MCM 05 Module 4 Lesson 1

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Assessment Task 1-1

1. Explain how knowledge would be managed by an organization adopting the SECI Knowledge
Management Model. Kindly provide examples to support your ideas.

The SECI knowledge Management Model is a form of knowledge creation, sharing and interaction with
others in developing ideas. By creating knowledge there’s a process categorized Nonaka and Takeuchi
1996 proposed four way that knowledge types can be converted and combined and it shows how
knowledge is shared and created in the organization. The model is based on the two types of knowledge
which is the Tacit knowledge and Explicit knowledge.

 Socialization – it focuses on tacit to tacit knowledge sharing, by spending time together to

discuss, analyze and observe of exchanging information.

Example: apprenticeship, brainstorming, on-the-job-training.

Advantage(s): rich experiences can be shared, easy to do

Disadvantage(s): Hard to document

 Externalization - it focuses on tacit to explicit knowledge sharing, new information is created as

tacit, personal knowledge becomes collective group knowledge. Information on best practices
and lessons learned are collected.
Advantage(s): Knowledge becomes permanent and easier to share
Disadvantage(s): Content has to be managed

 Internalization – Tacit knowledge is created from explicit knowledge it is a result of one’s

learning from discussing, reading, and doing things.
Example: An employee internalizes explicit knowledge and transform it to tacit knowledge by
developing his own understanding of training manuals and documents after reading them.
Advantage(s): Internalization can result in new ways of doing the same job
Disadvantage(s): The new knowledge created cannot be easily shared

 Combination- New explicit knowledge is created by combining and recognizing existing explicit
Example: Creative use of database to obtain business analysis.
Advantage(s): New knowledge can be easily documented and shared
Disadvantage(s): Can be time consuming and costly.

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