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Comfortability Instituto Universitario de

As for desk clutter, organization Tecnología de

prevents distraction and mistakes, Administración Industrial
which in turn, increases productivi- There's not much more to comfortability Sede Central
ty. Try encouraging a clutter-free than providing the proper workplace Administración de Empresa
work zone and propose creative comfort. The elements of comfort inclu- Unidad Curricular: ingles
ways that will help everyone remain de, but are not limited to: de negocios II
organized. Some examples include: Sección 223A1

 Temperature
 Noise Level
 Amount of People
The Office
 Air Quality Atmosphere Impacts
 Desk Setting Productivity:
 Safety Behavior, Appearance
and Comfortability

 Making priority lists - this way,

there aren't many tasks on
the desk at one time.
 Utilizing a desk organizer -
separating papers, supplies,
items with deadlines, etc.
 Importing documents that can Some of these elements differ depen-
be thrown away into the com- ding on the season, location or indivi-
puter. dual, but they're all of high importan-
ce. The office atmosphere as a whole
impacts productivity.

Bibliographic Reference Teacher: Student:

Henry Rivero Pacheco Keyler
-comfortability/ Caracas, September 2021
The complete atmosphere of an Behavior
office or workplace correlates with
employee productivity. This inclu-
des three large areas: behavior, A work environment should be a mature
appearance and comfortability. setting, one where each and every emplo-
yee is respectful of one another. While res- Appearance
pecting one another, employees should
make it a point to get to know their cowor-
kers. Participating in team events and team As mentioned above, furniture pla-
building activities is a beneficial way to ac- cement, lighting, and desk clutter fall
complish this. After getting to know one into office appearance. The overall
another on not only a larger work level, but set-up of an office has the ability to
on a larger personal level, employees are impact the way workers act, feel and
encouraged to communicate more and un- engage in the workplace. Someti-
derstand how each person does their job. mes this depends on the type of
When it comes to workplace beha- work that's being done within the
vior, all employees come into play. office, and sometimes it depends on
It's not only about how the manager what the employees prefer. An exa-
treats his or her staff, it's also about mple is the classic cubicles verse
the relationships of individual wor- open desks.
kers, as well as departments.

Employees are also more productive when

they're aware of their value and feel appre-
ciated, which is why it's important for mana-
gers to express that. Recognition Source While some workers prefer an open
The appearance of the office ties states, "As working the same job, day in atmosphere with easy communica-
into the design of the office. Furni- and day out, can grow tedious over a long tion, some enjoy having a closed,
ture placement, lighting, and desk span of time, many corporations use corpo- personal space with zero distraction.
clutter are a few concerns that rate awards to let their employees know But, no matter if there's cubicles or
should rank high on the priority list that they are valued and provide them with open desks, proper lighting is nee-
of creating a productive atmosphe- an incentive to deliver top performance at ded. Depending on whether you’re
re. all times." working with computers, reading, or
doing some other task.

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