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Describe Aristotle’s account of the highest good for humans

Aristotle argues that the key to a contented existence is to engage in meaningful activity

to achieve Eudaimonia. According to Aristotle, Eudaimonia is the pinnacle of human happiness.

Everything you do has a purpose, and each action is assessed individually as excellent or bad

based on how well it helps you achieve that goal (Aufderheide et al.,2015). The objectives aren't

just thrown together at random; they're organized hierarchically such that the lower-level

objectives help the higher-level ones succeed. When building a house, the aim isn't always to

finish the construction work; rather, it's to finish the house, which offers the security people need

to live their best lives. Since happiness is the root of all our endeavors, it is also the highest good.

Nobody sets out on a mission to find reasons to be unhappy. However, this does not imply that

we can be content at all times. Although seeking happiness might occasionally lead to heartbreak

and disappointment, we put up with these setbacks because they serve our larger goals. Because

of this, the fundamental essence of humanity is not to be happy all the time but to strive toward

happiness. The greatest enjoyment is often found in the pursuit of one's goals.

Explain Aristotle’s account of what virtue is

As Aristotle defines, virtue is a mental condition or a set of characteristics that permits

someone to live a good life through reasoned means. Virtues can be divided into two categories:

intellectual and moral. He spent more time debating the merits of character. On the other hand,

Aristotle believed that the list of virtues is not a random collection but is instead based on a

comprehensive and reasoned analysis of the qualities (Aufderheide et al.,2015). According to

Aristotle, everything in mind is a faculty, a desire, and eventually evolves into a character

condition. The character may be good or negative quality, depending on how someone feels and

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perceives things. On the other hand, Characters are people's dispositions, as defined by

Aristotle's knowledge and ideas: how they feel, respond, and reason.

Describe some of the problems with Aristotle’s theory

According to some academics, are involved. He has been accused of being an aristocrat,

supporting slavery, and being sexist, among other things. However, all of these allegations are

based on a misunderstanding, in my opinion. It's as if they read Aristotle like Hobbes' Leviathan

or Rawls' A Theory of Justice, expecting it to be politically prescriptive and provide some answer

for political problems. Aristotle's works are interpreted in this way. That's not the case. The

method of Aristotle is far more phenomenological. The majority of Politics is devoted to

comparing and contrasting the various government systems in his days, such as oligarchy and

democracy, to understand better what politics is like. In his description of a perfect regime, he

only offers a solution near the conclusion. I think he's just illustrating the limitations of politics

there rather than putting out some modernistic case for a possible solution to the problem. When

you think about the tensions inside the ideal city, I believe this becomes clear, especially the

necessity for and problematic nature of leisure, as eloquently expressed by Seneca, who, I

believe, remarked that leisure is desirable, but leisure is harmful to many people.

Identify which you think are the most challenging disadvantages

One of the disadvantages is that it lacks clarity in resolving a challenge

Whether the disadvantage is more forceful and why they are more forceful.


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In my personal life, virtue ethics has shown to be the most persuasive and effective

ethical theory. To direct oneself towards a more moral and virtuous existence, I feel that

habituation resonates with me. I believe that the concept of virtue as a middle ground between

two extremes is an accurate description of how people work. I will analyze these ideas based on

how well they react to who we are as human beings and how well they can lead us to live a

happy life in this section, which is a deeper dive into why I feel this way. That does not satisfy

my needs as a solution, in my opinion (Aufderheide et al., 2015). In my opinion, having rules

that properly guide us to a moral existence isn't something we'll ever achieve. No one can cover

all the bases when our daily lives are full of individual decision points that present themselves to

us all. A far better solution is one in which people regulate their narrow self-interest-seeking

tendencies for the greater good, preferably a greater good from which they believe they will gain

something personally. The fact remains: even if external penalties from the law fail, Mill believes

in the need for internal consequences as well.


Aufderheide, J., & Bader, R. M. (Eds.). (2015). The Highest Good in Aristotle and Kant. Mind

Association Occasional.

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