MCM 04 Assessment Task 1

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Assessment Task 1-1

1. What key words or phrases best capture the meaning of development? Indicate the words or
phrases that you best associate with the term.
There are lots of meaning attached to the idea of development like, ambiguous, complex,
positive change, However in the simplest term of development can be defined is about social
change that allows people to achieve their human potential. It may also used to reflect and
justify a variety of different agendas held by different people or organizations.

2. Look around your local or national community. Can you identify at least three developmental
projects that have improved the lives of the people and cite indices or indicators that will best
show the improvement?

Development Project Objective Measure of Success

Zero waste disposal To minimize waste From 100 individuals to all

community generation and disposal, as people in the community
well as turn these wastes into benefited lessening their
something that is useful and household garbage in the first
beneficial to the residents of year of implementation.
the barangay.
Tuntungin-Putho’s MRF, The Green Garden Project is The community developed
green gardening project for the children. The youth of seed production, for
today no longer think of commercial growers, intent
planting vegetables. No child on harvesting seeds.
thinks of what to do with the Residence of Barangay Putho-
disposed waste; we have to Tuntingin claiming vegetable
show them. seeds and planting it on their
the garbage collected from it has benefited a total of 100
Natural compost project each household in the individuals by lessening their
community will not be put in household garbage and
the dump site located in San ensuring that there are no
Pedro, Laguna but instead chemicals in the organic
recycled, sun-dried, and compost mixture to be used
combined with organic for their plants. In addition, it
compost mixture for the has helped the community
plants. reduce organic wastes by as
much as two tons of garbage.

Assessment Task 2-1 Based on the 12 characteristics of development, explain development in

the case of Community Management of Acute Malnutrition Programme spearheaded by

Severe acute malnutrition can be treated in the communities without being admitted to a
health facility or a therapeutic feeding center. The community-based approach involves timely
detection of severe acute malnutrition in the community and provision of the treatment for
those without medical complications with ready-to-use therapeutic foods or other nutrient-
dense foods at home. A facility-based approach for those malnourished children with medical
complications and implemented on a large scale, community-based management of severe
acute malnutrition could prevent deaths of hundreds of thousands of children.

Assessment Task 3-1 Using the indices of development such as life expectancy, literacy,
education, and standards of living, compare the top 10 and bottom 10 countries.

Qatar had the highest carbon dioxide emissions per capital in 2014, releasing more than 45
tomes per person. The lowest ranked HDI countries not only have substantially lower emissions
of greenhouse gasses, they also tend to suffer the worst consequences of climate change. The
worst consequences of climate change, current rates of human development progress indicate it
could take more than 200 years to close the global economic gender gap. HDI report said this
calls for a crackdown on problems such as child marriage, low levels of asset ownership among
women and male-dominated political structures. This illustrates how the daily lives and future
aspirations of people caught up in conflict are being held back, and in some cases permanently
put on hold. War and armed conflict has almost become the norm in some parts of the world,
and has led to some countries falling down the HDI rankings.

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