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 Vlogging helps you to reflect on the things you have learned, and it allows you to share
your experiences with other students and lecturers. Your task is to create a video
‘report’ on the Task below. This involves ‘telling a story about your new knowledge in
relation to the subject and giving an impression of the atmosphere.

Part 1
Having researched extensively the many benefits of implementing a 'Rapid Antigen
Testing' program for staff and a ‘Contactless QR Code Scanning System’ you must gain
approval for its implementation in the workplace. You will be required to provide an
informative vlog for the CEO highlighting the many benefits of a 'Rapid Antigen Testing'
program for staff and a ‘Contactless QR Code Scanning System’.
Ensure you discuss the following:

 Explain what strategies could be developed to ensure that a 'Rapid Antigen

Testing' program for staff and a ‘Contactless QR Code Scanning System’
are used effectively in the workplace.

 Send invitations to pre-screen and pre-register employees and visitors
 Assign clear goals to employees that play to their abilities.
 Allow employees to develop action items to support their given roles.
 Regularly track the development of employing Contactless QR codes. 
A successful monitoring procedure includes recording, storing, and documenting data.
using the information to make decisions through the proper channels to individuals who
can deal with its alterations and enhancements

 What would be the best method for adjusting and communicating these
changes to the affected stakeholders?
The best method for adjusting and communicating changes to affected stakeholders is
to communicate to them through google meet and zoom. Those platforms are the most
convenient way to communicate with them without interacting with them face to face. 

 Identify who the stakeholders would be if a 'Rapid Antigen Testing'

program for staff and a ‘Contactless QR Code Scanning System’ was

If the 'Rapid Antigen Testing' program for staff and a ‘Contactless QR Code Scanning
System’ was implemented the stakeholders will be involved are the employees,
investors, customers, and even the suppliers. 

 How would you communicate the outcomes of a 'Rapid Antigen Testing'

program for staff and a ‘Contactless QR Code Scanning System’ in the
workshop, office, and delivery services within the organization?
I would communicate the outcomes of a 'Rapid Antigen Testing' program for staff and a
‘Contactless QR Code Scanning System’ in the workshop, as a floor manager, I will
make an announcement on different platforms, by emailing my employee, posting it on
a board that employees may notice.

 Which employees should be informed of customer feedback regarding a

‘Contactless QR Code Scanning System’ and why?

As a floor manager, everyone should be informed about the customer’s feedback

regarding the ‘Contactless QR Code Scanning System. It is very important for everyone
to know about the customer's feedback so that they will know where to improve more.
Engaging all of them to know it will make them feel that they are being valued it may
also boost their productivity which may help were to improve more.

 Outline the anticipated cost to the organization and what areas of the
business will be required to implement a 'Rapid Antigen Testing' program
for staff and a ‘Contactless QR Code Scanning System’.

The anticipated cost for the organization and areas of the business will be required to
implement a 'Rapid Antigen Testing' program for staff and a ‘Contactless QR Code
Scanning System’ will be around 100-150 thousand since we will not know when will the
employee will be infected by the covid so it’s important to have a fund to make sure they
all have been tested. For the Contactless QR Code Scanning System’ since it is not that
expensive so the anticipated cost will focus on the rapid test for the staff.

 What strategies can the organization use internally to properly monitor the
effectiveness of its continuous improvement processes, performance, and

These strategies can help the organization properly monitor the effectiveness of its
continuous improvement processes, performance, and operation
1. Seek continuous improvement: Step by step
2. Open and ongoing dialogue
3. A great workplace is everyone’s job
4. Understand what motivates your employees
Applying these strategies will help the continuous improvement of the organization.

 Describe 3 methods the organization can utilize to support improvements

now and in the future.

1. Employee development, cross-training, educational perks, and courses are all

instances of continual improvement.
2. Include everyone When the goal is to progress as a team, making sure you're all
working together is crucial. When attempting to strengthen the team, one should
concentrate on team-building exercises or even organize a social activity to help
the team get to know one another.
3. Transparency is key. Transparency can refer to a variety of things, but in this
context, it is closely linked to the previous point about including everyone.


BSA 1-B-3

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