Activity My Fairy Lady

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2. Observe the language they are using.

- they used ENGLISH language

3. List down at least 10 words that are not familiar to you that they are using and state their meaning.

 Missus- used as a form of address to a woman whose name is not known.

 Enormous- very large in size, quantity, or extent.
 Blimey- used to express one’s surprise, excitement, or alarm.
 Impertinence- behavior that is rude and does not show respect, especially towardstoward
someone older or in a higher position than you.
 Yorkshire- former county in N England, now part of Humberside, North Yorkshire, South
Yorkshire, Cleveland, and Durham.
 Boohooing- used to represent the sound of someone crying noisily.
 Pickering- little flying skirmish, which marauders make when detached for pillage, or before a
main battle.
 Oath- solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one’s future action or
 Boisterous- , rough and noisy; noisily jolly or rowdy; clamorous; unrestrained: the sound of
boisterous laughter.
 Crooning- hum or sing in a soft, low voice, especially in a sentimental manner.
 Cap’n- meaning no arm

4.Make sort analysis about the articulation, pronounciation and attitude on how they use the

Based on the My Fair Lady Movie, we can say that there are two communities who have different
languages. It means that one use high class language and another use low class language. In this case
(based on the movie), the high class language is used by professor Higgins who has high social class (an
educated person), while the low language is used by Eliza who has low sosial class (a seller). We found
that people in high social class who use high language usually pay attention to the good sentence
arrangement, the correct diction, the good pronunciation, the average volume of speech, the correct
stress, and the good intonation when they give their speech. While, the low social class use low class
language that does not really pay attention on the way of speaking such as sentence arrangement,
diction, pronunciation, volume of speech, stress, and intonation. We found that people who use high
class language always speak so well, while the low class people use low class language in their speech. It
is supported by what the professor Higgins said in a film My Fair Ladyin; “Why can’t the English teach
their children how to speak? This verbal class distinction by now should be antique. If you spoke as she
does, sir, instead of the way you do. Why, you might be selling flowers, too.” On the sentence, the
professor Higgins said to a person who has high class in which there is a lady (Eliza, a seller) who cannot
speak English well. The last point of this analysis is that people who have different sosial class have
different topic in speaking.

some examples to make our explanation be more clearlier. (1) These is the example of a sentence that
was said by Proffesor and Eliza that was used low and high intonation; Proffesor said, “Chickens cackling
in a barn just like this one” (use low/average intonation), then Eliza answered “Garn!” (use high
intonation), (2) “In Hartford, Hereford and Hampshire. Hurricanes hasrdly happen” (Eliza doesn’t
pronunce it with [h], it should pronunce it with [h] at the beginning of the words. It show how low social
class people pronounce some words incorrectly), (3) “How kind of you to let me come” (Proffesor
pronounce this sentence by giving stress in the first and the last of the words, while Eliza use stress in
most all of the words), (4) Proffesor said in a good sentence structure, “I do hope we won’t have any
unseasonable cold spells. They bring on so much influenza. And the whole of our family is susceptible to
it.” While, Eliza did not said in good sentence structure, “My aunt dead of influenza, so they sai. But it’s
my belief they done the old” , (5) Low social class people also like to pronounce the sentence with some
linguistic variable, for example when they pronounce –ing, they just pronounce it by saying –in’. For
example: “If you’d done your duty by him as a mother should… you wouldn’t let ‘im spoil a poor girl’s
flow’rs and then run away without payins.

A variety associated with a specific social class or group, marking the class or group off from from other
classes or group. In discussion in the regional and social variation, there is a sub-topic that discuss about
linguistic variable. It is an item which has identifiable variants. (Wardhaugh, 1992:139). In this movie
analysis, we focus on the social dialect and the linguistic variable on the movie that are found in the
conversation between the characters on the movie.

Eliza and Mr. Higgins come from different regions so that they have different dialect that can be found
when they are speaking. It is like what has been written in the book, the geography can distinguish the
use of a particular language. Because of the difference of the geography, it can also have a tendency of
the class level of a particular region. For example, when Eliza pronounced “oh” becomes “ow” instead of
“ooo”. Another example is when Eliza’s father spoke to Professor Higgins “I am willing to tell ya, I am
wanting to tell ya, I am waiting to tell ya”. If we concern on the use of the “ya” here it refers to a low
class language. When people who is in the high class heard that sounds they will know if those people
who speaks like that are included to low class. After professor Higgins heard Eliza’s father speak like
that, he directly gives comment to him it is not a formal way to speak like that with people. Instead of
“I’m willing to tell you, I’m wanting to tell you, I’m waiting to tell you”.

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