Feasibility Study Template

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Table of Contents
1.0 Executive Summary...................................................................................................................2
2.0 Operational Feasibility...............................................................................................................2
3.0 Technical Feasibility..................................................................................................................2
4.0 Economic Feasibility.................................................................................................................3
1.4. Cost to develop..............................................................................................................................................3
1.5. Payback Period.............................................................................................................................................3
1.6. Net Present Value..........................................................................................................................................3
1.7. Cost Benefit Analysis.....................................................................................................................................3
5.0 Schedule Feasibility...................................................................................................................3

1.0 Executive Summary

 The current condition in the Department of Electronics Engineering FT-

UNM, especially in the
 course of practicum Sensors needs to develop the sensor trainer to
 Development of electronics technologies. This trainer development is
strongly supported by several
 Modules sensor encountered in the market at very affordable prices. The
lecturers must utilize this
 convenience to design and create their sensor trainer model based on a needs
analysis and practical
 Learning outcomes. The development of trainer practicum media consists of
several phases. The phases
 can be seen from the perform a needs analysis of media, design a media,
media development both
 material and technology used, the manufacturing performance of the trainer,
perform the validation by
 expert media and materials, and to conduct a feasibility study on the user is
an activity or stage that contributes massive importance to the trainer
 Sensor technology is a rapidly growing field that has significant potential to
improve the operation, reliability, serviceability, and utility of many
engineering systems. The nature and scope of commercial R&D programs in
sensor technologies, including sensor materials, are largely determined by
these market drivers plus the potential size of the available market.

 The trend is toward the development of materials tailored to specific, or
targeted, applications rather than toward fundamental R&D without a
specific application-focus However, technology-driven, leading edge
research is vitally important, since the results from these efforts have the
potential to create entirely new products and markets
 In the case of sensors for mass market applications, clearly defined R&D
strategies have frequently been identified and implemented. Exceptions to
this generalization of development approaches include niche markets, such
as well-defined defense applications.
 Advancing the sensor technology state of the art has been limited by the lack
of a widely accepted language for describing sensor needs and performance.
Potential users of sensor technology often speak a different technical
language from the sensor technologists involved in developing sensors.
 In response, the Committee on New Sensor Technologies: Materials and
Applications prepared a communication tool that employs a common set of
descriptors to map sensor application requirements to sensor technology
attribute, and vice versa.
 Since the present report could not realistically provide a comprehensive list
of research opportunities for the entire field of sensor materials, a "case
study" method was used to illustrate the different driving forces and
considerations that affect the development and incorporation of new sensor
 1995 Expanding the Vision of Sensor Materials.
 A smart sensor is a device that takes input from the physical environment
and uses built-in compute resources to perform predefined functions upon
detection of specific input and then process data before passing it on.

2.0 Operational Feasibility
 This study was designed in the form of research and development (R&D).
 The research development aimed at creating a trainer and testing its
feasibility while clarified that the products were produced in accordance
with specific areas of expertise and effective in use.
 The research implemented several stages, namely the needs of the media
analysis and manufacturing

3.0 Technical Feasibility

1.1.Is the proposed technology or solution practical?
1.2.Do we currently possess the necessary technology and technical expertise?

4.0 Economic Feasibility
Do the problems or opportunities warrant the cost of a detailed study and
analysis of the current system?

To assess Economic Feasibility, prepare tables to show the calculations for:

1.3.Cost to develop
1.4.Payback Period
1.5.Net Present Value

1.6.Cost Benefit Analysis
Many consider this as one of the most important parts of a business analysis
as it is often the costs or savings a project yields which win final approval to
go forward. It is important to quantify the financial benefits of the project as
much as possible in the business case. This is usually done in the form of a
cost benefit analysis. The purpose of this is to illustrate the costs of the
project and to compare them with the benefits and savings to determine if
the project is worth pursuing.

5.0 Schedule Feasibility

1.7.Are the project deadlines reasonable?
1.8.Are specified deadlines mandatory or desirable?

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