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There are Three kinds of Blind People: (Click Here for Reference)
1. Color Blind: Those who basically struggle to see the right color.
2. Legally Blind: Those who are not fully blind. But lost their vision by an
accident or other cases. (Basically, their vision is so much low)
3. Fully Blind/Congenial Blindness: Those who are blind from their birth
or lost their vision 100%

1. Glasses for Color Blind People

What is color blind?
Color blindness, also known as color vision deficiency, is characterized by an
inability to differentiate between different shades of colors, such as red,
green, or blue. The primary cause of color blindness is a lack of light-sensitive
pigments in the cones of the eye.
- Click Here for Reference 1
- Click Here for Reference 2
- Click Here for Reference 3

Glasses for Color Blind?

- Click Here for EnChroma

- Click Here for Pilestone
How Does It work?
- Color-blind glasses simply work to change the saturation of the objects
viewed through them, saturating the objects heavier towards the colors
that your eyes have trouble perceiving. This serves to compensate for
the missing colors and helps your brain perceive the object as if there
was no defect in your eyes at all.
Click Here for Reference.

- EnChroma develops optical lens technology that selectively filters out

wavelengths of light at the precise point where this confusion or
excessive overlap of color sensitivity occurs. The M and L cones are
altered in such a way that there is a greater amount of difference in color
discrimination along the so-called “confusion line” for that individual.
Click Here for Reference.

Price of the glasses?

They are around 200$ to 400$
- Click Here for EnChroma
- Click Here for Pilestone

2. Glasses for legally Blind People

What is Legally Blind?
Normal vision is 20/20. That means you can clearly see an object 20 feet away.
If you’re legally blind, your vision is 20/200 or less in your better eye or your
field of vision is less than 20 degrees. That means if an object is 200 feet away,
you have to stand 20 feet from it in order to see it clearly. But a person with
normal vision can stand 200 feet away and see that object perfectly.
- Click for Reference 1
- Click for Reference 2
- Click for Reference 3
- Click for Reference 4
Glasses for Legally Blind?
There are different kinds of glasses for legally blind people. Click Here for Ref
1. Acesight: Acesight is also one of the latest wearable low vision aids
produced by Zoomax, designed to help people with low vision
conditions. Based on ‘Augmented Reality’ technology, it offers an HD
display floating right before your eyes, thanks to a pair of head-mounted
goggles, which are connected to a controller through a wire. Provides
up to 15X magnification, while the wired controller allows you to
customize the colors and contrast. This electronic eyewear is designed
to cater to the needs of people with visual acuity ranging from 20/100
to 20/800, as affected by a host of eye diseases like macular
degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. (5000$)

2. Nueyes Pro: NuEyes Pro is a head-worn lightweight and wireless pair of

smart glasses, which can be controlled either through a wireless
handheld controller or a set of voice commands. It is designed to help
visually impaired and legally blind see better. Glaucoma, macular
degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy are some of the visual
conditions NuEyes Pro can help you with. A camera on the front of the
glasses captures the image and displays it magnified inside of the
lenses. You can get up to 12X magnified images. There are various other
features, which make these e-glasses more than just a pair of electronic
reading glasses. (6000$)
3. Orcam: These are low vision electronic glasses designed to make
reading, writing, recognizing faces and various other daily activities
easier for visually impaired people. A light attachable camera
distinguishes it from an ordinary pair of glasses, which is mounted on
the frame of the glasses by the side. (3500$)

4. eSight 4: These electronic glasses for low vision are designed to assist
people suffering from different types of low vision issues to see better.
eSight is a specially designed head-mounted unit, which is connected
to a battery through a wire. This can affect your mobility to a certain
degree and you also need to be aware of the charging level of the
device’s battery. (6000$)
How Does It work?
We will basically talk about eSight 4. Low vision glasses.
Integrating a cutting-edge camera with smart algorithms and two high-
resolution screens, eSight stimulates synaptic activity from the remaining
photoreceptor function of your eyes. eSight glasses compensate for gaps in
your field of view by maximizing the visual information provided to the brain.
eSight’s built-in camera captures everything the wearer is looking at. Footage
is shown on two near-to-eye screens in real time with extraordinary clarity.
Figure 0: eSight Glasses' inside view

- Click Here for further Details

- Click Here for further Details
- Click Here for further Details
- Click Here for further Details
- Click Here for further Details (YouTube – Blind Life)
- Click Here for further Details (YouTube – NuEyes)
3. Glasses for Fully Blind People

❖ All the details in a YouTube Video. ( Click Here )

❖ Google Glass – Envision. ( Click Here )
❖ Our Glass (Already Exists) – Click Here

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