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 It refers to the logical order or sequence of ideas in a paragraph.

 Each sentence in a paragraph should lead to the next and transitional words and
phrases should emphasize the relationship between the sentences.
 All the details in the supporting sentences should relate to the topic.

 Types of Logical Order:

1.Chronological Order
- arranges details or events from the beginning to end.
- use to tell a story, to explain a process, or to recount a historical event.
- the sequence of events should be indicated by dates and time-related transitional
words or phrases such as the following:
 first, second, then, next, finally, before, after, at the same time, later, immediately,
soon, daily, frequently, recently, when, at first, in the beginning

2. Spatial Order
- arranges details in space or by position like from top to bottom, left to right, front to
back, side to side, foreground to background, or near to far.
- use spatial transitional words or phrases to emphasize the order.
 above, behind, beside, inside, next to, over, to the side of, under, through, below,
in front of, connected to, north, south, outside, centered, middle, on, at the top of,
at the bottom of

3. Order of Importance
- arranges details according to their significance or value, like from least important to
most important or from least expensive to most expensive, etc.
- this order is useful for arranging a series of reasons, causes, effects, or
- common transitions used
 finally, first, least important, more important, best of all

4. Comparison and Contrast Order

- arranges details by presenting first the similarities and differences of two ideas
being compared or contrasted.
- comparison and contrast transitional words and phrases:
 along with, together with, as well as, also, by the same token, similarly, although,
though, however, despite, yet, but, on the other hand, in contrast, except for,
comparative and superlative form of adjectives

5. Developmental Order
- arranges details in more logical/ creative ways or can be combination of the
previous four logical orders.
- This may also be used in cause-effect paragraphs, definition, or other methods of
paragraph development.
- common transitional words that show logical relationship
if, whether, unless, therefore, thus, hence, henceforth, in fact

 It refers to the logical order or sequence of ideas in a paragraph.

 Each sentence in a paragraph should lead to the next and transitional words and
phrases should emphasize the relationship between the sentences.
 All the details in the supporting sentences should relate to the topic.

 Types of Logical Order:

1. Chronological Order
- arranges details or events from the beginning to end.
- use to tell a story, to explain a process, or to recount a historical event.
- the sequence of events should be indicated by dates and time-related transitional
words or phrases such as the following:
 first, second, then, next, finally, before, after, at the same time, later, immediately,
soon, daily, frequently, recently, when, at first, in the beginning

2. Spatial Order
- arranges details in space or by position like from top to bottom, left to right, front to
back, side to side, foreground to background, or near to far.
- use spatial transitional words or phrases to emphasize the order.
 above, behind, beside, inside, next to, over, to the side of, under, through, below,
in front of, connected to, north, south, outside, centered, middle, on, at the top of,
at the bottom of

3. Order of Importance
- arranges details according to their significance or value, like from least important to
most important or from least expensive to most expensive, etc.
- this order is useful for arranging a series of reasons, causes, effects, or
- common transitions used
 finally, first, least important, more important, best of all

4. Comparison and Contrast Order

- arranges details by presenting first the similarities and differences of two ideas
being compared or contrasted.
- comparison and contrast transitional words and phrases:
 along with, together with, as well as, also, by the same token, similarly, although,
though, however, despite, yet, but, on the other hand, in contrast, except for,
comparative and superlative form of adjectives

5. Developmental Order
- arranges details in more logical/ creative ways or can be combination of the
previous four logical orders.
- This may also be used in cause-effect paragraphs, definition, or other methods of
paragraph development.
- common transitional words that show logical relationship
if, whether, unless, therefore, thus, hence, henceforth, in fact
Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________
Section: __________________________________ Score: ______________________

I. Directions:Match the definitions in column A with the words in column B. Write your answer
on the space provided before each number.
Column A Column B
_______1. Order of Importance a. arranges details or events from the beginning to end
_______2. Developmental Order b. arranges details in space or by position
_______3. Spatial Order c. arranges details according to their significance or value
_______4. Chronological Order d. arranges details by presenting the similarities and
_______5. Comparison and Contrast differences of two ideas
Order e. arranges details in more creative ways
II. Directions: Identify the type of logical order used in developing into paragraph the following
topic sentence. Write your answer on the blanks provided before each number.
___________________________1. Melvin and Arnold are alike and different in some ways.
___________________________2. Faith, hope, and love are Christian values, yet the greatest of
these is love.
___________________________3. After hearing Daddy’s car’s honk, Toby ran to the gate, opened
it, and waved to Daddy.
___________________________4. Haiyan or typhoon Yolanda devastated provinces in the Visayas.
___________________________5. The onlookers stand in awe upon seeing the snow-capped
mountain. As they gradually look at the midsection of it, the more they become amazed of its scaffold
that looks like a giant’s outstretched arms extending at the left and right wings of such wonder of
Performance Task:
 Choose one of the five types of logical order and write a one-paragraph persuasive essay
a. One of their childhood experiences
b. Participating in sports
c. Taking photographs
d. How to go to their place (or from one place to another)
e. Participating in club/s
f. Doing volunteer work
Write your answer on a separate bond paper, and attach this rubric.
Your essays will be graded based on the following criteria.
Name: _____________________________________ Section:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1 Score
Writing All the writing 2-3 writing Only 1 Writing x2
Conventions conventions are conventions are writing conventions are
(Grammar, correct and correct but some convention is neither correct
Spelling and effectively used. are not correct but nor effectively
Punctuation) effectively used. not used.
Content and The ideas are The ideas are The writing is The writing is x3
Organization arranged arrange logically arranged not logically
logically. They and are linked to logically organized.
flow smoothly each other. For although Frequently,
from one to the most part, occasionally, ideas fail to
another and are the reader can ideas fail to make sense
clearly linked to follow the line of make sense together. The
each other. The reasoning. together. The reader cannot
reader can reader is identify a line of
easily follow the fairly clear reasoning and
line of about what loses interest.
reasoning. the writer
Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________
Section: __________________________________ Score: ______________________

III. Directions:Match the definitions in column A with the words in column B. Write your answer
on the space provided before each number.
Column A Column B
_______1. Order of Importance a. arranges details or events from the beginning to end
_______2. Developmental Order b. arranges details in space or by position
_______3. Spatial Order c. arranges details according to their significance or value
_______4. Chronological Order d. arranges details by presenting the similarities and
_______5. Comparison and Contrast differences of two ideas
Order e. arranges details in more creative ways
IV. Directions: Identify the type of logical order used in developing into paragraph the following
topic sentence. Write your answer on the blanks provided before each number.
___________________________1. Melvin and Arnold are alike and different in some ways.
___________________________2. Faith, hope, and love are Christian values, yet the greatest of
these is love.
___________________________3. After hearing Daddy’s car’s honk, Toby ran to the gate, opened
it, and waved to Daddy.
___________________________4. Haiyan or typhoon Yolanda devastated provinces in the Visayas.
___________________________5. The onlookers stand in awe upon seeing the snow-capped
mountain. As they gradually look at the midsection of it, the more they become amazed of its scaffold
that looks like a giant’s outstretched arms extending at the left and right wings of such wonder of
Performance Task:
 Choose one of the five types of logical order and write a one-paragraph persuasive essay
A. One of their childhood experiences
B. Participating in sports
C. Taking photographs
D. How to go to their place (or from one place to another)
E. Participating in club/s
F. Doing volunteer work
Write your answer on a separate bond paper, and attach this rubric.
Your essays will be graded based on the following criteria.
Name: _____________________________________ Section:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1 Score
Writing All the writing 2-3 writing Only 1 Writing x2
Conventions conventions are conventions are writing conventions are
(Grammar, correct and correct but some convention is neither correct
Spelling and effectively used. are not correct but nor effectively
Punctuation) effectively used. not used.
Content and The ideas are The ideas are The writing is The writing is x3
Organization arranged arrange logically arranged not logically
logically. They and are linked to logically organized.
flow smoothly each other. For although Frequently,
from one to the most part, occasionally, ideas fail to
another and are the reader can ideas fail to make sense
clearly linked to follow the line of make sense together. The
each other. The reasoning. together. The reader cannot
reader can reader is identify a line of
easily follow the fairly clear reasoning and
line of about what loses interest.
reasoning. the writer
Read the story below then do the activity that follows.

Read the lines taken from the story. Highlight the transition signals used in each sentence.
1. Although Makato was paid only a small wage, he never idled and was satisfied of
2. Fortunately, he met an old woman who helped her.
3. As a result, people around him noticed his hard work and were very pleased of him.
4. After a month's journey, he reached a village on the boundary of the Kingdom of Sukhotai.
5. So he did every kind of work such as carrying heavy things, clearing away forest, and even
feeding pigs.
6. During the encounter, he picked up a cowrie shell that was lying on the road and offered it
to the king.
7. After some time working, he finally met the king.
8. Truly, Makato dreamed of going on an adventure to a far and bigger place where the land
was fertile and the people were kind.
9. The king was very impressed and in the long run, gave him a job in the castle.
10. Eventually, Makato grew up and married the daughter of the king.
Read the story below then do the activity that follows.

Read the lines taken from the story. Highlight the transition signals used in each sentence.
1. Although Makato was paid only a small wage, he never idled and was satisfied of
2. Fortunately, he met an old woman who helped her.
3. As a result, people around him noticed his hard work and were very pleased of him.
4. After a month's journey, he reached a village on the boundary of the Kingdom of Sukhotai.
5. So he did every kind of work such as carrying heavy things, clearing away forest, and even
feeding pigs.
6. During the encounter, he picked up a cowrie shell that was lying on the road and offered it
to the king.
7. After some time working, he finally met the king.
8. Truly, Makato dreamed of going on an adventure to a far and bigger place where the land
was fertile and the people were kind.
9. The king was very impressed and in the long run, gave him a job in the castle.
10. Eventually, Makato grew up and married the daughter of the king.

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