Quest Decks 2.0 - Sample PDF

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Quick Guide

There are 2 ways to use your Quest Decks:

1. Random Generation:

When your party finds a notice board, have a play-

er roll 1D4, then draw that many cards from the
deck: these are the notices posted on the board!
As the game master, you can use these prompts to
fill your world with side quests or to add tension
to an area of your world.

2. Gamemaster’s Choice:

Instead of choosing from the whole deck, a gam-

emaster may wish to plan some quests based off
a few cards. In this case, choose 8-10 cards, and
write a quest outline for each. When your party
finds a notice board, have them draw 1-2 cards
from this deck.

The court wizard, Olong Rozario, has

betrayed us. He is wanted for high
treason. Adventurers be warned: he is a
master of dark magic.
Intermediate needed
to negotiate a

Extra pay if you

have diplomatic
expertise or
advanced writing
stands outside
my window at
It is 9 feet tall
or more, its limbs
thinner than a
cornstalk. I can only
see it in reflections,
it is invisible to the
naked eye. It wants
something from me,
and I can tell it
plans to take it soon,
please save me.
My fiance has gone missing while
adventuring in the woods. Please,
if you have any information about
their whereabouts, please let me
I bought a bracelet from
a traveling salesman, and
have been wearing it for a
week. I didn’t notice but
it has been getting tighter
and I can’t get it off. If
you can help please find
me at the local theatre.
I’ll give you a reward if
you can get it off, and
even more if you find that
peddler, so I can give him
a piece of my mind.
Someone left a
sack of heads on
our doorstep.

I don’t recognize
the people, but
they did not die
well. There are
eight headless
apparitions now
standing silently
in my living room.
Please help me
put these spirits
to rest.
Wanted Robber
and her Henchman.

Stole gold from duke and illicitly

redistributed to local farmers. Extra
reward for collecting the distributed
Old sacred text
for sale!
From the old country, brought
over my dad’s side of the
family. I’ve fallen on hard
times and need some coin
for my new business venture.
Don’t know the language it’s
written in, but dad claims
contains directions to an
ancient monastery.
Lost Child

The miller’s child has disappeared

in the north woods. He was last
seen 3 days ago. Any help finding
him will be rewarded
How does
that other
tavern keep
their swill so
cheap? They’re
running me out
of business. I’ll
pay anyone who
figures it out.
Quest Decks is a
project by Dice
Dungeons, LLC.

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