangay Tarcan, Baliuag, Bulacan, Morong Bridge costing R181 million,” dengue have been recorded in
as the first segment of a diversion road “We are certain that the whole cutting through Barangays Tabon, said Hebra said. this province with four patients
of the Manila South Road in Sariaya, stretch of Pulilan-Baliuag Diversion Penabatan, Sta. Peregrina and Balatong Hebra noted that Sariaya Bypass succumbing to the mosquito-
Quezon Province are expected to be Road will be concreted before the end of B in Pulilan. Road will ease the current traffic con- borne disease since January
completed by year’s end. the year. Its third and final phase which Likewise, DPWH Region 4A Director gestion by providing alternative access 1. The latest report from the
Department of Public Works and involves widening and construction of a Samson Hebra said the 7.4-kilometer from Sariaya to Lucena City and its Provincial Health Office (PHO)
Highways (DPWH) Region 3 Director 12.8 lineal meter bridge is also under- Sariaya Bypass Road Project is now coastal barangays located within the showed that the number of
Antonio Molano Jr. said the 9.62-kilome- way,” said Molano. 86-percent complete with works cover- influence area of Quezon Ecotourism dengue cases and deaths
from January 1 to May 13 is
ter Pulilan-Baliuag Diversion Road proj- When completed, the new road will ing road opening, concreting, and slope Road.
26 percent lower compared
with the figures in the same
period last year – 1,682 cases

Pampanga with nine deaths. It was in

September 2015 when Cavite,
struck by 12,007 dengue

gov eyeing cases and 48 deaths, declared

an outbreak and a state of
calamity. Health officials said
that even as there was no
bigger jails outbreak in the province for the
last two years, residents should
still take precautions against
By FRANCO G. REGALA dengue-carrying mosquitoes
by observing cleanliness and
CITY OF SAN FERNANDO, Pam- sanitary practices as it strike
panga — Authorities here are ex- year-round. (Anthony Giron)
ploring ways on how to address jail
congestion in line with the intensified
campaign against illegal drugs and
other crimes in the province.
Aid for family
Governor Lilia G. Pineda said the of cop’s victim
Bureau of Jail Management and Pe-
nology (BJMP) is currently scouting ANTIPOLO CITY, Rizal — The
for bigger lots for the construction city government has extended
of new district jails to alleviate the its assistance to the family of
suffering of inmates inside existing the jeepney driver who was
allegedly shot and killed by a
prison cells. RESCUED TURTLES — Navy men prepare rescued sea turtles for their release on Onok Island, Balabac, Palawan last
member of the Manila Police
“We have funds for this, we only Monday. (Courtesy of Naval Forces West) District (MPD) last May 1,
need lots,'” the governor said. in this city. Mayor Casimiro
She added that the inmates, re-
gardless of the crimes they have com-
mitted, also deserve fair and humane
Navy rescues 14 sea turtles in Palawan “Junjun” Ynares III has spoken
to the family of jeepney driver,
Petronilo Fernando, and
treatment, including their right to Live marine turtles or “Pawikan” rescued by men from the Philippine Team 4 transported the 14 live turtles assured them that the local
have clean and decent lodging. believed to be illegally caught were Navy (PN) in Sitio Salingsingan, Ba- of varying sizes and species to their government will continue to
rangay Mangsee, Balabac, Palawan, headquarters to prepare them for monitor the case until the
it was learned yesterday. releasing back into the sea the fol- suspect, PO2 Ronald Pentacasi
of the MPD’s Barbosa Police
NPAs wreck building The Naval Forces West (NAV-
FORWEST) said the sea turtles,
hidden under laminated sacks in the
lowing day.
However, one died during trans-
port and another one did not survive
Station has paid for his alleged
crime. Pentacasi surrendered
to the Antipolo City Police
equipment in Isabela beachfront, were discovered during
a seaborne patrol operation last May
the night at the naval detachment due
to starvation and dehydration.
The 12 remaining sea turtles were
Station days after the shooting,
which probers said was
sparked by a simple traffic
The army’s 5th Infantry Division (5 The attack was carried out as The team led by 1st Lieutenant released at an ideal spot on Onok Is- altercation on Marcos Highway.
ID) based in Gamu, Isabela condemned supposed punishment for Brustan Kelvinson Agustin of the 24th Marine land, Balabac, Palawan the following (Nel B. Andrade)
yesterday New People’s Army (NPA) Company’s quarry operations, which Company, Marine Battalion Landing day. (Betheena Kae Unite)
attacks that have targeted private the NPA claimed is detrimental to the
contractors in Echague, Isabela last livelihood of the locals.
Wednesday and Friday. The quarry operations are tied to the ongoing
Through a statement issued yester- dam project and hydro-power plant in the town.
day, the NPA’s Benito Terosio Command Last Friday, rebels also set fire to a loader in
already owned up to the burning of a Barangay Cradal, also in Echague, after its opera-
drilling machine with survey accesso- tor, Domingo Vergara, refused to ferry rebels in
ries last Wednesday in Barangay San Barangay San Salvador. (Freddie G. Lazaro and
Miguel, Echague. Liezle Basa Iñigo)

SOULFUL ART — Amazing artworks like this painting by artist Vincent Gonzales of Baler,
Aurora, draw a lot of attention at the ‘My City, My SM, My Art’ exhibit at the SM City
Cabanatuan in Nueva Ecija. (Zaldy C. Comanda)

10 artists showcase passions

in ‘My City, My SM, My Art’
By ZALDY C. COMANDA Cabanatuan City Mayor Julius Cesar Vergara
called the event “another milestone for the city
CABANATUAN CITY, Nueva Ecija as a venue of revolutionizing art” with the wide
— Ten contemporary artists were range of artistry the artists bring to the table –
brought together for a celebration of art painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography,
and culture at the launching of a road- and even film-making.
show around SM Supermalls, dubbed as “I never expect that the project is this big. I
“My City, My SM, My Art,” at SM City saw young artists here being inspired by the story
Cabanatuan last Tuesday. of their fellow artists. The artworks displayed in
The local visual artists took center- the exhibit are all amazing and beautiful. I con-
stage with their works to advocate art gratulate all the people behind this event and the
for all, through team projects with com- artists to continue their passion,” said Vergara.
munities in mounting workshops and Other officials present at the launching were
contests in key cities of the country. City Councilors Fanny Posada, Junny Del Rosa-
Coming together for this celebration rio, Mario Seeping, and Nero Mercado; Brigida
of visual arts at SM City Cabanatuan Pili of the Provincial Department of Trade and
were Mario Parial, Edwin Wilwayco, Industry; officers and members of Guhit Pinas-
Heber Bartolome, Elito Circa, Ramon Nueva Ecija; representatives from the local
Lopez, Gromyko Semper, Fredi Agunoy, government of Aurora; SM SVP for Marketing
together with Baler artists Sherwin Communications Group Millie Dizon; and Re-
Gonzales, Vincent Gonzales and Ian gional Operations Managers Cesar Bondoc and
Maigan. Mall Manager Mark Carlo Herrera.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

16 Views • Features Sunday, May 21, 2017

Never on a Sunday
Government To mothers, a belated tribute
economic policy
needs revamp By Dr. Jun Ynares, M.D. tion, “Why should I love you?” or
“Are you worth loving?” Her ques-
More recently, the group Boyz II
Men recorded their own tribute to

friend who was in Davao tion sounds more like, “What’s the Mother titled “A Song for Mama.”
By Atty. Rene Espina like Gensan City, short for General City last Sunday, shared best way for me to show you my The group belted out:
FORMER SENATOR Santos, the one who was in charge of with me how a Redemptor- love?,” or “Is there anything else I “There were so many times,
the settlement in that area. ist priest prayed for moth- can do to show my love for you?” looking back when I was so afraid.

any economists will tell Land reform is a completed ers at Mass. A mother’s love can do without And then you came to me and say
us time and again that concept or program. In the future, reciprocity. She would love it if she to me, I can face anything.”
immediately af ter the government investments should be The occasion, of course, was gets something back in return for
Korean War, the Philip- poured into programs to industrial- Mother’s Day. The priest, my friend the limitless, unconditional love she I guess the Boyz II Men song
pines was second to Japan in the ize our country, such as steel and said, asked for blessings for a spe- freely gives. However, that would be could have been sung by famous
performance of our economy. Yet, other metal products made from our cial breed of mothers. He prayed, in a bonus as far as she is concerned. sons as a tribute to their equally fa-
as the decades passed, even the iron ore, copper, and other metals. particular, for… Mother’s love is, perhaps, one mous mothers. Would that not have
devastated country of South Korea We should be exporting ready-made “…mothers with disabled chil- of the most celebrated form of love. been Alexander, the Great’s ode to
not only recovered from the terrible goods not raw materials. dren, special-needs children, chil- It has been honored in songs. I re- his mother Olympias – the woman
consequences of the South Korean The Department of Agrarian dren with Down Syndrome.” member that one of the first songs who inspired him to win battles?
Peninsula War; it is now one of the top Reform should be phased out and “…mothers who take care of we learned in kindergarten was Would that not have been Dr.
ten economically developed countries its functions given to other govern- children not their own.” “Mother Dear” which we sang to our Jose Rizal’s message to his mom
of the world. ment departments. The financials “…mothers who take care of moms on Mother’s Day. – one of the last persons to whom
Time and again this column has should be given to the Land Bank, the children they never wanted.” he spoke before he faced death and
reminded the politicos who have production of agricultural products “…single mothers who single- I can never forget its lyrics: inspired him to face it courageously?
held government powers about the to the Department of Agriculture, handedly raise their children.” Would that not have been Jesus
various countries that have overcome infrastructures should be given to “…abandoned mothers.” “Mother dear, I love you and Christ’s tribute to his own mother
their poverty-stricken economies -- the pertinent departments. DAR “…mothers who are single by you love me too. You’re the dearest who followed him closely on the
Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and, personnel should be reassigned to choice.” playmate that I ever knew. And I road to Calvary and stood by till he
of course, the People’s Republic of the other departments where their am very happy because you love breathed his last?
China. Well, for emphasis I repeat qualifications fit. Still others should My friend said the prayer opened me so.” I guess that’s why we refer to
what I wrote years ago: that accord- be allowed the privilege of early re- his eyes to the many difficulties Some of these songs have be- Earth and Nature as Mother. Mother
ing to Deng Xiaoping, he did not tirement. of motherhood and the special come immortal. They include the Earth. Mother Nature.
care what was “the color of the cat If we did the above early, we would strength it requires to be a mother. likes of the 60’s hit “Mama” by After all, both Mother Earth and
as long as it caught mice.” He meant have no problems with the other He said the priest’s prayer for moth- Connie Francis which tells of the Mother Nature express love the
the Maoist system was passé – not corporate agricultural products like ers underscored the special nature composer’s longing for the feeling of same way the Human Mother does.
to mention disastrous programs like pineapples, bananas, and to some and quality of a mother’s love. being “safe in the glow of your love, Despite the absence of care from
“The Big Leap Forward,” creating an extent the sugar industry. Besides I can only agree. sent from heaven above”. Or the 70s mankind; despite the wanton disre-
industrialized China by encouraging there are not enough billions to pay Having lived and loved two moth- song “A Mother’s Love” made popu- gard for the well-being of the Earth
small-sized factories. Many Chinese for the just compensation of the lands ers – my own and the mother of my lar by Diana Ross and where echoes and of Nature; despite the lack of
starved to death under that program. subject to land reform. I dare say 99% children – I can attest to that fact. our very description of that love: effort to preserve them, both Mother
Deng further said the difficulty of of land acquisition has been grossly A mother’s love does have a nature “A mother’s love is free, a moth- Earth and Mother Nature continue
gover ning China needed a com- under- valued. The acquisitions are and quality which are special and er’s love is forever. It doesn’t matter to sustain life and provide for us.
munist government system, but the unconstitutional. Concentrating on unique. if you’re good or bad, she’s there for Belated happy Mother’s Day to
economic policies would be socialist, the production of rice and corn for Three such qualities stand out. whatever you need.” the women in our lives who bring
Chinese style. We now know that un- self sufficiency should be enough. One, a mother’s love is uncon- Contemporary singer Jim Brick- forth and sustain life.
der that system China has become an The subsidies and the budgets al- ditional. man sang of the power of that love in
economic and world power competing located to the DAR could very well Two, her love is instant and the 90s song also titled “A Mother’s *For feedback, please email
with the United States, Europe, and provide more benefits if the country spontaneous. Love.” Brickman sang: it to antipolocitygov@gmail.
the rest of the world. creates more jobs by investing its Three, it is limitless. It knows “ You gave me the roots to start com or send it to #4 Horse Shoe
At this late date, we have our lo- funds to help many industries that no physical boundaries and it is not this life, and then you gave me Drive, Beverly Hills Subdivision,
cal Maoists still talking about Maoist create jobs with higher incomes than limited by our time here on earth. wings to fly. And I learned to dream Bgy. Beverly Hills, Antipolo City,
policy that utterly failed in China. those who will inherit poverty by be- A mother does not ask the ques- because you believed in me.” Rizal.
One such policy is land reform. For ing beneficiaries of 3 hectares of land
example, they talk about land being under DAR.
given for free for anyone who asks For those local chaps that are
for it. Is it land for the landless or is brain-washed in some form even in
it land for the tiller? The 24-hectare the state universities about the Mao- Gentle Breeze

Were there post-flood Nephilim?

homestead policy during the time of ists’ economic model, perhaps they
President Quezon was successful should look at how the PROC has
because at that time we had so much become so successful in its “capitalist
government-owned land, compared to economic policies” that are officially
our own population. In 1942, we were
16 million people. Today we are over a
labeled “socialism” with Chinese
(Part III)
100 million. That’s why we have large
successful communities in Mindanao By Nelly Favis Villafuerte of discoveries of fossil remains of abilities involved in the construction
giants in many countries like China, of these pyramids. Is the race of ad-

s time goes by, more and India, and Vietnam that have been vanced people referred to by some
more people are getting arousing great excitement among authors the Nephilim?
interested to know about archaeologists.
Analysis the race of Nephilim giants Not to mention graphic depic- ***
(offspring of the fallen angels – half- tions of giants in various ancient art Consider the awesome facts

For Trump, Russia human and half-angels). And as the

readers of the Bible increase (with
the spiritual revival now sweeping

about the Great Pyramid of Giza,
also known as the Pyramid of
Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops.

probe is crisis the world), more people are get-

ting aware that the term Nephilim
is found in the Bible, mainly in the
Let’s refresh ourselves with
the Biblical verse Genesis 6:4:
“There were giants in the earth
Many archeologists say that the
Great Pyramid of Giza with a
height of 481 feet (146 meters) was
he can’t control Book of Genesis, Chapter 6. While
there are still many people who do
in those days; and also after that,
when the sons of God came in unto
the tallest man-made structure in
the world for about 3,800 years.
not believe in the Bible – the fact the daughters of men, and they

ASHINGTON, DC, United fired FBI Director James Comey, who remains that the Bible is still the bare children to them, the same ***
States (AP) — President was overseeing the Russia probe. In world’s best seller. The Bible has became mighty men which were Here are other interesting facts
Donald Trump is facing a brazen warning to Comey, Trump sold over eight billion copies in more of old, men of renown.” about the Pyramid of Giza built be-
a crisis he can’t manage suggested he may have tapes of their than 2,000 languages. Unbelievably, The Nephilim giants were of tween 2589 and 2504 BC that appear
with a tweet or a taunt. conversations. Undeterred, Comey’s the Bible has survived 40 centuries superhuman strength. The fallen in the website: http://www.ancient-
The appointment of former FBI associates then revealed that the of history. angels who had illicit relation with
Director Robert Mueller as special former FBI chief has a memo of a the women of the earth had the pyramid-of-giza/:
counsel overseeing the federal gov- meeting with Trump in which the *** same abilities as the Holy Angels – • “The pyramid is estimated to
ernment’s Russia investigation has president asks for the investigation Aside from the Bible, there as God originally made all of them have around 2,300,000 stone blocks
dramatically raised the legal and po- into ousted national security adviser have also been reports of various to be Holy Angels. Meaning that that weigh from 2 to 30 tons each
litical stakes and put Trump’s young Michael Flynn to be stopped. archaeological excavations in vari- since angels can do miraculous and there are even some blocks that
presidency in dangerous waters just Controversy is nothing new for ous parts of the world leading to supernatural things, the fallen weigh over 50 tons.
four months after he was sworn into Trump. As a candidate, he often ca- the discovery of giant skeletons angels can probably also do many • “The cornerstone foundations
office. reened from one crisis to the next, – especially in the 1800s – discov- of these things. of the pyramid have ball and socket
White House and campaign records including the release of a video in eries of giants skeletons, giant construction capable of dealing with
may be subpoenaed, and Trump’s which he was heard making preda- bones, giant skulls, and giant *** heat expansion and earthquake.
presidential privilege to keep West tory comments about women. His footprints (e.g. 22 inches long and One mystery to this day that has • “The interior temperature is
Wing conversations private could response often followed a familiar 8 to 10 inches wide). The giants’ baffled many, including scientists, constant and equals the average
be challenged. Current and former pattern: blaming the media for ped- skeletons discovered sometimes archeologists, architects, astrono- temperature of the earth, 20 degrees
staffers will likely have to hire pricey dling “fake news,” lashing out at had jaws and teeth twice as large mers, mathematicians, and tourists, Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit).” To
lawyers and sit for interviews. Trump his rivals, and creating provocative as ours today and human craniums is this: “Who built the pyramids?” be continued
himself may have to answer ques- distractions, often with a well-timed three times as large as an adult The great Pyramid of Giza, for ex-
tions. tweet. human skull. If we assume that the ample. For almost 5,000 years now, ***
And even if Trump’s campaign is He’s tried to deploy that same giants’ skulls belong to persons the incredible facts concerning the This column continues to give
ultimately cleared of wrongdoing, the playbook to tamp down the Russia properly proportioned, the giant construction of the pyramids, like out copies of the Holy Bible for
shadow of an investigation will hang controversy. He’s has repeatedly humans would have been at least the mathematical and astronomical free to those who cannot afford to
over the White House for months or panned both the FBI investigation and 12 feet tall or taller. There are also accuracy, is awesome. Where, one buy their own copies. If interested,
even years. concurrent probes on Capitol Hill as a many reports of archaeologists may ask, did the builders of the pyra- please send your letter-request to
“They will govern with constant “hoax.” He has blamed Democrats for finding of weaponry and other ar- mids get the advanced technology Ms. Nelly Favis Villafuerte, 5233
fear of bombshell news being around leveling allegations of Russian collu- tifacts of huge size that only giants that they used in the construction Fahrenheit St., Palanan, Makati
the corner,” said Julian Zelizer, a sion as a way to explain their crushing could have used. of the pyramids? City. Kindly mention if it is the
history professor at Princeton Uni- defeats in last year’s elections. And Many writers have been trying for Tagalog, English, Cebuano, or Ilo-
versity. he has urged not only his supporters, *** ages to identify who were the build- cano Bible that is preferred.
Trump has long maintained that but also the FBI, to focus more on the Is there evidence that in the ers and architects and from whom
he and his associates had no nefarious leaks about the investigation that have early days of man, giants were they acquired their mathematical Be joyful and forgiving! (Com-
ties to Russia. In a written statement deepened questions about possible scattered around the world? In the and astronomical knowledge and ments may be sent to Ms. Villa-
shortly after Mueller’s appointment Russia connections. past decades, there have been sen- skills. Some writers speculate that fuerte’s email: villafuerte_nelly@
was announced, Trump said a thor- Presidential historian Douglas sational news of man-like figures there must be some lost civilization
ough investigation will confirm “there Brinkley said Trump is “not going sighted that were ten feet tall and or race of advanced people who pos-
was no collusion between my cam- to be able to jive his way out” of the taller. Also, there have been reports sessed the phenomenal engineering Be joyful and forgiving!
paign and any foreign entity.” Mueller-led probe.
The Justice Department’s deci- “He wanted to make it out as media
sion to put Mueller in charge of the and Democratic warfare,” Brinkley
investigation comes as the White said. “But now, with Mueller being of justice.” that matter most to the future of our about whether Republican lawmak-
House was already reeling from a se- chosen and the GOP backing the Jus- In his statement Wednesday night, country.” But the snowballing Russia ers will be willing to take tough votes
ries of self-inflicted controversies. tice Department decision, Trump is Trump said he planned to focus on controversy has overshadowed much supporting a president under the
L ast week, Tr ump stunningly truly going to be held to the standards “fighting for the people and the issues of his agenda and raised questions cloud of investigation.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

News Sunday, May 21, 2017 17

Miniature Monopodial Orchids

By Jim Cootes and Ronny Boos

ome of the most wonderful of provinces of Agusan, Bukidnon, and
all orchid species are the minia- Cotabato on Mindanao. The inflores-
ture monopodial species. When cence is pendulous and bears many
the word monopodial is used, it tiny blooms about 2 to 3 millimetres in
is referring to the growth habit of the diameter. So far, there is only one spe-
plant, which in this case grows in one cies known in this genus, which makes
Chamaeanthus wenzelii (Ronny Boos) direction from it monotypic.
the apex of the Ceratocen-
growth. An- tron fesselii is
other common endemic to the
term that can Philippines,
describe this and is known
growth habit from no other
is vandaceous. place on earth.
It should also It is only found
be noted that at high eleva-
just because tions in the
a plant has a mountains of
monopodial, central Luzon,
or vandaceous where it grows
growth habit, on the trunks
it does not and branch-
mean it cannot es of trees,
Abdominea minimiflora (Ronny Boos) branch, and if amongst the Ceratocentron fesselii
it branches it mosses that (Jim Cootes)
is usually from cover some
the base of the trees. The size
plant. of the flowers the islands of Polillo and Leyte; and The fringed edge of the labellum is a
The sub- when com- the provinces of Agusan, Cotabato, most attractive feature of this delight-
jects for this pared to the and Davao on Mindanao. Interest- ful species.
week’s article Gastrochilus calceolaris small plant is ingly this species is usually found at Megalotus bifidus is also a Philip-
are all small (Jim Cootes) nothing short low elevations. Sadly, the flowers of pines endemic, which is known from
growing spe- of amazing. this particular species do not open the provinces of Apayao, Kalinga, La-
cies. Usually The first au- widely. It resembles plants of the genus guna, Nueva Ecija; and Nueva Vizcaya
they are plants of higher elevations thor has seen a plant of this species Thrixspermum. on Luzon; the islands of Mindoro and
and will not grow in the heat of the barely 2.5 cm across the leaves, bearing Gastrochilus calceolaris is an- Leyte; and the provinces of Agusan
lowlands. three inflorescences with 4 flowers per other widely spread species which has and Cotabato on Mindanao, usually
Abdominea minimiflora is one of inflorescence. The flowers are more been found in the mountains of India, at elevations of about 1,200 metres.
the most widely spread species, and than 1 cm in diameter. There is a small Nepal, southern China, Myanmar, The inflorescence is pendulous and
it has been recorded from Thailand, horn-like projection on the underside of Vietnam, Thailand, Kampuchea, Laos, bears many blooms about 3 to 4 mm in
Peninsular Malaysia, Java, Bali, and the labellum, which is the feature for Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and diameter. An endearing feature of this
throughout Borneo. In the Philippines, which this genus gets its name. Java, usually at elevations of around species, certainly of plants in cultiva-
it has been found in Nueva Vizcaya on Chamaeanthus wenzelii is another 1,000 metres. Its distribution in the tion, is the velvety appearance of the
Luzon, but is most certainly more wide- Philippines endemic species, but this Philippines is rather limited, and it surface of the leaves. The bifid apex
ly spread on Luzon, but is neglected one is a little more widely spread than is only recorded from the Mountain of the labellum looks like the forked
because of its miniature stature; the the previous species. It has been found Province on Luzon; and the provinces tongue of a snake, which makes this
Megalotus bifidus (Ronny Boos) islands of Bohol and Leyte; and the in the province of Sorsogon on Luzon; of Bukidnon and Misamis on Mindanao. species rather unique.

Support for scrapping of taxes on fuel, cooperatives mounts

By BEN R. ROSARIO ers and the poorest in the country. support the scrapping of provisions lift- Visayas, will absorb the impact of increas- “I believe the threshold amount
Minority Leader and Quezon Rep. ing Expanded Value-Added Tax (EVAT) ing taxes on SSBs. should be increased so that non-luxury
The all-party caucus on Wednesday Danilo Suarez and his deputy, ABS Party- exemption on cooperatives. Congressmen lamented that the vehicles will be spared. I also have res-
appeared to have failed to convince list Rep. Eugene de Vera, batted for a bill Also pushing for the retention of bill’s noble objective of granting more ervations on the tax on sweetened bev-
congressmen to temper their objection that would either be revenue neutral or EVAT exemption on cooperatives are individual income earners free if not erages, I think the P10 per liter is quite
to the controversial tax reform bill as will allow government just enough profit Assistant Majority Leader and Bagong lower taxes has been diluted with provi- high,” said Arcillas.
opposition and administration lawmak- from the new taxes instead of excessively Henerasyon Party-list Rep. Bernadette sions that would give government more De Vera assailed moves to lift VAT
ers demanded a revenue-neutral law exploiting the measure to raise huge Herrera-Dy and Reps. Winston Castelo than half of the foregone revenues it will exemptions for cooperatives, saying that
that would allow the Duterte government revenues. (PDP-Laban, Quezon City); Arlene Arcil- absorb as a result of the tax benefits. while government stands to get P5 bil-
to recover exactly income losses due to Independent Rep. Tobias Tiangco las (LP, Laguna); John Bertiz (ACT-OFW “Filipinos earning P250,000 annually lion in additional income, it will be at the
the implementation of lower taxes for of Navotas City submitted to the House Party-list); and Antonio Tinio (ACT will be exempted from tax payments but “great expenses of our cooperatives.”
individual income earners. Committee on Ways and Means his list Teachers Party-list). will have to suffer just the same in absorb- “VAT, a sales tax, also a pass on tax,
As the deadline for the submis- of proposed amendments to the bill. The On the other hand, Reps. Alfredo ing the impact of increased fuel prices, as an effect, would increase the prices
sion of the proposed amendments to proposal scrapped all provisions impos- “Albee” Benitez (PDP-Laban, Negros hike in prices of basic commodities and of the coops by 12 percent, hence, they
House Bill 5736 or the Tax Reform for ing six percent excise taxes on fuel prod- Occidental), Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. fare,” said Tiangco. might find it difficult to compete in the
Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) ucts, particularly liquefied petroleum gas (PDP-Laban, Negros Oriental), and Suarez said a revenue-neutral bill open market,” he pointed out.
approaches, a number of congress- (LPG), kerosene, and diesel. Tiangco want the proposed P10 excise tax would be most acceptable to lawmak- For his part Tinio said: “I would like
men from both the minority and the on per liter of volume capacity of sugar- ers. to see the removal of the regressive new
Malacañang-backed supermajority Exemption on cooperatives sweetened beverages scrapped. Arcillas, who represents the country’ taxes, particularly the excise tax on fuel
remain unconvinced that the proposed Deputy Speaker Gwen Garcia said Benitez, who heads the organization motor town, Sta. Rosa City, said excise and the expansion of VAT coverage to
measure have minimal impact to the she is backing approval of the Depart- of Visayan-speaking congressmen, said taxes on automobiles is not acceptable include cooperatives, low-cost housing
lives of the lower-middle income earn- ment of Finance tax proposal but would sugar-producing provinces, mostly in the for non-luxury vehicles. and the like.”

again all the way to the finish line and were already a team. Command (CentCom) and Philippine
PH, US ties likened... 1 came in at record time,” Año said. “The three were racing against the
bear and the dragon and of course the
Exercise Director and Maj. Gen. Her-
minigildo Francisco C. Aquino, Philip-
tan Exercises 2017 Friday at the AFP third race – with a new route. The race Strength in diversity three-member team won, end of the pine Assistant Exercise Director.
Commissioned Officers Club (AFPCOC) started just like before, but the new route Año said as friends, the hare and the story!,” Lorenzana said, drawing laugh- The Balikatan Exercise 33-2017
in Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City, Ano included a river without any bridges or tortoise were able to commit themselves ter from the crowd. kicked off with activities in Panay, Leyte
said the story could be a source of inspi- rafts. As the hare continued to think about to a common goal. It was by comple- Some of those who heard Loren- and Samar where US and Filipino troops
ration for the two countries’ continued ways to cross, the tortoise easily traversed menting each other’s strengths and with zana’s remarks speculated that the hare, worked together to renovate five schools
partnerships. and crossed the finish line first. mutual respect that they were able to tortoise and kangaroo were the allies US, and held community medical missions
Ano narrated: The hare and the “Because of the race, the hare and break the course record. the Philippines and Australia while the for local residents in the opening days
tortoise had a race at which the hare tortoise spent so much time together “Let us work together to enable us bear and the dragon were presumed to of the 12-day activity.
took off quickly, but halfway through, it that they became friends. They decided to provide our nations an environment be Russia and China. The scaled-down training focused on
decided to take a nap. As it did, the tor- to have a fourth race, but this time, not of peace and security where we can all humanitarian assistance and disaster
toise kept moving until it won the race. against each other – but against time. mutually prosper. May our diversity be Humanitarian exercise relief operations to improve response
But the story did not end there. Both felt they could break the course our strength while we continue to keep Aside from Año and Lorenzana, speed and efficiency in the event of natu-
Ano said there were three additional record if they capitalized on each other’s our partnership strong and be always present during the closing ceremony ral disasters and emergency situations
races in the story. strengths,” Año said. united in serving our country and our were United States Ambassador to the that endanger public health and safety.
“In the first sequel, the hare chal- “As the race started, the hare carried people,” he said. Philippines Sung Kim, Foreign Affairs Aside from Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon
lenged the tortoise to a rematch. This the tortoise on its back. When they got After hearing Ano’s story, Defense Undersecretary Ariel Y. Abadilla, Brig. City, the Balikatan activities were held
time, the hare ran swiftly and never to the river, they switched and the hare Secretary Delfin Lorenzana told the Gen. Brian C. Cavanaugh, US Assis- in Fort Magsaysay, Nueva Ecija; Calayan
stopped, easily winning the race. Learn- rode the back of the tortoise. And when audience about a fifth race, but this time tant Exercise Director; Lt. Gen. Oscar Island, Cagayan; 5th Infantry Division
ing from its loss, the tortoise proposed a they got to the other side they switched the hare, the tortoise and the kangaroo Lactao, the chief of the AFP Central headquarters in Isabela and Samar.

year-old daughter had always written the Holy Week. ng overseas workers (They are giving
Duterte addresses needs... 1 letters addressed to the President,
asking for help, but it never reached
These OFWs were the ones who
availed themselves of the amnesty
us a lot through their remittances so
we need to pay them back by a lot),”
travel documents (Go to the embassy, Aside from PTV4, Duterte’s pro- him. They only received help during program by the Kingdom of Saudi he said.
I will pay your debt and I will give you gram, a revamped version of the one Duterte’s visit to Qatar over the Holy Arabia. “Salamat sa tulong na inyong
travel documents),” a teary-eyed Du- he used to host when he was still Week last month. The repatriated OFWs received a naibigay sa bayan (Thank you for the
terte said. mayor of Davao City, also airs over the Aransanzo, in between sobs, ex- total of P10,000 each from the govern- help you have given to the country),”
“Papadala ako ng pera pambayad Presidential Communications Office pressed gratitude to President Duterte ment as they arrived in the country he expressed.
sa utang niyo at umuwi na kayo kaagad (PCO) Facebook page. PTV4 Director during their Skype conversation, to last April 17, a small token of appre- Duterte also assured that the wel-
(I will send money so you can pay your for Operations Rocky Ignacio serves which the President responded that he ciation for their sacrifices according fare of OFWs will be prioritized and
debt and go home as soon as possible),” as his co-host. is only doing his job. to Duterte. vowed to continue with the repatriation
he added. According to the PCO, Aransanzo “Huwag mo akong pasalamatan, “I am thankful that you got home of migrant workers from the Middle
After learning about Aransanzo’s was originally legally employed as an ginagawa ko lang ang trabaho ko (Do safely. You may now be with your fam- East.
predicament, the President asked the office assistant in Doha in 2004 until not thank me, I’m just doing my job),” ily and loved ones. We know your hard He also said that the country has an
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) her employer cancelled her contract he told Aransanzo. work and sacrifice,” he said after aban- ongoing program for the repatriation
to look into the acts of injustices com- 11 years ago when she refused to set “Bigyan mo ako ng ngiti, huwag doning more than half of his five-page of distressed OFWs and vows to spend
mitted on OFWs. up an “illegal recruitment agency” to mo ako bigyan ng iyak kasi pati ako prepared speech. money for it.
“If we have time, I will personally hire fellow Filipinas. naiiyak na dito (Give me a smile, not He also thanked the OFWs for keep- “Lahat ng gustong umuwi na Pili-
ask the Foreign Affairs department to PCO added that Aransanzo also tears, because I feel like crying here ing the economy afloat through their pino doon, makakauwi. Gastusan natin
give more focus on the acts of injustices used to work as a marketing manager as well),” he added. remittance. ‘yan (Those Filipinos who want to go
and we will do the necessary things to who talks to employers in Qatar and Last month, Duterte was able “They helped us very much. Nag- home will be able to go home. We will
help you,” Duterte vowed during the supplies workers from the Philippines, to bring home 140 OFWs from his papadala sila ng steady income na fund that). [This is] one way of repaying
pre-taped pilot episode of his program Nepal, and India. state visit to the Kingdom of Saudi mga remittances nila, so kailangan for their sacrifices back there — just to
which aired over PTV4 Friday night. According to Aransanzo, her 11- Arabia, Bahrain, and Qatar during magbayad tayo at malaki ang binibigay see that they’re back home,” he said.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

La Lorna, Lechonlandia
A historic district in Quezon City recalls a long
delicious history made famous by roast pork
Additional photos and videos by MARK CABALANG

[!];tr::'S."Gi[!] ANTHONY Bourdain Tomas De Los Reyes, whose name

• . . • declared the Filipino would be synonymous to the famous
h.~ ..r lechon as the "best dish, was one of those enterprising vi-

'., pork dish ever", and sionaries who saw the potential of the
[!] :,.; f. many towns in the lechon.
........._ country have made it A meat vendor who sources pigs
- _ .••• - t he centerpIece
. 0 f thelr. from as far as Quezon and Isabela, he
religious fiestas. But La Loma in Que- would sell his meat in the neighboring
zon City, with its reputation as a histor- markets of Blumentritt and Divisoria.
ic place, maintains its claim as Lechon Coincidentally and auspiciously, his
Capital of the Philippines -- that it is a house was strategically located in front
place made famous by this iconic deli- of the La Loma Cockpit Arena.
cacy. "Pagkatapos ng sabong, matalo
Today, the annual La Loma Lechon o manalo, dumidiretso sila sa harap
Festival (celebrated every third Sun- ng bahay ng biyenan ko (Mter the
day of May) reaffirms that belief, es- cockfight, win or lose, they proceed
sentially a summer thanksgiving festi- to my father-in-Iaw's house)," Cora
val that pays tribute to its patron saint, Delos Reyes narrates. "Iyong mga
the Our Lady of Salvation (Nuestra Se- natalo, ipapaluto iyong namatay
flora de Salvacion). nilang panabong para gawing pulu-
While its claims of the oldest lechon tan. Pero kapag nanalo sila, gusto
festival in the country may be contested nila ng mas magarbo gaya ng ini-
by other towns like Balayan, Borongan, haw na baboy (Losers asked him to
Cebu and Iloilo, there is no question cook the dead fowl as finger food. But
that the pork dish has ultimately de- for winners, of course they wanted
fined La Loma's tasty reputation. something more extravagant, like
roast pork)."
Historic Hub His lechon became so famous it
Before it was known as Lechon went beyond its reputation as dish of
Capital, La Loma was literally a vast choice by purveyors of the cockpit.
rolling hill of rice fields, hence it was It was in 1954 that Mang Tomas
named Paang Bundok or "foot of the became the very first lechonero (pig
mountain", the current name of the ba- roaster) of La Loma and jumpstarted
rangay where La Loma belongs. the industry by opening the first lechon
It was also known as the home to restaurant in La Loma. He became so
the oldest existing public cemetery in famous he was dubbed the "Colonel
Manila, the Campo Santo de La Loma, Sanders" of the lechon industry.
built in 1884 with an area of 54 hectares. ''All of a sudden, the lechon was
La Loma was also the battlefield of no longer just a dish for sabongeros,"
the Philippine-American War during Chua declares. "People from all walks
the turn of the 20th century. General of life started to come to La Loma to Clockwise: Members of the La Loma Lechoneros Association led by William Manugar Chua (standing, 3rd from lef
Antonio Luna's aide-de-camp, Jose sample the lechon." Representative Vincent Crisologo envisions La Loma as a major tourist attraction. Lechon can be bought any time
Torres Bugallon, who helped organize One famous anecdote was that in
the first Philippine Army, died dur- 1955, President Ramon Magsaysay Fervent Support side, then there will be entertainment here in La Loma," Chua
ing the defense of the area against came to Mang Tomas's carinderia- The Quezon City government is and activities. We can start one Sun- source of pride that man
the American forces and was posthu- style eatery unannounced, rolled up equally supportive of the initiatives of day each month, then let us see from ebrations would not be
mously declared Hero of the Battle of his sleeves and ate lechon with his bare the lechoneros' group. Mayor Herbert there. I'm sure people will flock to La out the lechon."
La Loma. hands, dipping it into the dark sweet Bautista has instructed to classify La Loma because of this." With that said, let us
In 1903, Don Tomas Guison built liver sauce that would later be equally Loma as a major tourist destination. With continued improvements in the lechon's crispy skin
what is probably the biggest and the iconic and named in his honor, the Sar- Despite the challenges, plans to infrastructure and support from the soft juicy fragrant meat
oldest existing cockpit arena in the sa ni Mang Tomas. have a centralized slaughterhouse for Quezon City local government, the La graze your lips and che
Philippines in the area, along Calavite By the 1960s, other lechoneros improved sanitation and increased Loma Lechoneros Association Inc. said celebration, after all, an
Street. To this day, cockfights bring would follow suit - William Chua (who tourist arrivals are underway. these would help increase sales. Ac- lechon reigns supreme
the arena to life during Sundays and is barangay captain of Paang Bundok) This is supported by the District cording to Chua, lechon sales are pres- and tummies of Filipinos
holidays, and indirectly, it has fathered and his brothers started Ping Ping's 1 councilors of Quezon City where La ently estimated to be around 200 on or-
what would be La Loma's most lucra- Native Lechon (named after their only Loma belongs. Councilor Onyx Crisolo- dinary days, with brisker sales during
tive industry: the lechon. sister); Serafin and Antonina Cesario go envisions the La Loma Lechon dis- holidays, especially during Christmas
opened Mila's Lechon (named after trict to be "clean, pleasing to the eyes and New Year, where more than a thou-
Festive Origins their daughter); the Ferreros clan with [and] tourist-friendly, where visitors sand whole lechon were sold last year.
According to Ping Ping Native Monchie's, Ryan's and Lito's, etc. can appreciate its heritage and enjoy
Lechon's owner William Manugar In the 1990s, the lechoneros of its food. If there is a bus full of tourists, Lechon Beyond
Chua, the cockpit was a place to cel- Paang Bundok formed their own we have to be prepared to walk them Now on its 17th year, the La Loma
ebrate life, as sabong or cockfighting group, the La Loma Lechoneros Asso- around, to give them a view of how our Lechon Festival has paved the way
remains a favorite pastime of Filipinos. ciation. "The goal of the association is lechon is prepared. It will give them for the lechon to go beyond its usual
"In the 1950s, after the war, La to safeguard the quality of the lechon the impression that aside from being role as the piece de resistance in any
Loma Cockpit was the place where you being produced," Chua, who is now its good cooks, the people of Quezon City Filipino feast. The lechoneros dress
can be seen if you were a veteran sab- president, explains. are enterprising as well." up the lechon, named after famous per-
ongero," he explains.
Sabong or cockfight was the pre-
ferred game of betting, and victorious
In the year 2000, Monchie Ferre-
ros (who was president of the associa-
tion at that time) started the very first
District 1 Representative Vincent
'Bingbong' Crisologo likewise agrees
with the tourism aspect, suggest-
sonalities (Manny Pork-quiao or Piggy
Wurtzbach easily come to mind), and
parade it in the streets of Retiro and
gamefowl owners and bettors who cel- Parada ng Mga Lechon. Then Mayor ing that La Loma "can be turned into Calavite, capped with a boodle fight for
ebrate their winnings usually ended up Feliciano Belmonte, Jr. supported the something like Paris, where people can guests.
eating and drinking after a long day at initiative and declared La Loma the of- enjoy lechon dinners aI-fresco style. "It was lechon that has become a
the cockpit. ficial Lechon Capital of the Philippines. Restaurants can bring their tables out- source of respectable livelihood for us

• • •
.. .. ..
Magenta Cyan Black

DOLE Apr 18.indd 1

Prnr.p.!=:~ r.v;:mPro(;p.~~ MAoAntt=l Process Black
Queen of the Roast
Behind the prestige of a lechon house's name is a woman's struggle and triumph
OO;f,.~ 00 It was a gamble worth 'J

"1700 pesos. But to ,
. • struggling enterprising
• woman with a vision,
ootf ~. that meant almost half
a year's worth of selling
_)ii.j·• • corn and fruits on the
streets in the 1960s.
Antonina 'Aling Nena' Cesario, _._ ... ~
trusting her instincts, used that mon- 'oJ"'"
ey to buy a whole pig, and she had a
lechonero roast on a rotating bamboo
pole over live coals for three hours. She
sold it in front of ajampacked La Loma
Cockpit Arena one weekend and not
one morsel of meat was left over.
"You should be interviewing my
mother. Siya ang nakakaa~am ng
buong istorya. Kuwento niya ito (She
knows the entire story. This is her
story)," Milagros Cesario-Mendoza
insists, as her mother was recover-
ing from a recent illness. Despite this
setback, Aling Nena is still very much
healthy today.
She is, to this very day, the "Reyna
ng La Loma", high queen of the profit-
able ~echon industry of La Loma. But
more than 70 years ago, she was a girl
selling tuyo on the dust roads of Que-
booming ~echon business. By then Mi-
Corn-ey Beginnings la's was already a known brand.
As a young girl from Quezon, Mila But with the help of her family, they
recalled her mother being very poor, were able to recover. It helped that Mila said tha
coming from a brood of seven. Her people kept coming back looking for
parents were fishermen who dried fish the taste of their ~echon. coconut is th
and sold them on the market. "Ang sikreto ay nasa aming mga
"Para magkapera, nag~a~ako siya pinapa~aking baboy. Hindi ~ahat ng of life, the pi
ng tuyo. Nag~a~akad siya ng maram- baboy ay ~i~itsonin (The secret is in the
ing ki~ometro sa ka~sada na wa~ang pigs we grow. Not all pigs can be roast- be the anim
tsine~as, bitbit ang tuyo an order to ed)," Mila explains. They already have
make a living, she would be selling From top: The team behind Mila's Lechon; Milagros Cesario-Mendoza, the face behind a pig farm where select breeds of pigs life. 'Walang
tuyo. She walked many kilometers on the name of the brand. Right: Antonina 'Nena' Cesario is lechon roaster royalty. are used. "Kai~angan ang baboy ay
the dust roads with no sandals, car- hindi sobrang mataba at matanda na. sa baboy (n
rying her dried fish on the side)," she in La Loma, thanks to Mang Tomas "Pero di masyado nag-click eh. Hindi ~a~agpas sa 4-5 months dapat.
When Aling Nena reached 16, she
De los Reyes who started it all. There
were already Iechon stalls lining Cala-
Kaya noong 1968, nang ipanganak
ako, ipinanga~an daw ni~a sa akin.
(The pig should not be very fat and too
old, at most almost 4-5 months)."
part of a pig
left her hometown and went to Manila
with the goal of helping her family. She
vite and Retiro streets. But for Aling
Nena, trying a new hand in a business
Kaya Mila's Lechon (But it did not be-
came much of a hit. So in 1968, when
Mila added that if the coconut is the
tree of life, the pig must be the animal
thrown away
chanced by the La Loma Cockpit,
which in its heydays in the 1960s, was
already filled with competitors was
clearly a sign for her to try it out of luck.
I was born, they named it after me.
Hence, the name.)," reveals Mila.
of life. "Wa~ang tapon sa baboy (not
one part of a pig can be thrown away),"
pig's head an
filled to the brim with many spectators "Nagmu~a siya sa 700 pesos. Noong Mila remembered her mother jus- she says. The pig's head and ears can
can be mad

and bettors. time na iyon, ma~aking puhunan na tifying the change in name of business. be made into sisig. The lung, for bo-
"Kung saan may tao, may iyon (She started with 700 pesos. At "I was named Milagros. Maybe be- pis. The liver, for barbecue and ~echon
pera (Where there is a crowd, money that time, it was a big startup capital for cause in Spanish it meant 'miracles'," sauce. The intestines, chicharon bu- sisig. The lu
flows)," Mila explains why her moth- a small business)," Mila shares. Aling she jests. But it was no laughing mat- ~ak~ak.
er decided to put up a stall selling Nena bought a whole pig that she had ter when Mila's Lechon sales boomed. According to Mila, even the hooves, bopis. The
steamed corn and fruits. had slaughtered, and commissioned "Baka hiyang sa iyo ang nego- when cleaned well, can be deep fried
"Ta~o man 0 pana~o, kai~angan a ~echonero who roasted it for three syo (Maybe the trade was meant for and eaten. The bones, of course, are for barbecu
may pasa~ubong ang ga~ing sa sabun- hours. When she sold the ~echon, cut you)," Aling Nena told her daughter. good as dog or cat treats.
gan <Win or lose, those who came out up in pieces, in her stall in lieu of her To this day, Aling Nena still helps lechon sauc
of the cockpit ought to have pasa~u­ usual corn and fruits, the meat was Lifelong Learnings run the branches of their business.
bong to bring home)," she adds. gone in less than an hour. Like all businesses, Mila's Lechon While people often make the mistake intestines, ch
Aling Nena and Mang Serafin, Mi- had its share of ups and downs. Mila calling her Aling Mila, it don't matter to
Risky Undertakings
During that time, the spit-roast pig
la's father, decided to take the ~echon
business seriously. Initially, it was
recalled that due to a wrong judgment
call, they would lose millions of pesos
both mother and daughter. Mila, be it
the founder or her daughter, still reigns
industry has already earned a niche named after their son Benjie. that almost forced the closure of their supreme in every event and feast.

Legendary Lechonero
Mang Tomas gave lechon (and its sauce) its privileged place in Pinoy culinary hierarchy
OO"~oo NO LECHON lover Mang Tomas' daug
. : ........ will be lIbie to elaim Corazon 'Cora' N. De
~ • r mastery and con- now in her 60s, current
r':to noisseurship of this lechon enterprise with h
001.._ :,.; . premier Filipino Ariel and Eva. Eva De V
dish without men- that while the bottled le
_jiil·· tlOnmg .. the name still bears his grandfath
of Mang Tomas, who in 1951, con- name, they don't receiv
ceived a great business idea that from it. "Ganon pa man
has become La Loma's legacy in- wa pa rin kami ng sars
dustry. na kapag natikman mo
"It was Mang Tomas who start- abi mong ito ang origin
ed it all," acknowledges William Ma- these, we still make our
nugar S. Chua, barangay chairman Iechon sauce; once yo
of Paang Bundok where the ~echon you will say it is the ori
capital is situated. Chua himself is claims.
a ~echonero, who along with his sib- Aling Cora shows
lings started Ping Ping's Lechon, nated pictures and new
named after their only sister. showing Mang Tomas
But who was Mang Tomas, be- From left: A rare photo of the lechon pioneer Tomas Delos Reyes (extreme left) and son Jimmy in the 60's; Aling Cora Delos Reyes
50s and the 60s, burly
yond the ~echon and its equally fa- assures that their legacy of her family's lechon endures to this day. inch a victorious man.
mous dipping sauce? even names him the "Co
lucky bettor, would drop by his meat to his restaurant in 1955. According to However, Mang Tomas' liver sauce ers of Lechon".
Pioneer Roaster shop to buy slabs of pork that they stories, he rolled up his barong sleeves became as well-known as its porky tan- "Salamat sa biyen
Mang Tomas is Tomas Delos would cook and eat as pu~utan (bar and ate gung-ho style, picking the meat dem. Once given for free whenever ki~ala ang La Loma.
Reyes, a provincial lad who started food or bar chow) to accompany a mer- from the ~echon with his bare hands one buys ~echon from their store, peo- pamilya rito ang binuha
out as a meat vendor in the neigh- ry drinking spree. Losers, according to and dipping it into the Iechon sauce ple asked if they can buy it by the bottle litson (Thanks to my fa
borhood. According to pop culture Chua, would contend themselves with that Tomas made himself from all the and use for cooking. Named after him, La Loma is recognized
blogger and researcher Dennis tino~a from the tina~ong manok, the leftover pork liver. Magsaysay must Sarsa ni Mang Tomas, would later be capital]. Many families
Villegas, he was born in Alcantara, poor, vanquished, lifeless pansabong have been smitten by the lechon that bought by a large restaurant group, from roasting pigs)," s
Romblon but came to post-World (gamecock) . he ordered ~echon every time there who later sold it to a large condiments declares.
War II Manila, after a friend con- But a gem of an idea came to To- was an occasion in Malacanang. conglomerate. One might notice
vinced him of possible employment mas, who wanted to earn extra. He names of the 15 or so le
opportunities. From errand boy to roasted an entire pig, and sold them Passing the 'Bacon' in La Loma are in the
butcher to retailer, Mang Tomas by slabs, convincing his patrons that it When the years have caught up form (Mila's, Monchie
lived and exuded 'meat', day in and saved them time and effort from grill- with Mang Tomas, he passed on the nas, Nelia's, Caloy an
day out. ing the pork themselves. They bought business to his son Jaime or Jimmy, etc.), an indication that
However, he helped himself by into it, and soon enough, his home cum who learned the tricks of the trade claim to the large mark
acquiring a meat stall right in front eatery became a place to visit for those from his father. Jimmy expanded the buyers. Nevertheless,
of his house, where nearby, the La who want to sample his famous ~echon. restaurant to include dishes made man's legacy that made
Loma Cockpit Arena was filled with In fact, his biggest endorser was from the leftover parts of the roasted sible - Mang Tomas Del
cockfighting enthusiasts. Victors of the very popular President Ramon pig, like chicharon bu~ak~ak and dinu- first among equals.
the sport, be it gamefowl owner or Magsaysay who came unannounced guano

• • •
.. .. ..
DOLE Apr 18.indd 2
Prnr.p,~~ r.v;::mPrnr.p!=;~ M;:lnpnt.::l
20 Visayas News Sunday, May 21, 2017

‘No Sayyaf presence Cebuanos urged to be vigilant;

Armed men sighted in Negros
in Eastern Visayas’ true. helping government authorities hunt
CEBU CITY – Cebu Governor Hi-
lario Davide III urged Cebuanos to
remain vigilant and cautious following
reported sightings of armed men in
Guihulngan, Negros Oriental Wednes-
launch retaliatory attacks following
the deaths of their comrades in Bohol.
“We should not be complacent.
They can strike anytime, anywhere,”
Davide told reporters.
By Restituto A. Cayubit
Farnacio categorically denied members of the terror group in the day afternoon. He, however, assured the public

ATBALOGAN CITY, Samar such reports and said that a lot of region. “We can not afford to be compla- that law enforcers are doing their best
– Major Gen. Raul Farnacio, reports on the matter is surfacing, Farnacio said the Philippine Army cent. We have to remain vigilant,” Da- to ensure the safety of the residents
commanding general of the but none of them is airtight. in Eastern Visayas under his com- vide said, adding that he has already and tourists.
Philippine Army’s 8th Infan- He, however acknowledged that mand is closely monitoring the devel- met with Police Regional Office (PRO) It could not yet be established
try Division (8ID) based in this city there’s a lot of work to be done in opments in Bohol to preempt the pos- 7 director Chief Supt. Noli Taliño re- whether the armed men sighted in
has denied the reported presence or terms of monitoring the activities of sible entry of ASG bandits. garding the sighting of the armed Negros Oriental are members of the
sightings of Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) the ASG and other lawless groups. The general said his office has in- men. ASG, the Communist Party of the Phil-
bandits in Eastern Visayas. He clarified that some members tensified its intelligence information The Central Visayas police are on ippines or the New People's Army.
Farnacio said the reports that of the Balik Islam group in the region gathering and coordinated with the alert since the last encounter between Negros Oriental is located just
members of the ASG are now in East- may have been mistaken as ASG mem- police and other authorities in East- Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) bandits and across Cebu, and can be reached via a
ern Visayas and were sighted in Sta. bers. ern Visayas to ensure the safety of the government troops in Bohol. three-hour ferry service.
Fe, Leyte and Dolores in Eastern Sa- Farnacio claims that the Muslim public, including tourists who are vis- The PRO 7 is not discounting the (Kier Belleza and Shadelle De-
mar are just mere fabrication and not communities in Eastern Visayas are iting the region. possibility that the ASG bandits could lima)

Osmeña Guimaras mangoes get geographical branding

opposes law By TARA YAP

vs children on GUIMARAS – The sweet man-

goes of this island-province finally
motorcycles earned geographical branding.
Rebecca Rascon, Western
Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña Visayas regional director of the
opposed the implementation of Re- Department of Trade and Industry
public Act 10666, otherwise known as (DTI), told the Manila Bulletin that a
the Children's Safety on Motorcycles Geographical Indication (GI) tag for
Act of 2015, which bars small children Guimaras mangoes has finally been
from riding motorcycles. launched.
"The intention is there, the safety The GI tag certifies that the
of the kids, but I think there is a big- mangoes are grown and produced by
ger danger when our children cannot members of Guimaras Mango Grow-
go to school anymore. Do you expect ers and Producers Development Co-
children to walk to school?" Osmeña operative.
asked. DTI’s Intellectual Property Of-
Most children who ride motor- fice of the Philippines is responsible
cycles every day are from ages 4 to 5 for processing the registration of
years who can not even set their feet Guimaras mangoes as one of the
in the foot peg but can wrap their arms country’s native products with geo-
around the driver’s waist, he added. graphical branding.
Osmeña stressed that there are “This is also a formal marketing
children who live in the mountainous strategy,” Raccoon explained.
parts of Cebu and whose main mode “Guimaras mangoes have a
of transport going to school are motor- name recall. People associate sweet
cycles. mangoes from Guimaras. But there
He also feels for public motorcycle are those who claim mangoes grown
(habal-habal) drivers whose main source in other areas are from Guimaras,”
of income is taking children to school. Rascon noted.
Osmeña, however, fully supports The launch of the GI tag high- GENUINELY GUIMARAS – Reputedly the sweetest in the world, Guimaras-grown mangoes, shown here neatly arranged
the implementation of the Anti-Dis- lights this year’s Manggahan Festi- and displayed at a local market, will now be covered by Geographical Indication tags that will certify its Guimaras
tracted Driving Law (RA 10913) which val, which ends on Monday, May 22. origin. (Tara Yap)
prohibits drivers from using communi- The mango festival also coincides
cation devices or gadgets while driv- with the 25th founding anniversary Guimaras Governor Samuel Gu- mangoes are not sold in the local ficer Liberty Ferrer said that 10.4 tons
ing. (Janine Anne D. Bustamante and of Guimaras, which was previously marin has established Task Force market. of mangoes have been prepared for
Jessiel E. Dayday) part of Iloilo province. Golden Island to non-Guimaras Meanwhile, Guimaras Tourism Of- the mango eat-all-you-can event.

DPWH completes 3 Capiz Former Samar mayor and treasurer charged

school building projects By Czarina Nicole O. Ong

Former San Sebastian, Samar

tion Officer Laurrie Layne P. Cristobal
wrote in the charge sheets against the
accused that they violated Section 3(e) of
they failed to remit it to the Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR).
They were accused of causing un-
By Betheena Kae Unite the kick-off of the Department of Edu- Mayor Arnold B. Abalos and munici- R.A. 3019, also known as the Anti-Graft due injury to the government "as a re-
cation’s (DepEd) 2017 Brigada Esk- pal treasurer Virginia A. Uy have been and Corrupt Practices Act, as well as Ar- sult of the continuous non-remittance"
Three school buildings which will wela National Schools’ Maintenance charged with graft and malversation ticle 217 of the Revised Penal Code. since they "deprived" the government
benefit over a thousand incoming se- Week, Pacanan said. charges before the Sandiganbayan Abalos and Uy reportedly "will- of the said amount.
nior high school students were built The construction of the school Third Division for tax evasion from fully, unlawfully and feloniously" Their bail bond has been set at
in Capiz, the Department of Public building was implemented by DPWH 2008 to 2010. misappropriated public funds worth R70,000 each to R30,000 for graft and
Works and Highways (DPWH) said. Capiz 1st District Engineering Office. Graft Investigation and Prosecu- R1,272,831.63 for the said years when R40,000 for malversation.
The DPWH Capiz 1st District En- Its R44.381-million funding was
gineer Gerald Pacanan said a four- taken from DepEd’s CY 2016 Basic
storey school building with 32 class-
rooms was completed and turned
over to Panit-an National High School
Education Facilities Fund (BEFF).
Two more school buildings worth
over R48 million and will benefit 1,300
Western Visayas tourism on nature-based tourism, eco-tourism,
sun and beach, diving and marine
sports, cruise and nautical.
in Capiz.
Pacanan added that the school
building will benefit about 500 incom-
Grade 11 and 12 students were com-
pleted and turned over to Hiponia
National High School in the town of
more than Boracay Island Likewise available are culture and
heritage, pilgrimage, leisure and en-
tertainment, M.I.C.E., education, culi-
ing Grade 11 and Grade 12 students Pontevedra. There’s more to Western Visayas step up the promotion of other provinces nary and farm tourism.
from different barangays in the town Pacanan noted that more school tourism than the world-renowned white and tourist attractions in the region. Iloilo heritage and mystery tours are
of Panit-an under the Senior High building projects, which were started sand beachfronts of Boracay Island in Ak- Teo on Friday said that DOT-West- also available, along with island adven-
School program. last year and this year are nearing lan, Tourism Secretary Wanda Corazon ern Visayas is currently offering a wide ture and escapade tours of Guimaras,
It was completed just in time for completion. Teo said, as she bared plans to further variety of tour itineraries in efforts to Capiz, Antique, Aklan and Negros Oc-
cross-sell different attractions. cidental as well as trips to the island-
“Region 6 has so much to offer for all towns of Carles, Ajuy-Concepcion and
types of visitors. They have batchoy and the Gigantes group of islands.
sweetest mangoes for those into food trips, Undersecretary Alma Rita Jimenez
and there’s the Ati-Atihan for those who pointed out that with cross-selling of tour-
are seeking exotic festivity,” Teo said. ist destinations, localities become part-
She noted that among the available ners in tourism development by sharing
itineraries include activities centered and exchanging visitors. (PNA)

Philippine Red Cross opens

vocational school in Leyte
TACLOBAN CITY – The Philippine to enhance employment opportunities
Red Cross (PRC) has completed its in communities affected by Super-Ty-
vocational training center in this city phoon Yolanda nearly four years ago.
PRC chairman Senator Richard
Gordon, the Kingdom of Bahrain Royal
Charity Organization's secretary gen-
eral Mustafa Al Sayed, PRC secretary
general Oscar Palabyab, and key local
government officials led the center's in-
auguration late Friday afternoon.
The facility, which will be accredited
by the Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA), will
offer training courses on electrical in-
stallation and maintenance, plumbing
technology, carpentry, masonry, com-
PMA’S SOUTHERN GOODWILL TOUR – The Philippine Military Academy
mercial cooking, bread and pastry pro-
Mabalasik Class of 2019 deftly carry out a silent drill exhibition at the
duction, and seafarers ratings, as well
Cebu City Sports Complex on Saturday, the last leg of their goodwill
as a finishing course for call center
tour down South. (Juan Carlo De Vela)
agents. (PNA)

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Mindanao News Sunday, May 21, 2017 21

‘Don’t kill my soldiers’– Duterte

AVAO CITY (PNA) – Presi- the commander-in-chief. “I am a President for peace. I mander said the NPA has now re-
dent Rodrigo Duterte said He further noted that he was then am not a wartime President. My job sorted to extortion activities and
he was not going to sign friendly to the NPA but there have is to bring peace to my country,” he banditry to raise money because the
any agreement with the been irreconcilable differences when stressed. rebel group was already losing the Newsbits
Communist Party of the Philippines- he became president. Meanwhile, a top AFP official has support of the community.
New People’s Army-National Demo- ”Ngayon na-Presidente ako, si- urged businessmen and rural-based “It is very clear that the NPA is Nabbed for rape
cratic Front (CPP-NPA-NDF) if reb- yempre iba na ang papel ko, ‘di away private companies not to give in to losing the support of the people and
els continue killing soldiers despite kami (Now that I am President, of alleged extortion demands of the they are now resorting to extortion GENERAL SANTOS CITY – The alleged
the peace negotiations. course, I have a different role). So NPA. activities and this must be stopped,” leader of a criminal gang here was
President Duterte admitted tell- unless they really stop killing my “By doing so, the business com- Madrigal said. arrested Thursday after he was accused
ing government Chief Negotiator soldiers and policemen, there will be munity would be doing service to the “The duo (father and son) decided by his 13-year-old step daughter of rape
Silvestre Bello III to finish the 50- no peace in this land,” the President government in putting an end to the to go back to the folds of law, citing in President Quirino, Sultan Kudarat.
Operatives of the Philippine National
year insurgency, or continue 50 more said. force taxation and terroristic activi- difficulties because of the relentless
Police-Criminal Investigation and
years of fighting. He recalled that he was first to de- ties of the NPA,” said Maj. Gen. Ben- military operations,” Uy said. Detection Group (PNP-CIDG) here, led by
The government’s negotiating clare a unilateral ceasefire but they jamin R. Madrigal Jr., commanding To date, at least 50 ASG members Chief Insp. Timothy Arciso, nabbed Danny
team and the NDF panel are set to disrespected it and killed soldiers. general of the Army’s Northeastern have already surrendered to the Sagot, 32, the alleged leader of the
meet in Noordwijk in the Netherlands President Duterte said he has and Northern Mindanao Fourth In- military authorities since the military “Sagot” criminal gang which is allegedly
for the fifth round of talks on May 27 been patient despite his sharp fantry (Diamond) Division (4th ID). offensive began in January. (With a involved in illegal drug trade and robbery
to June 1. Both panels are expected to words. The region’s ranking AFP com- report from Mike U. Crismundo) activities in the area. Regional Trial Court
tackle the terms of a bilateral cease- Judge Lorenzo Balo ordered his arrest
fire and the socioeconomic reform after he was charged with raping his step
agenda, which have been the subject daughter several times last year while
of meetings by reciprocal working his wife was working abroad. (Joseph
“I’m pissed off already because
they have been attacking my -- ‘my’ Candidate soldiers
because I’m the Commander-in-Chief
– so my soldiers and my policemen,” CAMP BANCASI, Butuan City — Ninety-
he said during Friday’s opening of the six candidate soldiers, nine of them
four-day 25th Association of Firearms women, recently took their oath as
the Armed Forces of the Philippines’
and Ammunition Dealers of the Phil-
(AFP) “promising peace advocates,” or
ippines (AFAD) Defense and Sporting candidate soldiers, Capt. Joe Patrick A.
Arms Show at the SMX Convention Martinez, spokesperson of the Army’s
Center here. Northeastern and Northern Mindanao
The Chief Executive said he has Fourth Infantry (Diamond) Division
to protect his soldiers because he is (4th ID) yesterday said. He said, before
taking their oath on Wednesday, they
underwent stages of the selection
process such as qualifying examinations
PRO-9 anti-drug that tested their mental and physical
ability to prove their worth as finest from
campaign logs the poll of aspirants to join the Army. The
candidate soldiers will be undergoing
the rigors of basic military training to
60 percent help them transform from their carefree
civilian life to fine grown military men
success rate and women. Their six-month training
will cover the development of skills and
knowledge not only in combat fighting,
ZAMBOANGA CITY (PNA) – The but also in life-saving imperatives,
Police Regional Office-9 (PRO-9) has disaster response operation,
declared that 60 percent of illegal peacekeeping initiatives, human rights,
ROCKSTAR WELCOME – Philippine National Police (PNP) Director General Ronald ‘Bato’ dela Rosa is mobbed by local rule of law, and rule of engagement,
drugs operations have been destroyed residents, following the groundbreaking ceremonies of an Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)-PNP housing project
in Barangay Talomo in Davao City, Friday. (Keith Bacongco) Martinez said. (Mike U. Crismundo)
with the neutralization of 80 big-time
drug dealers and more than 1,000 of
their members across Zamboanga OWWA assistance
“The remaining leaders couldn’t be ‘High-risk’ fugitive recaptured in Kidapawan SURIGAO CITY – The regional Office
of the Overseas Workers Welfare
located [here] in Zamboanga Peninsula.
By MALU CADELINA MANAR and ALI G. MACABALANG them facing drug trafficking charges. Administration (OWWA 13) here has
But we are going after them. We need to
started releasing the financial assistance
account [all of] them,” PRO-9 Director Among those killed during the jail
to OWWA member-families affected by
Chief Supt. Billy Beltran said. KIDAPAWAN CITY – After four central Mindanao. attack was Jail Officer 1 Hexel Rey the strong 6.7 magnitude earthquake
“We still have remaining 40 percent months in hiding, a fugitive, consid- Based from the evidences gathered Desibo. that struck the province of Surigao
and we will not stop to run after them,” ered as the most “high risk” among158 by the Cotabato Police Provincial Office Also killed was Barangay Council- del Norte and Surigao City on Feb. 10,
underscored Beltran, who added that inmates who bolted from the Cotabato (CPPO), it was Casangyao that hired the man Satar Manalundong of Barangay 2017. As financial assistance to OWWA
80 of the 136 criminal gang leaders into district jail here, was apprehended by group of a certain Commander Derby to Patadon, who was mistakenly identified member families affected by that recent
illegal drug trade in the region have authorities on Friday. rescue him on January 4, 2017. as among those that masterminded the quake, the agency also launched the
already been neutralized. Melvin Tiangao Casangyao, who Derby is, himself, a fugitive of the attack. Cash Relief (CARE) program, a financial
Of the 80 neutralized drug dealers, faces several drug trafficking charges, law after escaping from the provincial Until now, relatives of Manalundong assistance intended to aid OWWA
33 were based in the province of Zam- was recaptured on Friday, around 8:20 jail last year. are still seeking justice for his death. member families affected by the said
earthquake that struck the province
boanga del Norte, 22 in Zamboanga a.m., inside his hideout at Barangay The plan to spring Casangyao from They denied accusations hurled against
and the city. Initially, around P500,000
del Sur, 15 in Zamboanga City, and, 10 Onica, this city. jail was allegedly hatched when Derby him. was released to each of about 300
in Zamboanga Sibugay. Some of them Casangyao, intelligence reports was still in prison. Of the 158 inmates that escaped OFW families from Surigao City, and a
were either arrested, killed, and sur- said, is one of the leaders of a big-time On January 4, Derby and his group from prison, only 50 were recaptured few barangays from the municipality of
rendered. drug syndicate operating in North stormed the jail and rescued Casangyao by authorities since they launched the Sison during the kick-off of the CARE
The surrender of 58,163 drug users Cotabato and other parts of south and and more than 150 other inmates, many of manhunt four months ago. program that started on Sunday, OWWA
and peddlers also helped the police to 13 Regional Director Samuel S. Madrid
yesterday said. (Mike U. Crismundo)

‘Bugsay’ Mindanao fires off in Surigao

effectively neutralize the drug opera-
tions region, he said.
“Their revelations helped us in Free medicine
determining their [drug dealers] op-
erations,” he said. Region 9 is one of SURIGAO CITY – The grand open- the 2017 “Bugsay” (Paddle) Mindanao Saltwater Dragons from Tacloban DAVAO CITY -- The Department of
the regions that recorded the highest ing of the 2017 “Bugsay” (Paddle) Min- national competition will contribute in City, Base Camp Dragon Boat Team, Health (DOH) said it will soon give out
number of drug surrenderers in the danao was held off the waters of Mabua achieving the elusive peace that is be- Dragons del Sur and Kampilan from free medicines to patients suffering
country. stone beach area, fronting Mount Baga- ing aspired for by Mindanao people. the Davao region, Liceo Dragonoids cervical cancer, following the initial
Sr. Supt. Noel Flores, chief of the rabon in this northeastern-tip city of Officials in this part of Mindanao from Cagayan de Oro City, and Team release of the budget for the agency
Regional Investigation and Detective Surigao yesterday. were also hoping that the upcoming Bakunawa from Iligan City; San Luis sourced from sin taxes – or the taxes
Management Division, said the drug “Bugsay Mindanao 4, Paddle for next round of peace talks in The Neth- Dragons of Agusan del Sur, FSUU Blue derived from the sale of cigarettes and
liquor. Dr. Clarito Cairo, Jr., national
dealers get supply from other areas Peace” was hosted by the city govern- erlands will resolve the nagging issues Dragons of Butuan City, and Bugsay
program manager of the Cancer
since their was no illegal drug factory ment of Surigao, and will showcase between the Philippine government and Marajao of Surigao City, Surigao del Prevention and Control Program at the
here in Region 9. thrilling dragon boat competitions the CPP-NPA-NDF. Norte (Caraga). agency, said the national government
Flores said that most of the illegal where teams from various parts of the “We hope Bugsay Mindanao for City and provincial officials, led by was well on its way to providing free
drugs, especially methamphetamine, country will see action. The competition Peace will drive home the message Matugas and Department of Tourism cancer medicines for most types of
were being sourced from the neigh- ends today. that everybody wants peace,” Su- Region 13 (DOT 13) Director Mary Jean cancer. Cairo made the statement
boring province such as Lanao and The teams will vie for a total of rigao City Mayor Ernesto T. Matugas A. Camarin, spearheaded the opening during the opening program of a
Tawi-Tawi. P200,000 in prizes offered in two cat- said. of the national competition. (Mike U. mass cervical cancer test conducted
“Our mission is to destroy the drug egories — 2000 meters for mixed men Some of the competing teams are Crismundo) to around 1,000 women at the
apparatus. This is based on the pro- and women, and 200 meters for mixed Davao City Recreation Center (DCRC,
nouncement of President [Rodrigo] men and women. formerly Almendras Gym). As it is,
the government is already subsidizing
Duterte,” Flores said. Local officials expressed hope that
Duterte leads groundbreaking the chemotherapy medicines for
breast, colon, and rectum cancer

of P1.24-B housing project patients starting this year. “In the

next years, pwede nang magbigay ng
free medicines for cervical cancer
patients,” he said. (Yas D. Ocampo)
DAVAO CITY (PNA) – President Ro- He assured that the area will be
drigo Duterte and his daughter, Davao
City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio, led
provided with basic facilities like water
and electricity.
PCSO ambulances
Friday’s groundbreaking of the P1.24- The President recalled that the DAVAO CITY -- Four provincial
billion "Biyaya ng Pagbabago" housing project site was adjacent to an area that government-run hospitals in Sarangani
project in Los Amigos, Tugbok district he had offered to rebel returnees in the received ambulances on May 18 from
here, which will benefit almost 1,000 1990s. The area was also targeted as the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes
poor Davaoenos. housing facility for police and military Office (PCSO), with its general manager
The mammoth project includes 21 personnel, but this plan did not push Alexander Balutan leading the turnover
buildings with 840 units and 68 social through because of the rebel returnees in the province. Balutan said PCSO
lots. It will be funded out of the P1-billion who availed of his offer. has been extending charity services
nationwide, and among these is the
contribution of San Miguel Founda- “There were 50 of them…gibaligya na
provision of ambulances that ease the
tion (SMB) and the National Housing siguro ang mga yuta (maybe they already patients’ transfer, especially those who
Authority (NHA), which allocated P24 sold the lots),” the President said. are from far-flung areas. Sarangani
million for the project. With a target completion of 18 Governor Steve Chiongbian Solon and
The land is owned by the city gov- months, Duterte said he hopes to see officials from the recipient towns of
ernment of Davao. the house and lot turned over to the Malungon, Maitum, Kiamba and Glan
In his speech, Duterte urged the beneficiaries by March next year. accepted the vehicles. The PCSO,
beneficiaries not to sell their units. ”This project is to help Filipinos to Balutan said, was dedicated to fulfill its
Each unit might be small with a floor have a house and lot,” he said. obligation to generate funds, which is
OCCUPY LAPANDAY – Farmers belonging to the Madaum Agrarian Reform area of only 42 square meters, but Du- For her part, Carpio thanked the city its source for charity medical services
Beneficiaries Association Inc. refuse to budge from positions taken at a banana and health programs for the Filipino
plantation owned by Lapanday Foods in Tagum City, Davao del Norte. They terte reminded them that "it is difficult government's partners in the realiza-
people. (Yas D. Ocampo)
started their ‘Occupy Lapanday’ protest last Thursday. (Keith Bacongco) to acquire a house and lot these days." tion of the project.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

22 • Sunday, May 21, 2017
Acting Editor: TITO S. TALAO


Gilas stars power

TNT to victory
By JONAS TERRADO to 7-3 while boosting its slim hopes of se- Coach Leo Austria is bracing a tough
curing a twice-to-beat advantage in the schedule against Ginebra and later
Games Today quarterfinals. against Alaska, pointing out his team’s
(Mall of Asia Arena) De Ocampo added 15 points while defensive effort against NLEX.
4:30 p.m. – Mahindra vs Phoenix
Smith registered a team-high 23 points Phoenix welcomes back Matthew
6:45 p.m. – San Miguel vs Ginebra
with 10 rebounds in his debut which Wright for the 4:15 p.m. opener against

NT KaTropa rallied from a came in the Petron Saturday Special. Mahindra, a game that Fuel Masters
15-point third quarter deficit Rosario, the third TNT player who need to gain ground in the race for play-
behind two of its Gilas Pilipi- participated for Gilas in the SEABA, off spots.
nas standouts to turn back the played just 16 minutes and put up seven Wright had an impressive Gilas
Alaska Aces, 119-110, last night in the points and five rebounds. debut in the SEABA Championship,
PBA Commissioner’s Cup at the Iba- Cory Jefferson fired a game-high 29 emerging as one of the best players of
long Centrum for Recreation in Legazpi points but Alaska dropped to seventh the tournament. Phoenix, with a 4-5 re-
City, Albay. place with an even 4-4 record, half-game cord, would like to benefit from Wright’s
Jayson Castro and RR Pogoy, who behind Phoenix (4-5) and 1 1/2 off Global- personal gains.
two days ago helped Gilas capture the port (3-6). Mahindra is in desperate mode,
SEABA Championship title, joined forc- Meanwhile, the San Miguel Beer- needing to beat Phoenix to stay in the
es with former national team star Ra- men enter the difficult phase of their bid playoff hunt. The Floodbuster are at 2-7.
nidel de Ocampo and debuting import for a second straight title beginning with
TNT KATROPA 119 – Smith 23, Castro 20,
Joshua Smith to erase Alaska’s 90-75 a familiar foe in Barangay Ginebra San De Ocampo 15, Garcia 13, Pogoy 12, Tautuaa
lead with under four minutes left in the Miguel today at the Mall of Asia Arena. 8, Rosario 7, Williams 6, Semerad 5, Reyes 5,
third to fashion out a hard-fought win. Two days removed from encountering Rosales 5, Carey 0.
ALASKA 110 – Jefferson 29, Manuel 17,
Castro finished with 20 points, seven little trouble against the NLEX Road War- Casio 16, Abueva 11, Enciso 9, Pascual 8, Thoss
assists and five rebounds in 28 minutes riors, the Beermen hope to continue their 6, Exciminiano 4, Mendoza 4, Banchero 4, Hon-
Ginebra import Justin Brownlee attempts to score against Rain or Shine’s Beau Belga in
tiveros 2, Dela Cruz 0, Racal 0, Cruz 0, Galliguez
while Pogoy contributed 12 points, six re- mastery against the crowd-favorite Ginebra 0, Andrada 0. their PBA Commissioner’s Cup game Friday night at the Cuneta Astrodome. Rain or Shine
bounds and two steals as TNT improved squad in the second game set at 6:45 p.m. Quarters: 23-36; 56-57; 88-95; 119-110. won, 118-112. (Czar Dancel)

boxing volleyball

Melindo Perlas overpowers

guns for
title today
Power Smashers
By KRISTEL SATUMBAGA Meanwhile, imports Jang Bualee
and Jennifer Keddy joined hands for 35
Games Today points as BaliPure blasted Air Force,
Filipino fighter Milan Melindo bat- (Philsports Arena, Pasig City) 25-17, 25-12, 25-17.
4 p.m. – Perlas vs BaliPure
tles reigning champion Akira Yaegashi 6:30 p.m. – Creamline vs Power Smashers Bualee and Keddy also combined
today for the International Boxing Fed- for 26 of the team’s 45 attacks for the
eration (IBF) light-flyweight crown at Perlas Spikers survived the Power Water Defenders, who picked up their
the Ariake Coliseum in Tokyo. Smashers’ spirited challenge in the fifth win against two losses.
During yesterday afternoon’s of- first two sets and pulled off a 27-25, 26- Air Force sank to its seventh defeat
ficial weighin, Melindo (35-2 with 12 24, 25-19 win in the Premier Volleyball against a lone victory with no player
KOs) and Yaegashi (25-5 with 13 KOs) League women’s tournament yester- scoring in double figures.
both came in at 107 ½ lbs. day at The Arena in San Juan City. Jocemer Tapic and Thai reinforce-
This will be Melindo’s third crack Brazilian import Rupia Inck fired 19 ment Patcharee Saengmuang man-
at a world title after failed bids against points built on 14 attacks, three blocks, aged only seven and five points, re-
Mexican Juan Francisco Estrada in and two aces for the Perlas Spikers, who spectively, for the Lady Jet Spikers.
2013 and Javier Mendoza, also of Mex- scored their second straight victory to
ico, in 2015. improve their win-loss record to 5-3.
Melindo arrived in the Japanese Members of the triumphant Perlas Spikers squad celebrate their straight sets win over the Japanese setter Naoko Hashimoto basketball
capital last Monday and he will get Power Smashers yesterday in the Philippine Volleyball League at the Arena in San Juan. also proved vital in Perlas’ assault by
pointers from the Michael Domingo
and brothers Edito and Edmond Vil-
(Rio Deluvio) providing variety of plays that shat-
tered the Power Smashers’ defense
FIBA 3x3
lamor when the bell rings. from time to time. Kiefer Ravena reunites with former
Known for his ring generalship, golf The 32-year-old Hashimoto, a college rival Jeron Teng as they ban-

Mondilla bags crown

Melindo feels that Yaegashi, making member of the Japanese team that ner the Philippine team to the FIBA
the third defense, will be forced to sur- won the 2013 Asian Championship, 3x3 World Cup 2017 in Nantes, France
render his IBF crown this time. managed 25 excellent sets to outplay next month.
“I can take him,” said Melindo, who Power Smashers’ setter Vira May This marks the second time this
is originally from Cagayan de Oro City CARMONA, Cav- No. 12 and went 2-up on Tabuena follow- Guillema, who only had 13 sets for her year that two former collegiate stand-
but now based in Cebu City. ite — Clyde Mondilla ing back-to-back birdies from the 14th team. outs – Ravena for Ateneo and Teng for
Providing morale boost to Melin- held his nerve against hole. The Power Smashers fell to their La Salle – play together after suiting
do’s bid is ALA Boxing chief Michael two of the country’s After a monster drive on the par-4, fourth loss against three victories in up for Mighty Sports in the Dubai Invi-
Aldeguer. hottest players to Mondilla nearly eagled the hole from 40 the middle standings despite Thai rein- tational tournament last February.
Yaegashi, Edito Villamor observes, win the $60,000 ICTSI yards. forcements Kannika Tipachot and Hy- Adding star power to the team is
doesn’t have enough firepower to stop Manila Southwoods “I knew then that I could beat them apa Amporn spearheading the squad the presence of high-leaping Kobe Pa-
a relentless puncher like Melindo. Championship yester- with my power but it also helped that with 16 and 13 points, respectively. ras.
“We have more than 50-50 chance day. both of them missed a couple of birdie
90 29
of winning this fight,” said Villamor. Mondilla, 24, Mondilla putts in the closing holes,” added Mon- Kuala
If victorious, Melindo will join Man- torched the backnine at three-under for dilla who had three victories last year.
Days Lumpur sea games
To Go 2017
ny Pacquiao, Jerwin Ancajas and Don- a 66 and completed a one-shot win over Long-hitting Orlan Sumcad rallied countdown
nie Nietes as the country’s current overnight leader Miguel Tabuena and with a 65 to snatch fourth place at 270

PH archers bow out

world champions. Tony Lascuna. He had a four-day aggre- while Elmer Salvador placed fifth at 271
gate of 22-under 266. after 68 followed by Zanieboy Gialon,
“I’m so happy to beat our top two who fired a 67, for a 272, and Mhark Fer-
basketball players but I learned a lot from them,” nando and Macedonian Peter Stojanovs-
said Mondilla who pocketed $10,500 ki carded identical 70s to share seventh By REY BANCOD Turkey, 7-1.
Makati, (about P525,000).
Tabuena and Lascuna closed out
with a 70 and a 67, respectively to share
place at 273.
American Nicolas Paez and Justin Amaya Amparo Cojuangco, Flo-
rante Matan and Paul dela Cruz
Hongitan, Bidaure and Tagle hur-
dled their first assignments.
In women’s compound, Abbigail
Quiban finished tied at ninth with 274s
Parañaque the combined $11,100 purse.
Both players had a chance to force
after a 70 and 66, respectively, in the
event organized by Pilipinas Golf Tour-
bowed out in the third round of their
respective events in the ongoing Ar-
Tindugan and Jennifer Chan were
eliminated in the second round by

triumph a playoff, but missed birdie putts inside

nine feet on the 18th hole.
Trailing most of the way, Mondilla
naments, Inc. and backed by backed by
ICTSI, BDO, KZG, Custom Clubmak-
ers, Meralco, Sharp, Champion, Summit
chery World Cup held in Shanghai,
Cojuangco, who finished 28th in
Toja Ellison of Slovakia, 142-138, and
Natalia Ardeeva of Russia, 141-139, re-
Makati and Parañaque completed seized a one-shot lead with a birdie on Mineral Water and PLDT. the qualifying round, won her first two The rest of the Nationals who ad-
the Division I cast for the Qualification matches in the knockout stage, before vanced fell on the first hurdle.
Round of the 16-and-under Metro Bas- falling to Gizem Elmaagadi of Turjey, They are Luis Gabriel Moreno,
ketball Tournament Thursday by win- foOtball 144-143, in women’s compound event. Mark Javier and Rogelio Tremedad in
ning over separate opponents at the In the men’s compound, Paul dela men’s recurve, Mary Queen Ybanez in
Hagonoy Gym in Taguig City.
The Skyscrapers, led by Johnred
Global-Cebu faces Stallion Cruz also made it to the third round
where he got beaten by Sergio Rogni
women’s recurve, Kim Concepcion in
women’s compound and Niron Con-
Luise Lugo’s 29 points, seven rebounds By JONAS TERRADO Global is not only seeking a second of Italy, 144-139. cepcion in men’s compound.
and three assists, completed a sweep straight win in the 4 p.m. duel but also Matan, on the other hand, was Joseph Vicencio and Earl Yap
of the South Division with a close 95-92 Game Today erase the bitter pill of the result it got in eliminated by Collin Klimitchae of the round out the 16-man team prepar-
win over Taguig while the Green Berets, (Biñan Football Stadium, Laguna) the AFC Cup zonal semifinals last Tues- United States, 6-2, in men’s recurve. ing for the Southeast Asian Games in
4 p.m. – Stallion vs Global
with six players scoring in double fig- day against Singapore’s Home United. Fourteen of 16 Filipino archers Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in August.
ures, routed Pasay 92-31 in the most lop- Global-Cebu resumes its campaign Global was on the brink of securing made it into the KO stage, five of them The Nationals have been train-
sided game thus far in the tournament. in the domestic front when it battles a first leg win at the Rizal Memorial reaching the second round. ing daily starting this month and are
The event is an initial project of the Stallion-Laguna in today’s lone match Stadium when it conceded an equalizer In women’s recurve, Kareel Hon- hoping to improve on their one-silver,
Metro Manila Sports Fest in coordina- of the Philippines Football League at before stoppage time for a 2-all draw. gitan failed to score against Shin Hui three-bronze medal haul two years
tion with the Metropolitan Manila De- the Biñan Football Stadium in Biñan, The goal now for Global is to both of the US, 6-0; Pia Bidaure lost to Lu ago in Singapore.
velopment Authority (MMDA) under Laguna. hone its form before the return match Lan of China, 6-0; and Nicole Marie Ten gold medals are at stake in ar-
Chairman Tim Orbos and the Metro Playing for the first time in two on May 30 in Singapore and move up in Tagle was ousted by Gulnaz Coskun of chery in Kuala Lumpur.
Manila Council. weeks in the newly-formed league, the table of the eight-team league.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Sports Sunday, May 21, 2017 23

No stopping finalists
LeBron, Cavs James
OSTON (AP) — LeBron fourth NBA title -- and second in a row.
James scored 30 points, Kev- Maybe Golden State can figure out NEW YORK (AP) — LeBron James
in Love had 21 points and 12 a way to slow him down, or San An- will have to settle for trying to win an-
rebounds, and the Cleveland tonio if it can come back in the West. other NBA title. He isn’t even a finalist
Cavaliers steamrolled the Boston Celt- The Celtics haven’t found a way, and for the MVP award.
ics 130-86 on Friday to take a 2-0 lead in they’re running out of time. Russell Westbrook, James Harden
the Eastern Conference finals and tie James had 22 points in the first and Kawhi Leonard are the three play-
an NBA record with their 13th straight half, when he also collected six assists ers in the running for the league’s top
playoff victory. and had three blocked shots, including individual honor.
Cleveland led by 14 points after one a chase-down rejection of Bradley that The NBA announced the three
quarter, by a record 41 at the half and was reminiscent of the one against finalists for that and its five other
by 46 after three. Andre Iguodala in Game 7 of the NBA individual awards Friday. They are
Kyrie Irving scored 23 points for Finals. voted on by a panel of writers and
the Cavaliers, who return home with a That one was critical to clinching broadcasters. The winners will be
chance to finish off the Celtics in Cleve- Cleveland’s first championship since announced June 26 in New York
land. It would be the third straight the Browns won the NFL title in 1964. during the NBA’s first awards show.
sweep this postseason for the defend- In previous years, the individual
ing NBA champions, who also won the awards were announced separately
last three games of last year’s finals. throughout the postseason.
The Celtics played the second The categories:
half without Isaiah Thomas due to a MVP: Westbrook, Harden and
strained right hip. Leonard.
With both teams going to their The NBA will have a new winner
benches early in the fourth quarter, after Golden State’s Stephen Curry
the only suspense was whether the won the last two seasons.
Celtics could avoid the worst playoff Westbrook had a record 42
loss in franchise history. The Orlando triple-doubles this season
Magic beat them by 47 points in the and averaged a triple-dou-
first round of the 1995 postseason. ble for the season. Harden
Still, it was the Celtics’ worst home also put up record-setting of-
playoff loss ever. fensive numbers, while Leonard car-
Thomas finished with just a pair of ried the Spurs on both ends of the floor
free throws, missing all six shots from as they won 61 games and a division
the field; he also had six assists. Rook- title in their first season after Tim Dun-
ie Jaylen Brown scored 19 for Boston, can retired.
Avery Bradley had 13 and Al Horford ROOKIE OF THE YEAR: Dario
had 11 points and five rebounds. Saric, Joel Embiid, Malcom Brogdan.
The game tipped off about 15 min- COACH OF THE YEAR: Gregg
utes after the three finalists for NBA Popovich, Mike D’Antoni, Erik
Cleveland Cavaliers for ward
MVP were announced, and James LeBron James (23) drives against Spoelstra
wasn’t among them. It’s the first time Boston Celtics forward Gerald SIXTH MAN OF THE YEAR: Eric
since 2008 that he won’t finish in the Green (30) hanging on during Game Gordon, Lou Williams, Andre Iguodala
top three. 2 of the NBA basketball Eastern MOST IMPROVED PLAYER:
Conference finals in Boston. (AP)
But James, who’s won the award Giannis Antetokounmpo, Nikola Jokic,
four times, still has a chance for a Rudy Gobert.


Slasher Cup Lady Bulldogs bag national crown CEU, NU

set May 25 National University (NU) fought
back from three runs down and leaned
put NU on top.
“I’d like to commend every team
the Best Hitter trophy and UP’s Mary
Joy Abanes captured the Best Slugger
stay in
at Big Dome on Ethel Cuyo’s big hit in the sixth
inning to hack out a 4-3 victory over
Adamson and capture the Cebuana
that participated in this tournament.
Everyone did an impressive job in com-
peting against each other and in show-
honors. Other awardees were AdU’s
Gelyn Lamata (Most Homeruns) and
Diane Jane Balderama also of AdU
semis hunt
The seven-day 2017 World Slasher Lhuillier-ASAPHIL National Softball ing the great potential of Philippine (Most RBIs). Games Tuesday
Cup 2 will be held starting May 25 at Intercollegiate Championships crown softball. Congratulations to National UP-Diliman placed third while PUP (Buddhacare gym, Q.C.)
9 a.m. – CEU vs Benilde
the 17,000-seat Smart Araneta Coli- Friday at the Sto. Niño Ballpark in University and I hope to see every- and Rizal Technological University
10:45 a.m. – NU vs Olivarez
seum. Marikina. one again next year,” said ASAPHIL ended up fourth and fifth, respectively. 12:30 p.m. – Diliman vs JRU
The new and challenging format of The Lady Bulldogs yielded three and Cebuana Lhuillier president Jean It was a sorry loss for Adamson,
the 9-Cock Invitational Derby will have runs after the fourth but pounced on Henri Lhuillier. which, after a scoreless first two in- Centro Escolar University (CEU)
a 2-cock elims on May 25-26, 3-cock Adamson’s catching errors in the bot- Meanwhile, NU’s Mean Ramos nings, surged ahead with two runs in and National University (NU) closed
semis (May 27-28), 4-cock finals for tom sixth and equalized at 3 on Clarifel took the Best Pitcher award and the third on a sacrifice hit by Diane out their first round campaign with
those with 2 to 3.5 points (May 29-30), Singh’s two RBIs. emerged the league’s MVP while Balderama coupled with an NU throw- big wins to remain in semis hunt in
and another 4-cock finals for those Cuyo came through with a hit that teammate Elsie dela Torre bagged ing error. the Universities and Colleges Bas-
with 4 to 5 points (May 31.) ketball League (UBCL) Summer In-
The event has the backing of Ex- vitational held Thursday at the Bud-
cellence Poultry and Livestock Spe- basketball dhacare gym in Quezon City.
cialists, Pitgames Media, Petron and The Scorpions, the reigning
Doc Ayong Lorenzo of Excellence
said: “The World Slasher is the biggest
Senators, justices play in UNTV Cup UCBL champions, outlasted the Dili-
man College Blue Dragons, 63-55, for
their third win in five games.
and most prestigious cockfest in the Senators, Senators Manny Pacquiao, Joel Vil- das Marquez and associate justices Nor- CEU’s win over Diliman was a fol-
world and practically all sabungeros justices and gen- lanueva and Sonny Angara – all die-hard mandie Pizarro, Ronaldo Martin, Oscar low up to its 85-71 win over Jose Rizal
are hooked to it twice a year. We’re erals take center basketball fanatics – banner the Senate Herrera, and Edwin Sorongon. University last Tuesday in the tour-
proud to be a part of it.’’ stage when the Sentinels who are eager to win the brag- Major General (ret.) Victor Bayani nament sponsored by Ever Bilena-
The new format gives all par- much-awaited ging rights as the first champion team of will spearhead the AFP Cavaliers along Blackwater, Smart, Advanced Solu-
ticipants a fighting chance to win the UNTV Cup Ex- tournament that aims to provide finan- with generals Mel Feliciano, Noel Clem- tion, Inc. and Manila Bulletin.
event, according to WSC media part- ecutive Face-Off cial assistance to various charity institu- ent, Arnel Duco and Gener del Rosario. The Bulldogs, on the other hand,
ner Manny Berbano of Pitgames. unwraps today tions. Gen. Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa, produced another well-balanced at-
As seen in WSC’s January edition with a promise The schedule of the six-team tourna- meantime, will lead the Philippine Na- tack to hack out an 88-65 win over the
(over 300 entries), eight pointers Paolo fun-filled action Daniel Razon ment, however, will be known after the tional Police team that is out to complete winless Heavy Bombers.
Malvar and James Uy lost the title at the Pasig City Sports Center. drawing of lots also tomorrow. a title double after the PNP Respond- In their win over the Blue Dragons,
by half a point after Frank Berin (8.5 Organized by the UNTV CEO and Associate Justice Benjamin Caguioa, ers ruled the regular tournament last it was the duo of Judel Fuentes and
points) won the derby’s last fight. chairman Daniel Razon, the Executive on the other hand, spearheads Judiciary March – thanks to the heroics of Olan Moh Ascano who struck hardest, com-
Joey Melendres of Australia, Coun- Face-Off was designed to give the top along with Court Administrator Jose Mi- Omiping and Harold dela Cruz. ing through with highlight plays in the
cilor Marvin Rillo, Gov. Tony Kho and executives of the government’s various payoff period to pull away for good.
Alex Alea had their shot at the title, branches the time to relax, renew ac- Fuented led all scorers with 15
but suffered one loss each to settle for quaintances and show the other side of Members of the points while Ascano and Patrick
Philippine delegation,
runners-up honors with 7.5 points. their talents. led by Tourism Aquino chipped in 12 and 11 points,
Promotions Board CEO respectively.
Cesar Montano, DOT Idle Olivarez College is the only

NCA derby Lacson, Mayor Boongaling, Tokwing,

Boy Lechon, Chris Aguas, Fiscal Vil-
lanueva, Edwin Abella, Tady palma,
assistant secretary
Ricky Alegre, and The
Association for Inbound
unbeaten squad in the six-team tour-
nament serving as a preseason event
for some UAAP, NCAA and UCBL
Golf Tourism Philippines
Top breeders Gov. Claude Bau- Dan Lim, Romy Gamboa, Raul Gam- (AIGTP) president teams.
tista, Efren Canlas and the Jimafer boa, Philip Naguit, June Yap, Rey Connie Mamaril, flash Four NU players scored in double
Group will host an NCA derby on Panlilio and Ronald Del Rosario. the thumbs-up sign after figures with Chammy Diputado firing
the Philippines won the
Tuesday at the Ynares Sports Arena Meanwhile, the NCA Big Event will bid to host the Asia Golf
19 points, including two triples, JV
in Pasig City. be held on May 30 also at the Ynares Tourism Convention Gallego adding 13 while Mike Pate
Other marquee names invited to Sports Arena starring the feathered 2018 in Danang, and Ralph Napa tallying 10 points
take part include Bong Pineda, BG warriors of the NCA and UFCC. Vietnam recently. each.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black


Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Where To Stay
B1 • Sunday, May 21, 2017 E-mail:

Gov’t to exercise fiscal prudence in infrastructure push

By MADELAINE B. MIRAFLOR will only resort to financing its ambi- in the areas where the infrastructure plan to modernize the country's infra- gram.
tious infrastructure push through will be built,” Dominguez said. structure backbone so the Philippines He likewise pointed out that the

inance Secretar y Carlos borrowings – and mostly from local Dominguez said the Duterte admin- could catch up with its more vibrant government will take advantage of the
Dominguez III said the gov- sources – if the “economy can grow to istration is bent on having its Compre- Southeast Asian neighbors. excess liquidity in the domestic market
ernment will exercise fiscal finance its debts.” hensive Tax Reform Program (CTRP) The first package of the CTRP, by borrowing 80 percent from banks and
prudence in implementing its “This administration is responsible approved in the Congress so that it Dominguez said, would serve as the other financial institutions here, while
infrastructure buildup. enough to put money where it is re- could help raise enough revenues to “cornerstone” of the funding for the tapping only 20 percent
Dominguez said the government quired so there can be more businesses bankroll the government’s ambitious government’s "build, build, build" pro- of its loans from overseas  B-3
News In Brief
R/$ rate stands
at R49.87/$1
The peso exchange
rate stands at
R49.87 last Friday
at the Philippine
Dealing & Exchange
Corp. (PDEx). The weighted average
rate stands at R49.906.

Megawide enlists
retail electricity
supplier unit
The energy arm of Megawide Con-
struction Corporation has enlisted
Citicore Energy Solutions, Inc. (CESI)
as its retail electricity supplier (RES)
unit to target and cater to the needs
of contestable customers or those
end-users allowed under regulatory
edicts to exercise freedom of choice
on their electricity suppliers. CESI will
be institutionally under Citicore Power,
Inc., the conglomerate’s investment
arm that is generally into renewable
energy project developments. Accord-
ing to CESI executives, they are still in
negotiations with various targeted cus-
tomers within the 1.0-megawatt peak
demand band. That had been the us-
age threshold seen feasible to switch
on their electricity suppliers given the
temporary restraining order (TRO) that
the Supreme Court had issued against
the retail competition and open ac-
cess (RCOA) policy. “CESI is currently
active in talking to potential custom-
ers after securing its RES license from
the Energy Regulatory Commission on
January 30, 2017,” the company has
noted. The firm added that it is “con-
fident of being at par with its counter-
parts in the next few years given its
technical expertise, competitive tariff
rates and broad range of customer-
friendly services.” (MMV)

Jay Z and Beyoncé

worth combined $1.16 B
NEW YORK (AP) – Jay Z and Beyoncé
are a billion-dollar couple according
to one estimate. Forbes puts the com-
bined wealth of the married super-
stars at $1.16 billion. The magazine
estimates Jay Z’s fortune at $810
million. It says Beyoncé has amassed
$350 million. Forbes says most of
Jay Z’s money is involved in Roc Na-
tion and his other companies. Both
the rapper and the singer also have a
significant stake in the Tidal stream-
ing music service. Jay Z signed a 10-
year pact with Live Nation to partner
on concert events. Variety reported
last week that the deal is worth $200
million. The couple has a 5-year-old
daughter, Blue Ivy. Beyoncé is preg-
nant with twins.

Jakarta’s Epilogue
resto opens at
Maison mall
Jakarta’s first and only French-Indo-
nesian restaurant Epilogue opened in
Manila, tapping four Japanese chefs
to provide exceptional culinary experi-
ence. Epilogue, which recently opened
at the S Maison Conrad Manila in
Pasay City, is a Japanese European
fine bistro that marries the fresh and
vibrant flavors of European cuisine
with Japanese craftsmanship and
dedication. It is well known that the
Japanese people take their crafts seri-
ously, continuously learning and striv-
ing to excel in their chosen profession.
In Japan, they call this dedication,
kodawari, which is not an individual
trait, but a way of life, and it is embod-
ied in the four Japanese chefs who
are the culinary geniuses behind Epi-
logue. (CSL)

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

B-2 Business News Sunday, May 21, 2017

Agribusiness and rural progress

policies. neighbors have branched out to more However, there are some caveats. productivity, competitiveness and long-
But beyond generalities which are profitable crops like oil palm, rubber, Oil palm and rubber are susceptible to term sustainability. Our domestic R&D
DR. EMIL Q. common knowledge, the author pro- coffee, cacao, fruits (and aquaculture). efforts in agriculture and fisheries in
strong winds and are best confined to
vides succinct analyses backed up by The measure of excessive concen- Mindanao and Palawan. For the rest addition to being severely underfunded,
robust data to explain why and offers tration of our production (and hence of the country, coconut which is rela- lack focus and coherence.
concrete solutions moving forward. At our lack of diversification) is indicated tively typhoon-resistant, can be made Rural extension by and large has
every opportunity he benchmarks the by the following numbers. The share of much more productive by planting the been weakened by devolution to local
‘There are those who look performance of our agriculture sector the top three crops in the Philippines, coconut hybrids developed by our Phil- governments. However, Rolly Dy was
vis-à-vis our neighbors who have com- Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand are 84 ippine Coconut Authority (PCA) and careful to show that all is not lost be-
at things the way they are, parable agro-ecologies to demonstrate percent, 70 percent, 63 percent and 59 adequately fertilizing them. Coconut cause in his province-by-province analy-
what realistically could be done. percent, respectively. lands can be made doubly more produc- ses, some provinces like Ilocos Norte,
and ask why... I dream The book is conveniently divided The way forward therefore is to tive by intercropping with coffee, cacao, Ilocos Sur, La Union, Pangasinan, and
into easy-to-comprehend stand-alone balance our efforts in rice, corn, and bananas, black pepper, and fruit crops. Bulacan are doing extremely well.
of things that never were, pieces and should be a good read for coconut with complementary initiatives We are world leaders in banana and As a professional with a lot of consul-
serious students of agriculture and in crops with high-value added (plus pineapple production. Note however tancy experience not only in the Philip-
and ask why not?’ rural development. aquaculture). that our banana and pineapple indus- pines but also in the rest of Southeast
It is next to impossible to summarize tries are corporate-led, not small-holder Asia in a wide range of commodities
– Robert Kennedy and do justice to this comprehensive Advocacy for tree crops based. Although we will be late comers like oil palm, rubber, coffee, cacao,
treatment of a very complex topic. Nev- The second recurring theme in the in oil palm, rubber, coffee, cacao, we sugar, dairy, poultry, and swine, Rolly

his is the title of a book just ertheless the following three messages book is the author’s strong advocacy should be able to catch up if we re- Dy bewails the weaknesses in project
off the press written by an come out clearly, among others. for tree crops. The bulk of the public organize our agriculture accordingly conceptualization, preparation, imple-
esteemed colleague, Rolando resources for agriculture are devoted i.e. by scaling up and promoting contact- mentation, monitoring and evaluation
T. Dy, who is professor and Farm productivity to irrigation and farm-to-market roads growing by small holders with corporate of otherwise well-funded rural develop-
executive director of the University of and diversification is key which are in the lowlands. Historically integrators. ment projects. He calls attention to the
Asia and the Pacific (UA and P) Center The principal message of the book the greater part of the budget of the continuing need for human resources
for Food and Agribusiness. It is a com- is that rural poverty in the Philippines Department of Agriculture (DA) is Providing a smarter, more development.
pilation of his recent articles/columns is unacceptably high due to low farm devoted to rice, to the neglect of oth- enabling environment And finally, he proposes a revisit of
on the subject under the auspices of the productivity and poor diversification. ers, particularly tree crops, including for Agriculture and Fisheries the land retention limits under agrar-
Management Association of the Philip- Rural folks are poor because they lack coconut, which are in the uplands. The third recurring theme in the ian reform and the need to free land
pines and UA and P. gainful employment. Only high farm Indeed from the experiences of our book to explain our lack of productivity markets to allow entrepreneurs in the
The book addresses the country’s productivity and wide diversification neighbors who have invested heav- and poor diversification, and hence high countryside to re-consolidate farm
greatest contemporary challenge: will create more jobs in farm and off- ily in oil palm, rubber, coffee, cacao, rural poverty, is the lack of a proper lands to achieve scale and higher levels
Eliminating poverty. While our ASEAN farm activities. and increasingly in tropical fruits, we enabling environment in the agriculture of productivity.
neighbors have successfully brought In crop after crop, our farm yields would have been much better off had and fisheries sector. For those interested, the book is
down poverty (Indonesia, 11.3 percent; pale in comparison with our ASEAN we paid more attention to industrial In the first place, Rolly Dy laments available at the UA and P campus in
Thailand, 10.5 percent and Vietnam, neighbors. Among 20 crops, our farm tree crops. the over-arching policy of self-sufficien- Ortigas Center at R800 per copy plus
13.5 percent), our poverty remains at yields were consistently the lowest. In a It is not yet too late. The environ- cy in rice, thereby grossly distorting delivery charges. Email
the embarrassingly high level of 25.8 scale of 1 to 4 (with 1 being the highest) ment and the technologies to suc- priorities and resource allocations. He
percent. And much of that poverty is our aggregate farm productivity score cessfully and profitably grow these calls for a paradigm shift in national ob- ****
among farmers and fisherfolk in rural was 3.30, compared with Indonesia, 1.85; tree crops in our country exist. In any jective to increasing incomes of farmers Dr. Emil Q. Javier is a Member of
areas. Vietnam, 2.25 and Thailand, 2.32. case we import huge volumes of palm by making them more productive and the National Academy of Science and
Rolly Dy traces the roots of our In terms of crop diversification oil, rubber, coffee and cacao products. competitive, not necessarily just pro- Technology (NAST) and also Chair of
persistent poverty to the unproductivity Philippine agriculture is concentrated At the minimum we can significantly ducing enough rice to meet our needs. the Coalition for Agriculture Modern-
of traditional agriculture and fisheries in rice, corn, and coconut which are expand our hectarage of these crops Improved technologies which are ization in the Philippines (CAMP).
due to lack of investments, weak institu- relatively low margin commodities. On to substitute for imports while raising products of research and development For any feedback, email eqjavier@
tions, poor governance, and unfavorable the other hand, our more successful incomes of our farmers. (R&D) are important foundations for

PetroEnergy takes in In the re-alignment of shareholdings,

PetroEnergy retained its 40-percent
Reyes is pinning hope on the BCPG’s
track record and management expertise
He thus stressed that “we are look-
ing forward to expand our investment

Thai firm as new partner

equity in the project; while EEI Power as something that “will bring greater in RE in the Philippines, and promote
Corporation remained the minority value to our business.” sustainability for the country.”
shareholder with 20-percent stake. BCPG senior vice president Charnvit The Nabas wind farm project is
The new Thai firm-partner has en- Trangadisaikul, had in turn, asserted among the ventures granted with feed-
The wind project development arm The Thai partner acquired the 40- gagements both in oil refining business that “this investment marks our first in-tariff (FIT) incentive in the second
of publicly listed PetroEnergy Resourc- percent shareholdings of CapAsia Asean and development of renewable energy presence in the Philippines,” while wave of subsidy award undertaken by
es Corporation has taken in Thai firm Wind Holdings Cooperatief U.A. (CapA- ventures – not just in Thailand but also noting optimism that the tie-up deal the Department of Energy – with cor-
BCPG Public Company Ltd. (BCPG) sia) in the wind venture in the Visayas in Japan. The company’s parent firm is “would open a lot of growth opportuni- responding approval and confirmation
as its new partner in the 36-megawatt grid, which is under corporate vehicle Bangchak Corporation. ties for all partners – both here and in by the Energy Regulatory Commission.
Nabas-1 wind project in Aklan. PetroWind Energy, Inc. PetroEnergy president Milagros V. the region.” (MMV)

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Business News Sunday, May 21, 2017 B-3

East West Bank plans to sell

20% stake to strategic partner
ast West Banking Corp., the stock as they seek to fund loan growth the largest Philippine banks need to
Philippine lender that took and meet higher capital requirements. attract foreign capital and know-how if
over some of Standard Char- Japanese and Taiwanese lenders have they are to withstand growing competi-
tered Plc’s local operations been drawn to invest in the country tion from overseas rivals, the country’s
last year, plans to sell a minority stake to after the Philippines loosened its rules bank regulator said in January last year.
a strategic investor, according to people on foreign bank ownership in 2014. Any transaction would add to the $3.1
familiar with the matter. East West, the country’s 13th-larg- billion of acquisitions targeting lenders
The retail-focused bank is working est lender by assets, said this month in the country over the past five years,
with an adviser to sell about a 20 per- it’s open to taking in a new strategic data compiled by Bloomberg show.
cent stake, the people said, asking not investor. Larger rival Security Bank East West’s first-quarter net income
to be identified because the discussions Corp. sold a 36.9 billion- peso ($740 mil- climbed 54 percent to 1.2 billion pesos,
are confidential. Shares of East West lion) stake last year to Mitsubishi UFJ while total revenue increased to 6 billion
have risen 26 percent this year, giving Financial Group, Inc., Japan’s biggest pesos, according to the bank’s website.
the lender a market value of about $702 bank. It completed its takeover of Standard
KFC OPENS OUTLET AT UN SQUARE MALL – Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) has million and making it the second-best East West Chief Executive Officer Chartered’s retail banking business in
opened a new store at the UN Square mall on UN Avenue, Manila. Photo shows performer on a Philippine Stock Ex- Antonio Moncupa declined to comment November last year, with the UK lender
Manila Bulletin Chairman Basilio Yap (left) leading the ribbon-cutting assisted change index of financial stocks. on a potential stake sale when reached transferring its credit card operations,
by Teck Huak Lim (center), Chief Operating Officer of KFC Operations, and MB Philippine banks have been bring- by phone. personal loans, and customer deposits.
Executive Vice President Sonny Coloma. ing in overseas partners and selling Wealthy families running some of (Bloomberg)

RCEP talks

In a bid to facilitate negotiations on the

Regional Comprehensive Economic Coop-
eration (RCEP), ASEAN trade ministers will
hold an intersessional meeting in Hanoi.
Trade and Industry Secretary Ramon M.
Lopez, who is the current chairman of the
ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting, said
the 3rd RCEP Intercessional Meeting will
take place in Hanoi on Monday, May 22, after
the APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade
Meeting in Hanoi over the weekend.

Ramon M. Lopez
Since all ASEAN trade ministers are
there already, Lopez said it is an opportune
time to convert into an RCEP Intercessional
Meeting the following day.
The Philippines hosted the 18th RCEP
Trade Negotiating Committee (TNC) Meet-
ing and Related Meetings recently but
Lopez said there was no report yet on what
transpired during the five-day meeting in
“We will take it up there (RCEP interces-
sional) and move forward,” Lopez said.
As ASEAN chair this year, the Philip-
pines has made known its goal to substan-
tially conclude the RCEP negotiations in
time for the ASEAN Leaders and Partners
meeting in November this year.
During the Manila RCEP meeting on
May 8, 2017, senior officials from the 16
countries, including the 10 ASEAN mem-
ber countries, were close to adopting the
“reciprocity” principle allowing a member
country to enjoy only the benefits of the
agreement based on its commitments but
cannot participate on areas where it decided
to “opt out.”
Lopez has proposed during a speech
at the opening of the five-day meeting the
adoption of the principle of reciprocity to
avoid dragging the conclusion of the nego-
Trade officials from the 10 ASEAN states
and six free trade agreement partners – Chi-
na, Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand,
and India participated in the meeting.
Lopez noted that after this 18th round,
the negotiation cannot just go on and drag
to 19th or even 30th meeting.

Gov’t... B-1

“We will invest wisely and gain from
the investments we have made to pay for
the country’s debts,” Dominguez said in
response to concerns that the government
might fall into a “debt trap” in implementing
its infra program.
The Duterte administration is planning
to spend R8.4 trillion over the next five years
to close the country’s infrastructure gap that
has for decades blunted its global competi-
tiveness as an investment destination.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

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(02) 522-0005 (632), 318-5000 899-0344 (02) 570-7777 771-9800
Eurotel Araneta
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Copacabana Condotel
Apartment Hotel The Oasis Paco Park Royal Bellagio Hotel Aurora Blvd Quezon City Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City
851-8888 521-2371 899-5555 281-9838/281-7550/281-9839 (632) 945-8888
Dela Chambre Hotel The Picasso Boutique Fersal Hotel
Binondo Manila
+63(2) 354-6666, 242-0414 The Pearl Manila Hotel
Serviced Residences
Makati City
Annapolis, Cubao
912-5852, 912-2691
Fax: +63(2) 241-1405 400-0088 828-4774
Eurotel Las Piñas White Knight Hotel Fersal Hotel Extremeli Suites
Branch Intramuros, Manila The Suez Serviced Studios Kalayaan, Diliman Paranaque City
355-0000, 806-7646 Makati 924-2689, 912-2691 841-0994, 893-3812 to 14
526-6651/526-6181 804-3553 / 804-2723
Eurotel Y2 Residence Manila Airport Hotel
Pedro Gil
355-0000, 523-5256 Makati Hotel
(02) 224-3000
Fersal Hotel
Malakas, Diliman
Parañaque City
854-7549 to 50
Fersal Hotel Amax Inn Makati Fersal Hotel Oyster Plaza Hotel
742-7292, 912-2691
Pio Del Pilar, Makati City
Ortigas P. Tuazon Cubao
912-8000, 912-2691
Parañaque City
(02) 829-1925, 826-9610
Go Hotel Otis Azotea Suites
Manila Bel Air Makati Crowne Plaza
Manila Galleria,Ortigas Center
Great Eastern
Hotel-Makati Alabang
+63 (2) 354-1053 338-0983, 898-3695 633-7222 898-2888
Governor Forbes Inn Berjaya Hotel Acacia Hotel Manila
Sampaloc, Manila Makati City Edsa Shangri-La Hotel Rembrandt Alabang, Muntinlupa
0917-9281967 / 241-5520 to 21 750 7500 633-8888 373-3333 (632) 720-2000
Hostel 1632 GO HOTEL Icon Hotel
Best Western Oxford Suites North Edsa B Hotel
522-8888 Makati City Barangay San Antonio, Pasig City Muntinlupa City
899-7888, 798-0798 +63(2) 5313585 / 5313587 / 5313591 415-9385 828-8181, 828-8585, 828-8383
Hotel H20 The A. Venue Hotel Go Hotels La Breza Hotel
Luneta, Manila (63 2) 773-3000 ,403-0888 loc. 1001 Mandaluyong Quezon City The Bellevue Manila
Fax No. 403-0854 771-8181
238-6100 09178573000 0922-4646835 990-4456 / 990-4452
Manila Crown Palace Hotel Luxent Hotel Vivere Hotel & Resorts
City Garden Greenhills lan
Malate, Manila Hotel Makati Hotel Modern
Timog Ave., Q.C. Alabang, Muntinlupa City
328-2828, 09273607472 899-1111 744-7979 (02) 863-7777 771-7777
City Garden Grand Hotel Madison 101 Hotel + Tower
Manila Hotel Makati City Holiday Inn New Manila
Manila Galleria, Ortigas Center
527-0011 (02) 888-8181 633-7111 723 1111, 0936 911 9039
Crown Regency Hotel Apartelle Novotel Hotels & Resorts
Manila Manor Hotel Makati City Mandaluyong City Quezon City
525-9065 (+632) 845-0211 To 15 531-0173 to 531-0177 (02) 990 7888
Manila PavilionHotel Discovery Suites San Juan City Robbinsdale Hotel
526-1212 719-8888 726-2911, 726-2916 716-1262

Lancaster Hotels Sir William`s Hotel

L uzon
Marriott Hotel Manila Dusit Thani Manila
988-9999 238-8888 532-1818 Timog, Q.C. 371-4333
Eurotel Southhomes Apartelle
Pan Pacific Manila Oakwood Premier Timog-Q.C.
Makati Joy Nostalg Center, Manila
(632) 318-0788 355-0000, 844-8645 Ortigas Center, 637-7888 928-4647, 410-4461

Hotel Kimberly The ADC Hotel Le Monet Hotel

Clark Tagaytay Naga City
(054) 472-2328 or 26
Empire Suites Hotel
Puerto Princesa City
(048) 434-2290 / 0917 570 2292
Baguio City
(074) 611-0202, (02) 376-5059
(046) 483-8888 09052019225, 09493617784 09175267049
Azzurro Hotel Magallanes Square Hotel Avenue Plaza Hotel Fersal Hotel Group Mountain Lodge
Angeles City Sta. Rita Road Tagaytay Magsaysay Avenue, Naga City Palawan Hotel & Restaurant
(054) 473-9999 Baguio City
(045) 331-1333, 331-1234 (046) 544-0062 +6348 433-8000 (074) 442-4544


One Tagaytay Place Hotel Suite Casablanca Hotel Go Hotels St Patrick Village Baguio
Hotel and Villa Rental
Magallanes Square Complex 

Angeles City Legaspi City

Magallanes Drive, Tagaytay City 

Sungay West Tagaytay City Puerto Princesa

Tel. No: 046‐5440062 
Fax No: 046‐4133918 
Email Add: 
Sun No: 09228043129/09228043125 

Baguio City
Globe No: 09175047820 

Angeles City

355 - 0000, (045) 624 - 0229 (046)483-0111 / (02)584-1111 (052) 480-8334, 480-8335 (048) 4340001-03 (074) 442-0271
(052) 480-8334 to 35
Fontana Hot Spring Leisure Parks Taal Vista Hotel Casablanca Suites Grande Vista Hotel Skyrise Hotel Apartelle & Restaurant
Pampanga Tagaytay City Puerto Princesa City, Palawan
(02) 576-6463/9526 (632) 917-8225, Legazpi City (048) 433-0009 Fax Nos. (048) 433-0007 / Baguio City
(045) 599-5000 (6346) 413-1000, 09178091254 481-0788, 481-0789 09399225035 / 09175404002 (074) 445-6834 to 445-6836
CBD Plaza Hotel Holiday Suites & Resort Tam-awan Village

The Lake Hotel

Hotel Stotsenberg Tagaytay Naga City Puerto Princesa City Baguio City
Pampanga (048) 433-2525 /
(045) 499-0777 (02) 584-4470, (046) 413-4680 to 81 (054) 472-0318, (02) 359-7007 0917-558-2990 (074) 446-2949, 442-5551
Lewis Grand Hotel Summit Ridge Tagaytay Eurotel One Manalo Place
Clarkview Angeles City Maharlika West Tagytay City Naga City, Camsur Puerto Princesa City, Palawan Venus Parkview
+6345) 625-3947 / 625-6186
Naga City
Resort Hotel Baguio City
+63 (2) 240 6888 355-0000 (048) 434-1280, 09175125111 (074) 442-5597, 442-6452
Widus Hotel & Casino Clark Lendes Tourist Inn - Naga Palawan Uno Hotel
Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga
(045) 499-1000
Ilocos Almeda Highway, Naga City
(054) 472-2574, 238-2264
Puerto Princesa, Palawan Others
(048) 433-9999, 433-0455
Peñaranda St.,Legazpi City 4500 Philippines Tel No.(052)480-8334 to 35 Fax No.(052)480-8338 e-mail: /

Xenia Hotel Lendes Tourist Inn - Banasi Bula, Princesa Garden Island Resort and Spa Abra Valley Grand Hotel
Clark Freeport Zone
Grand Pa’s Inn
Vigan, Ilocos Sur Camarines Sur Puerto Princesa Palawan Abra Valley Bangued Abra
(045) 499-0000, 0927-881-5685 (077) 674-0686 / (077) 632-0987 (048) 723-1354 to 56,59 ; 744-7878 to 82 Grand Hotel
(054) 228-0018 (0998) 9753768 ; (0917) 873-9574 (074) 752-8933
Hotel Luna Lendes Tourist Inn - Baao Baao, Skylight Hotel Crystal Waves Hotel and Resort
Subic Vigan City, Ilocos Sur Camarines Sur Puerto Princesa Palawan Talavera, Nueva Ecija
(044) 411-0834, 09237194074,
+63 2 373-3333, 376-5059 (054) 266-3970, 266-3239 (048) 434-7172 to 76 09204599148
Bayfront Hotel Java Hotel Lendes Tourist Inn - Pili Sunlight Guest Hotel, Inc. Dreamwave Beach Resort
Zambales Laoag City Pili, Camarines Sur Puerto Princesa City, Palawan Oriental Mindoro
(6348) 434-2334 Fax (6348) 434-2003
(047) 252-1948 (077) 770-5996, (02) 246-1010 (054) 477-7644, 228-0008 (632) 242-6638 loc. 175 09175667582
Camayan Beach Resort & Hotel La Jenns Hotel & Resto Grill
Farmhouse Hotel & Cafe
Subic Bay
(047) 252-8000
Bantay, Ilocos Sur
(077)604-0325 / 09771722937
Macagang Hotel & Resort
Camarines Sur Baguio San Jose City, Nueva Ecija
(044) 806-1167
(054) 288-3091
Best Western Subic Bay Hotel Laoag Renzo Hotel Nagaland Hotel Baguio Lefern Hotel Filipiniana Hotel
Subic Bay Freeport Zone Laoag City Naga City, Camarines Sur Baguio City Or. Mindoro
(047) 2508000/ 09177743604/ 09989594751 (077) 770-4898 (054) 473-2111, 09177000040 (074)422-1818 / 09175379181 (043) 286-2624
Buma Subic Hotel and Restaurant Pamulinawen Hotel Starview Hotel Baguio Holiday Villas Hotel Ivory
Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Zambales San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte Naga City Baguio City Tuguegarao City
(02) 750-2507, 889-7827
(047) 250-8282 / 0915-917-7268 (007)670-7719 / 670-7710 / 670-6801 (054) 472-6892 (074) 442-6679 (078) 844-1275, 846-1722
Seorabeol Grand Leisure Hotel Star Plaza Hotel The Starmark Hotel EGI Albergo Hotel Hotel Lorita Tuguegarao
Waterfront Road, Subic Bay Peñafrancia Ave., Naga City Baguio City
(63) (47) 2522765 / 2766 / Dagupan City (078) 844-1390, 846-2565
(02) 9258571 (075)523-4888, 515-2276, 523-4111 (054) 205-0051 (074) 424-2620
Subic Bay Peninsular Hotel Villa D’ El-Lita Hotel and Resort Villa Caceres Hotel Hotel Elegant La Maja Rica Hotel & Restaurant
Subic La Union Naga City Baguio City Ligtasan, Tarlac City
(047) 250-2630, 250-7274 (072) 607-3162, 09999900386 (054) 473-6530 (074) 661-5901/ (0995)505-6301 (045) 611-2053 to 611-2055
Subic Bay Venezia Hotel Grand Sierra Pines Hotel Moonbay Marina
Zambales Isabela Batangas Baguio City
(074)619-0488, 09288466566,
Villas Zambales
(047) 252-9718, 252-1663,
(047) 252-1888 09954890873 250-2099 , 252-8518
Subic Bay Yacht Club Dreamwave Hotel Canyon Cove Residential Beach Resort Eurotel Nawawalang Paraiso Resort & Hotel
Zambales Tayabas City, Quezon
Ilagan City Nasugbu, Batangas Baguio City (042) 793-3437 ; (042) 793-2050
(02) 844-5777, (047) 252-5211 09053992897 (02) 908-1111 355-0000, (074) 444-3876 (042) 793-3829
Subic Grand Seas Resort Canyon Woods Resort Club One Averee Bay Hotel
Dreamwave Hotel Hotel Cosmopolitan Coron, Palawan
Olongapo Santiago City Batangas Baguio City +63 919-391-1836 / +63 921 6289778
(047) 222-8541, 09178447327 09175288043 (632) 521-7878 Fax: 664-6169 (074) 442-7008 , 09175783273 +63 927 984 2680
Subic International Hotel Isabela Zen Hotel Dreamwave Hotel Hotel Elizabeth Paseo Premiere Hotel
Zambales Santa Rosa Laguna
Santiago City, Isabela Batangas Baguio City (049) 502-8123 to 27
(047) 252-2222 (078) 305-2351, 09178716955 09369212487 +6374 619-0367 (02) 310-5603 to 04
Terrace Hotel Mango Suites Hotel Matabungkay Hotel Supreme Queen Margarette Hotel
Subic Bay Santiagos City Baguio Lucena City
Beach Hotel Batangas (042) 373-7171 to 73, 373-4889
(047) 250-2730 to 32 (078) 305-4232 to 33 / 09165821956 (02) 752-8552, 0908-8870596 (074) 443-2016 Fax:373-7604, 373-6218
The Lighthouse Marina Resort ORYZA HOTEL Hotel Veniz The Oriental Hotel Bataan
Moonbay Marina Complex Santiago City Isabela
682-0537 / 0917-8500743
Puerto Princesa Baguio City Mariveles, Bataan
(047)612-3930, (63)927-8868887
(047) 252-5000 (074) 446-0700
Acacia Tree Garden Hotel Inn Rocio
Tagaytay Bicol Puerto Princesa, Palawan
(048) 433-0123
Baguio City
(02)372-0311, (074) 442-4028

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

C1 Sunday, May 21, 2017

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

C-2 Classified Ads Sunday, May 21, 2017

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Classified Ads Sunday, May 21, 2017 C-3

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

C-4 Classifieds/Careers Sunday, May 21, 2017

Guide for new graduates and (4) having a disorganized format.

There are a lot of templates avail-
able online and no company would fault
you for using them. However, provide
the extra effort in polishing the contents
of your résumé. Always remember the
type of work you are applying for and
only add details that will help you land in
such position. You don’t have to include

t is that time of the year again when your video editing skills if you are ap-
a lot of families rejoice, medals are plying for a receptionist position. You
hung, diplomas are given, and the can mention them during the interview,
local workforce increases. Gradu- but it does not really add your chances
ation season is here again. First, con- in getting hired by putting it on your
gratulations to batch 2017 for finishing document.
your respective courses. Today marks Make sure it is both concise and
the beginning of your wacky adventures precise. Concise, meaning it is short.
in the real world as you figure out “how Precise, meaning it contains the exact
to adult” as they say. information needed for the position.
Sadly, no one really teaches you Expand your options. You don’t
what you need to do after graduation. always get hired by the company of
We learn the skills and knowledge to your first choice. As a fresh graduate,
do the line of work you want to get into it is always best to expand your options
through your major subjects, but how in choosing where you want to apply.
about the nitty-gritty of professional Have a list of companies that are hiring
life in general? How do you find the for positions that your credentials are
right job? What should you do in your well suited.
first job? Start being professional. Your
Here is a short guide on how to get days as a student have ended. Not all
started with your professional life: companies will be as forgiving as your
Get your school documents. As past teachers when you make mistakes.
fresh graduates, the only way you can There is no room for tardiness in the
prove yourself as a good candidate for corporate world and you will face a lot
employment is through your school of competition at work. Always stay
records. Some companies even decide professional in dealing with people and
among applicants based on their final work. Learn how to suck it up when
grades. Not only that, these documents through your school registrar on how require you to present your TIN num- online. There are certain government- faced with irate clients and remember
are guaranteed to be required by any you can obtain them the soonest time ber, SSS, Philhealth IDs, and NBI clear- issued IDs that require you to have other to treat everyone with respect.
company hiring fresh graduates. possible. ance. Start off by obtaining them. You government-issued IDs before you get Professionalism will get you a long
Some schools require graduating Other very useful documents are can also check online what companies them, so it would be a good idea to make way. Sometimes, the only deciding
students to obtain their school docu- those concerning your OJT experience. often require from applicants through a note on which ones to obtain first. factor for promotion between you and
ments (transcript of records, letter of Even if you were given mostly menial online job postings. Time is critical in Prepare your résumé. I have gone your colleague who has the same cre-
graduation, etc.) before the graduation tasks, your attitude while in an actual applying. Having these requirements through innumerable amount of résumé dentials as you is how professional you
day, while some ask them to return after work setting may prove significant in an ready with you during your interview and I could say that the most common act at work.
a few days of processing following the employer’s assessment. Some employ- will help you a lot, especially if there mistakes that fresh graduates make
graduation ceremony. Make sure that ers even call the company to ask about are urgent hiring. in preparing this important document
you know how to get these documents both your competence and attitude. Research the requirements you are: (1) not proofreading; (2) providing *****
as they will also form part of your work Apply for government-issued need to submit to the government of- incomplete or unnecessary details; (3) Ruben Anlacan Jr. is the president and
application. If possible, inquire early requirements. All companies would fices. Some of them can even be applied using copied lines from the Internet; CEO of BusinessCoach, Inc.

Get your next job by being social on social media will be doing any recruiting? By keeping
your finger on the pulse, you are in prime
position to be first through the door if there
comment on all the local are any opportunities.
manufacturing compa- Have an up-to-date CV ready
nies on Twitter, Face- to ping over to the hiring manager

uhammad Ali made it quite book, and LinkedIn. Whether online or at a local event, you
clear from the start that he It is likely that hir- meet one of the hiring managers you so
was going to be “The Great- ing managers of these desperately want to impress. You tell them
est.” Sir Alan Sugar knew he companies post and read how great you are and eloquently gush
wanted to be a business tycoon. comments on their social about how you’d love to work for them.
What do they both have in common? sites. The more they see They are suitably flattered and im-
They both knew where they wanted to go, your name on their site pressed and ask you to send your CV over.
loudly told everyone who would listen and and interact with you, All your efforts will be wasted if you make
then put a plan in place to get there. that’s the more likely them wait two days for you to write a CV.
Career development is not just about they are to give your CV Have an up to date version of your CV on
getting your head down and working that essential second your phone and ping it over to the hiring
hard. As much as you may tremble at the glance when recruiting. manager while they are online / stood in
thought of “networking,” to achieve career Be the first to hear the front of you.
success you have to do a certain level of news Happy schmoozing.
schmoozing. And it seems social media is If a company, that Emily Connor is a market leader in
where it is all happening. you want to work for, CV writing. She is known internation-
73 percent of under 34-year-olds posts about how it has ally for her success in writing CVs that
found their last job through just won a massive con- place candidates in their dream job.
social networking tract. Be bold, send a (Article Source: http://
In the last 10 years, social media has congratulatory message
become a pivotal part of recruitment; both asking if this means they Connor/2392422)
to source candidates and to research the
credibility of candidates who are already
in the interview process. Companies want
the best candidates in the market, and
social media is an inexpensive way of at-
IBM offers homeworkers options
Pioneer of 'telework' tells employees they must return to office or find another job
tracting them.
The figures behind social media re-
cruiting will astound you. In 2017 a survey
by Jobvite, a recruiting software company, worked outside traditional company For example, marketing employ- layoffs in disguise, since a certain
found that employers are spending 29 per- offices, and a May 4 post on the com- ees were invited to move to offices in percentage of workers won't be able

cent of their recruiting budget to attract nternational Business Machines pany's Smarter Workforce blog stated Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Raleigh, New to relocate.
high-quality candidates from social media Corp. is giving thousands of its that "telework works." York or San Francisco, or leave the IBM says its co-location plan isn't a
in comparison to 28 percent planned spend remote workers in the US a choice IBM may be part of a broader company. Some were given the option cost-saving measure. Friedman noted
on job boards. this week: Abandon your home rethink of remote work under way at to move to Chicago. Those unwilling to that the employees who can't join an
A study by the Aberdeen Group found a workspaces and relocate to a regional large companies, as corporate leaders move were also given 90 days to seek in-person team can apply for one of
whopping 73 percent of under 34-year-olds office — or leave the company. argue that putting workers in the same another role within IBM. more than 5,000 open jobs in the US.
found their last job through social network- The 105-year-old technology gi- physical space hastens the speed of The changes have stunned longtime Working from the master bedroom
ing. Additionally, 87 percent of recruiters ant is quietly dismantling its popular work and sparks innovation. Employers IBM employees like marketing man- in her Ogden Dunes, Ind., home, Pen-
vet their candidate’s social media postings decades-old remote work program to tread a fine line, however, since work- ager Ron Favali. The 15-year company ny Schlyer helped market IBM mobile
as part of the selection process. bring employees back into offices, a ers rate flexible-work programs highly, veteran has spent the past 12 years software and services for companies
How do you get noticed by organiza- move it says will improve collaboration and research has found telecommuters working from an office in his home reliant on workers who aren't bound
tions you want to work for? and accelerate the pace of work. often work more effectively than their outside Tampa, Fla., and considered to a desk, such as retail employees,
You could try jumping up and down in The changes comes as IBM copes cubicle-bound counterparts. himself a remote-work success story. financial advisers or doctors.
front of their office building with your CV with 20 consecutive quarters of falling Yahoo, Inc.'s decision to call tele- His team uses IBM's Sametime Her seven years telecommuting
taped to your body, but somehow I don’t revenue and rising shareholder ire commuters back to the office in 2013 instant-messaging voice and video chat with IBM could have been plucked
think it would work. You need to target the over Chief Executive Ginni Rometty's set off a furor among employees and software to stay connected and on task, from one of her marketing campaigns:
companies on social media intelligently. pay package. workplace experts. Yet more recent despite being scattered in three states. She has logged work hours from the
Let’s say there are ten companies who The company won't say how many decisions at Bank of America Corp. and Working remotely came with career sidelines of her sons' sporting events
recruit for your ideal role then you need of its 380,000 employees are affected Aetna, Inc. to greatly reduce telecom- trade-offs, he said. "I was never going and used Sametime to communicate
to follow all 10 on Facebook, Twitter, and by the policy change, which so far has muting have elicited little outrage. to be named vice president of marketing with her colleagues.
LinkedIn. been rolled out to its Watson division, Big Blue's leaders want employees to for anything, but I'm OK with that." He She was dismayed when IBM
And here is the key bit—you have to software development, digital market- work differently now, said Laurie Fried- has declined IBM's offer to return to a requested the 48-year-old mother of
comment on the groups to get your name ing, and design — divisions that employ man, a company spokeswoman. The company workspace, and will leave the three move to the company's New
known. tens of thousands of workers. company has rebuilt design and digital company next month to start a market- York City office. "The irony is defi-
Surveys have found that employers The shift is particularly surpris- marketing teams to quickly respond to ing firm out of his home. nitely not lost there," she said.
give slightly more importance to an em- ing since the Armonk, N.Y., company real-time data and customer feedback, Companies began offering gener- Though IBM offered to pay for the
ployee being a good culture fit than their has been among the business world's collaborations that happen more easily ous remote work policies because they move and make a small cost-of-living
actual skills and experience. Comments staunchest boosters of remote work, when teams work shoulder to shoulder, expected large savings in office and adjustment to her salary, Schlyer
you make on the companies social media both for itself and its customers. IBM Friedman said, adding that the "vast real-estate costs, said Jennifer Glass, a declined. "I could never afford to live
pages should reflect just how perfectly markets software and services for majority" of IBM's telecommuters have University of Texas professor who studies in New York City, and probably not
perfect you are for their business. what it calls "the anytime, anywhere chosen to join their teams in person. telecommuting and advises companies on anywhere close."
Let’s say you’re an accountant for a workforce," and its researchers have Workers in affected IBM divisions remote-work strategies. Those savings She has found a new job leading
small manufacturing company. Your ideal published numerous studies on the have been given 30 days to decide haven't materialized, Glass said, so work- product marketing for SA Ignite, a
next career step is to manage an account- merits of remote work. whether to move to company-main- ers are being called back to the office. Chicago-based software company, but
ing team for a similar sized manufacturing In the past, IBM has boasted that tained office space that can be hundreds Relocating offices or asking employ- her office won't change; she is still in
company. You should follow and regularly more than 40 percent of employees of miles away from their homes. ees to move can sometimes be read as the master bedroom. (WSJ)

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Classified Ads Sunday, May 21, 2017 C-5

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

C-6 Classified Ads Sunday, May 21, 2017

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Weekdays - P 315.00 per col./cm.
Sundays - P 370.00 per col./cm.
(All quoted rates are subject to VAT)


Weekdays - P 92.00 per line
Sundays - P 104.00 per line
(All quoted rates are subject to VAT)

D1 Sunday, May 21, 2017

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black
D-2 Classified Ads Sunday, May 21, 2017

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Classified Ads Sunday, May 21, 2017 D-3

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black ymv

D-4 Classified Ads Sunday, May 21, 2017

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Classified Ads Sunday, May 21, 2017 D-5

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black ymv

D-6 Classified Ads Sunday, May 21, 2017

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Classified Ads Sunday, May 21, 2017 D-7

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black ymv

D-8 Classified Ads Sunday, May 21, 2017

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Classified Ads Sunday, May 21, 2017 D-9

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black ymv

D-10 Classified Ads Sunday, May 21, 2017

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Classified Ads Sunday, May 21, 2017 D-11

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

D-12 Classified Ads Sunday, May 21, 2017

PCCR to grant tuition

discounts to dependents
of BFP-NCR personnel
By CHITO A. CHAVEZ tunities in life and we are offering this gift to F/Sr. Supt. Wilberto Rico Neil Ang Kwan Tiu,
our firemen and women who have given their Philippine College of Criminology President

etro Manila firefighters, their all in the name of public service. In a way, this and Chairman of the Board Maria Cecilia
qualified children and depen- agreement is our way of appreciating their Bautista-Lim.
dents will be granted tuition dis- hard work, dedication and service,” Interior “I laud the BFP-NCR for forging a partner-
counts if they choose to pursue and Local Government Officer-in-Charge Cat- ship with PCCR as much as we welcome this
tertiary level studies at the Philippine College alino Cuy said. opportunity to help PCCR students to become
of Criminology (PCCR). BFP-NCR, for its part, will accommodate future public safety officers,” Cuy said.
Under the agreement betwen the Bureau graduating criminology students of PCCR to The agreement will take effect immedi-
of Fire Protection-National Capital Region undergo on-the-job training within its office, ately and shall remain in force for five years
(BFP-NCR) and PCCR, tuition discounts shall and make available reference materials as or until 2022.
be given to at least 50 percent of BFP-NCR well as resource speakers during the course The PCCR is an institution offering
personnel and their children who will be en- of the training. courses like Bachelor of Science in Criminol-
rolling at PCCR. The principal signatories to the memoran- ogy, Master of Science in Criminology and PhD
“Education is a passport to more oppor- dum of agreement were BFP-NCR Director on Criminology.

‘AIR PLAY’ – An abandoned, dilapidated airline fuselage in a Parañaque lot serves as a playpen of sorts for children in the area.
(Jansen Romero)

Valenzuela City acquires Resolution seeks

20 new rescue vehicles to check PH ability
A total of 20 brand-new rescue ve-
hicles, including 18 ambulances, were
recently distributed to 11 villages in
to be prepared than sorry,” Caiña said.
Caiña noted that many villages in
Valenzuela suffer damages caused by
ment of Valenzuela disbursed P25,978,000
for the acquisition of the rescue ve-
vs cyber attacks
Valenzuela City to enhance the city’s flood when the water banks of Tullahan It was disclosed that the local gov- By HANNAH L. TORREGOZA over time until the end of a countdown
disaster preparedness program, Valenzu- River overflows. ernment is planning to add more rescue when all files are destroyed.
ela Public Information Office (PIO) head “People who live near the Tullahan vehicles to other barangays this year. Senator Paolo “Bam” Aquino IV The cyberattack infiltrated com-
Zyan Caiña said. River are usually evacuated immediately In 2016, 44 rescue vehicles were has urged the Senate to conduct an puters in at least 150 countries around
“Valenzuela City wants to be prepared during typhoons,” he said. distributed to 33 villages in the city. (Jel inquiry to determine whether or not the world. Among the major victims
in case a calamity occurs here. It is better Caiña disclosed that the local govern- Santos) the Philippines is ready for cyber- are delivery giant FedEx, the National
attacks following the spread of a Health Service of Britain, Russia’s
ransom malware that wreaked global Interior Ministry and several univer-
havoc on computers of governments sities in China.
and companies around the world. While there is no reported Ran-
“We want to hear from the experts somware attack in the Philippines,
from government and also from our Aquino said it is imperative for Con-
Pinoy tech firms on whether our coun- gress to ensure that private informa-
try is prepared for these cyberattacks tion of Filipinos, as well as online
and what should be done to prevent systems and services, are secure.
them,” Aquino said in filing Senate “We shouldn’t be too confident.
Resolution No. 381. We need to make sure our country
“Cyberattacks are a real threat to is prepared so that our systems are
Filipinos. We need to make sure that unaffected in the event of a cyberat-
bank accounts, online passwords, per- tack,” Aquino said.
sonal information, and both private The resolution also seeks a thor-
and public information systems are ough scrutiny into the implementa-
protected,” the senator added. tion of the National Cybersecurity
Aquino is the chairman of the Plan 2022, which the Department of
Senate committee on science and Information and Communications
technology. Technology (DICT) unveiled earlier
Attackers reportedly used the this month.
RESCUE FLEET – The Valenzuela program “WanaCryptor 2.0 or Wan- The National Cybersecurity Plan,
City government recently naCry” to infiltrate at least 300,000 among other things, seeks to establish
acquired 20 new rescue vehicles
to further enhance the city’s machines all over the world. the National Computer Emergency
disaster preparedness program. The said program locks and en- Response Team (NCERT) to enable
(Valenzuela PIO) crypts the computer files or ransom the government to swiftly respond
and if unpaid, the ransom increases and recover from cyberattacks.

33 Metro Manila cops to be dismissed – NCRPO “This is something that we want

to address. We want to address their
mentality that it is heaven once they
By AARON B. RECUENCO to the 45-day retraining program of undergo a 45-day mandatory retrain- edge on the policies of the PNP. I don’t entered the PNP,” he added.
the Metro Manila police leadership. ing program to introduce them to the know why,” said Albayalde. In fact, he said, 11 of the more
At least 33 Metro Manila policemen “We have already initiated termi- policies and procedures of the PNP. RTS is under the Philippine Public than 300 personnel they subjected
will be dismissed from the service as nation procedures against them. Most He said the move is a way of rein- Safety College (PPSC) along with the to retraining have filed complaints
part of the internal cleansing program of them are Police Officers 1 who have forcing the training program at the PNP Academy. The PNP has been such as lack of food and unsuitable
of the National Capital Region Police this habit of complaining just to make Regional Training Services (RTS) pushing to train all its personnel. accommodation during the training
Office (NCRPO). sure that they would not be subjected which happens to be lacking in terms “We also noticed that these PO1s program.
Director Oscar Albayalde, NCRPO to retraining,” said Albayalde. of orienting the recruits on the life of are usually the ones always involve in “Yet in the end, the reason behind
chief, said most of those who are on The official explained that they a policeman. illegal activities. And we also noticed their complaint is that they do not
the dismissal list are rookie policemen have recently instituted a policy “We noticed that these PO1s, after that these PO1s have this habit of want to be subjected to retraining,”
who ironically refused to be subjected wherein all new recruits will have to their training in RTS, lack the knowl- complaining,” said Albayalde. said Albayalde.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

News Sunday, May 21, 2017 D-13

Ain’t no barrio far enough for VP Leni

By RAYMUND F. ANTONIO accompanied by their parents, about who showed her the classrooms made school building to replace the existing who needs help the most, which was why
their tough living conditions, especially of bamboos and light materials. building. she found herself in Zamboanguito.

espite the rough roads, the lack of access to education. The construction of a new school She said she also found a partner In Negros Oriental, Zamboanguito
Vice President Maria Le- The Vice President noted the high building is just one of the needs of resi- from the private sector to put up a water was among the beneficiaries of her an-
onor ‘Leni’ G. Robredo drove number of children who were not able to dents. system, also in Kalanggam. tipoverty program because it is a fourth
more than an hour from go to school in Sitio Kalanggam. They also told Robredo that they Angat Buhay targets six core ad- class municipality, she said.
Dumaguete City to the upland village “We looked into the reasons why have no water supply. vocacies, among which are nutrition The former housing chief said the
of Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental to the students are not going to school. The Office of the Vice President and food security, universal healthcare, new school building and water system
look into the makeshift classrooms of One of the reasons is the school is far,” (OVP), through its Angat Buhay pov- education, rural development, housing, are just the first batch of assistance to
Kalanggam Elementary School. she said. erty alleviation program, has partnered and women empowerment. the municipality.
Robredo, a lawyer for the poor before The country’s second highest elect- with the Federation of Filipino-Chinese Since her office has a minimal bud- “We will add more. And one of the
she entered politics, on Friday visited the ed official went around the elementary Chamber of Commerce and industry get, Robredo said she tapped the private suggested places was Manjuyod,” she
school, where she spoke with students, school with Mayor Glenson Alanano, Inc. to construct a two-classroom sector to fund her projects for the people said.

A tale of living with, and

conquering the AIDS scourge
By JEL SANTOS The moving performance of group
left some members of the audience in
“I was very thin and weak. I can’t tears.
even stand,” a 36-year-old Acquired Lotus rite
Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) After the play, a Lotus Ceremony
patient said as he recalled his dire, dim took place.
situation six years ago before he took The names of the people in the
first medication. country who succumbed to AIDS were
But during his testimony at the mentioned while candles were lit by
AIDS Candle Light Memorial 2017 in Va- participants.
lenzuela City Wednesday night, he stood
firmly and challenged the community to Awareness, community effort
fight the HIV-AIDS stigma. Dr. Josephine G. Diaz, Valenzuela
Six years ago, the patient said that City’s HIV-AIDS health coordinator,
he was so afraid to admit that he has said the community must work together
AIDS and the stigma attached to it. to fight the fatal disease, saying the
youth must be educated well to prevent
Face your fears the growing number of infection.
He said that he was initially very “The play about the struggle of peo-
hesitant to take medications, fearing ple living with AIDS is a very effective BACK TO SCHOOL BONUS — Public elementary school students of Valenzuela City receive free school supplies from the city
government ahead opf the opening of the new school year early next month. (Vaenzuela PIO)
that he would be judged and isolated. way to promote awareness. Since the
“If I let my fear overcome me, I number of young people being infected
could have been dead by now. I will
not be standing here in front of you,”
of the disease is rising, we want to ap-
peal to millenials,” Diaz said.
Valenzuela City students receive free school supplies
he said. “Our team brainstormed and we About 9, 000 public school students Information Office (PIO), said. public schools here by providing them
put in our minds to come up with some- in Valenzuela City received free school Each student received a bag, pen- with basic school needs,” Zyan Caiña,
Change has come thing that will appeal to the youth,” she supplies from the local government cils, ballpens, notebooks, books, a lunch PIO head, said.
“I can see my bones sticking out explained. Friday. box, and tumbler. Caiña further said the local govern-
because I lost 30 kilos six years ago. But About 35 people in Valenzuela are The students received the free De Guzman said public school kin- ment of Valenzuela eyes to distribute
look at me now, I am now an advocate living with HIV-AIDS, she said. supplies during the second leg of the dergarten and elementary students about 85, 000 school supplies packages
and I regained my weight,” he said. “The youngest bearer of the disease Balik Eskwela (Back to School) Project were the beneficiaries of the project. until May 21.
“I am now living a normal life just is a two-year-old child. She inherited implemented in different barangays in “As the start of classes nears, the The project of the local government
like everyone else.” it from her mother who was positively the first district of Valenzuela, Rodrigo local government of Valenzuela wants to is part of their flagship education pro-
He said that he became an HIV- diagnosed,” Diaz said. de Guzman, of the Valenzuela Public help the parents of students studying at gram – Education 360°.
AIDS advocate so that others who were
infected will not suffer the same fate. Global scourge

Get tested
“In the whole world, the HIV-AIDS
cases are very alarming. This is why we
QC beefs up traffic management program
“I want people not to be scared to are intensifying our programs to pro-
get tested. In case they turnout positive, mote awareness among young ones,” By CHITO A. CHAVEZ expect them to be effective traffic en- help both agencies in traffic monitoring
I want them to know that it is not the end Dr. Ana Marie Israil, Valenzuela’s HIV- forcers and be our partners in enforcing and apprehending traffic violators.
yet,” the patient pointed out. AIDS assistant coordinator, noted. Quezon City has 70 new traffic traffic laws),” DPOS Education Section “There are so many NGO members
He added that if he managed to live Diaz reiterated that students must enforcers who successfully completed chief Corazon Medes said. who are willing to share their time and,
a normal life despite having AIDS, oth- be educated about how to prevent HIV- the two-day traffic management pro- QC-DPOS has already deputized a in fact, even their own resources to as-
ers can too. AIDS. gram conducted by Quezon City’s total of 529 traffic enforcers assigned sist the government in the performance
She also said the support of the fam- Department of Public Order and Safety in different barangays and districts in of their public duties provided they are
Educating millenials ily is crucial. (DPOS). the city. properly deputized so that their acts
The AIDS Candle Light Memorial “The support of the family is very The traffic management seminar They serve as a force multipliers of would have a semblance of authority,”
2017 at the Valenzuela People’s Park important. Acceptance is a must so that is aimed at training personnel who will the DPOS traffic enforcement unit. the resolution read.
amphitheater was attended by about the patient can cope with the stress,” help manage vehicular traffic in the The Quezon City Council also “Due to the limited number of
300 people, most of them millennials. she said. city’s streeets. passed a resolution asking the Metro- MMDA and LTFRB personnel, particu-
A play about the struggle of people “We must accept people living with The training was held in compliance politan Manila Development Authority larly those assigned in the enforcement
living with AIDS was performed by the AIDS. They are just like people living with City Ordinance 1444-2004, or the (MMDA) and the Land Transportation of their principal mandate, abusive and
Valenzuela Center for the Performing with maintenance medicine. We must Traffic Management Code of Quezon Franchising and Regulatory Board erring PUV drivers continue to prolifer-
Arts. love them equally,” she ended. City. (LTRFB) to deputize qualified mem- ate to the prejudice of the helpless rid-
QC-DPOS conducts traffic man- bers of non-governmental organiza- ing public,” the resolution added.
agement code seminar once or twice tions (NGOs) to beef up the city’s traffic Qualified NGO members wishing to
monthly. enforcers. be deputized as enforcers shall undergo
“Inaasahan natin na magiging ef- Authored by Councilor Eric Medina, necessary seminars and trainings on
fective traffic enforcers sila at maging City Resolution 7067-2017 stated that traffic laws, rules and regulations, func-
katuwang sila sa pagpapatupad ng deputizing qualified NGO members, ei- tions and in proper way of apprehending
batas trapiko sa ating mga kalsada (We ther as MMDA or LTFRB enforcers, will violators.

DSWD to keep assisting repatriated Filipinos

By Chito A. Chavez Another OFW is Almira, 27, who is salary on time. Sometimes, it is delayed
also thankful to the government for as- for five months. I also experienced abuse
Noraisa, 30, who was fired as a sisting her and her husband in their re- when my employer poured a hot cup of
housekeeper in Saudi Arabia for having turn to the Philippines with their child. coffee on my arm. I am really thankful
a child, thanked the Duterte administra- She said that they are also grateful now that we are home),” Almira said.
tion now that she is back home with her to the DSWD for the cash assistance “The DSWD will continue to assist
eight-month-old baby. provided to them. OFWs and their dependents who will
Noraisa is one of many repatriated “Mahirap po ang pinagdaanan ko avail of the 90-day amnesty program of
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and doon sa Saudi. Nagtrabaho ako ng Saudi Arabia. We are constantly coordi-
their dependents who were assisted by maayos bilang domestic helper pero nating with our Social Service Attaché
the Department of Social Welfare and hindi binibigay ang sahod ko ng tama in Riyadh and Jeddah in Saudi Arabia
Development (DSWD). at nasa oras. Minsan, delayed ng five and in Kuwait for the names of mothers
“Akala namin wala na pong pag-asa months. Nakatikim din ako ng pang- and their children who will be flying back
para makaalis at makakuha ng libreng aabuso sa amo ko noong tinapunan niya home in the next couple of weeks for the
ticket. Nagpapasalamat po kami sa tu- ako ng mainit na kape sa braso. Salamat provision of appropriate assistance,”
long ng gobyerno (We thought there was talaga sa tulong para makauwi kami said Social Welfare and Development
no hope for us to go back home and get (What I have gone through in Saudi was Secretary Judy M. Taguiwalo.
EDUCATION HEROES, TOO — Philippine Army personnel carry chairs and desks,
instead of weapons to help spruce up a public school in Tondo, Manila under the a free ticket. We thank the government really hard. I worked hard as a domestic The 90-day amnesty period offered
Brigada Eskwela program. (Camille Ante) for helping us),” Noraisa said. helper, but my employer did not give my by Saudi Arabia allows foreign nationals,
including Filipino workers, who are ille-
gally staying in the country to return to
Study cites more room for improvement in automated polls their countries of origin without paying
fines or facing legal measures.
Last May 11, the DSWD assisted 13
By LESLIE ANN G. AQUINO to fully utilize social media to reach the body to consider alternative registration voters waiting in line. Filipinos, composed of five mothers, one
youth and encourage their participation procedures for Indigenous Peoples and The poll body, it said should also con- father and seven children.
While the May 2016 Philippine auto- in elections. for Persons with Disabilities. sider appointing a fourth polling official On May 13, the department provided
mated elections is considered to be far The study said the poll body should “Enumerators may be sent to their at least in busier precincts, to mitigate assistance to another 13 Filipinos -- four
better than the past two automated polls, also explore methods of online and postal respective areas or residences and online potential bottlenecks in polling. mothers, one father and eight children.
a study revealed different ways on how registration and voting to facilitate par- registration may also be extended to The paper said the Random Manual The DSWD also extended aid to
the Commission on Elections (Comelec) ticipation by overseas Filipino citizens. PWDs. Similarly, other alternative voting Audit protocols should also carefully another batch of Filipinos who arrived
can further improve the election system The study was written by Dr. Fran- procedures such as a mobile ballot box or distinguish between ballot marks not on Sunday, May 14, composed of five
in the country. cisco A. Magno, President of the Philip- postal voting may be provided to IPs from scanned in accordance with vote counting mothers, five children, and one pregnant
One of the recommendations in the pine Political Science Association, and remote areas and for PWDs unable to go machine settings from outright failure of woman.
study – “Technology, Democracy, and Ms. Danica Ella Panelo, a Research As- to the precinct,” read the study. VCM scanning. To date, the DSWD has assisted 102
Elections in the Philippines” – is for the sistant at the Philippine Political Science It also urged the Comelec to repro- The term “Digital Signature,” the Filipinos, including those who arrived on
Comelec to explore ways to intensify cur- Association. duce its “right and wrong ways to mark a study said should also be placed in the April 17 together with President Duterte
rent efforts and work alongside political Aside from online and postal reg- ballot paper” poster on laminated sheets law, and be defined in an Amendment to and those who returned to the country
parties and civil society organizations istration, the study also asked the poll to be handed among, and discussed by, the AES Law. on May 4.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

D-14 Sunday, May 21, 2017

Truck driver shot dead

A garbage truck driver was shot a motorcycle at close range near the
dead by still unidentified suspects in Barangay Hall Thursday night.
Barangay Dulumbayan Teresa, Rizal, Carillo died on the spot, police
police said Saturday. said.
The victim was identified as Edwin The suspects immediately sped off
Carillo, 44, of the said area. after the attack.
Investigators said Carillo was alleg- Further investigation is ongoing.
edly shot to death by two men onboard (Madelynne Dominguez)

Motorbike rider slain in gun duel

A motorcycle backrider was shot rider pulled out a .38 caliber revolver
dead after he allegedly shot it out with and aimed at the police officers, but the
the police in Tondo, Manila before dawn firearm jammed.
Saturday. A member of the police patrol team
Investigation showed that police returned fire and fatally hit the still
officers were on patrol near the cor- unidentified casualty. His cohort, mean-
ner of Jose Abad Santos Avenue and time, sped off and escaped.
Sanchez Street around 2:15 a.m., The fatality was described to be 40 to
when they spotted two men aboard a 45 years old, 5'4" to 5'6" tall, and was clad
motorcycle. in blue shirt and denim pants. (Analou
After they were accosted, the back- De Vera)

Researchers develop diabetes drug to replace insulin injections

CANBERRA – Diabetes sufferers General Subjection Friday found that changing the metabolism of fat and binds with the PPARgamma receptor. Sensing said developing safer and more
might soon be able to take pills to treat two new drugs could be more efficient sugar. Rivoglitazone fully activates PPAR- efficient drugs is essential.
their condition, rather than inject them- in reducing blood sugar. The first study, undertaken in part- gamma but produced fewer side effects "Prevalence of type two diabetes in
selves with insulin, following ground- Successfully developing new treat- nership with The Scripps Research In- than other drugs that activate the same Australia alone has more than tripled
breaking research from Australian ments for type-2 diabetes would be stitute in the US, described 14 versions way. since 1990, with an estimated cost of
scientists. considered a major health coup, with of a drug which worked by partially Type-2 diabetes is characterized by 6 billion AU dollars (USD 4.5 billion)
Research led by the University of insulin injections often proving unsafe activating PPARgamma, an outcome a resistance to insulin and subsequent a year," he said in a media release on
Adelaide is testing safer and more ef- and ineffective. which resulted in fewer side effects than high blood sugar, usually resulting from Friday.
fective drugs to treat type-2 diabetes The two new drugs work by target- full activation. lifestyle factors like poor diet and lack Bruning said injecting insulin is
which will reduce side-effects and ing a protein receptor known as PPAR- The second study, in collaboration of exercise. problematic, and it is "highly desirable"
insulin injections. gamma found in fat tissue throughout with South Australia's Flinders Uni- John Bruning from the Univer- for people to come off the injections as
Two studies published in the Jour- the body to lower blood sugar by versity, used X-ray crystallography to sity's School of Biological Sciences and it's difficult to get the levels right. (PNA
nal of Medicinal Chemistry and BBA- increasing sensitivity to insulin and demonstrate how a drug, rivoglitazone, Institute for Photonics and Advanced / Xinhua)

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black


MB Lifestyle

Section Editor: krizette chu

E1 • Sunday, May 21, 2017


Long Lake in Jiuzhaigou has
a spectacular view of the
snow-capped mountains that
merge with the bluish lake.

Of Lakes, Valleys,
and Ponds The Journey to Jiuzhaigou
Text and images by Joshua Berida

The waterfalls of
Jiuzhaigou are just iuzhaigou is described as a fairy land
as beautiful as with lakes that shimmer in different hues
its lakes, ponds,
of blue and green, cascading waterfalls,
and mountainous
landscapes and views of the snow-capped mountains
that cast their reflection on the glass-like waters.
The moment I saw pictures online, I was sold. I
wanted to visit this park, no matter how far and
E3 long the trip may be.

From Buildings to Mountains

The jump-off point to Jiuzhaigou was
Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province. To
be honest, I was expecting a much smaller city,
but what I saw were hints of Singapore, Seoul,
and even Osaka. It’s efficient metro system
takes commuters to different parts of the city,
its massive airport-like train stations, and
its actual airport. 
The similarities don’t stop there; the city
mixes old and new much like its first-world
counterparts. Rebuilt and revived old streets
pay homage to the city’s storied past, where you
can get a glimpse of how people lived decades or
even centuries ago by walking through restored
structures that are now shops, restaurants, and
even hotels. Amid this time warp is a modern
city coming alive at night, neon lights lighting
up the night sky, massive malls selling high-end
brands, and a shopping district generating a buzz
with the comings and goings of locals looking for
a deal. While walking around, a person on an
e-bike may catch you by surprise.
With all its comforts, however, the city
wasn’t the reason I was in Chengdu, it was the

Natural Wonderland
It was easy enough to get bus tickets for the
10-hour land trip to Jiuzhaigou, and was the
cheaper alternative to flying from the city to
the valley, and also a more scenic option. The
10 hours wasn’t a waste of time—as soon as we
left the city limits, the skyscrapers and buildings
slowly transformed into rolling hills and snow-
capped mountains as the bus made its way
through serpentine roads that zig-zagged. The 10


Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

E-2 Bulletin Board Sunday, May 21, 2017

Anthony Bourdain to grace WSFC17 Encapsulating Four Decades of Edwin Wilwayco

Renowned celebrity chef and raconteur, country’s very own food maven, Chef Claude The publication of a coffee table book,
Anthony Bourdain, will lead the roster of speak- Tayag as well as Chef Sau Del Rosario, proud itself a museum without walls, devoted to the
ers in Asia’s biggest network event on heritage owner of the popular modern Kapampangan lifetime body of works by a single artist, is al-
and street food culture, the World’s Street Food café, Café Fleur, will also be present. ways a cause for celebration. For artist Edwin
Congress (WSFC) 2017, slated on May 31 - June 4, Organized by K.F. Seetoh of Makansutra and Wilwayco, it is an affirmation of all that he has
2017 at the SM Mall of Asia Concert Grounds. presented by the Tourism Promotions Board worked for; for the reading public, it is an op-
As part of WSFC’s Food Dialogue, the ce- (TPB), the two-day Food Dialogue-Hackathon is portunity to view and appreciate the panoramic
lebrity chef will be sharing ideas one of the three main highlights of achievements of one of the country’s leading
and opportunities, as well as seek WSFC 2017. It provides a venue for abstractionists.
potential partners and hawkers for industry players, individuals and It took more than four years for the Fatima
his next big project, the upcoming companies to come together and University Gallery Foundation, Inc., spear-
Bourdain Market in New York. discuss, share, ideate and collabo- headed by its treasurer Robbie Santos, to con-
Joining Bourdain and other rate on the culture of heritage and ceptualize and coordinate, and finally publish
local and international culinary comfort street food. WSFC’s other and launch the book simply entitled, “Edwin Wil- vibrant chromatics.
experts including the Vice-pres- two components are: the World wayco”. Authored by award-winning critic Cid Lavishly arranged by Aman Santos, with
ident of strategic initiatives and Street Food Jamboree and the Reyes, the book brings to the fore the struggles numerous photographs by Randy Rodriguez
industry leadership at The Culi- World Street Food Awards where of a young artist, early deciding that abstraction and Lovella Uy of Photoholict, culled from
nary Institute of America (CIA), everyone can celebrate and enjoy was the idiom in which he could best express nearly a thousand works in different media, the
Greg Drescher and head chef the world’s most popular food cul- himself, despite his graphic facility and fluency book is distinct evidence of Wilwayco’s prolific
and owner of the first Michelin- ture – comfort street food. in representational art. Absorbing the inevitable production, proving that inspiration comes not
starred Peranakan restaurant, For more information on WSFC influences of his college mentors, and enlight- from thin air, but from passion, determination,
Candlenut, Malcolm Lee. The 2017, visit ened by the entire history of abstraction, from and commitment to the vocation which Edwin
Wassily Kandinsky down to Jackson Pollock Wilwayco has dedicated his life to: painting.
and Willem de Kooning, Wilwayco synthesized, The “Edwin Wilwayco” book is sold at Leon
distilled and drew, from his own experimental Gallery. For more information about the artist
Hop Inn Hotel: The Budget Traveler’s Choice alchemy, his own trademark characteristics of
brushstrokes, gestural marks, floral motifs, and
Edwin Wilwayco, visit www.edwinwilwayco.
The rise of budget traveling
has everyone hopping off from
one exciting destination on their
bucket lists to the next.
Hop Inn Hotels, a 25- hotel
Onitsuka Tiger Opens 1st Pop-Up Store At Greenbelt 5
strong Thailand- based chain not Onitsuka Tiger has specializes in premium
only guarantees guests the best opened its very first pop menswear. The collabora-
locations in each city but also up store in the Philippines tive model pays homage
delivers 5-star quality cleanli- at Greenbelt 5 that will to the fiery nature of the
ness, comfort, convenience, carry the latest Spring North Island of New Zea-
and security that makes budget Summer 2017 collection land with grey accents
travelers wonder: “is this really as well as exclusive col- and red zigzag stitching
a budget hotel?” laboration models. and will be available in
Here are the reasons why The Japanese sports limited quantities.
more and more choose to “hop fashion brand occupies The fashion conscious
into” Hop Inn: clean and spacious an area of 100 sq. m at will be delighted to know
rooms, free Wi-Fi , hot and cold the Greenbelt 5’s Fashion that the latest Spring/
shower and a comfortable bed, daily housekeeping, Thailand and the Philippines is testament to the Walk (Chateau area). The Onitsuka Tiger Green- Summer 2017 Onitsuka Tiger X ANDREA
24-hour front desk assistance, and 24-hour security, brand’s dedication to deliver its Four Pillar Promise belt 5 Pop Up Store will launch Onitsuka Tiger’s POMPILIO collection will be available in the
free spacious parking for guests, facilities for PWDs, to its guests – Cleanliness, Convenience, Comfort, new MEXICO 66 KNIT shoe, an update of the pop-up store as well. The collection is titled
and excellent value for money. and Security. classic MEXICO 66 model with multipatterned “Urban Safari”, with apparel pieces having
At Hop Inn Hotels, guests enjoy the very best For more information about Hop Inn Hotel, visit knit fabric. The knit fabric softly cradles the foot contrasting horizontal and vertical stripes to
of their money’s worth and more with rates as low and follow their social media for an excellent sense of wear and a comfortable give the idea of movement and footwear pieces
as PHP1, 520 net per room night. pages at and @ fit, and is also very lightweight and breathable. that were inspired by archive footwear models
The Hop Inn Hotel chain’s steady growth across hopinnhotelph on Twitter and Instagram. The MEXICO 66 KNIT will be available in four from the 1950’s that have been given a fresh
color combinations: True Red x True Red; Black new update.
x Black; Corydalis Blue x Corydalis Blue; and The Onitsuka Tiger Greenbelt 5 Pop-Up
Peach Beige x Peach Beige. Store is at the Ground floor, Fashion Walk
Healthy and Delicious Hurom Squeeze In the Philippines, available exclusively at
the store will be the COLORADO EIGHTY-FIVE
(Chateau area)
Greenbelt 5, Ayala Center, Makati City.
Hurom has spent over 40 years perfecting Hurom is more than just a juicer. Depending MT SAMSARA model, the result of an inaugural Business hours: 11.00 am to 10.00 pm daily. Visit
juice. Their patented Slow Squeeze Technology on the model, there are many preparations you sneaker collaboration between Onitsuka Tiger
uses an auger to squeeze out juice (similar to how can do with Hurom such as almond milk and even and I Love Ugly, a New Zealand brand that
you would hand-squeeze an orange) instead of fresh noodles. Certain Hurom models even have
shredding fruits and vegetables with high-speed an attachment where you can make healthy pure

The Doctor is in
blades like other juicers and blenders. This motion fruit sherbets and ice cream.
minimizes damage to ingredients, keeping natural Hurom ambassador Lee Young Ae, better
taste and nutrition intact.In microscopic close ups known as Dae Jang Geum, her character in “Jewel
of Hurom-made tomato juice, the juice retains its in the Palace” is a health conscious mom, “I make Mercedes-Benz’s ‘FLYING Doc-
natural color and cellular structure. fruit and veggie juice with Hurom for myself tor’ was in the Philippines as part of
and my family. My kids don’t like fruits and AMG’s 50th Anniversary Celebration.
vegetables,” she admits, which is a common In celebration of AMG’s 50th Anniver-
problem all parents share. “But if I make sary, a special service clinic week was
fruit and veggie juice with Hurom, they love held from May 8-12, 2017 with Daimler
it. This is my secret to make them to eat fruit South East Asia Technical Market
and veggies.” Support Specialist Ashley Giles who
2016 New HuromH-AA Series Slow Juicers conducted a thorough inspection and
are available in Abenson, Anson Link, Duty gave customers a solid understanding
Free, Gourdo’s, Rustan’s, Landmark, Royal of the current integral condition of
Duty Free, S&R, SM Appliance, SM Home, their vehicle.
True Value, and Western Appliances. To learn Clients were also able to set their
more about Hurom Slow Juicers, visit the of- one-on-one appointment with Giles
ficial website at www.hurom.comand follow for a free diagnosis of their Mercedes-
us on our social media accounts: (Facebook) Benz AMG with their preferred dealership. He Santos, VP for Aftersales, Auto Nation Group, and was in Cebu on May 8-9, Greenhills and Global Inc. (ANG) -- is the general distributor of
(Twitter &Instagram) @HuromPHofficial. City on May 10-11 and Alabang on May 12. Mercedes-Benz vehicles in the Philippines.
‘It is part of our commitment to provide Appointed by Daimler AG in 2011, ANG is
quality aftersales service to our customers responsible for strengthening the brand in
through programs like this that showcase the market, growing the dealership network,
Ever Bilena launches The Advance Affiliate Program the continuous pursuit of excellence in our
processes and our people.’, says Rommel
and delivering the highest level of customer

Billboard PH launches PlaySound Digital Music Exhibit

For the first time, the chance to trivia, music videos, stories, and
experience what Billboard Music is all puzzle, memory, and matching
about is taking place this May. Come games.
and visit PlaySound: The BillboardPH Alabang Town Center (May
Music Trip May 20-21 at the Glorietta 27) will have Quest, Ben and Ben,
Activity Center, and May 27-28 at the and the online success female
Alabang Town Center. Entrance is duo Leeane and Naara.
free. BillboardPH’s PlaySound
PlaySound is an Interactive Digital is part of AyalaMalls’ “PLAY”
Music Playground where everyone summer campaign and runs the
can go on a personal music journey. entire weekend from 11 a.m. to
Ever Bilena, the country’s leading cosmetics brand, recently launched the Advance Affiliate Travel through time and reminisce 9 p.m.
Program where aspiring make-up artists can join to expand their network, get exclusive first about your favorite songs and artists. Follow BillboardPH through:
dibs on the latest beauty trends and build their make-up collection with Ever Bilena products.
Opening the event was Manila-based international hair and make-up artist and stylist Muriel
Discover and learn about the music Facebook: @billboardphil; Twit-
Vega Perez (second from right) who gave tips and tutorials on how to achieve two make-up you know and love through the world ter: @ph_billboard; and Insta-
looks using Ever Bilena and Ever Bilena Advance products – the Muted Muse and the Tropical of Billboard. gram: @billboard_ph. For more
Disco look. Photo shows Muriel with (from left) Ever Bilena Advance brand manager Creole Enter the BillboardPH Music Playground information, email Grace Foronda at gracelom-
David, Ever Bilena marketing manager Olive Padilla, Ever Bilena sales manager Denice Sy,
and model Ennah Trinidad. through interactive TV’s and iPads loaded with

Favorite Running Shoe: Saucony Freedom ISO edge technology, producing a shoe with
full-length EVERUN midsole—a first of
that from the moment they step
off for a run, there is a
Global running brand Saucony in- making every runner feel that their shoe its kind— to offer runners an advanced noticeable underfoot
troduces a shoe that out-performs all is tailor-made for their running needs. running experience. The secret behind energy that generates
running shoes: the Freedom ISO. With Saucony’s runner-centered strate- EVERUN are the expanded TPU beads fluidity of movement,
a century of running heritage under its gies and innovation further endears used in the construction process rather superior energy re-
belt, the brand has shed a substantial faithfuls to keep running with the brand. than traditional solid materials. This ad- turn, and enhanced
influence on the international running This conscious effort to develop top qual- vancement definitely makes a dramatic performance, start- first EVERUN
scene by providing top-of-the-line shoes ity footwear with the runner in mind led difference in the feel and the performance ing the run effort- Continuos
for the running champions and beginners Saucony to be beloved by many, cement- of the Freedom ISO. One of the most lessly and stays that Cushioning,
alike. What makes runners from all over ing its running heritage to stretch for compelling features immediately noted way no matter how long or a technology
the globe run in their trusty Sauconys? more than a hundred years. by people who have run in the Freedom how far one has run! The Freedom ISO that already proved itself unparalleled in
Each shoe innovation from the brand is Now with the latest Freedom ISO, ISO is the shoe’s proprietary EVERUN® represents a new pinnacle in comfort our earlier models like the Triumph ISO,
a definite cut above the rest—all while Saucony again outdoes itself with cutting- Continuous Cushioning. Wearers agree and performance thanks to the industry- Guide, Hurricane ISO2 and Guide 9.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Sunday, May 21, 2017 Lifestyle E-3

Of lakes, valleys... E1

hours moved by quickly, upon landing

at a “small” village, by Chinese
standards, I was at the doorstep of
Jiuzhagou is on UNESCO’s
Heritage List. The park has a
handful of alpine lakes, quaint
Tibetan villages, grasslands
as far as the eyes could see,
stunning waterfalls, mountain
views in shades of white and
green.  The park is popular with
locals, hence the long lines and
crowds, but most people prefer
taking the bus to the tourist RADIANT BLUES (Clockwise from top) The terraced, travertine pools of Huanglong are
center. I decided to walk. a beautiful sight to behold, even in low season; The sky and mountains cast
I didn’t regret my decision to their reflection on the glass-like waters of the lake; Jiuzhaigou features several
waterfalls and lakes; The snow-capped mountains are a constant sight throughout
walk; I was only one of the hand- the walk towards the travertine pools of Huanglong.
fuls of people to do so. The land-
scape was a mix of green  with a
touch of yellow and snow-capped
mountains. As I walked further the sun, from cerulean with a hint have another beautiful scenic area
along, mirror-like and blue-tinged of green and dark blue. Five flower to explore, Huanglong. The latter
lakes merged lake  dazzles visi- is also on UNESCO’s Heritage List,
with the views. tors with its green- but isn’t as popular as its counter-
The waters The 10 hours wasn’t ish, clear and part.  The highlight of the park is
glass-like waters;
were  so clear,
the surround-
a waste of time—as the colors change
the  travertine  pools; Only a hand-
ful of them, however, are filled with
ings cast its re- soon as we left the city and blend with its
surroundings. The
water. I got to visit it, and despite
flection on it.  being low-season,  I wasn’t disap-
The park also limits, the skyscrapers green of the trees, pointed.  At the top, the blue ter-
has spectacular
waterfalls; its
and buildings slowly and sometimes
yellow, orange, or
raced pools along with the spectac-
ular snow-capped mountains that
waters cascaded transformed into red, depending on towered over the landscape were
into blue, clear the season, merge nothing short of breathtaking, lit-
pools, while rolling hills and snow- with the color of erally and figuratively,  as the sce-
others poured
down rock for-
capped mountains as the lake, and on
a clear day, you
nic area’s elevation is more than
3,200 meter.
mations on the the bus made its way also get to see the Juizhaigou and Huanglong are
mountain’s sur- clouds and moun- scenic parks’  multi-colored ponds
face.  The high- through serpentine tain cast their and clear lakes along with the
lights of Jiu-
zhaigou are the
roads that zig-zagged. reflection on the
water.  Sometimes,
waterfalls and beautiful moun-
tainous landscapes  contrast with
multi-colored the lake is so clear the concrete jungle, neon lights
pond and Five Flower Lake. The and glass-like  you see the fallen of Chengdu, the region’s capital
former is small in size, but just as, branches and roots at the bottom. city.  China is moving towards fast
or even more beautiful than the and massive modernization, but
many other ponds in the park. It A Side Trip to Huanglong despite these, it manages to main-
glitters in different colors under Other than Jiuzhaigou, tourists tain its natural wonders.

The month of May is a grand celebration in the
country. Since it has been under the Spanish rule for
centuries, it has strongly been influenced by practices
that have formed part of tradition. With the fast-paced
progress of technology one may wonder if customs,
beliefs, and traditions will ever be surpassed.
Filipino Heritage Festival, Inc. (FHFI), in partnership
with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts
(NCCA) has collaborated with the goals to preserve the
heritage of the country. Proclamation no. 439 was created
and has declared the month of May of every year as a
National Heritage Month. Article XVI, Section 15, states
that, “the state shall conserve, promote, and popularize
the nation’s historical cultural heritage and resources.”


In Republic Act No. 7356, it further states that, “there is
a need to create in the people a consciousness, respect
and love for the legacies of Filipino cultural history and
to raise material support for the protection of tangible
and intangible heritage.”

Waterfront Hotels and Casinos In the Philippines, Santacruzan has gone through
DRESSED TO KILL Judith—the pious Jewish
the passage of time. It is a religious procession that heroine of Israel. She holds the severed head of

moves up and ahead

provides awareness of the biblical figures and their Holofernes, general of Nebuchadnezzar, whom
roles in religious history. While it may be spiritual in she beheaded. She represents the victory of
nature, Santacruzan has evolved as a form of delight good over evil.
where ladies and gentlemen involved wear their iconic
Relaxation and family vacations have just suites (at the Waterfront Manila and Cebu costumes. All these occur during the last week of May. This tradition commences with little boys and girls
gotten a whole lot better as Waterfront Hotels hotels), swimming pools for children and who visit the image of the Virgin Mother Mary in church where they pay homage through their floral offering
and Casinos is gearing up for the projected adults, and a gym for the health- and fitness- and culminates with the Santa Cruz de Mayo, grand procession that may begin in a plaza or any assigned
increase in tourist influx by upgrading its conscious. venue and ends up in the church with a mass.
services and facilities to become a true hub Being truly at the “center of it all,” the Santacruzan began in 1867 and was started by the Franciscan missionaries. This re-enactment is
of ease and luxury. The conglomerate of four four Waterfront hotels are conveniently a culmination of the religious activities based on biblical story. Santacruzan is a commemoration of the
superb properties assures a comfortable situated in locations that are easily finding of the Cross of Jesus by Queen Helena and his son Constantine. Constantine dreamt of fighting the
stay in any of its rooms and suites. accessible to business, entertainment, Roman troops where they were outnumbered but won and such became a reality, thus began Constantine’s
Its hotels are beefing up its in-house leisure, and cultural destinations in the conversion to Christianity.
food and beverage amenities in all four cities they are in. The solemnity of the Santacruzan is still in the hearts of the Filipinos that relives the tradition to the
properties to give gourmets and foodies Evolving and innovating with the changes current times. The occasion is a grand community procession where everyone looks forward to witness the
alike a wide array of culinary choices to in the hospitality and tourism industries, ladies in their religious attire, representative of saints, and icons from the Bible. Nowadays, the occasion
indulge the appetite and satisfy cravings for and the demands of new lifestyles, the becomes more of an elaborate fashion rather than the traditional style. To date, Santacruzan is reminiscent
excellent food. The properties are likewise enhanced facilities and services at all in the minds and hearts of the Filipinos that the tradition is a solemn and religious ritual.
equipped with other important facilities Waterfront hotels exemplify a concerted and Traditional Biblical Santa Cruz de Mayo will be held at Intramuros (Plaza Roma) and San Agustin
such as spacious ballrooms and conventions conscious move to be at the front and center Church on today at 4 p.m. The procession will be followed with a community mass.
centers for private functions and business of a luxurious and memorable vacation and On May 27 the Traditional Biblical Santa Cruz de Mayo will be held at Victorias City, Negros
seminars, business centers, executive business experience. Occidental.
lounges for those staying the executive 523-9692; 254-5756; 0919-6179915

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black


Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

~EXPO~E PROG~ @mblifestyle rJ
•• .. el; • .. " ..
MB Lifestyle 11
@manilabulletinlifestyle The
in th
Life and Leisure since

Cultural Heritage ISMHOtv1EI

in BloOlll
The country's one and only floral architect
crafts a garden of art installations that pays
homage to Filipino culture.

MAY 19·21,2017
Scan the QR code to 5TH LEVEL, MEGA 8, SM MEGAMALL
watch Rachy Cuna's
latest exhibit.
Per DTI-FTEB Pemlil No. 42


pon the entrance to Rachy Cuna's ''Arte Filipino" all

the guests were asked to wear a salakot with the color
of their choice: red, white, or blue. Being inside Cuna's
exhibit, surrounded by his nine strikingly familiar

installations, almost made me forget that I was at the ground
floor of a high-end mall. Instead, I found myself in a festive and
antiquated barrio hidden at the outskirts of a province somewhere
in the countryside of Luzon, warmed with nostalgia and gratified
as a Filipino.
Before the program formally began, harpist Holly Angel
Paraiso dazzled the guests when she played tranquil, ethereal,
and heavenly versions of classic OPM songs like "Pag Dating
ng Panahon." Moments later, that calm kindle of nationalism
began to blaze when the Bayanihan musicians together with the
Bayanihan Dance Company performed a series of Philippine folk
dances with unbelievable fervor. The mood was perfectly set.

Standing proud at the heart of the exhibit, "Pinoy Kami, Bow"
is made of slightly bent bamboo trunks, coated with the distinct
colors of the Philippine flag, each capped with the salakot.
Much like the author Ismael V. Mallari's Pliant Like the
Bamboo, the installation relates the attitude of the Filipino people
to the bamboo tree-full of humility with undaunted flexibility
and resilience in the face of adversity.
Sa Pula, Sa Puti involves red colored cages and metal
outlines of a rooster painted red and white. This is a clever
imagery of Philippine cockfighting or sabong, a favorite Filipino
pastime. The loud cry of the announcer before the beginning of
all cockfights is "sa pula, sa puti!" which is a call to
bet on either the white or the red cock. The 6,000 year- ~ F3

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Magcrll:l C}an l3lack
U I n "'I. 5500000
Flye Hundred fifty Thgusard Pesos Ontv e .
" lANK orTNr .uu •••• "l•• ~ •• '""S

Olga Martel, president of JSSP hands

overthesymboliccheckto RaulSunico,
president of the CCP, with Consul Gen. 0 , -.-
Fortune Ledesma. chairman JSSP

An Evening of Glorious Melod

Lane, followed by welcome appreciation for music, dance and ~
remarks by chairman Fortune the arts while maintaining cultural
Ledesma and event chairperson relations between the Philippines
Agnes Huibonhoa. Members and the Republic of Austria. The
of the Ladies Committee were: proceeds were for: The Cultural •
Betty Chua, Marissa Fenton, Center of the Philippines, Virlanie
Fanny Blanco, Ditas Posadas, Foundation, the PGH Medical
Mila How, Rosalind Wee, Foundation, Our Lady of Manaoag
and Lilibeth Campos. JSSP Chapel, and the Psychological
president Olga Martel inducted Center of Marillac for abused girls
the new members. and children.
n the tradition of the New Master of ceremony Johnny Co-sponsored by the New
Year concert in Vienna, Litton opened the two part World Makati, its GM Farid
Johann Strauss enthusiasts musical presentation with Schoucair said in his speech:
enjoyed an evening of Maestro Ruggero Barbieri as "The JSSP objectives reflect the
delightful melodies at the recent conductor and the Philippine hotel's values when it comes to
Gala Concert 2017 of the Johann Philharmonic Orchestra. It was a corporate social responsibility,
Strauss Society of the Philippines concert celebration with one of the initiatives, community involvement,
(JSSP). Held at the New World country's most acclaimed soprano sustainable dwwwwwevelopment,
Makati Hotel Grand Ballroom, the Rachelle Gerodias and famed and educational opportunities."
event showcased an impressive tenor Randy Gilongo. Featured Other sponsors were Lane Moving
selection of masterpieces by composers were Giuseppe and Storage, Lexus Manila, Titania
Austrian and Italian composers. Verdi, Giacomo Puccini, Pietro Wme Cellar, BM\¥, The Aivee Clinic
It was a gathering of well-heeled Mascagni, Gioachino Rossini, Group, Zen Institute, Universal
VIPs in the arts, business, society Ottorino Respighi, Franz von Harvester, Oishi, BA Securities,
and the diplomatic world, with Suppe, Johann Strauss Jr., Franz French Baker, W Group, Inc., and
the attendance of numerous Lehar, and Johann Strauss, Sr. Mercedes Benz.
ambassadors and their spouses. Now on its 19th year, JSSP
Ambassador Sung Kim and The festivities commenced continues its mission to develop Facebook/tinahidalgojacinto;
Consul Gen. Fortune Ledesma with an invocation by Virginia and enhance the love and

((Keep trying. Keep p
Stay positive. Be awes
Become better. ..not bet
anyone else but better
person you were yester
Quotes Gate, thanks to
Rodrigo fOr sharing.

t was super-smooth the turtle-paced and inefficient justice system It's too bad that health secretary Paulyn helps not to have several partner
sailing for Senator we have now and they think the scepter of Ubial was snubbed by the Commission on schools and parents can teach
Alan Cayetano in execution will be a deterrent to proliferation Appointmentbecause ofthree "strongobjectors" consequences of promiscuity and
the CA for Dept. of of illegal drugs. to her to lead the department. The CA "ran Among young people incid
ForeignAffairsSecretary. "Wrong," said Senator Kiko. Statistics out of time" to consider her appointment, one infection is high with those in t
The palace expected it, will show that the death penalty, rejected senator lamely explained. bracket to 25. This is also that w
so be it! I hope he is up to by most democratic countries in the world We in the Bulong Pulungan sa Sofitel forum government to dispense with
the job. He has some big as a cure for criminality, will victimize only found the young UE RM medical graduate and contraceptive devices accep
shoes to fill. the poor who can't afford lawyers to defend very knowledgeable in the workings of the who need and want them. The T
Yes, you read my them in court. It is also against our basic bureaucracy (26 years in the Department Of government prevents the free
headline right. human right to live, not to mention the fifth Health (DOH» and the issues and new trends to be distributed. And to think,
I am against the re- commandment, "thou shall not kill." in the industry. No, she asserted, she did not these contraceptives will expire n
imposition of the death What we need, and all the panelists agreed, ask the acting head of PhilHealth to resign. Again, it is the poor who will s
penalty for the heinous is "restorative justice." An energized judiciary. He did it on his own before the board after she TRO, Ubial pointed out. Another
crime of illegal drugs-using, pushing, and The filling up of empty court judges' benches questioned him whether it was right for him is the dengue vaccine which she
manufacturing. Authors of the bill took out rape, and persecutors' desks all over the country. to issues orders to move almost 40 people in ordered by the DOH in the last a
murder, plunder. Wonder why? Deadlines for cases to be settled and other vital PhilHealth. No it wasn't lawful, he admitted, but There are questions on the safety
And for the brave congressmen and reforms. Including more funds for the judiciary. he did it anyway. and besides, there are now o
congresswomen who voted no to the bill, like Con. The bill is still not a priority in the Senate, Of course it has been turned around and which cost less. But, she noted,
Sitti Hataman and Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Senator Kiko said. But oppositors should make her critics say it was Sec. Ubial's fault! She just who ordered the stop to the mass
they were immediately stripped of their committee their views known to their colleagues and lobby shrugs and continues to tell us her priorities in Ubial comes with sterling qu
chairmanships by a vengeful speaker Alvarez. for their stand. the department (this is the day before the CA did the job of having been with the D
For our Bulong Pulungan forum two weeks Bacani is vehemently against it of course and not confirm her). The Philippine Health Agenda ever since she finished medicin
ago, we had Senator Kiko Pangilinan who so are Pabillo and Alguera. Dr. Nympha in her has three guarantees: Services for both the internship in PGH. She has a m
leads the oppositors in the Senate and Church own feisty way makes very strong arguments well and the sick; functional network of health in public health and was once
stalwarts Bishops Ted Bacani, DD, Bishop against the death penalty. facilities; and universal health facilities. as rural health service in Kida
Emeritus of Novaliches, Broderick Pabillo, All agreed that public information is needed And do we know that the rise in HIV cases Cotobato. She has also served
DD, Auxiliary Bishop of Manila, and Fr. Pat to explain that society will not benefit from the in the country is now 30 cases per day when and 16 health secretaries. And
Falguera of the Ateneo de Manila, Dr. Nympha reimposition of the death penalty. People have the other ASEAN countries are seeing their politician nor does she have
Pimentel Simbulan of the Idefend PAHRa, or to understand that even if the death penalty is numbers drop? Without flinching, Ubial President Duterte chose her
PH Alliance of Human Rights Advocates. reimposed, cases will still go through the legal answered a delicate question-where was it appointment from the ranks of th
People think the death penalty reimposition processes and will take time to resolve and prevalent? Male to male sex. Yes, we are rooting for her S
will be a quick solution to the drug menace in punishment meted out. And HIV graduates to AIDS fast. The only Harry Roque, please stop your
the country today. They are frustrated with No it will not be a quick or efficient fix at all. safe sex is the use of condoms all the time. It also and drop your flimsy objections to

• • •
., .. ..
Magenta Cyan Black
Cultural Heritage
in Bloom ~Fl

old sport of cockfighting is at present an enormous coated of shining gold with red glass flowers hanging
industry, and is enjoyed by many Filipinos across the from its branches.
country. Sabong is, without a doubt, embedded deeply And finally, Hulog ng Langit (Fallen from Heaven)
in our culture. is an array of vines made of rattan with pieces of
Another famous Filipino pastime represented in white colored leaves and flowers attached to it. The
the exhibit is Bonga Bingo. Crafted with such wit and installation explodes of tranquility and serenity.
humor, the metal sculpture likens the face of a woman
wearing two pairs of bingo cards for earrings with the UNADULTERATED ART
tambiolo or sisidlan (bingo basket) for its hair. Every piece of original art Rachy Cuna does carry
Salu-Salo which means "gathering" is a regular its own distinct essence and soul. For him, it's very
Filipino family table setting important for each artwork
made special. Sets of sharp- to be as original as it can be.
white plates and kubyertos Identity is the history He creates his works with
are placed above the vibrant pure passion and treats
golden orange table which
is covered by an absurdly
that has gone into bone them as "unadulterated
art." And this, I think, is the
big and netted food lid. reason why Rachy Cuna
Sorbetes Pinoy was and blood and reshaped has received countless
definitely my favorite recognition throughout
among the installations.
Yet again, Cuna reveals
theflesh. Identity is not his artistic career from
floral arranging to interior
his humorous personality design. He has solidified
through an iconic artwork. what we were but what himself as an artist who
The oversized ice cream can forge avant-garde
cone stands over 20-ft tall
covered of moss material,
we have become what we works through the use
of flowers and simple
and an aquamarine-colored indigenous materials.
scoop on top. are at this moment. Cuna never fails to
Our brothers from incorporate art each time
the Cordillera region, the Nick Joaquin, Culture he does flower arranging.
Igorots, were also present ''As far as I can remember,
in the exhibit. Personified
through yellow metal wires
and History every time I do art and all
of these things, I already
warped together to form inject the artist and the
dancing silhouettes hugged by their signature woven floral designer together," he shared.
textiles. Sayaw-Sayawan essentially shows one of the When asked which he would prefer to be called,
ancient practices of our indigenous people-collective a florist or an artist, "An artist," he answered.
ritual dancing. "Because an artist captures all the facets of art,
In his three other installations, Rachy Cuna including flower arranging," Cuna explained.
showed his flower arranging prowess. What made Rachy Cuna's ''Arte Filipino" amazing
Grande Flora shows a beautiful concept of the is neither his clever use of indigenous materials nor
A CULTURAL SPECTACLE Clockwise from top right: The Bayanihan Dance Com
orchid, shaped using wires with traces of flowers filled his humorous artistry-it's his appreciation of the Sayaw sa Bangko; The Bayanihan Dance Company dramatically stun the
with shining crystals on its apple green background. culture and his proud identity as a Filipino which he descend from the second floor of S Maison Atrium; Rachy Cuna with his proud
The most eye catching installation was the elegant expressively brought unto life. Cuna; Sayaw-sayawan personifies the Igorot dancers featuring signature te
Bulaklakan (Flower Garden). Gigantic driftwood '~rte Filipino" runs until May 31 . cordillera region; and Bonga Bingo, a playful take on the Filipino obsession o

• • • •• .. ..
Magcma Cyan Black

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

.... el; • .. ft ..

MAIILAMIULLETII @mblifestyle 1:1

@manilabulletinlifestyle circu
in th
Life Be Leisure read
• Sunday, May 21 , 2017

- FILIPINO PRIDE The Philippine Pavilion at the Venice Art Biennale features 'The Spectre
Comparison' curated by Joselina Cruz, featuring artists Lani Maestro and Manuel Ocampo

MABUHAYI The entrance to the Philippine Pavilion at the Artiglieri in

A hymn to 'being' and 'longing' and how they combine to

bring about nationhood at the Philippine Pavilion of the
57th International Art Exhibition-La Biennale di Venezia


t might seem a little strange that curator Yeyey Cruz, in putting together the theme for the
Philippine Pavilion at this year's Venice Biennale, has chosen transnational Filipino artists Manuel
Ocampo and Lani Maestro to represent the Philippines.
This is the Venice Biennale after all, the oldest and the biggest art exposition in the world. Viewers
with varying degrees of awe, wonder, and incredulity, people like you and me from all over the world, will go
from pavilion to pavilion and, in ours, they will try in so many languages and in so many cultural contexts,
whether with complete cluelessness or with familiarity, whether with prejudice or openness, to cull from the
works an understanding not only of art but also of the prevailing moods of our time and of who we are and
who they are, the state of humanity, from the Filipino perspective. The featured artists Lani Maestro (left) and Manuel Ocampo, w
Joselina Cruz

• • •
.. ....
Mag~l1l:1 C~al1 l3lack

THE DEMON IN COMPARISONS understandings of our nationhood,

That Cruz's take-off point for complicating and expanding what is
her curatorial theme is a phrase already, for ourselves, difficult to pin
from Jose Rizal's Noli Me Tangere, down," explains Cruz.

"el demonio de las comparaciones,"
which, as later examined by historian A ROOM IN THE ARSENALE
and political scientist Benedict An- The location of this year's national
derson in his Spectre ojComparisons: pavilion also gave the curator and her
Nationalism, Southeast Asia, and team-not to mention the office of
the World (2004), has been borrowed Senator Loren Legarda, the princi-
for the exhibition title, "The Spectre pal architect of the historic return of
of Comparison," makes Ocampo and the Philippines to this global art ex-
Maestro just the perfect choice for position that began way back in 1895
this year's Philippine participation in Venice-additional pressure. While
in the biennale, our second since our Palazzo Mora, where the 2015 Philip-
return to the Venice Biennale in 2015 pine Pavilion was housed, was a gem
after a 51-year hiatus. of a building, an 18th-century treasure
Like Ocampo and Maestro, Jose on Strada Nouva at the Carneggio in
Rizal was transnational, meaning he the heart of Venice, it was in the pe-
was beyond borders. In fact, as Cruz ripheries of the biennale. Thus, the
explained to me, "When he wrote Noli move this year to the Arsenale, the
Me Tangere(l887) , [Rizal] wasn't main exhibition space of the biennale,
even a Filipino. There was no such as well as to a very central and stra-
thing yet-we were indio or ilustra- tegic space, the Artiglierie, within the
do, insulares or peninsulares but we Arsenale, is an achievement worthy of Joselina Cruz, curator of the 2017
had no concept of Filipino yet." The the most moving, most elucidating of Philippine Pavilion
execution of Rizal in 1896 sparked artistic expressions and insights.

if I could only be a prc!fessor in

my country, I would stimulate these our comeback to the biennale under
the curatorship of Dr. Patrick Flores,
Philippine studies which are like this year's Philippine Pavilion is at
once universal and particular to our
experience as a people.
the nosce te ipsum [know thyself) that The complexity of nationhood,
to Filipinos past and present, is our
gives the true concept 0/ one's self contribution to the ongoing discourse
among nations in this age of shared
troubles like the migrant crisis, cli-
and drives nations to do great things. mate change, and the power of tech-
nology to connect us as well as to Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala and wife Lizzie

-Jose Rizal isolate us from each other. In this

biennale, the discussion on identity
and pride within national borders, as
expressed in the combined works of
Ocampo and Maestro, is at once a
tiny uprisings and it was only around The largest pre-industrial produc- whisper and a scream. It's not only
this time that "the ilustrados, who tion center of the world, the Arsenale because both artists, as Cruz puts it,
led the reVOlution, began to refer to holds the vestiges of Venice's military, "belong to two states-Ocampo, Filipi-
themselves as Filipino." economic, and political might in the no and American; Maestro, Canadian
Truth be told, as with every stroke Middle Ages and during the Renais- and Filipino"-it's also because both
of genius, it all just fell into place. Ge- sance. La Biennale di Venezia first of them have very fluid, very complex
ography was the least of her consider- employed the Arsenale in 1980 on the notions of nationality, just as many
ations when Cruz decided that Ocam- occasion of the first international ar- Filipinos do, even those who have not
po and Maestro, based on their bodies chitecture exhibition. gone overseas, to whom nationhood
of work and the consistency of their Be that as it may, as it sounded to is an abstraction. After all, by virtue
practice, would provide the spectre of me, during an intimate conversation of our history, we are Spanish (or, in
comparisons she sought to present to with Cruz and the two featured art- fact, Mexican), we are American, we
the biennale audience. ists in the morning before the vernis- are Chinese, we are Polynesians, we
"As much as a pavilion that we can sage on May 11, two days before the are Malay, we are wherever in the
call our own serves as a platform for biennale opened to the public, I found world we are. The OFW phenomenon,
the world to see us through our art- the forces behind the exhibition more as well as the ability of many overseas
Venice is a site charged with exercises introspective than expressive. Like in Filipinos to adapt so quickly to foreign
Ambassador Domingo Nolasco, Philippine Ambassador to Italy; De
in soft power and cultural diploma- 2015, with the late filmmaker and Na- environments, is a testament to our Tourism (DOT) undersecretary Falconi Millar; NCCA chairperson and
cy-I most value what its artists, cu- tional Artist Manuel Conde, video art- global nature. Pavilion Commissioner, National Artist Virgilio S. Almario; Departm
rators, and the exhibition form can ist Manny Montelibano, and installa- ~G3 Affairs (DFA) undersecretary Linglingay Lacanlale; and Consul Gen
do to problematize our own slippery tion artist Jose Tence Ruiz staging Mauro, Consul General to the Philippine Consulate in Milan, Italy

• • • •• .. ..
Magenta Cyan Black
No Pain Like This Body, installation with ruby-red neon by

Joan Young of the Guggenheim Museum in Elvira 'Tootsy' Echauz-Angara, Consul General Marichu Mauro, Lani Maestro, and Jose Tence Ruiz, one of the featured artists at the 2015 Philippine
New York Senator Sonny Angara country's comeback participation after a 51-year hiatus at the Ven


In the works of Ocampo and Maestro, the physical body i
which the self is subjected to various explorations and discov
from which freedom is lost and in which it may be found. Geogra
the body is, is not irrelevant to the idea of self, yet both artists
world at large in their works.
Ocampo's Cooks in the Kitchen, oil on linen, is a parody of
which the colonizers, portrayed as black savages in a chef's unifo
by curiosity so ravenous that in their hands the colonized is rip
spilling out. His paintings transcend genres that they are often la
and his canvas transcends nations or borders, inhabited as it is by
hoods, monks and saints, swastikas, tribal ornaments, traditional
ing, bowler hats, black skin, white skin, Afros, Chinese character
nography, even Disney elements.
Maestro's, on the other hand, while even more body-centric,
Renaud Proch, to "otherness." Her installation with ruby-red neon No Pain Li
executive director of the mounted on a wooden wall that, in this time of US President Do
Independent Curators although she came up with it in 2010-carries a political statemen
International (ICI) and Bro. Dennis Magbanua of
the De La Salle-College of
tion and separation, was inspired by the book No Pain Like This B
one of the jurors for the
St. Benilde (DLS-CSB) Sonny Ladoo, a Trinidadian migrant in Canada, as well as her ex
2015 Philippine pavilion
poverty, homelessness, prostitution, and drug abuse" of Downtow
Vancouver, the poorest district in Canada.


Nevertheless, despite their global scope-Ocampo has lived in
the Philippines, then back to Spain; and Maestro now shuttles be
and France-they remain rooted to the culture of their birth, whe
erate or vilify it, whether their art is clarified or confounded by it. A
when asked if she remained true to being Filipino when she acc
Twelfth Station by Manuel Ocampo to take part in this biennale,
can't be otherwise."
"I always move around,"

(The spectre if comparison' ensures it is impossible

by way of explanation. ''Afte
being illegal in the US, I get
so I move to Spain. My pain
fOr us to comprehend who we are without the identity, belonging, homela
fun of them."
hauntings if our history. -Loren Legarda Indeed, though they have
of addressing the questions
ampo and Maestro do raise t
tions. They both identify th
self-imposed exile from th
but whatever their reason is for leaving, for returning, for leaving
pinos in general can relate to it, even the Filipinos who have nev
portunity to leave, who gaze out on the horizon wondering what is
Poet, translator, linguist, National Artist for Literature, chairma
al Commission on Culture and Arts (NCCA), and commissioner of
Pavilion Virgilio Almario agrees. "We are transnational," he says. "
Comparison' substantiates our desire to go global while remaining
As it happens, Maestro has an interesting definition for belo
in the human heart for a sense of home. "Belonging," she says. "
'longing.' Exile is the best condition, the best way to find oneself.
being 'other,' an outsider, the feeling of homelessness, it's inter
what set me free."
But this is how "The Spectre of Comparison" delivers on its mi
not so much to provide answers as to provoke questions. "These
never fully answered," says Legarda, the visionary and the guidin
these artistic ruminations on a global platform. "But [raising th
is of great relevance to Filipinos who are in the Philippines, to Fil
abroad, to Filipinos who are still searching for themselves."

The Philippine participation in the Venice Biennale is a j

the NCCA, the Department of Foreign Affairs, and the Office of
Legarda, with the support ofthe Department ofTourism. The 57th
Art Exhibition-La Biennale di Venezia runs through Nov. 26.
BEHIND THE SCENES The artists and curators during the set up of the Philippine Pavilion at the 2017 Venice Art Biennale

• • •
.. .. ..
Magcrll;l C}an l3lack

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Manila Bulletin Entertainment Online

Enero 4, 2017

Available na
sa National
Bookstores ug
Merriam & Webster
Mga Sugilanon: Nationwide!

Salag sa Pasko
- Ni Apronianito Ferrater Miramon
Sinugbang Buwad Pagsugat sa
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Balak sa Semana: Tuig 2017!

- Ni Coy Ponte

Jana Agoncillo
H-1 • Sunday, May 21, 2017
Hulagway kuha ni

Malipayong Pasko Kanatong Tanan!

Wilson Fernandez

Showbiz 101 unusual films, ’yung mga indie, tapos

tuloy pa rin ang success ng mga usual
rom-coms, ’yung mga commercial films

Ricky Davao
with so, very healthy siya.”
He noted that we have been gaining
notice in festivals abroad.
“Kaya nga naniniwala ako na we
will break into Hollywood soon,” he

Giving guidance
Experienced actor-director Ricky makes sure he does his part in
keeping the state of affairs going by shar-
Ricky Davao shares what he ing everything he knows with today’s
young stars.
“Naalala ko kasi nu’ng bata pa
has learned working in the ako meron akong sense na ‘ang
galing ko.’ Dapat maaga pa lang
entertainment industry for matuto na sila and not go that
route. Imulat mo sila,” he said.
several decades now Ricky is not trying to paint

himself a saint, though.
“Whatever it is I’m doing
now, it’s because I experi-
Minsan maganda ang role, enced the same from veterans
I worked with before,” he said.
so bigay na bigay ka, emotions and “Nag-share din naman ng

all, tapos in the end, walang dating. knowledge sa akin ang mga
katulad nila Leopoldo Salcedo,
Minsan naman simple lang ang Ronaldo Valdez, so ganu’n din
lang ginagawa ko. I’m just pay-
role, wala kang gagawin gaano pero ing it forward.”
Ricky thinks the stars of
well-appreciated naman. Everything today have it easy, noting “Nu’ng

panahon ko nagta-tricycle ako,
should come together talaga. nagji-jeep pero leading man na
RICKY DAVAO with film director Bor Ocampo ako ni Nora Aunor. Ngayon ang
mga bata ang laki ng kita sa In-
stagram post pa lang. Kaya kita
By NR RAMOS “Kasi I play a henchman in the movie, won tons in his long career. pa rin alam kung bakit hit itong isang mo naman, may bagong bahay agad,
a small town gangster dealing with the Asked if he still looks forward to get- pelikulang ito at ang isa naman na ito bagong kotse...”

icky Davao was surprised he reality of his son grow up seeing him do ting more trophies, Ricky said, “Hindi ko ay hindi. I guess everybody involved in “Pero ’yun nga, dapat ma-guide ng
won the Best Supporting Actor what he does. Very simple ang premise hinahanap pero I welcome it.” the production would just have to do their tama,” he added. “Marami diyan hindi
award at this year’s ASEAN In- pero ang lakas ng dating.” “It’s a recognition of your effort eh,” jobs and hope the final product resonates nagme-memorize ng lines, pumupunta
ternational Film Festival And Ricky humbly considers the win as a he said. “Parang it’s a bonus, lalo na dito with people.” sa set ng hindi handa, dapat maisip
Awards (AIFFA) in Kuching, Sarawak, result of “synergy.” sa atin ’pag awarded ka it means a lot, How about picking award-winning nila maaga pa lang na hindi biro ang
Malaysia for his work in “Dayang Asu” “Lahat naman eh,” he said. “At this may prestige, may validation tsaka sig- roles? trabahong ito, na pwede kang mawala
(Dog Nation), a Cinema One Originals point in my career I know that filmmak- uro may konting dagdag sa talent fee.” “Ewan ko din. Actually kasi minsan bigla.” (With report from Jojo P.
2015 finalist written and directed by Bor ing is not just about one man. Ke magal- maganda ang role, so bigay na bigay Panaligan)
Ocampo. ing kang director, o aktor kung pangit Understanding the market ka, emotions and all, tapos in the
“Hindi ko in-expect,” he said. ang istorya, pangit ang lighting, hindi Having worked in front and behind end, walang dating. Minsan naman
“Parang feeling ko kasi wala naman magki-click eh.” the camera for years now, we asked Ricky simple lang ang role, wala kang ga-
akong ginawa doon masyado.” “Kailangan pasok lahat ng fac- if he already has a clear grasp of what gawin gaano pero well-appreciated
Then again, on hindsight, the actor- tors,” he added. “Una na diyan ’yung audiences like and he said, “Mahirap naman. So, again, everything should
director realized it’s what was called for. kwento, ’yung direksyon, ’yung charac- pulsuhan ang mga tao.” come together talaga.”
“I think abroad mas gusto talaga terization... then i-factor in mo din ’yung “Let’s just say na marami na akong In any case, Ricky has high hopes
nila ’yung tipong subdued acting, which lighting, ’yung photography. A film is a naiintindihan, mas malawak na ang for the local showbiz industry.
I thought was very effective din du’n sa collaborative effort.” pang-unawa ko. Pero like everyone “Sobrang diverse na tayo ngay-
role na ginampanan ko,” he mused. This is not Ricky’s first award, having else, I cannot predict things. Hindi ko on,” he said. “Naghi-hit na ’yung


Our last interview with musician

Chris Cornell
By janet susan r. nepales

os Angeles – We were shocked to
hear the sudden and unexpected death
of musician Chris Cornell, singer of
the bands Soundgarden and Audio-
slave, who died Wednesday night in Detroit as
reported by his representative Brian Bumbery.
He was 52.
We were shocked because we just talked to
Chris last April 12 at the Four Seasons Hotel in
Beverly Hills when he composed and performed
the theme song for the historical drama about
the Armenian Genocide “The Promise” starring
Christian Bale.
Ranked as one of the best vocalists of all
time and noted for his four-octave vocal range,
Chris, whose real name is Christopher John
Chris performing in concert
Boyle, recently reunited with the Au-
(AP/Barry Brecheisen) Chris Cornell (Photo by Ruben V. Nepales)
dioslave group after 12 years. H-2

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

H-2 Entertainment News
Sunday, May 21, 2017

Our last H-1



12:50 , 3:00 , 5:10 // 7:20 , 9:30 R13 // R13
1:00 , 3:40 // 6:25 , 9:30 PG // PG
12:30 , 3:30 , 6:30 , 9:30 PG
1:00 , 3:15 , 5:30 , 7:45 , 10:00 PG
12:05 , 2:35 , 5:05 , 7:35 , 10:05 PG
12:00 , 3:00 , 6:00 , 9:00 PG
1:00 , 3:50 , 7:00 , 10:00 R13
Chris Cornell (AP/Casey Curry)
1:00 , 4:00 , 7:00 , 10:00 pg

Below are excerpts of our last conversation with Chris:

On ‘The Promise’
“I knew the film’s producer, Eric Esrailian. He is a good friend
of mine and a friend of my family’s was actually our family doctor.
May 27, 2017 Dave Moffatt Live in Manila 8:00 PM
8:00 PM
So the subject of the film came up about three and a half, four
June 17, 2017 TJ Monterde
June 24, 2017 The Company & Joey Albert 8:00 PM
years ago. It was just a conversation we were having as friends.
May 26, 2017 Funny Fridays: Comedy Manila 8:30 PM
He was talking about this thing that he wanted to do. We just
May 21 & 28, Words of Life 7:00 AM // Jesus Christ To God Be The Glory 5:00 PM discussed the topic. The idea of me writing a song for it didn’t
May 27, 2017 Private Event: AIM Global 6:00 PM actually come up until several years later. It wasn’t something
that I asked. I didn’t feel it was my place to ask, but when he
asked me to do it I was very happy that he
asked. I felt like it was something that was
an amazing opportunity as a songwriter to
be able to embrace the story of the film and
be able to write a song.”

On the genesis of the song

“There was a connection that my wife’s
family, who is Greek, had with Eric Esrail-
ian the producer’s family, who is Armenian.
My wife’s grandparents when they were
both children, separately, were refugees,
Greek refugees, that survived that policy
of the age. So it was conversations that
we had. Our friendship was partly based
on that history. That’s what drew me into
wanting to be involved somehow in the

On what music means to him

“I can’t separate myself from music. I
actually have crib memories and I think
the reason I have those memories from
being two years old is that there was music
or melodies involved. I remember records
and songs my mother would be playing
while I was in the
crib and I’m sup-
posed to be asleep. I
remember trying to
figure out what was
happening with the
melody and what
the lyrics meant,
b e c a u s e I d i d n’ t
understand meta-
phor so everything
was literal. I don’t
12:35|03:40|06:45|09:50 12:40|03:40|06:40|09:40 SWORD
stand life or exist-
: THE LONG HAUL 12:30|03:20|06:10|09:00
02:10|04:40|07:10|09:40 02:30|07:15 04:45|09:30 ing with music. It’s
DEAR OTHER SELF like I guess, food or
01:30|04:20|07:10|10:00 02:55|05:10|07:25|09:40
02:00|04:20|06:40|09:00 breathing.”
04:00|09:30 01:30|07:00 02:30|07:10 04:50|9:30 |09:00
01:30|04:20|07:10|10:00 03:00|06:00|09:00 12:15|03:10|06:05|09:00 has blurred the
|09:00 lines now of
ALIEN: COVENANT where opportuni-
01:00|03:40|06:20|09:00 ties present them-
01:30|04:20|07:10|10:00 03:00|06:00|09:00
|09:00 selves
“If I look back,
musicians or song-
writers or compos-
ers that I was a
fan of when I was
a child and then
sort of clocked the
trajectory of their
career, almost any-
thing can happen.
For me as a song-
writer, which I think
of myself first and
foremost as that,
working with film,
it’s almost like a
collaboration with
a new band mate
for every story and
every film. And it’s
unique to every sto-
ry and every film. I
will never write an-
other song for the
film ‘The Promise’
and I’ll never write
a song based on this
script or this story.
So it’s this one op-
portunity to write
something that is
unlike anything I’ve
ever done or any-
thing that
I’ll ever do H-4

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black


Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

H-4 Entertainment News Sunday, May 21, 2017

Our last interview... H-2

on me. Any sort of film where the
film was amazing and the music was
in and whatever song it was, I would
slowly fade it out so no one noticed
again. And that’s what draws me to them experience it comprehensive in terms of either and then the radio would be off. That
it.” “For my children, it’s been a part of someone writing actual songs not just would last about 15 minutes. I no-
their lives. Since they were infants they score for the film, or one artist really ticed it was a sociological experi-
On music going digital would be on tour with us. They would absorbing the story and identity being ment that people would start
“I can speak for myself in that be sitting on the side of the stage. Once the musical identity of the film. That’s tapping their fingers and then
I’m in conflict always because I was they were old enough to walk, there why ‘Harold And Maude’ stands out to somebody would be singing the
raised listening to whole albums or were no barriers or boundaries so they me because you can’t really separate melody of the last song that
even side A and side B. and I’ve always would actually just kind of walk out the story and the acting from the Cat was playing. Everyone would
thought, whether it was Soundgarden in the middle of the show when I was Stevens songs. To me it’s all kind of one start to get really uncomfort-
or Audioslave, Temple Of The Dog or playing a show and just kind of looking thing. I’ve always been looking for that able. Then finally someone
my own albums, it’s like an hour ex- around. I wouldn’t say anything I just for me, like the perfect film where I can would say it, hey who turned
perience. Like a Pink Floyd album, as let them hang out for a while. Then write a whole album. A film like ‘The off the radio? And people
a kid I wanted to be drawn into their they’d walk off. So, I can’t compare Promise,’ the story of it is so impactful would visibly get agitated. It
imaginary world that they were invit- my relationship to music with theirs, and so sweeping and so broad I could was interesting.”
ing me into. This is sort of an era of because they’ve had a very different have written 20 songs for it.”
playlists and one song at a time. So it’s experience. But I made a point of not On his writing process
difficult for me to imagine the idea of shaping what they listened to or tell- On whether he is the kind of musi- “I close my eyes and start
just writing a song in a vacuum without ing them. If for no other reason than cian who wants music around him thinking about the character
it being part of a bigger picture. So I I’ve just always been curious why they or not and what the words would be.
hate that. Streaming in terms of hav- listen to certain things. My daughter “It’s interesting that you say that That’s exactly what I do. If I’m
ing access to any music I can think of, Toni has a really unusual list of songs because that’s something that I’ve in a situation where I’m alone,
I like that. I like the idea that someone and artists that she listens to. I’m not noticed for years. I tend to not have I’ll literally sleep with a guitar. I
can tell me about something and I sure how she came across it. From music playing unless that’s what I’m try not to force anything. So like
can be listening to it within seconds, old films and old literally fifties oldies doing. Like, I’m going to sit down every five minutes I’m picking it
literally. Or, I’ve done this exercise to the most modern music. Seeing now and listen to this. Otherwise I up and singing what comes
before where I try to imagine albums how they discover it, it’s a completely think it’s distracting. I used to be a out. If I hate whatever it
that I couldn’t find as a teenager no different process than I did. And it’s dishwasher in a restaurant and they is, I put it down. I just
matter how hard I tried and then inspiring to me to see it.” always had the local radio station sort of stay away for
just look it up and find it. Some of the playing all the time. I liked during a minute.”
stuff is amazingly obscure. I haven’t On his favorite movie music work to write and arrange songs in
been stumped yet. I can find almost “Of someone else’s? ‘Quadrophe- my head. I would just sort of have
anything that I’ve ever come across. nia’ maybe. I think that, especially an idea and I would arrange it. So
And I think that that’s a good thing.” in terms of rock music, I think the I would try to figure out different
film and the music is probably the ways to do that. I would put in
On whether he talked to his best movie integrated music. I think earplugs so I didn’t have to hear.
kids about music or just let ‘Harold And Maude’ had a big impact Then at some point I would go Chris Cornell (AP/Jordan Strauss)

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Manila Bulletin Entertainment Online

PEBRERO 22, 2017

n sa
saho an
Bala bisay- kag
Ka ndan o
tu na

Putli nga

Gintagna sang

Sa handurawan NOBELITA
sang isa ka ati Engkanto sa
Bukid Matutum

Bulolakaw sa
Bugtong Bato

I-1 • Sunday, May 21, 2017 Agod makatrabaho ukon makabakal sang bisan ano, basaha - Manila Bulletin Advertisements & Classified Ads

‘ Kung titignan natin

ang tao sa kung Robin defends
ano ang katayuan
niya sa buhay eh Mocha against critics
tayo ang may

’yan ng basta-basta lang. he is now known as staunch advocate ang nahihirapan, dahil ganoon din
diperensiya. Pinag-isipan ’yan.”
Robin vowed to de-
of a progressive Philippines, champi-
oning faith, family, education, above
ang mga asawa nila at mga anak,”
he pointed out.
fend Mocha from critics, anything else. “Marami akong narinig na kwento
By NR RAMOS saying, “Hindi ako papa- It is no secret that he has been na napakalungkot at nakaka-relate
yag na apihin siya.” organizing numerous charity works ako dahil nahiwalay din ako sa pami-

obin Padilla has this “’Wag natin husga- to strengthen his cause, including the lya ko noon.”
to say on Mocha han ang isang tao dahil distribution of free books and other edu- To pay tribute to OFWs and their
Uson being tapped sa nakaraan niya o cational materials to students across families, Robin partnered with Mon-
by Malacañang as kung ano man ang the archipelago through the help of eyGram for the MoneyGram Idol
communications official: estado niya sa buhay. sponsors. Awards.
“Wala akong nakikitang Tandaan nin’yo, ang “Ang sa akin kasi sino ba ang dapat “Ito ay ang aming munting paraan
mali.” ating bayaning si magtulungan kun’di tayo din? Ang ini- para bigyan sila ng recognition sa
The actor said so when Andres Bonifacio na tiative kasi dapat manggaling sa atin. lahat ng sakrispisyo nila para sa
we asked him for a reac- siyang nagbigay ng ’Wag na natin antayin ang gobyerno, bayan,” he said.
tion on widespread criticism kalayaan sa atin ay para sa atin din naman ito,” he said. A total of 35 OFW families were
hurled at Mocha following masalimuot din ang honored during the awards ceremony
her appointment as Assistant nakaraan – hindi nga Salute to OFWs held at the Solaire Resort and Casino a
Secretary of the Presidential nakapagtapos ng pag- It goes without saying the Overseas few days ago.
Communications Operations aaral ’yun eh. So, kung Filipino Worker is close to Robin’s The 10 major prize winners received
Office (PCOO) a few days ago. titignan natin ang tao sa heart. cash prize worth R20,000.00, then 25
“Walang mali doon, walang kung ano ang katayuan niya “Saludo ako sa kanila, malaki ang consolation prize winners were given
mali kay Mocha. Kung may mali sa buhay eh tayo ang may tulong nila sa ekonomiya ng bansa,” R5,000.00 each.
man dito ay ito ’yung maraming diperensiya.” he said. “Umpisa pa lang ito,” vowed Robin.
Robin Padilla
naiingit kay Mocha,” he added. Robin deems it important that we “Tuloy-tuloy ang aming pagbigay
“Bakit ba natin minamaliit si Mo- Changed man should understand how it is not only pugay sa ating mga mahal na OFW.
cha? Dahil dati siyang nagpapa-seksi? Like Mocha, Robin is a staunch ally Robin is a far cry from the “wild,” the OFW that sacrifices for the country Tuloy-tuloy namin ipaparamdam ang
Eh mas gusto ko naman ’yun kesa sa of President Rodrigo Duterte. The star young man he was. when he goes abroad, but also the family importansiya nila bilang makabagong
magnanakaw ’di ba? Mas disente ’di maintained, “Hindi naman ibibigay Where he used to hog headlines as he leaves behind. bayani.” (With report from Jojo P.
hamak si Mocha kumpara sa kanila.” sa kanya (Mocha) ’yung posisiyon na alleged womanizer and troublemaker, “Hindi lang sila ang nalulungkot, Panaligan)

With a smile
smart and she’s very nice,” he
Daniel Matsunaga said. “We are spending a lot of time
puno ang schedule.”

is okay with ex-girl- together now, so we never know

what will happen next, basta ako
Staying fit
Busy as he is, Daniel doesn’t forego

By Regina Mae Parungao According to Daniel,

friend Erich Gonzales my heart is open.”
For now, however, he is fo-
his health, making sure to fit into his
schedule some gym time.
he and Erich are still not despite their suppos- cused on work. At the moment, he is into CrossFit.

aniel Matsunaga promised on speaking terms. “Sayang ang op- He also plays football.
he would not turn his back “Siyempre it’s sad, edly not-so-pleasant portunities. I be- “I’m also dieting, less carbohy-
on or walk away from Erich ’di ba? Sad lalo na for lieve naman God drates, but more meat and fiber,” said
Gonzales, if and when he a lot of fans, who were breakup has that one Daniel, who has opened up a health food
bumps into her. expecting a lot from us. I person for you, delivery business dubbed the Healthy
The model-actor maintained he still apologize to them because you know, so right tim- House.
has “huge respect” for Erich despite they were with us since the begin- ing lang. Work With his toned body, killer looks and
their bitter breakup. Indeed, he plans ning,” Daniel said. muna for now,” humble personality, most consider Dan-
to greet her with a smile by then. The Brazilian-Japanese looker he said. iel the epitome of the perfect man.
Asked how he was able to move on admitted a planned movie involving Speaking of work, Avon’s Men’s Club thinks so to going
easily, Daniel said: “I spent time with him and Erich was already scrapped Daniel revealed he on to name Daniel their ambassador.
my loved ones, my family. I’m really by the powers that be. and Arci have an At the launch, Daniel shares what
close to my family. They were there Though the possibility of friend- upcoming show in he finds sexy in a woman.
for me the whole time… You also need ship looks bleak at this point, Daniel June. He is also set “Sexy is someone who is confident,
to seek out real friends and find stuff is hopeful, believing it’s the “most to fly in Brazil to somebody who is smart. Somebody who
to do.” important thing.” ERICH GONZALES represent the Phil- knows how to push herself. When there
Describing Erich as a “beautiful ippines in a football is negative things going on or whatever
woman with a beautiful heart,” the 28- On Arci DANIEL MATSUNAGA league. it is around this person, she can stand
year-old actor added, “If I see her, I’m Meanwhile, Daniel is being linked “Mayroon out,” he said.
going to be the same Daniel.” to “I Can Do That” co-contestant Arci Turning serious, Daniel said he is na din namang proposal for movies Daniel continued: “That’s being
The two, fondly referred to by fans Muñoz. not closing the possibility of him and pero hindi pa sure,” he shared. “I sexy for me, the way she speaks, the
as DanRich, were able to complete a He doesn’t find anything wrong with Arci getting to know each other better am also willing to do a teleserye ulit. way she dress(es). That’s also sexy.”
US tour following their breakup last it, actually. He even jested, “Bagay ba but he’d rather leave it to God. So nag-aantay na lang naman ako, (With report from Stephanie Marie
February but that was it. kami?” “Arci is a beautiful girl, she’s very sobrang busy din ngayon kasi medyo Bernardino)

Thwarted team-up time ago, BC did PP a huge favor, which

made her an enemy to a famous personality.
This favor was the leverage BC used to ask
‘In the end, we know what makes us
happy. We also know what makes us un-
happy. That’s the irony. We know and yet
money from PP. However, when PP found out we still mess it up. That’s part of the human
about the booze, casino, and other things, condition, no, and why we need to work on
she stopped entertaining BC. it.’ – Harlan Coben
If she thought BC would finally mend her
ways, PP was wrong. Follow @FashionPulis on Twitter and @
She was actually shocked when BC fashionpulis on Instagram. Please continue
threatened to make a scandal if she does not to send your comments and juicy stories to
give her money. But pity took over PP after Thank you very
FASHION PULIS learning that several people were after her much for loving Till
mike lim friend, particularly casino loan sharks. next Sunday...

he pairing of Strong-Willed
celebrity (SW) and Evolving
Talent (ET) was welcomed by
everyone to the point that many
want them to become permanent love
team partners.
When told about it, SW initially (Illustration by Rod Cañalita)
agreed, deeming the idea interesting. ET,
on the other hand, was willing to do anything to stay Unfortunately, the team up didn’t catch fire. And so
afloat. soon, the two announced they have broken up. The usual
Alas, not soon after, SW had a change of heart. apology and request for privacy soon followed.
Apparently, someone close to SW was familiar with a Sources claim the relationship ended after CD
former lover of ET and she doesn’t want the person learned NH is in a relationship with another man.
feeling left out in case the pairing pushes through. Apparently, CD was just a pawn in NH’s strategy to
Or it could simply be that SW does not want to be gain foothold in the industry.
linked to ET at all.
‘When you’re going through a breakup, you should
‘I think sometimes when we find love we pretend just let yourself feel everything so you can get over it as
it away, or ignore it, or tell ourselves we’re imagining opposed to pretending everything’s okay and dragging
it. Because it is the most painful kind of hope there it out.’ – Hannah Simone
is.’– Rae Carson
In shambles
Deceived Once deemed as among the industry’s most sacred
At onset, followers knew something is amiss with treasures, Bewildered Celebrity (BC) has gotten very
Newbie Hunk (NH) and Cute Discovery (CD) suddenly limited exposure of late.
playing sweet music together. Neither was it a surprise It is said BC’s behaviour after succumbing to vice
when NH and CD announced they were “officially an has had networks wary of giving her projects.
item.” Really? BC is also supposedly in deep debt, resulting from her
Well, it was easy for observers to predict the next gambling away her earnings. She was saved somehow
move of their management. First, they made sure the with the timely intervention of now Low Profile Personal-
two had an apt moniker not unlike other love teams. ity (PP) who lent her much-needed moola.
Second, they were paired in numerous projects. PP and BC have been close friends for years. Some-

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

I-2 Entertainment News Sunday, May 21, 2017

both soldier and civilian, need to be

He added, “The film is also a look at
how we, humans, deal with extremes
like war.”
Nuesa didn’t have a smooth start.
It took him seven months to finish the
First time film script alone.
“At that point pa lang kasi I was
director Dominic already thinking of the budget and the
time frame din,” he explained.
P. Nuesa is making Thankfully, actual production only
waves with ‘Ang took 12 days.

Araw Sa Likod Collective effort

Mo’ bagging inter- It wasn’t only Nuesa who wanted to

make the film as realistic as possible.
national awards The cast also did their utmost in re-

Unexpected turn
searching on their respective roles even
and nominations prior to principal photography.
According to Cabrera, he actually
memorized and learned the proper way
of doing the Fajr, one of the five daily
prayers offered by practicing Muslims.
“I have to be sensitive about it,” he
said. “I had to do the culture right espe-
cially as I am playing a devout Muslim
Liwag did the same, relating that
A SCENE from ‘Ang Araw Sa Likod Mo’ (Photos from An Earth Below Production)
he asked Muslim friends to help him
out with some details relating to their
By STEPHANIE marie BERNARDINO triumphs. He said he was expect- practices.
ing accolades for his actors whom “Hindi ka pwede magkamali eh,” he

any local indies have been he deems the biggest reasons the said. “Siyempre, nire-represent mo sila
making headlines for get- film resonates with viewers. so you have to do things right.”
ting various accolades Cabrera is thrilled by it all. Medina underwent a two-day boot
abroad. “Sobrang saya, I’m very thank- camp at Camp Tecson where he learned
Joining the pack is first-time film- ful,” he said. “Actually I was sur- the fundamentals of Scout Ranger
maker Dominic P. Nuesa’s “Ang Araw prised kasi when I agreed to do training.
Sa Likod Mo,” which recently bagged the film akala ko it’s just an advo-
the Best Film award at the 2016 cacy film na ipapalabas lang sa Meaningful
Auckland International Film Festival mga schools, ’yung mga ganu’n. Nuesa said every aspect of the film is
(AIFF). ’Yun pala isasali siya ni direk sa full of meaning, including the title.
According to Nuesa, he specifically mga international film fest. So, “It is based on Muslim practice of
chose to enter his film to AIFF because masaya.” praying using the sun as navigational
it employs “internal judging, internal Liwag recalled shedding tears tool so they know which direction is
screening.” of joy when he heard about his Mecca,” he noted.
“They judge the merit of the films win. (FROM LEFT): Ping Medina, Bong Cabrera, Mike Liwag, The film has a lot of “raw” action
among themselves,” he explained to “Nu’ng sinabi sa akin ni direk, director Dominic Nuesa, and Ian Ignacio scenes, as it dissects the life of Muslim
Bulletin Entertainment. wala akong nasabi, niyakap ko brothers Jamiluddin (Cabrera) and
Nuesa won Best Director at this lang siya,” he related. “’Pag uwi Omar (Liwag), as well as Sgt. Benjie
year’s Around Films International ko ng bahay du’n na ako napa-iyak of the Philippine Scout Rangers. Meeting the scholars of the founda- Calayan (Medina).
Film Festival. And at the US-based Ac- ta’s nagpasalamat ako kay Lord kasi It started in 2013 when Nuesa di- tion proved inspirational. Produced by Nuesa’s An Earth Be-
colade Global Film Competition early alam niya talaga kung gaano ko ka- rected a corporate video for the Help “Hearing their stories compelled low Productions, “Ang Araw Sa Likod
this year, cast members Bong Cabrera mahal ang acting.” Educate and Rear Orphans (HERO) me to help raise awareness about their Mo,” which has been Graded A by the
and Mike Liwag earned Awards of Foundation, an NGO that provides plight,” Nuesa said. “It became my Cinema Evaluation Board, opens May
Recognition for their performances The beginning scholarships to the children of Filipino mission to tell my fellow countrymen 24 nationwide.
in the film. “Ang Araw Sa Likod Mo,” written by soldiers who were killed or have been how they need more than they are get- Proceeds from the film will go to
Nuesa isn’t surprised about these Nuesa, was inspired by real-life stories incapacitated. ting and that their fathers or mothers, HERO Foundation, Inc.

Sanya just starting to start ‘Tadhana’ pilot episode

Kapu-show “Encantahan At Saya Sa Canada”
with her on-screen partner, Rocco Nacino.
draws good feedback
“One of the memories that I took with me Every day, thou- time ko ito as story teller
from Canada ay ’yung ’pag nasa labas kami, sands of Filipinos go at happy ako kasi may
may bumabati sa aking ‘Danaya,’ tapos tsaka abroad to provide a matututunan ako sa
nila maaalalang ‘Ay, Sanya nga pala!’” she better life for their bawat istorya.”
said. loved ones, help- Marian knows
It was her first trip abroad, making the ing boost local how difficult it is to
experience all the more memorable. economy along be away from her
“I was really looking forward to seeing the way and loved ones. “Bilang
everything. Nasa plano talaga namin na earning the tag anak, nakalulung-
makapag-Stanley Park, but unfortunately Bagong Bayani. kot ’yung lumalaki
umuulan noong nandoon kami. Pero ’yung But what ex- ka na nasa abroad
mere fact na naramdaman ko ’yung lamig, actly do they endure MARIAN RIVERA ’yung nanay mo, buti
SANYA and Rocco in Canada nakapag lakad-lakad sa daan, and went while there? andiyan ang lola ko para
to different restaurants, na-excite talaga The colorful, inspir- alagaan at gabayan ako,”
Luck may have scored Sanya Lopez ako!” ing stories of Overseas Fili- she shared.
the break she had been waiting for after Now that she’s home, Sanya can’t help pino Workers or OFWs is tackled This is also why her new TV project
getting discovered by The Master Show- but spill her plans on coming back to Canada. on “Tadhana,” GMA Public Affairs’ is teaching Marian to value her family
man German “Kuya Germs” Moreno, but “Everything about the trip was an instant new weekly drama anthology series even more. “(Importante) ang maging
it is her hard work that is paving the way favourite kasi eh. Pero gusto ko pa sanang hosted by Kapuso Primetime Queen close sa family kasi mahirap pala ’pag
for stardom. ma-explore ulit ang Vancouver, and mas Marian Rivera. malayo ka na sa kanila,” she said.
Sanya was merely an audience matagal. Sinabi ko sa sarili ko, babalik- “Every Saturday, iba’t-ibang The pilot episode of “Tadhana” aired
member watching her brother, Kapuso balikan ko ang Canada because I also gained story ang mapapanood nila – mga last night generated positive response
heartthrob Jak Roberto, perform on “Wa- new friends there.” kwento ng ating mga kababayan na from viewers. It told the story of Elvie,
lang Tulugan” five years ago. But fast Now that “Encantadia” has ended, Sanya nagtrabaho at nakipagsapalaran a former OFW who worked in Saudi
forward to 2017, she is now a household wants to show her deep gratitude to everyone sa ibang bansa,” said Marian of Arabia. Playing Elvie is Kapuso star Kris
name for breathing life into Danaya, one in the show. She is now preparing for more her latest program with the Kapuso Bernal while veteran actress Cherie Gil
SANYA LOPEZ at the Kapuso show of the iconic Sang’gres on “Encantadia.” challenges in her career, and she vows to face Network. portrays Hannah, Elvie’s employer.
‘Encantahan At Saya Sa Canada’ She went to Vancouver recently for the everything head on. She added “Tadhana” is different Watch “Tadhana” Saturdays after
from her previous projects: “First “Ika-6 Na Utos.”

‘Destination Philippines’ explores forward to working

unique natural and cultural wonders

with our brilliant
new cast members
as we start shoot-
The Philippines is made up of 7,000 islands ing for ‘Goyo’ in a
and is renowned for its tropical climate and beauti- couple of weeks.”
ful beaches. This month CNN discovers what else “Goyo: Ang Ba-
this stunning South-East Asian archipelago has to tang Heneral” is
offer in theme week “Destination Philippines.” from a screenplay he
The highlights of the 30-minute special are: co-wrote with award-
winning screenwriter
Geological Wonder Rody Vera.
Vulcan Point is an island, within a lake, on an TAAL VOLCANO The second-in-
island, within a lake, on an island. Make sense? stallment of Tarog’s
It will when you see it. This geological wonder is able product for the local market. THE CAST of ‘Goyo: Ang Batang Heneral’ historical trilogy
a result of Taal Volcano, which was last active in will focus on the
1977. It is the second most active volcano in the
Philippines with 33 historical eruptions.
Conservation King
Tarsiers are small creatures with giant eyes
and are an endangered species native to the
‘Goyo’ cast revealed heroic struggle of the
young General Gregorio del Pi-
lar and the events that unfold
Flying High! Philippines. The Philippine Tarsier Foundation Fans and followers of the Cruz, Jason Dewey, Miguel soon after the bloody death of
Every year, enthusiasts from all over the world dedicates itself to creating a sanctuary for these wildly successful historical Faustmann, Bret Jackson, General Antonio Luna.
gather for one of the most visual experiences furry animals in a forest on the island of Bohol to film “Heneral Luna” have a Ronnie Lazaro, Guji Loren- A 20-minute short film en-
in South East Asia, the Philippine International ensure future generations have the opportunity to reason to celebrate as the cast zana, Jojit Lorenzo, Leo Mar- titled “Angelito” was released
Hot Air Balloon Fiesta. With more than 100 pilots meet one of the world’s smallest primates. of its highly anticipated sequel tinez, Lorenz Martinez, Karl last February that served as an
operating hot air balloons, the fiesta includes syn- “Goyo: Ang Batang Heneral” Medina, Epy Quizon, Che Ra- introduction to “Goyo” and a
chronized flights, night-time performances, aero- Heaven on Earth has finally been revealed. mos, E. A. Rocha, Tomas San- bridge between both “Heneral
batic exhibitions, formation flying, radio-controlled The limestone cliffs of Sagada are home to Paulo Avelino, who reprises tos, Empress Schuck, Robert Luna” and its upcoming sequel.
aircrafts, paragliding, and skydiving. hundreds of hanging wooden coffins. Two nearby his role as the young general Seña, Stephanie Sol, Markki “Angelito” is exclusively avail-
burial caves also serve as the resting place for Gregorio del Pilar, leads the Stroem, Arron Villaflor, and able online via movie stream-
Philippines’ First Female-Run coffins hand-carved from tree-trunks and nailed cast. Joining him are: Jason Gwen Zamora. ing site
Craft Brewery to the walls. It’s an ancient ritual which the indig- Abalos, Art Acuña, Benja- Director Jerrold Tarog says, “Goyo: Ang Batang Hener-
The tropical island of Palawan is home to the enous Igorot tribe has followed for around 2,000 min Alves, Alvin Anson, Carlo “It’s been three years since we al,” produced by TBA Studios
Philippines’ first female-run craft beer brewery. years. Aquino, Christopher Aronson, last shot ‘Heneral Luna’. It’s a and Artikulo Uno Productions,
The microbrewery hand-produces around 300 “Destination Philippines” airs today at 8 p.m.; RK Bagatsing, Perla Bautista, bit nostalgic to see the return- is set to start filming at the end
cases a month, and is experimenting with the tomorrow, 8:30 p.m.; May 22, 11:30 a.m.; May 23, 5:30 Nonie Buencamino, Roeder ing original cast. At the same of the month. The film is ex-
plentiful local crop of coconuts to make an afford- p.m.; and May 24, 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Camañag, Mon Confiado, Carlo time, I’m also really looking pected to be released in 2018.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

We’re bringing

more fun to your
Sundays! • Sunday, May 21, 2017 I-3

Submit your drawings via email (mbfunpage@yahoo.
com), Facebook (Facebook/Mbfunpage) or snailmail
(FUNPAGE, Manila Bulletin, Muralla
Corner Recoletos Sts. Intramuros, Manila)
Include your name, age, school, and contact number! ICE CREAM TIME The author (right) with her little sister Georges Patawaran

his summer, we joined McDonald’s At the counter, while we were serving
kiddie crew and it was really fun.
On the first day we introduced
How many times the customers, there was this one time
my sister Georges was serving my tita,
ourselves to each other and got a does a kid like who ordered food. Georges asked, “Are

My Masterpiece tour of the McDonald’s kitchen. My favorite

part of the kitchen was the walk-in freezer me, and my sister
these your fries? Can I have some? My tita
was like, :You will be fired for eating your
because it was summer and it was really customer’s food!”
hot and it felt good to be in some place Georges, who is We also practiced a dance for the last
really cold.
After that we went to work at the counter. only seven, get to day and we had such a good time.
On the very last day, we were asked to
How many times does a kid like me, and my
sister Georges, who is only seven, get to stand behind the share our talents. I didnt hesitate. I was so
ready because I learned how to sing and
stand behind the counter to take orders and
be of help to people who want to eat?
counter to take dance at my summer school at Studio 43.
Thanks to those summer dance and singing
We got free food, too, and we were able to
make our own food like, my favorite, making
orders and be of lessons, I was confident. My sister had stage
fright, though. She was so scared. When it
a sundae! I love ice cream and I found it help to people who ended, I was sad because the workshop
crazy pouring hot fudge over it along with was too short but I realized I’d been eating
crushed Oreos. It was the best ever! want to eat? McDonald’s for one week. Wow!

Althea Emmanuelle A. Corpuz, 7

Colegio De Santa Rosa

DELISH SUMMER Not only did these kids have fun during the McDonald’s Kiddie crew, they learned the value of productivity as well.
Images by noel pabalate

Jessy Gabrielle L. Reyes, 10

Color this illustration with Quasar! coloring page
Holy Rosary Academy, Las Pinas City

Terence Rico Reyn S. Tabaya, 9

Franciscan College of the Immaculate Conception

Please claim your prize

at the Manila Bulletin
Lifestyle Office, Muralla
Corner Recoletos Sts.
Intramuros, Manila.
Bring your ID and the
newspaper clipping.
Call 5278121 local 358
and look for FUNPAGE.
Prizes not claimed
They all win a
Hot Wheels toy.
within 60 days will be
amazing grace by PERCIVAL LUGUE
Wanted: kid Writers
Funpage is currently looking for kid
writers, seven to 14 years old. Review
books and toys, attend cool events,
and get invited to movie premieres.
See your own works here! Submit your artworks, drawings, Interested writers can send their sample
poems, short stories, games, comic strips, letters, and other articles to
contributions via email,; Facebook/ Use the subject line FUNPAGE WRITER.
Mbfunpage; or snailmail, FUNPAGE, Manila Bulletin, Muralla Make sure that you have your parents’
Corner Recoletos St. Intramuros, Manila! Include your name, consent! Writers of student publications
age, school, and contact number! are most welcome to join.

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

I-4 Entertainment News Sunday, May 21, 2017

BALTIC & CO. by Roni Santiago TOK & MOL by William Contreras

PUPUNG by Tonton Young IPENUTS by Felipe dela Cruz

DANG EN EBANG by Bladimer Usi katutubo by Edd Burce

CALLOUS by Carlo Jose San Juan MD


MIKO at RUBIO by Rocel Siena

LOLO SPORT by Paolo Simbulan

KOKOY by Rommel J. Estanislao



Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Entertainment News Sunday, May 21, 2017 I-5

ANIMAL CRACKERS by Fred Wagner HI and LOIS by Brian and Greg Walker

i’m bentor by William Contreras TABA N CHOI by Felipe dela Cruz

PAPA DUDONG By Nino Balita AHA HULE by GrecoM

SISIW by Mike de Leon BOTCHOG by Eugene Cubillo

NORMAN’S ISLAND by Norman Isaac LIFE IN PROGRESS by Julius Villanueva


Yellow Magenta Cyan Black

Sunday, May 21, 2017

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iKON to unveil new style in coming album

By JONATHAN M. HICAP “Bling Bling” described as having Life blog.
“swaggy lyrics and iconic energy” Fans have been fervently

that show iKON’s rapping and waiting for iKON’s comeback since
-pop boy band iKON May last year when they released
addictive melodies.
will return to the the single “#WYD.”
“Bling Bling” is collaborative
music scene with a The group announced their
work of iKON’s Bobby and B.I, and
new album and they comeback last May 14 during
Millennium, who were responsible
promise to sport a new style the 2017 YG x UNICEF Walking iKON (YG Entertainment)
for writing, composing and
for the fans. Festival in Seoul where they said,
arranging the song.
The group’s new album “We’ve prepared thrilling songs, Japan and held a concert tour B.I, Jinhwan, Yunhyeong,
“iKON’s new songs are their all-
is titled “New Kids: Begin” group dance, and music videos. that covered seven cities from Chanwoo, Junhoe and
time best,” said YG Entertainment
for release on May 22. The Check out our new album.” September to March this year. D o n g hy u k , m a d e t h e i r
founder and head producer Yang
promotional song off it is Last year, they debuted in IKON, composed of Bobby, Korean debut in 2015.
Hyun-suk, according to the YG

Cable Channels
AXN 5:00 Hollywood 12:35 am The Burger 9:30 Pinoy MYX Tape 9:15 Mr. Bean 7:00 Jake and The Theatrixx 11:45 The 100
6:00 am People On Set Boy With The 4:00 Meta Beats 10:00 Urban MYX 12:00 pm The 9:50 Clarence Neverland Pirates 2:30 Yakitate! 12:40 pm Survivor
Behaving Badly 5:30 Hung S108 Golden Pants 5:00 Made in 10:30 MYX Pinoy Real Saddam 10:15 Teen Titans 7:30 Miles From Japan S34
6:30 Top 20 2:25 Rendez- Italy with Silvia Backtrax Hussein Go! Tomorrowland 4:00 Reborn 1:35 Lucifer
Funniest STAR MOVIES Vous In Kiruna Colloca 11:30 M.I.T 20 1:00 Russia And 11:15 The Looney 8:00 Sofia The 5:30 Major 2:30 Powerless
7:20 Insane or 1:30 am Visions 4:10 Coconut 5:30 Casa Daza 1:30 pm Mellow The West Tunes Show First 7:30 Digimon 3:25 Supergirl
Inspired? 2:55 The Crew Hero 6:00 Foodprints MYX 2:00 Generation X 11:45 The 8:30 The 7D Adventures 4:20 The Flash
8:10 American 4:25 Unconcious 6:00 Hallam Foe 7:00 Tour Group 2:00 Pinoy MYX 8:00 Wicked Tuna Powerpuff Girls 10:30 Bunk’d 8:30 Digimon Xros 5:15 Arrow
Ninja Warrior 5:55 Date Night 7:40 A Perfect 8:00 Battlechefs 2:30 My MYX 10:00 Port 11:00 Star Vs. Wars 6:10 Time After
10:55 The 7:35 Countdown Day To Fly 9:00 Curiosity Got 3:00 Pop MYX Protection NICKELODEON The Forces Of Evil 9:30 Daily Life Of Time
Amazing Race 9:10 White 8:50 Split The Chef 3:30 MYX News 11:00 Wicked 12:00 am Sanjay 11:30 Penn Zero High School 7:05 This Is Mike
12:45 pm Chicks Homicide: Death 10:00 Luxe Asia 4:00 Tuna & Craig 12:00 pm Wander 10:00 Major Stud
Resident Evil 11:00 Hitman: Of A Legend 11:00 LXTV MYXellaneous 12:30 SpongeBob Over Yonder 12:00 pm Hero 8:00 Hit Record
2:40 Criminal Agent 47 10:20 Coconut 4:30 MYX ANIMAL PLANET SquarePants 12:30 Zip Zip at 10 On TV
Minds 12:45 pm The Hero BASKETBALL TV Presents 12:00 am Pit 1:00 Alvin & The 1:00 Boyster 12:30 Hero 8:55 Sisterhood Of
3:30 Good Dinosaur 12:00 pm 12:00 am 2017 5:30 Take 5 Bulls and Parolees Chipmunks 1:30 Chuck Theatrixx HipHop
Supernatural 2:20 Spooks: The Bermuda Triangle NBA Playoff 6:00 MYX Moods 1:00 Yankee 1:30 Oggy And Chicken 2:30 Digimon Xros 9:50 Saturday
4:20 Hawaii Greater Good North Sea Playback 6:30 MYX Hit Jungle The Cockroaches 3:30 Bunk’d Wars Night Live
Five-0 4:15 Armageddon 2:30 Rendez- 2:00 WNBA Chart 2:00 Treehouse 2:30 The Fairly 4:00 The 7D 3:30 Yakitate! 10:45 Powerless
5:15 Quantico 6:45 The Vous In Kiruna Regular Season 8:30 MYX Live! Masters Odd Parents 4:30 Wander Over Japan 11:40 Family Guy
6:10 Caught On Divergent Series: 4:10 The Sea 4:00 NBA Eastern 9:30 Star MYX 3:00 Untamed 3:30 Teenage Yonder 5:00 Reborn
Camera Allegiant 6:00 Zurich Conference Finals 10:00 MYX News and Uncut Mutant Ninja 5:00 Penn Zero 7:00 Daily Life Of PBO
7:05 Top 20 9:00 Who Gets 7:30 Allmen And 6:00 Shaqtin a 10:30 My MYX 8:00 pm North Turtles 5:30 Star Wars High School 1:30 am
Funniest The Dog The Secret Of The Fool 2016-17 #3 11:00 Pop MYX Wood Laws 4:00 Rabbids Rebels 7:30 Hero at 10 Mapanukso
8:00 The 10:50 Forrest Dragonflies 7:00 NBA 11:30 Pinoy MYX 10:00 Finding Invasion 6:00 Phineas & 8:00 Hero 3:30 Ang Huling
Apartment Gump 9:00 Arrows GameTime Playoff Bigfoot 4:30 Kid vs. Kat Ferb Theatrixx Birhen Sa Lupa
9:00 The Smurfs Of The Thunder Pregame Live DISCOVERY 111:00 TNorth 5:00 The Fairly 7:00 Zip Zip 10:00 Major 5:30 Tropang
11:00 Criminal DIVA Dragon 8:00 2017 Playoff CHANNEL Wood Laws Odd Parents 7:30 Gravity Falls Bulilit
Minds UNIVERSAL 10:35 Enduring Playbacks 12:00 am 6:00 SpongeBob 9:30 Bunk’d STAR WORLD 7:30 Jack & Jill
11:55 The 6:00 am Signed, Love* 9:00 NBA Treehouse CARTOON SquarePants 10:00 Phineas & 12:00 am Gallery 10:00 Anong
Apartment Sealed, Delivered Western Conf. Masters NETWORK 7:00 Kung Fu Ferb Girls Ganap?
12:45 am Hawaii 2: Truth Be Told SOLAR SPORTS Finals 1:10 Gold Rush 12:00 am Panda: Legends Of 11:00 Ninja 12:45 Sex and 11:30 Kusina
Five-0 7:35 The Wrong 12:00 am Sea 11:30 NBA 2:00 Fanatic Regular Show Awesomeness Hattori The City 1:30 pm
1:40 Quantico Car Master Sailing GameTime Mechanic 1:00 Adventure 8:00 Penguins Of 1:10 Private Bekikang: Ang
2:30 American 9:15 Stolen From 1:00 World Class Postgame Live 3:00 How It’s Time Madagascar ANIMAX Practice Nanay Kong Beki
Ninja Warrior Suburbia Boxing 1:00 pm Shaqtin Made 2:00 The Amazing 10:00 Back At The 12:00 am Hunter 1:55 Gallery Girls 3:30 Pusong
11:00 My Kitchen 3:00 Paddle’s Up a Fool 2016-17 4:00 Manhunt World Of Gumball Barnyard X Hunter 2:40 Sex and The Mamon
HBO Rules US 5:00 Fit to Hit #3 with Joel Lambert 3:50 Tom & Jerry 12:00 pm CatDog 2:30 Animax City 5:30 Wanted:
6:00 am The 12:05 am Just 7:00 Pilates 1:30 High Tops 5:00 Gold Rush Show 1:00 Chalkzone Musix 3:05 Private Perfect Mother
Mexican For Laughs 7:30 Sagupaan 2:00 HSN 6:00 Railroad 4:00 Courage The 2:00 The Fairly 3:00 Practice 7:30 Manila’s
8:00 The Wizard 12:35 It’s 8:30 Gillette 3:00 WNBA Alaska Cowardly Dog Odd Parents Hyperdimension 3:50 Gallery Girls Finest
Of Lies Complicated World Sports Regular Season 8:00 Fanatic 5:00 The 3:00 SpongeBob Neptunia The 4:35 Sex and The 9:30 Beauty and
10:15 Steve Jobs 2:45 Rookie Blue 10:00 World 5:00 NBA Mechanic Powerpuff Girls SquarePants Animation City the Bestie
12:15 pm 3:40 Law & Order Class Boxing Gametime 8:50 Venom 5:30 We Bare 4:00 The Fairly 3:30 Twin Star 5:00 Private 11:30 Alabang
Terminator 6:25 Clean House 1:00 pm URCC 6:00 2017 Playoff Hunters Bears Odd Parents Exorcists Practice Girls
Genisys 7:25 I Do, I Do, Rewind Playback 9:40 Manhunt 6:00 Tom & Jerry 5:00 Breadwinners 4:00 www. 5:45 Gallery Girls
2:20 Bastille Day I Do 2:00 Fit to Hit 7:00 Open Court with Joel Lambert Show 5:30 SpongeBob Working!! 6:30 Suburgatory VIVA CHANNEL
3:50 Aeonflux More info 4:00 World Class 406 10:30 Gold Rush 6:45 The Jungle SquarePants 4:30 Animax 7:30 Masterchef 12:00 am OPM
5:25 Shark Tale 9:10 The Princess Boxing 8:00 NBA 11:20 United Bunch To The 6:30 Rabbids Musix US Hits
6:55 Jurassic Diaries 2: Royal 6:00 X Games Western Conf. States Of Rescue Invasion 5:00 The File Of 10:15 Crazy Ex- 1:00 Popstar
World Engagement Vault Finals Paranoia 7:00 Barbie 7:00 Alvin & The Young Kindaichi R Girlfriend Diaries
9:00 The Wizard 11:20 Suits 6:30 World 10:30 NBA 12:10 pm How 7:40 Be Cool Chipmunks 6:00 Bang Dream! 11:15 The Great 1:30 Bet Mo Ba?
Of Lies 1:10 pm Lead Sailing Show Gametime It’s Made Scooby-doo! 7:30 Harvey 6:30 Food Truck Race 2:00 Taralets
11:15 Popstar: With Your Heart 10:00 Motoring 11:30 NBA Action 1:00 Men, 8:30 Ben 10 Beaks Hyperdimension 12:15 pm 2:30
Never Stop Never 2:50 Signed, Today Women, Wild 9:15 Regular 8:00 Teenage Neptunia The America’s Next Top Annebishowsa
Stopping Sealed, Delivered 11:00 X Games MTV 2:00 Naked And Show Mutant Ninja Animatio Model 3:00 Pinoy Star
12:40 am The 2: Truth Be Told Vault PHILIPPINES Afraid XL 9:50 We Bare Turtles 7:00 Twin Star 1:15 Amazing Stories
Gallows 4:25 Stolen From 12:00 am The 3:00 Men, Bears 8:30 The Fairly Exorcists Wedding Cakes 4:00 Wapak
2:00 Steve Jobs Suburbia LIFESTYLE Playlist Women, Wild 10:15 The Odd Parents 7:30 Strike The 4:10 Masterchef 5:00 #JaDine
4:00 Due Date NETWORK 1:00 After Hours 4:00 Treehouse Powerpuff Girls 9:00 100 Things Blood US 5:30 Chillin with
5:35 Hollywood CINEMAONE 12:00 am 6:00 The Playlist Masters 10:50 Mr. Bean to do Before High 8:30 Naruto 7:00 Crazy Ex- Chicser
On Set 1:00 am Foodprints 3:00 pm Gimme 4:50 Fanatic 11:50 Teen Titans School 11:00 www. Girlfriend 6:00 P-Pop
Madonna, Ang 1:30 Next Great 10 Mechanic Go! 9:30 Make it Pop Working!! 8:00 Crazy Ex- 6:30 Idol
CINEMAX Babaeng Ahas Burger 4:00 The Playlist 5:40 How It’s 12:15 pm 10:00 Game 11:30 Animax Girlfriend 7:00 OPM Hits
6:00 am The 3:00 My Pretty 2:00 Fixer Upper 7:00 Teen Cribs Made Adventure Time Shakers Musix 10:00 Scandal 7:30 Go Get Fit
Blues Brothers Baby 3:00 Battlechefs 7:30 Nitro Circus 6:30 Gold Rush 12:45 The 10:30 Henry 12:00 pm The File 11:00 Sex and 8:00 Front Row
8:10 Babylon 5: 5:00 Feel Na Feel 4:00 LXTV: Open 8:00 Pranked 7:20 Railroad Amazing World Of Danger Of Young Kindaichi 10:00 Especially
The Lost Tales 7:00 Super Inday House National 8:30 The Playlist Alaska Gumball 11:00 The R JACKTV 4U
9:20 Anchorman: And D Golden 5:00 Busy Bodies 8:10 Manhunt 1:45 Tom & Jerry Thundermans 1:00 Gabriel 12:35 am Empire 11:00 Starbiz
The Legend Of Bibe 6:00 Amy Dixon MYX with Joel Lambert Show 11:30 Nicky, Dropout 1:30 Grimm 12:00 pm Wapak
Ron Burgundy 9:00 Kalabog En Collection 12:00mn Mellow 9:00 Mythbusters 2:45 Clarence Ricky, Dicky & 1:30 Twin Star 2:25 Suits 1:00 OPM Hits
10:55 Extraction Bosyo 7:00 New Fitness MYX 9:50 Dual Survival 3:10 Uncle Dawn Exorcists 3:20 Time After 2:00 Asianation
12:25 pm The 11:00 Hindi Ka Collection 12:30 Club MYX Grandpa 2:00 Sket Dance Time 3:30 Rap
Witches Of Na Sisikatan Ng 8:00 Meta Beats 1:00 MYXED Lives NATIONAL 3:45 Steven DISNEY 4:30 Girlish 4:15 The Big Bang Sessions
Eastwick Araw 9:00 Fixer Upper 1:30 MYX GEOGRAPHIC Universe CHANNEL Number Theory 4:00 P-Pop
2:20 Kings Of 1:00 pm 10:00 Luxe Asia Olympics CHANNEL 4:10 Teen Titans 12:00 am Zig & 6:30 www. 5:10 Bob’s Burgers 4:30 Emo
South Beach Cinemanews 11:00 Andy Bates 2:30 Rock MYX 12:00 am Drugs, Go! Sharko Working!! 6:05 Family Guy 5:00 OPM Hits
3:50 Crazy In 2:00 The Achy Brazillian Street 3:00 MYX News Inc. 4:45 Mr. Bean 1:00 The 7:00 Animax 6:35 The Simpsons 5:30 Go Get Fit
Alabama Breaky Hearts Feasts 3:30 MYX 2:00 Lockdown 5:15 Yokai Watch Replacements Musix 7:05 Making 6:00 Especially
5:40 Million 4:00 Everyday I 12:00 pm Next Presents 3:00 Drugs, Inc. 5:45 Power 2:00 Stitch! 7:30 The File Of History 4U
Dollar Arm Love You Great Burger 4:30 MYX Live! 9:00 The Ranger Dino 3:00 Perman Young Kindaichi R 7:35 The Last Man 7:00 Taralets
7:45 Fury 6:00 The Third 12:30 Around 5:30 MYX Skyjacker That Charge 4:00 Fish Hooks 8:30 Bang Dream! On Earth 7:30 Anong
10:00 Tremors Party The World in 80 Backtrax Got Away 6:15 Blazing Teens 5:00 Phineas & 9:00 Danganronpa 8:05 Tattoos After Ganap? Segments
11:35 Face Off 8:00 Intruders Dishes with Manu 6:00 Take 5 10:00 6:45 Pokemon The Ferb 11:00 Fairy Tail Dark 8:00 Sinepalooza
1:55 am 10:00 Ang Feildel 6:30 Pinoy MYX Unabomber: The Series 6:00 Mickey 9:00 The Art Of 10:00 Bet Mo Ba?
Curse Of Chucky Katiwala 1:30 Tour Group Countdown Secret History 7:40 Turbo FAST Mouse Clubhouse HERO 9:55 Rebel Music 10:30 #JaDine
3:30 Already 2:30 Fixer Upper 8:30 My MYX 11:00 Challenger 8:15 Regular 6:30 Doc 12:00 am Chaika 10:50 Saturday 11:00 Pinoy Star
Dead CINEMAWORLD 3:30 Next Great 9:00 Pop MYX Disaster: Lost Show Mcstuffins 12:30 Hero Night Live Stories

Yellow Magenta Cyan Black


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