Metallurgy (Mega)

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EXERCISE-V 18 - 19

1. Corundum is –
(1) SiC (2) Al2O 3 (3) Al2O3 . 2H2O (4) KAlSi3O 8

2. Bauxite has the formula –

(1) Al2O3 . H2O (2) Al2O3 . 2H2O (3) Al2O3 . 3H2O (4) KAlSi3O 8

3. The most common ore of copper is –

(1) Cu2S (2) CuFeS2 (3) CuCO3 . Cu(OH)2 (4) Cu5FeS4

4. Chloride ore among the following is -

(1) Malachite (2) Magnesite (3) Magnetite (4) Rock salt

5. The rocky and silicious matter associated with an ore is called –

(1) Slag (2) Mineral (3) Gangue (4) Flux

6. Consider –

(i) Copper blende = Cu2O (ii) Pyrolusite = MnO2
(iii) Cryolite = Na3AIF 6 (iv) Cinnabar = PbS
Which is/are not correctly matched -
(1) (i) only (2) (ii) only (3) (iv) only (4) (i) and (iv)

7. A mineral is called an ore if –

(1) A metal can be economically obtained from it
(2) A metal can be extracted from it
(3) A metal can not be obtained from it
(4) It contains a precious metal

(1) Oxide ores
Froth floatation process is used for the concentration of –
(2) Sulphide ores (3) Chloride ores (4) None of these

9. Concentration of copper pyrites is done by -

(1) Gravity separation (2) Froath floatation process
(3) Electromagnetic separation (4) Roasting

10. Which of the following metal is obtained by leaching process using a solution of NaCN and then
precipitating the metal by addition of zinc dust –
(1) Copper (2) Silver (3) Nickel (4) Iron

11. In froath floatation, the oil used is –

(1) Olive oil (2) Pine oil (3) Coconut oil (4) Mustard oil

12. Baeyer's process is used for the purification of Bauxite containing .......... as impurity –
(1) Silica (2) Rutile (3) Fe2O 3 (4) None

13. An ore of tin containing FeCrO4 is concentrated by –

(1) Magnetic separation (2) Froth floatation
(3) Electrostatic (4) Gravity separation

14. Which of the following is concentrated by electromagnetic method –

(1) Haematite (2) Cinnabar (3) Argentite (4) Galena

15. Mac-Aurthur forrest process is used for the extraction of –

(1) Zn (2) Cu (3) Fe (4) Ag

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16. Identify M in the equation :
4M + 8CN– + 2H2O + O2  4[M(CN)2]– + 4OH– -
(1) Copper (2) Iron (3) Silver (4) Zinc

17. Leaching is a process of –

(1) Reduction (2) Concentration (3) Refining (4) Oxidation

18. Heating of pyrites in air for oxidation of sulphur is called –
(1) Roasting (2) Calcination (3) Smelting (4) Slagging

19. Purpose of smelting of an one ore is –

(1) To oxidise it (2) To reduce it
(3) To remove vaporisable impurities (4) To obtain an alloy
20. Heating of carbonates to remove carbon is called as –
(1) Roasting (2) Calcination (3) Smelting (4) Fluxing
21. Which one of the following is not a basic flux –
(1) CaCO3 (2) CaO (3) SiO2 (4) MgO

22. The aim of addition of flux along with the ore during smelting is –
(1) To reduce the melting point of metal
(3) To make ore porous
(2) For increasing boiling point of metal
(4) To remove the impurities

23. The substance used in the thermite process for reducing metal oxide is –
(1) Aluminium (2) Thorium (3) Heated Pt gauge (4) Carbon

24. Match List-I (Metal) with List-II (Process of Extraction) and select the correct answer using the codes
given below the lists -
List - I List - II

(Metal) (Process of Extraction)
A. Aluminium a. Blast furnace
B. Iron b. Mond process
C. Nickel c. Bayer process
D. Copper d. Cyanide process
e. Froath floatation
Code: A B C D
(1) b e d a
(2) c a b e
(3) b a d e
(4) c e b a

25. When a sulphide ore is roasted, the product obtained is usually –

(1) A metal (2) A sulphite (3) An oxide (4) A nitride

26. A flux is often added to remove impurities from an ore in a blast furnace. In the reaction,
CaO + SiO2  CaSiO 3 the slag and the flux are –
(1) CaSiO3 and SiO 2 (2) CaSiO3 and CaO
(3) CaO and SiO2 (4) SiO2 and CaSiO3

27. A reaction showing slag formation is –

(1) Cu2S + 2Cu2O  6Cu + SO2 (2) ZnCO3  ZnO + CO2
(3) Fe2O 3 + 3C  2Fe + 3CO (4) FeO + SiO2  FeSiO 3

28. The slag obtained during the extraction of copper pyrites is composed mainly of –
(1) Cu2S (2) FeSiO3 (3) CuSiO3 (4) SiO2

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29. Which one of the following reactions is an example for calcination process –
(1) 2Ag + 2HCl + (O)  2AgCl + H2O (2) 2Zn + O2  2ZnO
(3) 2ZnS + 3O2  2ZnO + 2SO2 (4) MgCO3  MgO + CO2

30. False statement is –

(1) Mond's process is used for refining of nickel
(2) Gold is extracted by cyanide process
(3) Calcination of an ore requires excess of air
(4) Millerite is an ore of nickel

31. Tin and lead can be refined by:
(1) Distillation (2) Liquation (3) Levigation (4) Leaching

32. Refining of silver is done by–

(1) Liquation (2) Poling (3) Cupellation (4) Van arkel method

33. Which process represents the equation –

Ti + 2I2  TiI4  Ti + 2I2

(1) Cupellation (2) Van - Arkel (3) Poling (4) Zone refining

34. In the Hoope's process for refining of aluminium, the fused materials form three different layers and they
remain separated during electrolysis also. This is because –
(1) The upper layer is kept attracted by the cathode and the lower layer is kept attracted by the anode
(2) There is special arrangement in the cell to keep the layers separate
(3) The 3 layers have different densities
(4) The 3 layers are maintained at different temperatures

35. Mond's process is used for refinining –

(1) Ni (2) Co (3) NH3 (4) H2SO 4

(1) Zone refining unacademy
Purification of silicon element used in semi-conductors is done by –
(2) Heating (3) Froth floatation (4) Heating in vacuum

37. During electrolytic refining of a metal, concentration to electrolyte –

(1) Remains constant (2) Goes on decreasing
(3) Goes on increasing (4) First increases and then decreases

38. CO on passing over heated nickel gives -

(1) NiCO3 (2) Ni(CO)4 (3) CO2 + H2 (4) CO + H2

39. Which of the following metal is not found in free state
(1) Zn (2) Au (3) Ag (4) Hg

40. Metallurgy is the process of

(1) Concentration of ore (2) Roasting of ore
(3) Extraction of metal from the ore (4) Adding carbon to the ore in blast furnace

41. Cyanide process is used for the concentration of

(1) Au (2) Ag (3) Al (4) Both 1 & 2

42. Silicon is main constituent of

(1) Alloys (2) Rocks (3) Sea water (4) Plants

43. Which of the following ore is called malachite

(1) CuFeS2 (2) CuCO3 . Cu(OH)2 (3) Cu2S (4) 2CuCO3.Cu(OH)2

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44. Zinc blende is concentrated by
(1) Froth floatation (2) Magnetic separation
(3) Leaching (4) Roasting

45. Select the correct match :

Column-I (Method of conc.) Column-II (Ores)
X Magnetic separation (a) Ag2S
Y froth floation (b) FeCr2O4
Z Leaching (c) Al2O3.2H2O
(1) (a) (b) (c) (2) (b) (a) (c)
(3) (c) (a) (b) (4) (b) (c) (a)

46. Which one of the following is not a method of concentration of ore?

(1) Gravity separation (2) Froth floatation process
(3) Electromagnetic separation (4) Bessemerization

47. Cupellation process is used in the metallugry of

(1) Copper (2) Silver (3) Aluminium (4) Iron


In electrorefining of copper, some gold is deposited as
(1) anode mud (2) cathode mud

Metal which is refined by poling is

(3) flux (4) slag

(1) Sodium (2) Blister copper (3) Zinc (4) Silver

50. The impurities present in a mineral are called :

(1) gangue (2) flux (3) pulverization (4) nuggets


How many among the following are carbonate are :
Haematite, Lime stone, Rutile, Magnesite, Galena, Dolomite, Cinnabar

How many elements will go through pyrometallurgy:

Na, Mg, Fe, Cu, Ag, Au

53. How many elements will go through hydrometallurgy:

Hg, Au, Al, Si, Pt, Zn, Ag, Fe, Mn

54. How many of the following metals can be extracted by carbon reduction (either from chief ore or from low
grade ores) ?
Copper, Lead, Tin, Zinc, Iron, Silver, Aluminum, Molybdenum.

55. How many of the following undergoes self reduction : Cinnerbar, Copper Pyrite, Cassetterite, Malachite,
Galena, Dolomite, Bauxite, Siderite.

56. How many of the following ore are extracted by calcination process Calamine, Zinc Blende, Cinnebar,
Copper Pyrite, Malachite, Siderite, Haemetite, Cupprite.

57. How many of the following ore can be concentrated by leaching process PbS, ZnS, Al2O3, Ag2S, Fe2O3,
SnO2, CuFeS2

58. How many of the following are carbonate ore Dolomite, Bauxite, Borax, Carnelite, Haematite, Cinnebar,
Calamine, Quartz.

59. How many of the following are oxide ore :

Pyrolusite, Beryl, Silver glance, Zinc blende, Chromite, Galena, Malachite, Cryolite, Flourspar, Carnelite
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60. Among the sulphide ores of Ag, Hg, Pb, Fe, Cu and Zn how many of them can be extracted by self reduction
process. Hg, Pb and Cu are extracted by this process.

61. During the electrolysis of cryolite, aluminum and fluorine are formed in 2 : x molar ratio. The value of x is

62. Van-Arkel process is a method of refining by converting the metal into volatile metal iodide. Further the metal
iodide is heated to get pure metal. Among Silver, Zirconium, Zinc and Tin, how many of the following metals
is/are usually refined by this method.

63. Consider the following Ellingham diagram for formation of oxides of metal P and Q

(A) P  O 2  PO 2
–950 (A)
G –1125
(kJ/mol) –1150 (B)
(B) Q  O 2  QO2

T1 T2 T0

Consider the following two reaction

(a) at temperature T1 P  QO2  PO2  Q, G1  x kJ mol –1

(b) at temperatre T2 Q  PO 2  QO2  P, G2  y kJ mol –1

then calculate value of |x + y|


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1. In metallurigical processess, the flux used for removing basic impurities is –
(1) Silica (2) Sodium chloride (3) Limestone (4) Sodium carbonate

2. Purest form of iron is –

(1) Iron flings (2) Cast iron (3) Wrought iron (4) Stainless steel

3. In the smelting of Cu2S, the flux is –

(1) CaSiO3 (2) FeO (3) FeSiO3 (4) SiO2

4. Choose the set of carbonate ore –

(a) Galena (b) Siderite (c) Copper pyrites (d) Malachite
Answer is-
(1) a,c (2) b,d (3) b,c (4) a,d

5. Polling process is used for –

(1) Hg (2) Fe (3) Cu (4) All

6. By the cupellation of Pb+ Ag we obtain –

(1) Pure silver (2) Pure lead (3) Impure silver (4) Impure lead

7. Which reaction take place in Bessemer converter –

(1) 2Cu2O + Cu2S  6Cu + SO2 (2) 2Cu2S + 3O 2  2Cu2O + 2SO2
(3) CuO + C  Cu + CO (4) CuCO3  CuO + CO 2

8. In the froath floatation process the particles of the ore come on the froth because –

(1) They become water repellent
(3) They are lower molecular weight

Important ore of aluminium is –

(2) They have light
(4) Both 1 & 2 are correct

(1) Malachite (2) Cinnabar (3) Bauxite (4) Magnetite

10. Which of the following is not a refining process

(1) Bayer Process (2) Van-arkel process (3) Cementation (4) Poling

11. In electro-refining the impure metal is made as-

(1) Cathode (2) Anode (3) Electrolyte (4) 1 & 3

12. Which of the following mixture is used in the electrolysis of aluminium –

(1) Al2O 3 + BaF 2 (2) Na3AlF6 + Al2O 3 (3) NaAlO2 + Al2O 3 (4) Al2O 3 + NaOH

13. Calcination is the process in which –

(1) Heating the ore in presence of air (2) Heating the ore in presence of sulphur
(3) Heating the ore in absence of air (4) Heating the ore in presence of chlorine

14. Cupellation process is involved in the metallurgy of –

(1) Copper (2) Silver (3) Gold (4) Lead

15. Which of the following ore does not show the correct formula –
(1) Cuprite-Cu2O (2) Zinc blende-ZnS (3) Magnesite-Fe3O 4 (4) Siderite FeCO3

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16. For the extraction of chromium from Cr2O 3, the process adopted is –
(1) Carbon reduction process (2) Alumino thermite process
(3) Electrolytic process (4) None of the above

17. In the extraction of copper from its sulphide ore the metal is formed by reduction of Cu2O with:
(1) FeS (2) CO (3) Cu2S (4) SO 2

18. Extraction of silver from Ag2S by the use of sodium cyanide is an example of:
(1) roasting (2) hydrometallurgy (3) electrometallurgy (4) smelting

19. Carnalite is a mineral of -

(1) Ca (2) Na (3) Mg (4) Zn

20. Which of the following mineral does not contain Al –

(1) Cryolite (2) Mica (3) Felspar (4) Fluorspar

21. Which of the following statements is not correct –

(1) All ores are minerals (2) All minerals are ores
(3) All ores consists of gangue (4) Mineral consists of formula.

22. Which of the following ores is concentrated by leaching –
(1) Pyrite (2) Galena (3) Millerite (4) Argentite

23. Ore dressing is the process, in which –

(1) Ore size is reduced to required size (2) Drying of ore is takes place
(3) Removal of gangue material takes place (4) Treating the ore with alkalies

24. Leaching is a process of -

(1) Reduction (2) Concentration (3) Refining (4) Oxidation

In zone refining, pure metal is obtained at the –
(1) Right end, if zone is travelling from left to right
(2) Left end, if zone is travelling from left to right
(3) Left end, if zone is travelling from right to left
(4) Centre, if zone is travelling from any side

26. Which of the following is used to displace silver from silver argentocyanide –
(1) Cu (2) Zn (3) Mg (4) All of these

27. The process in which metal oxide is reduced to metal by Al is called:

(1) Smelting (2) Aluminothermy (3) hydrothermy (4) no specific name

28. Which of the ore dressing process requires finest size of ore –
(1) Froath floatation (2) Gravity separation
(3) Magnetic separation (4) All

29. Silver may be obtained by Ag2S –

(1) Reduction of Ag2S by (Zn + HCl)
(2) By melting Ag2S with NaCl
(3) Ag2S treated with NaCN then add zinc powder
(4) None of these

30. Galena is an ore of:

(1) Pb (2) Hg (3) Sn (4) Zn

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1. Cinnabar is:
(1) CuS (2) Ag2S (3) ZnS (4) HgS

2. The following equation represents a method of purification of nickel by,

320K 420 K
Ni  2CO  Ni(CO) 4  Ni  4CO
Im pure Pure

(1) Cupellation (2) Mond’s process (3) van Arkel method (4) Zone refining

3. Poling process is used:

(1) For the removal of Cu2O from Cu (2) For the removal of Al2O3 From Al
(3) For the removal of Fe2O3 from Fe (4) In all the above

4. Froath floatation process is based on:

(1) Wetting properties of ore particles (2) Specific gravity of ore particles
(3) Magnetic properties of ore particles (4) Electrical properties of ore particles

5. An ore after levigation is found to have acidic impurities. Which of the following can be used as flux during
smelting operation?
(1) H2SO4 (2) CaCO3 (3) SiO2 (4) Both (1) and (2)

6. The flux used in the extraction of iron is:

(1) Limestone (2) Silica (3) Flint (4) Feldspar


Nickel is purified by thermal decomposition of its:
(1) Hydride (2) Chloride

Cassiterite is concentrated by:

(3) Azide (4) Carbonyl

(1) Levigation (2) Electromagnetic separation

(3) Floatation method (4) Liquefaction

9. After partial roasting the sulphide of copper is reduced by:

(1) Cyanide process (2) Electrolysis
(3) Reduction with carbon (4) Self reduction

10. Gold is extracted by hydro-metallurgical process, based on its property

(1) of being electropositive (2) of being less reactive
(3) to form complex which are water soluble (4) to form salts which are water soluble

11. The process of converting hydrated alumina into anhydrous alumina is called:
(1) Roasting (2) Smeting (3) Dressing (4) Calcination

12. Purificatrion of silicon element used in semiconductors is done by:

(1) Zone refining (2) Heating
(3) Froth floatation (4) Heating in vaccum

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13. Which one of the following ores is not concentrated by froath floatation process?
(1) Copper pyrites (2) Pnetlandite (3) Pyrolusite (4) zinc blende

14. Thomas slag is:

(1) Calcium silicate (2) Calcium phosphate
(3) Tricalcium phosphate and calcium silicate (4) Calcium ammonium phosphate

15. Extraction of silver from its ore involving NaCN, air and an active metal is known as:
(1) Mond’s method (2) Amalgamation method
(3) Mc Arthur-Forrest method (4) Van Arkel

16. The actual reducing agent of haematite in blast furnace is:

(1) C (2) CO (3) Al (4) CO2


Direction (17 to 19) : Each of the questions given below consist of Statement – I and Statement – II. Use the
following Key to choose the appropriate answer.

(1) If both Statement- I and Statement- II are true, and Statement - II is the correct
explanation of Statement–I.
(2) If both Statement-I and Statement-II are true but Statement - II is not the correct explanation of State-
(3) If Statement-I is true but Statement-II is false.
(4) If Statement-I is false but Statement-II is true.

17. Statement-I : Zone refining is used to obtain metals in high degree of purity.
Statement-II : During electrorefining pure metal is librated at cathode.

Statement-I : All ores are minerals.
Statement-II : All minerals are ores.

19. Statement-I : During calcination, the ore is heated well below its melting point in the limited supply of
Statement-II : The process of calcination is caried out for sulphide ores.

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(Question asked in previous AIEEE/JEE-MAIN)
1. During the process of electrolytic refining of copper, some metals present as impurity settle as 'anode mud'.
These are [AIEEE 2005]
(1) Fe and Ni (2) Ag and Au (3) Pb and Zn (4) Se and Ag

2. Which of the following factor is of least significance for roasting sulphide ores to the oxides and not subjecting
the sulphide ores to carbon reduction directly ? [AIEEE 2008]
(1) CO is more volatile than CS2
(2) Metal sulphides are thermodynamically more stable than CS2
(3) CO is thermodynamically more stable than CS2
(4) Metal sulphides are less stable than corresponding oxides

3. Which method of purification is represented by the equation [AIEEE-2012]

500 K 1675 K
Ti  2 2   Ti 4  
 Ti  2 2
Im pure Pure

(1) Cupellation (2) Poling (3) Van Arkel

Which of the oxide groups among the following cannot be reduced by carbon?
(1) Cu2O, SnO2 (2) CaO, K2O (3) PbO, Fe2O4
(4) Zone refining

[JEE Main online 2012]

(4) Fe2O3, ZnO

5. In the electrolysis of alumina to obtain aluminium metal, cryolite is added mainly to [JEE Main online 2012]
(1) lower the melting point of alumina (2) dissolve alumina in molten cryolite
(3) remove the impurities of alumina (4) increase the electrical conductivity

6. Extraction of zinc from zinc blende is achieved by : [JEE Main online 2012]

(1) roasting followed by self-reduction (2) electrolytic reduction
(3) roasting followed by reduction with carbon (4) roasting followed by reduction with another metal

7. The substance used as froth stabilisers in forth-floatation process is : [JEE Main online 2012]
(1) Potassium ethyl xanthate (2) Aniline
(3) Sodium cyanide (4) Copper sulphate

8. Calcination is the process in which [JEE Main online 2013]

(1) Ore is heated strongly below its melting point either in the limited or absence of air and is used to convert
carbonates and hydrated oxide ores to their respective oxides.
(2) Ore is heated strongly below its melting point in the presence of excess of air and is used for the
conversion of carbonates and hydrated oxide ores to their respective oxides.
(3) Ore is heated strongly above its melting point in the limited supply of air to convert sulphide ores to their
respective oxides.
(4) Ore is heated strongly below its melting point in the absence or limited supply of air and is used for the
conversion of sulphide ores to their respective oxides.

9. In Goldschmidt alumina thermic process which of the following reducing agents is used
[JEE Main online 2013]
(1) Calcium (2) Sodium (3) Coke (4) Al-powder

10. The metal that cannot be obtained by electrolysis of an aqueous solution of its salts is [IIT Main 2014]
(1) Ca (2) Cu (3) Cr (4) Ag

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11. Which series of reactions correctly represents chemical relations related to iron and its comopound?
O 2 , heat dil H2 SO 4 heat
(1) Fe   FeO    FeSO 4 
  Fe [IIT Main 2014]

Cl2 , heat heat, air Zn

(2) Fe   FeCl3   FeCl2 
 Fe

O 2 , heat CO, 600 º C CO, 700 º C

(3) Fe   Fe 3O 4    FeO    Fe

dil H2 SO 4 H SO , O 2 heat
(4) Fe    FeSO 4 2 4  Fe2 (SO 4 )3   Fe
12. The form of iron obtained from blast furnace is : [JEE Main online 2014]
(1) Steel (2) Cast Iron (3) Pig Iron (4) Wrought Iron

13. Which one of the following ores is known as Malachite : [JEE Main online 2014]
(1) Cu2O (2) Cu2S (3) CuFeS2 (4) Cu(OH)2.CuCO3

14. In the context of the Hall-Heroult process for the extraction of Al, which of the following statments is false?
(1) Na3AlF6 serves as the electrolyte [IIT Main 2015]
(2) CO and CO2 are produced in this process
(3) Al2O3 is mixed with CaF2 which lowers the melting point of the mixture and brings conductivity

(4) Al3+ is reduced at the cathode to form Al
Calamine is an ore of :
(1) Copper (2) Zinc (3) Aluminium (4) Iron
[JEE Main online 2015]

16. Galvanization is applying a coating of : [IIT Main 2016]

(1) Pb (2) Cr (3) Cu (4) Zn

17. Which one of the following ores is best concentrated by froth floatation method ? [IIT Main 2016]
(1) Magnetite (2) Siderite (3) Galena (4) Malachite
18. Extraction of copper by smelting uses silica as an additive to remove : [JEE Main online 2016]

(1) FeS
(2) FeO (3) Cu2S (4) Cu2O

The following reaction occurs in the Blast Furnace where iron ore is reduced to iron metal :
Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) 2 Fe() + 3CO2(g)
Using the Le Chatelier’s principle, predict which one of the following will not disturb the equilibrium?
[JEE Main online 2017]
(1) Removal of CO (2) Removal of CO2 (3) Addition of CO2 (4) Addition of Fe2O3

20. In the leaching method, bauxite ore is digested with a concentrated solution of NaOH that produces 'X'.
When CO2 gas is passed through the aqueous solution of 'X', a hydrated compound 'Y' is precipitated. 'X' and
'Y' respectively are : [JEE Main online 2018]
(1) NaAlO2 and Al2(CO3)3.xH2O (2) Al(OH)3 and Al2O3.x H2O
(3) Na[Al(OH)4] and Al2O3.x H2O (4) Na[Al(OH)4] and Al2(CO3)3.x H2O

21. In the extraction of copper from its sulphide ore, metal is finally obtained by the oxidation of cuprous sulphide
with [JEE Main online 2018]
(1) Cu2O (2) SO2 (3) Fe2O3 (4) CO
22. The ore that contains both iron and copper is [JEE-Main-Online 2019]
(1) Malachite (2) Azurite (3) Dolomite (4) Copper pyrites

23. Hall-Heroult's process is given by : [JEE-Main-Online 2019]

(1) Cu2+ (aq) + H2(g)  Cu(s) + 2H+(aq) (2) 2Al2O3 + 3C  4Al + 3CO2
(3) ZnO + C   Zn + CO (4) Cr2O3 + 2Al  Al2O3 + 2Cr

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24. The correct statement regarding the given Ellingham diagram is : [JEE-Main-Online 2019]

O2  2C 2
4Cu +


+ O2 
–600 O2  2Z
2Zn +

2 Al 2O 3
4 Al + O 2  3
–1050 3

500°C Temp. (°C) 2000°C

(1) At 1400°C, Al can be used for the extraction of Zn from ZnO

(2) At 500°C, coke can be used for the extraction of Zn from ZnO
(3) Coke cannot be used for the extraction of Cu from Cu2O

(4) At 800°C, Cu can be used for the extraction of Zn from ZnO

The reaction that does NOT define calcination is : [JEE-Main-Online 2019]

(1) 2Cu2 S  3O 2 

 2Cu2 O  2SO2 (2) ZnCO2 

 AnO  CO2

(3) Fe 2 O3  XH2 O 

 Fe 2 O3  XH2 O (4) CaCO3  MgCO3 

 CaO  MgO  2CO2

26. Match the ores (column A) with the metals (column B) : [JEE-Main-Online 2019]
(Column-A) (Column-B)

Ores Metals
(I) Siderite (a) Zinc
(II) Kaolinite (b) Copper
(III) Malachite (c) Iron
(IV) Calamine (d) Aluminium
(1) (I) - (a); (II) - (b) ; (III) - (c); (IV) - (d) (2) (I) - (c); (II) - (d) ; (III) - (a); (IV) - (b)
(3) (I) - (c); (II) - (d) ; (III) - (b); (IV) - (a) (4) (I) - (b); (II) - (c) ; (III) - (d); (IV) - (a)

27. The pair that does NOT require calcination is : [JEE-Main-Online 2019]
(1) ZnO and Fe2O3xH2O (2) Fe2O3 and CaCO3MgCO3
(3) ZnCO3 and CaO (4) ZnO and MgO

28. In the Hall-Heroult process, aluminium is formed at the cathode. The cathode is made out of :
[JEE-Main-Online 2019]
(1) Platinum (2) Pure aluminium (3) Carbon (4) Copper

29. With respect to an ore, Ellingham diagram helps to predict the feasibility of its - [JEE-Main-Online 2019]
(1) Thermal reduction (2) Vapour phase refining
(3) Zone refining (4) Electrolysis

30. The Mond process is used for the : [JEE-Main-Online 2019]

(1) purification of Zr and Ti (2) extraction of Zn
(3) purification of Ni (4) extraction of Mo

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31. The ore that contains the metal in the form of fluoride is : [JEE-Main-Online 2019]
(1) cryolite (2) sphalerite (3) malachite (4) magnetite

32. The one that is not a carbonate ore is : [JEE-Main-Online 2019]

(1) malachite (2) calamine (3) bauxite (4) siderite

33. Assertion : For the extraction of iron, haematite ore is used. [JEE-Main-Online 2019]
Reason : Haematite is a carbonate ore of iron.
(1) Only the assertion is correct.
(2) Both the assertion and reason are correct and the reason is the correct explanation for the assertion.
(3) Only the reason is correct.
(4) Both the assertion and reason are correct, but the reason is not the correct explanation for the assertion

34. Match the refining methods (Column I) with metals (Column II). [JEE-Main-Online 2019]
Column I Column II
(Refining methods) (Metals)
(I) Liquation (a) Zr
(II) Zone Refining (b) Ni

(III) Mond Process
(IV) Van Arkel Method
(1) (I) - (b); (II) - (c); (III) -(d); (IV) - (a)
(c) Sn
(d) Ga

(2) (I) - (c); (II) - (d); (III) -(b); (IV) -(a)

(3) (I) -(b); (II) - (d); (III) - (a); (IV) - (c)
(4) (I) - (c); (II) - (a); (III) - (b); (IV) - (d)

35. The correct statement is : [JEE-Main-Online 2019]

(1) zincite is a carbonate ore .

(2) sodium cyanide cannot be used in the metallurgy of silver.
(3) aniline is a froth stabilizer
(4) zone refining process is used for the refining of titanium.

36. The idea of froth floatation method came from a person X and this method is related to the process Y of ores.
X and Y, respectively, are : [JEE-Main-Online 2019]
(1) washer man and reduction (2) fisher woman and concentration
(3) fisher man and reduction (4) washer woman and concentration

37. The correct statement is : [JEE-Main-Online 2019]

(1) The blistered appearance of copper during the metallurgical process is due to the evolution of CO2
(2) The Hall-Heroult process is used for the production of aluminium and iron.
(3) Pig iron is obtained from cast iron.
(4) Leaching of bauxite using concentrated NaOH solution gives sodium aluminate and sodium silicate.

38. Among the reactions (a) - (d), the reaction(s) that does /do not occur in the blast furnace during the
extraction of iron is /are : [JEE-Main-Online 2020]
(a) CaO + SiO2  CaSiO 3 (b) 3Fe2O 3 + CO  2Fe3O 4 +CO 2

(c) FeO + SiO2  FeSiO 3 (d) FeO Fe  O
2 2
(1) (d) (2) (a) and (d) (3) (c) and (d) (4) (a)

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39. According to the following diagram, A reduces BO2 when the temperature is :[JEE-Main-Online 2020]


–1000 A+O2 AO2
–1200 B+O2 BO2

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600


(1) > 1200ºC but < 1400ºC (2) > 1400 ºC

(3) > 1200 ºC (4) < 1400 ºC
40. The purest form of commercial iron is : [JEE-Main-Online 2020]
(1) wrought iron (2) pig iron
(3) scrap iron and pig iron (4) cast iron

41. The ref ining method used when the metal and the impurities hav e low and high melting
temperatures,respectively, is : [JEE-Main-Online 2020]

(1) zone refining (2) distillation (3) liquation

Cast iron is used for the manufacture of :

(1) wrought iron and pig iron
(4) vapour phase refining

[JEE-Main-Online 2020]
(2) pig iron, scrap iron and steel
(3) wrought iron, pig iron and steel (4) wrought iron and steel

43. Among statements (a) - (d), the correct ones are : [JEE-Main-Online 2020]
(a) Lime stone is decomposed to CaO during the extraction of iron from its oxides.
(b) In the extraction of silver, silver is extracted as an anionic complex.
(c) Nickel is purified by Mond’s process.

(d) Zr and Ti are purified by Van Arkel method.
(1) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
(3) (b), (c) and (d) only
(2) (a), (c) and (d) only
(4) (c) and (d) only

44. An Ellingham diagram provides information about : [JEE-Main-Online 2020]

(1) The conditions of pH and potential under which a species is thermodynamically stable.
(2) The temperature dependence of the standard Gibbs energies of formation of some metal oxides.
(3) The pressure dependence of the standard electrode potentials of reduction reactions involved in the
extraction of metals.
(4) The kinetics of the reduction process.

45. Boron and silicon of very high purity can be obtained through : [JEE-Main-Online 2020]
(1) liquation (2) zone refining
(3) vapour phase refining (4) electrolytic refining

46. The INCORRECT statement is : [JEE-Main-Online 2020]

(1) bronze is an alloy of copper and tin.
(2) Cast iron is used to manufacture wrought iron.
(3) german silver is an alloy of zinc, copper and nickel.
(4) brass is an alloy of copper and nickel.

47. The element that can be refined by distillation is : [JEE-Main-Online 2020]

(1) nickel (2) zinc (3) tin (4) gallium

48. Ellingham diagram is a graphical representation of [JEE-Main-Online 2021]

(1) (G – TS) vs T (2) H vs T (3) G vs P (4) G vs T

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49. The major components of German Silver are [JEE-Main-Online 2021]

(1) Cu, Zn and Ni (2) Ge, Cu and Ag (3) Cu, Zn and Ag (4) Zn, Ni and Ag

50. The method used for the purification of Indium is [JEE-Main-Online 2021]
(1) Vapour phase refining (2) Liquation
(3) Zone refining (4) van Arkel method

51. The major components of German Silver are [JEE-Main-Online 2021]

(1) Cu, Zn and Ni (2) Ge, Cu and Ag (3) Cu, Zn and Ag (4) Zn, Ni and Ag

52. The major components in "Gun Metal" are [JEE-Main-Online 2021]

(1) Al, Cu, Mg and Mn (2) Cu, Zn and Ni
(3) Cu, Sn and Zn (4) Cu, Ni and Fe
53. Al2O3 was leached with alkali to get X. The solution of X on passing of gas Y, forms Z, X, Y and Z respectively
are [JEE-Main-Online 2021]
(1) X = Na[Al(OH)4], Y = CO2, Z = Al2O3.xH2O
(2) X = Al(OH)3, Y = SO2, Z = Al2O3.xH2O
(3) X = Al(OH)3, Y = CO2, Z = Al2O3

(4) X = Na[Al(OH)4], Y = SO2, Z = Al2O3

54. Which of the following ore is concentrated using group 1 cyanide salt? [JEE-Main-Online 2021]
(1) Sphalerite (2) Malachite (3) Siderite (4) Calamine

55. The presence that involves the removal of sulphur from the ores is : [JEE-Main-Online 2021]
(1) Smelting (2) Roasting (3) Leaching (4) Refining

56. Which of the following reducing reaction CANNOT be carried out with coke ? [JEE-Main-Online 2021]
(1) Al2O3  Al (2) ZnO  Zn (3) Fe2O3  Fe (4) Cu2O  Cu

57. The chemical that is added to reduce the melting point of the reaction mixture during the extraction of
aluminium is : [JEE-Main-Online 2021]
(1) Cryolite (2) Bauxite (3) Calamine (4) Kaolite

58. Match List-I with List-II [JEE-Main-Online 2021]

List-I List-II
(Ore) (Element Present)
(a) Kernite (i) Tin
(b) Cassiterite (ii) Boron
(c) Calamine (iii) Fluorine
(d) Cryolite (iv) Zinc
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
(1) (a)  (ii), (b)  (i), (c)  (iv), (d)  (iii) (2) (a)  (i), (b)  (iii), (c)  (iv), (d)  (ii)
(3) (a)  (iii), (b)  (i), (c)  (ii), (d)  (iv) (4) (a)  (ii), (b)  (iv), (c)  (i), (d)  (iii)

59. Match List-I with List-II [JEE-Main-Online 2021]

List-I List-II
(a) Siderite (i) Cu
(b) Calamine (ii) Ca
(c) Malachite (iii) Fe
(d) Cryolite (iv) Al
(v) Zn
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
(1) (a)  (iii), (b)  (v), (c)  (i), (d)  (iv) (2) (a)  (iii), (b)  (i), (c)  (v), (d)  (ii)
(3) (a)  (i), (b)  (ii), (c)  (v), (d)  (iii) (4) (a)  (i), (b)  (ii), (c)  (iii), (d)  (iv)
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60. Match List-I and List-II [JEE-Main-Online 2021]
List-I List-II
(a) Sodium Carbonate (i) Deacon
(b) Titanium (ii) Castner-Kellner
(c) Chlorine (iii) van-Arkel
(d) Sodium hydroxide (iv) Solvay
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
(1) (a)  (iv), (b)  (iii), (c)  (i), (d)  (ii) (2) (a)  (iii), (b)  (ii), (c)  (i), (d)  (iv)
(3) (a)  (i), (b)  (iii), (c)  (iv), (d)  (ii) (4) (a)  (iv), (b)  (i), (c)  (ii), (d)  (iii)
61. Match List-I with List-II : [JEE-Main-Online 2021]
List - I List - II
(a) Haematite (i) A12O3.xH2O
(b) Bauxite (ii) Fe2O3
(c) Magnetite (iii) CuCO3Cu(OH)2
(d) Malachite (iv) Fe3O4
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(1) (a) -(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iv) (2) (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iii)

(3) (a)-(i), (b)-(iii), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iv)

Match List - I with List - II :

List - I List - II
(4) (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(iii)

[JEE-Main-Online 2021]

(a) Mercury (i) Vapour phase refining

(b) Copper (ii) Distillation Refining
(c) Silicon (iii) Electrolytic Refining
(d) Nickel (iv) Zone Refining
Choose the most appropriate answer from the option given below
(1) (a)-(i), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iii) (2) (a)-(ii). (b)-(iii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iv)

(3) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i) (4) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)

The point of intersection and sudden increase in the slope, in the diagram given below, respectively, indicates

4Cu + O2  2Cu2O
–300 + O2  C + O2  CO2
Gº/kJ mol of O2

2CO 2 2C +
O2 
–500 + O2  2CO

–600 +O 2
l O3
 2/3A 2
–900 l+O 2
4/3A O
+ O2

0ºC 400ºC 800ºC 1200ºC 1600ºC 2000ºC

273 K 673 K 1073 K 1473 K 1873 K 2273 K

(1) G = 0 and melting or boiling point of the metal oxide [JEE-Main-Online 2021]
(2) G > 0 and decomposition of the metal oxide
(3) G < 0 and decomposition of the metal oxide
(4) G = 0 and reduction of the metal oxide
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(Question asked in previous IIT-JEE)
1. In the commercial electrochemical process for aluminium extraction, the electrolyte used as: [JEE 1999]
(1) Al(OH)3 in NaOH solution (2) an aqueous solution of Al2(SO4)3
(3) a molten mixture of Al2O3 and Na3AlF6 (4) a molten mixture of AlO(OH) and Al(OH)3

2. The chemical process in the production of steel from haematite ore involve: [JEE 2000]
(1) reduction (2) oxidation
(3) reduction followed by oxidation (4) oxidation followed by reduction

3. Electrolytic reduction of alumina to aluminium by Hall-Heroult process is carried out:

(1) in the presence of NaCl [JEE 2000]
(2) in the presence of fluorite
(3) in the presence of cryolite which forms a melt with lower melting temperature
(4) in the presence of cryolite which forms a melt with higher melting temperature

4. The chemical composition of "slag" formed during the smelting process in the extraction of copper is:

(1) Cu2O + FeS (2) FeSiO3 (3) CuFeS2

Which of the following processes is used in extractive metallurgy of magnesium?

(4) Cu2S + FeO
[JEE 2001]

[JEE 2002]
(1) Fused salt electrolysis (2) Self reduction
(3) Aqueous solution electrolysis (4) Thermite reduction

6. In the process of extraction of gold,

Roasted gold ore + CN– + H2O 
2 [X] + OH–

unacademy[X] + Zn  [Y] + Au
Identify the complexes [X] and [Y] :
(1) X = [Au(CN)2]– , Y = [Zn(CN)4]2– (2) X = [Au(CN)4]3– , Y = [Zn(CN)4]2–
[JEE 2003]

(3) X = [Au(CN)2]– , Y = [Zn(CN)6]4– (4) X = [Au(CN)4]– , Y = [Zn(CN)4]2–

7. The methods chiefly used for the extraction of lead and tin from their ores are respectively: [JEE 2004]
(1) self reduction and carbon reduction (2) self reduction and electrolytic reduction
(3) carbon reduction and self reduction (4) cyanide process and carbon reduction

8. Which ore contains both iron and copper ? [JEE 2004]

(1) Cuprite (2) Chalcocite (3) Chalcopyrite (4) Malachite

9. Extraction for zinc from zinc blende is achieved by: [JEE 2007]
(1) electrolytic reduction (2) roasting followed by reduction with carbon
(3) roasting followed by reduction with another metal (4) roasting followed by self-reduction

10. Native silver metal forms a water soluble complex with a dilute aqueous solution of NaCN in the presence of
(1) nitrogen (2) oxygen (3) carbon dioxide (4) argon [JEE 2008]

11. Oxidation states of the metal in the minerals haematite and magnetite, respectively, are [JEE 2011]
(1) II, III in haematite and III in magnetite (2) II, III in haematite and II in magnetite
(3) II in haematite and II, III in magnetite (4) III in haematite and II, III in magnetite

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12. In the cyanide extraction process of silver from argentite ore, the oxidizing and reducing agents used are
(1) O2 and CO respectively (2) O2 and Zn dust respectively [JEE 2011]
(3) HNO3 and Zn dust respectively. (4) HNO3 and CO respectively

13. In the cyanide extraction process of silver from argentite ore, the oxidizing and reducing agents used are
(1) O2 and CO respectively (2) O2 and Zn dust respectively [JEE 2012]
(3) HNO3 and Zn dust respectively. (4) HNO3 and CO respectively

14. Sulfide ores are common for the metals [IIT Advanced 2013]
(1) Ag, Cu and Pb (2) Ag, Cu and Sn (3) Ag, Mg and Pb (4) Al, Cu and Pb

15. Calamine, malachite, magnetite and cryolite, respectively, are [IIT Advanced 2019]
(1) ZnCO3, CuCO3·Cu(OH)2, Fe3O4, Na3AlF6
(2) ZnSO4, CuCO3, Fe2O3, AlF3
(3) ZnSO4, Cu(OH)2, Fe3O4, Na3AlF6
(4) ZnCO3, CuCO3, Fe2O3, Na3AlF6

16. The cyanide process of gold extraction involves leaching out gold from its ore with CN– in the presence of Q

in water to form R. Subsequently, R is treated with T to obtain Au and Z. Choose the correct option(s).

(1) Q is O2 (2) R is [Au(CN)4]– (3) Z is [Zn(CN)4]2–

[IIT Advanced 2019]
(4) T is Zn

17. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) true for the extraction of aluminium from bauxite ?
[IIT Advanced 2020]
(1) Hydrated Al2O3 precipitates, when CO2 is bubbled through a solution of sodium aluminate.
(2) Addition of Na3 AlF6 lowers the melting point of alumina.

(3) CO2 is evolved at the anode during electrolysis.
(4) The cathode is a steel vessel with a lining of carbon.

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1. 2 2. 2 3. 2 4. 4 5. 3 6. 4 7. 1
8. 2 9. 2 10. 2 11. 2 12. 3 13. 1 14. 1
15. 4 16. 3 17. 2 18. 1 19. 2 20. 2 21. 3
22. 4 23. 1 24. 2 25. 3 26. 2 27. 4 28. 2
29. 4 30. 3 31. 2 32. 3 33. 2 34. 3 35. 1
36. 1 37. 3 38. 2 39. 1 40. 3 41. 4 42. 2
43. 2 44. 1 45. 2 46. 4 47. 2 48. 1 49. 2
50. 1 51. 3 52. 2 53. 3 54. 5 55. 4 56. 3
57. 2 58. 2 59. 3 60. 3 61. 3 62. 1 63. 75

1. 1 2. 3 3. 4 4. 2 5. 3 6. 1 7. 1
8. 4 9. 3 10. 1 11. 2 12. 2 13. 3 14. 2

15. 3 16. 2 17. 3 18. 2 19. 3 20. 4 21. 2
22. 4 23. 3 24. 2 25. 2 26. 2 27. 2 28. 1
29. 3 30. 1

1. 4 2. 2 3. 1 4. 1 5. 2 6. 1 7. 4
8. 1 9. 4 10. 3 11. 4 12. 1 13. 3 14. 2
15. 3 16. 2 17. 2 18. 3 19. 3

1. 2 2. 1
3. 3
4. 2 5. 1 6. 3 7. 2
8. 4 9. 4 10. 1 11. 3 12. 3 13. 4 14. 1
15. 2 16. 4 17. 3 18. 2 19. 4 20. 3 21. 1
22. 4 23. 2 24. 1 25. 1 26. 3 27. 4 28. 3
29. 1 30. 3 31. 1 32. 3 33. 1 34. 2 35. 3
36. 4 37. 4 38. 3 39. 2 40. 1 41. 3 42. 4
43. 1 44. 2 45. 2 46. 4 47. 2 48. 4 49. 1
50. 3 51. 1 52. 3 53. 1 54. 1 55. 2 56. 1
57. 1 58. 1 59. 1 60. 1 61. 4 62. 3
63. No option is found to be correct in accordance with given statement of question.

1. 3 2. 3 3. 3 4. 2 5. 1 6. 1 7. 1
8. 3 9. 2 10. 2 11. 4 12. 2 13. 2 14. 1
15. 1 38. 1,3,4 39. 1,2,3,4

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