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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Pangasinan II
Manaoag National High School
Manaoag, Pangasinan

The Study of Bad Result of Dearth School Premises in the Studies of

Senior High School Information and Communication Technology
Students in Manaoag National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Bombay, Venus T. Dulay, Jasmine Paula S.
De Vera, Roxanne C. Abrigo, Mirasol
Sagaoinit, Richard Barrozo, Norman
Samson, Mary Joy S. Dacumos, Bryan Von

Ms. Rowena Salinas
Research Adviser

SY 2017-2018

The researcher would like to extend their utmost gratitude to all the people who extended
their efforts in helping in many ways to make this research success.

First of all, we would like to thanks our Almighty God, without him, without his help and
without his guidance , his blessings and unfailing Love, our research would never be done.

The researches also express our utmost gratitude to Mrs. Guico, the English Department
Head Teacher, for her extensive support to this research paper.

To our research teacher, Ms. Rowena Salinas , we would like to thank her for being patient
and understandable waiting for us to submit our research paper.

To Mrs. Marilyn Quintela, our Adviser we thank her for giving us her time to teach and
guide us in everything we need in our research.

To the Senior High school ICT student. We thank them for the love, helping us to
conducting our survey questions and their support to finish this research paper.

To the Advisers and Subject Teacher of ICT students to give us their time and to allowing us
to conduct our survey to their respective time and for being supportive to us to finish our
research paper.

To Mrs. Eunice Oba for giving us her time for give some advices and knowledge last school
year so that we have our background how to do a research an utmost gratitude. And for the love
and support about our Future Research

To our friends for being there for us since we start.

The deepest thanks are dedicated to our beloved parents and guidance for the financial , moral
and spiritual supports which meant so much all through the way of this research paper and for
the love that they give during study and finishing this research paper.
This Study entitled "The Study of Bad Result of Dearth School Premises in studies of Senior
High School Information and Communication Technology Students in Manaoag National High
School" was conducted and evaluated at Manaoag National High School, Manaoag, Pangasinan
during the school year 2017-2018.This is a research designed to find out the bad result of dearth
school premises in the studies of ICT students of Senior High School in Manaoag National High

The study implemented a survey method utilizing the observation with regard to the bad
result of Dearth school premises in studies of ICT students.

This paper investigates students attitudes towards lack of school premises bad result in the study
of ICT students. The population were 30 students from Randomly selected ICT students in
Manaoag National High School

After gathering all the completed questionnaires from the respondents , total responses for
each item was acquired and analyzed. The findings of this study revealed that there are many bad
effect of dearth school premises in the ICT student which include ; Student lost their focus and
interest to the subject.

Analysis of the students responses from the questionnaire revealed that there were ways
wherein they can have a class anywhere with the high quality teaching tools such as laptops and
projectors, bu the class will be more productive and efficient if there's a comfortable classrooms.

This study also found that the class was interested and will not be bored if topics are tackled
with the used of hig quality teaching tools This can be a prophecy that students in this class can
learn better in the field of technology if there's enough classrooms.

The student were also taught on how to deal with the different struggles and how to be a good
programmer and it can be a reason to be better in the near future.
Table of Contents

Title Page i

Acknowledgement ii

Abstract. iii

Table of Contents. iv


A. Background of the study.

B. Statement of the problem

C. Significance of the study.

D. Assumptions of the study.

E. Scope and limitations

F. Definition of terms



Overview of the chapter.

B. Research methods.

C. Direct Data Survey.

D.Respondents of the study.

E. Statistical Treatment.



A. Summary

B. Conclusion.

C. Recommendation.


Background of the Study
School is an institution where teaching of students occurs in teaching or to drill a
specific knowledge or skill. Students and probably teachers indeed need a space that is used as
premises in order to have a productive medium to engage students to study. We, students should
be comfortable with the ambiance. We students also need a peaceful, clean, and organized
classroom for us to be always in focus. School premises is what we need to beseem what we
have to go through.

Learning in the field of Information and Communication Technology nowadays has

become challenging than usual. In order for us to develop our knowledge about the digital age.
As a 21st Century Learners ICT Teachers, indeed have to provide High Quality Teaching
Materials that will engage students and make the lesson more interesting, be extrapolate for the
students to have infer in what are the lesson to be discuss.

Up to now many teachers are providing high quality teaching materials for being a tool
that will ensure that the students will learn they’ll find ways to teach students like they will use
quality teaching tools such as projectors, laptop, and etc.

So this study will help us to see the bad effect of dearth school premises in studies of
ICT students. This is vital for us to know how dearth school premises can be really an
unproductive medium that can cause bad effect on the students studies especially ICT students.
So we conduct a research entitled " The Study of Bad Result of Dearth School Premises in
studies of Senior High School Information and Communication Technology Students in
Manaoag National High School”.

Statement of the Problem

This research study aims to find out the bad effect of dearth/lack of school students on the
study of ICT Students. It especially sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the disadvantage of Dearth School Premises on students achievement?

2. What are the students perceptions of and attitude towards the dearth school premises in
studying the field of technology?
3. What are the factors that affects students study aside from Dearth School Premises.

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following :

Student: The students will be benefitted the study by authorizing them to know how dearth
school premises can affect their studies. Student will know how and if it will give them an
unproductive medium by means of their studies. Student will lessen their interest in learning
different topics in the class through lack of school premises.

ICT Teachers: This study will also credit the teacher from the school for them to know if they
need to give out more strategies in sorting /arranging up the lesson to discuss all the aspects in
the field of Technology. This study will also give more effective suggestions and ideas about
giving an emphasizes about the prerogative of the students. This study can lead them also in
creating much efficient strategy for the student to enhance or develop their knowledge.

Future Researcher: They could use this study as a reference for future studies and researchers
with similar objectives but of different respondents of course.

School: This research will also benefit the school by knowing whether the student perform well
in class or not if they don’t have a comfortable classroom in a class. The school can also know if
student hardly or easily adopt the scenario if they don’t have a complete facilities.

Assumption of the Study

The result will revealed at the end of the study and the result revealed that :

1. Dearth School Premises is a hindrance to student achievements.

2. Dearth of school Premises affect students focus and interest to cope up with the lesson.

3. Students lost their focus if they don’t have classroom in a class.

4. Student agreed that the dearth school premises is considered as an unproductive medium to
engage students to study.

5. Student learn more knowledge if they have a complete facilities.

Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the bad result of dearth school premises on the study of one’s
students. The conduct of this study shall be limited to the gathering of details and information
through conducting an interview among randomly selected ICT Senior High School students of
Manaoag National High School. This study aims only to find out if there is a bad effect of dearth
school premises in the studies of students.

The study will only be held inside the campus premises of Manaoag National High School
within the School Year 2017-2018.

Definition of Terms

Dearth – the state or condition of not having enough of something.

Vital - extremely important

Communication - to act or process of using words, sounds, sign, or behaviors to express or

exchange information or to express your ideas , thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else

Interaction - mutual or reciprocal action or influence.

Premises - a building and the area of land that it is on.

Prerogative – a right or previledge.

Assimilate – to learn so that it is fully understood and can be used.


Review of Related Literature

School size and student academic performance. Although educational researchers and policy-

makers consider a number of variables in operationalizing school effectiveness, the community

holds schools most accountable for students’ academic achievement (Bossert, 1988). Thus, the

ultimate criterion for assessing the effectiveness of any school reform is the extent to which it

improves the actual academic achievement of students. An optimized sized school will enjoy

economies of scale on its student population and thus enable such school to have a lower cost per

student with the excess cost to be invested in other curricular activities which will increase the

student academic performance.

Sergiovani (1995) argued that, even if small schools do cost slightly more per student than do

large schools, small schools could still be more efficient if they were more productive. Thus, he

urged educational decision-makers to go beyond simple per student cost and consider the ratio of

productivity to cost. Support for Sergiovani’s argument comes from research showing that

increases in per student costs, not decreases, are generally associated with increased academic

achievement. For example, Greenwood, Hedges, and Laine (1996) conducted a meta-analysis of

60 primary studies relating input factors relating to student achievement, including per pupil

expenditures. They found that per student expenditure was positively related to student

achievement, and that a 10% increase in per pupil expenditures was related to an increase in

student achievement of one standard deviation over 12 years of schooling.

Ramirez (1992) conducted a review of the literature relating school size to student achievement

and concluded that little difference in achievement was present between large and small schools.

Cotton (1996) reviewed 31 studies of the relationship between school size and achievement and

found them about evenly divided between studies favoring small schools and studies showing no

differences in achievement based on school size. None of the studies reviewed by Cotton yielded
results in favor of large schools. Greenwald, et al. (1996) conducted a meta-analysis of 60 studies

and found that student achievement was negatively related to school size. That is, achievement

was better in small schools.

A researcher postulates that a smaller school size tends to have a better per student outcome

compared to a larger school sized. Ramirez (1992) conducted a literature review and concluded

that there is little difference in academic performance of small and large school size. Also

Forbes (1993) analyzed student performance in individual high school and state that student in

larger school are more likely to perform better in science subject than student in small school

thus, the preponderance of the evidence indicates that students’ academic achievement is better

in small schools, but there is sufficient evidence in favor of large schools to suggest that

mediating variables play a role in the relationship between school size and student academic

performance achievement.

With regard to teacher quality, Jackson (1966) found that larger schools had more highly

qualified teachers than did smaller schools, and that some small schools did not provide all

teachers with planning periods. Thus, large schools appear to have a clear advantage in terms of

teacher qualifications which thus have directly reflection on the student academic performance

unlike small school which can’t provide teachers with enough tools to work with and invariably

limiting their teaching performance and student development.

Although increased disciplinary problems in large schools is a problem in and of itself, such

increases also tend to produce negative changes in administrators’ behavior. Gregory (1992)

found that the control of student behavior becomes a primary concern of administrators in large

schools. As a result, school policy tends to become restrictive and disciplinary actions highly

punitive (Meier, 1996). So also small school tend to be highly effective in implementing

discipline on the student and a collective act of the teachers who ensure that their student tends to

behave well and thus yielding a high academic performance on such students.
School Ownership and Student Academic Performance. The ownership of schools in Nigeria

which could be viewed as the controlling force in terms of the administration of the school could

be divided into two broad ownership structure which are:

 Public Ownership

 Private Ownership

 Schools that are established and run by governments are called public schools while those

established by individuals, organizations and mission bodies are referred to as private

schools. Consequently, private schools are those schools that have the following


 Supported by private organization or individuals rather than by the state

 Independent schools that are supported wholly by the payment of fees

 Schools that are not administered by local, state or federal governments

 They are schools that retain the right to select their students

 They are schools that do not rely on mandatory taxation through public or government


Public ownership of schools could be traced back to the missionaries’ activities in establishing

missionary school which is purely for religious purpose. According to Abati (2009), when CMS

Grammar School was established, Nigeria did not yet exist. The school according to him was

established as part of the Church Missionary Society (CMS) plan to develop locally educated

elites that could help promote the Christian faith with the first school being established in June 6,

1859. Towards this end, Odeleye, Oyelami & Odeleye, (2012) claimed that the history of private

ownership in educational administration in Nigeria could be traced to the period when western

education was introduced to the country in the 19th century. Between 1859 and now, statistics is

not able to reveal the number of privately owned secondary schools in Nigeria. And if at all the

list is released one can be sure that many of them will be omitted.
Private participation in education could be substantiated as a result of breakdown of the public

school ownership structure and void in the educational sector due to falling level of infrastructure

and facilities, the neglect of government of the missionaries’ schools after independence and the

low morale of public schools teachers caused by lack of structural welfare from the government

with non-payment of salaries.

The breakdown of the public educational sector which reflect the falling standard of education in

Nigeria with a significant effect on the student academic performance pave an easy intervention

of the private schools which serves as a saving grace for the falling standard of education.

Most publicly owned school which are characterized by failing structures, physical dilapidated

building, teachers with outdated information, examination malpractice, lack of planning and non-

motivated teachers will have a negative effect on the students’ academic performance as they

may not be able to compete with their private counterpart. This assumptions is non-conclusive on

the performance of the public school student as some still shine against all odd against their

private counterpart.

In the past, private secondary schools were poorly funded being of very poor standard and in

some cases of six-year instead of five-year duration. The name "private" secondary school today

applies to all secondary schools owned by corporate bodies, religious organizations, individuals

or establishments like University, National Electric Power Authority, River Basin Development

Authority, that are wholly financed and controlled by these corporate bodies. Contrary to their

previous poor standard private secondary schools are today better funded, and organized and

have better academic performance than government secondary schools. There may be an

exception to this, especially in the eastern states of the country where the Catholic mission still

play a dominant role in the establishment and control of secondary education in those states.

Whatever be the merits of these private secondary schools, there are some private schools that

employ and maintain poorly paid staffs who thereby feel disgruntled. This must have adverse

effect on the overall performance of such schools.


Research Approach
The descriptive method of research was used in this study. Descriptive method is a fact-
finding study that involves adequate and accurate interpretation of findings. Descriptive research
describes a certain present condition.

The technique that was used under descriptive method is the survey method and
evaluation, which is commonly used to explore opinions according to respondents that can
represent a whole population. The survey is appropriate in this study because it enables the
researcher to formulate generalizations. The direct-data type of survey is a reliable source of
first-hand information because the researcher directly interacts with the participants. Their own
experiences concerning the bad effect of lack of school premises on their study. The purposes are
necessary in identifying the bad result of dearth school premises in studying the subject matter.

Research Method

The survey research method has been chosen to determine the bad effect of dearth
school premises on studies of the subject students. There are five survey questionnaires prepared
and was distributed to randomly selected 30 respondents of the ICT students of Senior High
School of Manaoag National High School. The survey questionnaires answerable by their own
opinion by their own experiences.



The research study procured a survey among 30 individual that randomly selected
Senior High School Information and Communication Technology Students in Manaoag National
High School. This study targets to find out the bad result of Dearth School Premises on the
studies of students in order to obtain the necessary data and result, the descriptive method of
research was applied. The researcher developed a questionnaire that would gather pertinent
information for the study. The answers given by the respondents were then analyzed, discussing
and interpreted one by one in a written way.

Below shows the result of the survey responses given by the Senior High School
Information and Communication Technology Students.

1. How often you use computer/PC in your class in a week? Specify.

- Every ICT Student uses Computer in their class 2-3 days in a week.
2. How lack of school premises affect you as an ICT students?
- Dearth School Premises affect them as a student because they don’t have any good
facilities to help them to achieve their goal.

3. Do you still cope up with the lesson if there’s no enough and comfortable classroom
especially with the subjects deals with the field of technology?
- Students agreed that not enough facilities lost their interest so that they are having a
hard time to cope up with the lesson.

4. How do High Quality Teaching Materials engage your interest to focus on the subject
especially to the subjects that deals with Technology?
- High Quality Teaching Materials indeed engaged the students interest to focus on the
subject matter especially to the subject that deals with Technology.

5. Is lack of school Premises affect your focus and interest to cope up with the lesson?
- Many Student was Affected by Lack of School Premises.



The investigatory study aimed to identify the Bad Result of Dearth School Premises in
the study of the students especially to the students of Information and Communication
Technology. In order to find out the answer to this and able to know how lack of school premises
affect the studies of Information and communication Technology students, a survey was
conducted among randomly selected 30 students of Senior High School Information and
Communication Technology in Manaoag National High School.

The collected data from the respondents underwent the process of analyzing and
pondering over the interview after thoughts. The findings were then become an discussion.

Other facts and information were also cited on the review of related literature to
strengthen this research and to make the statements reliable.

The result shows that the students from Senior High School Information and
Communication Technology was having a hard time to cope up with the lesson because their
focus and interest are lost due to lack of school premises. Students agreed that dearth school
premises has a big impact on one's student study and most are bad impact.
The outcomes in this study indicate an pessimistic perception by students regarding to
their studies was proven to be an uneffective way for students to improve thier skill better and

So therefore we can conclude that : Dearth School Premises in Information and

Communication Technology Students in Senior High school has many bad result and impacts on
one's student study on field of technology , studying the subject matter is more enjoyable and
more efficiently learnt with the support of high quality materials/apparatus can be reliable
resources, and that the use of comfortable classrooms is undeniably a proficient way for students
to learn and develop their 21st century skills of studying especially at the world of technology.

This paper contains many facts and data about the bad result of dearth schools premises
that is absolutely important especially in the field of research and education, and for the
information of everyone as found out that students said tht dearth school premises will greatly
affect the studies of students. The researcher recommends that this paper can be used by
different people especially the Information and Communication Technology teachers and Senior
High School students, for this research study provides an insight on how students was affected
by dearth school premises. This study identifies the kinds of changes in learning-teaching
practice which are necessary in order to effectively learning in the Field of Technology

So we Recommended, The Further studies and experimentations should be manifested to

identify the other things/elements that may affect and ca lost one's student focus and interest.

Conduct another study concerning the bad result of lack school premises and bad effect
of unproductive teaching skills that may affect students focus to cope up with the lesson that
deals with the field of technology.

Come up with a more comprehensive survey questionnaire with accurate and more
specific questions to have a more precise and exact findings or outcomes.

Perform advanced and improved methodology particularly in testing protocol.

Ask for additional advice and support from professionals in connection with the study.


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