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Module 2: Understand System Hardening

Configuration management is a process and discipline used to ensure that the only
changes made to a system are those that have been authorized and validated. It is both
a decision-making process and a set of control processes. If we look closer at this
definition, the basic configuration management process includes components such as
identification, baselines, updates and patches.

Identification Baseline identification of a system and all its components, interfaces and
Baseline A security baseline is a minimum level of protection that can be used as a
reference point. Baselines provide a way to ensure that updates to technology and
architectures are subjected to the minimum understood and acceptable level of security
Change Control An update process for requesting changes to a baseline, by means of
making changes to one or more components in that baseline. A review and approval
process for all changes. This includes updates and patches.
CloVerification & Audit
A regression and validation process, which may involve testing and analysis,


Making an inventory, catalog or registry of all the information assets that the
organization is aware of (whether they already exist, or there’s a wish list or need to
create or acquire them) is the first step in any asset management process. It requires
that we locate and identify all assets of interest, including (and especially) the
information assets:

You can’t protect what you don’t know you have.

It becomes even more challenging to keep that inventory, and its health and status with
respect to updates and patches, consistent and current, day in and day out. It is, in fact,
quite challenging to identify every physical host and endpoint, let alone gather the data
from them all.

A commercial software product, for example, might have thousands of individual

modules, processes, parameter and initialization files or other elements. If any one of
them is missing, the system cannot function correctly. The baseline is a total inventory
of all the system’s components, hardware, software, data, administrative controls,
documentation and user instructions.

Once controls are in place to mitigate risks, the baselines can be referenced. All further
comparisons and development are measured against the baselines.

When protecting assets, baselines can be particularly helpful in achieving a minimal

protection level of those assets based on value. Remember, if assets have been
classified based on value, and meaningful baselines have been established for each of
the classification levels, we can conform to the minimum levels required. In other words,
if classifications such as high, medium and low are being used, baselines could be
developed for each of our classifications and provide that minimum level of security
required for each.

Updates Repairs, maintenance actions and updates are frequently required on almost
all levels of systems elements, from the basic infrastructure of the IT architecture on up
through operating systems, applications platforms, networks and user interfaces. Such
modifications must be acceptance tested to verify that newly installed (or repaired)
functionality works as required. They must also be regression tested to verify that the
modifications did not introduce other erroneous or unexpected behaviors in the system.
Ongoing security assessment and evaluation testing evaluates whether the same
system that passed acceptance testing is still secure.

Patch management mostly applies to software and hardware devices that are subject
to regular modification. A patch is an update, upgrade or modification to a system or
component. These patches may be needed to address a vulnerability or to improve
functionality. The challenge for the security professional is maintaining all patches, since
they can come at irregular intervals from many different vendors. Some patches are
critical and should be deployed quickly, while others may not be as critical but should
still be deployed because subsequent patches may be dependent on them. Standards
such as the PCI DSS require organizations to deploy security patches within a certain
time frame.

There are some issues with the use of patches. Many organizations have been affected
by a flawed patch from a reputable vendor that affected system functionality. Therefore,
an organization should test the patch before rolling it out across the organization. This is
often complicated by the lack of a testing environment that matches the production
environment. Few organizations have the budget to maintain a test environment that is
an exact copy of production. There is always a risk that the testing will not always be
able to test everything, and problems may appear in production that were not apparent
in the test environment. To the extent possible, patches should be tested to ensure they
will work correctly in production.
If the patch does not work or has unacceptable effects, it might be necessary to roll
back to a previous (pre-patch) state. Typically, the criteria for rollback are previously
documented and would automatically be performed when the rollback criteria were met.

Many vendors offer a patch management solution for their products. These systems
often have certain automated processes, or unattended updates, that allow the patching
of systems without interaction from the administrator. The risk of using unattended
patching should be weighed against the risk of having unpatched systems in the
organization’s network. Unattended (or automated) patching might result in
unscheduled outages as production systems are taken offline or rebooted as part of the
patch process.


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