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Organizational Behaviour

Individual Assignment – 1

Submitted to: Prof. Chitra Khari

Prepared by: Nishant Patel
Roll No. 201434
Division D,
MBA– FT (2020-2022)
Institute of Management, Nirma University

Results of test on

Personality Type: Defender

My comments on the results

I kind of have a mixed bag feeling about a few results, while others are pretty accurate for me.
Here is the analysis on the same:

• Mind: 31% Extraverted, 69% Introverted

I believe I would put myself around 60% introverted and 40% extraverted. Because even
though I prefer the so-called “me” time, I also like attending social gatherings. Also, even
though I prefer to talk for long hours only to those whom I know since long, I do not feel any
difficulties in striking up a conversation with a stranger. Moreover, even though I prefer small
groups of people around me, I still do not find it intriguing to speak in front of a mass of people.

• Energy: 49% Intuitive, 51% Observant

This one is almost perfect in my opinion. I might argue that I am very much observant and
inspect the facts during the analysis of any situation, but I do notice myself to be guided by
intuitiveness, based on past experiences as well. Hence, I think I equip a healthy balance
between practicality and imagination.

• Nature: 44% Thinking, 56% Feeling

This is where the majority share of my disagreement with the test’s results lies. I and literally
all of my friends would agree that I am more of a fact-driven and logic-driven person than a
feelings-driven one. I would rate myself around 65% thinking and 35% feeling. Mostly, all of
my decisions are led by careful analysis of all the available options and weighing their pros
and cons. During this process, I do not let emotions dominate over rationale.

• Tactics: 63% Judging, 37% Prospecting

This one, too, is almost perfect if you ask me. I like well-defined schedules and a roughly
planned trip more than I like erratic events and impromptu travels. But at the same time, I am
not the one who will make a detailed itinerary of how to tackle everything that is coming my
way. But this does not mean that I tend to fumble when any unexpected challenge finds me. I
try to maintain my cool and then focus on solving those unexpected challenges.

• Identity: 85% Assertive, 15% Turbulent
I do not have any disagreements here whatsoever. I discussed earlier about not being much of
a feelings-driven person. At the same time, I am able to keep my negative emotions in check
as well, not letting the turbulence of the likes of anger, stress and anxiety emerge. This in turn
helps me in believing in myself and my abilities, and gives me plenty of scope for improvement
of the same.

My Big-five inventory results

Extraversion: 2.75
Agreeableness: 4
Conscientiousness: 3.9
Neuroticism: 1.75
Openness: 2.6

In the wake of current pandemic situation, an employee with a personality profile similar to the
one mentioned above is likely to behave in the following manner:

• Respect and follow the social distancing guidelines:

As it is the need of the hour, he will certainly understand and appreciate all the efforts being
made by the government in order to spread the awareness about following strict norms of social
distancing. He will not take things for granted when it comes to properly following these
guidelines and making sure that he and the people around him are safe and sound. Also, he will
not just get carried away or be persuaded and join a gathering among his friends or family, as
he knows that this small act of sharing merely a laugh or two with his loved ones can easily
contribute to steepening the curve instead of flattening it.

• Contribute to work religiously:

As he is mostly at home, he will not be having any reasons to not follow the work schedule
properly. He is unlikely to be late in the online work meetings. His high emotional stability
will ensure that he does not let his emotions get the better of him during long, monotonous
work hours. Also, as he has a lot of time on hand, he will seek to go the extra mile when it
comes to contributing to the goal of the company – be it helping their colleagues in their tasks,
taking over some responsibilities of a friend or a subordinate in case of their unexpected
absence, or getting in touch with some potential client or dealer that can be profitable to the
company in the long run.

• Not get bored or tired over a long time:
Many people start developing strong feelings against the monotonous routines and increased
screen times that are likely to emerge. These feelings are further worsened by lack of habituated
social interaction. But as he is not very much of an extrovert, and does not despise monotonous
schedules due to an average openness score, he will be immune to these feelings for much
longer than an average individual. This behaviour of him is further aided by a low neuroticism
score, which reflects high emotional stability. So, he knows that the situation he is facing is
one of a kind, and that feeling harsh about it will not revert things back to the “old normal”.
This is why he simply accepts the situation and tries his best to adapt to the “new normal”.

• Enjoy being alone:

Due to high conscientiousness, low neuroticism and moderate extraversion, after finishing all
the house chores and having a long day at work, as he finds solace in himself, he is likely to
enjoy his “me” time by learning some necessary skill that he would like to gain, or by exercising
regularly, or by recreational activities like reading books, watching movies or gaming.
Personally speaking, this is the time which I cherish the most – the phrase “Time flies” never
seems to be more accurate than it does during this part of the day.

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