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NAME: Devina Singh

TEACHER: Rosyln Glassglow
SCHOOL: West Demerara
Secondary School


was the last time I heard from my friend Paul'
Give your story an appropriate title.

I woke up one sunny morning, I hopped out of bed and took a long stretch and
went to shower and brush my teeth, had breakfast and lastly got dressed then
waited for my bus. I saw my best friend, Rose, as she sat next to my brother, Jack.
We all sat and played games as we waited for our very own friend Paul to come, as
he lived a block away from us. We finally reached at his house, but I noticed he
was disturbed for some reason. We went to class as we heard the bell rang loudly.
They were five classes in grade ten and we all were in different classes but it never
affected our friendship. We play soccer during our lunch break and then ate our
lunches. We then went back to our classrooms and did a lab and lastly went back
home. We missed the bus so we walked but then Paul walked very fast as he told
us that he is moving to another state and thus he would have to switch schools.
Everyone looked at each other with complete anxiety in their eyes. We all
continued to walk silently to our respective houses. Alas we had reached Pauls’
house, as he opened his gate he looked at us over his shoulder, he said that he
would come back every summer to visit. He hugged each of us and then walked in
his rocky pathway. He waved silently at us as he turned his back , four summers
had passed and the bonds between the remaining three of us faded and thus,‘That
was the last time I heard from my friend Paul.’

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