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Self-Assessment of Self-Awareness

Student's full name: Hồ Phương Anh ID: DSU06004

Question: Based on your personal assessment of self-awareness, write an essay responding to the
four questions:
1. Decribe and compare your five core aspects of self-awareness.
2. Compare your scores and your class’s everages.
3. What are your main strengths and weaknesses based on your answers to Questions 1 and 2.
4. Propose a brief plan to develop your self-awareness skills.

1. Use this template for your essay. Do not modify any styles of this file and use only these
styles for your essay.
2. Add a table of your scores and a radar graph of your converted scores. Cite your converted
scores as evidence for your arguments.
3. The lenghth of your essay should be about 800 to 1,000 words.
4. See the marking rubric for how your answer is marked.
5. Submit your essay via LMS (Individual assignment - Turnitin). The similarity must be less
than 20%.


Table of my self-awareness self-assessment scores

Hồ Phương
Hồ Phương Anh Class Anh
score average converted
Self-awareness: Self-disclosure and openness to 21 20,14 0,64
Self-awareness: Awareness of own values, emotional 25 26,86 0,63
intelligence, change orientation, and core self-
Emotional intelligence: Emotional awareness 10 11,14 0,33
Emotional intelligence: Emotional control (balance) 15 16,71 0,50
Emotional intelligence: Emotional diagnosis (empathy) 20 15,57 0,67
Emotional intelligence: Emotional response 30 18,29 1,00
Cognitive style: Knowing 17 14,86 0,81

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Cognitive style: Planning 27 27,46 0,71
Cognitive style: Creating 27 24,69 0,71
Locus of control 8 7,86 0,65
Tolerance of ambiguity: Novelty 18 20,81 0,58
Tolerance of ambiguity: Complexity 37 37,72 0,60
Tolerance of ambiguity: Insolubility 14 13,5 0,61
Core self-evaluation 2,58 3 0,52

Radar graph of self-awareness self-assessment scores

Self-awareness: Self-disclosure and openness to feedback

Core self-evaluation Self-awareness: Awareness of own values, emotional intelligence, change orientation, and core self-evaluation
Tolerance of ambiguity: Insolubility .8 Emotional intelligence: Emotional awareness
Tolerance of ambiguity: Complexity .4 Emotional intelligence: Emotional control (balance)

Tolerance of ambiguity: Novelty Emotional intelligence: Emotional diagnosis (empathy)

Locus of control Emotional intelligence: Emotional response

Cognitive style: Creating Cognitive style: Knowing

Cognitive style: Planning

Hồ Phương Anh converted score Class average converted

1. Description and comparison ….

My seft-awareness score is described by blue line. Each skill corresponds to one point that
represents five aspects of myseft. As can be seen that the points are unevenly distributed, meaning
that the radar graph show strengths and weaknesses that need to be overcome. For the emotional
intelligence aspect, emotional intelligence: emotional response has a very high score, and it is also a
perfect score, at 1.0, that means I have a good ability to handle emotions. By contrast, Emotional
intelligence: Emotional awareness is the lowest, with a score of 0.33 because my ability to
understand my own feelings is quite poor. About seft-awareness, this is a aspect that scores above
medium, both skills have roughly the same score, around 0.64. I'm aware of myself, but I'm still

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vague about a few things. The second highest scoring aspect is Cognitive style. In particular, the
highest skill in this aspect is knowing. Planning and creating skill are quite special when they have
the same number of points, both are 0.71.

2. Compare …..

3. Main strengths and weaknesses…

4. Plan for developing my ….

 Objective(s): Which skills to develop?
 Activity(ies): What/How/When/Where...


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