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Income Taxes 6.

Deferred tax assets – the amounts of

income taxes recoverable in future periods
 There is a difference of recognizing
Income in FRS and Tax Laws
respect of:
a. deductible temporary differences;
Terms in IAS12
b. the carry-forward of unused tax losses;
1. Accounting profit – profit or loss for a c. the carry-forward of unused tax credits.
period before deducting tax expense.

7. Permanent differences – Permanent

2. Taxable profit (tax loss) – the profit (loss) differences between the financial profit and
for a period, determined in accordance with taxable profit arise when income is not
the taxable or expenses are not allowed for tax.
rules established by the taxation
authorities, upon which income taxes are
8. Temporary differences – differences
payable (recoverable).
between the carrying amount of an asset or
liability in the statement of financial
position and its tax base.
3. Tax expense (tax income) – the aggregate
amount included in the determination of
profit or loss for the period in respect of
a. taxable temporary differences, which are
current tax and deferred tax.
temporary differences that will result in
taxable amounts in determining taxable
profit (tax loss) of future periods when the
4. Current tax – the amount of income taxes
carrying amount of the asset or liability is
payable (recoverable) in respect of the
recovered or settled; or
taxable profit (tax loss) for a period.

5. Deferred tax liabilities – the amounts of

income taxes payable in future periods in
respect of taxable temporary differences.
FI > TI  Taxable temporary differences will
lead to Deferred Tax Liability “
- Income not yet recognized in tax laws
Taxable in future period ( according
- Expense already deducted in tax laws to tax laws )“

FI > TI  Deductible temporary differences will

- If Accounting Profit Is P10,000 and Taxable lead to Deferred Tax Assets “
Income is P8,000 Deductible in future period
( according to tax laws ) “
- The difference (P2,000 ) will be taxable in
the future

b. deductible temporary differences, which

are temporary differences that will result in
amounts that are deductible in determining
taxable profit (tax loss) of future periods
when the carrying amount of the asset or
liability is recovered or settled.

- Income already recognized in tax laws
- Expense not yet deducted in tax laws

- If Accounting Profit Is P10,000 and Taxable
Income is P13,000
- The difference ( P3,000 ) will be deductible
in the future

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