Risk Management Chapt 4

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CHAPTER 4 See ae _ OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY HAZARDS I ee SERVICE OPERATIONS. LOOP SS ernie reasons for occupational and health standards, - Identifying and assessing hazards and risk control Dif ing aclministrative risk controls from engincering risk controls, ig different hazards in food service industry. sible ways how to prevent kitchen fires mal safety and health can be important for moral, legal, and financial ons, All organisations have a duty of care to ensure that employees and any other ay be affected by the companies undertaking remain safe at all times. Moral Would involve the protection of employee's lives and health. Legal reasons for €$ relate to the preventative, punitive and compensatory effects of laws that ect worker's safety and health. OSH can also reduce employee injury and illness ited costs, including medical care, sick leave and disability benefit costs Occupational and Health Standards three main reasons that have been generally accepted as why moves to spational safety. As the name suggests, it is the idea that the workplace is as ible for those who work in it, This means that a great deal of scrutiny is foisted aspect of the workplace because danger can come from a wide variety of st reason that occupational health and safety has been taken up with such vigor, tis the idea that no-one should have to risk their health for the sake of work, and isks at work can be reduced or eradicated altogether. In the past, some workplaces ticularly dangerous, especially in factories. In extreme cases, people have even 5 in accidents. second reason is economic. If someone is injured at work, then it can cost the if society a great deal of money. Primarily, it can cost the taxpayer a lot of money ‘of medical costs associated with any injury. In the United Kingdom, this medical falls on the National Health Service and depending on the injury can be very costly ou take into account surgery, medication and rehabilitation costs. There is also a ant cost to the employer too, who might need to pay sick pay. They will also have Dtially valuable worker missing for a long time, or possibly forever. Economies is early a big reason for the importance of occupational health and safety. =) — i 2 8 z z dood NI seuyzyn LYS ORL ‘Workers in food industries are exposed toa wide range of hazards. ‘9 Same level falls or fll rom heights shamp instruments and f © Work posture injuries © Exposure to noise, heat and cold, dust, radiation, electricty Work in confined spaces Figure 41. Occupational Safety Hazards LUTIONS FOR HAZARDS IN FOOD SERVICE reduce work hazard, job safety and health expens recommend sure the restaurant has the right equipment to prevent havards ‘he workin away that reduces the chance of racks that aren fen used squatting sting ods [the load feels foo ng heavy mat 28 possible to your body box or load befor placing it down. TE cof your hand muscles can result in injures in back, shoulders, arms, There are many things that canbe done to reduce the force needed to th the whole hand, nt just a few Fingers ip objects tools, equipment and knives - loads keeping wrist saiht 1 whole hand. Avoid using only afew fingers 1 doven when not in use; attach 3 2 ing water slowly tozeduce splash wer the edge of range oF stove mer flames to only cover the boton of the pan loves xp ovens cookers and steam oven when they are unde pressure ‘Aalip is caused by the absence Grsumeient friction between Berson's feet and his/her walking | Surface. Figure 43: Slip, Trip and Fall anguarded machines. To reduce the # E 3 5 i rss imine ow 10 PREVENT KIFCHES FR ‘You ean do ot Not aie sok np Use a damp cloth under eu Do not place knives nea Carry knives by the han Never hand kn Separate tn erumb ray and clean en Wipe out the nny. hen have the toaster of tase 0 tha tart ac cout the toast microwave Clean t use. Toaster oven, ot ted on. So the win even when they're breakout You don't want the seal stanly tigger the old of “yemake detector near, but no moke or scam that cooking 0m ter and pots or pans with i sor grease. The ht oi or grease can sl Tong sleeves and te back tong ng anthe span fr sauce, ad you cerany iryou're bumer oF ven if 0H led. Stay nthe teen ‘ery high beat Tum off the hoe call towels away from the stove. You m ould igmte combustibles lef ea" FIRE HAZARD Cooking Fis rth primary cos fos cs The en ee eno commen hue am overgs, paper o plastic bags, curtains.) : a [RESTAURANT KITCHEN FIRE PREVENTION fuel cooking appliances ona monthly bai Cooking wih if) ak of ahtben fire Because of deposit inthe exhaust syst. A 1 thnk smoke and pease from wood Kitchen fires are most often caused by ving cooking food unattended tf les too close othe heat source taming on or not turing off the equipment upto dangerous levels chens inspected quarterly. Low-YolU rs where ve appliances in low-valone ki found in places like churches and community st ly These require an annual inspection 1 for letra or rae fs. ae hes place oceasio appliances pose n0 is hina pling.careying, holding, ling, jay and akan owes, ere 2 “a aque stance rom other surfaces. Kinks gp edn hl odin sar ar isk oh i requirements for: happen if your employees are moving or caring heavy ne peso waking og hots. One haar "FIXING THE PROBLEM: THERE ARE THREE WAYS TO WORK SAFER: ‘ hazards the worker can't go y ble 41: How To Protec Employees Against Workplace Violence ——— ae a fap nauiaas Tenet recourse st 1% | minmceres| trv | Scena emunnna | z freer wae [Taian waarean[Reparncamotae | 2 2 emoeny —fesannanrg_andengoyeesso eye [caret actontommmze| 22 z pecearesans lana peta nacocs n |ncanones zg 8 potas" Ine wongate # 5 — s § Rania one ae early Taian poe — meee] 7 2 _farsenperee |provsors, ” Inerseter aut metros [pncin react & acess ag Jescot | |ronde oat enuenmer rat ny vot weet i Era ha oma wdetnd ey mst cary cu

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