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For the policeman, knowing intimately the area where he works is a primary
requirement in order for him to be both efficient and effective in his assigned job. This
knowledge is usually accumulated by the policeman during the span of his assignment.
It has been observed however that at lower levels there is virtually no effort to formally
compile this knowledge into a coherent form so that newly assigned policemen can have
a database which would serve as a ready reference. With the availability of these
materials to newly assigned personnel, the period for developing their knowledge of the
locality would surely be substantially reduced. Institutionalizing the maintenance of the
area study can work wonders for the police organization specially in events where there
are personnel turn-overs.

The knowledge of the locality where the policeman works translated into a
coherent written compilation is called the AREA STUDY. It is a basic intelligence
reference containing a compilation of properly analyzed information accompanied by
appropriate maps, photographs, charts, sketches, and other illustrative materials,
describing comprehensively the major conditions that directly or indirectly affect the local
peace and order situation. It is very useful as reference for:

1. making and executing intelligence plans

2. preparing and implementing the various police operational activities
3. formulating and implementing the government’s socio-economic development

Among the more important points to be considered in the preparation of the area
study are the accuracy, dependability and up-to-dateness of the materials to be used.
These are the critical factors that will determine the usefulness and reliability of the area
study in addition to the description and treatment of the existing and potential problem
areas in a given locale. Local government units, local offices of the various government
agencies, private organizations and institutions, prominent and knowledgeable
personalities, and security forces are among the principal sources of information.

Obviously, the area study will contain an enormous amount of information on

practically every aspect of the local government. But it is not enough for the study to
present only the basic facts. Rather, each section of the study should include an
objective analysis of the given condition or situation, singling out, among others,
descriptions of existing or potential areas that must be addressed by the police

There is no singular format that is universally acceptable. The following is a

typical outline of an area study:


I. Introduction

A. General Information
B. Historical Background


II. Geography

A. Location, Size and Shape

B. Topographical Features (natural and man-made)
C. Climate and Weather
D. Analysis

III. Economy

A. Type of economy prevalent in the area

B. Food supply and agriculture
C. Labor supply and organization
D. Industrial facilities and manufacturing operations
E. Transportations
F. Communication facilities
G. Water supply
H. Finances and Financial Institutions
I. Trade
J. Consumer control
K. Analysis

IV. Sociology

A. Local Customs, Traditions and Social Mores

B. Population Structure
C. Education
D. Public Health
E. Public Welfare
F. Religious Beliefs and Sects
G. Cultural Structure and the Arts
H. Analysis

V. Government

A. The local government

B. Other government agencies available in the area
C. The Armed Forces
D. Disaster Control
E. Public Works and Utilities
F. Analysis

VI. Political Factors

A. Local Political Parties and prominent personalities

B. Participation of the Populace in Politics
C. Analysis


VII. Peace and Order

A. Local Insurgency Situation

1. Composition and Organization
2. Leadership and Personalities (include Compilation of Warrants
of Arrests)
3. Number, Disposition and Armaments
4. Affected areas
5. Strategy and tactics
6. Logistics
7. Nature and Extent of significant Activities
8. Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities
9. Capabilities
10. Assessment

B. Criminality

1. Crime Statistics and Interpretation

2. List of crime prone areas (with maps and sketches)
3. List of wanted persons to include personal profile and arrests
4. List of unsolved heinous/sensational crimes committed in the
5. Syndicated/Organized Criminal Activity

a. Illegal Drugs
b. Illegal gambling
c. Robbery
d. Smuggling
e. Illegal logging
f. Carnapping
g. Etc.

6. Estimate of loose firearms

7. Compilation of cases filed in court and their updated
8. Compilation of habitual offenders
9. Compilation of juvenile delinquents
10. Assessment

VIII. Personalities

This involves the collection of biographical data pertaining to persons

within the locality who possess some degree of influence and leadership. It is very
important for the policeman to know them so that they can be effectively tapped as
active contributors to the over-all effort of improving and preserving the local peace and
order climate

IX Conclusion


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