Novia Sukma Mid Test Esp

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Name : Novia Sukma Melati

Nim : 12203183091

No : 13

Class : TBI 5F

Subject : English for Specific Purpose

Lecture : Anindita Bandianti, M.pd.


1. Why was ESP introduced in your country or teaching institution? what kind of ESP
are taught?
Because ESP helps to lead us to learn English language according our needs,
furthermore we are in Globalization Era where demanded to learn English. It means that
ESP can use many people based on their spaces (economy, education, politic, science,
and etc) which it also help them easy to use English language. The focus of ESP is needs
of students, material and course design. ESP is very easy to apply because it emphasize
learning English in content rather than on teaching grammar and structures. ESP always
effort to match teaching English with our need. The kind of ESP are taught now are EAP
and EOP in Indonesia that is very helpful for many people in Globalization Era.

2. What are the differences between EAP and EOP? Give example?

English for Academic Purposes  (EAP) English for Occupational Purposes

1. EAP is a branch of ESP in that the 1. EOP is a branch of ESP and cover
teaching content is matched to the situation in which learners are
requirements of the learners. studying English for work related
2. EAP students are usually higher reasons.
education student 2.  EOP learners are likely to be
3. Learners need to learn English in adults.
order to succeed in their academic 3. Learners need to learn English in
careers. order to improve their job
4. EAP teaching is task based, using performance.
the types of academic task 4. EOP was also seen as an
commonly found in higher opportunity for personal
education development among those who
5. EAP courses is the close attention have a long-term goal to improve
that is paid to the learners’ aims and English communication skills of
what they are working on, studying work and life.
or planning to study 5. They may have not succeed as a
6. Students need to attend the class. language learner in the past.
6. Students maybe reluctant to attend
the class.

Example :

EOP is the language in a broad variety of work-related settings, such as Business

English, English for Economics, English for Law, and other types.

EAP is the language tailored to the needs of those who study in an English-
medium environment at the level of higher education.

3. Do you think that classical and structural descriptions still have a value in ESP?
Classical and structural descriptions still have some mild degree of importance in
ESP; especially the structural description as it provides us with tools such as the
substitution table which is useful to language learning in some measure, the structural
form in which the substitution table operates can help learners get understanding of some
of the most fundamental forms of language. Additionally, there is the structural syllabus
as a result of structural description, and it can be inferred that such a design in which
teacher’s judgment plays a significant role as to the order in which topics can and will be
addressed might still prove to be relevant for ESP in our current time.

4. What do you think is the important of the concept or communicative competence in

Communicative language teaching involves developing language proficiency
through interactions that are embedded in meaningful contexts. This teaching approach
provides authentic opportunities for learning that go beyond repetition and memorizing
grammar patterns in isolation. The central concept of the communicative approach to
language teaching is communicative competence: the ability of students to understand
and use language appropriately to communicate in an authentic (not simulated) social and
school environment, therefore the language learning approach, communicative
competence must be held and considered as a matter of which is very important to what
ESP is trying to achieve.

5. Explain theories of learning ( behaviourism, mentalism, and cognitive) and give the

a. Behaviorism: learning as habit formation

This is the first theory of learning by Pavlov in Soviet Union and Skinner
in the United States. In this theory said that learning is the connection process of
habit formation and given value by quality of the frequent action of continuous
stimulus response. The basic exercise technique of behaviorist methodology is
pattern practice in which the language that being used is in the form of language
laboratory drills. For example: various physical activities including eating,
drinking and exercising.
b. Mentalism: thinking as rule-governed activity
From the Audio-lingual method, there was considerable empirical
evidence among language teachers because the method was not delivering the
good result. The reason why they argued that because in the language learning
process, the learners still translating things, asked for rules of grammar, found
repeating things and sometime failed to learn something even though they already
learn the thing so many times. For example remember and feel or live.
c. Cognitive code: learners as thinking beings

In behaviorist theory, the learners pretend to be a passive receiver of

information, but in cognitive theory, the learners are being the active processor of
information. The learning process and using a rule make the learners to think and
use their mental power to understand the rule from the mess data and find the
appropriate time or situation to use the application of rule. Therefore, in cognitive
theory, learning is a process in which the learner tries to make a sense of data.
Learning can also means that the learner has managed to force some sort
meaningful interpretation or pattern on the data. In other word that we learn by
thinking and trying to make sense of what we see, feel, and hear. for example a
person can be improved by arranging subject matter and presenting it according to
that person's stage of development.

6. What is the differences between need analysis and situation analysis! Give the
.Situation analysis is the data collection stage the researcher takes before
designing and planning a program. Situation analysis aims to collect information
including the types and forms of activities, parties or the public involved, actions and
strategies to be taken, tactics, and the budget needed to implement the program.
Need analysis is an investigation into a need of your organization. It helps you
ensure that any tendering process will focus on a solution to the exact problem. For
example, if ESP is held in college, at the faculty and major course of study, the
requirement of the requirement in addition to being taken to the prospective learner is
also conducted at the Chairman of the Study Program, Eye-Character Lecturers are also
implemented in the Chairman of the Study Program, the 'Content' Lecturers' Lecturer on
the Department of the Society and know the vision of the faculty and the majors.

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