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College of Nursing and Midwifery
Daet, Camarines Norte






Medical intervention is the process by which people seek for professional help to

apply medical care. This process involves physicians giving out medical care in

accordance to their chosen profession with a purpose to elongate, sustain and above all to

improve a person’s well-being. The context of this study will be seeing what factors can

affect peoples attitudes towards medical interventions.

The patient has the right to refuse any medical intervention that was given to them

for any reason. One of the fundamental ethical principles of medicine is autonomy, which

gives a patient the right to refuse medical treatment.This principle asserts that healthcare

professionals should not impose their own beliefs or decisions on their patients because

everyone has the right to make well-informed decisions regarding their healthcare.There

are numerous types of autonomy, and other medical tenets can be utilized to direct care.

To be considered beneficent, healthcare providers must act in the patient's best

interest.The non-maleficence principle is the embodiment of "Do no harm," requiring

healthcare providers to take precautions to safeguard their patients and society as a


College of Nursing and Midwifery
Daet, Camarines Norte

whole."A fair and impartial distribution of the benefits and risks of healthcare among the

population is necessary for justice."When dealing with difficult circumstances in which

patients or members of their families may refuse medical assistance, each principle plays

a role. In light of these guiding principles, determining the patient's capacity to refuse

care should be the first step in any circumstance involving care refusal. A person's

capacity to process information and make an informed decision regarding their care in

accordance with their beliefs, values, and preferences is referred to as

"capacity.""Capacity is an important factor to consider when a patient refuses treatment

because it is used to distinguish between a person exercising their right to autonomy and

a person whose ability to make decisions may be impaired.Please remember that capacity

and competence are not the same thing.

The term "competency" refers to the legal assessment of a patient's capacity to

make medical decisions that can only be made by a judicial system. On the other hand,

the medical community refers to "capacity" as a definition for situations and choices

related to Health care. Competence also includes the ability to make a will and sign a

contract, in addition to the capacity to make medical decisions.To typically demonstrate

an individual's incapacity, clear and convincing evidence is required. There are four

recognized parts of a capacity assessment.It is necessary to first demonstrate a patient's

comprehension of their medical situation, the choice they are making, and any associated

risks or benefits.Furthermore, the patient is required to make a single, unambiguous


College of Nursing and Midwifery
Daet, Camarines Norte

choice without frequently reevaluating it.When a patient is able to apply their knowledge

of their medical condition to their own life, appreciation is the third aspect of capacity.A

patient lacks appreciation if they are able to explain the situation but do not comprehend

how it relates to their own circumstance.This could be as straightforward as knowing

what a heart attack is but not realizing they are having one, despite evidence to the

contrary.The capacity of the patient to infer the consequences of their decision and

provide an explanation for why they would prefer not to receive care is the final aspect of


A problem that can also be a cause of changes in attitude towards medical

interventions are health misinformation. There are a lot of things related to health can be

misinformed nowadays from the simple beliefs to being too much active on social media

platforms and etc. Further investigation into this issue was done by specialists from the

Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, the University of Regina in

Canada, and the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora. The researchers

set out to identify who is most likely to believe erroneous information since there is

growing concern among medical professionals that it may prevent people from engaging

in the activities required for good heath. (Drake, 2021)

The most recent World Health Statistics edition demonstrates how far we still

have to go. Too many individuals are thrown into poverty and compelled to pay for their

College of Nursing and Midwifery
Daet, Camarines Norte

own healthcare, too many people lack access to the health care they require, and too

many people continue to die from diseases that could be treated (WHO, 2018)


Parang is a barangay in the municipality of Jose Panganiban, in the province

of Camarines Norte. Its population as determined by the 2020 Census was 6,500. This
represented 10.21% of the total population of Jose Panganiban

Parang is situated at approximately 14.2802, 122.6918, in the island of Luzon.

Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 6.2 meters or 20.3 feet above mean sea

Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to determine the factors affecting the attitude

towards medical intervention of the residents of Purok 7 Barangay Parang Jose

Panganiban, Camarines Norte.


College of Nursing and Midwifery
Daet, Camarines Norte

Specifically this study will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents as to:

A. Age

B. Occupation

C. Educational Attainment

D. Religion

2. What are the perspectives of the residents towards medical intervention in terms


A. Experience

B. Beliefs

3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile and the perspective of

respondents towards medical intervention?

4. What community campaign may be conducted in order to enhance the attitude of

the residents towards medical intervention?

Assumptions of the Study

This study will have the following assumptions.


College of Nursing and Midwifery
Daet, Camarines Norte

1. There will be significant relationships among demographic profile in the respondents.

2. There will be perspective of the residents towards medical interventions.

3. There will be a significant relationship between the profile and the perspective of the


4. There will be a community campaign may be conducted in order to enhance the

attitude of the residents towards medical intervention

Scope and Delimitation

This study will be mainly concerned with determining the Factors affecting the

attitude towards medical interventions of the residents of Barangay Parang. The

respondents are all residents that are currently residing at Barangay Parang.

Only those who are residents of Barangay parang, to mean who are currently

residing in the Barrangay for at least 10 years will be included as participants those who

are considered to be part of the barangay will also be considered as participants. No other

variables will be considered for exclusion of study participants.

The main instrument that will be used by the researcher in this descriptive study is

a research made questionnaires. The data that will be gathered will be interpreted using

frequency , percentage and Person Correlation Coefficient.


College of Nursing and Midwifery
Daet, Camarines Norte

Significance of the Study

This study will be of importance to the following entities.

Nursing Students. The study will be of able to assist them to have a profound

knowledge about different perception towards medical interventions.

Family. They will be able to be a prime movers to assist their member to realize

the importance of medical interventions.

Future Researchers. They will be able to make this research as a base of their

researches to be conducted.

Definition of Terms

Attitude. A settled way of thinking about someone or something. In this study it

refers to the feelings of the people towards something.

Autonomy. In this study it refers to the quality or state of being self governing, or

leading ones life according to reasons, values or desires that are authentically one’s own.

Beliefs.Something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion. In

this study it refers to a feeling of a person being sure that something exists or is true.

College of Nursing and Midwifery
Daet, Camarines Norte

Factor. In this study it refers to a circumstance, fact or influence that can

contribute to a change of way of thinking about a certain things.

Health Care. In this study it refers to the improvement of health via prevention,

diagnosis, treatment or cure of a disease and other physical or mental impairments in


Medical Intervention. In this study this refers to the process by which a

physician is involved in providing medical diagnosis and direction for medical or surgical


Treatment. In this study it refers to the providing medical care to a patient for an

illness or injury.

Well-being. In this study it refers to the being in a state of having a positive mood

about something.


Drake, K.(2021)Why do some people believe health misinformation. Medical

news today.


World Health Organization (2018) World Health Statistics. World Health Organization.

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