CACHO NCP1 (Final)

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Subjective data: Acute pain related The H. pylori After 1 to 2 hours of Monitor pain scale of To have a baseline data After 2 hours of
“Innem nga to gastric mucosal bacteria stick to nursing the patient nursing intervention,
domingo nga irritation as the layer of intervention, the the patient was able to
agsaksakit toy evidenced by slight mucus in the patient will be able Provide or promote Nonpharmacological report pain is relieved
tyan kon. epigastric digestive tract to report pain is nonpharmacological relaxation techniques or controlled as
Makariing nak pay tenderness, facial and cause relieved or pain management: will decrease the evidenced by absence
ti rabii ti sakit nan. grimace, inflammation controlled as  Quiet production of gastric of epigastric
Sa la maawan abdominal (irritation), evidenced by environment, acid, which in turn will tenderness, relaxed
sakit nan nu guarding, changes which can cause absence of calm reduce pain. facial expressions and
mangan nak ngem in blood pressure this protective epigastric activities, body posture, blood
kumaro nu with 130/80 lining to break tenderness, relaxed  Comfort pressure is within
malipasan nak nga mmHg, and a down. This facial expressions measures (e.g., normal range from
mangan ti mano verbalization of breakdown is a and body posture, change of 130/80 to 120/80, and
nga oras” as “Innem nga problem because blood pressure is position) a verbalization of
verbalized by the domingo nga your stomach within normal range  Use of “Hindi na gaanong
patient with a pain agsaksakit toy tyan contains strong from 130/80 to relaxation masakit ang tyan ko”
scale of 6/10 kon. Makariing nak acid intended to 120/80, and a exercises (e.g., by the patient with a
pay ti rabii ti sakit digest food. verbalization of focused pain scale from 6/10
Objective data: nan. Sa la maawan Without the “Hindi na gaanong breathing, to 2/10.
 Slight sakit nan nu mucus layer to masakit ang tyan guided
epigastric mangan nak ngem protect it, the ko” by the patient imagery) GOAL MET
tenderness kumaro nu acid can eat into with a pain scale  Diversional or
 Facial malipasan nak nga stomach tissue. from 6/10 to 2/10. distraction
grimace mangan ti mano This results to activities, such
 Abdominal nga oras” as acute pain. as television
guarding verbalized by the and radio,
 Changes in patient with a pain Reference:
blood scale of 6/10. Peptic Ulcer Administer Paracetamol
pressure Disease: Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is a
Treatment, (acetaminophen) 500 pain reliever and a fever
BP: 130/80 Symptoms, mg orally every 4 reducer. Paracetamol
mmHg Causes, hours as prescribed exhibits analgesic action
Prevention. by peripheral blockage
(2020). of pain impulse
generation. It produces
Cleveland antipyresis by inhibiting
Clinic. the hypothalamic heat-
regulating centre. Its
weak anti-inflammatory
activity is related to
inhibition of
prostaglandin synthesis
in the CNS.

Instruct the client that An irregular schedule of

meals should be eaten meals may interfere
as regularly paced with the regular
intervals in a relaxed administration of
setting. medications.

Encourage adequate To prevent fatigue that

rest periods can impair ability to
manage or cope with

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