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Abigail Ramroop 59650

SPED 2013
Big Bang Theory Operant Conditioning

Operant conditioning is a learning process in which deliberate behaviors are reinforced

through consequences. It also entails reinforcing or punishing a behavior and focuses on

strengthening or weakening voluntary behaviors. Reinforcement or punishment can be used to

increase or decrease a behavior. A connection is established between the behavior and the

consequences of such a behavior. It was used in situations were going off topic resulted in a

punishment. A punishment was reinforced in the video clip in order to guide the behavior towards

the desired targeted behavior. It was observed that if one went off topic, the other would pull the

sticky tape to keep them on track. Operant conditioning learning can be defined as observable

response frequency or duration changes as a result of a consequence. A reinforcement, according

to B.F Skinner, is a response or consequence that causes a behavior to occur more frequently,

whereas a punishment is a response or consequence that causes a behavior to occur less frequently.

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