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WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 0


WEEK 4-6
In-Between Key Animation
Development Team

Writers: Roger C. Vea Abraham S. Salvador

Editor: Angela A. Garganta

Reviewer: Jerry V. Carreon

Illustrator: Abraham S. Salvador

Layout Artist: Abraham S. Salvador

Management Team:

Vilma D. Eda Joye D. Madalipay

Lourdes B. Arucan Juanito V. Labao

Marju R. Miguel

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 1

What I Need to Know

This module covers the Knowledge, skills and attitude required in employing
techniques in in-betweening key animation drawings.
Upon completion of this module the students should be able to:
1. Define breakdown and thumbnails(in animation);
2. Explain breakdown charts and the key charts;
3. Draw/illustrate a breakdown chart; and
4. Create breakdown drawing.

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 2

What I Know


Directions: Read and answer the following statements carefully. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What do you call a pose between two keys in creating an animation?

A. Breakdown B. Break-in
C. Break-up D. Break out

2. These are the poses used to fill the key poses in the breakdown position?
A. Between B. In-betweens
C. Outer tweening D. None of these is the answer

3. Who will illustrate or sketch the characters, layout and do the backgrounds on
paper in animation.
A. Animator B. Designer
C. Draftsman D. Illustrator

For questions 4-6.

Study the breakdown given and answer the following questions. Choose your
answer from the given choices below.


3 7

A. Frame 9 B. Frame 3 & 7

C. Frame 5 D. Frame 1 & 9

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 3

4. Which of the following frames indicates the first breakdown?
5. What frame indicates the key frames?
6. Which of the following frames shows the in-betweens?

7. What do you call a preliminary sketch of the scene in which you plan out the
action, timing and arcs?
A. Arc B. Breakdown
C. Post to Post D. Thumbnails

8. Which of the following breakdown charts is suited in the image given below?





9. Who among the person listed in the choices will draw the in between in the
breakdown chart below?

A. Director C. Assistant Animator

B. Animator D. Client

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 4

10. Who among the person listed in the choices will draw key frames in the
breakdown chart below?

A. Director
C. Assistant Animator
B. Animator
D. Client

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 5



A breakdown is a pose on a large gaps between two keys. These are important
because they describe rotation trajectories, timing eases, elbow bending, etc. The in-
betweens are the poses used to fill-in between the key poses and breakdown poses.
These are the extra drawings used to make the animation smooth.

Image from:

Thumbnails are the preliminary sketch of the scene, an single static image, in
which you plan out the action, timing and arcs. The above image is a sample of

Here is a sample of breakdown drawing. The two keys are on #1 and #21, the
breakdown in in red, with in-between drawing in blue. With this image, the physical
action is pre-animated! The timing estimate below also allows you to plan out the
timing and spacing of the entire scene in one image.

Image from:

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 6

What’s In

General instructions: read and answer carefully the given activities in this module.
Then, write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Activity 1. Complete Me!

Directions: Fill the spaces provided to complete the animation reel template. Choose
your answer in the given box below.



Image from:

Image from:

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 7

What’s New

Based on the first activity ”Complete Me” we arranged the pictures or series of
images according to their movement to create an illusion of motion or an animation. It
is a breakdown of series of drawings/pictures for animation. Traditionally, it is a
technique in animation which each frame (pictures) is drawn by hand.

An animator will illustrate or sketch the characters, layout and do the backgrounds
on paper. Each drawing in the animation would be slightly different than the one before
it and the one following it, creating the illusion of movement when everything is put on

Image from

Activity 2. The in-betweens

As an aspiring animator try to create an in-between drawing of the images below.

Image from

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 8

What is It

BREAKDOWN CHARTS (also known as Key charts) shows the positioning of key
frames and the arc of action for the in-between shots. It specifies where the key
frames will fit into the sequence of animation and the length of the sequence in
Breakdown charts may identify:
 number of in-betweens required
 path of action and pace
 placement of in-between drawings

To tell the assistant just how many in-betweens

are needed between two keys. The animator
draws a chart on the first key.

Drawing no. [5] indicated parethesis because it is

the first in-between, for breakdown drawing to be
done between 1 and 9 (the key drawings, which are
circled) it is the breakdown drawing.

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 9

Once the breakdown drawing is completed, the
assistant must put the two in-betweens, 3 in the
middle of 1 and 5 and drawing 7 in the middle of 5
and 9.


Extreme breakdowns – extremes are where there is a change in direction, the ends of
the action where the direction changes.

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 10

The pendulums arm maintains its length as it swings. The middle position create an
arc of action. We can see how important the middle position between the two

What’s More

Fill me!
Directions: fill in the blanks with the correct word/s to complete the pharagraph.

BREAKDOWN CHARTS are also known as (1)________________shows the

positioning of (2)______________and the(3) _______________for the in-between
shots. It specifies where the (4)______________ will fit into the sequence of
(5)___________ and the length of the sequence in (6)____________ . Breakdown
charts may identify number of (7)_____________ required, path of (8)__________
and (9)___________ and the (10)_______________ of in-between drawings.

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 11

What I Have Learned

Activity 4. The Breakdown Chart

Directions: I. Study the breakdown chart below. Choose your answer from the
given choices after the chart. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.


3 7

A) Frame 9
B) Frame 3
C) Frame 3 & 7
D) Frame 5
E) Frame 1

1. Which of the following frames indicates the first breakdown?

2. What frame indicates the first key frames?
3. Which of the following frames shows the in-betweens?
4. What frame indicates the 2nd key frame?
5. What frame indicates the in-between of frames 1 and 5?

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 12

Directions: II. Draw the break down chart of the image below.

Image taken from: GoGraph

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 13

What’s More

Directions: If you have an Internet access, you may watch the video links given below.
Then, answer the questions that follows. Do also the tasks which are indicated in
activity 1.

PWOW Workshop - Introduction to Animation Breakdowns, Apr 4, 2017

Keys, Extremes, Breakdowns and In-betweens, Jun 24, 2012

SBW - The art of Inbetweening: Timing Charts, Jan 12, 2016

A. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the important points discussed in the video?
2. What kind of output seen in the video captured your interest?
3. Why is it important, especially for beginners like you, to understand Inbetweening,
Breakdown and Timing Charts?

Activity 1. Study the breakdown charts below. By your own designed character,
create key poses and breakdown the key poses by producing in-betweens.

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 14

What I Can Do


Draw the image below and apply color to the characters.

Sample output

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 15

Scoring rubric for breakdown drawing

Indicators Distinguished Proficient Competent Emerging

(4pts) (3pts) (2pts) (1pt)
Art work is Art work is neat Art work is Art work is
impeccable and and shows very somewhat messy messy and
shows no little evidence of and shows either shows smudge
evidence of smudge marks, smudge marks or marks and
smudge marks, rips, tears or rips, tears or rips, tears or
rips, tears or folds. A few folds. Some folds, Erasure
folds. No erasure lines erasure lines lines showing.
erasure lines showing. showing.
Art work shows Art work shows Art work shows Art work lacks
a mastery of good technique. some technique technique
advanced All objects are and and/or
techniques in placed in correct understanding of understanding
composition. All space. Negative art concepts. of art
objects are and positive Average use of concepts.
placed in space are almost negative and Paper is left
correct space. balanced. Paper positive space. mainly blank,
Technique Negative and is drawn on Paper is half filled little area
positive space leaving some and foreground drawn on and
are balanced. area undone and and background does not show
Paper is shows a is clearly shown. a back-ground,
completely background, mid- mid-ground
drawn on and ground and and/or
shows a foreground. foreground.
mid-ground and
Art work reflects Art work reflects Art work shows Art work
a high level of originality. some evidence shows little or
originality. Student uses of originality. no evidence of
Student uses line, shading or Student uses original
line, shading or form in an line, shading or thought.
form in a highly original manner. form in a slightly Student does
original manner. original manner. not use line,
shading or
Completed art Completed art Completed art Completed art
work is fully work is almost work is half work is not
shaded showing fully shaded shaded showing shaded or
excellent showing good average incorrectly
placement of placement of placement of shaded. Still
light and dark light and dark light and darks life objects are
using excellent using good using average incorrect in
drawing/painting drawing/painting drawing/painting proportion with
techniques. Still technique. Still technique. Some real life
life objects are life objects are still life objects objects. .
in excellent mostly in good are in proportion
proportion with proportion with with real life
real life objects. real life objects. objects

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 16



Directions: Read and answer the following statements carefully. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What do you call a pose between two keys in creating an animation?

A. Breakdown B. Break-in
C. Break-up D. Break out

2. These are the poses used to fill the key poses in the breakdown position?
A. Between B. In-betweens
C. Outer tweening D. None of these is the answer

3. Who will illustrate or sketch the characters, layout and do the backgrounds on
paper in animation.
A. Animator B. Designer
C. Draftsman D. Illustrator

For questions 4-6.

Study the breakdown given and answer the following questions. Choose your
answer from the given choices below.


3 7

A. Frame 9 B. Frame 3 & 7

C. Frame 5 D. Frame 1 & 9

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 17

4. Which of the following frames indicates the first breakdown?
5. What frame indicates the key frames?
6. Which of the following frames shows the in-betweens?

7. What do you call a preliminary sketch of the scene in which you plan out the
action, timing and arcs?
A. Arc B. Breakdown
C. Post to Post D. Thumbnails

8. Which of the following breakdown charts is suited in the image given below?





9. Who among the person listed in the choices will draw the in between in the
breakdown chart below?

A. Director C. Assistant Animator

B. Animator D. Client

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 18

10. Who among the person listed in the choices will draw key frames in the
breakdown chart below?

A. Director
C. Assistant Animator
B. Animator
D. Client

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 19

Answer Key

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 20

PWOW Workshop - Introduction to Animation Breakdowns, Apr 4, 2017

Keys, Extremes, Breakdowns and In-betweens, Jun 24, 2012

SBW - The art of Inbetweening: Timing Charts, Jan 12, 2016

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 21

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Laoag City

Curriculum Implementation Division
Brgy. 23 San Matias, Laoag City, 2900
Contact Number: (077)-771-3678
Email Address:

WBLS-OBE CG-Aligned Self-Learning Module TVL 12 22

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