PNS Abd CNS Review

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CNS and PNS review

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1. What does the PNS consist All the nerves that transmit information to and
of? from the CNS (cranial and spinal nerves )

2. what does anterior rami con- muscles and skin of anterior and lateral trunk
tain nerves for as well as all extremities

3. what does posterior rami innervate deep muscles and skin of the back
contain nerves to

4. Location of all cranial Brainstem

nerves but two, are where? exceptions : cranial nerve 1 & 2

5. Cranial nerve 1 name and Olfactory: Smell (sensory)


6. Cranial nerve 2 name and Optic: Vision (sensory)


7. Cranial nerve 3 name and Oculomotor: motor to 4 out of 6 eye muscles

function (Motor )

8. Cranial nerve 4 name and Trochlear: motor to 1 eye muscle - lateral rota-
function tion and depression of the eye
(sensory and motor)

9. Cranial nerve 5 name and Trigeminal: motor for muscles of mastication

function (Sensory and motor)

10. Cranial nerve 6 name and Abducens: Motor to 1 eye muscles

function (Motor)

11. Cranial nerve 7 name and Facial: motor to facial muscles

function (sensory and motor)

12. Cranial nerve 8 name and Auditory or Vestibulocochlear: hearing and

function balance
(sensory )

13. Cranial nerve 9 name and

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Glossopharyngeal: motor to throat muscles ,
(sensory and motor)

14. Cranial nerve 10 name and Vagus ;parasympathetic to heart, lungs, in-
function testines and stomach
(sensory and motor)

15. Cranial nerve 11 name and Spinal Accessory: motor to neck i.e. SCI -
function SCM, UT function

16. Cranial nerve 12 name and Hypoglossal (pharyngeal) - motor to tongue

function muscles

17. sympathetic nervous sys- Prepares a person for physical activity; in-
tem function crease HR, RR, stimulates sweating and in-
hibits digestive activities

18. parasympathetic nervous stimulates vegetative activities: slows HR, RR,

system function stimulates digestion, defecation and urination

19. sympathetic neuron cell lateral horns from T1-L2

bodies location

20. parasympathetic neuron brainstem, lateral horns of S2-S4 and cranial

cell bodies location nerves 3, 7, 10 and 11

21. Dura mater superficial and thickest (under skull bone)

22. Arachnoid mater very thin, wispy middle layer

23. Pia mater inner layer bound to surface of brain and spinal

24. subarachnoid space space between the pia mater and the arach-
noid membrane which contains CSF

25. Circulations of CSF

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flows thru lateral ventricle (fluid-filled cavity)
into third ventricle to fourth ventricle to central
canal around spinal cord

26. Brain's Blood supply comes branches of internal carotid and vertebral ar-
from where ? teries

27. Internal carotid map enters middle cranial fossa through the carotid
canal in the temporal bone

28. what does the internal 1. Middle cerebral artery which supples lateral
carotid split into ? cerebral hemispheres
2. Anterior cerebral artery which supples ante-
rior and medial surfaces of the brain

29. vertebral artery map 1. R &L branch aortic arch

2. ascend the neck thru transverse foramen of
cervical vertebrae
3. R & L join together at base of brain to =

30. Basilar artery supplies: pons, midbrain, cerebellum and forms posteri-
or cerebral arteries

31. posterior cerebral arteries occipital lobes and part of temporal lobe
supply what?

32. anterior and posterior cere- post. and ant. communicating arteries (circle
bral arteries are connected of willis)
to form a circle via what?

33. Frontal lobe division and re- divided by: central sulcus
sponsibility responsible for voluntary motor function, cog-
nition and thinking

34. Broca's area location and location = frontal lobe

function function = motor production of LANGUAGE

35. Parietal lobe responsibility SENSATION interpretation (pain, pressure,

and temp)
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36. Temporal lobe function evaluates what is heard

**contains the wernickes area only on the left

37. Occipital lobe function Reception of visual input and interpretation

38. Insula lobe function and lo- function: responsible for smell and taste
cation location: inside hemisphere (cut along side lat-
eral fissure, centered behind frontal, parietal
and temporal lobes laterally)

39. Limbic lobe function and lo- Function: responsible for emotional state
cation location: deep within temporal lobe, directly
surrounding corpus callosum

40. Cerebellum function and lo- Function: muscle coordination and accuracy of
cation skeletal movement
location: little brain posterior to pons and

41. Diencephalon and functions Thalamus: sends axons to cerebral cortex , re-
of each part flex center for sensation, registers perception
of pain and sends messages to parietal lobe
Hypothalamus: Maintains homeostasis - body
temp. hunger and thirst

42. Brainstem parts and func- reflex center for head, neck and eyes ; tells you
tion where head is in space
**includes midbrain, pons, and medulla

43. Midbrain function ***contains reticular activating system**

Maintains consciousness

44. Pons function contains ascending/ descending nerve track

that relay info; bridge between midbrain and

45. Medulla function Regulates HR, blood vessel diameter, breath-

ing and swallowing; connects brain to spinal
CNS and PNS review
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***composed of descending corticospinal

46. Basal Ganglia location and group of nuclei located medially and deep in-
function side cerebral hemisphere
-cuadate nucleus
-lenticular nucleus (putamen + globus pal-
-internal capsule
***Function: controls tone of muscle/ posture
and involuntary mvmts


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