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INTRODUCTION OF THE PROJECT The aims of carrying out the project is to :


mathematics to everyday situations and appreciate theimportance and the beauty of mathematics in everyday lives.

problem-solving skills, thinking skills , reasoning andmathematical communication.


positive attitude and personalities and instrinsicmathematical values such as accuracy , confidence andsystematic reasoning. d)Stimulate learning environment that enhances effectivelearning inquiry-base and teamwork. e)Develop mathematical knowledge in a way which increasestudents interest and confidence.

Part I Cakes cone in a variety of forms and flavours and are among favourite desserts served during special occasions such as birthday parties, Hari Raya, weddings and etc. Cakes are treasured not only because of their wonderful taste but also in the art of cake baking and cake decorating. Find out how, mathematics is used in cake baking and cake decorating and write about your findings. CONSTRUCTING THE STRUCTURE OF A CAKE These cakes are made by using different sizes of circular pans,then stacking the baked cake sections on top of each other. Your are to plan for a cake that will serve between 200 and 250 people. The wedding cake must feed between 200 and 250 people. You have 4 different sizes of pans of you can use.(All pans have the same height). Each layer of cake must remain a cylinder. You can stack layers. Each layer can then be separated and cut individually. Each layer of cake will be cut into sectors that have a top area of exactly 50cm2. You may have some left-over cake from a layer. One sector feed one person Your final ingredients list must be proportional to the ingredients list provided for you. r=10 cm r=25 r=15cm r=20cm r=25cm

By using the theory of arithmetic and geometric progression in Chapter 1 Form 5,the concept can be used to Decide on how many layers of each size of cake you will need for your cake. Show how you can cut the layers of the cake into equivalent sectors having a top area of 50 cm2 each, in order to feed between 200 and 250 people. Complete the ingredients list by identifying the quantities needed for each ingredient in the cake.

Work and calculations to determine the ingredients of the cake Baking a cake offers a tasty way to practice math skills, such as fractions and ratios,in a real-world context.Many steps of baking a cake,such as counting ingredients and setting the oven timer,provide basic math practice for young children.Older children and teenagers can use more sophisticated math to solve baking dilemmas,such as how to make a cake recipe larger or smaller or how to determine what size slices you should cut.Practicing math while baking not only improves your math skills,it helps you become a more flexible and resourceful baker.
Calculate the proportions of different ingredients. For example, a frosting recipe that calls for 2 cups cream cheese, 2 cups confectioners' sugar and 1/2 cup butter has a cream cheese,sugar and butter ratio of 4:4:1. Identifying ratios can also help you make recipes larger or smaller. Use as few measuring cups as possible. For example, instead of using a 3/4 cup, use a 1/4cup three times. This requires you to work with fractions.

Determine what time it will be when the oven timer goes off. For example,if your cake has to bake for 30 minutes and you set the timer at 3:40, the timer will go off at 4:10. Calculate the surface area of the part of the cake that needs frosting.For example,a sheet cake in a pan only needs the top frosted,while a sheet cake on a tray needs the top and four sides frosted.A round layer cake requires frosting on the top,on each layer and on the sides. Determine how large each slice should be if you want to serve a certain amount of people.For example, and 18 by 13 inch sheet cake designed to serve 25 people should be cut into slices that measure approximately 3 by 3 inches. Add up the cost of your ingredients to find the cost of your cake.Estimate the cost partially used ingredients,such as flour,by determining the fraction of the container used and multiplying that by the cost of the entire container. Initial draft of the cake


While you were conducting the project, what have you learnt? What moral values did you practise? Represent your opinions or feelings creatively through usage of symbols, illustrations, drawing or even in a song. I have done many researches throughout the internet anddiscussing with a friend who have helped me a lot in completingthis project. Through the completion of this project, I havelearned many skills and techniques. This project really helps me to understand more about the uses of

progressions in our daily life. This project also helped expose techniques of application of additional mathematics in real life situations.While conducting this project,a lot of information that I found.I have learnt how to bake a wedding cake stands with good quality and proper height.

Table of Contents
No. 1 2 Question Part I Part II Question 1 Question 2 (a) Question 2 (b) Question 2 (c) Question 3 (a) Question 3 (b) Question 3 (c) Part III Further Exploration Reflection Page

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